Luis & George Podcast
Luis & George Podcast
Luis & George Podcast
Two Europeans hosting an entertaining podcast with a fresh look at current news, politics, culture, history, and sports that unite the U.S. and the European Union.
If you want to get a fresh view of the world while having fun, subscribe to the channel. New episodes. every Wednesday.

2 месяца назад
Universal Healthcare Myths DEBUNKED
2 месяца назад
EU vs. USA: Which Offers a Better Life?
2 месяца назад
The Great Food Debate: Europe vs. USA
3 месяца назад
Gun Rights: USA vs. Europe Perspectives
3 месяца назад
The Problem with the Lex Fridman Podcast.
3 месяца назад
Is this Joe Rogan's DOWNFALL?
3 месяца назад
JRE 2136 - Dibble vs. Hancock - WHO WON?
3 месяца назад
Battle of the Roads: USA vs Europe Car
3 месяца назад
Putin's real motivation to attack Ukraine
3 месяца назад
Spain has the hottest princess out there!
4 месяца назад
@jansen232 19 дней назад
Handcock won
@arnoldvezbon6131 2 месяца назад
Clown show.
@LuisGeorgePod 2 месяца назад
That is our goal. Be funny hahah
@Stephanlabize 2 месяца назад
We are literally DOING THAT. But yeah nah we get called antisemites if we do, bruv
@LuisGeorgePod 2 месяца назад
Not all of you. Some are chanting hamas slogans.
@meggrobi 2 месяца назад
Why did you need your phone? You fucked up the facts 5 mins into the show, there is no archaeological evidence, just the myth of Exodus.
@LuisGeorgePod 2 месяца назад
Bro is biblical story
@meggrobi 2 месяца назад
@@LuisGeorgePod exactly, fact free zone. Grimm's fairy tales have more believable stories
@LuisGeorgePod 2 месяца назад
What are you trying to say? The story of spreading the water is a biblical story, the fact that Jewish people were slaves who were working on the pyramids is a fact. Listen and think instead of just being a Karen.
@Charly-lm7dw 2 месяца назад
Although Spain had a fascist government during WO II, a diplomat from the Franco regime rescued Jews in Budapest. He is know as the Angel of Budapest.
@LuisGeorgePod 2 месяца назад
As a big history buff, how di you like this episode?
@luisrey7608 2 месяца назад
No lo sabia .. super interesante.
@toxcbarbecue1840 2 месяца назад
There are loads of guns in the UK too, we just don’t let idiot criminals buy them 😂
@LuisGeorgePod 2 месяца назад
@dislexyc 2 месяца назад
I find the amount of misconceptions in this short video quite impressive. It's not hard to squeeze that many in
@LuisGeorgePod 2 месяца назад
@DanRobards 2 месяца назад
What are their.. demographics..
@LuisGeorgePod 2 месяца назад
What do you mean?
@deTobs 2 месяца назад
Ah he's probably assuming that we dont have much immigration because he doesnt understand how that works in civilized countries. About every 4th person is a foreigner here.
@maxosterberg60 2 месяца назад
Also sweden has a lot of guns, its like 2 per person or something dont know the exact numbers and before the migration crisis we didnt have any gun violence at all, now we have shootings almost everyday. So yes its about the culture not guns themselfs
@LuisGeorgePod 2 месяца назад
It was insane how they needed to escort the Israeli singer at the Eurovision.
@gamlaman 2 месяца назад
Bro I’m not even Swedish and I know your actual fucking prime minister got shot dead in the 1980s. “No gun violence at all before the migration crisis” my ass
@karloskarlinderstrom6943 2 месяца назад
Orten använder inte lagliga vapen dock. Antalet gevär per medborgare är egentligen helt bortkopplat från det våldsamma gängvåldet. Det är inte så att Räven var en jägare från skogen innan han började kriga.
@maxosterberg60 2 месяца назад
Yeah it really was, you can thank muslim imagrants for that
@creepercrew99 2 месяца назад
Bullet control.
@generalmisery 2 месяца назад
He is talking bullshit, accept the part with Switzerland having guns and them speaking 3 languages. People in (developed) Europe don't kill or shoot each other that often, because you have high society standards that Americans would discard for being communism. Very few are extremely poor and no one has to result to illegality to earn money. Minimum wages are averaging at about 10$ across the good European countries. The Balkan states are a criminal shithole, we don't talk about them.
@LuisGeorgePod 2 месяца назад
It is more about culture and not about money.
@_dsbm 2 месяца назад
I live in Switzerland 90% of what he said is false
@LuisGeorgePod 2 месяца назад
Damn 10% is right ahahah. We are getting better ahahaha
@RonKan69 2 месяца назад
@@LuisGeorgePodwhy would you even publish this then
@luisrey7608 2 месяца назад
Does that mean that, education levels are very low and people are half dumb?
@_dsbm 2 месяца назад
@@luisrey7608 no it doesnt but as an example we have an army etc
@dariusbecks3356 2 месяца назад
Also they can't just carie them around
@sof-zero 2 месяца назад
they just rich asf
@zelouszrp6807 2 месяца назад
Yeah my grandpa had like 7 shotgun to hunt
@TheWolvesCurse 2 месяца назад
swiss people are not allowed to carry for self protection, people from Czechia on the other hand are allowed to carry, own and all that. it's way more comparable to the US in terms of gun rights, but also has a waaay lower gun crime rate.
@TheJayjam 2 месяца назад
1) Switzerland does have an Army. They even have a navy despite being landlocked. 2) Switzerland still has a compulsory Draft. Meaning that everyone over the age of 18 must have served in the armed forces or other services such a hospital auxiliaries or geriatric care. 3) Many chose to remain reservists afterwards. In some cases they receive a weapon to keep at home. 4) To own a weapon you must have a license. Meaning that mentally unwell people and others you don´t want handling a select fire 556 get filtered. The license can also be denied if you don´t have a specific insurance in some cases. However that is an insurance most people have anyway and it usually doesn´t cost more that 100€ a year. 5) There are very strict rules as to how a weapon has to be stored and there are inspections. They must be locked in a container with a specific safety rating. Think a safe. And the ammunition has to be stored separatly. 6) You don´t carry just to carry. People own guns and they go hunting and sport shooting in designated areas but you will not see open carry if it isnt the police. The way weapons are handled in switzerland, and austria for that matter, is so far removed from the US that most pro gun people would throw a fit if you´d try to do that in the US.
@pyroslove2519 2 месяца назад
Yes due to the fact the US is far different from such a small country it'd be like a state doing this in maybe a city and not to mention it's not about safety of everyone it's so you can ensure your own and CHOOSE to do them rather than being mandated to because in America most everyone values liberty rather than the government guaranteeing them things
@inceneration 2 месяца назад
@@pyroslove2519 And your train of thoughts is the exact reason why gun control is being forced on people in the US... Guns doesnt kill people Dumb shits behind the guns does. And from what history has shown. Majority of gun owners are careful. But there are those few who doesnt have a brain with an iQ above 2 to use. That is where law 4) should apply in the US.
@larsbirgerbergmal6230 2 месяца назад
​@@pyroslove2519no, the reason the US does what they do is not because they are too large. The gun regulation you find in Switzerland is the same regulation you find in most of europe. If it was about size then you would have the same numbers in europe as the country of america. If it was about population you would have a higher number in Europe. If the united states actually maintained well regulation for their militias, they would strike down on the "culture" of jacking of to the notion of shooting people using guns.
@lunedd7651 2 месяца назад
Kuss bruda
@Pablosplace 2 месяца назад
The UK has similar rules. My dad own many firearms, including an MP5.
@ozomozik 2 месяца назад
You have guns but you can't take em anywhere with you. You have to keep then at home
@viperz888 2 месяца назад
Rubbish. You can take them to shooting ranges.
@michael_1010 2 месяца назад
So fährt nur deutsche Ingenieurskunst ❤
@Justme-jp8ih 2 месяца назад
And then suddenly "kerosin" starts playing 💀
@zeetty 2 месяца назад
The only usefulness these guys illustrate is that absolutely ANYONE can do a podcast.
@LuisGeorgePod 2 месяца назад
Go for it! Do it. Anyone can write a comment.
@LukiausdemKaff 2 месяца назад
@helloitsme543 2 месяца назад
Meine freund ist wegen so einer scheiße tod und er war mit 130 auf der rechten unterwegs. Tempolimit jetzt und wer was anders sagt darf gerne sein Führerschein abgeben und nur noch auf der rennstrecke fahren… null spaß und toleranz dort vorhanden und ich liebe es zu sehen wie haufen weise assi karren jedes jahr eingezogen werden!
@leroilapue15 2 месяца назад
Hancock won by being right but didnt have a very good showing tbh he seemed more interested in having a go at that snarky little shill. Its hilarious the amount of coping coming out of the braindead followers of mainstream propaganda
@Manbearpig4456 2 месяца назад
It’s mad how many people just bent over and lapped what ever dribbled out of flint. You should probably fact check before you make a muppet out of yourself. Dribble lied about the ice core data failing to mention lead spikes going back tens of thousands of years. He lied about the glyph in the pyramid. He failed to mention that current flows and constant water changes would have made in next to impossible for any ships to preserve during the ice age. They say humans have used boats for 100,000 years but the oldest boat found is 9000 years old yet academics tell us they go back 100,000 years have a wee look into why. Ohh and don’t forget to look up the amount of crops that went extinct during the ice age and the evidence we have for plants being domesticated returned to the wild to then be redomesticated. Or you could just bent over for you next dribble
@acedobaro 3 месяца назад
Never drive that fast when there is so much traffic, especially if you are not used to it. We Germans know, but you don’t .
@Fuhn88 2 месяца назад
Was laberst du fürn scheiss 😂😂
@DarranMacken 18 дней назад
@DarranMacken 18 дней назад
70% + of Germans fail to use the autobahn correctly, so stop that nonsense
@DTreatz 3 месяца назад
It's not really an issue, but understand the difference in freedom. We are _citizens_ because we're armed, any place that isn't armed, you're _subjects_ Here's more than enough data on gun _control_ : ru-vid.com/group/PLDddqwneoHz0-aT9WXn3rEtgUWeTG1tqz&feature=shared
@luisrey7608 2 месяца назад
There’s more rights here in Germany than in the US .. don’t get me wrong I see myself as an ally to the US but it’s naive to think that because of your trusty 1911 means you have more freedom. Here for example you can speed in the highway all you want, you can drink anywhere publicly, you can smoke a joint (I don’t but you can)..
@lilafanttraumtier4225 3 месяца назад
Ja, die linke Spur sollte man nicht unnötig blockieren.
@philippfranke6925 2 месяца назад
Ich fress nen Besen wenn das 300 Sachen waren.
@MRFizzler1 2 месяца назад
schon echt arrogant mit 300 die linke spur zu blockieren... frechheit :D
@Seytom 3 месяца назад
Who the f*ck is Lex Friedman? Who the f*ck are you?
@Hanapep80889 3 месяца назад
😂😂😂 a classic envious triggered liberal.
@LuisGeorgePod 3 месяца назад
I am right wing oriented bro ahaha
@zmunkz4967 3 месяца назад
This was a really disappointing take,. You accuse him of being a scam artist for referencing MIT, but in almost none of his conversations are his own credentials brought up, or relevant in the slightest. Toxic positivity sounds like a nonsense term, but if you're going to introduce it, you should at least make the case against it, instead of just giving it a derogatory-sounding name and calling it a day. His interview style is conversational, if you want confrontational, you can find that on every mainstream media network (although I think we've seen that reach the end of it's useful life). Every time someone says a bad idea, it doesn't need to be challenged in real time. Sometimes it's helpful to just hear how people think, and then you can use your own brain to see the problems with it. I listened to each of the interviews that you referenced, and it was not hard to spot these things, it hardly needed to be fixated upon in a way that would've halted the conversation. I don't think you've done a lot of reflection on the feelings you have, they sound ideologically and emotionally driven, not rationally driven.
@LuisGeorgePod 3 месяца назад
Oh bro he challenged only the people he wanted to like Sam Harris ans Kanye... Toxic Positivity means that if you say and show always the positive side of your life people think that is all it happens to you but not to them. This depresses people. Look I don't care about concincing you. I guess you are to deep into his echo chamber.
@camillefeghali7656 3 месяца назад
fuck out of here with 98 subscribers throwing shade Lex
@vikipoyta 3 месяца назад
I call it pathological optimism
@LuisGeorgePod 3 месяца назад
I think toxic positivity is a term. But I do not believe he is honestly optimistic.
@sg-go5li 3 месяца назад
Lex fridmans Ukraine take was always rubbish He’s being used as a CIA/Mossad tool to shift the narrative in favour of the establishment by having trash takes on important matters actors a large platform of majority military-able populous
@Rotkraft 3 месяца назад
Virtue signaling by lex is annoying. Glad someone said it.
@LuisGeorgePod 3 месяца назад
Thanks! Once in a while some person that noticed it too
@Rotkraft 3 месяца назад
@@LuisGeorgePod He tried to play that card on rogan, when rogan called group of tech people - nerds. He was like “i don’t like that word, that word is this and that, it marginalizes this and that, I am for LOVE LOVE LOVE” bullcrap. Rogan was having none of it, and called him personally a nerd after that rant, was priceless.
@LuisGeorgePod 3 месяца назад
​@@RotkraftI hope not to disappoint you but this clip is from our entire episode which was a bit against Rogan. I love Rogan, but since the spotify move he is going down a bit. He tenda to be a bit more aggressive towards people under him (Lex for example) and be very consient to peope above him (Musk).
@Rotkraft 3 месяца назад
@@LuisGeorgePodagreeing on everything would be crazy
@brianmcgeehan395 3 месяца назад
“ I don’t remember “ … but I talk about everyone and just keep naming popular names.. You’re a poser.
@LuisGeorgePod 3 месяца назад
Love you too! :)
@angriestbird3578 3 месяца назад
Wow two no talent hacks discussing other people
@LuisGeorgePod 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the support man! ❤️🥰
@thecolourinanything 3 месяца назад
Keep producing quality clips like this guys! Maybe you’ll reach 100 subscribers soon. Then you’ll be at 3% of the subs that Lex gains daily.
@LuisGeorgePod 3 месяца назад
Thanks for the suppoet man ❤️😘 Your clips are pretty neat too
@zororat 3 месяца назад
Clickbait shite, what a miserable bastard
@hmhmhmpandaaa8575 3 месяца назад
@LuisGeorgePod 3 месяца назад
I am going to explain what my issue is. I, George, am a tennis fan. My favorite tennis player right now is Jannik Sinner. Yesterday, #Sinner was trending on Twitter. I went to check it out, and the first 20 tweets were some bs christian pages. This is what I mean by "ruined twitter". If it was just you get more "right news," I would be ok. That is fine. But it just got worse to get any news.
@alalverson1603 3 месяца назад
I would like to see world of antiquity debate gram handjob
@aceboogie50 3 месяца назад
I’ll tell you the problem with it it’s boring af and it’s not so deep “humans are beautiful creatures” Jesus
@LuisGeorgePod 3 месяца назад
One person that agrees ahahah finally
@user-po1rs6nw9w 3 месяца назад
To associate lex's positivity with his wealth and calling it toxic is pretty shallow. If that's the case, why isn't every rich public person talking about love and peace? Secondly, the idea that the podcasts need to be confrontational is pure BS. They are not news channels. He gives a fair shot for both sides to explain themselves and hosts the debates. Honestly that's more than most people do in this space.
@LuisGeorgePod 3 месяца назад
On the first point, about being shallow, maybe you are right. The point is that he, imo, tries to be the "good" famous person. He lost me when he went to Ukraine. He had nothing to do there. It is not a lunapark. People are dying and suffering. Regarding the giving a fair shot. You can let anyone rant for 2h, but if you do not criticly ask questions, it is just a rant. Usually, he tends to throw softballs to the people who are more important than him, and be more aggressive with the people who are less important than him.
@WayysWorld 3 месяца назад
Wow I'm 30 seconds in and already know you have no idea what you're talking about and have done no research into who Lex is or his podcast. Abhorrent take
@LuisGeorgePod 3 месяца назад
Stick till the end, you will change your mind man 😉
@Charly-lm7dw 3 месяца назад
Well a lot has changed in Europe. Kids donb't get killed that much as in the USA. But in Amsterdam there is more than one shooting every day! Guess why? Also, it's not that hard to get legally a gun in the Netherlands. Become a member at a shooting club for a year and you can get a lot of weapons. You just need a very good safe and a visit from the police ones a year. Getting a gun illegaly is even easier, but you have the risk of getting caught.
@LuisGeorgePod 3 месяца назад
Could you link the stats about Amsterdam?
@luisrey7608 2 месяца назад
I don’t think he can link made up statts lol
@paspep 3 месяца назад
You cant compare the nations In europe, most people are civilised and understand the concept of society In usa, it is a free for all, even the public workers , that you pay to help you, are against you. There is no solidarity in america, it is a gane that people ay to get advantages for others. So it makes sense to own a gun in usa, you are on your own to defend yourself, and most people want you dead. In europe, most people see you as a human, and care for you
@LuisGeorgePod 3 месяца назад
This is a very mean comment towards America, and it is absolutely not what we think.
@UmaticSota 3 месяца назад
Well, that was a waste of time.
@PointlessPerspective 3 месяца назад
This is so sad 😞
@sorryociffer 3 месяца назад
Your argument about the 2A being irrelevant due to the Gov having advanced weapons is actually very short sited. Look at the recent history of the Middle East. Now imagine not being able to determine friend from foe, collateral damage etc.
@LuisGeorgePod 3 месяца назад
Could you explain more about the Middle East, dunno what exactly you mean.
@DTreatz 3 месяца назад
@@LuisGeorgePod The government having advanced weapons implies that the _human beings_ behind those weapons are willing to use them on the _citizens_ Hard to imagine those people wanting to roll tanks and drone recognizable streets they grew up on. Which really implies a civil war already happened. And further, the fact that you think the government would be willing to use them on its citizens, is all the reason we need for a *2nd Amendment* to exist.
@LuisGeorgePod 3 месяца назад
@wtfdtreats in this clip, we are not advocating for gun control or against the 2nd amendment. This is a clip from an entire video in which we talk about the 6 reasons for which (in our opinion) living in Europe is better than the USA. We did after we did another video in which we talked about the greatest contribution of the USA to the Western civilization. I think on the topic of guns, Europeans and Americans are like on two different planets. In our extremely old systems violence is centralized, while in America is private, due to the history of the country. The topic is too brought to debate through comments. We just explained the differences that it's it.
@sorryociffer 3 месяца назад
As a VERY pro gun American, the majority of Americans have an identifiable identity. In America, crime data shows that increased gun ownership AND the ability to legally carry them, lower crime. The highest crime areas, both WITH and WITHOUT guns in America are in areas with the strictest gun control. At least we don’t have drive by grenadings like Sweden. 🤷‍♂️
@LuisGeorgePod 3 месяца назад
Man, you guys have one mass shooting a week in the USA. But the idea of the clip is not to be against gun ownership. It is just an observation about the differences with Europe. You guys historically have a more privatized violence, while in Europe, violence is state owned.
@ilm-def8920 3 месяца назад
@@LuisGeorgePod according to the FBI's Uniform Crime Report (annual) shows that most firearms related violence is relegated to 13 counties in the US while the vast majority of the landscape is nearly crime and violence free. The latter regions inside many states have the highest legal firearms ownership in the country yet the lowest crime. Also, the most restricted class of firearms ownership in the country is known as NFA (National Firearms Act of 1934) which allows ownership of Military type full auto firearms, short barrel rifles and shotguns as well as Silencers. Since 1934, only a handful of crimes (4 exactly) have been committed by legally transferred NFA/Military type Firearms where as illegally obtained machineguns are readily available on the black market. Many of those are stolen Military and Law Enforcement Firearms which are stolen in significant numbers every year. The biggest problem with firearm related violence we have here is that our criminal justice system fails to keep the most dangerous offenders in prison and properly treat mentally ill persons. Both convicted felons and mentally ill are fully prohibited from buying or owning firearms but often steal them or obtain them from illicit sources which no amount of laws will ever stop. BTW, we keep seeing how illegal military firearms and explosives are slipping through the EU as bad or worse than drugs. Terror attacks and firearm violence are on the rise across the continent. You have some bad actors in Russia, the Middle East, and Africa who are going to keep the drugs and guns flowing into the EU without end. Violence there is going to get far worse. I do have a lot of knowledge on the subject, nearly 40 years worth of experience.
@ilm-def8920 3 месяца назад
Note, tried to post links here on the EU Firearms Trafficking Epidemic but apparently the site or author won't allow it?
@sorryociffer 3 месяца назад
@@ilm-def8920 I think it’s a RU-vid thing, but yes, the EU is awash in illegal guns.
@DTreatz 3 месяца назад
@@LuisGeorgePod 'mass shooting' is not a valid metric because there is no _valid_ definition of what a mass shooting is., so idk what you mean. and state owned violence...well we all know how _that_ ends up for subjects historically, now dont we? 🤣 You need to watch some *Colion Noir* he breaks down the data that the government uses to infringe us