Law Centre NI
Law Centre NI
Law Centre NI
Law Centre (NI) works for social justice.
Website: www.lawcentreni.org - Twitter: @LawCentreNI - LinkedIN: www.linkedin.com/company/law-centre-ni - Flickr: www.flickr.com/photos/64345345@N04/

We defend the rights of people in need of state support, people with disabilities, people in long term care, employees, migrant workers, young people who have been trafficked, people subjected to forced labour etc. We help our clients get the money and support they are entitled to. We fight test cases which benefit whole categories of people.

We offer legal advice and representation on: benefits law, employment rights, nursing home and long term care at home, mental health law, trafficking and labour exploitation.

We work for progressive change in these areas. Through our policy work, we also support refugees and asylum seekers.

We empower frontline advisers in their advice work through specialist training and information.
@Sthmohtwenty 8 месяцев назад
I have the exact health issues and i was getting pip but i was doing a bit of cleaning job ..just to get out from my room.....but was never told i had 2 infom dwp ...then they find out about my cleaning and wS interview under caution and pip was stop iii iappeal it but no luck ...
@cduk6961 Год назад
I had a 22 minute assessment. I don't know the outcome. I can't go through with this. It's giving me anxiety even watching this. Thanks for the video.
@darrelking565 Год назад
Think he has a bad back.
@samarlaska8334 Год назад
I have tomorrow appeal meeting.. I feeling nervosue... I have chronic back pain..both legs broking in past...feeling tingling on both legs and hands..depression and anxiety.. I just hope they accepted me...I feeling now very bad nervouse
@Meditation-Universe Год назад
How did it go? I've got mine in a few days. Can't sleep with the anxiety
@samarlaska8334 Год назад
@@Meditation-Universe everything was great 🙂 I won .. I also feeling depresion🤣🤣 but it wasn't so terrible... thank God I won
@Meditation-Universe Год назад
I had enhanced mobility, and the judge ordered I should of got lower rate dla aswell. So I'm getting that, plus 14 months backpay
@Meditation-Universe Год назад
@@samarlaska8334 yeah. I want to get back into work. And now I don't have to worry about finances as much I can concentrate on mental health fully. Sooner I get better and into work, the better
@reforest_71 Год назад
@@Meditation-Universe what did you do to win ours is tomorrow
@kiltman2 Год назад
This is a great video series, thank you
@denisesaunders3067 2 года назад
I lost the site in my left eye in 1984 through hypertension which damaged the nerves.in my left eye.and i now have problems in my right eye, its blurred now and has gotten worse.i cant go on a journey alone because of my eyesight.fallen over.bumping into people. Now am also unfit for work after doing a work capability test.am dreading my assement.
@paulsildy4880 2 года назад
Good morning . I have emailed the Law Centre about a query . Thank you
@TheScaryTruthCatalyst 2 года назад
It's the plantation of Ireland v2.0.
@rosie5065 3 года назад
When I went to appeal I was just directed to the waiting room. The clerk asked if I had any further evidence to submit, I said no as already had over 100 letters. I was in and out in 3 minutes with full rate given back for 5 years.
@clairesteele9062 3 года назад
Hi do you get off this lump of chaos if nhs won't funf D trusts legal therapeutic pt paid work cleared by Dr if w00 pw 8kper annum per person
@jennyhughes4474 3 года назад
This TERRIFIES me and I keep dropping DWP stuff because it makes me feel very ill/sick and it's WAY too exhausting and mega stress and I HATE concentrating on what I struggle to do = it makes me VERY low and cry lots. It sounds & looks TERRIBLE: being cross-examined by THREE people & I've got nobody to support me or go with me & help me remember things I really should say = my memory problems/brain injury. PLUS I'd get totally stressed-out (BAD anxiety already) LONG before which would disrupt my days & my sleep even MORE (already bad). PLUS the hassle/stress of GETTING to it (travel) = totally exhausting. PLUS most chairs are really uncomfortable for me so I often have to sand up = BAD flat-back & lumbar & neuro problems since my brain & neck injuries. PLUS some days/times I can't talk very well - always better at talking than listening/understanding = this system is TOTALLY inappropriate for me with my injuries & disabilities: because of my disabilities I can't do what's apparently required of me to 'prove' my disabilities = often, sometimes I do OK (as in phone 'assessment' & then they don't see/hear my difficulties and say I haven't got any; they don't see the days/times I can't go out or talk = people only see me on good days & at good times & if I know I have to e.g. talk to gardener at 3pm I have to be VERY careful what I do ALL DAY before that time, & sometimes adrenaline makes me look/sound better than I am & feel = sometimes I can hide how stressed I really am & put brave face & smile on = did it the other day with gardeners & fixing fence = I was SO exhausted after that (one hour) I was lying down most of the afternoon & with eyes closed & no music or anything but couldn't sleep = AWFUL. This stuff is part of what they apparently don't take into account or understand = why? They can't pretend they don't know = it's their DUTY & PAID JOB to know. If they don't understand brain injury & my mental health & my particular injuries they won't ask me the RIGHT questions. I can't be the ONLY one! Oh and after all this and if you're 'lucky' they might deign to award a measly paltry sum that doesn't even BEGIN to cover the ACTUAL extra costs (of every kind) of disability; I was told they don't take the actual COSTS of getting the help we need into account, only our NEEDS (as perceived by them/set in biased & out-dated laws?) = if true this is totally illogical, what is it FOR then & HOW were the amounts decided = based on what info, when, how, where, by whom (with WHAT experience of disability/injury?) - and for WHAT purpose exactly? Sounds totally bonkers = can't be true, can it?!
@MattEssex33 3 года назад
The questions are absolutely appalling.
@rosiered759 3 года назад
I was in and out in 3 minutes and full pip was given back
@Sthmohtwenty Год назад
May I ask what is u I.lness
@mckenna9489 3 года назад
What kind of evidence? Specialist reports ect..?
@mckenna9489 3 года назад
You can't get a drs letter
@rosie5065 3 года назад
ang mck, I did and won appeal and was in and out in 3 minutes
@muppetsshowupatspeakerscor579 4 года назад
One of the panelists can do with the pip herself.
@davieleerio 3 года назад
I agree!!
@Sthmohtwenty Год назад
4 real d c.......eye one lol
@nopretribrapture2318 4 года назад
il keep on appealing because ive got nothing to hide and don't lie,especially my fear of God and the Bible says that all liars and wicked people go to the eternal lake of fire,so i darent lie,im an open honest person and don't mind telling them absolutely everything about my sickening and wretched life since a young child; as far back as i can remember, that was the roots of my mental and physical health problems and disabilities, im in the process now of appealing about my very recent pip decline on the 6th August 2020 but only received their decision to stop my pip on the 13th Aug, this will be the fourth time ive had to go to appeal tribunals, the last time was approx 5 years ago and i won the appeal, on the appeal note from the courts, they said my pip payment should be ongoing, but the dwp are not complying with that decision, they can be quite vindictive towards those who win their appeals,just being honest of how i see it,my mental and physical health is declining, so il wait for appeal date.
@Rosie-bz1gz 4 года назад
What was the outcome of this
@benbridgen1426 4 года назад
I got pip straight aways but I had to go to a tribunal foe esa got that too
@Melvorgazh 4 года назад
Tiocfaidh Ár Seachtain
@aajj8307 4 года назад
Hide quoted text Show quoted text BORDERLINE SIMPLIST SYMPTOMS WHICH A BIRDERLINE INDIVIDUAL FEELS I CAN DOWN LOAD AT LEAST 100 MORE ABD DIAGHSTING GAVE ME 4 POINTS. AND IF YOU MAKE A PERSON FORD HIN TK YRAVEL TO ASSEESMT IT IS TRAUMATIC THEN THEY SAY U MADE IT HRE NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU I HAVE AN ANSWER TO THAT ASWELL IF SONEBODY FORCES YOU TO DO SOKME THING AND YOU HAVE NO CHOICW FAIR ENOUGH I WENT TO ASSESMENT DO YOU THINK IM CURED DO YOU GHINK A BORDERLINE INDIVIDUAL WILL SUDDENLY GET UP EVERY OTHER DAY OF HIS LIFW AND START TRAVWLLING WHEN HE ISNT FORDD TO HOW CAN SOMBODY JUDGE ME ON THAT IF SOMEBODY THREATENS UR WELL BEING U THINK EVERY DAY FOR FUN U GNA HO REPEAT THE SAME PROCESS ALL SOCIAL REPEAT THAT SAME TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCE EVERY DAY WITOUT NY LIFE AND WELL BEING ON THE LINE IF THAT IS THE CASE THAN CONGRAGULATIONS THEY HAVE KUST DUXED BORDER LINE AND ALL THE OTHER MENTAL ILLNESSES JUST FORCE US GENIUS They are not even doing the mandatory reconsideration so some ppl when they request the decision letters are suddenly awarded pip. Some ppl go tribunal win and still it doesn't count for nothing no paper no pay nothing because it's the loop holes they using without mandatory reconsideration you are not allowed to go to tribunal in the first place. On dwp site it says paper tribunal 45% Chand of winning tribunal Face to face 80%/ How does that work some body is going to judge u almost 50% of the win rate traumatised u do what use us the medical facets evidence and put u in the zoo cage like a chip n zee and in half hour thy cn judge me on my whole life how I feel every day of my life it's disgusting degrading process to humanity. They say if you are awarded pip you are still allowed to work reason given for this is just because you functioning in a work place doesn't mean when you finish work your mental illness goes away so just because somebody in that tribunal us going to force me to turn up traumatic experience then when I walk out that work place will my mental illness go away In the first place it's impossible to give me 4 points how disgusting and then mandatory reconsideration said that was correct 2 years ago in my most lowest moments in salvation army I phoned and I was told mandatory reconsideration means no paper work is used it's a quick glance of my file when I questioned them after 2 years f disgustig they trying to say there is just kn piece of paper any kunt could have wrote that when I asked for detailed reportthy were saying there is no detailed report until I mentioned FOI I HAVE 2 RECORDINGS ACCORDING TO THAtoperator HAS PRESSED a BUTTON TO ORDER IT U CAN CLEARLY HEAR IT AND ITS IMPOSSUBLE TO DETAILED REPORT SIMPLE NEVER HAD A HEAD ACHE THAT THEY HAD TO REPORT ON BORDER LINE MIXED PERSONALITY DISORDER ANTI SOCIAL TRAITS O.C D THAT IS FEW OF MY LATEST XIAG OSIS I HAVE SUFERED ALL MY LIFE FROM MEBTAL ILLNESS FROM AGGROPHOBIA BOSY DISMORPHIA DEPRESSION ANXIETY PARANOIA SOCIAL PHOBIA AND MORE ACCORXING TK JUS BORDER LINE TH SYMTOMS ONE CAN EXPERIENCE HERE ARE A FEW: Show quoted text Borderline personality disorder affects how you feel about yourself, how you relate to others and how you behave. Signs and symptoms may include: An intense fear of abandonment, even going to extreme measures to avoid real or imagined separation or rejection A pattern of unstable intense relationships, such as idealizing someone one moment and then suddenly believing the person doesn't care enough or is cruel Rapid changes in self-identity and self-image that include shifting goals and values, and seeing yourself as bad or as if you don't exist at all Periods of stress-related paranoia and loss of contact with reality, lasting from a few minutes to a few hours Impulsive and risky behavior, such as gambling, reckless driving, unsafe sex, spending sprees, binge eating or drug abuse, or sabotaging success by suddenly quitting a good job or ending a positive relationship e 4 areas are: emotional instability - the psychological term for this is "affective dysregulation" disturbed patterns of thinking or perception - "cognitive distortions" or "perceptual distortions" impulsive behaviour intense but unstable relationships with others Each of these areas is described in more detail below. Emotional instability If you have BPD, you may experience a range of often intense negative emotions, such as: rage sorrow shame panic terror long-term feelings of emptiness and loneliness BORDERLINE SIMPLIST SYMPTOMS WHICH A BIRDERLINE INDIVIDUAL FEELS I CAN DOWN LOAD AT LEAST 100 MORE ABD DIAGHSTING GAVE ME 4 POINTS. AND IF YOU MAKE A PERSON FORD HIN TK YRAVEL TO ASSEESMT IT IS TRAUMATIC THEN THEY SAY U MADE IT HRE NOTHING WRONG WITH YOU I HAVE AN ANSWER TO THAT ASWELL IF SONEBODY FORCES YOU TO DO SOKME THING AND YOU HAVE NO CHOICW FAIR ENOUGH I WENT TO ASSESMENT DO YOU THINK IM CURED DO YOU GHINK A BORDERLINE INDIVIDUAL WILL SUDDENLY GET UP EVERY OTHER DAY OF HIS LIFW AND START TRAVWLLING WHEN HE ISNT FORDD TO HOW CAN SOMBODY JUDGE ME ON THAT IF SOMEBODY THREATENS UR WELL BEING U THINK EVERY DAY FOR FUN U GNA HO REPEAT THE SAME PROCESS ALL SOCIAL REPEAT THAT SAME TRAUMATIC EXPERIENCE EVERY DAY WITOUT NY LIFE AND WELL BEING ON THE LINE IF THAT IS THE CASE THAN CONGRAGULATIONS THEY HAVE KUST DUXED BORDER LINE AND ALL THE OTHER MENTAL ILLNESSES JUST FORCE US GENIUS They are not even doing the mandatory reconsideration so some ppl when they request the decision letters are suddenly awarded pip. Some ppl go tribunal win and still it doesn't count for nothing no paper no pay nothing because it's the loop holes they using without mandatory reconsideration you are not allowed to go to tribunal in the first place. On dwp site it says paper tribunal 45% Chand of winning tribunal Face to face 80%/ How does that work some body is going to judge u almost 50% of the win rate traumatised u do what use us the medical facets evidence and put u in the zoo cage like a chip n zee and in half hour thy cn judge me on my whole life how I feel every day of my life it's disgusting degrading process to humanity. They say if you are awarded pip you are still allowed to work reason given for this is just because you functioning in a work place doesn't mean when you finish work your mental illness goes away so just because somebody in that tribunal us going to force me to turn up traumatic experience then when I walk out that work place will my mental illness go away In the first place it's impossible to give me 4 points how disgusting and then mandatory reconsideration said that was correct 2 years ago in my most lowest moments in salvation army I phoned and I was told mandatory reconsideration means no paper work is used it's a quick glance of my file when I questioned them after 2 years f disgustig they trying to say there is just kn piece of paper any kunt could have wrote that when I asked for detailed reportthy were saying there is no detailed report until I mentioned FOI I HAVE 2 RECORDINGS ACCORDING TO THAtoperator HAS PRESSED a BUTTON TO ORDER IT U CAN CLEARLY HEAR IT AND ITS IMPOSSUBLE TO DETAILED REPORT SIMPLE NEVER HAD A HEAD ACHE THAT THEY HAD TO REPORT ON BORDER LINE MIXED PERSONALITY DISORDER ANTI SOCIAL TRAITS O.C D THAT IS FEW OF MY LATEST XIAG OSIS I HAVE SUFERED ALL MY LIFE FROM MEBTAL ILLNESS FROM AGGROPHOBIA BOSY DISMORPHIA DEPRESSION ANXIETY PARANOIA SOCIAL PHOBIA AND MORE ACCORXING TK JUS BORDER LINE TH SYMTOMS ONE CAN EXPERIENCE HERE ARE A FEW: And all of that is just border line and hundred more sysmtoms of border line Show quoted text
@jetnight88 4 года назад
This is disgusting because they have no right to judge. Why should they prove they have a disability and why is there too much questions ffs
@humblepi3666 4 года назад
So, I had a Tribunal Hearing for IIDB - I've just started going through the PIP process now as I couldn't do both at the same time - and the 'independent' Medical Professional, an ex-GP, over-ruled my GPs, 3 Orthpaedic Specialists, 2 Pain Specialists, and a Functional Restoration Specialist to say...as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms (sadly, my Tribunal Hearing was in a Courtroom setting, though I was told it would be in a meeting room)... "I think you can work!". And when I challenged him on this, the Judge then spoke over me and moved the discussion on. When I posted my medical notes into the DWP and Tribunal it cost me over £25 because there is 22 years-worth of medical notes since I was injured at an incident in the late 1990's, when I was a Firefighter and eventually had to retire on ill-health 19 years ago. And the DWP and Courts do not accept electronic copies...they have to be posted, where they will then 'scan them' into their system and shred the copies after - so don't send original documents! Best of it is, I retrained and worked pretty much most of those years and it is only in the couple of years that the pain and disability...and the prescription medication (including Opiods, Trycyclic, and GABA meds)...has got too much to bear. Best of it is, I was working as a Computer Systems Specialist where I could earn in less than an hour what I was fighting for per week from the DWP - I would rather be working. On top of this, I could have claimed IIDB and other benefits from the day I retired from the Fire Service...but I didn't, I worked in a job I could manage, and managed for some 16+ years. On top of this, because of the savings I had when I could no longer work, which I used to live off for the first 18 months before claiming IIDB, I was told that I couldn't claim certain benefits because I hadn't paid any National Insurance for the last 12 months - but I also couldn't claim previously, when I was first off work, because I knew we had too much in 'Savings' and I had hoped to try and work again - so, moral to that story is 'don't save, because it will bite you in the arse.' And having got the 'Statement of Reasons' and the 'Transcript' of the Judge's decision - you can ask for these, but there are time-limits so request them as soon as you receive the Tribunal 'Decision' letter, there were some serious errors in her statement and her notes that I could have gone to the Upper Tribunal, citing an 'Error in Law.' The worst clanger was when she asked the question about 'Litigation.' There is some research out there that has suggested when people suffer an injury after being involved in an accident, they go for 'Litigation' and 'Benefits', exagerating their claim of pain and disability in the hope of extracting greater payouts - it's the usual 'Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics' problem where everyone is tarred with the same brush, and the term coined for this is the 'Litigation Train'. So, my Tribunal Hearing was in 2019, the litigation claim that the Fire Brigades Union took up for me was in 2001 being some 18 years ago - with my claim being successful back then. The Judge had misunderstood and put in her notes that the litigation was in 2018, not 18 years. Now one might think that it was an error on my part or that I didn't speak clearly enough, but you'd be wrong. Why? Because I I had someone very good at shorthand transcribe the hearing as we went along ...and I clearly stated in answer to her question that the litigation happened in 2001. It was also clearly stated in my application and notes...which both the Judge and the Medical Advisor had confirmed in the hearing that they they "had gone through, thoroughly". That is one fricking late 'Litigation Train' - unless you wrongly believe it was last year and make this a key part of your decision, based on that incorrect premise. This makes the current UK train services look fantastically efficient in comparison. Basically, trust no-one. They are not your friend - my IIDB hearing was very adversarial - and from my short experience, they are independent in 'name only'.
@DoktorKoch 2 года назад
Thanks for sharing
@Sunshine22232 Год назад
Hey thank you for sharing this information.I have a disability and DWP refused me and force me to work. I want to take DWP to tribunal. How can I start the process ? Do i need lawyer ? which court is it ? Thank you
@Rosie-bz1gz 5 лет назад
I've been on enhanced disability living allowance since 2005 until 7/18 . I was given standard rate and waited 10 months for tribunal and went today 23/8/19. As soon as I went in the panel introduced themselves and told me they are giving me enhanced pip back for 5 years from last year. I have transverse myelitis, hydromelia, bilateral hip bursitis, transverse myelitis, osteoarthritis. I was in for 2-3 minutes as they had already made the decision before I went in.
@aliyah7869 5 лет назад
O O were u called into the hearing? I went with my son, the panel never bothered calling us in and awarded him in his absence
@Rosie-bz1gz 5 лет назад
aliyah7869 Yes I was called in but I think they had only just read the bundle and extra evidence. It was very quiet and called in 20 minutes early at 11am instead of 11.20. I asked about claiming taxi money back, the clerk told me to put 11.20 not the actual time we went in. We left 11.30 when the taxi came but still no once else waiting.
@aliyah7869 5 лет назад
O O u must be relieved being awarded for five years. I think in few years they’ll probably just award you further few years as with such conditions that just will remain, they don’t really ask you to reapply. But pisstaking thing is the initial assessment, done by so called professional who don’t hv a clue! Thanks for respond
@Rosie-bz1gz 5 лет назад
aliyah7869 The assessment was shocking and the physical consisted of crossing arms and legs. I was rushed through each question and before I answered one question she moved to the next one. My conditions are in specialists letters and MRI and ultrasound but they were all ignored. The mandatory process is as corrupt as the assessment with so many lies about you.
@fightforeire3209 5 лет назад
why are you always english...bastards
@lauramillard832 5 лет назад
I am being tested for Adult Aspergers. I find life very black and white, so it is very difficult for me to elaborate or extend out an argument. I think a paper hearing is better for me.
@Keepingitrespectfulmostly. 5 лет назад
I don't agree an oral hearing is best for everyone. Blanket advise for everyone is not always a good idea.. I choose a paper hearing because I am hard of hearing and suffer major agonising skeletal pain and social anxiety and I will be damned if I am to be expected to degrade myself further and loose what modicum of privacy and dignity I have left explaining very personal challenges my already proven disabilities cause me to bunch of strangers at a tribunal hearing when I can supply photos of how I deal with those challenges.. Being disabled and having to apply for PIP should not compromise a persons mental health and well being or quality of life.. Often breaching their basis human rights and needs.. It shouldn't make them feel lower status, or undervalued or very put upon and lacking...I have just finished 2 plus years and had a successful appeal all done via paperwork and now DWP have started in on me again saying they will terminate my DLA again and close my PIP claim and it has reached the M R stage already again before I was even asked why I didn't attend the latest bullying appointments to go to a PIP assessment location.. They know I am unable to attend because they accepted my reasons for non attendance last time around and terminated my DLA and closed my PIP claim anyway and my reasons for non attendance are due to serious muscular skeletal pain caused by proven spinal injuries that the Upper Tier Tribunal Judge and Secretary of State's representative accepted was indeed "ample evidence on file of incontrovertible spinal injuries"..The whole PIP application process is a very flawed regime indeed.. Terminating a persons DLA due to their age only is discrimination, racist and ageism.. Now I had 1 month to respond to the M R notice but only 11 working days before DWP claimed my DLA would end. and PIP claim closed yet again.. Atos are not passing on all evidence I requested them to pass on to the DWP and I believe it is linked to bonuses and profit for the company and staff... I was on higher rate of care and mobility and an indefinite award... I was an outpatient of the NSIC Stoke Mandeville in Aylesbury and also the community head injury centre.. DWP HCPs are at best only nurses, paramedics, physio therapists or occupational therapists by their own admission on the Atos / Independent Assessment Services website.. My medical team consist of two GPs, a spinal consultant and a consultant neuropsychologist.. If it was poker I would have the winning hand I think.. The battle continues.. increasing my depression, skeletal pain and mental anguish from alleged HCP.. Bunch of Frog IT gathering experts only.. Ribbit..
@theressomelovelyfilthdownh4329 3 года назад
Your dignity is the first thing that goes out the window for everybody who has to go through this. But in your case I can see why attending an oral hearing would be a major issue.
@Keepingitrespectfulmostly. 3 года назад
@@theressomelovelyfilthdownh4329 I stood my ground, backed up with four separate medical reports. In addition to that I had a few extra very good reasons to support my claim that attending an assessment centre was not only not possible but not in my best interests as they had no facilities for me to be able to see to myself and they could not guarantee my safety while there etc.. It then turns out some hero at Atos was withholding all the medical evidence I had sent into them and not reporting it all to the DWP as they were contracted to do thus prolonging they pay and bonuses. They claimed, in writing that they required my written permission to send all relevant information gathered about me onto the DWP PIP department. These assessment experts were contracted by the DWP to report back to the DWP after assessing claimants. Them compiling their reports to send in was already given the green light, so why make out data protection was involved? Some faceless desk jockey embarking on remote psychological abuse towards the vulnerable and disabled in society, in order to make it appear they excel at their jobs. The minute I gave written permission for this hero to share all medical evidence with the DWP I was awarded PIP higher rates for a decade. A home visit was never offered me and the reason the assessment company claimed it was not possible was due to a black mark on my file with the DWP. Yet the DWP were not even aware of this black mark on their systems or in their records. Assessment company staff have been fibbing, well I never, what a surprise. A home visit was never even required and I sent in all the adaptions my home had over the years by way of photographs taken. I finally found out just before it was all over that there is a third option of a paper based report (PRB) possible. I had medical evidence in abundance as I am an outpatient of the NSIC. (National Spinal Injuries Centre) Now comes the time to make the complaint and submit evidence about the abysmal way I have been treated. Yeah. I'm sure that will make a world of difference? Assessment company claimed that I had an UCB mark registered against me. (Unacceptable Client Behaviour). Correct but it was not anything that would have prevented a home visit but I do not want these types in my home anyway. All done and dusted now anyway and I enclose this level of detail not to whinge but in the hope it can help others out that are experiencing this nightmare and bullying.
@windsorcastle8889 5 лет назад
I was so lucky and had a brilliant panel at my PIP tribunal. It took about 10 minutes and they awarded me top mobility and top personal. They had looked at my medical evidence before I went in.
@TheBerfin252 3 года назад
Hey if you dont mind me asking, what kind of medical records did you take in? Like a diagonisis or something else?
@mariamkhan320 3 года назад
Hi what did you say and how did you describe your day to day for enhanced mobility
@knockedoutloaded279 5 лет назад
How can you prove depression and anxiety..?
@ryandavies9052 5 лет назад
doctors records
@Sthmohtwenty Год назад
@@ryandavies9052 Dr r some b........
@babytt8487 Год назад
No you need a private assessment dont rely on your drs unless you're in the jurisdiction of primary mental health services.
@anthonypope8429 5 лет назад
the so call nurs did not look at me right all she was going of was the form she as me if i could peal a carrot i said no i buy mine already done save time she was not very happy even when i asked her what band she was if she claims she is a nurse she told me we dont have banding if its NHS or privet you must have a band 5 band six atos nurse get told how many to knock of and they get a bounus they are even botherd if you tell them you can get my hospital notes they dont want to know i just think they fake nurse dont trust them she did not show me what she had put on her laptop about me she could of put anything down with out me knowing or me consent or sat in her car making false thing up up i realy dont trust them one bit
@ellec7007 6 лет назад
It would be great if Tribunals were like this. The judge at my son's PIP tribunal was unpleasant and condescending and wouldn't let me or the representative speak. She asked us questions, but didn't let us finish explaining anything. She was far from impartial and we felt more like we were on trial. The panel did award him 5 and 4 points, but we were unable to argue further criteria that applied. Awful experience.
@peaceatlast2684 6 лет назад
Thank you for this. I think it is dreadful how many peoples situations have been made much worse by the introduction of PIP.. Disabled people have been treated worse than criminals. they have had their benefits stopped and their access to vital care has been limited....The system is not working and making vulnerable people feel much worse about their conditions. .Shameful really!!!!! the law needs to act swiftly to protect these people.
@susansherlock6934 Год назад
The questioning...does it really put people at ease?
@Sthmohtwenty Год назад
The law is total b/s ...its must overhauled asap