Vivi's Variety Show
Vivi's Variety Show
Vivi's Variety Show
"It has a little something for everyone"

(Descriptions and community posts usually have lists of upcoming projects)
The Mummies | An Expedition of Highs and Lows
7 месяцев назад
Iron Man | The Beginning of the Endgame
3 года назад
WandaVision | Just Short of Greatness
3 года назад
@soyasuwabe7898 10 часов назад
Save the cheerleader save the world
@jasongiles8263 14 часов назад
When they get around to making DS4 they need to return to the world design of 1 where everything is connected to the beginning.
@suryakrishnapillai День назад
I got Sekiro because of this video, and I've finally beaten it after being addicted for the past few weeks. Just an absolutely incredible experience. Thank you so much!
@JTheMogul День назад
Did not expect to hear VA-11 HALL-A music here!
@thomasalexanian927 5 дней назад
I have a lot of faith that Guillermo del Toro can do Frankenstein justice
@CMA03_YT 5 дней назад
I'm just going to say it, penny dreadful did something different and beautiful with Frankenstein, it turned the characters more 3 dimensional, compared to earlier straight forward adaptations, it feels like every time you see the characters on screen whether it's the creature or victor, you are transported into that time with them, and made to feel the same way they feel. I haven't seen many movies or shows that have done that; And that's probably why I love penny dreadful.
@srstriker6420 6 дней назад
Yeah because everyone thinks the 1931 movie was the case especially that the hunchback assistant is not name Igor as everyone thinks like you know Blofeld from James Bond with the cat which wasn’t in the book and another with the Green goblin in the movies which I highly recommend you check out the Misconception of Norman Osborn. I believe you know about John Carpenter’s the Thing was originally a book and the alien looks very different in book.
@mentalwig420 7 дней назад
26:24 I did that same Parry this morning with Ludwig's rifle. I played Eldenring first, and then I started Dark Souls 3 and then moved on to Bloodborne. I haven't finished dark souls three.
@ViviVariety 15 часов назад
Do you think you could ever go back to DS3? I personally love it, but I can understand why it's not as appealing to other fans. Especially since games like Bloodborne and Elden Ring do something more unique, but DS3 feels a bit more phoned in besides the bosses.
@10191927 10 дней назад
Bride of Frankenstein is such a great sequel, I like how the creature spared Victor Frankenstein and chose death “We belong dead” with tears streaming down his face as he destroyed the lab. Knowing the creature would never know peace, love, acceptance or companionship. And when they made the bride, it showed how much worse their experiment was, they brought a woman back to life but with barely any human level function, even less than the creature when he was first brought to life. And by a doctor even more mad than victor himself.
@ViviVariety День назад
The more I think about it, the more I think Bride could be one of the best sequels of all time. It's just that good, like I loved how much more thoughtful and emotional it was compared to the first one. I kinda wish I talked about it more too because it's easily one of the best Frankenstein movies period. SUCH a good film...
@Agh73732 11 дней назад
I totally agree with you. I had heard incredible things about this series, but when I got around to watching it, all I could think was "Is that it? Am I missing something...?" I guess it shows how a good premise and nice visuals (though I find the stiff chara designs in season 1 to be terribly ugly) can trick people into believing they saw something better than they did. Uninspired plot, trash characters and quite predictable and by the book to top it off. Let's forget how the series treats its fans like total idiots. Other products have to fight hard to gain their fanbase's love and trust, while Haruhi can shit on them with things like the Endless eight and they'll still like it anyway, and even regard it as some sort of masterpiece. Just like you I liked the movie, I believe it's good and I even rewatch it sometimes, but it just can't save what came before and I believe it has the sneaky side-effect of making you revaluate the series as a whole. I can't recommend this to anyone, and I'm not going to make them sit through it just to watch that one movie. I liked your review, but I felt like you were even too kind with it, maybe (or maybe I'm wrong) out of fear of being attacked by its fans, which luckily didn't happen.
@ViviVariety 3 дня назад
I try to structure a lot of critiques based on how reasonable they sound, and if I feel like something is a little too petty or subjective, I'll usually try to reframe it in a way that's less "this is bad and I hate this" and "this is why I think this isn't as good as it could be". There's definitely a version of this script that went way harder into the series lol. With a series like Haruhi though, you're bound to attract passionate fans no matter how you say something, so the most I could do was mitigate the potential damage as much as I could beforehand. I think what also helped is Haruhi is a hard series to look at with a modern lens. 2006 was a wildly different time, and since then we've had many series that followed in Haruhi's footsteps and either matched it, or surpassed it, especially from an animation standpoint. There wasn't anything like Haruhi...in 2006. So when you look at the series from that perspective, it's definitely held in a much higher regard, but when you take away the nostalgia and historical context, Haruhi looks a lot worse. I personally think that truly great shows can stand the test of time, but Haruhi is one that I feel really doesn't. It's fantastic for the time and an important cornerstone in the anime industry and KyoAni's history, but compared to the likes of other classic, yeah for me it just didn't have enough.
@markbradley5355 12 дней назад
I just wrapped up Elden Ring after playing it exclusively for nearly 2months. It’s no exaggeration when I say it’s top 5 best games ever created. I would go as far as to say this is the best game I’ve ever played. It’s rare when I obsess over a game, but there’s something really special about this game, I just kept coming back. I think the biggest hurdle for most people is really understanding the enemy move-sets, learning their attack patterns and exploiting them. The other big hurdle is preparing yourself mentally that you will DIE and DIE SEVERAL times, that’s also part of the beauty. Sure, it can be incredibly frustrating, but you’ll want to keep going because it’s just that good.
@ViviVariety 10 дней назад
I think people really underestimate the power of mental fortitude with these games, so much that I think mechanical skill is more like a recommendation, not a requirement. For example, my wife is a self proclaimed "bad gamer", like she didn't get into games until later and she generally prefers RPGs and things with less mechanical skill. Yet, despite being a so called "bad gamer", she blasted through every Fromsoft game to this date, with no summons or cheese to boot. Was it easy? Nope. But you'd be surprised what you can accomplish once you accept that you're gonna die, a lot, but you only have to win once for it to count.
@adamguthrie8522 15 дней назад
DeNiro is horribly miscast and the creature design is garbage.
@ViviVariety 15 дней назад
Couldn't agree more. I really tried to enjoy that version, but there was just too much against it in my opinion.
@sophieknowles4876 15 дней назад
This was a fantastic breakdown of the differences between the movie and the book. I rarely see discussion around Frankenstein that involves both, instead resolving to only speak about one over the other. I do, however, believe there is a book that has had an even worse time being faithfully adapted and acknowledged for the beautiful and tragic tale that it is. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde. Maybe in the future, you might give that one a look too. X3
@ViviVariety 10 дней назад
Thanks, I appreciate that! Oh and don't even get me started on Jekyll and Hyde, like for example, when I was scripting out the Fire Emblem Engage video, I was SUPER close to diving into a whole Strange Case tangent because for some damn reason, Fire Emblem loves to have split personalities as a source of conflict and it's always written terribly. I ultimately cut it out because it was too harsh a pivot, but it might come back with the right project in mind. I definitely see a future project on the Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde as well, I feel like it's a really interesting case in how it's so well known, but the original story is written as a way to keep the twist hidden until the very end. And I think it's a great example of how multiple personalities can be used to illustrate certain themes and ideas, and how the novel itself is a fascinating insight into the time it was written. I won't make an future promises, but trust me, this book is definitely living rent free in the back of my mind lol
@GarrisonNichols-ow1hb 15 дней назад
I think the changes made to the plotline for the classic Universal movie had to do with the public of the 1930s. The movie was almost not made because of the taboo nature of man playing God. Like after Henry Frankenstein says It's alive! He then says I know what it's like to be God. That was cut from future visions also the death of the kid wasn't shown but James Whale did film the entire scene it was still cut out by Universal studios feeling it was to harsh. The limitations of violence and religious themes in 1930s movies was because of Hollywood's strict rules back then
@ViviVariety 15 дней назад
That's interesting, and it definitely makes a lot of sense. The public at the time likely wasn't ready for something like a straight up book adaptation, or the 1927 stage play the film was based on. Even the stage play had a lot of overt religious aspects, and a few plot points that the general public likely wasn't ready for at the time.
@GarrisonNichols-ow1hb 15 дней назад
If you want a movie based on the novel plotline the 1994 Mary Shelley's Frankenstein film starring Robert De Niro as the monster was about as close to the book as we probably ever going to get.
@ViviVariety 15 дней назад
I honestly wasn't a fan of that version, but I did really like the Hallmark limited series. There's also a chance that the upcoming Del Toro version will be closer to the book.
@TheSingingBUn 16 дней назад
It's safe for me to assume that the reason for oblivion recording's retocon might have to do with japan's strange and paradoxical censorship. especially when it involves prostitution and the like.
@ViviVariety 16 дней назад
I think that's fair, I admit I might not be super knowledgeable about Japan's censorship issues, but that definitely lines up with what I know about some of their previous practices. That said, isn't it strange that Remaining Sense of Pain/Movie 3 didn't get censored? It's just as dark as the novel version of Oblivion Recording, so I'd assume that maybe Ufotable would've opted to censor that AND Oblivion Recording rather than changing just Movie 6, and leaving 3 unchanged like what we ended up getting. Or, maybe Ufotable assumed that Oblivion was simply way too dark, but Remaining Sense of Pain is "just dark enough", as strange as that sounds. If that's the case, I suppose I can understand....I know Remaining Sense of Pain is a really heavy story, but Oblivion Recording is even worse, so I wouldn't be at all surprised if the higher ups at Ufotable put their foot down on that novel.
@TheSingingBUn 16 дней назад
@@ViviVariety What I'd say for the following is more or less a matter of observation and not at all something entirely based on hard factual evidence. Call it a conjecture based on a pattern I've been noticing. From the get go, I've observed the japanese media in the consistency of the depiction of prostitution and the subject matter surrounding it. Rarely have I seen the subject matter been heavy 'villainised' as heavily as drug use; and given that oblivion depicts prostitution in a negative conotation, especially when it involved an entire class of girls participating it; it isn't so surprising they make the compromise to switch things around. Even more so when the academy setting was a religious school alluding to a catholic one. It's been a while since I've revisited Kara no Kyoukai so I might've really misremembered some of the details on the films. As someone who hasn't read the light novel, I can honestly say it was a surprise to find out about the prostitution of the entire class. But hey, this is entirely a speculatory comment on my end, definitely will accept if I am wrong for it.
@jahleillewis1743 20 дней назад
Season 2 was basically a mini series
@ViviVariety 19 дней назад
Pretty much, but the option was still there to retain Season 2 as it's own Season (which is what happened), or have it act as a prelude to Season 3. Its still a gamble no matter how you look at it, but still, I can understand why Kring cut it short.
@DylanMatthewTurner 20 дней назад
The best starting point imo is either Binding Blade or Three Houses EDIT: I meant Blazing Blade (FE7), Lyn's game, not Binding Blade (FE8), Roy's game. FE7 and 3 Houses
@ViviVariety 16 дней назад
A few years ago I'd have definitely said Binding Blade is a terrible option for beginners, and in some ways it still kinda is, but I'm actually coming around to it. It's like a soft FE1 remake anyways, and it's really easy to understand, not to mention having imo a pretty solid story. And yeah 3H is always a solid choice, it's not the best representation of FE as a whole but like, come on, it's solid lol.
@DylanMatthewTurner 15 дней назад
@@ViviVariety I meant Blazing Blade (FE7) lol. Whoops. Yeah, I don't think it's a great options for beginners
@alexrawlings541 26 дней назад
I've never met a defend map enjoyer before
@ViviVariety 25 дней назад
Really? Feels like defend maps tend to get a lot of love like Conquest Chapter 10 or 2-Endgame in RD. But maybe they're just good maps that just so happen to be defend maps, if that makes sense.
@alexrawlings541 25 дней назад
@@ViviVariety yeah, I think you're right. To be fair, I don't talk to that many FE players lol
@joseortizreflects 28 дней назад
I recently bought Dark Souls 1, 2 and Hollow Knight and I'll be playing them sooner than not and more so after watching this video!😊
@atunre8299 28 дней назад
These games are amazing! I am just not coordinated enough to get very far.
@ViviVariety 21 день назад
Hey, perseverance and moxie will go a long way in these games! I've definitely seen people do insane things if they put their minds to it, so you shouldn't be any different.
@theedexter1996 Месяц назад
So, i just finished the show, and I had to go find videos about it because I was left feeling weird! I loved the first season, but as I kept watching, I was tired of the repetitive storylines. I finished season 4 and omg wtf! I was so tired of seeing Sylar try to be good over and over. It was exhausting that everyone was like "let's kill him" and there was always a reason he couldn't die! Plus, I got so frustrated with Claire at the end. Especially with Lydia dying! Like did Noah forget that her blood can bring ppl back from the dead? Also I was confused why Suresh and Matt forgot about Molly??? Idk! A reboot is apparantly happening now, and I hope that if it happens it doesn't waste its potential.
@ViviVariety 21 день назад
The Molly thing is something I always forget about because she does just kind leave! Maybe they thought she would be too powerful for the later seasons since anytime the characters are all "Can you find this person" and she's all "No worries, I gotchu homie". Like imagine in Season 4 if Hiro asks to find Charlie and Molly just says "oh yeah she's right over here, don't worry lol". The Claire blood thing is also a pretty widely disliked change, it's busted as hell and I think the writers knew, which is why it never came up again lol. Have you seen Reborn by the way? I also heard there was ANOTHER reboot, so I'm not excited...but I'll probably watch it if only to make a video on it...
@Squishmallows24 Месяц назад
Demons souls (original/remake)❤️❤️ Dark souls 1🙂 Dark souls 2🤢🤮 Dark souls 3❤️ Bloodborne🙂🙂 Sekiro🤷‍♂️ Elden ring🤷‍♂️
@ViviVariety 27 дней назад
I have similar opinions lol have you not played ER or Sekiro yet?
@LeggereugualeVivere Месяц назад
I've started recently my FE journey with Blazing Blade because it's the only one available on NSO. I'm loving it!!
@ViviVariety 27 дней назад
I'm glad you're liking it! FE7 is great, and it's an amazing entry for a beginner as well!
@LeggereugualeVivere 27 дней назад
@@ViviVariety yes!! It's really good, I think I'll stick with the series and get the ones that are more freely available after finishing this one. I hope for a re release of some of the hard to find titles such as path of radiance and radiant dawn :(
@4t5ive72 Месяц назад
Great video. I still think you were a bit harsh on the movies as they do a lot of subtext work imo. Still great video man loved it
@ViviVariety Месяц назад
I appreciate it, and I definitely understand what you mean. I think there were times I was too critical of the films, but at the same time, I think I see more and more ways to do subtext elegantly. Like Hayao Miyazaki movies are like the gold standard of subtext in animation, and while that's admittedly a VERY high bar, they're a good example of how it all comes down to having the proper vision, and having the finesse to bring it to life. I also think reading the novels changed my way of looking at the films. This script took longer to make because I wanted to read the novels first, and it was only then I realized how much was missing. Mikiya especially gets neutered in the films, whereas he's comparable to someone like Sojiro or Shiki Tohno in the books. So I basically had to redo the entire script because the novels "filled in the gaps" so to speak lol.
@dzigayu4944 Месяц назад
I definitely need to read the novels, I absolutely loved the KnK movies.
@ViviVariety Месяц назад
I think the Baka Tsuki translations are in progress, so someday you should give them a chance!
@sheanartisthunty Месяц назад
I played fire emblem awakening on easy mode I think as my first game so when I went to the very first game and realized my units weren’t coming back after dying I was full surprised pikachu cuz I guess I didn’t read the instructions fully idek lmao
@ViviVariety 27 дней назад
Lol I had the same reaction when I played Shadow Dragon, and my wife who also started with Awakening did the same thing. She was on like Chapter 3 when she realized "...where's that other horse guy?" xD
@sheanartisthunty 27 дней назад
@@ViviVariety rip horse guy 😭😭😭
@shrek6758 Месяц назад
honestly william had it coming with the whole "my father will hear about this" attitude
@ViviVariety Месяц назад
"Fuck them kids" -The Creature, probably
@talesoflizalfos661 Месяц назад
My start was with Awakening, though I always wanted to play the series since I heard about the series from Super Smash Bros Brawl. It's fine, though Three Houses is my favorite and Path of Radiance is the one I would recommend most to newcomers. This is mainly due to a balance where most units are good, the writing being some of the series best, and the tutorial movies in Easy/Normal actually teaching the player stuff like how to use canto, the use of attacking out of enemy range, and playing specific objectives.
@ViviVariety Месяц назад
Path of Radiance is also my go-to recommendation, for the exact reasons you mentioned. Its not too hard, it has great characters and worldbuilding, and there's a lot of variety in terms of objectives and mechanics. If only it wasn't so hard to play... (legally lol)
@masercot Месяц назад
I think the biggest difference between Frankenstein the movie and the book is, the movie is recorded on celluloid; whereas, the book is printed on paper.
@astrofenix9839 Месяц назад
wow, a video talking about Engage without saying that it's trash, thank you very much because the shit that is thrown at the game, especially the English community, is incredible
@ViviVariety Месяц назад
I will always always defend Engage mate. Is it perfect? Nope! But no entry is, and I love how much fun it is to just play. It's slowly becoming one of my favorites to pick up and play at any time.
@omegalol1240 Месяц назад
31:55 its like doing quick time events for hours. I really dont get how people can like that. I want to plan my moves myself.
@ViviVariety Месяц назад
Well keep in mind it's a huge over simplification, because in the moment it feels way more frantic and spontaneous, and it usually takes a lot of practice to get to that point. Plus once you get decent, you can actually do some nutty things, so player expression opens up as you improve.
@coconut_tv0564 Месяц назад
Iirc, Knk is Nasu's first work
@ViviVariety Месяц назад
It's his first published work if I recall, and I generally consider it his first as well. Where it gets murky are with things like the alleged Mahoyo draft and Fate/Prototype. Mahoyo in particular feels like a blueprint for a ton of his later works. So the story goes, Mahoyo was his "first" story he wrote, but it was only ever a draft before becoming a full story later. That said, from my understanding, KnK was still his first actual published work, which is why I usually default to saying it's his first lol.
@brandonford7148 Месяц назад
I just finished rewatching the entire series for the first time. Season one was masterful. I actually enjoyed rewatching seasons 2-4, but there were too many plot lines, too many characters, and too much Sylar. His character was given too many resurrections and it just got tiresome.
@ViviVariety Месяц назад
Yeah Sylar is definitely a case of being too popular for his own good. I didn't even mind his redemption arc, and Zachary Quinto obviously did an incredible job, but he felt his best at the very beginning when he was the main villain for the season.
@XV-IV Месяц назад
@rychadelko Месяц назад
Such a good analysis of two different classics. Frankenstein and the Creature are a great example of disturbed family relations, you cannot convince me otherwise.
@ViviVariety Месяц назад
I agree completely, it's such a good example on the phrase "hurt people hurt people" and the cycle of violence.
@jackcola5513 Месяц назад
Dont play demon souls the runbacks will hunt you in your dreams
@ViviVariety Месяц назад
Imagine the Blue Smelter runback, but the entire game lol
@jackcola5513 Месяц назад
@ViviVariety im trying to get platinum for all souls games but this game really makes me regret attempting it 😅 its suchs a grind
@gianni_4 Месяц назад
Elden Ring is a work of art
@yw9238 Месяц назад
Scenarists strike killed a promising s2
@ViviVariety Месяц назад
Kind of, while it did play a role, don't forget Kring still made the final call to change the ending to the season. They shot the final sequence and everything up until he made the decision to change it.
@RoboticEdward Месяц назад
Well well well, didn't see this video til now. Glad you eventually ended up making it.
@tueferbenz7492 Месяц назад
Besides Hallmark, 1977's The Terror of Frankenstein (Per Oscarsson as the monster) is also quite close to the book.
@ViviVariety Месяц назад
That's pretty cool, how is it? Maybe I'll check it out sometime.
@tueferbenz7492 Месяц назад
@@ViviVariety One of my favorite adaptations of Frankenstein.
@gjzxkhkyddykdyi 2 месяца назад
I honestly think season 1-3 were really good. With the exception of peter losing his abilities. And i didnt really care for sylars dad
@ViviVariety 2 месяца назад
I think that's fair, like the only really bad season in my opinion is Season 3 part 1. There's a lot of worse TV out there.
@Wolverine-2010 2 месяца назад
Dang totally agree, Thracia and Radiant Dawn are my top 2 also.
@gozinta82 2 месяца назад
Convinced me to buy a ps4 just to play bloodborne. Thanks for the video!
@ViviVariety 2 месяца назад
Thanks for enjoying it! I hope you have fun, and I'd say that was a worthy investment! The PS4 has a lot of great stuff on it, so I hope you enjoy yourself.
@jaehwan123 2 месяца назад
Season one was one of the best seasons of any TV show. But then they completely dropped the ball. Sylar was way better as a one dimensional force of evil. They should have ended the storyline with his defeat, and then started another storyline.
@ViviVariety 2 месяца назад
Yeah like I get what they were trying to do with Sylar, but it just didn't really work as well as when he was just a straight up villain. Definitely a case of the writers being too afraid to let a beloved character go.
@Christopher-ro1dl 2 месяца назад
A Good Idea for these games, if has a Remake like Demon Souls Guides, are only for Remake and are not always useful on PS3, DS2 scholar of the First Sin is also not the same as DS2. Start with a later version if guides are needed. DS1 Remaster guides still work with normal DS1.
@ViviVariety 2 месяца назад
I kind of agree, although the only real exception is Dark Souls 2. I personally found that the DeS guides worked out 99% of the the with the DeS remake, but I can understand the confusion. Especially because the DeS remake is much more of a true remake, whole DS1 is literally a 60fps port of the OG DS1.
@Christopher-ro1dl 2 месяца назад
@@ViviVariety Would you recommend starting with DS2 or scholar of the First Sin. I understand severs are down for DS2 PS3
@ViviVariety 21 день назад
Sorry for not replying after like a month, life stuff got in the way. But I wish I had a better recommendation: I only ever played Scholar because it's more readily available (I have it on PS4), but I've actually heard people say DS2 OG is a bit better. See, the big differences with Scholar from my understanding are the reworked enemy placements. Scholar has really annoying enemy placements, AND adds way more of them, so you basically have like a gang of jabronis going after you all the time. OG DS2 doesn't have this problem, so I've seen people say they prefer the original because of it. So I guess I'd say try the original DS2 if that sounds okay, and if it's easier to get or cheaper. Plus if you don't mind having no PVP or Summoning, then it should be okay. Just keep in mind you're gonna have to get the DLC separately as well for the original DS2. But if Scholar is cheaper, or if you wanna jump in to the PVP or summoning, just get Scholar. Scholar has the benefit of also coming with the DLC, so it's usually cheaper to get. Hopefully that made sense! Sorry it wasn't too helpful lol.
@0_dearghealach_083 2 месяца назад
I always got ticked off at how pop-culture made the monster incommunicado, just grunting and groaning or speaking in simple sentences, instead of showing him as eloquent like he was in the book. And I wish there was more emphasis put on his weird biology. Like- being made of different parts of people- would that have made him stronger? Would parts of him have succumbed to rot? Maybe he could re-sew his parts back on if they fell off, heheh. I also once read a comic- Monster and Madman- which inferred that each part of the monster caused him to possess different, fragmented memories from different dead people... I truly pity the monster. Made of the dead, shunned by his maker, not finding a place in the world to belong. Victor is the monster.
@ViviVariety 2 месяца назад
Yeah I'm not entirely sure why they made the Creature the way they did. It changes too much with the original book, and what's weirder is it feels like they knew that because the sequel tries to backpedal and make the Creature more like the novel version. It's not perfect, but it's a step in the right direction. You also bring a really good point about the Creature's biology, and I wonder if that could be interesting to explore. Like, how long can the Creature live? It's supposed to be the next level of humanity, but does it's biology mean that it has a shorter life span? Can it even be killed? Etc. Kind of a cool thought experiment that a writer could definitely explore later.
@fett713akamandodragon5 2 месяца назад
Just watched the series again, and I still can't figure out what happened to Molly, they just completely dropped her, just like Monica and Caitlin. Dropping Monica is one thing, she's unconnected to the rest of the cast, storylines and main locations, Molly on the other hand was basically adopted by Parkman and then just disappears and is never mentioned again like Caitlin, so I can only assume she was lost in the same fashion with the writers' strike and dropped volume. Another gripe is that prime video has heroes for free but has the nerve to charge for reborn lol!!
@ViviVariety 2 месяца назад
I could have sworn that Matt had like a throwaway line early in Season 3 about Molly, but huh, that's really interesting. I wonder if she's too useful for the plot because every time someone needs to find someone, they just hit up Matt and bingo, problem solved. Especially by Volume 4, she'd be too useful, kind of like how Micah was low key really powerful later on. Also wtf Amazon, why you gotta make people pay for the worst season lol
@Ezmoney_662 2 месяца назад
From soft games get you ready for real life 😂