Shane Bellare
Shane Bellare
Shane Bellare
A teacher and creative entrepreneur who's passionate about bags, watches and every day carry (EDC) items.
Bathing our Yorkie
2 года назад
@gillianegraceluy6059 7 дней назад
I was inspired by Kuya Ralph’s handwork and networking in the film industry. I learned that it’s not about who you are, whether you’re famous or not. It’s about your craft and your video, especially the value it brings to your audience. I learned that it’s not just “basta-basta” when it comes to wanting to do something. Like he mentioned in the video, it is important to learn the fundamentals of what skill you want to improve and the output you want to achieve. He also shared a story of when he started and that he really made the effort to connect with people and network in the industry. I believe in any profession that these 2 are important to build a support system that is specific to your work and help you grow into a better version in your workplace.
@KelvinHew7 9 дней назад
Is this a better sling than the Day Sling 3 Max?
@shanebellare 8 дней назад
Hey man! I think , for the price and functionality, I’d go with the Day Sling 3 Max more for EDC. If it’s xpac , I don’t have to worry about the material getting dirty too much. Only downside really is the poor quality of the aquaguard zippers. The Bellroy 6L Venture Sling definitely looks better because of the green baida nylon that mine has, but I feel that I have to “baby” it more. The logo can also easily be removed. But the comfort of the strap is just incredible. Both are large enough for my mirrorless camera , and that’s one big consideration. Planning to shoot a comparison also for these two! Just working on my review of the Alpaka Vertex pouch at the moment.
@MarrionElizaga 10 дней назад
TikTok can be credited to creating new trends and setting new market behaviors. With its unpredictable algorithm, TikTok can offer certain products to different users. This can be seen as a new marketing strategy and with its continuous growth. With the amount of marketing strategies and trends that TikTok can produce, it offers endless marketing opportunities. Users and brands can take advantage of its algorithm in order for them to keep up with its fast paced nature.
@abijah_staana 10 дней назад
One of the key takeaways I got from the video is how different Tiktok’s platform is compared to Instagram and Facebook. The way people consume content and videos in particular have changed because of Tiktok and it is crucial for businesses to fully grasp Tiktok’s algorithm in order to fully leverage its advertising tools. Unique marketing strategies are given to businesses since there is always a new Tiktok trend every week. Businesses who stay atop these trends cater to Gen Z and Millennial audiences quicker. However, this fast-paced nature becomes a double edged sword for brands and content creators as they have to consistently stay relevant and on top of these trends. Overall, Tiktok is a very diverse platform that offers multiple marketing opportunities for brands to leverage and content creators to earn from. It is a matter of really understanding the algorithm and the system.
@abijah_staana 10 дней назад
There are numerous insights I learned after watching the discussion with Kuya Ralph. In content creation, it is not always about how famous or how well known the creator is. Videos tend to attract more viewers and traction when it has a compelling storyline and it tugs on the heartstrings of individuals. Oftentimes, the core of impactful video content is a creator’s ability to connect with their audience and instill different emotions through relatable and meaningful stories. The video was also able to solidify the notion that AI is not all negative and it also has its benefits. It can be used to boost creativity and offer innovative ideas to artists that are mind blocked. As Kuya Ralph stresses, AI should be embraced responsibly and in moderation because it can really open opportunities for increased efficiency in how we do our tasks. Lastly, probably the most important learning I derived from the video is Kuya Ralph’s appreciation for the people he met and the relationships he formed. It feels as though we often overlook the impact of our experiences with different people on our craft. We sometimes owe it to different people why we are at our status right now.
@AbigailFrancesBrown 10 дней назад
Kuya Ralph offered valuable insights in relation to video production, and has emphasized the importance of learning the fundamentals, gaining hands-on experiences, and having that strive to continuously learn and improve your skills. The key lesson I had was how important in this industry storytelling is and that it should be from multiple perspectives and not just yours. I have also realized how rough it is and how it is important to embrace the challenges you have to take and learn from it. the video all in al felt inspiring especially when it was about kuya Ralph's journey when he was still finding what he really is good at, and what he really enjoys doing. It is inspiring to hear about his adaptability to situations and openess to trends, particularly AI, and how for him, it is a need to be able to adapt and leverage new technologies but in a responsible manner.
@MarrionElizaga 10 дней назад
Kuya Ralph's insights were pretty helpful. The way he talked about how to handle his personal challenges and how he was able to overcome them in different ways. He talked about the realistic happenings in his experiences and how you can apply the things that you learn in college in real life. My key takeaway from what he said was that in college, we are allowed to make mistakes without that much of consequences. This is an opportunity to grow and discover what our passion might really be. He also talked about how we shouldn't go against AI and instead work with AI. He pointed out that AI will make our lives easier. I find that this interview has given us, the younger generation, advice and a heads up on what lies for us in the future. I believe that the way how Sir Ralph and Sir were conversing with each other made it more genuine. My major takeaway from what Sir Ralph said was, "If you can't beat 'em, join them". This shows how adapting is very important in order to still be relevant in the future.
@JannaMickaellaAlberto 10 дней назад
Kuya Ralph's interview provides valuable insights into starting out in video production. He stresses learning the fundamentals and acquiring hands-on experience while always polishing your skills. Networking and collaboration among creators are essential, as they keep you relevant with advances in the industry and address setbacks, allowing me to be reminded of the significance of social skills while engaging with various teams. He also emphasizes the importance of storytelling from several points of view. Accepting challenges broadens your understanding and expertise, improving your abilities for future production. Moreover, the interview reminded me that AI should be used to boost creativity and efficiency, improving skills and workflows while also assisting others. The conversation emphasizes the ineffectiveness of opposing AI, which ultimately relies on human creativity and supervision. While AI may eliminate certain occupations, it can improve many more by producing innovative concepts and streamlining the overall process. As Sir Ralph Escoto emphasizes, adopting AI can open up new prospects and more efficient work approaches, revolutionizing how we perform our tasks.
@JannaMickaellaAlberto 10 дней назад
I picked up information about TikTok's quick rise and major impact on the social media context. TikTok is a driving factor behind many of the biggest social media trends, considering that Gen Z and Millenials are the majority of the user base. The platform provides various tools and services, including short video creation, analytics, and advertising opportunities, to allow content creators and companies to manage their accounts and successfully reach their target audiences. Hence, it addresses TikTok's rising trends, such as user-generated content and influencer connections, which can help brands gain awareness and trust. These insights may be leveraged in social media marketing by developing original and entertaining content adapted to TikTok's audience, collaborating with influencers to broaden reach, and regularly assessing performance to change methods for improved results. Using trending hashtags and challenges can help increase visibility and interaction.
@maxineflores6637 10 дней назад
The discussion is truly insightful and I have learned several valuable lessons from the video. For starters, I learned how crucial teamwork is in content creation, as collaborating with different teams brings fresh ideas and boosts creativity. I also appreciate how the discussion emphasized the importance of authentic storytelling and understanding the experiences and stories of other people around you as well as the need for continuous learning. Improvement requires an open mind and the ability to take constructive criticism. Furthermore, I discovered that AI is not possible unless there are original artists. The discussion emphasized the role of AI in enhancing our work, developing skills, and doing tasks faster while also stressing that we still need to use it appropriately and responsibly. I appreciate that Kuya Ralph emphasized in the latter part of the video the importance of the effect of the material you put out for people to see and absorb. It won’t always be about your achievements, projects, brands or clients that you work with or have, sometimes it’s about the useful or positive impact it has on your audience and society.
@khushipunjabi1230 10 дней назад
TikTok has become a global cultural phenomenon, enthralling viewers with its imaginative and short-form video content. The website gives users a special place to share their tales, exhibit their talents, and communicate and amuse themselves with a variety of communities. Because of its algorithm-driven content discovery system, TikTok has made content creation more accessible by enabling people from various backgrounds to become visible and develop a fan base based on the calibre and originality of their films. Furthermore, TikTok has developed into a major hub for memes, challenges, and viral trends, reflecting the pulse of pop culture and encouraging global user connectivity.
@AnyaMikaelaLotho 10 дней назад
In this discussion, I learned actually how big and fast Tiktok' growth in the social media space was. This app is responsible for most of the biggest trends on social media platforms today, as well as how big the app's audience and users actually are. Aside from just creating short video reels and such, there are various features and analytic tools available to help content creators manage their profile and data overall. However, because of Tiktok's very fast-paced structure on the app, it may appear hard for creators to keep their audiences engaged in their content. It requires consistent and and average time of posting, in order to keep up with the app's pace. Another thing to note would be that not only users must remain up to date with trends and promotions, but brands as well, in order to reach and keep up with their audience and potential markets as well.
@AnyaMikaelaLotho 10 дней назад
As a business student, the discussion between Mr. Bellare and and Kuya Ralph were very insightful to me. I realized how important it is to make strong and genuine connections with people, and having a good sense of networking and collaboration skills. It is also important for an individual to be open-minded and accept constructive criticism especially in the social media industry, as it serves as a stepping stone for one to improve and become better. I also learned based on the discussion that you must portray your story clear and concisely to your audience, and how a good and genuine story resonates with your audience. This allows you to build on your platform and truly create an insightful impact on others.
@khushipunjabi1230 11 дней назад
What I learned from this discussion is that as a video producer it is essential to always keep an open ear to the opinions and suggestions of your co-workers in order to produce a successful storyline or content and exceed the expectations of your audience by evoking emotions and connecting with them in a deeper level. Professionals looking to improve their productivity and efficiency face both opportunities and challenges with the introduction of AI into the creative industry. There is still a fine line to be drawn between utilizing AI's capabilities and maintaining the human touch in artistic expression, even while tools like automated editing software and content analysis algorithms can speed up production processes and increase accuracy. Moreover, working with AI requires a strategic strategy that preserves the authenticity and creative vision that characterize effective narrative while embracing the advantages of automation.
@JennyGraceFlorendo 12 дней назад
The discussion of Sir Ralph and Sir Bellare made me realize the challenges modern filmmakers experience in an increasingly saturated industry. With more and more content creators entering the field, competition increases, making it harder to stand out. While it is good that video production tools have become more accessible, this accessibility has contributed to a decline in quality standards, with clients frequently choosing lower-budget options. This shift forces filmmakers to adapt by focusing more on storytelling from a KOL perspective rather than traditional technical excellence. These challenges highlight the necessity of continuous learning and adaptability, particularly for professionals like Sir Ralph, to navigate the evolving field of video and content production successfully. Nevertheless, I hope that these changes won’t compromise the quality and advancement of the field in the future. Despite all this, it's inspiring to see that Sir Ralph's passion and dedication to his craft are still evident in his ongoing pursuit of innovative techniques and his willingness to adapt to industry changes. Overall, I gained valuable insights from the discussion, deepening my appreciation for the efforts and passion involved in successful filmmaking and content creation. Hearing his experiences has sparked my interest in exploring creatives and marketing communications further. Thank you so much for this, sir!
@JethroJamesLee 12 дней назад
It is evident how TikTok's growth has increasingly impacted today's social media marketing landscape. As mentioned in the video, TikTok is all about enhancing creativity for businesses to easily reach customers through quick optimization and advertising opportunities. A key takeaway from this is realizing how TikTok can effectively help businesses gain competitiveness in social media. The video highlighted how TikTok's platform is a synergy of content and commerce. The integration of product links on the app also enables e-commerce platforms to facilitate easy checkout for consumers. This makes TikTok a valuable marketing tool as the platform provides better view rates compared to Facebook which allows brands to both increase consumer engagement and drive purchasing behavior. Given that TikTok is the primary channel for reaching the Gen Z market, businesses must align their advertisements and marketing strategies with this target audience. Importantly, they need to constantly adapt to the emerging trends in the social media landscape to remain effective.
@JethroJamesLee 12 дней назад
As an aspiring marketing professional, this interview video resonated with me and allowed me to understand the creative industry. I realized that the industry and immersing in the social media landscape also has its own challenges, especially its increasing competitors, but what matters is the quality you put into every advertising and marketing strategy. Additionally, it's also essential for us to adapt to technological advancements like AI but we need to be responsible with how we integrate it into our creative aspect. To deal with various challenges, one key takeaway for me is to treat your work as a lifestyle to avoid burnout. We must be passionate about the storytelling we do to ultimately strengthen our innovativeness as well as, critical and creative thinking. Overall, Kuya Ralph's advice helped me understand that it's not about the projects and your accomplishments, but the impact you create for others. Instead of being proud of ourselves, we must be proud of how our work helps others.
@Louise_Gonzales 14 дней назад
In this era of social media, it is a wise decision for businesses to engage with their customers and potential customers through TikTok. Given the unique algorithm of TikTok, brands can take advantage of the publicity they can gain on the platform with the right content. If the marketing team strategically posts content, considering its audience, it can either benefit from joining existing trends or be the trendsetter themselves. However, TikTok’s fast-paced nature requires consistent posts to keep audiences engaged. Although it may seem demanding, it is a critical aspect of establishing a social media presence beyond the brand’s initial target market.
@chelseaesteban8987 14 дней назад
I have learned various insightful lessons from the interview such as the importance of having social skills in this line of work specially since you would need to interact with multiple teams in order to produce the needed contents. Another notable lesson is how they talked about the perspectives in telling a story, more specifically how the stories’ perspective does not always have to be yours, at times it might be best to consider other people’s point of view and experiences. Lastly is how crucial it is to take on challenges and test your limits, with this it may help you grow and expand your knowledge and expertise which could further enhance your skills for future projects.
@clarissali972 14 дней назад
TikTok is currently one of the largest social media platforms all over the globe. Thanks to its wide audience, the platform's ability to start trends, shape ideas, and promote content is on a completely different level. One of the main concerns, however, is the unpredictability of its algorithm. This is why TikTok currently offers tools for advertising that appeal to different users, brands, and influencers that can better assist in their activities. Even then, TikTok is a great way to produce user-generated content, banking on seamless, spontaneous advertising trends to reach its intended audiences. Regardless, TikTok has the greatest potential for engaging viewers and producing relevant content, making it an optimal platform for both customers and brands alike.
@clarissali972 14 дней назад
One of the key parts of the video was when Kuya Ralph attributed his growth to the relationships he made and the people he came across. I feel like oftentimes, we overlook the influence of diversity and our experiences on our craft. Seeing his passion for his work was truly inspiring, and knowing that he is always open to new learning experiences was cool too! Everyone starts from somewhere, and I'm glad to see that the creative industry is still thriving in the local sector.
@moreenselynayao1151 14 дней назад
The key takeaways from kuya Ralphs discussion offers insights on becoming a filmmaker, director, or cinematographer in the Philippines. He emphasizes the importance of starting with the basics, learning through hands-on experience and continuously improving crafts. Kuya Ralph also highlights the significance of networking and collaborating with other creatives, by staying updated with industry trends being persistent in the face of challenges.
@AtashaSamiado 15 дней назад
I realized through the video that TikTok is one of the most powerful social media platforms because it has over a billion active users worldwide. Its algorithm helps content go viral, allowing new TikTok users to get noticed quickly. The short, engaging videos encourage lots of likes, comments, and shares. TikTok offers many creative tools like filters and music, making it easy and fun to create content. Trends and challenges on the platform boost community participation and often go viral. The presence of influencers and celebrities also adds to its popularity, and businesses benefit from the platform's strong advertising options. With this, both big and small businesses can leverage these features to reach a broader audience and boost brand recognition, leading to organic growth over time. So by creating engaging and authentic content, businesses can effectively connect with their target audience and build lasting customer relationships.
@AtashaSamiado 15 дней назад
It was a good discussion, sir! I realized through the video that it’s not about the achievements, projects, brands, or clients you have; it’s about the people you’ll help with that material. A person creating content should always consider its impact. If a video has the potential to harm someone's life, it’s crucial to reconsider its purpose and approach. Social media holds immense power to influence and even destroy lives, as we've seen with the challenges faced by platforms like Facebook. Furthermore, Creative professionals take pride in their work, so it's essential to produce content that is not only creative and entertaining but also informative and respectful towards everyone. As AI continues to evolve, it is important to leverage its capabilities responsibly. AI can enhance our lives and careers by improving our knowledge, sparking new ideas, and making our tasks much simpler and quicker. That being said, we should use AI to support and uplift, ensuring it serves as a tool for positive change in the long run!
@PatriciaMasilang 15 дней назад
One of my key takeaways from this video is how powerful TikTok is. As an avid user of TikTok and one of the most used applications on my phone, it has actually become one of the applications that I can't live without. Through TikTok, you can search for various trends, such as places to eat, places to go, and other sources of entertainment or educational purposes. This video made me realize how TikTok has become one of the most important applications in our lives and how marketing is also a significant part of it.
@marianicetalocsin 16 дней назад
The video emphasizes TikTok's impressive growth and its significant role in shaping trends and behaviors. It discusses various advertising options available, such as top view ads and hashtag challenges, which can help brands reach their audiences effectively. Marketers can track campaign performance with helpful analytics tools while maintaining a consistent posting schedule to boost engagement. Staying current with trends and leveraging TikTok's new features, like e-commerce integrations and longer video formats, are crucial for brands looking to authentically connect with Gen Z and Millennials. And with these information, I just have one simple opinion which is, embracing TikTok is not just an option anymore for me, it’s essential for brands that want to remain relevant in today’s fast paced digital world we have.
@Pearlaliciousxx 17 дней назад
MADSMED K32 - Lumen Pearl Magdaug I found Mr. Escoto's insights motivating, as he reminds me that being adaptable and continuously improving your skills is important in real life. He also highlighted that not everything you learn in school is applicable in reality, underscoring the importance of practical experience and constant learning. Mr. Escoto pointed out that having a vision allows you to see the art in everyday moments and translate it into compelling video content. Video is a universal tool, essential for every business to communicate with its customers effectively.
@Pearlaliciousxx 17 дней назад
MADSMED K32 - Lumen Pearl Magdaug My key takeaway in this video is that TikTok's rise to over 1 billion users has changed both marketing and society. It redefined how brands can reach large audiences quickly and creatively. Companies like Walmart can utilize TikTok by using internal influencer programs where employees create authentic content, making their brand more relatable. On top of marketing, TikTok has become a place where you can see the trends, connect with people, and learn. However, with its huge influence, TikTok has a lot of responsibility, especially with content moderation, data privacy, and misinformation. This really drives home the idea that "with great power comes great responsibility." By understanding and using these dynamics wisely, both creators and brands can make the most out of TikTok's potential.
@FionaIvankaVillanueva 18 дней назад
Being a filmmaker means that you have the power to tell stories in your most creative way, and one of the key takeaways I got from the video is how significant storytelling is. The quality of the concept or the story plays a huge role in creating contents; it is the most important factor that creative professionals should consider when doing a material. Another thing is that as AI continues to emerge today, it is crucial that we use it properly in such a way that it can help in our lives and jobs, such as improving our abilities, generating ideas, and making tasks faster and easier. Lastly, one thing that also struck me was that in making content, it is not all about achievements, but on top of mind would be helping other people or if it can positively impact individuals.
@FionaIvankaVillanueva 18 дней назад
TikTok is one of the most powerful social media platforms of today’s time. One of my takeaways is that its short-form contents, entertaining aspect, and ability to quickly adapt to trends are some of the features that give it a competitive edge over other apps in attracting users, especially Gen Z. Additionally, from a marketer's perspective, it is certainly a channel that can be taken advantage of to attract more consumers, increase brand awareness, and maintain relatability. In line with this, there are several tools to leverage within the app that enable creators and brands to create content, such as music and video effects, hashtags, editing options, and different kinds of ads. Businesses can make use of these aspects to reach a wider audience, improve conversion rates, and enhance brand recognition, which can contribute to their growth.
@Daniela_Jacinto 18 дней назад
One of the key takeaways I got from this video was how important it is to understand TikTok’s algorithm and how it differs from FB and IG. From my understanding, Tiktok likes to test videos in small communities which are usually geographic before spreading it to other groups. This is different from IG and FB that primarily sends out your content to people who like similar topics or activities almost immediately. Additionally, Tiktok videos are similar to RU-vid videos, in the sense that they both have long shelf life. Videos can experience a resurgence or even go viral months after it is posted. The last take away is the importance of music when making content. Using viral sounds is likely to get your video into the FYP and search under these sounds.
@LawrenceAdrielLopez 18 дней назад
Reflecting on the power of TikTok, I've realized it's not just another social media platform. With its massive user base and engaging short-form videos, it offers unique marketing opportunities, especially for reaching Gen Z and Millennials. While it does face challenges with misinformation, the various advertising tools and the importance of music in content make it an indispensable platform for modern marketing.
@imoex_index 22 дня назад
Finally! I found video with bottle and umbrella. Thank you so much, I really need this.
@shanebellare 20 дней назад
Glad I could help! Please don’t forget to like and subscribe as it allows us to make more reviews like this one! This is definitely one of my most used slings!
@PatriciaMasilang 22 дня назад
I appreciated the flow of the discussion, which felt more like a conversation than a formal interview. It was nice to hear Kuya Ralph share his experience of exploring various paths before settling on video production and how his career began. As someone in my final term, I'm still deciding whether to pursue human resources or marketing. Hearing about his journey through different industries before finding his niche in video production was inspiring. I also loved how he started from scratch, accepting low-paying jobs just to learn. My key takeaway from this video is Kuya Ralph's openness to trends. He mentioned how he adapts to the current trends, saying, "If you can't beat them, join them." This mindset is very relevant in today's world, where new trends and innovations, such as AI, are constantly emerging. We can't do much to stop these changes, but we can accept and adapt to them.
@drenortz 23 дня назад
Any chance that you can make a review of the 28L version? I was thinking it would be perfect for a good 2-3 days trip. Previously I chose the Aer 24L City pack pro over this 40L Tomtoc bag because the latter is too bulky for me. But after a while, I realized the 24L isn't enough specially when I bring my drone with me during travel. Thanks man!
@shanebellare 22 дня назад
hi! thank you the request! I'll look into it if it's becomes available in the PH. Are you currently using any camera focused backpack like the Wandrd Prvke 21L or Peak Design? I don't have a drone, but I've been using the Wandrd lately, and the roll top is perfect for a 2 to 3 day trip + fits a small drone! Although price is very far from the Tomtoc 40L. Hope you like and subscribe as it allows to make more reviews like this one. thank you for the support!
@drenortz 22 дня назад
​@@shanebellare I haven't really tried using other travel bags aside from a few Lowepro backpacks I used in rotation over the years. Lately, I was looking for a minimalist bag that I can utilize for domestic travel which also has a good tech compartment for my laptop and other accessories including a small drone. That's when I found the Aer City Pack Pro which only has 24L. It was actually a good buy despite the fact that it has limited space for other items. I will try to look into the brands you mentioned. Thanks again and I hope you keep posting videos. I'm already a subscriber. 😊
@shanebellare 20 дней назад
Thanks for the support! While the wandrd prvke is 21L is a good camera bag, it doesn’t have the same kind of tech organization that’s found in another favorite bag of mine, the 26L Alpaka Elements Backpack Pro . You can also check out my review of that to see how I loaded it out. :)
@shanebellare 20 дней назад
Sometimes , our favorite bags are just a few liters away from being perfect
@Louise_Gonzales Месяц назад
I appreciated the discussion on becoming a creative professional because it highlighted how diverse your content may be, especially when Kuya Ralph mentioned that the success of videos may not necessarily stem from the fame of the creator or the quality of it, but instead, through the story you wish to convey to the audience. The discussion felt more authentic than the usual interviews with established influencers since what we would often hear from them is that you just have to “be yourself”, but it does not necessarily reflect the content they put out when they follow or conform to the trends of social media, resulting in very similar video content with other established influencers. Although there are strategies to garner more views, I do believe that it will always boil down to who you are as a creator. One may choose to ride the tide of the trends or choose to express or present themselves through video creation, regardless if there is an immediate growth in viewership.
@lb7144 Месяц назад
Hello, I use the Sony 35mm f/1.8 on my a6400. I’m late to your video but your excellent content still holds up and is very informative.
@shanebellare Месяц назад
Hey, thank you for the kind words! The channel currently doesn’t focus too much on photography but I would appreciate it if you subscribed as it would allowed us to make more reviews like this one. Most of my videos are still shot with the a6000 and I hope to upgrade someday to a 6400 or 6700!
@MariaAnicetaLocsin Месяц назад
Even though there are many valuable insights in this video, I want to focus on the "thoughts on AI" section because I strongly agree with many points made there. Fighting against AI seems pointless because, while AI can do a lot, it still relies on data from humans. It's also important to remember that AI doesn't work on its own but it is still controlled and guided by people. Yes, some jobs might be lost due to AI, but many jobs can also be improved by it. For example, using AI to generate ideas and make our work faster and better is a great opportunity. As Sir Ralph Escoto said, "If we're gonna use AI to help us develop skills, generate ideas, and help us do our jobs better and faster, why not?". The idea of "if you can't beat them, join them" also makes a lot of sense. AI's use in different fields is unavoidable, so accepting and using it can lead to more opportunities and more efficient work. By working with AI, we can achieve more and possibly change how we work for the better.
@-dipsgaming5048 Месяц назад
hi! how would you compare this vs the tomtoc crossbody 11inch as a daily bag?
@shanebellare Месяц назад
Thank you for your question! I think it depends on what you like to carry. Both can carry at least one small camera and one small water bottle. Because of the Tomtoc's size, 11 inch iPad Pro's can fit inside, while the Go Sling Mini V2 can only carry iPad Mini's and Kindles. Tomtoc also has a better strap because of it's padding, but has limitations with how you can carry it. Best carrying style is crossbody on your back, while it feels very large when it's front. It's also not a good messenger bag. The Go Sling Mini V2 works best as crossbody when the load is light (in front or on your back), and as a messenger when it's heavy. The buckle also turns a lot of people off, but I don't personally feel it with a backpack on most especially if I'm walking. The strap also has the tendency to self adjust. Hope this helps and please don't forget to like a subscribe! You can check out my review of the 11in Tomtoc 7L sling if you want to know more: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-yZ4LUzCHeZ0.html It's definitely one of my favorites.
@LawrenceAdrielLopez Месяц назад
The key takeaway I learned from the video is the paramount importance of storytelling in video production, regardless of technical quality or available resources. Kuya Ralph emphasizes that compelling narratives resonate more with audiences than high-end equipment or advanced editing techniques. He shares his journey, highlighting that his success stems from his ability to tell engaging stories rather than relying solely on technical prowess. Practical experience, even with small projects, helped him hone his storytelling skills. Despite the advancements in technology, such as AI, the core of impactful video content remains the ability to connect with viewers through relatable and meaningful stories. Aspiring filmmakers should prioritize developing their narrative skills and focus on creating content that communicates effectively. Ultimately, the essence of video production is to convey messages and evoke emotions through well-crafted stories.
@Daniela_Jacinto Месяц назад
I learned three major points from this video: 1. The Importance of a Good Storyline: A compelling storyline is the focal point in video creation. While you can work with old or new equipment, the essence of most work lies in the stories you tell. These stories don't necessarily have to be from your perspective but should resonate with your audience. As a creative director, it's essential to understand and convey stories that connect with people. This often requires significant collaboration with your team or even those outside your team to gather feedback and produce quality content. 2. The Role of AI in the Creative Process: Incorporating AI into the creative process will help you remain relevant. It's not about replacing creative professionals but enhancing their work. For example, I read that in the production of "Into the Spider-Verse," AI was used to speed up the animation process, allowing creators to focus on the artistic aspects. This shows that AI can be a valuable tool without diminishing the contributions of human creators. 3. The Value of Education in the Arts: In a landscape where volume is often prioritized over quality, the question arises: is a formal education in the arts still valuable? If technical skills and collaborative experiences can be gained through internships or online learning, is it worth pursuing a specialized degree in filmmaking or fine arts? Alternatively, would a more generalist approach, such as a degree in communications, be more beneficial?
@ryansiao5180 Месяц назад
I find the comparison of what makes quality content before and now interesting. Like what Kuya Ralph said at 18:10 , back then the in-demand quality was determined by how premium the content would feel which typically involves high-end cameras, set building, creative shots, and the concept. But nowadays, in-demand content can come from our regular smartphone cameras with the help of built-in tools from short form media platforms (such as Tiktok and IG). What made these types of videos as quality content are usually the influencers/KOLs featured in it, even more so when they are able to immerse their audience to their story. This is probably why I observed how most recent successful content creators like Ryan Trahan remain relevant by turning his everyday life into engaging stories which achieves two things: it entertains viewers and lets them become more familiar with the content creator to build credibility. Perhaps brands can also take advantage of this trend as they personify their brand identity when producing in-house content!
@anirbanpatra3017 Месяц назад
No. Stop doing these.
@shanebellare Месяц назад
Hi! Thank you for your feedback! Stop doing what exactly? :)
@rosstin23 Месяц назад
Hey man, fellow Filipino here. Love the vid!!
@shanebellare Месяц назад
Salamat bro! Appreciate the support ! Please don’t forget to like and subscribe as it allows us to make more reviews like this one. We need more Pinoys to review bags and EDC! :)
@miaescobedo2500 Месяц назад
I love the blue and orange color. This is the perfect size for me I want to start carrying less and I like how it sits flat on the body
@shanebellare Месяц назад
The size is perfect ! Thank you for watching and please don’t forget to like and subscribe! Currently planning for a comparison video for the regular Elements Tech Case vs this one!
@zorbyss Месяц назад
does it stand on its own?
@shanebellare Месяц назад
Thank you for your question! It doesn’t stand as easily as the regular sized Alpaka Elements Tech Case because of its extra middle compartment, which makes it stand on its own. I did a quick demo before the end of the video to compare the two tech pouches. Hope this helps and please don’t forget to like and subscribe as it allows to make more reviews like one. I’m also shooting Alpaka Tech Case comparisons!
@sizzlack095 Месяц назад
Hi u think i can fit the Lenovo y700 2023 in there its almost the same Size as Ipad Mini 6 (208.9x129.5x7.6mm / 8.22x5.10x0.30in) but i measured with the Keyboard case i have it would be just more Height instead of 12.9cm ~16cm / 5.10 ~6,29in the lenght is the same as IPad Mini just the Height will be more, its the only Sling pouch i found that is small Compact looks good and has good room just the Height is abit Tricky
@shanebellare Месяц назад
Hi! If you need a bit more height, you can’t go wrong with the regular sized Alpaka Elements Tech Case. The size is just right and you can compress it if you don’t need the extra space. You can check out my channel because I did a review about it last year. Hope this helps and please don’t forget to like and subscribe!
@bctan54 Месяц назад
This 2,5L model is no longer available for order. Anyone knows where to get it! Thanks for sharing!
@shanebellare Месяц назад
hi! where do you live? I know that in Malaysia, there's Boarding Gate and Oribags. In the Philippines, there's Marlim Gear on Lazada and Shopee. You can also join the Alpaka Collectors Group on Facebook and I'm sure there's someone from their end who'll answer your question. facebook.com/groups/367512478195056 Hope this helps and please don't forget to like and subscribe!
@pippip1799 Месяц назад
so does it fit ipad mini or not??
@shanebellare Месяц назад
Hi there, thank you for your question! Yes, an iPad Mini can fit in the main compartment if the case is a bit thick, like if it has a magic keyboard attached. Then if the ipad case is slim, then it can fit the tech sleeve, similar to the Kindle that I demonstrated in the video for EDC loadout (You can check out the timestaps). But if you need a bit more space, I suggest the regular sized Alpaka Tech Case, which I also reviewed here: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-6_i4UiRX9DQ.html Hope this helps! Kindly like and subscribe as it allows us to make more reviews like this one, and so we can reach our goal of 1000 subscribers. I'll be reviewing more Alpaka products soon!
@s1ickrick99 Месяц назад
Pre this is the 5L not the 7L po
@shanebellare Месяц назад
Thank you for your comment! But when I bought this at travel club last year, the 7L was for the iPad , while the 9L was for MacBook airs. Maybe they changed the sizing recently? The same 7L sling for 11 inch iPads was featured on other channels like The Perfect Bag , Alpha Artisan and Marlon King :)