New Media Productions
New Media Productions
New Media Productions

Terence McKenna on Science
5 лет назад
Something To Hold On To - A Poem
5 лет назад
Terence McKenna on Carl Jung
5 лет назад
Earth Disoriented - Cinemagraph
6 лет назад
Cosmic Eye - Cinemagraph
6 лет назад
@HenriettaKerr-g1u 11 дней назад
Thomas Shirley Lee Steven Miller Jose
@yoyomayn9844 12 дней назад
"I was fisting"
@timothyc490 25 дней назад
“I’m not sure…” 😂
@RWMHUBBARD Месяц назад
1990s Esalen...?
@timyoung8935 Месяц назад
Dead since 1973- Worship him you fawning fools.
@Sundog1966-s4u Месяц назад
This was like Indica vs. Sativa.
@Zepimp 2 месяца назад
the catting sat on the matting
@chadgun4135 2 месяца назад
Alcohol destroyed this man
@Pangloss6413 2 месяца назад
Unfortunately these days, people go and create their own road show and nine times out of four, they stick to the exact same bullshit moorings as the average cable news network, or worse, just using it as a platform to be the bully they were too afraid to be in middle school
@MorpheusDelta 2 месяца назад
27:00 - AI predictions 29:00 - Fantasy 2: all organisms think its human
@sunilrezmi 2 месяца назад
It is the voice of the universe but these days every American and indian monkey with few bucks on the pocket have started to bark. Alan watts voice is so powerful the rest of America don’t know what it is.
@Abhishekaryandev 2 месяца назад
Wish my ancestors didnt mix with these dirty dravidians even with 30 percent steppe 27 percent west asian 10 percent slavic and 3 percent northern european i still want a complete European white phenotype in my genes coming from high caste north indjan
@vydgjkkmbgdhj8482 4 дня назад
I am aryan saar 😂😂
@VeganWithAraygun 2 месяца назад
Thank you New Media for putting up this recording of Terrence McKenna without subjecting us to insipid distracting music in the background.
@HarappanEnigma2024 2 месяца назад
Mad or Madira is alcohol and is an INDIRECT product use as Madira is made by fermentation of primary product. These increases EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENTAL sensations Soma is related to Moon and Hallucinogens that are essentially DIRECT use of product ( whether mushroom or other plants). These increases INTERNAL SENSUAL EXPERIENCES
@privateprivate1865 3 месяца назад
Am I misjudging thus guy? Because his speech rhythm seems fake. Slow and then normal, then slow then normal?
@HenryEdgeworth-fh4uz 3 месяца назад
It must be painful to be so intelligent
@MO-wu3uv 3 месяца назад
McKenna, the world is indebted to your expansive quest for ethnobotanical knowledge. Rest in power
@Minisynapse 3 месяца назад
Let me tell you as a scholarly psychologist and a neuroscientist: McKenna will be remembered one day as a central psychologist, without him even trying to pursue it officially. He was way beyond his time.
@areckstaune8959 3 месяца назад
The point is our ideas. The cultural lexicon of ideas that we hold, that society holds, hurt us and have been hurting us as a species for a long time. He mentions being able to change ones mind. I think this is the biggest takeaway from this. We have to be able to change our minds if demanded of our integrity. If we cant do this, we are doomed to continue to abuse the earth and each other if not only for some of us out of apathy or ignorance.
@mohammad4110 3 месяца назад
I like the "Society Can F Off" part ✌🏻😂
@user-iksd0713 3 месяца назад
내가 고등학교 때 습득한 과학지식은 우주공간은 원자로 이루어져 있으며 완전유전체 물질수지공간이다 질량보존의 법칙이 기본법칙이다 중력 빅뱅 배경복사 팽창 등 아무것도 일어나지 않으며 원자 자기력으로 움직인다 이것이 암흑 에너지다 자기장이 있는 물질이 회전을 하게 되면 내부의 압력으로 열이 발생하면 지구의 용암 태양의 홍염 코로나 태양풍 흑점과 같은 현상이 일어나고 자기장은 자기장의 가두기로 타고있으며 블랙홀의 중심은 메타물질과 같은 암흑물질이 생기며 폭발은 없으나 폭발하게되면 극지방으로 빠저나간다 그리고 달과 화성에 운석의 충돌 흔적이 많은 것을 보면 자기장의 차이이며 제 역할을 할때는 운석을 밀어내나 역전현상이 생기면 충돌로 이어진다 공룡의 멸종을 부른 운석의 충돌은 자기장이 자전축의 변화로 일어나고 동식물의 진화에서 동물의 진화는 난활의 시작이 진화를 보여준다 동물극과 식물극의 차이로 동물의 진화는 결정된다 공룡의 알은 노출된 것으로 나와 있으며 그러면 털이 있어야 부화를 할수있으나 복원된 공룡이 털이 있는 종류는 하나도 없다 인류의 진화는 유인원에서 시작된 것이 아니라 인 류라는 고유의 종에서 시작된 것이다 유태반류의 높은 지능을 가진것은 유태반류의 특징이며 지구상의 최고의 포식자로 자리매김한 예를 보여준다 인류의 영양상태가 좋아진시기는 녹색 혁명을 맞이 하면서 영양상태가 좋아진 것이다 그리고 식인풍습 근친혼은 근대에도 행해졌으며 이러한 결과는 결과는 달고 살았으며 유골로만 판단하는 것은 오류다 흰머리 스트레스 멜라닌 과산화 수소 이것은 흰머리가 나는 주요 원인이다 그러나 이것은 면역과 효소에 의한 것이며 그러나 인간의 의학은 원인만 알지 과정과 결과는 모른다 면역과 효소가 어떻게 일어나는지 서술하지 못한다 스트레스도 쥐를 통해서 가스와 전기자극으로 스트레스를 주면 모든 자손들은 유전된다 식물이 광합성을 하면 영양분이 대부분 토양에 뿌려진다 뿌리의 ARF7 물질을 제거하면 수분을 감지하지 못한다 이것은 화학 반응과 화학물질의 작용이다 이것도 설명하지 못한다 동식물은 꼬리없는 정자와 꼬리있는 정자로 수정을 하며 어류는 부유성 어류는 성전환을 하며 저서성 어류는 난활때 성이 정해진다 성이 정해질수 빡에 없는 이유가 있다 그러나 답은 서술하지 못한다 양자 역학의 스핀은 전자기파에 의해서 영향을 받으며 중첩과 얽힘에서 얽힘은 반물질이며 전하를 계산할수 있다 입자성과 파동성을 동시에 볼수있는 것이 핵연료 수조의 제어봉의 푸른빛이 나는 현상이다 서양의 불확정성의 원리와 같은 서양의 보이지 않는 미적분의 양자 역학이 아니라 동양의 동양 철학의 무극이 태극이요 태극이 무극이요 란 팔괘에서 시작 되면서 보이는 양자역학 미시적인 양자역학 거시적인 원자 자기력을 보여준다 양자 컴퓨터는 원소와 원리를 알아야 할것이다 일반 컴퓨터도 양자 컴퓨터의 효과를 낼수있다 이것뿐만 아니라 인간이 만든 최고의 폭발물은 원폭이다 과거의 원폭은 우랴늄이 주원료로 사용된 것이라면 현대는 기폭제만 우랴늄이고 주원료는 수소다 이것은 우랴늄 기체 폭탄에는 수류탄 급이다 아르곤 가스가 우랴늄 기체다 여기에 두 종류의 기체를 첨가하면 독특한 반응을 보이는데 수소가 소진할때까지 반응한다 그러나 기체와 반응은 서술하지 않는다 초전도체라는 이론이 나온지 백년이 넘어도 물리적특성도 개념도 모른다 오비탈이 0이고 0이고 0이다 이를 수용하는 물질이 우랴늄염이 있다 프라즈마 초전도체 우랴늄염 지구의 내핵 용암 자기장이 같은 현상이다 이 현상은 모든 결합과 반응을 통칭한다 그러나 설명하지 않는다 글자가 열자다 한 나라의 국방은 항공모함에 달려있다 이 항공모함의 제일 큰 비중은 캐타펄트이며 수증기식이나 전자식이나 문제가 많다 제일 적은 비용으로 할수있는 방법이 폭약식과 유압식이다 그리고 추진기의 기술은 보여주지도 않는다 그 이유는 추진기를 보면 음파를 알수있다 그러나 추진기의 조와저항을 감소시켜 음파를 줄일수 있다 이것도 제대로 된 반잠수정에는 무용지물이다 이 같은 자료가 5년 동안 얼마나 남의 손에 들어 갔는지 모른다
@orpheusness2422 3 месяца назад
9:42 unexpected reference to ‘fisting’
@anned372 2 месяца назад
Yes I cringed too
@tolifeandlearning3919 3 месяца назад
Great talk.
@gonnfishy2987 4 месяца назад
Enjoying this immensely. It offers me an overlay to help visualise and develop my thoughts on recent experience. Terence's words have a way of offering me an opportunity to expand my awarness...
@smilenbekyarov6682 4 месяца назад
wew terens let smilen fiw iu in on wot somъ woz end iz endles it iz wot da hendfuw av kenibals kow insest heving nating wid hinduizam bъt wid bъwgъriъ-bulgaria end praktising it on deili beisis iet forbiding it tu da ded grey mesis ez da forbidan frut panishabal wid ded end iet ivъn dei ar not keipable to fiil it tu da fulest tenks to da limit dei impouzd tu demsewvs if iu kenot shear dъ tru self wid животъ den hu iz iu wot iz iu jast anadar brik in ior own prizan naw get it wot soma iz haiding bihaind ior own worst enemi preing hi dont turn round koz if hi do nothing ken seiv iu from hiz reidj end it must bi sou adarwaiz if hi dont meik kъmplit tъrn iu widaut hiz help will ireiz iorsewvs mei put end tu ow hiz lukъlaiks just for dъ seik ъv argiument eint it hъleriъs how inposibъw iz life tu bi krieitid end how efъrtles wud bi tu bi endid its wъrt pondъring ъpon koz its piuar hel if iu ask смилен wot dis tu silъbъws signifai tu bi or not so terens mistar macho man end ow laik iu det oweiz kreivd for da kuik fix are iu redi or iu hev biin jast blowing stiim koz if iu konsidar lъif ez jast a sik geim den sik geim iu'll risiiiv daz dis ensar fit da soma biw 🤫💀☠👿🤘
@guyanaspectator8948 4 месяца назад
This is purely a guess!! Nothing else!!
@christophersmith49 5 месяцев назад
So in 1880 we had satwlite inages already. Nice try. Whoever paiged this i want to aee the aoruce of all this data that was likely acubbled on some piece of paers in only some areas. Nice try
@Altahax 5 месяцев назад
I agree with a lot about what Terence has to say in general, but when it comes to meditation he will say things like "yeah things are happening, I get it, I'm in this altered state and I might get some realisations and deep relaxations" which in all honestly kinda angers me or makes me want him to fully explore true meditation, achieve true clarity besides walking that very chaotic psychedelic path into that spiritual space. What triggers this hint of anger in me is that he was a highly respected spiritual teacher (not without reason, like I said I agree with of the things he says) I think the anger from me stems from that he seems to mostly only accept the psychedelic path and seems kind of oblivious (oblivious in the sense of a lack of personal experience) to the non-psychedelic, more esoteric path towards exploring and achieving higher forms of consciousness. I am not against taking the psychedelic way as an opening/entrance/taste of what is to come, personally I have stopped taking psychedelics now, even weed. I truly think Terence took the spiritual shortcut a bit too many times to be able to fully get submerged in a true almost gnostic kind of consciousness where there is no looker looking out at the world, there is no barrier between the surroundings and "you. This is similar to the feeling you get where you feel or as if it all collapses into this true one-ness where you are at one with everything, a non-dual way of experience. This way of experience that I'm talking about is no philosophy or idea, its a felt experience or a very apparent shirt in your whole experience of the experience which is just pure awareness. Things just seem to be an everlasting wonderful flux that we are somehow aware of is happening, but our view of this flux is so clouded by emotions, trauma, thoughts, even good things like making friends, connecting, falling in love, they kind of pull you from that core truth (this is only what I believe is the truth it doesn't mean it is the truth and it probably isn't the truth, not the full truth anyways). What I believe is that you basically do not exists, or the idea of "you" are just built up ideas or thought that has over time constructed into what you call yourself "you", but you still have a body and you can still move around, you can still think (I'm contradicting myself here by saying there is a you but I'm trying to not overcomplicate things). Back to Terence, he seemed clouded by psychedelics but at the same time enlightened by them, and I think he is was good teacher as long as you chew your food before you swallow.
@andrewparan4251 4 месяца назад
@obdeisibcirrus993 3 месяца назад
He was extremely well versed in hermeticism, alchemy, many strands of philosophical thought, spent time looking into Buddhism and Hinduism, and did his fare share of esoteric practices including meditation, invocations and ceremonial magic but when he discovered the “real deal” he never looked back. I understand his position on this. I’ve done deep hours long meditations, done mantras, and prayers and breathing techniques. All of which are very effective and I love them and utilize them to this day. But what they are effective at is but a gnat in comparison to the blue whale of consciousness that is the psychedelic experience. Shortcuts aren’t bad if they are done with adequate prior knowledge and preparation. One could even argue that shortcuts are better (I know people have argued the opposite). But on the other hand Terence was very aware that it may work better for others, and he only shared his thoughts on the topics he spoke about. While being zealous about psychedelics he remain humble and understands that he is a grain of sand alongside many others and his word is not gospel. He was against Gurus and “lineages” and priestly classes that were the allotted groups to be allowed entrance into those realms and for that I commend him. Also keep in mine before he got into all that stuff and developed wild ideas he was extremely skeptical and rationalistic. His initial position was to attempt everything and if it didn’t work for him to try something else. I think issues arise when they treat Terence like a “spiritual master” or Guru or something like that. Terence was very not pleased with this line of thought and I deeply respect his no bullshit method.
@2020sheryl 6 месяцев назад
Profound! Really need to look at what’s using me. Never been quite willing to let go of looking good.
@BroddeB 6 месяцев назад
Platitudes with a pleasant voice.
@wavestation999 4 месяца назад
Please provide a better argument than him
@BroddeB 4 месяца назад
​@@wavestation999 What argument? If there was one, it must have been well hidden in all the deepities.
@PeterAnderson-qo9rk 6 месяцев назад
So in full sum the theory of relativity. What a coat tail rider
@Xaxtarr_Neonraven 6 месяцев назад
Science and holistic gestalt aren't in conflict but are shifting perspectives; yet when we impose upon humanity one view to the exclusion of the other, we create an irreconcilable conflict. We are living today in such a conflict. The survival of man will depend upon our integration of these concepts into a unity of thought that allows for a balance between freedom and control; some might say a freedom from control, rather, a freedom from the limitations of control, a freedom from the boxes of our own mind, a recognition that we are the boxes of our own construct, wherein we have trapped ourselves into an existential crisis.
@Archetype73 6 месяцев назад
It was not a mushroom. In the Ninth Mandal of the Rig Veda it is described as ''pressed out of stalks"......it was a creeper plant of some kind. Not a mushroom...
@WallaceSpirit 8 дней назад
You can make a drink using psilocybins... tea would have been easy to prepare... yet maybe it is more similar to ayahuasca where 2 plants come together ❤
@JulieBoerst 6 месяцев назад
@BuddyHollyTexas 7 месяцев назад
They literally described the Orthodox Christian Church. The monastic life and driven convert life is exactly that. Without the drugs, orgies, and demonic influence.
@Eyeamthewitness 7 месяцев назад
Sooooooo what should we do?
@MasoodKhan-so9hv 7 месяцев назад
It’s pronounced Esalen Institute. It’s connected to the Brave New World Agenda the likes of people like Aldous Huskly. The Brave New World cast system is literally the social system that came out of the Macys conference which is Jewish and the social system theory was heavily promoted Via the Esalen institute which Joe Rogan takes trips to. Social system is the Brave New World cast
@MasoodKhan-so9hv 7 месяцев назад
So the drug policy alliance was created by George Soros. You think Alex Jones would have a problem with that?
@MasoodKhan-so9hv 7 месяцев назад
MAPS was doing a lot of DMT studies, Rogan always about DMT illegal drugs. All the studies Joe Rogan References it is from MAPs or Hefner Research
@MasoodKhan-so9hv 7 месяцев назад
Rick Doblin founder and executive of maps that gets funded by Rockefeller. Maps funds Rogan podcast. I thought Rogan was against the establishment🤡
@MasoodKhan-so9hv 7 месяцев назад
Joe Rogan your a hypocrite you told Firas that you don’t believe in woo because it’s against logic but here your promoting this nonsense
@Jacob-og9pz 7 месяцев назад
How wrong he was, psychedelics are the trade off of the lucid states
@Doyoubeyoubereal 7 месяцев назад
@giantrenovationconstructio2286 7 месяцев назад
This realistic man/soul/ energy gave me freedom, a relief of this world's socialism and control. The BEST life changing experience starts now. Thanks Mr. Allan Watts 🙌 RIP
@artistetri9 7 месяцев назад
They wanna letoff but I let go, go what what!
@michaelpaoneofficial 7 месяцев назад
God I wish someone showed me this when I was 22.
@makiisbro1129 8 месяцев назад
Very eye opening
@iBrummski 8 месяцев назад
Joseph Campbell is my spirit animal
@RG-un2vl 8 месяцев назад
Soma does not come from Soma🙄.The description of the plant is a shrub.
@TheMidnightTokers 8 месяцев назад