@SeekGrace Месяц назад
Dude crashes every 5 seconds.
@charlie1234500 3 месяца назад
@musicalastronaut7011 3 месяца назад
This dude has horrible gaming skills
@Lindseythemii 5 месяцев назад
such a shame he chose not to play more Motorstorm games
@marquissheats9639 5 месяцев назад
34:00 lol come on!!!!!
@TiffanyStarrxxx 8 месяцев назад
FYI if you make a TIHYDP video bw sure to add the funny comments people leave because that's half the appeal of these videos. Leaving those out is lame.
@CrashOverdrive789 8 месяцев назад
You are right, this was beyond my skills back when I uploaded this vid. Hope you get some enjoyment out of it despite that. Thx for your comment 🐱
@TiffanyStarrxxx 8 месяцев назад
@@CrashOverdrive789 I did. Thanks for the video. The more of these TIHYDP vids I see the more i can't stand Phil.
@christiancruz7587 11 месяцев назад
I love how nothing is his fault, it’s so entertaining
@christiancruz7587 11 месяцев назад
The laugh at 28:56 is so hilarious, has me wheezing
@benedekstefan352 Год назад
6:45 Position 1¹⁵ Lap 4⁴ To Position 4¹⁵ Lap 4⁴
@samoht_eretiaw9510 Год назад
How he didn’t get a copyright strike for the music is anyone’s guess.
@antennawilde Год назад
Slaughter was for the invasion in Libya, that says it all. Look at Libya now. What a nightmare.
@antennawilde Год назад
More CIA regime-change ops causing death and destruction abroad, duping the citizenry with false-info, and generating more hatred towards the US, ultimately making us less safe. As of this moment, it's still going on in Syria... how many billions the taxpayers have lost to this ongoing catastrophe will be classified for at least another decade.
@AutoArtemAuto Год назад
@saeedasayed5048 Год назад
14:40 was pure gold 😭😭
@afkass4965 Год назад
@user-xj4zq5dd4c 2 года назад
Apparently, this topic is a barometer that indicates who is controlled opposition, finally.
@dantrizz 2 года назад
Are there only negative comments towards Chomsky in this comment section? Usually on videos like this there are a mix of people arguing back and forth (pointlessly I should add as well), but here it appears to be anti-chomsky central with repost the other way.
@neverforever4787 2 года назад
43:20 for the roast of a lifetime
@peterkerruish8136 2 года назад
Chris Hedges has I believe has deliberately lowered his voice to dissuade elderly people like myself from listening to this debate(because we can't hear him).Dinesh + Lady are clearly audible.... Chris I've been a heavy duty follower of you but you should off slept thru the alarm + not showed up for this "Debate"..
@amirfowad365 2 года назад
Dinesh Should be hiding in the bushes to lick his wounds.that should be enough for you if you have any sense of dignity.people with no background of history will buy your mumbo jumbo.
@user-ju7ze9to4k 2 года назад
Jeez, first of all, the moderator is CLEARLY biased and grossly puts her thumb on the scale at every opportunity. Hedges- apparently the plagiarist- consistently spoke in bad faith, slandering the motives of his opponent, and even accusing him of white supremacy. This is a sickening foreshadowing of the horrible denunciation culture we live in now which has become almost unbearable (and, no, I’m not white). I can see there are a awful lot of CH fanboys and girls commenting, but they are clearly not in the least fair minded. CH is smart, but he and Chomsky and their ilk are destroying our civilization with their smears on the western character. Dsousa should not have stood for that crap. When insinuates that I am racist, I tell them where the hell to go.
@shanedwood 2 года назад
Truth vs fantasy
@algernonsidney8746 2 года назад
All most every point that D'Souza made was false and when Chris Hedges pointed them out D'Souza avoided making direct responses. Falsehoods stated by D'Souza include: Obama was rolling back the US presence in the Middle East Obama was scheming to reduce US energy consumption Obama was redistributing the wealth downward in the US Obama was transferring wealth from the US to the third world( the opposite was the case) Obama has forced down various special interest groups( ignoring the fact that his cabinet appointees were picked on the advice of Wall Street lobbyists) A United States of Islam was forming Obama was sympathetic to Islamist terrorism Obama was an anti colonial socialist( In fact Obama supported "free trade" deal such as NAFTA and TPP which enforce patent monopolies worldwide as well as subsidizing the worldwide operations of private American conglomerates) The US was not at the time an empire and did not loot Iraqi oil( the exact opposite was the case, in addition the US also imposed American patent monopolies on Iraq and confiscated other state assets, they imposed a puppet government on Iraq before having elections. This government approved of all this looting so that future governments would have to pay compensation before paying it back). There was a "Free Market".
@tonywords6713 2 года назад
Fucking BRUTAL takedown
@c0d3n4me_rev 3 года назад
Being someone who is very competitive in all of the motorstorm games. Can you blame me for wanting to take the controller out of his hands and doing for him?
@njappboy 3 года назад
Chomsky acts so naive and his dishonesty is almost palatable. He completely side steps the question and answers nothing. Instead he uses it to promote more propaganda from the deep state.
@Soildus 3 года назад
He says "trust the science" or "trust the experts" me literally laughing out loud in 2021.
@HamCubes 3 года назад
This is rich! 🤣 The MJ song lyrics are too perfect to accompany the insurmountable challenges that only Phil faces riding the motorcycle!!! ~In Cahhs~ ... ~Cahhs~ 😁🤣
@quantumdecoherence1289 3 года назад
Dinesh is a disgusting little thing who has no knowledge of US foreign policy or political history. His right wing fascist agenda is dangerous territory for this country, the democracy of which has already been hollowed out. For all the idiots who are claiming he was somehow correct in his predictions, a casual perusal of the facts will show you how precarious our situation is due to neocon support of the oligarchs who are the architects of the imperial endless wars and neoliberal economic policies that have decimated the middle class. Yet pieces of shit like this are trying to smear people like Obama, who is a staunch capitalist, by calling him a communist. Obama had many problems and I'm no fan of his like Hedges, but to call him a socialist is a complete joke.
@WaleedHiggins 3 года назад
The NSA had been eavesdropping on bin Laden's satellite phone since 1996 and, after the 1998 US embassy bombings, they started monitoring al-Qaeda's "communications hub" in the Yemeni capital Sana'a. In late December 1999, NSA operatives informed the CIA that veteran jihadists Nawaf al-Hazmi and Khalid al-Mihdhar were to attend an al-Qaeda meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The two men arrived in LA - via Kuala Lumpur and Bangkok - in January 2000 and, with some assistance, both were housed in San Diego, California and enrolled at a local flight school. The two Saudis "spoke little English", performed poorly and would later serve as "muscle" hijackers aboard American 77. Ziad Jarrah, the jihadi pilot of a delayed United Flight 93, left Beirut for Hamburg, Germany barely a week before Israel's brutal "Grapes of Wrath" invasion of Lebanon. Radicalized in Germany, Jarrah was detained at Dubai Airport in late January 2000 after meeting bin Laden in Afghanistan. When contacted, the CIA reportedly instructed UAE security officials, "Let him go, we'll track him." (Summers, 370)…. See my book for more, amzn.to/3pCydHj
@BanjoLuke1 3 года назад
This man is clever. He writes beautifully. He does not claim expertise beyond his field. I know people who until they adopted 9/11 conspiracies claimed no expertise in Civil Engineering. Now they know everything. I know people who, before they decided the Visoko pyramids (don't ask) were real, never spoke of geology. Now they are passionate geologists... It may be a coincidence, but none of these self-professed boffins can read a map, change a bicycle tyre or wire a domestic plug. They can all spell Google. It is a little sad ...
@Sluzbo80 3 года назад
Search James Corbett dancing israelis
@zico739 3 года назад
Still hilarious and great. Chomsky gives these truther losers no time.
@Sluzbo80 3 года назад
Search James Corbett dancing israelis
@rmgrmg2488 2 года назад
@patrickmorrissey3084 3 года назад
Lmao at all the leftists crying because they didn't get the answer they wanted.
@GuyOnTheInternet53 3 года назад
*plays for 30 minutes* "IVE BEEN TRYING FOR 2 HOURS"
@thegamerman1097 3 года назад
“My car overheat’s again” well your constantly using nitro to catch up that’s what making your car overheats
@FlamingGnats 3 года назад
He clearly sucks at racing games (which is fine, so do I), yet he keeps playing them and making the same complaints year after year.
@shawna4309 2 года назад
*all games
@randytyson7262 3 года назад
7:30 in, Hedges is already full of sh*t. Absolute bullsh*t. You can spin whatever you want, D'Souza did research. And he goes by Obama's own words and actions. 17:30, Hedges goes off-topic again. Totally not what D'Souza was talking about. Then he turns right around and backs up what D'Souza said about Obama not caring about domestic issues. 30:02 "Obama doesn't do the shakedown thing." Not directly, but he sure incited the hell out of it. Hedges is obviously a typical white SJW who gets an egotistical rise out of a "savior" complex, but he obviously can't address the race issue here. Hedges is obviously a socialist, and about 39:00 he goes off on a couple of corporate elitist entities (Bank of America, I agree, needs to go down), but why does every socialist scream "The rich need to pay their share!" when, as D'Souza points out, almost 50% of Americans actually make a profit off the tax system, while the top 1% of earners pay 50% of all taxes collected, and the top 10% pay about 80+% of all taxes collected. Was Obama serving these corporate elites? Yes. But he was serving them in enacting socialist and fascist policies. 40:00 Oohhh, Hegdes is friends with Jeremiah Wright? THAT explains a lot. 43:15 Theerrre it is - Had to fall back on Chapter One of the "Lib Arguments For Dummies 101" coloring book and resort to the tried-&-true "Racist!" standby.
@randytyson7262 3 года назад
Anyone who wrote for the NY Times, is an executive with Common Dreams, and gets quoted by Salon has to be a propagandist.
@ramonalejandrosuare 3 года назад
Well, it seems as if this woman is properly named Slaughter. It could've been otherwise but Warcriminal isn't a surname.
@jacksonk.fozzbodie213 3 года назад
Hedges is full of himself. Arrogant, ignorant, and elitist.
@nohbuddy1 3 года назад
Hedges is elitist? Lmfao. Read his work sometime
@jacksonk.fozzbodie213 3 года назад
Obama was failure 😨. He divided the country, weaponized our govermental institutions and spied on a rival presidential campaign
@nohbuddy1 3 года назад
Obama wasn't the one who lied about where he was born. He wasn't the one who undermined and blocked any potential legislation and judge appointee
@jacksonk.fozzbodie213 3 года назад
@@nohbuddy1 McConnell is the one that blocked the SCJ and he did it using the rules that democrats set up. Trump did question Obama’s birth place but that is a far cry from what Obama did.
@nohbuddy1 3 года назад
@@jacksonk.fozzbodie213 Dems set up those rules because...they were getting blocked by republicans. Republicans never denounced the racist garbage Obama dealt with.
@jacksonk.fozzbodie213 3 года назад
@@nohbuddy1 LOL. What racist garbage? Obama was treated with kid gloves his whole presidency. McConnell works within the rules. You cannot deny that. Democrats change the rules when they don’t get what they want. They lose wlectoral college and want to change it, they lose Supteme Court Justices and want to pack the court and on and on. You racism excuse is laughable. Obama failed becuse he sucked ass.
@jacksonk.fozzbodie213 3 года назад
@UC5z5IEhi9Lqz0PlnkOIxhsg hahaha. Constsnt birtherism? haha is that all you have? Using Barrack’s own name is anti Muslim???? Please tell me that is not all you have. Trump got 1000x more bigotry and hatred pointed his way! Obama was treated like a soft kitten and NEVER held to accout. I’ll quote lefty Jake Tapper - Obama lied about a great many things and was never held accountable. Of course he said that AFTER Obama left office.
@qwertyuiopzxcvbnm9890 3 года назад
Slaughter is only having Slaughter in her mind and spews a lot of nonsense
@MisterSpinalzo 3 года назад
no post nasal drip 7 years ago huh
@boozypixels 3 года назад
He can barely even make it to the start of the mission
@mooganify 4 года назад
Every driving game I've ever played used a trigger button and I've never had an issue, lmao, Phil, go to the gym.
@boleslawthegreat 4 года назад
It took my over 10 years of fascination by Noam Chomsky to eventually figure him out. Chomsky is a controlled opposition figure who was able to stay in the institutions and thrive while helping to cover up the JFK and 9/11 coups.
@Ocelot35 4 года назад
He really just needed to go slower. He makes it up to third on the last lap, and decides to boost non-stop into absolute carnage XD
@Ocelot35 4 года назад
Seemed like the AI was letting him win on that first run. I'm pretty sure this is like the tutorial race, right? XD
@allisnotwhatitseems. 4 года назад
Inside job. Period.
@michaelcorcoran8768 4 года назад
What a shit answer
@mikec6733 4 года назад
Dinesh timed his getaway. Right as Chris really laid a harsh personal questioning on to Dinesh, it's like "Dinesh had to leave..."