Discovery Future
Discovery Future
Discovery Future
Discovery Future covers recent scientific and archaeological discoveries. Join us as we explore in detail these fascinating topics.
@theitinerantdave4491 11 минут назад
Not larger, not more extensive. Hype about archaeology always looks dumb. Just present it for what it is instead of making comparisons. Especially when the comparison is incorrect.
@freethinker3716 21 минуту назад
I thought lymes disease was man made
@danbunge9787 4 часа назад
My distant relatives were from Pompeii according to multiple dna tests. Apparently some were survivers.
@DiscoveryFuture 3 часа назад
Wow. That's cool!
@KelvinRees-k6v 7 часов назад
They are very secretive and paranoid in china
@Fuzzmo147 20 часов назад
How would you not suspect something was wrong… shaking earth… dust etc…Most never fled… it was FAST…Flash fast These people were spoiled, used to a good life because it was a ‘ holiday’ town, think Benidorm etc, Prob sex drugs & money to be made….. never the less advanced ( in ways) Some things never change
@HepCatJack День назад
Its purpose was obviously to contain the Chinese Terracotta army in the afterlife.
@BuddhaDhammaMonk День назад
@Atlasvstheworld День назад
Your mic is peaking, you should fix it. Otherwise good video
@rakelscada5576 День назад
First time to hear this. I wonder why differing sizes. Some looks like giants in comparison with the others.
@bubblesbabe1121 День назад
@heru-deshet359 День назад
Why is the public being told about this now?
@MrsBrit1 2 дня назад
How are earthquakes a surprise or new information here?? OF COURSE there would have been a major series of earthquakes!! I thought there must've been actual new information.
@DoloresJNurss 2 дня назад
The new information, apparently, is that people died in the earthquakes. Not all earthquakes are fatal.
Esas son armas un palo de me medio metro por 7 centimetros de diámetro una soga de medio metro amarras la soga al palo y la otro punta a la piedra el dibujo es ls guia para amarrar la piedra y no se suelte. Hay otras piedras con un hoyo en medio y son para lo mismo un golpe de esos te parte el craneo
@holgermessner851 2 дня назад
Worst video about Ötzi I have seen so far.
@BabsCurran 2 дня назад
This voice over awful to listen to.
@keikairin2038 2 дня назад
I hate to sound morbid...but it sounds like a civilization of Eblan peoples who were being persecuted during the Sumerian Overpopulation by other cultures that moved through and took over the region. They were peace loving peoples, pushed around a lot. In Ur, there was a group of these peoples....who basically just committed suicide and gave up when their ruler (who took care of and fed them) died. They didn't want to starve or be slaves of invading cultures around them. They were being denied resources and support and they didn't want to become part of the migration problem in the area. They didn't have it in them to attack other peoples. It is said 'most went peacefully'. But its possible too their conquerors just culled them in racism....and they weren't given a choice. The Mesopotamian Flood myth states that Uruk was flooded and they attacked a fertility temple there. That means children, young women (fertility priestesses) and the men who worked around the city drowned in the flood. Perhaps this was signs of that burial. We know in 1700BC there was a flood event in the Mediterranean (Thera Volcano) and in 1200 BC there was a mass migration event across the region due to the "Trojan Wars". In 500BC Persia was attacking Asia Minor. So probably these folks had had enough by then. Maybe these Cyprus folks gave up too....or this was a memorial to the folks they lost and the home they were intending to leave for greener pastures elsewhere.
@klyanadkmorr 2 дня назад
Before really knowing much about Otzi and tattoos years back, I got out of the hospital and got tattoos over the regions of my body where I had surgery as a reminder totem protection self healing.
@Traderjoe 2 дня назад
They were probably experiencing many warnings of something about to happen for months before it actually happened. Earthquakes, smoke on the mountain, rumblings and mud flows as well as smells from gasses escaping and coming down to their level. They just did not really know what it all meant. But they probably suspected something was really weird going on that made people uneasy.
@carolcamp4828 2 дня назад
For some reason YT is not allowing me to post an original comment. I just wanted to state that there is an absolute connection between earthquakes & volcanic eruptions. They are all part of the earths tectonic plate system.
@DoloresJNurss 2 дня назад
According to accounts from survivors (some left right before the eruption, for business or other reasons) Pompeii had held a festival in honor of Vulcan, the deity of volcanoes and earthquakes, right before all this. Apparently they attributed the preliminary tremors and smoke plumes to Vulcan partying, being pleased with their offerings.
@Yogagirl9935 18 часов назад
They’ve recovered a lot of bodies already, but yet these are the first that showed signs of dying from an earthquake?!
@DoloresJNurss 17 часов назад
@@Yogagirl9935 The first recognized as earthquake victims, probably. People often dig stuff up from the past and have no idea what they're looking at at first.
@MrBBub 3 дня назад
So dying from an earthquake is is a "worse fate" than being cooked by a volcanic eruption? Sounds like an electrician vs shark scenario. But seriously, interesting historical work.
@fredalwatkins4506 12 часов назад
What if the building collapse didn't kill you but you were stuck under debris waiting for the hot stuff to burn you
@AG-GA 3 дня назад
It's Nice . and you are so brave to put this puppet tag-linked with the Mighty AMRY ... bring this in front of the ISO standarized Hi-tech Terracotta Army . Made In CHIN(Qin) Since 221 BCE . The First Emporer will talk to you in person.
@Peachy08 3 дня назад
All that work to uncover all this, just to have the volcano erupt again and bury it again.
@virgiljjacas1229 3 дня назад
Please, don't start with the story about the area !!! Go to the FACTS !!!
@robertorr148 3 дня назад
Not saying You Are Wrong but at 2:40 you said person died from a large wall fragment, well wouldn’t that still have been on that person when said person was found?
@gamingchinchilla7323 3 дня назад
it was probably removed before they found the body and they opted not to put it back
@mcapps1 3 дня назад
I think the volcano's pyroclastic Flow is yes literally what killed them all.
@snarky4lyfe144 7 часов назад
actually it was the choking smoke filled with methane and the ash that rained down before the volcano erupted , it was the pre eruption that killed them , they were all dead before any magma was released.
@Nicholas.Tsagkos 3 дня назад
I have a feeling he was the kid of an ancient Thracian man and a Celtic woman.
@WyattRyeSway 4 дня назад
As earthquakes had struck the area for days before the eruption, this isn’t new.
@axerxes3981 4 дня назад
Repetitive and disappointing for such a fascinating place.
@adamakaru2683 4 дня назад
One Cyprus Greek Cyprus not turky.
@nickkoss9384 4 дня назад
Northern part of Cyprus is occupied illegally by the Turks and their inhabitants. There's no republic of Northern Cyprus. The videos has it wrong.
@gersonhay984 4 дня назад
What do you think Happens, when a Volcano goes Off. Aloha Hawaii. I could have told you even more Problems.
@HollyMoore-wo2mh 3 дня назад
Different types of lava flows.
@BornAgainCynic0086 4 дня назад
It's been solved a whils ago, for making rope and even chains for jewelry.
@ioannisantoniadis6719 4 дня назад
They are so similar to Hellenic artifacts statuettes and figurines from Cycladic islands made earlier 5.000 Bc.
@debralittle1341 4 дня назад
There's a mistake on your title. The terra Cotta army is in China, not Cyprus.
@angelasalgado5069 5 дней назад
Is China named after him😊?
@AG-GA 3 дня назад
YES. QIN=CHIN 秦 (大秦帝国=The Great Qin Empire) You can find Chinese car BYD Dynasty series Qin is the No1. second Han Dynasty thats why Chinese mostly are call themself Han ...
@WTIM-TV13 5 дней назад
Instead of 1000s there's now millions of people who live in the same area and these volcanoes are waking up again. Good luck and God bless.
@DoloresJNurss 2 дня назад
Fortunately, we now know how to detect likely eruptions before they happen, for instance the recent evacuation of an Icelandic city before an eruption destroyed a large part of it. Zero deaths. We can also map ahead of time where pyroclastic and lahar flows will go. I know because I live in sight of a volcano and I looked it up on a map before settling into my current home. I hope this sets your heart at peace.
@GavTatu 8 часов назад
so vulcan, yes ?
@geodezix 5 дней назад
@ThreeLittleBirds111 5 дней назад
Thank You for a very interesting video,
@nandarajaram7740 5 дней назад
@deepbluehue3 5 дней назад
Yes , the major and continual shakings leading up to the pyroclastic flow were known about . There was actually a strong earthquake 10 years BEFORE the famous eruption that did major damage to Pompeii . Perhaps it was previously only ASSUMED that some people died due to structural damage . ~ Already heavy clay tiles on roofs added to by the weight of falling ash accumulating ... collapsing in .... And people hit by falling debris ( in public and private ) during seismic shakings ... Perhaps only NOW do they have actual proof ... Not so much surprising findings ... But this is an insightful video nonetheless ...
@masonkanterbury3007 5 дней назад
It was slow, uncertain, and then continually worsening, leaving no more time to get away.
@madlenellul3430 5 дней назад
Nice program. Thank-you I’ve subscribed ..🤗
@DiscoveryFuture 5 дней назад
Thank you!
@ezzovonachalm9815 5 дней назад
Spero che archeologi pubblico e il governo mettino quegli enormi affreschi sotto tetto prima che una banale pioggia li slavi completamente ! Essendo quello che sono le organizzazioni che devono proteggere il patrimonio architectonico italiano muovino il deretano prima che tutte queste preziosissime nuove scoperte siano distrutte per sempre.
@anim8torfiddler871 5 дней назад
Ni • co • *_SEE_* •a ... "Nicosía". Not "Knee - Cozy- Ya". But *_Thanks for the highly interesting Post!_* I have a number of relatives from Cyprus; I will have to ask'em if they were aware of this collection.
@kristincostelloe4825 5 дней назад
Fascinating. Love that new information is being unearthed.
@sibhuskyguy 4 дня назад
They recently uncovered a Roman circular grave right under the new headquarters of the library of the archaeological park of Pompeii when they were digging out part of the structure for better air circulation to reduce moisture in the building. The man in the grave's title was Praefectus Autrygonum, which was previously unknown to history. He was also the duumvirate twice in his lifetime.. That was the highest office in Pompeii.
@DulceN 4 часа назад
@@sibhuskyguyThat’s in the documentary.
@peternicholsonu6090 5 дней назад
Visited Jan 1960 as a 13yr old boy. Was totally unprepared for what I saw....blew me away. Cobblestone streets so old they had wheel groves in them. They also carried storm water so at street crossings stone plinths were placed such that carts would straddle but pedestrians could use to cross the road. Love these modern documentaries
@DiscoveryFuture 5 дней назад
Thank you!
@capt.bart.roberts4975 6 дней назад
My dad was a liason officer, with the American Air force in Italy, during WW2. Him and the guy he shared a tent with, used to argue about who got their head under a papier-mache escritoire, when they had an air raid. Of dubious protective use...
@robertfletcher3421 6 дней назад
I feel so sorry for those people, it shows the importance of archaeology and other sciences.
@DiscoveryFuture 6 дней назад
Very true.
@skyedog24 4 дня назад
You mean geology and volcanology. 🤔
@DulceN 4 часа назад
@@skyedog24Archaeologists are uncovering and studying everything found, along with many other scientists.
@TropicLuv 6 дней назад
Thanx! So much to discover here!
@admally9258 6 дней назад
@TerrelThompson 6 дней назад
They have the tech.