Oil Burner
Oil Burner
Oil Burner
I'm a hands on crazy Aussie that likes to build DIY waste oil burners suitable for home and shed heating, Metal melting and furnace applications, heating water and just for general fun and wow factor of the heat and flames that can be produced with waste Vegetable and engine oils when burnt properly. I like to make really Full on hard core burners that melt stuff down faster than most people think possible.

I also show DIY projects with induction motors as Generators and various Home made and backyard engineered low cost projects. Coming up is a series on how to run your vehicle on waste Vegetable oil and the real requirements behind that.
I don't have a regular upload day, I just put vids up whenever I get to film another wacky idea.

I don't like safety Sissys that drone on about crap they have no idea about so I like to take the piss out of them especially with my safety tips. The environmental greenwashed are also getting annoying so I'll soon be giving the a serve too.
Waste Oil Burner Table Top Size
2 года назад
Ryobi Battery Chainsaw  Unboxed Review
2 года назад
@johanharmse5628 3 дня назад
If everyone is doing this there will be massive polution around the world. A total waste of time and energy. Save mother EARTH and stop your stupid ideas. The oil can be recycled by refineries to make gasoline in a much cleaner way. Wonder what it will smell like in the neighberhoods if everyone does this. Third World like.
@yachtsteve 3 дня назад
You can't imagine how frustrating it is to watch 10 minutes of the video and then only to hear that I need a ordinary Australian cigarette lighter to light it. Where the hell would I find one of those here in the US,😅🤣😡
@ShmeegleSon 4 дня назад
Awesome thank you!
@nickulvatten1039 4 дня назад
Hey, this is unrelated but, could I reach 1550° Celsius with a simple drip-feed waste oil burner and forced air blower? I will be using it to melt crucible steel.
@glumpy10 4 дня назад
with enough furl and the right air ration, shouldn't be a problem. You will need a very high temp refactory though.
@nickulvatten1039 4 дня назад
@glumpy10 Thank you very much for the fast reply! Could you help me out a bit more, I'm contemplating the burner design, if I should make it like the classical waste oil burners with a combustion chamber out of an old fire extinguisher or something like that and a tube at the end that leads the flames to the furnace or could I just use a a steel pipe(35mm ID) with my oil drip tube(made of steel also) coming into the main pipe at about 10cm before the end that goes into the furnace(the other end connected to the blower)dripping oil there so it pools and vaporizes when it comes in contact with the hot end of the pipe, so I'm not shooting cold liquid oil directly into the furnace ?
@glumpy10 3 дня назад
@@nickulvatten1039 You can do it either way. Straight in is more efficent and probably slightly hotter. Then again, you make the burner big enough and it probably don't matter. Make the outlet large though so you don't get back pressure for the blower as the air will expand a lot when heated and you don't want high pressure thrust coming out potentialy blowing the metal round. Slower speed air gives it more time to transfer the themal energy into the work piece you are trying to heat up. If you want to do a pipe straingt in which is fine, I would pre heat the furnace area with gas directed into the burner tube just like the oil. Once you have the furnace hot, above about 250C, you can then put the oil in. You will get a little burning as it leaves the pipe but it will mainly vaporise when it hits the hot furnace walls. Make sure you are not blowing direct on the cruicible unless using an outside burner or you will be hitting it with cold air not the flame you want. I would DEFINATELY either have the oil pumped in or pressurise your tank with a couple of PSI. that is all you need, just a very small positive pressure. Believe it or not it's MORE easy to control the flame with the oil pressurised than it is with drip. Also as the oil level depletes or warms up, pumped or pressurised the flow and heat output stays the same and you don't have to adjust it all the time. You can use a pulse pump on a timer. maybe half second on every 2-3 seconds or whatever. If the oil inlet is back near the blower inlet, the oil flow into the furnace will have smoothed out a lot. You may get a little pulsing but not much. At higher flow rates it all but dissappears. From what I have done, I think if you have enough fire which is easy and cheap with an oil burner, you have have it so the flame itself is the refractory or insulation. If the whole Cruicible is totally engulfed with flame rather than like a gas burner just coming from the side, then the flame itself is the refractory keeping the heat in. Normally they say don't have too much flame coming out the top because once it's past the cruicible it's going to waste, that's not all together true if it is keeping any cold air out and there is nothing but flame surroundling the cruicible. I was melting steel pretty easy just brute forcing it like this but also, turn your air down enough so there is flame coming out the top and the flame is right to just before or smoking. The things will run with excess air very well but extra air beyond what's needed for combustion actually cools the flame so don't be concerned it you have a little smoke in this case. It's better rich than lean if you are chasing heat. You will also want to have plenty of oil because if you get up to say 5O KW, you'll be going through it. Will depend on the size of the furnace you make. As I did a vid, even dirt ( Hole in the ground Vid) and the brick furnace got WAAAY hot. I also had no problem melting copper and then steel in open air just blasting it with heat. That's how I figured if you have enough flame, it becomes the refractory itself. If you are putting the flame on the metal you are melting itself, watch you don't create too much thrust which will blow the molten metal around like water. Not good. I am no safety sissy but watch melting iron because it is really touch to overheat and it explodes in showers of sparks. Id wear a crash helmet myself and put a damp towel around my neck so there is no expose skin especialy in that area. Some vids I have seen look pretty dam scary pouring moltern iron. Use a large tube for the air and the oil so as the volume is large but the air speed/ thrust is low as possible. Do a vid and let me know when it's up!
@nickulvatten1039 3 дня назад
@glumpy10 Thank you so much for the in-depth advice, it's priceless in this situation coming from an expert like yourself! My furnace is tiny it's 17.5 cm in diameter and 25cm tall made of 5 white hard firebricks stood vertically in a pentagon pattern. I'm melting only 200 grams of iron in a small crucible and the crucible has a lid on top of it, I don't move the molten steel anywhere, the only thing I need to achieve is to get it fully molten inside the crucible and then let it cool down very slowly inside the furnace in order to form dendritic crystals which result in the beautiful pattern of Wootz or crucible steel. I am aware that a pump or an atomizing system will be way better but I'm on a tight budget also I have free time only until the end of this week to do it pretty much, so I will have to do with a drip-feed. It's crazy how much conflicting advice there is out there on this subject, some people say lean is hotter some say rich is hotter, one guy melting crucible steel uses a shop-vac and wasted oil and swears you need a minimum of 40 liters per second of air consumption to make it work or better yet 60-65, however I'll run it rich as you and another very knowledgeable person told me richer is hotter, also I've had a semi-sucess with a different burner design where the oil was dripping inside the end of the burner also running it very rich tbh it was way too much oil leaking outside of the furnace on the floor but I had a more powerful blower then and also the oil was very thin from an electrical heating radiator, it got nasty hot above 1500+ but my crucible cracked and I also ran out of oil. Your big brick furnace indeed got stupid hot I was watching the video today and was thinking you are losing so much heat from the open top, if you'd had that closed it probably would have turned the whole furnace into a molten puddle as those flames were definitely 1500+. I don't think I'll need many KW's for my small setup but I could be wrong as to reach a higher temeperature you need more fuel and air without a doubt. Another problem I had with a previous burner design that had the oil tube at the end of the burner hanging mid-way in the main pipe and the air was grabbing the oil throwing it at the furnace walls but I was taking a lot of oil to make it work as a weaker flow was making the flame sputter and blow out as there was too large of a interval between the oil drops arriving from the tube and igniting, so I'm thinking of backing up the oil tube in the new burner as I mentioned about 10cm back from the end and letting the oil actually drip inside the main pipe and slowly make its way down the hot pipe hopefully vaporizing, what do you think about this and generally is it better to have the oil pipe closer or farther away from the burner tip? I will definitely let you know how it goes, I can't promise I'll upload it on RU-vid but I'll definitely send you photos and videos if you give me another social media contact info.
@glumpy10 2 дня назад
@@nickulvatten1039 Smaller is harder with Oil but not that it can't be done. As for the Rich/ lean.... The thing is if you add more air than it take to burn all the fuel, and remember you only are using 12% I think it is which is the oxygen, any additional air once al the fuel is burned is doing nothing only cooling the the whole process. The cold air that is not fueling the fire is simply taking away thermal energy and exhausting it out the furnace. You only want enough air ideally to burn all the fuel and that's it. If you have a little less, the excess oil will pull a lot less heat than the air will that's for sure. That's a mistake I see a lot of people make. They think by pre heating the oil it will burn better or hotter or whatever. If In fact they pre heated the air which has a LOT more thermal capacity, they would do a Lot better. As for the oil Injection point, I like it further away from the furnace. Makes the oil flow more steady and if the ait tube is deeper in the furnace, you get flame coming out straight away therefore avoiding cool spots. Good luck with it!
@LesThompson-i3t 5 дней назад
ok, that is interesting. But now tell us how you did it. why the capacitors. let's assume I am attempting to build a generator on a budget I have an engine to drive, an electric motor. Now lets asum I Have a modicum of common séance, & Now I Need a motor To ten into a genarater. Lets say Ideally, The siystom you have just demonstrated will produce . { 240 volts AC Current} & I will need to charge up some batteries from time to time. Let's say a Bank of 4 battery. [ 24 Volt DC or ! 12Volt DC ] from time to time. I am traying to get a genarater to power my house on a budget. & as I only he 4 batteries I cobbled up from the scrap yard. the 4 Batteries & most of the bit's to drive my build. watching your film showed me it can be done. But not the How it can be done . what Do the compacters do talk me throw the build. lets asum i suffer with Dislexcea & cannot read . ? what tip of motor & why will any copastors do Or do the need to be pacific why the secrecy on information . what's delta & all the thing we need to know . with your build we see it work's But to we the laymen it means doddle squat When it coms to the how. & why . Les England .
@littlejln213 8 дней назад
I've done this exactly like you are doing it. I was burning yard waste and I ended up with a huge piece of glass... Google searched and found your video.
@MrLouieVXP 25 дней назад
Now that is a good idea for melting aluminum cans
@justinbrewer2076 27 дней назад
Don’t think much of us Americans huh? lol that’s alright I guess, can’t say I talk of Australians that way, but to each their own. Good content anyway, thanks.
@user-hd7fy5rp3u Месяц назад
Beware of The Safety Sissies!
@UesleiSouza-z9c Месяц назад
Temos que reverenciar 😮
@sirqazu Месяц назад
How about fresh garden waste, roots, garden weed?
@WatchTheThrown Месяц назад
found this useful thank you
@anthonyamamkpa3978 Месяц назад
Let's see the rear. How are the two popes receiving air and oil?
@rigobertoyubano2180 Месяц назад
eso contamina mucho xq solo parte dl aceite se va quemando y el resto humea produciendo un polvillo muy fino q se acumula en el caño tras el uso d 2 o 3 dias ......en sistema con soplador es mucho mejor xq va quemando x goteo d a muy poca cantidad y se produce combustion completa , sin residuos ...
@heilerdelarosa 2 месяца назад
Best regards brother, if you can do a test like the hot air balloon burners that preheat the fuel before the flame comes out 🔥
@jaffasoft8976 2 месяца назад
That'd work well under an old cast iron bath outside in the open.
@luigiprovencher 2 месяца назад
What do you do with the ingots after? Do you have a hard time selling them to scrap yards or otherwise?
@luigiprovencher 2 месяца назад
You sound like the Hot Sauce guy from tiktok.
@l3eaver 2 месяца назад
Are you still around lad !?!
@glumpy10 2 месяца назад
Sometimes! :0)
@SinfulEuphxria 2 месяца назад
​@@glumpy10 Can you do a full video from start to finish building a furnace? I'm interested in making one at home, and it seems like the only thing I'm missing is how to deliver the oil to the furnace on a budget
@HDXFH 2 месяца назад
Y junction connectors
@adrianmuhlsimmer3445 3 месяца назад
Love the simplicity Thanks for making these videos ;)
@lifeoftraveling8330 3 месяца назад
11kg is 24.251 pounds us scrap prices in my area is .30 cents per pound
@lifeoftraveling8330 3 месяца назад
How fast can it melt a full barrel of aluminum cans and how much would the aluminum weigh after being melted im going to build one just looking for a few old propane tanks and to get a tractor to clear out for the building im going to use to store the burners and scrap in i rent a place and im not allowed to store scrap in the yard unless its in a building out of sight great channel by the way iv been watching for a little over a year now and whats the biggest item youve ever melted in it if you melt any things off camera
@bilalyurt5658 3 месяца назад
Beyzaz renkli çadırın içinden gelen 2 kablo kapasitörleri besliyor mu ? Veya o kablolar ne için kullanıldı
@renobugeja1152 3 месяца назад
You're a. Champ
@rattmice3384 3 месяца назад
Is that a mull plant? growing at the back fence at the 8 minute mark
@dhanrajd 3 месяца назад
@othername1000 4 месяца назад
I'm so glad I watched this. I learned so much about how to melt steel. I'll never get that 8 minutes back
@glumpy10 4 месяца назад
And where did it say " learn how to melt steel" Although if you couldn't work it out from the vid you were never going to figure it out anyway.
@theworldlab2529 Месяц назад
You can easily melt cast iron, steel and other stainless steel. same way just you need car engine burn mobile inject with electric fan. Yeah it is real because long time ago i seen it RU-vid some local Pakistani factory do that.
@user-zy8zr3cg5x 4 месяца назад
سلام و تشکر از این اموزش ولی مشکل اینجاست که دهانه خروجی اتش هرروز اکسید میشود ودر عرض چندین بار کار با ان اهن خروجی اتش تمام میشود وچاره چیست؟
@azadwlat8359 4 месяца назад
Give me this model... How can I make one so that I can benefit from it? What do you advise me?❤
@azadwlat8359 4 месяца назад
My dear brother, I am a huge fan of these inventions and ideas... I live in Syria and the prices of petroleum are very high... I want to make a burner for the stone oven for baking... Can you send me an illustration in order to make one? One is here for me to benefit from, please... Thank you very much
@pauldonaldson3434 4 месяца назад
Mate how much rubbish is left behind in the oil burn chamber after a few hours running please?
@glumpy10 4 месяца назад
None. You can run it all day and the only thing that will be left is some fine powdery ash. Maybe. They self clean and NEVER clog upp which is why I like this design.
@pauldonaldson3434 4 месяца назад
@@glumpy10 thanks man for your reply, I hunted all your videos searching to find how you cleaned out the ash and found nothing ----- and this is why... cheers
@CruzFamilyAdevntures 4 месяца назад
I’m from Texas and I love the shi talking. Little long winded but I like it haha especially ideas for scrap laying around.
@user-yx9jm9sp2y 4 месяца назад
You forgot the enviro - Nazi's , even worse than safety sissies. Best to drizzle in the maximum used oil for best triggering effect 👌
@madmike9530 4 месяца назад
I finished making mine tonight and... holy hell 😮 it was shooting out 6 foot flames and sounded like a jet taking off in my backyard. 😂 I watching your video to maybe learn how to harness its power. Wish me luck.
@EitamChannel 4 месяца назад
are you still alive? this is good
@EricScrapping4Dinidog 5 месяцев назад
You’re the funniest person on RU-vid
@EricScrapping4Dinidog 5 месяцев назад
You’re awesome
@lifeoftraveling8330 5 месяцев назад
Have you ever put a heat reflector like a torpedo heater has on front of the burn chamber just wondered if it would make it put out more heat or not
@canadiangunner0190 5 месяцев назад
I was so excited when you came back two years ago, but didn't expect you to leave again. I hope all is well, and we miss you and your videos!
@glumpy10 3 дня назад
Mate I been trying and written down 25 Vids to do but life has not been kind and motivation to do things has been my biggest hurdle. One day I'll do more, hopefully soon but these days I do a lot with solar and batteries as my interest so I intend to do more with that.
@ogreunderbridge5204 5 месяцев назад
Air supply; Do you know an approx pressure and volume pr minute specs on those fan pumps you use ?
@richyearle007 6 месяцев назад
Well i'll beef hooked..My dog would have jumped the six foot fence.
@Biokemist-o3k 6 месяцев назад
I am talking to you from 9 years in the future and 5 miles away behind blast shields and layers of velcro...Thank you for the pump idea.
@nuclearmantis666 6 месяцев назад
5:51 Bruh what What did expect from a thin iron crucible. Graphite is what u need
@rickstav9024 6 месяцев назад
Awesome build. The safety sissies would wand a 12 foot high chain wire fence around this. I made a couple of weeks ago but used a copper pipe to feed the fuel into the cylindar. Works great
@intractablemaskvpmGy 6 месяцев назад
I have searched and found this to be the most simple, less involved method. I only have to make one hole in the barrel, so I consider this to be appropriate. I'm planning on burning human waste and garbage in a remote area. My primary and only concern is the sparks! Perhaps a spark arrest or can be cobbled together. Is there a purpose for the small hole in the side of the barrel?
@laserfalcon 6 месяцев назад
Have you ever melted out the copper from motors and letting the steel fall out?
@walp86 6 месяцев назад
What a very nice video! Hope you are doing OK! I like your 3-phase induction motor->generator videos as well. More of that please! =) While doing this experiment in Sweden (EU = European Union) we have EU-sockets and EU-plugs, they can while doing this experiment all be rotated 180° to easily change the polarity of each individual electrical apparatus connected to the "power-board". One remark though to everyone, be very-very careful while doing the dangerous high DC-voltage solar-welding-trick, the grass can be wet/moist, and handling the rod without insulation can be lethal if you have the "right" circumstances, i.e wet skin, and/or wet clothes in contact with the skin, touches the area close to the plate. Take care! :)
@jimirk6226 6 месяцев назад
Wow works Great
@jrmorrissey207 6 месяцев назад
Funny to listen to this guy's animated vocal changes over time.