Hey, ex-Google, ex-gamedev.

I code things, mostly game related, sometimes not.
How do Major Video Games Render Grass?
6 месяцев назад
Building a Simple First Person Camera
2 года назад
I made an EVEN BETTER Minecraft
3 года назад
@ImGelling 20 часов назад
Never wanted to un sub from some one sooo fast as when you advertised a learning course for stuff you learned for free. You clearly say you learned this stuff from their presentation, then want to charge for the same information. You stand on shoulders and then charge for it! You are a disgrace.
@lbgonpokeit 22 часа назад
Dude talks like he's always holding in a huge bong rip 😂 Awesome video though bro 😎
@1183newman День назад
Carmack said that making Quake right after Doom was basically a mistake and they should have instead made a new game on an improved version of the DOOM engine with the networking capabilities found in Quake as a stepping stone.
@mickduprez9598 День назад
I've always had just a basic grasp of BSP trees but the deep intuition just wasn't there....until now! I think this proves (to me at least) that I'm a visual learner and I'll be watching this one at least a few more times :) All of your vid's and your courses are very well done, the visuals with explanations and practical examples in layman's/more simple terms are awesome, a great help. I'm mainly a CAD dev and I've already used the info from the spatial hash grid video in one project to great effect, I think BSP's will also help now I understand them better. Thank you!
@Kevin_Zed День назад
Hey Simon I’d be interested in paying money to ask you a question. If you’re interested I’d like if you could join Minnect so that I use one platform. You’d be the first Game Dev on there too.
@amireasy6419 2 дня назад
Are the rays send by the pixels on the screen or its just a virtuell ray that it sends
@SilverWolvesScarletForestSnow 2 дня назад
I'm just not a fan of meshes, I think they make games look too noisy now. With brushes and simple textures you can make a level and it's easy to tell what everything is, where the play area is and differentiate the models to the level. With meshes it makes the world look detailed, but it ends up feeling fake because none of it moves and you cannot interact with it. I'm always wondering "can I go there" or "interact with that" and it's sensory overload.... I can look at Half-Life 2 and honestly say I think it looks better than any modern FPS today. I can tell what I've got to do in that world, where as COD it's like what is the level and what is not? Though I always preferred software rendered Quake to hardware and everyone thought I was an idiot, so what do I know?
@SilverWolvesScarletForestSnow 2 дня назад
Why does everyone say Quake broke new ground when lots of 3D games existed before it.
@simondev758 2 дня назад
It was the difference between just doing something, and doing it extremely well.
@wafi5576 3 дня назад
the plot twist at the end got me. amazing
@jRsqILVOY 3 дня назад
How do you add the water? Is there just a fixed height for sea-level? And man I had so many issues implementing a quadtree for this - like the height gaps between face edges (as they are separate quadtrees) - in the end I just fixed the edges to a specific LOD / quadtree division so they are always equal along the edge.
@philliplam2704 4 дня назад
Jesus man 😂
@CronyxRavage 4 дня назад
Back in my day, what you're calling "imposter", we just called em "sprites" :P
@Shabazza84 4 дня назад
Bro, the average indie dev wold probably need 3 months to get something like this.... Love the way you explain things. And I know... i say this in every video I watch from your channel. You have to deal with it. 😜
@jobansand 4 дня назад
Thank you so, so much for making this so concise, easy to understand and entertaining at the same time. Doing God's work
@UcheEcoma 5 дней назад
Can you provide us a roadmap to achieving god status developer like yourself. Ps I’m self taught
@UcheEcoma 5 дней назад
How do i get this good 🙏
@mattwarbuckle 5 дней назад
I can’t believe you got H Jon Benjamin to do all this!
@bartoszger7478 5 дней назад
minecraft wasnt first developed by mojang, it was by notch alone until mojang baught the game from him
@S.Gamedev-zc2wp 5 дней назад
Oexppabr banite
@ChookyChuck 5 дней назад
This brings back memories' of me being fascinated with the book "Numerical Recipes for (C, Fortran) in the 90's".
@matt47110815 6 дней назад
Quake definitely worjed for me! 😊 HOWEVER, the very last level and Bossfight kept crashing, so in a way i was never able to finish the Game. 🤨
@shapelessed 6 дней назад
There was a time I really wanted to learn 3D graphics and GLSL for some web projects... Then I got smacked in my face by how outdated the WebGL standard is and how there is literally NO documentation on it, due to its age...
@GastricProblemsHaver 6 дней назад
I was wondering about how culling is done without something similar to ray tracing (which would suck), but the idea of a frustrum cleared it up so fast!
@gendalfgray7889 6 дней назад
For cache boost program need to designed in certain way? Using arrays when possible automatically boost performance?
@stmusic2164 7 дней назад
The ONE texture all video game music also needs.
@OREYG 7 дней назад
This biggest cost of GC is that it rids you of an ability to reason about your memory layout, only for a convenience of not having to deal with weak pointers.
@SZvenM 7 дней назад
Great video! Very nicely explained, and truly an unexpectedly fascinating topic. It never even crossed my mind to ask whether there was more to why LODs work. Super interesting stuff.
@0MoTheG 7 дней назад
Let me guess: Precomputed and some form of hierarchical boxing.
@johanmetreus1268 7 дней назад
Anyone who feature Kai is a subscription per default. For His Shadow
@dwanascie228 8 дней назад
My goal as second year game dev student is to be able to follow this tutorial. As clear as it is, it does require some knowledge to follow.
@iancs93 8 дней назад
Hello, Simon. Can you please talk about a subject that I see everybody yapping about without having any idea of what's going on. Everyone asks is 8gb vram is enough for the future, some say 12gb isn't enough. As experienced dev, what's your opinion?
@ltxr9973 8 дней назад
Huh? Sure, that's how a FPS game works but what the hell are you outputting to, a browser? What are you importing? You should really define the libraries and platform you're using at the very beginning. You don't really mention much javascript specific stuff but I really wonder how far you could push it if it all was software rendering done in plain javascript without all the fancy GL stuff.
@vivid8979 8 дней назад
Graphs that even 5 year old can understand? ✅ Explanations that's not overly done? ✅ Really simple visual aids? ✅ Soothing voice that can cure insomnia? ✅ Earned a sub and share... Deym this content is good.
@j7ndominica051 9 дней назад
The coordinates in GTA: San Andreas was a floating point number like most things in the internal script. The world spanned a few thousand units in either direction. But someone made a mod with a boring road on the water to the edge that was at 20,000. When approaching that, every part on the car began visibly shifting. I had the great idea to separate the bumper, the license plate, and the lights, etc., so that they could be later selected and copied. In Age of Empires, the money were floating point numbers off by a significant amount, and it was not possible to find them with a simple cheating tool. Floating point matches our perception of the world where small differences become less important as we have more of the stuff.
@shapeXD 9 дней назад
Minecraft JavaScript edition
@gigijaponezu 9 дней назад
I just unliked the video just to like it again :D. You are so good at explaining! I like listening to you.
@panzerofthelake4460 9 дней назад
can you please do a video about Embark Studios and the finals? They use really stunning rendering methods I rarely seen in any other game.
@coreC.. 9 дней назад
We share a lot, and probably our age is one of them. This BSP video brings back a lot of memories of a time i spent editing maps from others to make the BSP work better. Many (hobby-)mappers did not have an understanding of how PVS could (/should) be implemented efficiently. @19:31 is a moment in the video that they needed to see before starting to build their worlds. ..and their magenta space 4 was huge :)
@oriwittmer 9 дней назад
Are you Madseasonshow?
@v44n7 10 дней назад
Now imagine how much performance we could have if programmers came up with cool solutions like this nowadays.
@TunaFunDev 10 дней назад
Its all great but it wouldnt be imposible to have collision working on these shapes right?
@sergeysmyshlyaev9716 10 дней назад
PVS is interesting, but given how Quake levels are structured, I think those visibility trees could just be done manually, without any specific algorithm to do it automatically.
@it_is_random 10 дней назад
I ma now use react and tailwind for the ui
@TheGalacticIndian 11 дней назад
Hint: would be cool to see a video explaining how DREAD (aka GRIND) managed to create DOOM-class engine running smoothly on Amiga 500 from 1987👌
@TiagoTiagoT 11 дней назад
Studying failures can also be important because sometimes (sorry, I can't remember anything off the top of my head, but it has happened), things that were a bad idea in the past, now can be done efficiently due to evolution of hardware, or because improvements in algorithms that were used as elements of the previously failed techniques.
@stuartsinderbury1862 11 дней назад
I really enjoyed this video, I had to watch it a few times to get my head around "walking the BSPs" but your animations and explanations were on point, it is really amazing to understand what they had to do back then to render 3D environments with such limited hardware power.
@jkadoodle 11 дней назад
If Bob from Bobs Burgers did game design
@InterestingFindings 12 дней назад
A project that's had difficulty implementing performance-gaining occlusion is OpenMW. There's been a few attempts, but none have been successful
@scewps 12 дней назад
Really valuable information, thank you :) Implementing the Conviction method atm. However I'm wondering why you chose to render the points to a screen size render target at 18:48 ? Shouldn't the size of the render target be the amount of objects you want to check or is there something I missed?
@Skyite 12 дней назад
Look at this remind me abt bezier curves is just lines lerping together