Mad About Madeira
Mad About Madeira
Mad About Madeira
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My Big Fat Madeiran Family
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Do NOT Travel To Portugal if...
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MADEIRA - Thank you, Subscribers!
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@coolguy-coffee 14 дней назад
I hear you brother. As 100% Madeirense, I feel our Island is steeped in African culture and ancestral lineage. I sympathise with what the original African inhabitants experienced under Portuguese imperialist conquest and colonial rule.
@REGManre Месяц назад
I recently found out my great great grandfather left madeira in the 1840s to st vincent. He changed his name when he got there made it more angalised. So instead of joao it was john. I read a piece saying there were religious conflicts between the Christians and protestants and loads of maderians left for there opportunity for a better life. I also did a dna test and found i had jewish ancestory but im still learning about ancestory. I also read that when the maderians got to the carribbean there were conflicts with the previous black slaves that lasted for 4 years and a lot left the island and went to st kitts. Reading through the lines my great great grandfather went to st vincent as an indentured slaves on a 2 year contract. I also believe the previous black slaves were envious of the maderians for there industry and wealth building hence the conflict.
@madaboutmadeira9225 Месяц назад
@@REGManre very interesting. Thanks for viewing.
@jessegomes6366 Месяц назад
Wow man thank you SO much! This was great. My paternal grandfather was born in Georgetown Guyana. I am a mix of Portuguese Italian and Irish. But i know very little of my Portuguese side and my last name Gomes is very Portuguese. I dont even know if my grandfather even spoke any of the language or any of that . He passed long before i was born .
@madaboutmadeira9225 Месяц назад
@@jessegomes6366 thank you!
@DaSilvaEmmanuel 2 месяца назад
Click bait. Madeira is never mentioned
@madaboutmadeira9225 Месяц назад
@@DaSilvaEmmanuel actually I think I mentioned it once in the video, but you are right. I intentionally attach madeira's name to the video.
@DaSilvaEmmanuel Месяц назад
@@madaboutmadeira9225 yes the information is amazing tho. It explained how much control Jews had over the Caribbean islands etc. history we were never taught
@jayee2188 3 месяца назад
Comfort and safety is essential. Be where you feel called. 🤍✨
@brandycortez671 5 месяцев назад
Omg was wondering what happen to you making content than this pops up in my newsfeed. Glad to see your still on path.
@anna3046 5 месяцев назад
I'm not sure if you are referring to the recent elections in Portugal but Chega is not a far right party. And the reason they received so many votes was because people are fed up with politicians, political parties and bureaucracy that creates monopolies which in turn create corruption. We have had a a faxist regime (right wing) in the past so we know they are terrible but at the same time, we reject the current closer to marxist socialist regime (another monopoly). Most people don't give a toss about political parties, they just want a government that manages well the admin of the country, trades with everyone and builds a good infrastructure.
@anna3046 5 месяцев назад
Your title is misleading!
@anna3046 5 месяцев назад
The Portuguese ( Portugal was created in 1143) drove out the Moors in 1249. It took the future country of Spain (Spain became a country in 1492) another almost 250 years to expell the Moors from their lands.
@progresso33 6 месяцев назад
So I just watched a vid on another channel I follow and she had a Portuguese lawyer on who addressed a new change in property purchase laws in Portugal. She also gave her professional opinion on a subject you also spoke on regarding whether expats are the main cause for the increase in Rental and Purchase prices that drive locals out of the market. Anyway, it's been a while since we have heard from you and hopefully all is still good in the hood. 💪
@sniper10666 6 месяцев назад
Seriously guys who are watching this , I’m from Madeira born there and moved to Australia in 1971, have lived The Australian life but I still know where my roots come from as do a lot of us that are here, yes we are under Portugal and proud as can be but we do have our own flag which we fly over here on community get togethers, I myself don’t use the n word or the b word to describe people but my friend instead of using people like us or look like me I would have preferred if you used the words dark skinned people. Yes I’m dark skinned now but only cause of The Australian life and the sun we get here, nevevbe afaid of saying that word cause we all have Thebarton same coloured blood and that’ll be er change . Good video as well. Viva Madeira.
@sniper10666 7 месяцев назад
Nothing about Madeira and I mad about it now
@madaboutmadeira9225 7 месяцев назад
Lol... You sure I did not slip Madeira in there somewhere?
@sniper10666 7 месяцев назад
I’ve also traced my surname Figueira back to Hawaii 1575
@sniper10666 7 месяцев назад
You forgot to mention ronaldo is from Madeira and yet the mainland love him,his grandparents lived in Australia for many many years and he was a visitor to Australia while playing his football career ,not many people know this. There are a lot of people from Madeira here in Australia and Portugal and have spread to all corners of the country I was born in Madeira and my parents moved here back in 1970 went back back first time in 2013 after 42 years away from what I still call my home, yes still animosity between mainland and the island answer I found that out last year when I was told I wasn’t Portuguese by a young lady who was born here and had Portuguese background, she was quickly put in her place as to who the Portuguese person was and crawled back into the Rock she came out off.i love both places and conquering parts of the world is what I’m proud of the most as to being slave traders ,well other countries don’t have a good record on that but Portugal always seems to cop the most of it .VIVA MADEIRA
@madaboutmadeira9225 7 месяцев назад
To be sure I understand, you are proud of Portugal conquering and slave trading?
@robinafrica3456 7 месяцев назад
Those islands are the country of Cape Verde 🇨🇻!! Cape Verde was the prototype for Brazil 🇧🇷!! My grandfather is from Cape Verde! I was considering moving to Portugal 🇵🇹 back in 2015 but decided to stay in the U.S., but I’ve revisited the idea over the last 9yrs…. I recently heard about Madeira but my city of choice back in 2015 was in Porto!! I’m also looking into São Paulo or Salvador de Bahia, Brazil…
@Findinghobby 8 месяцев назад
I don't what you all saying I’m originally from Kenya and residing in the USA. I just got back from Madeira shockingly many people were giving me weird looks Madeira also at at Christmas lights downtown a guy was seriously recording I love Madeira but it's not diversified at all!
@madaboutmadeira9225 8 месяцев назад
Was definitely not our experience and we were all over the place. It is certainly not as Diversified as say, Lisbon, but at no point did we feel like people were looking at us nor did we feel uncomfortable.
@PoetClbrown 8 месяцев назад
Brother i really feel you on this. I love Africa and have thought a lot about moving there but haven't decided to for basically the exact reasons you mentioned. I have 2 little kids too and just wouldn't want to raise them in a country thqt isn't fiscally and politically stable. I grewbup in rural Jamaica as well so not fussy but i don't want my kids exposed to certain conditions. Portugal happens to be number 1 on out list of possible countries to move to. Im in South Florida as well. Ft Lauderdale is my back yard too
@madaboutmadeira9225 8 месяцев назад
I certainly understand what you mean, brother. I grew up in rural St. Kitts and spent many years visiting and spending a great deal of time in rural Jamaica (Christiana) and know what it is like to be without creature comforts, but I don't want that for my young child and wife. Like I mentioned, I need a ready made environment for them to make sure certain barriers are not forced in place. Yes, I live up near Coral Springs. You can contact me at Thomianguy@gmail.com if you would like to discuss more about this topic.
@PoetClbrown 8 месяцев назад
Glad i listened to this
@PoetClbrown 8 месяцев назад
My wife and i almost visited Portugal in August. We're both of Jamaican descent. We are still considering Portugal as a permanent relocation. About a year ago Madeira came on my radar. I would probably definitely move there.
@sr2291 9 месяцев назад
Black widows here. I dont open the screen door in my bedroom 8 months out of the year. We do have poisonous snakes but not where I live. The lizards are just cute.
@madaboutmadeira9225 9 месяцев назад
Where do you live?
@sr2291 9 месяцев назад
@@madaboutmadeira9225 New Mexico
@madaboutmadeira9225 9 месяцев назад
@@sr2291 ahh, ok.
@davidmartinspresents 9 месяцев назад
Yes, please keep snakes and other exotic reptiles out of Madeira. You stated precisely why I don't care for Florida; it's the alligators, snakes, bugs, sharks and hurricanes. California has sharks and snakes but not like Florida.
@progresso33 9 месяцев назад
Love listening to you man. You're definitely a gifted storyteller 💪
@madaboutmadeira9225 9 месяцев назад
Why, thank you! That is so appreciated and encouraging.
@luisfilipe534 10 месяцев назад
Real estate speculation by foreigners is making impossible for locals to buy or rent a house
@yasmint6578 10 месяцев назад
I’m a light skinned Arab and I’ve been to Madeira every year since 2018. I have experienced racism every year I have been. I dress and look modern but the racism is not coming from the Madeiran people- they are truly wonderful and happy people- the racism comes from the hotel guests in whichever hotel I stay in. It can be subtle like staring or when taking a pic, people deliberately laughing or tutting or rolling their eyes. Someone once got up in a restaurant in the hotel because they didn’t want to sit near me. Still love the place and the people. It’s just the annoying entitled guests who seem shocked that people of colour can afford to stay in 5. Star hotels!!!
@madaboutmadeira9225 10 месяцев назад
Interesting! We stayed at a really nice hotel up in the hills. My wife and I were the youngest people, by far, as the guests were a bunch of older Northern Europeans. We were also the only black folks there at the time. It felt a bit weird and awkward at first, but I am the type to strike up a conversation. Before we left, we were laughing it up with some of those same guests. Not sure if it was the fact that we were well spoken, carried ourselves with an air of decorum or because I was so geographically sound. People always love to talk about their home countries and when they realize you know quite a bit about their country, they open up a bit more. Anyway, thank you for watching. That is my wife in the thumbnail, by the way.
@PortoAR 10 месяцев назад
Great video. What you describe has happened in St John is exactly what's happened and HAPPENING across Portugal. Algarve, Lisbon and Porto, where I live, are creaking under the strain of property price inflation. My rental budget has 2.5x increased since my move in 2020, and know Lisbon 3x is not uncommon. These prices are OUT OF RANGE for most Europeans, let alone Portuguese, which now ranks below Romania in average net income. (thanks to low salary and increased cost of living) NHR and Golden Visa are relatively small, BUT the impact on pricing, PLUS Airbnb Short-term rentals, which are now being phased out for new license applications, have impacted the market big time. Current landlords have been riding the wave of this boom, on the promise of new economic immigration with much higher incomes. The tap may slowly be turned off. Despite the political turmoil from the Antonio Costa resignation, the 2024 budget has to be approved, and the switch off of the NHR, which affects very few Portuguese, but will grab many positive headlines, is a perceived easy win of 'we're listening'. PS still has the majority in parliament and so unless there is a huge rebellion on policy, the budget should pass. New incentive schemes to encourage SKILLED minds to spear innovation and development are the only way to grow the Portuguese economy. Portugal is struggling to keep the best of their over-worked workforce, and new talent is leaving faster than it can educate new, so there are huge challenges ahead, so let's hope a new coalition government can collaborate on some great new ideas.
@madaboutmadeira9225 10 месяцев назад
Excellent response, Porto. Thank you for watching and you make so much sense.
@pures1n 9 месяцев назад
They honestly just need to not offer the NHR to retirees. Digital nomads should get the incentive though. Retirees just keep spam buying houses and making it more unaffordable. Digital nomads on the other hand are there for a few months of the year in an apartment, working, contributing.
@madaboutmadeira9225 9 месяцев назад
@@pures1n come to think of it, that is a GREAT point!
@scottmacconnell470 10 месяцев назад
Perhaps they should look at where investors are sending profits. Is it reinvested in Portugal or pulled out? that is what really hurts Portugal.
@scottmacconnell470 10 месяцев назад
Another scenario: The retiree does not pay an inflated price for a home but does increase demand somewhat which increases prices somewhat. Upside, the retiree infuses the country with 2 million dollars over the next 20-30 years. This should increase wages barring corruption.
@davidmartinspresents 10 месяцев назад
Hello my friend, since the President of Portugal is allowing the budget to be approved on the 29th of this month, the end of NHR is still part of the budget. Hopefully they will at least make changes to it or postpone the end. Personally, I think this was the easiest course for the government to do something about the housing crisis but I do not think it solves the problem. I am also affected by this change since I cannot move to Portugal this year. I have sent several emails to Portuguese government officials including the prime minister two days before he resigned, requesting that the end of the program be delayed. I'm sure it was archived in file 13... Bottom line, this abrupt end of NHR is also affecting Portuguese like me and my family as well as you and your wife who are also Portuguese. Things in Portugal don't move fast, the reason for this abrupt end was strictly political. I still plan to move to Portugal regardless but will have to adjust and plan accordingly. Portugal and U.S. have a tax treaty, we won't pay double taxes. It's kind of complicated and I'm not a tax advisor, will need to consult tax advisor.
@madaboutmadeira9225 10 месяцев назад
Hi, David! Did not know you had that kind of clout to email the actual prime minister of the country, man! LOL Wish I had his ear, myself. Yes, let's hope that they retool the regime and it comes back bigger and better and with a better balance, I hope. As selfish as I am about wanting to move, I don't want it to come at the expense of the people of Portugal. Oftentimes, as history has shown, new people show up in an area, without the slightest regard for the local population, and over time, that never bodes well. As you can tell, I am restless in this country. It just seems to be teetering on collapse, like it has run its course and the hellhounds smell blood and want to take the helm. Everything is profit first mentality so the things we should not be worrying about (education, health, safety) are the very things we worry about and in case, cannot afford. Anyway, we are hopeful and hoping for the best.
@davidmartinspresents 10 месяцев назад
@@madaboutmadeira9225 Zero clout but willing to do one man grassroots activism. I also emailed over one hundred members of parliament. Only one answered, said matter would be brought up for discussion.
@970pedro 10 месяцев назад
​@@davidmartinspresents Há um novo benefício fiscal previsto para cidadãos. É esperar pela aprovação do orçamento e verificar as condições. Não é igual ao RNH
@davidmartinspresents 10 месяцев назад
@@970pedro Obrigado pela informação. Vou aguardar pela aprovação do orçamento. 👍
@fernandomofreita79 10 месяцев назад
Think outside the box instead. Don't let language or distance become an impediment to your decision to travel further away from your comfort zone back home in the U.S. It's a very BIG world out there, and indeed you have much better and affordable alternatives to Portugal as places to live such as Central America, South East Asia (Philippines) and Turkey to explore for much less money which would significantly improve your standard of living as well. Quote: If it's to be its up to me.
@sr2291 10 месяцев назад
The reason I would want to live in Madeira is that 3 of my grandparents were born there.
@madaboutmadeira9225 10 месяцев назад
Thank you so much for your suggestions and advice. To be honest, if I just had me to worry about, I could think of a few other places I would or could go. I’m not a fussy person and could hack it anywhere. I have a family, which includes a young child, I have to consider. I can deal with the hot weather (don’t care for cold), mosquitoes, power going off periodically, backpacking here and there, etc. For my family, however, I want them to be in ready-made situations where war, gang wars, threat of a terrorist act, civil unrest, petty theft, poor infrastructure, geopolitics, and frequent natural disasters are non-issues. Outside of an occasional backslap from a neighborhood hurricane, Portugal, more specifically, Madeira, seems to provide a comfort I would not have to deal with any of the above. I guess I am saying that it is more than just saving money, which on the other hand is something that we all would love to do. The places you mentioned are more like places I would love to visit, but not necessarily live with a family. Also, Madeira reminds me of my own homeland - an island. In addition, if you have watched our earlier videos, there is a familial connection to the place. While that does NOT have to be a primary reason, for a sentimental person like me, that plays a vital role in my decision to eye Portugal more than the other places you mentioned. Of course, speaking of family, there is also West Africa, but unlike Madeira, I have no trace (for now) back anyone from the region I have for Madeira. This is because Madeira appearing in my family line was just 2 great grandparents ago. We are not in a position to go anywhere right now, anyway. Hopefully, while we wait and work on what needs to get done, Portugal will come back into favor with new, appealing incentives.
@madaboutmadeira9225 10 месяцев назад
@@sr2291 same here.
@fernandomofreita79 10 месяцев назад
Consider other options such as Bali, Brazil, Belize, and Nicaragua as places to live.
@madaboutmadeira9225 10 месяцев назад
Those are, but Bali is just too far. Brazil is an option, close to Guyana and on this side of the Atlantic, but English is not as common as in Portugal. Big cities there can be a bit wild. If Belize, might as well go to Guyana. Would choose Costa Rica over Nicaragua, actually. Portugal is relatively close to the U.S East Coast. It is pretty much ready made (good schooling, safe, great healthcare system, springboard to all of Europe for cheap, and Africa is just down the street). I would even consider Spain first, but I can see the same fate befalling them, as Portugal, in the near future.
@spiritjourney7150 10 месяцев назад
Hello friend! We have a lot in common! Peace to you!
@sr2291 10 месяцев назад
Were any of your ancestors on the Madeira to St. Kitts ship list?
@madaboutmadeira9225 10 месяцев назад
No, not all, or at least I don't think so. I think they arrived on later ships.
@sr2291 10 месяцев назад
You are correct. Madeiran culture has to be influenced by Africa.
@madaboutmadeira9225 10 месяцев назад
You are certainly correct, and notably, NORTH Africa. That said, just so it is clear and, for the record, this video was NOT about Madeirans being "African" in the sense of race or ethnicity as one person seemed to have thought (They deleted their posts after I explained). While it is very true that I am sure there are many Madeirans/Portuguese with ancestral roots to the actual, recognized continent of Africa, this video was ONLY about a geological and geographical connection, that is, that the island of Madeira is a part of the African tectonic plate and NOT the European plate. While this is an extreme example, it would be like people in French Guiana, who by nationality are French, but actually physically live in South America. Tracing Portuguese roots to Africa and even vice versa would be a whole other topic/video, but one I am not willing to do.
@Jon-bd4tk 10 месяцев назад
Have you guys made your move to Madeira yet?
@madaboutmadeira9225 10 месяцев назад
Nope. Setbacks and hurdles, unfortunately.
@Jon-bd4tk 10 месяцев назад
@@madaboutmadeira9225 does the end of NHR tax break effect your plans at all?? I still want to go, but thinking it through
@madaboutmadeira9225 10 месяцев назад
@@Jon-bd4tk it just may, but still gung ho on going.
@manuelab1677 10 месяцев назад
I always enjoy your videos!
@madaboutmadeira9225 10 месяцев назад
This is soooooooooo encouraging to read. Thank you! Thank you! I try.
@spiritjourney7150 10 месяцев назад
@madaboutmadeira9225 10 месяцев назад
Glad you liked it! It could have been more "excellenter." 😂
@Jon-bd4tk 10 месяцев назад
This video is everything. Proud of you brother. Close to Africa and close enough to get back to the states...
@progresso33 11 месяцев назад
It's been a while since I've visited your channel and I've forgotten how much I enjoy listening to you spitting knowledge and breaking down the issues from your perspective. And this hot button topic did not disappoint. Appreciated 👍
@marydfm664 11 месяцев назад
Awesome explanation. Thanks for all you do to understand better my ancestry.
@claudettehancock6134 11 месяцев назад
.I enjoyed the video. My geography knowledge base is now enhanced. What a great teacher you are at clearly and simply explaning the facts. My first ID is I'm Caribbean, and if I'm pressed to be specific, I'm Guyanese.
@fernandomofreita79 11 месяцев назад
A suggestion for you TO EXPAND YOUR HORIZONS.
@fernandomofreita79 11 месяцев назад
Is Malaysia SAFE? Insider Travel Tips! Queen of DC
@DavidFerreira-cb2rd Год назад
Talk about the importance of Madeira and Porto Santo in Colombus discovery of América and his connection with the Island
@kaiphi5350 Год назад
Hahahah my wife and I are black and asain mixed race couple. We went to Rome Singapore and Barcelona our key take away from our travels is our American culture is ultra ignorant and backwards when it comes to race. The damage racism has done to America culturally is abhorrently horrendous.
@madaboutmadeira9225 Год назад
Correct! By the way, you have great taste in subscriptions!
@sr2291 Год назад
How many years have you lived in the U.S.? Have you lived in any states other than Florida?
@madaboutmadeira9225 Год назад
For 85% of my life. I've lived in the U.S twice. Lived in New York City 3 times and Florida twice. Lived on St. Thomas and also St. Kitts. Why do you ask?
@sr2291 8 месяцев назад
​@@madaboutmadeira9225I was wondering how much experience you had living with Americans in the US.
@madaboutmadeira9225 8 месяцев назад
@@sr2291 most of my life has been around mainland Americans. Why do you ask?
@marydfm664 Год назад
This is the most awesome channel about Madeira. I am venezuelan from Madeiran ancestry all the way to ever ever...
@caseyf8229 Год назад
'Promo SM' 💋
@duartenunodoria1594 Год назад
I’m a madeiran, my dna test identifies me as around 60% as Portuguese, 20% Spanish, 6% English, 6% Scottish and Irish, 6% Jewish, then French, Italian, Swedish and from Senegal… We’ve been here since the beginning of the colonization os the island, I’m a direct descendant of two of the Portuguese discovers, but my surname is Italian and exists in the island for more than 500 years. I’m a true Portuguese from Madeira.
@sr2291 Год назад
Madeirans aren't pure Portuguese.
@madaboutmadeira9225 Год назад
I would not be surprised they aren't, but what is "pure Portuguese," and if Madeirans aren't pure Portuguese, what are they? Real curious to hear your answer.
@inesneto5280 Год назад
@sr2291 what makes you think that Madeirans aren't pure Portuguese?
@sr2291 Год назад
@inesneto5280 Because 3/4 of my ancestry goes back to the beginning of Madeira, and I am doing several peoples genealogy. Madeira was discovered in the mid 1400s. The first slaves were Guanches and North Africans. Our ancestors are Italian, Spanish, North African, African, Sephardic Jewish, Scottish, Irish, etc, not only Portuguese. The parish priests documented everyone's baptisms, some births, marriages, and deaths, even slaves.cź
@sr2291 Год назад
@madaboutmadeira9225 You know about the ABM site. Go to the marriage and birth records and type preto/preta, which means black into the name sections. Also, type in escravo/escrava (slave) to see where some of the blacks and slaves were from. Nat de - natural to. The country is listed after some of their names. These were married slaves and slaves who gave birth to children. Some slaves married slaves and some married non slaves. You know that -o is male and -a is female. The records go back before the 1860 beginning date they list below their databases. Some people have the last name Preto with a capital P. I'm not sure if that name means they have black ancestors or if it is just a name. But with a small p, it means black. Sort by date. You asked if there were Blacks living on the island. Yes, there were and are. I like to mess around with the databases, and I was blown away when I found this.
@sr2291 Год назад
@madaboutmadeira9225 I guess "pure Portuguese" would mean that everyone on Madeira originated from Portugal, but that is not the case. It is an island that people inhabited.