Media Matters Channel
Media Matters Channel
Media Matters Channel
The Media Matters Channel is a series about why different media...matters.
Games, movies, music, news, deconstructed through the lens of my personal opinion in pursuit of finding the meaning in all of it.
Why The Whale Matters
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Why Yugioh Matters | VIDEO ESSAY
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2 года назад
How To Analyze Movies
2 года назад
A.I. Analyzes Ex Machina
2 года назад
2 года назад
@kalebbrouillette666 День назад
This show has been with me through the hardest moments in my life (so far). Will never stop loving it
@RockHarding 3 дня назад
I liked, I subscribed, I watched the whole thing. This video took a concept that has been done to death and made it feel fresh as hell. This is my first experience with this channel, so I have high hopes for what I see as I'm catching up on your newer and older content! GGs my dude!
@RockHarding 2 дня назад
Just saw it's been a year since the last upload. Well shit...
@TheRockofGod21 5 дней назад
I think the symbolism between the names "Montero" and "Zorro" is also interesting. Montero is an occupational name for an assistant of a hunt and Zorro means "Fox" so it's about a hunter and a fox, and who is going to outwit whom.
@siatelecomsltdLondon 6 дней назад
At long last! Someone who gets it. This movie is all about Ferris Bueller and no one else.👍
@raquelmirandacubero3207 6 дней назад
And I think there's something to do with the post-war generations, they are quite traumatized such a mistake to believe all the generations before that were the same
@raquelmirandacubero3207 6 дней назад
I'm a 35-year-old Costa Rican who still hasn't lived anywhere else, but I am a Latin American Protestant, and this show is quite relatable to me.
@thomascampbell350 12 дней назад
This movie isn’t about society. It’s about life. And people really struggle to separate those two
@jasonkrick1614 22 дня назад
Ferris Bueller analysis. Here’s mine. Bueller is a self absorbed narcissistic low grade sociopath. He lies to everyone around him to satisfy what he wants with no remorse. He lies to his parents, he impersonates a parent and uses his emotionally brittle friend to the max. That’s the short of it. Did I miss anything?
@syntheticfuture1718 Месяц назад
children of corn activate sickle
@4evagrace789 Месяц назад
What in the Peter Piper Pick a Pack of Peppers you talking about?🫤😂
@georgehenderson7783 Месяц назад
8:25 "In what waaaaay does the author's use of the prison symbolize the protagonist's struggle... AND how does this relate to our discussion of the uses of irony?" This film is really about the garage dudes taking the Ferrari out for a spin to put some miles on it for Cameron. OK, OK, it's really about how Jeannie, after her encounter with Charlie Sheen in the police station, has a complete attitude adjustment and outlook on life and saves Ferris' butt from Edward Rooney at the end! Also Ferris gives us that great advice at the very end - "Life moves pretty fast. You don't stop and look around once in a while you could miss it."
@JeiElRai Месяц назад
Excuse my language but these essayists' asses are so tight you could put a piece of coal up there and in 2 weeks you have a diamond.... John Hughes was always pretty straightforward. What he's getting at is clear. It ain't hard to see why of all the legendary works he wrote and directed, this is perhaps the single most iconic. This ain't deep, it just happens to be profound.
@Thetyperoom 2 месяца назад
Incredible content man! You really deserve a bigger audience, this film is so relatable for many people undergoing early ride in life filled with uncertainty. You gain a new follower man, keep up the good work!
@ezpz4659 2 месяца назад
I think at the end when he was on the couch his heart stopped, and the rest of the positive fantasy was his dying thoughts.
@sasmit.9846 2 месяца назад
wht is the music in the background?
@wyatth2992 2 месяца назад
You say that Hollywood was a Republican propaganda machine and that it wouldn't allow support for Women's Sufferage or the Civil Rights Act. Both of these were only passed because of Republicans. Civil Rights Act Republican 71 Democrat 44 Women's Sufferage Republican over 200 Democrat 102 After the Democrats abandoned a fillibuster.
@imonit1177 2 месяца назад
What a life 🙄
@user-beepbopbeep 2 месяца назад
I don't think the Oscars are legitimate at times where critics and those that decide who wins the award have yet to see the movie that they chose for the nomination. (Sometimes they just ask what their friends think, thereby killing the point of being a critic in the first place. It's impact is thus dulled as a result of this happening.) It doesn't help that nowadays Oscars have an increased dependency on quotas for movies being nominated, thereby rendering art into forced standards rather than fully unobstructed or nuanced forms of art, as they should be.
@MediaMattersChannel Месяц назад
Sort of. As I mentioned in the video, you don’t have to be an expert to be a voting member of the academy. You could be in a 30 second commercial once and if you pay the academy dues you get to vote on the Oscar’s.
@gretsky3463 2 месяца назад
I was like 12 and saw the trailer for season 1 and thought it was so funny. I didn’t end up watching it till I was 18 and it’s one of those shows that will stick with me forever.
@identityoriginallylost 2 месяца назад
This essay is soo good! I'm going to tell my film teacher about it so more people can see it and learn from it!
@thaomckay8797 2 месяца назад
I don’t think this video gets the credit it deserves! Great video! ❤
@vincentbuscarello1357 2 месяца назад
I think there is a light but not unfair techno-optimism buried in the highly realistic portrayal of SV (hypocrisy, short term thinking, etc). Richard does end up teaching tech ethics 😆and I do think they leave the door open for actually creating a better future, its just an honest look at how hard it is. "Idealism is foolish, but without it, the world is periless." - nailed it :)
@jch00lig4n 2 месяца назад
The pick of Bad Religion got me.
@grec. 2 месяца назад
The best breakdown of this movie I've come across. Great job!
@brotherben4357 2 месяца назад
Wildred US was average. The Australian original was incredible.
@TheVillainsProjects 3 месяца назад
The background music ruins this video.
@wilderdiaz 3 месяца назад
To be honest your videos need more attention I like the analysis of Ferrari Bueller's day off and I relate more to Cameron because of how he overcomes his fears and anxiety
@generalpurpose772 3 месяца назад
After watching Moral Orel I felt glad to be born and raised in a family and a culture where organised religion fell by the wayside decades ago for the majority of the population. Where I’m from, religious people are the minority. Out of all of the religions I’ve been exposed to in my lifetime, Christians have been the most judgmental while also being the biggest hypocrites. I’ve known Muslims, Sikhs, Jews, Hindus - and none of them ever told me I was going to hell. My best friend when I was seven told me I was going to hell because I’m not catholic - that is what she got out of the classes she took in preparation for her first holy communion. I told my father, who told her mother - who then phoned our house apologising profusely. Still - that is what she took away from her religious education - I haven’t forgotten it.
@TampaTye 3 месяца назад
This is my favorite show
@ryand2543 4 месяца назад
The last part brought tears you really hit it on the head
@eXit-ubermensch 4 месяца назад
I am so surprised that you don't have way more subs. I think it just goes to show that this new generation is addicted to TikTok and very short form content. People don't think anymore, they want to be entertained for 15 seconds at a time. All of which is so sad
@lachiebosman8511 4 месяца назад
awesome video man, loved this movie fr
@JonathanJuan 4 месяца назад
The success of Helldivers really reinforces how much the public is hungry for post-ironic content
@thatjakeythere 4 месяца назад
Dude you fucking get it.
@wschannel7179 4 месяца назад
Another excellent sleeper show of a similar emotional spectrum is Kidding, with Jim Carry. Both tackle themes of isolation and darkness through a lens of silliness very well. Both punch way above their format weight.
@shaneperreault 4 месяца назад
Our moral codes were replaced with Java and c++? Sir, JavaScript was the true killer of morality and virtue ethics.
@aidanMares 5 месяцев назад
My favorite show
@ALTheFreeMan 5 месяцев назад
Andrew was a very nice, super sweet, and attentive guy. The only problem with that is, being nice doesn’t pay the bills. From his mom, his college girlfriend, and even Domino, they all “needed” a man who can pay the bills, and whatever other nice things brought to the table are simply a bonus. I’ve experienced this in my own life, having a great connection with a woman, only to be passed up for some guy who makes a lot of money. This movie is a great lesson for guys who are hopeless romantics but haven’t put much thought into their career. Love doesn’t pay the bills.
@akhilrana7872 5 месяцев назад
Aaaaah you are so right... but i believe there's more to it
@coscomosco4388 2 месяца назад
​@@akhilrana7872ya, even I need there is more to it
@james0805 5 месяцев назад
Where’s the democracy for the Oscars? Why can’t the people vote on these films?
@MediaMattersChannel 4 месяца назад
They do, they are people in the industry who pay a fee to be a part of the academy. But the definition of being “in the industry” is very loose.
@james0805 4 месяца назад
@@MediaMattersChannel that ain’t the people, that’s pay to play. That’s plutocracy not democracy. I call bs. At least let the nation’s critics, who know film better than anyone, pick the best.
@Stevewd1 5 месяцев назад
Enjoy life by treating your friends and everyone you meet that works for a living like total garbage (get a job Ferret Buttholer, then maybe you could buy a car, or maybe sell some of that high end equipment that fills your bedroom, you privileged asswipe). Anyone who likes this prick (sociopathic narcissist) needs to evaluate who they are as a person.
@afrocut 5 месяцев назад
Barbarella has been made into a better film through these odd take aways that it is some clever female empowerment film. But Barbarella is essentially nothing more than a sex toy in the film, she is constantly in the need of saving, being talked into sex, lucking into winning, putting men in jeopardy, and boiled down to nothing but eye candy. Even the concept of humanity losing the ability of human sensation isnt correct, it was just the rich that found sex through technology to be more appealing. Its also a strange takeaway that they dont make movies like this anymore, they do, its just, like this movie, they are now dumped on streaming and not seen as a blockbuster because like this movie they are cult trash. Barbarella wasnt a huge success, being listed 45th on the grossing film of 1968 so comparing this to dune is a bit of a stretch. it would be more fair to liken These swings in science fiction to the form of superheroes, which is what Barbarella technically is by based off of a comic book. I find its positive outlook confusing and see the only reason for being happy about sydney sweeny doing a remake is because people are attracted to her. Jane fonda herself has stated that she hopes they make it feminist because they missed the mark.
@WinterFeet-iscumin 6 месяцев назад
I love how he finally started 7 min in by saying the rule of the first 30 seconds of a movie… lol. Bro take your own advice.
@MediaMattersChannel 4 месяца назад
Thanks will keep that in mind
@WinterFeet-iscumin 6 месяцев назад
You talk too much show not tell
@MediaMattersChannel 4 месяца назад
Bro you comment too much
@miryamamar9471 6 месяцев назад
Charlie's daughter is a monster. F-bombs galore! The film was short in almost total darkness, which I found to be annoying. An actor uses his body/face to emote and we could barely see it! In our opinion, Mr. Fraser's talent deserved a better film. We were glad that he won the Oscar!
@sergk3910 6 месяцев назад
I have no idea why these crazy theories about "Wilfred is a form of insanity" exist. It is obvious that Wilfred is some powerful interdimensional God.
@CaptainEffort 6 месяцев назад
FX is still making bizarre quality content. Have you seen Legion? Edit: I feel you btw. Been through multiple therapists and psychiatrists since I was 10 years old. Different combinations of meds, even a few psychiatric hospitals. Point is, Wilfred really spoke to me, and made me feel a lot better about my own weirdness.
@joelthedreamer4271 6 месяцев назад
I respectfully disagree this post ironic film era is what's killing Hollywood.
@Ash.Crow.Goddess 6 месяцев назад
I loved it. I also love mythology, archetypes, and philosophy, especially in film. But everyone else I know hated it. My husband included. It is definitely not for everyone. But for us... chef's kiss. 👩‍🍳 💋 🤌
@almostoutofheaders 6 месяцев назад
me at 12 watching wilfred = 😆 me now at 24 watching wilfred = 😆😰
@jaykaygxd8497 6 месяцев назад
The revisions to a manifesto storyline are to convey to things the merging/clashing of the old generation vs the new generations and the fact that the youth while extremely proactive in their socio political voices they’re often misled by their naïve thinking and idealist philosophy over pragmatic and economical solutions