playlists to escape reality.
contact me: navowi99@gmail.com
the feeling of isolation.
День назад
lost in a sad dream.
14 дней назад
I feel nothing at all.
14 дней назад
life is an illusion.
14 дней назад
It's hard to say goodbye.
21 день назад
no way out.
21 день назад
an endless path.
28 дней назад
a playlist for people with dark secrets.
Месяц назад
I need a break from this world.
Месяц назад
there will be hope.
Месяц назад
music to heal your soul (volume 1)
Месяц назад
Месяц назад
a playlist for depressed people.
Месяц назад
waiting for nothing.
Месяц назад
A playlist for sleepless nights.
Месяц назад
I miss myself.
Месяц назад
I have lost my way.
Месяц назад
I wish I could go back.
2 месяца назад
escape everything.
2 месяца назад
I don’t belong here.
2 месяца назад
a dreamlike place.
2 месяца назад
I feel so sad.
2 месяца назад
There was something here once.
2 месяца назад
calm your heart.
2 месяца назад
everything will be ok.
2 месяца назад
@den-9hard 10 минут назад
Hello again stranger) Thanks for your work, thanks for the relaxing playlist. Thank you and look forward to new escapist playlists.
@iwanttodiesobadman... 23 минуты назад
It hurts that some strangers and playlists understand us even better than our family and friends😔...
@melemele9569 41 минуту назад
Today is the last day of school, I see everyone practically super happy about it, I'm sick, I'm seriously afraid of spending the whole summer locked in my room with only the fan and my PC,
@melemele9569 41 минуту назад
D no I have practically no friends here
@jackknife9228 Час назад
I wonder where the view is from. The screenshot.
@purplehellhound Час назад
It it 4:03😊 I should be asleep but I refuse >:)
@Ibrohimtoshpolatov-gq6io 2 часа назад
Everythin will be ok: I hope so 😮‍💨
@Tea_Sea69420 2 часа назад
Most days i like to imagine i still am That maybe some day i will wake up a decade ago and I dont know what I know this isnt a bad dream but i like to think i might wake up some day
@nezox0823 3 часа назад
Я закончил школу и понимаю, что эти 11 лет могли пройти намного лучше, это чувство убивает
@Twinklesparks 3 часа назад
I do miss you, I do.
@LiliSalcedo-yx4ry 3 часа назад
I have friends but...... why do i feel alone?
@owo2690 3 часа назад
the last 2 songs ruined the mood.
@gonk4063 3 часа назад
Im so bloody stressed rn, with the end of school and (probably) one of the busiest semesters of school i will ever have. Im being killed by anxiety and dysphoria and a ton of other stuff i dont have the words for. Im writing this pretty close to midnight, and this playlist is amazing. Its making time stop, briefly. Thank you. And to whoever bothers to read this through, among all of the other comments, hi! Its not always going to be like this. Stuff gets easier. I hope at least. I want to come back here at a time when im better and actually able to live as myself (if i can lol, lets hope the video stays up).
@abcdefgh_ilmnstuvwxyz.6218 4 часа назад
My head hurts, will everything be okay one day? . I feel tired...
@michailas828 4 часа назад
life isnt about being the best its about being happy
@jmn519 4 часа назад
Solo quiero caminar de noche por la playa sin miedo a nada
@michaelperez965 4 часа назад
Just to think that i will never see her again killed me
@jiin3840 5 часов назад
Wow, the dreamcore vibe is rly good
@2k.traumacore 5 часов назад
Dear person behind the screen, you're still human there's nothing truly worth dying over I'm proud of you for making it through the day i know it's hard, and maybe you think that you're just a nobody you're inhumane you're hopeless but i just want you to know you'll always be my special person goodnight
@motomami2213 6 часов назад
I just couldn’t trust you anymore. We talked about marriage and kids, starting a creative venture, etc. but your rage issues and my trust issues really did a number on us. Now I hear you’re in therapy and doing so much better and I’m so happy for you. I still tear up when I think of your laugh. I loved making you laugh even when I was going through it. I couldn’t imagine a smile not being plastered on your face. You were sent to me for a reason and you were my biggest lesson but I’d be foolish to lie and say that after more than a year later, I don’t think about you. I think about you everyday. I wonder if you think about me too…
@lukebonnell3605 6 часов назад
i will spare you the entire 8 year complicated history (more so sparing myself because it’s way to complicated to type 😂) but there was this girl and i had always loved her from the second i saw her. we had this connection where we both would flirt a lot and liked each other but never said anything. her whole family was rooting for us. well i never wanted to ruin our friendship because i loved seeing her and didn’t want to make anything awkward. every time we were together we laughed and smiled ear to ear and everything felt easy and i didn’t wanna fuck that up. so in 2019 when i should’ve said something i never did. instead she met some douche and they moved to arizona together. she drove to my house to hug me goodbye and i didn’t see her or really even talk to her for 2 and a half years after talking everyday. fast forward to 2021 after trying to force myself to get over it, my best friend and i go to arizona for cubs spring training. we were still friends with her so i asked if she’d pick us up from the airport and we could all chill a little bit while we’d were there for a week. and it was like we never missed a beat. she sat next to me not her bf she was always around me, when i would leave she would ask my friend about me. we got drunk a few nights and flirted and then i went back home. a month passes and im crossed at a bonfire and she hits me with the “can i ask you a question” so you already know im off my ass like BROOOOOOOOOOOO and she goes “why didn’t we ever date” “why didn’t you ever say anything” i’m sitting there like dawg ain’t no fuckin way. and she basically leaves the door open for us and i’m like but weren’t you talking about getting married?! i didn’t say that but i thought it. and so im in shambles thinking i fucked up and then she starts showing signs of not liking her bf on insta. and we’re like flirting very indirectly. a few months pass and she comes back to see family and we’re all at a bar with friends and i had this plan to tell her i love her and so right when i was about to do it, i shit you not like a movie scene her bf walks out i’m like you’re kidding me. he’s pissed cuz he doesn’t like us being around each other and so i don’t see her the rest of the trip. so i spend a week or so filming this video expressing everything and i sent it to my friend multiple times to make sure it was good i did everything and one saturday out golfing, we hit the turn and on the hole 10 tee box i slammed a quarter bottle of jack and hit send and didn’t look at my phone the rest of the time. she read it almost immediately and took a week to respond. she basically said i love you back but said right person wrong time. fast forward a year and a half to october 2022 and not a day has passed i didn’t think about her. one of my best friends got married and i was in my feels and texted her after the wedding. we were having great conversation and one day she says have you thought about taking a vacation ? i was thinking like there’s no way, and she’s like it’s just me now we’re finally done. and so we really start talking about seeing each other again and her moving back and going on these dates and whatnot she comes back and i treat her like a queen and am so honest like finally this is all i’ve wanted and we made out and she stayed the night and gave me those love you eyes and the way she rubbed my beard and cried to me and just ugh i miss the intimacy so much. for some reason once she was back she remember how hot of a commodity she was now that she was single and one night when we went to the bar together she left me to make out with some other dude. i still don’t get why she would tell me she loves me and tell my friends that and then do that in front of my face. and then she didn’t tell me happy birthday on my golden birthday. it’s one thing if you didn’t want to be with me but we were still supposed to be best friends no matter what. she told me she NEVER wanted to lose me and she went and did that what’s sucks is i still miss her and still want her while she’s happy with someone else
@Yuki-AF 6 часов назад
I am depressed:(
@outseteddy6306 6 часов назад
Is this image from the movie "Beyond the black Rainbow"? Odd but interesting movie with a lot of liminal themes to it.
@lukebonnell3605 7 часов назад
i love you all and i pray you all heal
@kaittttt.lyn101 7 часов назад
It’s 4:20 am.
@elshosukemaximo.9531 7 часов назад
el aislamiento voluntario de una mente saturada.
@mostlyftbl. 7 часов назад
Loove ittt
@sweetmar.y 8 часов назад
I'm not single but i'm lonely, it's a different type of loneliness, something not even love can fix it.
@DeusEMais-sb5pk 8 часов назад
Essa imagem me faz lembrar os momentos mais felizes da minha vida,eu e meu filho,sós praticamente,na melhor fase dele,sua infância e pude fazer parte dela e dar o melhor que eu tinha graças a Deus,em termos materiais e afetivo,lembra os brinquedos que ele mais gostava no parquinho da praça,saudades 😢.....
@r4xlm 9 часов назад
i dont thinkk everything will be okay... im sitting next to my fading kitten.. knowing he will be gone tomorrow just breaks every bone in my body. i dont know what to do.
@Furina911 9 часов назад
I miss my home ... Even thoughy i don't know where is my home... Even when im in my house, i want to go home ... I wish i could go back in time, and feel like im home again...
@The_Nameless1 9 часов назад
Lo he dicho en otra ocasión, pero me encanta como escoges los títulos de los vídeos y las imágenes para estos playlist. Realmente este se está convirtiendo en uno de los pocos lugares seguros donde, al menos por un rato, puedo callar el ruido mental y conseguir un poco de paz interior... Siempre me alegra ver una nueva subida en este canal. Gracias Navo por tu trabajo con el que me ayudas, y seguro que a mucha más gente.
@sierra6029 9 часов назад
We were trembling as we spoke Months of true love still awoke I made a choice that wasn’t a choice Darling, you deserve better than this plight Into the unknown we go for our path has ended But without you my life would have just pretended I’ll think of you always as my butterfly The one who taught me why we love or die
@muhammedunverdi9958 10 часов назад
By exchanging it for our happiness, we got what we used to wish we had..
@ThisPlanetIsGhettoAF 11 часов назад
Part of me wishes I let us sleep in to miss our flights back home... I didn't think the last time holding you would be in an airport. I think about you almost every day. I try to love myself and others the same way you love and adored me. Miss you & I love you for eternity, Dove. Hope you are healthy and well. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. Be good & do good. Maybe we will meet again... I'd wait if it meant another lifetime, too. Thanks for making me a better person. 🧡🤎🧡✨️🤙
@skullykidkempke4767 11 часов назад
man i love the sky so much
@TheGlimmerAereis 11 часов назад
This made me think of smt that my whole family is very injured and they're all in hospital beds being brought to the ambulance and I'm just standing there with no emotion with tears going down my face. Realising that might happen one day. and I hope it doesn't.. I care so much abt my family it hurts so much to think abt this type of stuff and hard not to cry. I was tearing up typing this comment.
@spektrum8740 11 часов назад
anyone was scared seeing this kind of clouds in their childhood ??
@jokojinsama659 11 часов назад
I feel so..sleepy
@Rhylyss.97 11 часов назад
I think I have a disorder that ruins my old self.
@rubenseffinga 12 часов назад
May 20, 2024 Right person, wrong time. She was the first real love of my life.
@ociannamichellecalling9532 12 часов назад
Brothers and sisters im very pro human and think that humans are such awesome beautiful beings. To whom this may concern...please be aware of what emotional, physical and mental services you accept consciously and unconsciously from your surrounding influences, Including yourself. The world will start to heal when you start to heal yourself✨️. We have been created to be linear reactive/subresponsive "personalities" of habbit that want constant satisfaction On many inner/outer levels, learn your subconscious so your wings can start to grow. The forces of duality virus want you to be a creature habit in their eyes so it can create your goal, how to reach it And that there is a beginning and an end(religious sub programming). The adapters want you to always chase satisfaction while they fill your subconscious up with false realities That force you to accept services. Learn your dark side and please dont be afraid❤. Dark(subconscious) doesnt mean evil, evil grew in a part of us that we were programmed to neglect, its our other half..were perfect 😊. Our geometry is different, we are not linear. our waves move in and out like The nature around us. God is infinite growth. Grow a expansive 360° perception by physically moving your point of view backwards. Instead of just seeing one car move you are seeing all of them move at once. And then you will start to see picture thoughts And the space around it. What you're doing You are expanding your inner horizon. Being manipulated does not exist anymore in this state Because you are one with all motion, Instead of unconsciously being sucked into currents Of manipulation That serves the false currency. And then you will not be fragmented personalites serving the idiot machine. You'll be a human being❤. Whats your superpower, friends? You're all Loved more than you could ever know. There are people that can see your true selves and Unconditionally love you.
@Pxppy_12 12 часов назад
fr ...................... it's just me
@MixXDTR 12 часов назад
@mikael57 13 часов назад
I lost the love of my life because I lied to her. I lied to her because I was weak and couldn’t face an issue as a man. Instead I was acting like a child, trying to talk my way out of it and it made me lose everything. I was the happiest person on earth, now I am back in the darkness trying to find a way out of it yet again. I just want to be happy, nothing more, I just want someone by my side who cares for me and loves me the way I am. Thank you Diana, I will never forget you. I love you, I still do
@lordplaya8 14 часов назад
Mom. Purely wonderful. April 6'th, 10:19 AM. 2024. It was both an honor, and a privilege to be her caregiver. I'd do it all over again in another lifetime if given the chance. The whole world went away.
@RabibAhmed-pg8eu 14 часов назад
Her name starts with a ..if ur seeing this I loved u since we were at grade six but circumstances wasn’t good enough for me to approach my feelings towards u .you have new frnds but misunderstanding ruined our rltn and now we are seeing each other but couldn’t talk and recognise each other .acting just like strangers.i hope your are mine in after life if ur not meant for me in this life ..hope u will see this msg one day .bye.
@stekzy 14 часов назад
37:32 هي اللحظة (الرماد)
@tomppa7204 14 часов назад
I just need love. A light to dark room, some hope.
@aNormalAndaBrokenArmy2984 14 часов назад
Hi my childhood friend! How are u?...even though I don't remember your face and name but still the memories of us is still there within me....i hope u too remember me ....cause at some point i want to meet u and ask about u.....about how have you been till now....u know i liked u....i don't know if i still do or not but i just hope, you remember me like the way i do I pray and hope that somehow we will be able to meet each :⁠-⁠)
@Crislynnharris-ru6xk 15 часов назад
Its 2:12 pm raining my dog and cat sleeping tg on my bed while I wear ear buds to listen to this while cleaning is so relaxing to me I'm finally gonna have a clean room instead a depressing room and rotting away in bed I'm finally free I would cry rn but I don't have any tears right now.