welcome to the channel ♡ your next stop, self-actualization
videos to inspire your life ☺️
The only way to start self-improvement
14 дней назад
The ONE Reason You Keep Failing
Месяц назад
How to live in Alignment!
Месяц назад
Prioritize joy.
2 месяца назад
Stop being sabotaged by your intelligence
2 месяца назад
How to Learn Marketing in 2024
2 месяца назад
Coffee Changed My Life ... (Why I'm QUITTING)
2 месяца назад
Today is the start of everything you want
3 месяца назад
Break your pattern of emotional overwhelm
4 месяца назад
An important message to the young
5 месяцев назад
We need to have more fun
8 месяцев назад
Transform yourself in 2024
10 месяцев назад
@НастяЩ 2 дня назад
Gonzalez Elizabeth Lewis Sarah Allen Melissa
@JosephRivera-u2j 2 дня назад
Hall Brenda Gonzalez Edward Johnson Ronald
@angelinajeffree7768 4 дня назад
Robinson Angela Young Lisa Harris Mark
@MathiasMortensen-nv3dh 4 дня назад
Hernandez Mary Rodriguez Charles Wilson Donna
@dekuorumaito411 7 дней назад
Do you like anime?
@emersonlee5146 10 дней назад
I seem to remember you bringing up "heart space" in past videos. Could you elaborate on what that is again? Thanks!
@gileneusz 11 дней назад
1:04 this inspired me to play Minecraft
@anthonycook6213 12 дней назад
Very positive energy! Your title image reminds me that one night in 1984 I watched the news when I got done with my telescope shift at Griffith Observatory and I learned that the unforgettable face of one the Buddhist monks amongst the line of visitors who had looked through the telescope that night belonged to none other than the Dahli Lama!
@MacadamMarcus-y1x 12 дней назад
Moore Sandra Wilson John Rodriguez Larry
@RaesWAYOverdoingIt 13 дней назад
Hey! Is LuxFlow media a scam? I was reached out to work with them and I saw you left a review on their website
@LeonardButters-s7i 16 дней назад
Anderson Michelle Wilson Ruth Moore Ronald
@LeonardButters-s7i 16 дней назад
Young Michael Moore Elizabeth Gonzalez Anthony
@kenkamonn 17 дней назад
Good Editing. I recently had a psychedelic shift in my life. What it showed me was the intent to improve my brain. That the gravity itself is something I can barely see visually. I have aphantasia, and for a while, music became the way to play with imagination. Now like an old married couple, So many years Takes the joy away. My gravitational pull would be to imagine more with my mind, and experience the opposite of aphantasia permanently. I think it's really strange said out loud, but that's what pulling me everyday. I don't know how I'll get there. I think I'm sharing because I feel crazy that's what is driving me
@allygong 15 дней назад
wow! thank you so much for sharing… aphantasia is a really interesting experience. i might discuss on my channel more in the future. i’m glad you’re able to find that creativity and drive in music! 💙💙 i’m sure your journey will unfold in the way that it’s meant to for you, despite any difficulties on the way
@anthonycook6213 18 дней назад
Wise and inspiring advice beautifully stated, Ally.
@allygong 18 дней назад
thank you Anthony!!
@emersonlee5146 19 дней назад
I didn't expect anime to be brought up in these serious videos but I appreciate that someone out there sees the deep meaning found in good anime stories! I myself found a lot of inspiration from Naruto during the college years! This idea in JJK is touching on the idea of Justification and Sanctification from the Bible. We cannot move forward until we accept that one who knows the way (Christ) and cast off our old self. 5:52 Luke 14:33 So therefore, any one of you who does not renounce all that he has cannot be my disciple. 8:09 2 Corinthians 5:17 Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come. 7:49 John 6:53-58 53 So Jesus said to them, “Truly, truly, I say to you, unless you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood, you have no life in you. 54 Whoever feeds on my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life, and I will raise him up on the last day 8:47 1 Corinthians 11:28-29 Let a person examine himself, then, and so eat of the bread and drink of the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without discerning the body eats and drinks judgment on himself.
@dekuorumaito411 21 день назад
What happened to ur Ig?:0
@anthonycook6213 24 дня назад
I do find that at least listing. before I sleep, what I want to accomplish tomorrow is helpful. Even if a bad mood or something else unplanned comes up that gets me off track, eventually just remembering something on the list usually helps me out of a "lost" feeling. Another great video, Ally!
@allygong 15 дней назад
thank you anthony!!! love that suggestion!! i never write my lists before sleep but definitely going to start trying that :) happy long weekend
@anthonycook6213 15 дней назад
@@allygong You might recall Benjamin Franklin's planner/analysis log. I made an adapted version that I still use (although not slavishly).
@LeoNation007 24 дня назад
Awesome video! ❤ Side note, why do you look so pretty 🌟
@emersonlee5146 26 дней назад
I agree that sorting yourself out by looking within through meditation is helpful. Maybe us guys need to journal as much as women do to bring out our feelings onto paper for mind mapping. Considering what you mentioned at 4:55 I wonder if we should do both examining ourselves and also looking to God for help since he is the designer of us. Like if I wanted to fix a computer I would go to someone who understands the machine better than myself. In this case, our designer would definitely understand us better than ourselves. Matthew 11:28 - "Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest."
@IlounohMunachi 28 дней назад
i am 13 year old girl and 5 feet 7 inches or a little bit higher though i will soon be 14
@emersonlee5146 Месяц назад
16:45 You make an important point in part 5. It is interesting that a lot of people start to lose hope or feel like giving up when they suffer. And this is a perfectly natural response. But then when we read stories or watch movies we kind of look for ones where the characters go through intense trials because we want to see how they develop or overcome. Like intellectually I understand this but emotionally all of us have a hard time accepting it in the midst of suffering and only once we hit the end of the tunnel do we accept it. I am also reminded of this verse. "Not only that, but we rejoice in our sufferings, knowing that suffering produces endurance, and endurance produces character, and character produces hope," Romans 5:3-4
@dillydally2341 Месяц назад
Lol as an Aquarius man, dont know why. Im watching this😂😂, make some for man as well
@anthonycook6213 Месяц назад
I thought you'd be impressed if, just once, I didn't rush to comment!... oh🤔
@allygong Месяц назад
🤣 hahaha thanks anthony! welcome back 😊✨
@Jarviz8819 Месяц назад
Bhalf of women in this vid use heels shoes😂
@LsBrigandes Месяц назад
Because I want to know what your doing after alphasights
@anthonycook6213 Месяц назад
All wonderful advice. Please consider announcing your videos on X (lots of people there who could use your encouragement). Have a great day, Ally!🌞
@dekuorumaito411 Месяц назад
I increased my self confidence after you liked my photos on Ig!😂
@anthonycook6213 Месяц назад
Important advice! Offering encouragement can be lifesaving. Another great topic, Ally.
@allygong Месяц назад
thank you anthony! and yes, i agree with that ^^
@LeoNation007 Месяц назад
Love your look! Pretty as always ❤️
@allygong Месяц назад
aww thanks 🥺🥰
@LeoNation007 Месяц назад
Hi! Thx for sharing the information! Love your videos! 🌟💛
@allygong Месяц назад
thank you sm!! 💗 appreciate the comment 🤗
@emersonlee5146 Месяц назад
I really like the mind awareness point. I think that a lot of people are lost because they believe in this idea that somehow if they turn inwards in their mind the answers and guidance to navigating the universe are pre-placed there just waiting to be dug up. It's so circular though.
@emersonlee5146 Месяц назад
You are really close to the Biblical truth here! Keep going! I like the simple hand drawn visual lol. I also think feeling good is important and not necessarily selfish. Where it gets complicated is what do we define as feeling good or what is a good feeling since it varies from person to person. Some people insist they feel good when they lash out in vengeance violently. Happens on the playground all the time. A lot of people feel like they are living out their purpose while doing things that are either irresponsible to committing atrocities. It can “feel good” to do bad sometimes. Our inner intuition can help lead us toward a higher order. Finding our place in the higher order, the kingdom of heaven is our alignment. The Bible for me is the guide to this. To quote the great writer and Christian apologist CS Lewis, “A man does not call a line crooked unless he has some idea of a straight line.” The Bible says in Proverbs 3:5-6 Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
@allygong Месяц назад
you’re so right on that! the inner compass can definitely be more complex and nuanced than it first appears and i appreciate your perspective here. God and the Bible are definitely a wonderful guide
@emersonlee5146 Месяц назад
Recently I took an early morning moped ride on one of the Penghu islands. No big buildings, limited technology, no people in sight except my driver, and gosh what a fulfilling and joyous experience. There is something transcendently meaningful about that experience that goes beyond the material. I believe that God gifted me that moment because he wanted to show me something and I think I learned something about myself on that remote idyllic island. I also have a newfound love of small sparsely populated islands lol. Romans 14:17 "For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking but of righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Spirit."
@allygong Месяц назад
that’s amazing!! i’m so glad to hear you had an amazing experience. it sounds extremely serene and i’ve had similar experience finding a lot of peace in more remote places as well :) thank you for sharing Emerson!
@kiyora4380 Месяц назад
can i DM u on instagram about some stuff? these videos really help me out friend!
@allygong Месяц назад
yes ofc!
@kiyora4380 Месяц назад
this video really helped me.. can I DM u on IG?
@anthonycook6213 Месяц назад
Very illuminating! It is obvious that you seem happier, more animated, mature, focused, confident, beautiful, and thoughtful since ending your long hiatus from posting. I think you will achieve amazing things and are unstoppable, Ally. Something I use for planning, now that I'm 69, is keeping in mind what a friend who lived to 96 told me: "The warrantee ends at 75 and it's downhill from there!"
@allygong Месяц назад
amazing!!!!!! what an inspiration :) thank you Anthony. appreciate it as always
@JIm-w1b Месяц назад
My wife Susie is 5/10, leggy and slim, what makes her seem even taller. While 5/10 is not what I'd call unreasonably tall for a woman like 6/3 would be, she still gets the flack about how tall are you, being a model, how's the weather, and do you play basketball., or volleyball, and you're a waste of talent if you don't. The worst insult she ever got, was from a girl about 5 who innocently asked her if she had a tumor. When she was about 12 and tall for her age, one time in a store, she overheard a girl about 7 ask her mom, "If I don't eat my vegetables, if I'm gonna grow up being a string bean, like she is?"
@allygong Месяц назад
yes i’m not surprised to hear that!! thanks for sharing :)
@LifeeewithBrookie Месяц назад
@@allygong I am a kid and I am 10 and I am 4,11 I feel a bit weird when I am younger than all my friends and I litterally am taller than them
@boutainaghafouri3377 2 месяца назад
Thnk you for this insightful video - is an eye opening I've recently started to trly understand the importance of living in alignment. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and positivity -Wishing you continued success and joy on your path 🤍✨
@allygong Месяц назад
thank you 💛💛💛 it is quite different indeed! wishing you all the best
@suna__27 2 месяца назад
0:05 it was on my main page
@allygong 2 месяца назад
ooo gotcha thanks for letting me know 😊
@Groundedrootshealing 2 месяца назад
333 views, popped into my feed.
@allygong 2 месяца назад
333!! 💙
@777Looper 2 месяца назад
Yes, "the eyes are the light of the body". And "Whatever is true, right, honorable, worthy of praise, etc..., we are to think upon these things."
@emersonlee5146 Месяц назад
Philippians 4:8 Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things. Great verse friend. Complete it! Acts 4:29 Now, Lord, consider their threats and enable your servants to speak your word with great boldness.
@777Looper 2 месяца назад
(You mean commodify.) And yes, the bedrock of the consumerist economy is people buying in to the belief that buying things is the way to buy happiness. You are purchasing permission to feel good about yourself. The solution is to establish a rational basis for joy and peace that goes beyond the material, or at least the commercial.
@allygong 2 месяца назад
yesss 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
@allygong 2 месяца назад
i love how you put that- “purchasing permission to feel good about yourself”
@777Looper 2 месяца назад
I mean, you definitely want to believe that the material universe and the moral universe are in accord to at least some degree. The prospect of our internal experience being a thing independent of the greater reality is both bleak and burdensome. And pretty narcissistic. For our joy to be stable, nonreductionist, and proportional (humble), it needs to have a foundation in, or *at least* relation to, the things that exist that are not us.
@emersonlee5146 Месяц назад
I agree things don't have any true meaning or at least good meaning unless they have the transcendental properties. Without God happiness is just scientific causation and neurological chemicals which happen to react in a certain way. Galatians 5:22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness,
@777Looper 2 месяца назад
Why? Because I always root for someone being relentlessly optimistic in current internet economy.
@allygong 2 месяца назад
it’s important nowadays, truly
@diegosandoval9948 2 месяца назад
Loved your video and your energy ! Please keep on doing them! ❤
@allygong 2 месяца назад
thanks so much!! i appreciate it
@anthonycook6213 2 месяца назад
Have a joyous week Ally!
@allygong 2 месяца назад
thank you anthony!! you as well 🤗✨✨
@marie_s_hn 2 месяца назад
I really wanna thank u Ally for this priceless video, I was searching for this topic a lot and finally find it. For me, I have been betrayed and hated by almost everyone in the past 3 or 4 years and that affected me and brought me a trust issue and made me hating all people around me! I still have a bestfriend I'm not alone or isoliting myself but i feel like i can't find joy again I even start to forget all the best memories of joy that i had in the past Anyway i just wanna share my feelings i hope you read my comment and thank u so much again for this video💓i'm new follower in your channel
@allygong 2 месяца назад
welcome welcome!!! thank you for sharing your experience ❤️ i’m sure that was difficult but it’s great that you are looking and finding all these ways to move forward!! you seem like such a positive person 🥰✨
@khaisernong 2 месяца назад
Pure data
@allygong 2 месяца назад
hahaha 😆🙏🏻
@777guy1 2 месяца назад
so what are the tips?
@allygong 2 месяца назад
this video is more of a perspective download
@BenDover-cm5mo 2 месяца назад
This is one of the best videos I have seen on RU-vid about Achieving things. I really think I think too much and that has been hindering me in my life. I always try to have everything planned out before I act, which is really sabotaging (perfectionism). Glad you talked about it!