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The history of Skywriting | Skywriters
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@samuelwangatia3603 3 дня назад
tehran under shah!
@brentcarnelli5664 4 дня назад
Could they shut off two engines in flight to make the plane more fuel efficient?
@nisalk 6 дней назад
As much as I like the A380 & 747 I would like to see Concorde jet come to life again. It's an engineering marvel.
@nadahere 6 дней назад
💯Old tech. We are developing advanced aviation engines and propulsion that surpass anything in existence and on the drawing boards 💯 ... .. .
@JoshuaBelarmino 7 дней назад
747 is not a giant.. its a crap..
@ButscheSchmidt 7 дней назад
Cooles altbekanntes Design mit modernen Komponenten. Ich bin ausschließlich per Rad unterwegs, mache damit alles von Arbeitsweg, Ausflüge, Einkäufe etc. und suche schon seit geraumer Zeit nach schönen, alltagstauglichen, robusten, leicht reparierbaren Fahrrädern (Made in Germany). Einige Oldtimer Räder aus den 50ern besitze ich (Miele, Göricke, NSU, Dürkopp), muss aber sagen, dass es nicht mehr so einfach ist, noch jemanden zu finden, der z.B. Glockentretlager reparieren kann (Wissen/Werkzeug) und will. Es gibt noch Ersatzteile aus alten Beständen und vom Schrott, aber wie lange noch.... ich habe sicherheitshalber ein paar Ersatzteile und Werkzeuge gebunkert, sicher ist sicher. Ich trage mich mit dem Gedanken, ein Retrovelo zu kaufen, um meine Oldiesammlung zu schonen. Tolle Idee und Arbeit, alles Gute für die Zukunft!
@Jeanjosephseanwperrot 7 дней назад
@p38cobra 9 дней назад
Takes; make each cut longer with design commentary and illustrations of new engines and talk about the RANGE!!!!
@aravindsiva77 10 дней назад
Having flown on both, hands down the A380 is miles better! yeah, you fans can call 747 queen whatever, but in terms comfort and most importantly SAFTEY (which now a days lacks in most Boeing planes) A380 comes top! stats itself shows you! How many accidents have the A380 been involved compared to the grandma of the skies!
@jamesswain2923 11 дней назад
Lol. How do they fit 130k litres of fuel in the wings. Lol. Never. Do the math on volume. Does not make sense
@SocialistBoomer 11 дней назад
Emirates pilots are highly skilled.
@kenc3288 12 дней назад
CO2 amounts to only 0.04% of the atmospheric gases, of which 1.4% is man made. CO2 is an absolute necessity for plant life. Why the fuss, it’s nonsense.😡😡
@alain-danieltankwa8007 12 дней назад
Such narration. I could watch forever
@roubika1922 12 дней назад
Both aircrafts are superb and fantastic flying machines
@henryravu1859 13 дней назад
So sad that most of these experts can't speak english. Learn to speak english because the world is changing fast.
@borgermann1069 13 дней назад
That's not a Pontiac, It's a Chevy ...
@jasxx1108 14 дней назад
@MrVasher 14 дней назад
Всё таки красивая машина!!! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Immer noch eine wunderschöne Maschine!!!
@Fdaikk 14 дней назад
I think governments should limit flight time for most celebrity planes and fine them if they fly excessively.
@Unclemiffato100 14 дней назад
I would love to fly the A380 !!
@johnmoss8230 14 дней назад
Candi didn't have a Pontiac she had a Chevrolet
@dangerousboy1804 15 дней назад
Does anyone know the work of lashing
@TimeToComeUntoChrist 15 дней назад
Thank you so much for making this great video. I love fly airbus A380. it's my favorite plane to fly 😊
@GreatWhiteShark75 15 дней назад
The 747 has 1 thing that kills the A380. Full cargo service. That is why the 747 will always be the top dog.
@chevalsauer 15 дней назад
Great documentary, credit where credit is due on both parts. Its unfortunate that typical corporate greed has led to the demise and trust of the once proud American icon of Boeing, making me wonder how long before the 777 and 787 models start failing, hopfully on the ground during inspections only !!! Shame on Boeing for putting profits ahead of safety!!!
@Khalifa_Alblooshi 16 дней назад
As an Emirati, I am filled with pride and joy at the achievements of Emirates Airline, especially its exceptional success with the Airbus A380. Emirates has embodied our visionary leadership's pursuit of excellence and leadership in the aviation industry, solidifying the UAE's position as one of the world's foremost aviation hubs. The success of Emirates reflects the dedication and creativity of its workforce, enhancing our reputation and making us proud of what we have achieved and will continue to achieve in the future.
@vdotme 13 дней назад
Including the slave labour?
@SusanBanveloa 17 дней назад
@jorgeferreira2009 17 дней назад
Lufthansa the only airline in Europe to use the 747? What about KLM and BA (at least)?
@jeffreybo1987 13 дней назад
KLM only as a cargo plane leased to Martinair
@jorgeferreira2009 10 дней назад
@jeffreybo1987 well ... I hate to remind which plane colide in the canary Isles from KLM ...
@jeffreybo1987 10 дней назад
Yes I know, but that’s the past. Now KLM has only 3 747 which are least to Martinair and this are cargo planes
@titusgirau7857 18 дней назад
Had an opportunity flying in it twice January and March 2024 respectively in and out of Dubai A very good aircraft
@mugo5075 18 дней назад
AIRBUS A380 IS KING. Boeing has quality issues.
@asefi7946 19 дней назад
It was more about dubai than the giants
@luv2sail66 19 дней назад
2 percent?! Give me a break. Convert surface vehicles to electric or hydrogen and the environmental impact of long haul air travel becomes inconsequential. My wife’s family is in China. If we want to visit them we have no choice beyond long haul air travel. I’m not willing to give up visiting family because the rest of the world can’t or won’t make appropriate changes elsewhere.
@scottbowles9574 19 дней назад
Wow Candice, your absolutely gorgeous, you’ve had a fabulous life….
@dexdavd 20 дней назад
A380 is plane above all
@sharoncassell5273 20 дней назад
If they rearrange the furniture in A380 they could get more bang for their buck , not crowd but more seats. I'd fly it.
@sharoncassell5273 20 дней назад
Yes I think they should merge not necessarily money wise but ideas wise. They're both the biggest planes flying and if they join forces they can conquer the hydrogen issue for the future .
@GamerKate1 21 день назад
I just recently flew with Singapore Airlines A380 from Singapore to London and was blown away! This is definitely my favourite aircraft now. So smooth and almost no turbulence. You definitely feel the size of this behemoth when entering the plane and the engines are so huge. I’m definitely going to choose the A380 for my next flight to Singapore and this time in business class. 😎👍🏽✈️ Though since I’m from Denmark I have to get on another plane first. Skandinavian Airlines. 😅
@user-mc1dv7ms3d 21 день назад
380 sucks 747 rules
@jjk5981 21 день назад
Sure blud
@mayormike1 22 дня назад
Trump made more people or companies go bankrupt
@DevRel1 22 дня назад
Boeing is my favorite, I like a little spice in my travel.
@Moose2498 23 дня назад
Here from Facebook! 😃
@SukhdevSingh-ge5rj 23 дня назад
@SukhdevSingh-ge5rj 23 дня назад
@SukhdevSingh-ge5rj 23 дня назад
28:19 FOC for testing 😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅
@jaypilot2643 23 дня назад
Great documentary 👏
@unaits.9021 24 дня назад
This was so fun to watch. I was supposed to watch for 10 mins before continuing what I intended to do, ended up watching the whole documentary and now my pending task is still pending xd
@laurentiuburian5990 24 дня назад
42:00 :))
@leeriterii2128 24 дня назад
Global 6500 with Rolls Royce Pearls I see fit.
@stevenlemieux7220 25 дней назад
If you compare a 747 to a 380 at least compare it to a 747 8i. I would not compare a 747 8i to a DE Havilland.
@GBA811 25 дней назад
China bought the transrapid system in early 2000's and build an express to Shangai Airport, in the 2010's it built the world's largest network of high speed rail but opted for conventional rail due the elevated costs of building Maglevs, nevertheless they didn't stop reasearch and devevolped a brand new train and even built low speed maglevs for some rapid transit lines.