Beyond Belief
Beyond Belief
Beyond Belief
Exploring all things related to belief, theology and extremism. Might sprinkle in a little psychology
@ronfish481 День назад
Why even go to any of them?
@thiarebs5342 5 дней назад
Hi. Do you have instagram? Would love to connect.
@ceegee5724 6 дней назад
You don't think it can happen until it does
@KS-lu8nm 7 дней назад
Awesome Teaching!!
@santisk818 7 дней назад
World mission society church of Fraud checks all the boxes!
@samuelpike1248 11 дней назад
Yet I find it funny that some Christians seem to have forgotten the passage of scripture in Malachi 3:8-11i(where it says,wherein have you robbed me,in tithes and offerings). Yes,as Christians,we do freely give,and I hope that we give to worthy causes to help bless other people who are not as fortunate as we are(not to causes that would undermine society). So by that passage of scripture,we learn that we should not rob God of these things. I tithe a portion of what I make every month,to the best of my ability,and guess what? The money is there for my expenses to be paid each month. When we make good decisions with our money,I believe good things are promised. Did Jesus not teach us all to give to others,help the poor,the needy? I think so. Does not mean we have to be perfect at it,we simply have to do our best and that is all that he expects us to do. Very simple when you think about it folks.
@MrsBridgette2012 14 дней назад
I attended a Baptist church as an adolescent and I was told that the Bible was the only book I needed for answers to my questions about religion. The pastor was God ordained and their sermons were inspired by the Holy Spirit which is God. If I wanted to read something else besides the Bible I was to pick a book from the church library. I shouldn’t attend a church from another denomination with friends that might invite me, instead I should invite my friends to my church and lead them to Christ. If I questioned the Bible or a sermon I would be warned,”Beware questioning the word of God”. God will punish doubters and nonbelievers for all eternity. And we were shown films about what hell will be like if we don’t live a godly life. This films were about fires, screaming and suffering from sinners in that place god has prepared. Yep, nightmares for me till I quit attending their movie nights.
@bigtobacco1098 17 дней назад
They don't adhere to the nicene creed
@WhiteIsraeliteChristianKingdom 18 дней назад
Most Pastors (Hirelings)want power and with power comes abuse and control and they use terms like 'Chief Pastor' Jesus Christ said in Matthew 23:10 And Don't be called leaders: For One is your leader and that is Christ. Jesus Christ is the head of the Church ,Not the 'pastors' and The Church is built on the Apostles and Prophets Ephesians 2:20. People become 'pastors' and not Evangelist or Prophets or Teachers, Because the money in the modern churches are funneled to the modern pastors which can be a pyramid scheme
@jhook479 25 дней назад
I'd add to the tithing one: Undisclosed nontransparent finances.
@mtbiker4life918 25 дней назад
Church should be a place where you go and be sociable to others. I look at is as a free place to go lean the art of conversation. I stay away from the gossip, or the extra programs they have like bible study. I also volunteer at a bike/ski shop because I love the sport and meet people that way aswell. I work self employed so meeting people is a challenge so I have to push myself to get out there. Churches prey on the venerable and have you confess your sins so you can be addicted to the validation. BE CAREFUL. Use church very lightly, and know that what they believe is there business. I take it very tonge and cheek.
@GeorgeDemetz Месяц назад
You are a dirty lying apostate! That is taught by prophets and apostles and it is in the scriptures!!! Just because you are too weak to keep the law, at least don't let Satan use you to stop others!!!
@Feber2001 Месяц назад
Mental illness, human dogma, and arrogance can really destroy a good thing. Jesus is good.... he would never want to encourage cultist ideals
@mannybaquero2129 Месяц назад
I only need one sign, if it's called "church" RUN !!!
@firstcenturychristianity6864 Месяц назад
Good stuff! 2 Thessalonians 3 is the Jesus salesman kryptonite.
@7_hummingbirds Месяц назад
All churches are cult-like
@myoneblackfriend3151 Месяц назад
Thank you for making the video. The Levites are the priests. The Levites control what the scripture/laws are. The Levites control what the people think god says. The Levites told the people to bring them free food (calling it a sacrifice) and money. This reads like a scam to me.
@user-ot8mi6qh9d Месяц назад
I was attending a Korean church. We wore special slippers, taught mistrust, and were constantly pressuring me to speak in their unique type of tongues. The pastor also shamed me several times during services.
@user-og2wt3le4j Месяц назад
Any controversy about tithing is whether it is based on your gross, net, or disposable income. The Lord still requires you to pay 10% of your increase. You can define what the increase entails. Having said that, God will not starve if you can't afford to pay or are not willing to pay the 10%. He just wants obedience to the commandment. We learn more from giving a tithe than by refusing to pay it.
@JOEJOE9664 Месяц назад
You've stated "The Lord still requires you to pay 10% of your increase." provide scripture. Tithes never meant money. I'll wait
@user-og2wt3le4j Месяц назад
@@JOEJOE9664 We pay money today. In the early history of my church, farmers would pay in grain, livestock, skills, time, talents, and lumber. We pay money today. We do not live the full law of consecration either. That would entail giving all that we have to the church and living on a stipend they provide.
@JOEJOE9664 Месяц назад
@@user-og2wt3le4j I'm sorry Benny but no where in sripture stated that tithes means Money. Plus, not all jews gave tithes. Money came from wrong interpretations. Tithing first began to come in to the Church after Christianity was recognized by Constantine himself. Then, also was forced after again after WW II that tithing was mandated. Again Man made doctrine.
@joshsmith2071 Месяц назад
Very much needs to be said. I have experienced alot of this in real life. Its healthy to question things and think for yourself.
@liralambayan5855 2 месяца назад
Not all but definitely most of these signs are existing in MCGI, a cult which started from the Philippines.
@eliasraymundolopez1793 2 месяца назад
What I can see here is that this young woman had a bad experience in her church with the teaching of tithing that is why she began to make her discovery. First of all, what she is talking about, the church does not practice the Levitical tithe, it is true that many pastors or teachers use the Levitical tithe to teach, and I do not judge anyone, it is due to lack of knowledge. Now, what the church does practice is the tithe that Abraham made to the priest Melchisedec ”and blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all, Genesis‬ ‭14‬:‭20‬. Jesus Christ high priest after the order of Melchisedec, Hebrews‬ ‭5‬:‭10‬. We are children of Abraham by faith in Jesus, what Abraham did, We must also do, when Jesus came to earth the Levitical tithe was practiced, but when Jesus came, the priesthood was changed and the law was also changed, Hebrews 7:12. We practice the tithe that Abraham did and in that tithe there are blessings. In the Leviticus tithe, anyone who did not give a tithe was known as a thief and the worst thing about that was that there was a curse, but in Abraham's tithe there was no curse, but blessings. Abraham gave his tithes because he knew the universal principle of wealth. The tithe means the 10%. Tithes should be voluntary and kind-hearted, and not obligatory. Secondly, in this country Everything is money. The church’s bills depends on tithes and offerings from members. The church does not receive a single dollar from the government. That is why we ask all members to be faithful to God with their tithes and offerings. That is between you and God not with man.
@JOEJOE9664 Месяц назад
Actually, his name was Abram before Abraham so this was before he was justified by faith. Also, Abram didn't tithe from his income it was spoil of wars and it only one time. Sorry not an income base practice plus it wasn't even his spoils. Try again
@bazkib 2 месяца назад
Well done and well said. :)
@percubit10 2 месяца назад
Lot of bad teachngs in church. It's business.
@lakishabush6321 2 месяца назад
I’m glad more ppl are realizing the truth.
@tomlehr861 2 месяца назад
I was part of a cult,twice. The way international and the catholic church
@Stich629 2 месяца назад
This sounds like the apostolic church. I have been attended one. Everybody look the same. Walk the same. Talk the same. dress the same and they are command to bring investments of money. To anything that he decides they need to do. To bed at the church. Not an offering. But investment. I am rather new to this place. And I have decided not to go all the time. I think it’s in a cult. They told us we would not even save. unless we go and take their doctorate. Of the apostolic faith. I only believe in the king Jane version of the Bible. What do you think
@sanjoserock1 2 месяца назад
@darrellfennelljr.4150 2 месяца назад
I hate the bad examples of Christian stewardship that inspires this type of video, but to be fair, most collections are simply keeping the lights on and the water running. Some collections are enough for the church to be missional, which is the goal. Few are able to hire staff, be missional, and plant new churches. And while I know they exist, I have never personally met the pastor who is lining his Gucci with the tithe of the widow, or charging his Tesla from the collection of orphans. But because of that last example, people become suspicious of the collection, and will not give even to the first and second examples. Also, most pastors today are working 2-3 jobs already - telling all pastors to get a job rather than take a salary is wild. Loved ones of God, go into full time ministry first, get a taste of that work/life balance, then judge the pastor who is able to take a salary.
@FirstLast-zk5ow 2 месяца назад
Tithing ( a tenth of everything ) . goes to God. And Jesus told us in Matthew 25 how to give to him.
@JOEJOE9664 Месяц назад
Provide exact scripture.
@FirstLast-zk5ow Месяц назад
@@JOEJOE9664 What do you think Matthew 25 represents?
@JOEJOE9664 Месяц назад
@@FirstLast-zk5ow Well, thatt's why I asked lol Which one Ten Bridesmaids? or when the son man of judges the nation? none has to do with tithing. But do share of course.
@FirstLast-zk5ow Месяц назад
@@JOEJOE9664 Sorry. The tithing is Genesis 14. And in Matthew 25, he teaches us how to tithe to him.
@JOEJOE9664 Месяц назад
​@@FirstLast-zk5ow Now it's easy to insert and mix bible versus to fit the narrative. However, it's the whole context of the versus. I'm assuming your talking about Matthew 25:35 through 41 The Parable is that those on earth at that time will be brought before the Lord, and He will separate them “as a shepherd separates the sheep from the goats. He will put the sheep on his right and the goats on his left” (verses 32-33). The sheep are those who were saved during the tribulation; the goats are the unsaved who survived the tribulation. It's about works but scripture does not contradict itself, and the Bible clearly and repeatedly teaches that salvation is by faith through the grace of God and not by our good works. Althought good works good but Zero mention about 10% this is act of kindness. You see homeless person give them food etc etc etc. OR do you give your $200 to a homeless person and not know what they will do to it.
@bennybaird6441 2 месяца назад
What about victory outreach international. I saw guys taking their life just after eventually getting allowed to leave the men's home?
@powerfit824 2 месяца назад
This teaching is so amazing I’m so grateful for your knowledge ma’am
@jasonzacharias2150 2 месяца назад
They told me you would say this... Now I gotta sit here decoding masonic texters and living like Hermes.... That last matrix upgrade was harsh 💉
@Jesusismyshepherd1207 2 месяца назад
Thank you for information. My family attending a apostolic pentecostal church. They believe that their pastor is the only true pastor and true prophet that God appointed in these last days. They also says, God is real in them unlike other churches and whoever stops their work will get sick (that I felt releasing curses in others who are against them). My family tries to convince me to attend their church and the first time I diagnosed cancer, my father question my faith (because I was attending a church that I know that it will help me to grow with Jesus that would not pressure me). My father said that I will not get healed if I don't regularly attend their church but I refuse to service in them and believe that God will still heal me. By God's grace, I praise Him for my weakness.
@hereticalinfidelical 3 месяца назад
You are so close. The churches you classify as non-cult are only different by degrees, all churches are about control.
@JamesRichardWiley 3 месяца назад
All religions begin with one person promoting an idea.
@user-uw4ok5hw3y 3 месяца назад
They descriminate you if you did not totally submissive to them. that's a cult.
@fyinerdy 3 месяца назад
the Iglesia Ni Cristo headed by the Manalo family from the Philippines is a perfect example of a religious cult.
@scottkelsch9015 3 месяца назад
All Doctrine is false.😆
@user-lv5lq1nf5d 3 месяца назад
Thank you, this was done to me. And I figured it out. After that they sent in a ton of people on behalf of the church to attack. It's gross and the doors to those churches will keep the ugly going and the world is dark. Be careful when the church is small and only has the ssme 29 members that brainwash . They wear the same clothes and say and do the same things . On repeat. It's a cult . They also only talk to the same exact people to say the same thing . For 23 years . Nothing changes for them . Ssme cards and same food and the same lying gossip. And the lord won't bless them . They will stay stuck doing it . Attacking people is their church way. They feed off the ones less fortunate. And they take from them . Destroying families .
@freethinker424 3 месяца назад
I don’t mean to be an asshole asking this (well, I kind of do) but doesn’t all religion start as a cult?
@BeyondBeliefChannel 3 месяца назад
typically yes
@davidspencer343 3 месяца назад
As an athiest all religions seem to have some form of cult about them.
@arferret 3 месяца назад
Lost a close friend to Shincheonji. Feel helpless and totally devastated
@BeyondBeliefChannel 3 месяца назад
sorry to hear that
@tomy8339 4 месяца назад
Your cat is cute. ❤
@BeyondBeliefChannel 3 месяца назад
@BobHutton 4 месяца назад
Pillars and edges of the Earth? I think the take-away is that God had no idea how the Earth is structured. I appreciate your well-wishes, but I think the Problem of Evil blows away any idea that there could be an all-powerful and all-loving being out there.
@BeyondBeliefChannel 3 месяца назад
Those parts of the Bible are poetry based not science/history The problem of evil is definitely the biggest issue with belief in God imo
@BobHutton 3 месяца назад
@@BeyondBeliefChannel While I certainly agree the Bible is not history (not until about the time of Omri, the father of Ahab, in the early 800's BC anyway) or science (at any time), passing off such wild inaccuracies as poetry comes across as a bit lame.
@BobHutton 4 месяца назад
Excellent video. It deserves far more views. You clearly have some background in science. With your follow-up you could go into more detail on reproducibility, controlled testing, statistical methods and falsifiability. (Just a suggestion). As far any pseudoscience I've made use of, I too have had trouble sleeping. In particular, it used to take me a long time to get to sleep. I heard a lot of stories about dimming lights (and screens) and making them more orange for an hour or so before going to bed. I figured it wasn't going to hurt me, so I gave it a try and, for me, it worked really well. I have no idea whether there has been any proper studies on this, but I'm going to keep doing it.
@BobHutton 4 месяца назад
I find it amusing how you distinguish between a "real" church and a cult. While, certainly, some are worse than others, they are all pushing ideas of the supernatural for which they have no (good) evidence whatsoever. I will grant there can be a psychological benefit to belonging to a supportive group, but clinging on to ideas that have no good evidence can be damaging and destructive. One thing I have no problem with agreeing to is: if you are being sexually harassed or groomed then go to the police (but not to the church authorities). Although, I will confess, some jurisdictions are better at handling this sort of thing than others.
@BeyondBeliefChannel 3 месяца назад
I view at similarly to mental illness. You may have some symptoms of a mental illness, but it doesn't become a problem until it begins to drastically negatively impact your life, then it becomes mental illness. Same with religiosity. It's fine until it's extreme or pathological (cults)
@BobHutton 3 месяца назад
@@BeyondBeliefChannel We are getting into definitions here (which is not usually all that helpful), but if it doesn't negatively impact you (or others) I wouldn't call it mental illness, just something like an odd personality trait. That's a bit different to believing in anything for which there is no good evidence (like flat earth, 5G causing Covid or anything supernatural). You may be fine believing any of those sort of things and you might even find some sort of comfort in your beliefs, but, ultimately, your decision making is not evidence based, which, I would argue, leaves you vulnerable.
@puritanpioneer1646 4 месяца назад
Professor James Anderson said this in his lecture series on Ethics: We are not commanded in the New Testament to give 10%, but given the fact we are in the New Testament with an abundance of blessings that was not in the Old Covenant, how much more should we want to give then what was commanded in the Old Testament?"
@SuzetteGood-uj7zn 4 месяца назад
Question - if you don't pay tithe how does the pastor get paid if he is in full time ministry. How does the church pay for their overheads eg electricity water equipment etc. How would missions be funded.
@BeyondBeliefChannel 3 месяца назад
Offerings! I pastored and extremely small church for a while and we easily kept our bills paid and ended up shutting down with 14k in the bank when most of our (like roughly 12) congregants were broke college kids. If we had that much.... a lot of these churches are misleading people with how much money they actually have let me just say that.
@JOEJOE9664 Месяц назад
@@BeyondBeliefChannel Here's something I always wondering. If paying "tithes" is a requirement what if a church member needs some what of a assistance. Shouldn't the church should assist that memeber?
@karrinechristian6688 4 месяца назад