Max Karpman
Max Karpman
Max Karpman
popstars in la doc
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Jimmie C. the Exoneree Trailer
2 года назад
Candylands Commercial
2 года назад
The Newport Curse
2 года назад
Escaping the Hasidic Community
3 года назад
The Creative Concussion
3 года назад
Drone Reel 2021
3 года назад
The Coin Flippers
3 года назад
3 года назад
3 года назад
2020 Video Reel
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Doc Project 3: Tiktok Famous
3 года назад
How to make glass beads
4 года назад
4 года назад
Chicago Street Performers
4 года назад
High School Student Productivity
4 года назад
Ivision Intro
4 года назад
Students' Political Voice
4 года назад
Fears of The Rosenberg Trial Today
4 года назад
King Street Station Hyperlapse
5 лет назад
@joshfernandez1688 Месяц назад
I miss the person I was when I wore these shoes
@maxkarpman3751 Месяц назад
@@joshfernandez1688 you are still him fern
@jazurek Месяц назад
yo the thesis goes hard as fuck man! 🔥🔥🔥
@phalanxbeats8402 Месяц назад
@jaderostata3098 Месяц назад
I got recommended a thesis before GTA 6
@maxkarpman3751 Месяц назад
My fault
@Rodmic-hd9pn 8 месяцев назад
I don’t want a dirty smelly man straddling me. My husband and “ make love” and please each other in respectful ways . When I was taking the F train to my all girls Catholic HS. Many times I swear this is true their were 2 Hasidic men ultra orthodox ( I lived near Borough Park uuugggg)They would masturbate while looking at us. I knew a NYPD SGT/Det and he would arrest Hasidic men prostitution .They( whoever they were)This would get them released somehow they had their hands in with the Jewish community.God bless this woman who was able to get out. Usually the judges are in with the community and the judgement would be for the husband. I have met patients in for Domestic abuse/ rape and we would try to get them into secret domestic violence shelters but most were too afraid to do it. I had maybe 2 or 3 that went.Many not all but many claim to be so religious but break almost every commandment on a daily basis
@Rodmic-hd9pn 8 месяцев назад
I saw the spit on a crucifix Why why why? We respect their insanity why do they treat Christians like shit. That’s not following the Torahs teachings
@Armandoluis20 10 месяцев назад
I'm happy for her but feel the father, he is dying from the inside for not being with his child, people should choose wisely before taking drastic steps like joining a community and getting married.
@baruchbaruch5297 11 месяцев назад
Sounds like someone who went through a crisis after emigration. Found a wonderful community inbher crisos then turned on it. Happens in all sorts. She was lucky that CHABAD was there for her. Could have been all sorts of bad things in her crisis.
@yehuditmeirabiton9506 11 месяцев назад
Why do you have Williamsburg in the beginning of this video and all the faux scenes are with polish style chasidim but you were involved with Chabad... these are so different. Chabad is insanely open... Chabad women have all kinds of high paying jobs and careers and yah men and women don't sit together at weddings.. it's a religion... not a cult.... I find this video an exaggeration
@sleb6259 11 месяцев назад
She didn't need to escape she could leave on her own will. Nobody is forcing her to stay.
@alizafuchs4867 11 месяцев назад
If you werent happy in this BEAUTIFUL, FREEING, WONDERFUL religion, fine, but be quiet and stop lying about it. You werent happy fine, but it is PERFECT and you are evil for lying about your inability to follow wonderful rules. SHAME ON YOU
@stevenlawrence1254 11 месяцев назад
Why is this woman so selfish what if the man picked up & ran away with the child, everybody would be up in arms how dare he pick himself up & abandon his wife. He did nothing to deserve this if she had an issue she should of dealt with it like an adult. No one forced her to join this community & get married & have a child, she made all these choices as an adult!
@smking100 11 месяцев назад
I'm not sure exactly what Olga's issues were with the Chassidic sect she married into. From this brief video, it seems the worst of her troubles involved following the communities rules about appearance, socializing, and gender roles. She decided to leave. Okay. But when she took Masha with her, that's a purely selfish decision, and she robbed Masha's father from having a meaningful life with his daughter. That isn't a reflection of the Chassidic community; it is a reflection of her character. I could never live in that world, or an Amish or Muslim world. But I also wouldn't have married into that world thinking I can bend the rules to fit my desires. These communities fight hard to keep people from changing their customs. That's the point, isn't it?
@gailmcn 11 месяцев назад
@smking100 I think Olga made it very clear in her story that it was the transfer of CHOICE over all her activities to her husband, once she married (not objections to any particular rule, only that she had NO say). This was something she had not really understood when she agreed to marry him. Also, her husband did not have any previous experience of a woman wanting a choice different from every other married woman in his world. A case of unrecognized, internalized cultural assumptions in both individuals being revealed only after marriage. As to taking Masha with her, this was not a selfish decision. Note that there were only two options here. Either/or. Either she had sole custody, OR her husband did. In his world, no possibility of joint custody. No sharing. All or none. She was not trying to deprive her husband of any contact with his daughter, she was just taking the only option available to her, if she ever was ever to have contact with her daughter again.
@smking100 11 месяцев назад
@@gailmcn so Olga basically acted selfishly, rather than change her nature to fit what she married into, and learn to be a good Chassidic wife. Her choice to take Masha was still wrong. The either/or argument doesn't make it okay.
@gailmcn 11 месяцев назад
@@smking100 If that's your rationale for calling Olga selfish, then you also must label her husband selfish.. He too had the option to change his 'nature' for the sake of fitting into the marriage, he also wanted to take Masha for himself, away from her other parent. But your scenario is not what happened here. This was two people who did not know of each other's inner expectations until after they married, A failure of communication, and a failure of older, wiser people on both sides to advise them of the problems in marriages where there is previous different cultural and social experiences, so that they did have a conversation about their expectations. .And then two people who both wanted what they saw as best for their daughter, and also saw the other parent as wanting to do things that would hurt their child.
@smking100 11 месяцев назад
@@gailmcn you're completely ignoring the fact that the community and the religion come first. They follow tradition, not their own will. That's why they protect the culture, else they wouldn't be Chassidic, would they?
@gailmcn 11 месяцев назад
@@smking100 That's exactly what I was getting at....that's one of the expectations that was apparently not discussed before the marriage.....the husband's expectation that she would always put the religion and the community's traditions first, and that he would make the decisions about when she was doing that or not doing it. He assumed she knew this, she didn't. She didn't grow up with the same traditions his community had, That should have been obvious to everyone involved in getting them together: she wasn't from his group, based on her disclosed history. So why no one thought she needed any clarification of what was expected of her in a marriage in this particular community, is a mystery to me. Even the Hasidic marriage contract doesn't cover this; it's all about what the husband's obligations are to the wife, not what the wife will provide the husband. (per an interview Frieda Vizel did with a Hasidic wife).
@donnie8917 11 месяцев назад
Inbred parasites.
@GdamRight Год назад
My question is, why would you place the Israeli National Anthem in the beginning of this video? what is the connection?
@Eugen963 Год назад
F off, nobody forced you to marry
@dellwright1407 11 месяцев назад
You're wasted in your current job, you need to work as a counsellor. 😂
@Eugen963 11 месяцев назад
@@dellwright1407 thank you
@Prestonesfpv Год назад
I have a really hard time dealing with religions extremists of any kind
@noneofurbusiness5223 Год назад
She left *a* community.
@mrm2542 Год назад
What an awful woman slandering her community like that. I hope the husband found someone better that he can love and love him back like he deserves. Shame on this woman
@annchristine47 Год назад
It appears that women living within the rules of the Hasidic Jewish community and Extreme Islam follow the same restrictions.
@swampophelia2098 Год назад
Masha is the double of her mother
@swampophelia2098 Год назад
I love your hair, I’d honestly love to have such curly hair
@johnhaggerty4396 Год назад
The word 'escape' troubles me. Why not just 'leaving' ? What is it you are escaping into ? A drug-ridden, crime-ridden secular world where people live and die without hope. Even Muslims know the West is sick and lost. These Hasidic men and women have dignity and morality and transcendence.
@chodeshadar18 Год назад
Heh...at 3:50 she askes "why it's her problem if a man has an issue with looking at her, and cause him to have unholy thoughts." This is typical stupidity of modern western women. They don't know what's it's like to have a penis, and the power to TAKE what that organ desires! They call all men "perverts" just for being men. Ladies, understand something; when you are alone in an elevator with a man, HE WANTS TO HUG YOU. It doesn't matter if you're old enough to be his mother, or young enough to be his daughter. The only exception is if you haven't bathed in two weeks or act so off-the-wall-crazy as to be repulsive, he wants to penetrate and pleasure you! He does not ACT on those desires, because the thin veneer of civilization restrains him. Only that. So please ladies, have a little respect for your brothers, fathers and sons. You rely on your power to attract a man by your smell, voice, appearance, etc. so don't advertise when you're NOT hunting!
@michellevonhershko6831 Год назад
"im the man of the house i make the desicions" what a joke!! What woman in her right mind woild get herself.into this patriarchal crap of a cult...the girls born into this.should be rescued
@stephenfisher3721 Год назад
This is a poorly edited video because it combines very different Hasidic groups together and gives a false impression. This woman changed her mind and left; she did not escape. Unfortunately, as you can see in the comments, enemies of the Jewish people are using this as evidence against Jews and Judaism. But the truth is much more nuanced and must be understood in context.
@sigbauer9782 Год назад
if you are christian or jewish and treat women like this, you are a villain and are evil. if you are a follower of that goat-effer pedophile, and treat women like this, you are a hero.
@JennyStar156 Год назад
If you want to leave just leave. You aren't "escaping".
@maksymkorinnyi7576 Год назад
Totalitarian sect. This is who they really are. There is nothing fascinating about them
@peachsangria8704 Год назад
What I like about these stories is that in many cases people aren't "throwing the baby out with the bathwater." In other words, they continue to live out their faith and fashion it as they see fit. That's a good sign and takes a lot of strength to do.
@alanzeee Год назад
its very sad because the chabad hassidic sect are very open and they have modern values, She should have spoken to the right people.
@vladspb_ Год назад
Ольга, ты мой герой 🙂 Удачи
@soy.constanza Год назад
I think is very easy to judge, to think she was already an adult, but we are vulnerable at all ages, we crave for family, community, connection, a sense of belonging... I hope you heal everything and send you a hug ❤
@peachsangria8704 Год назад
Absolutely. My mother joined a cult in her late 30s! Everyone and anyone is at risk.
@marilynadams349 Год назад
Reading for history
@looli1327 Год назад
What about my values? and the things that I want and the things I like and the things that I want to accomplish in life outside of being a mother / running a household / producing children..... I think even women in the secular world can understand this sentiment... I do.
@alexdekow6006 Год назад
Littlefoot is my great Aunt. I love this. This is an amazing documentary. Thank you
@yafois988 Год назад
The Hasidic are truly oppressive ppl . Not the following the commandments as Moses wrote, its their personal cultish twisting Torah simplicity YHVH gave us to obey. The Torah is rather freeing to ur lives yet the UO like always follow "their UN-biblica " MA-ASIM & TAKAN OT oppressive rules making it miserable for ppl. Is was Yehoshua that contended with this same faulty man made carnage Pharisee & Sadducee that eventually MFG a kangaroo court to murder a man whom was 100% innocent. I live in Israel about 5 years and know WELL this stuff what a sham the UO really are blinded by their own self made rebellion to Torah truths.
@stephenfisher3721 Год назад
Only Judaism brings a complete and compassionate picture to the Bible. If we followed the Torah simplicity as you suggest we would all (or most) be dead. As the Bible says:"Six days work shall be done, but on the seventh day you shall have a Sabbath of solemn rest, holy to the LORD. Whoever does any work on it shall be put to death."Exodus 35:2. Most Christians observe Sabbath on the wrong day, so they would be killed. The vast majority of seventh day observers are breaking the biblical Sabbath laws, so they would be put to death. Are you following Torah, as the words "simply" command?
@anonymousanonymous-qx7mv Год назад
You dont have to ESCAPE...you can just walk off into the sunset....if you choose...
@editamongirdaite6006 Год назад
Oh, she had to dress modestly. I am not Jewish. And I don't feel respect for such people who abandon their roots and tell the world how bad the community was.
@zogyechi Год назад
Olga, you joined in marriage, you looked very very happy on your wedding day, you made a deal with your husband, you probably suffered from depression after child birth, you did not honor your commitment to your husband. He did not ask you for anything out of the ordinary, no domestic violence, no abuse just you not ready to be responsible to hold up your agreement. You knew chabad which are a great you could of joined and instead you now live alone with your daughter "in pants and open hair". instead of in a house with more brothers and sisters for your 1 child, with a husband that can protect you and your kids. But you chose the "VALUES" of the global mamzer club over Judaism. While non Jews are running to the torah, you run the other way, you did not aprriciate what you had and by the time you did, you destroyed everything. Mazal tov. I hope your husband found a nice girl and is happy even though you put him through this setback, and I hope your daughter will forgive you for your decision. And because you have chosen a life with not much direction, I can only bless you to find direction. Microsoft..... Bill gates.... Depopulation..... So you work for the devil now? You happy? This is what you wanted?
@dancookedit Год назад
Wow the cinematography!
@danmichaud580 Год назад
Be happy, what a novel idea. I am glad for you and you child.
@jonathanlewis2805 Год назад
This whole video is totally off!!
@BurgertubeFounder Год назад
@wavyflac Год назад
this rocks
@nicchin9586 Год назад
this is really sick max 🔥💯
@cattyninja Год назад
The people in the comments so critical of her and her own personal experiences are simply calling themselves out. We get it babes, ya'll so brainwashed that any resistance throws you into a spiral. 😂
@JennyStar156 Год назад
No, she's just lying. Consider that people are angry because she is lying about OUR life experiences.
@cattyninja Год назад
@JennyStar156 so everything she said is a lie because YOU haven't lived through it? Get a grip...she's speaking on her life experience. If you want to live in your delusional little cookie cutter bubble go ahead, but the rest of us can see through it 💁🏻‍♀️
@GitzenShiggles Год назад
Escaping? She was free from her first breath. She just couldn't abide in the faith. Her failure, not theirs.
@Msfracture Год назад
Good for her getting out of that cult!
@franceslock1662 Год назад
It sounds like it was a bad marriage and the change was too great to cope with. I’m glad you found contented Jewish family life in the end. If you had a more supportive husband, friends who could have problem solved with you, and a role in the community, you could have found fulfillment. I’m sure your former husband remarried, I hope he was more flexible and responsive to his second wife.