INFP med resident in general practice. This channel is for INFPs and other people who appreciate INFPs :)

Cook lemon fish with me!
7 часов назад
Autism assessment 1/3: Psychologist visit
12 часов назад
Poem about August
14 дней назад
"The Song of the Cell" book review
14 дней назад
My busy weekend
14 дней назад
Decorating my collage wall (part 4)
21 день назад
Scottish Horrible Histories
21 день назад
A tribute to my uncle
21 день назад
Update (covid, ASD waiting list)
21 день назад
Travel and memories for INFPs
28 дней назад
Visiting my family (frustrations)
28 дней назад
I met up with a subscriber! 😊
Месяц назад
INFJ-INFP breakups
Месяц назад
Pros + cons of being an autistic doctor
Месяц назад
Edinburgh introvert travels
Месяц назад
Decorating my collage wall (part 3)
Месяц назад
"Ai vist lo lop" medieval song
Месяц назад
Ability and self fulfillment
Месяц назад
Are INFPs healers?
Месяц назад
Make pulled bean tacos with me!
Месяц назад
Update with cherries
Месяц назад
@sicparvismagna1294 День назад
Hi Ingrid, Thank you very much for being inspired by my suggestion. Your videos always come in the best time to cheer me up when I'm feeling down. I don't know Marie Oliver I will check her out. The heron is a beautiful animal. Hope is sometimes what's left of us to save us from staring into the void... Oh recommandations ! There you have it : The open road by Walt Whitman The learn'd astronomer by Walt Whitman ( yes I like this poet:). ) If by Rudyard Kipling Desiderata by Max Ehrmann The man in the arena by Theodore Roosevelt ( not a really a poem but still a good speech) So these my suggestions for now but certainly will have others in the future. Thanks again Ingrid. Take care 😊
@radishraven9 День назад
@@sicparvismagna1294 hi, thanks for the recommendations! I will see if one of them will be good for a future crochet poetry video! I'm sorry you're not feeling so good. I hope thinking about hope and herons makes you feel better 😊
@sicparvismagna1294 День назад
You are welcome. I hope to get the privilege that you choose one of my suggestions. I feel like I'm contributing to your channel and it's heartwarming. Thanks, it's especially seeing a video from a friend that makes feel better the most 😊
@cevita66 2 дня назад
I enjoyed watching your cooking show. ❤
@sicparvismagna1294 2 дня назад
Hi Ingrid, I'm a bit tired so sorry I can't watch the video maybe I will do it later but I hope you are doing fine. Wishing you a good evening, good night and good weekend. Take care
@Inusaa-1 3 дня назад
I always hear " it's me angry infp ", which is unrealistic. So I know it's an audio illusion (
@name.nolongerAvailable 3 дня назад
You've made me feel slightly more normal and understood
@GoenShowa 4 дня назад
goddammit i guess im not unique
@tahah.babikir7698 4 дня назад
Cobi and Tobi.
@tahah.babikir7698 4 дня назад
There are actually FiNi INFPs, I think you might be one. Since they are double introverted ISFPs (or double introverted INTJs (NiFi), they usually come with dyslexia and other (I can’t focus on the outside world problems).
@radishraven9 4 дня назад
@@tahah.babikir7698 hi i don't really subscribe to socionics or other theories beyond basic mbti, so i am using basic cognitive stack
@vondelpete 4 дня назад
Ah Stockholm is so beautiful. Anyway thanks for sharing about this process - and of course ChatGPT had to get involved, lol.
@radishraven9 4 дня назад
@@vondelpete lol i thought she was joking about chatgpt but she actually did it 😂
@jaytm2574 4 дня назад
Big step! Congratulations!
@dulles1969 5 дней назад
I hope you had some extra time to enjoy Stockholm, maybe some time at a cafe -- what a beautiful day to be there!
@sicparvismagna1294 5 дней назад
Hi Ingrid, The view of Stockholm is beautiful. I hope you will hear good news soon. Take care.
@vondelpete 5 дней назад
I mean, I resonated a lot with the childhood introversion. Like you humming that song ha, while being in your own world. I have this weird memory of being put in a judo class by my mum, and I left after only two classes since I was a joke - we had to stand on our heads as an exercise but once on my head, I went into a dreamworld and couldn't be shook out of it. By the time I stopped standing on my head, everyone's parents had arrived to pick everyone up. But yeah I felt pretty embarrassed. Apparently I was super quiet as a kid and didn't really have friends - I guess this was mainly a thing right up until I was 12. It's like we were just super-INFP as kids, especially those early years - living in that dreamworld and entering into it so easily. Oh and that laughing thing too, I remember being in trouble for that. Sigh.
@radishraven9 5 дней назад
@@vondelpete oh wow, and that judo teacher didn't try to stop you standing on your head? I have never been able to stand on my head, but I'd guess it would feel pretty uncomfortable after a while. I guess you are right we are extra infp-like as children lol 😊
@sicparvismagna1294 5 дней назад
Hi Ingrid, I wrote a long comment, as always but somehow it didn't show up. Will try to recomment but If I can't then thanks for sharing and take care.
@olovstener618 5 дней назад
Only INTJ understands the adore ableism behind this
@gorvo31 6 дней назад
Hey Ingrid, I must say this video was quite emotional for me, partly seconding Dulles here to an extent, feeling like am hearing one's childhood in review. I was fortunate that there was usually one other kid at various times during childhood, almost like they were sent my way if only briefly, who was also shy and sensitive...who "got it" too. Otherwise was pretty alone through all this. Sounds like we both turned out alright overall even if of course, working out some things. We're "works in progress" still drawing from our roots and interior antecedents. 🙂Thanks as always for sharing. -Carm
@radishraven9 6 дней назад
@@gorvo31 I'm sorry you were also pretty alone, apart from some friend here or there... yes it turned out ok in the end 😊
@dulles1969 6 дней назад
Our histories are waaayy too similar for comfort Ingrid. 🥲 One key difference, I had the good fortune of growing up in a tiny village up until 3rd grade (moved to US). The teachers were not mean. And a harsh truth: being a boy that age with those qualities probably played in my favor. And yes! People taking my responses the wrong way... that happened with a co-worker just last week...
@radishraven9 6 дней назад
@@dulles1969 oh I'm sorry you relate 😪 where did you grow up before the US? 😮
@dulles1969 5 дней назад
@@radishraven9 I grew up in rural southern Germany, in a little farm village. It was a dreamy childhood, with the extended family of grandparents, aunts and uncles all close by, and supportive. So I think those circumstances were soo much easier than you had it. Then we moved away when I was nine, and coming to the US was a very different experience.
@michaelvandenheuvel317 7 дней назад
Yea but why
@radishraven9 7 дней назад
@@michaelvandenheuvel317 why not?
@ContentRemoved___ 9 дней назад
Those dimples tho
@naturandmor 9 дней назад
Thank you for sharing. It means a lot for me/us. Keep it up.
@naturandmor 9 дней назад
Sorry for the question, why do you wear headphones now? I had a girlfriend, she wore it too. Thank you the answer.
@radishraven9 9 дней назад
@@naturandmor i wear headphones sometimes to shut out outside noise, but sometimes to just keep my ears warm 😊
@naturandmor 9 дней назад
@@radishraven9 so not for listening music?
@radishraven9 9 дней назад
@@naturandmor yes of course! but i was not listening to music during this video
@naturandmor 9 дней назад
@@radishraven9 okay. Would it be easier when being outside using instead of haedphones ear plugs? Sorry for detailing it, I just wanna have a clearer view of this phenomenon.
@radishraven9 9 дней назад
@@naturandmor my ear canals are pretty twisted and small so i have a hard time with earbuds
@naturandmor 9 дней назад
What about sexuality? Masturbation, with girls and/or boys doing sex or no sex?
@radishraven9 9 дней назад
@@naturandmor i am asexual but do take care of myself you could say
@nia904 9 дней назад
Infj is my favorite type💪💪💪
@smallyericho8037 9 дней назад
No one cares
@radishraven9 9 дней назад
@@smallyericho8037 wow, you took time out of your day to tell me that? You sure seem to care quite a lot
@billgrant7262 10 дней назад
You won't know who you are until at least late 20's. Just live for now, don't worry about "I am this" "I am not that"
@radishraven9 10 дней назад
@@billgrant7262 I'm 28, i think i know who i am
@billgrant7262 9 дней назад
@@radishraven9 how long have you known who you are?
@radishraven9 9 дней назад
@@billgrant7262 it's not something that just happens from one day to the next, the process is gradual
@billgrant7262 9 дней назад
@@radishraven9 Correct, and it will continue to happen
@radishraven9 9 дней назад
@@billgrant7262 yeah exactly, but trust that i know myself best, not you
@billgrant7262 10 дней назад
You should not shut that path forever. One day you may change your mind. It's only natural.
@radishraven9 10 дней назад
@@billgrant7262 who are you to say that to me?
@billgrant7262 10 дней назад
@@radishraven9 someone who watched your video
@radishraven9 9 дней назад
@@billgrant7262 you are no authority on my life
@billgrant7262 9 дней назад
@@radishraven9 Nor do I care to be one
@radishraven9 9 дней назад
@@billgrant7262 you are using "should" so yes that is implying that you wish i would think differently
@Ayesha_F 10 дней назад
Hey Ingrid....felt so overwhelmed for you, listening to this. Was quite relatable in some ways, listening to you express yourself. I am finding it difficult to find words. Sending you love. Thank you so much for your vulnerability.
@radishraven9 10 дней назад
@@Ayesha_F thank you, I'm fine with the way i am 😊
@Ayesha_F 9 дней назад
@@radishraven9 Ok 😊
@vondelpete 10 дней назад
Thanks for sharing, I think there would be a lot of people who would be having similar experiences and thoughts to you even though it isn't easy to talk about it. I guess on the INFP front too, there's always a bit of a different experience with the body compared to some others, or at least that's what it seems and feels like. It will be interesting to see how the assessment goes too!
@radishraven9 10 дней назад
@@vondelpete thanks! 😊 hmm yes i wonder how type gives us a different bodily sensation from other types. The Se blindspot makes it impossible for an infp to walk or tie their shoes 😂
@gorvo31 10 дней назад
Hey Ingrid, Good to catch up a bit. This was quite personal indeed an a lot for you to share. A lot more than I ever could. Give you a lot of credit, and understand to a degree the sensory difficulties in the broader sense, at least as much as possible from an older and male perspective. If only more people could be more accepting of each other for who and where they are, and these societal pressures could be shelved for good...at least a few of us find each other if nothing else. ☺-Carm
@radishraven9 10 дней назад
@@gorvo31 thank you, yes i think infps in general are a bit more sensitive even sensory wise than other types 😊 yes the world needs to be more accepting 😊
@sicparvismagna1294 11 дней назад
Hi Ingrid, I'm quite busy now but I will watch the video later and comment more thoroughly but from the first minutes I watched I want to wish you good luck with your autism assessment Edit: I'm back:) Relationships are not easy for some of us. For me having children can be really complicated as I don't think I will be able to take care of them as I struggle to take care of myself. Also I need to find the right person first which is a whole another story. I came from a society where people where pressured to marry and have kids, it's very awful. Although I have to admit it that for women it's much more difficult because of the biology. I do fully agree you don't to experience childbirth to feel as a complete human being. I like a quote from the Hippocratic oath: ' premium non nocere ' first do not harm. So if one does decide to have or not have children it's important to let people live with their choices as long as they are happy with them. Honestly, your testimony is really important to discover about new perspective about sexuality or asexually. Thank you so much for this vulnerable sharing. Whatever your choices, I hope you will happy with them and know there's a friend to support you. Again thank you so much for such raw and honest video. Take care friend 😊
@3STH3RHY 12 дней назад
I'm infp but I'm loud, lazy, have stress and worries a lot.
@Inusaa-1 12 дней назад
Change your character class from INFP to ENTJ and take control over the whole medical system.
@sicparvismagna1294 13 дней назад
Hi Ingrid, That's a long road doctor Ingrid but you can do it. I'm quite stressed because next week it will the finals for my master's , wish me good luck. I can imagine long studies like medicine can be really demanding and stressful. The culture of suffering is still present in academia which is really frustrating... Clocking system seems pervasive. I hope things will solve out in the best way possible. The system in academia can be quite oppressive too... Take care
@radishraven9 12 дней назад
@@sicparvismagna1294 good luck with your finals! Yeah ugh academia can suck too 😔
@sicparvismagna1294 12 дней назад
Thanks ☺️ Yes unfortunately it can be the case...
@dulles1969 13 дней назад
That poem was really well done! And yes, it captures the weird feel of August, especially as it draws to a close.
@radishraven9 13 дней назад
Thank you! 😊
@westernsellers9148 13 дней назад
@vondelpete 13 дней назад
I love the hourglass poem, I find the warm thick air image so evocative, thanks for sharing St Ingrid :) Of course it's topsy turvy here and springtime is starting to emerge, a whole other feeling obviously.
@radishraven9 13 дней назад
Haha thanks, i wonder if it is the holidays and back to school that gives the weird feeling to august or the fact summer is ending. Does march evoke any weird feelings in Australia?
@vondelpete 12 дней назад
@@radishraven9 I guess February and March was 'back to school' and it was always a bit weird and different - March especially, when it can start to have normal weather again, I'm usually pretty relieved!
@kithigginson4649 13 дней назад
Thank you for the poem! I love the imagery of the bubble’s surface tension breaking and initiating renewal. Oddly enough, last night I was searching online for images of antique hourglasses and musing about the fallen grains of sand generating new patterns as the hourglass is flipped. I have always felt similarly about the wistfulness that August evokes as well as the anticipation of the oncoming storm that it invokes. For me, the year peaks around the end of October and I feel the most in my element during this period. (Halloween is my favorite holiday!) Looking forward to your next poem! Take care.
@radishraven9 13 дней назад
Thank you, oh what a case of infp synchronization! 😊 yes i feel the oncoming storm feeling. I love october too, autumn is my favorite season 😊
@sicparvismagna1294 14 дней назад
Hi ! I'm afraid one day a raven will stay on the top of the pot of radishes and claim as the real owner of the channel , watch out 😂 Oh didn't know about Saint Ingrid ! I will check it out. Unfortunately at some level in university you still have things to do even in August like writing a report or something 😅 not everybody is on vacation in August 😅 it feels it's impossible ti have real vacation 😂 Oh didn't know doctor Ingrid is a poet too ! Nice analogy ! What a beautiful poem 😊 I encourage you to do more when you can. I guess you have much to convey with poems like this. Thanks Ingrid 😊
@radishraven9 13 дней назад
Haha thanks, a raven has not come to replace me yet don't worry 😅 ah yes some people have work in august, i hope your project is going well 😊 I always choose holidays in august to go to france as sweden is at its peak in june-july and already getting colder by the end of august. Also because my dad and brother would have holidays then. 😊
@sicparvismagna1294 13 дней назад
You are welcome. Good to know. I had to write two reports and I have two presentations next week so no time for vacation. I see.
@annikajonasondonell2294 14 дней назад
I relate to so much of what you are talking about. Im an Infj and are also going to do my assesment for autism in september. It's hard to function in a different way, mostly because other people don't understand or society isn't really built for neurodiverse people
@radishraven9 14 дней назад
@@annikajonasondonell2294 oh thanks, i hope the best for our assessments! 😊
@sicparvismagna1294 16 дней назад
Hi Ingrid, Nice to see you again. I always find it interesting how you are able to read that many books. Indeed before we took a close look at the world of cells we were busy looking at the sky. Really interesting how the same instrument can be used to discover the infinity big and infinitely small depending on where we decide to look. Hooke was an important scientist and in physics there's a law that bears his name ' Hooke's law ' If we don't have a portrait of Hooke is ( if I remember correctly) because Issac newton burnt all the existing portraits because he was his rival at the royal society in England and they both had a severe adversity. Oh Claude Bernard ! My University bears his name. He was an important figure at his era. I remember in my English class in university we were asked to choose a topic to debate and I chose transhumanism. I like when scientist in any field expose with humility our limited knowledge. It's really essential to keep in mind how much we don't know even if we have come along way. Oh Emily Dickinson, I spent the last few days listening to her poem ' hope is something tethered with feathers '. It's seems really interesting book although I still a big difficulty reading but it was interesting listening to you. Thanks Ingrid. Speaking of receiving cells I heard there's a book called ' les cellules buissonnières' which seems interesting maybe you will like it. Take care friend
@radishraven9 15 дней назад
@@sicparvismagna1294 thank you! Yes he explains a bit more on Claude Bernard later on in the book 😊 i will look up Hooke's law, lol Newton was so petty 😂 i will also look for that book. Maybe i can go back to my poetry crochet videos with "Hope is the thing with feathers" 😊
@sicparvismagna1294 14 дней назад
You are welcome! Oh nice. Ok nice that what I told you piqued your interest. Yes outside of great scientific discoveries newton was someone not easy to get along with. Oh that would be really lovely, I would love to see it.
@Cinnamoroll-c2g 16 дней назад
I'm a killbrick 😂
@matth_uag 17 дней назад
You're so cute. You could just get a bookshelf and that's it.
@Inusaa-1 17 дней назад
People with high intelligence or big diploma can be completely lacking in the areas in which their intelligence or diploma wasn't related to.
@radishraven9 17 дней назад
@@Inusaa-1 are you talking about me? Or my colleague? I would rather describe it as a spiky skillset than a complete lack of intelligence.
@Inusaa-1 17 дней назад
@@radishraven9 I was talking about your colleague, but it applies to everybody. In general lack of interest or outward stupidity into a topic is even more shocking when it comes from someone known as skillfull or clever, and sometimes their mastery of one skill make them think they own flawless insight on every topic, while each topic individually needs a lot of knowledge. For example an excellent mathematic teacher suddenly speaking of politics like a teenager :D
@lazlohere 18 дней назад
Hi! I'm also introverted and sensitive and I can't even begin to tell you how much I find myself in everything you said... it's like listening to myself :))) I really appreciate you sharing this. In my case, I think I get tired easier than other people also because I pay attention to details and I double check things (I'm also very conscientious with work). I think it has its positives and negatives... for example, at work I can say that I am appreciated because my colleagues know they can rely on me with doing things right (I'm also careful not to be taken advantage of because of this :)) )
@radishraven9 17 дней назад
@@lazlohere that's great to not be alone in this! I don't think I'm as conscientious, but i am appreciated at work for other qualities 😊
@rivermoon9953 18 дней назад
I nearly had same heartbreaking experience like you😢I can totally relate to your thoughts on INFJ and the communication difficulties between us. My INFJ friend door-slammed me a month ago and never replied my apologising messages. I was in tears everyday. I hope you are feeling better now and the relationship has been repaired.❤
@radishraven9 17 дней назад
@@rivermoon9953 hi I'm sorry about that 😭 The door slam i am talking about happened a year ago and no word from INFJ who has blocked me on all social media. So yeah the relationship will not be repaired 😪
@sicparvismagna1294 18 дней назад
Hi Ingrid, Sorry about that conversation. It happens to me to get trapped in some unpleasant conversation and it can feel triggering so I can understand. Usually I hold the tears when I'm back home... I know it's not the most healthy thing to do but I feel more comfortable crying alone. Good that you had someone supportive to listen. I do have somewhat of a problem, sometimes If I managed to do something I can't do other things even if some days I manage to do many things at once. Good analogy with the plates. You are trying hard and obviously not useless. You are just wired differently. Be kind to yourself. What 😅 that's a quick jump into conclusions 😅 . The world is not binary place, there's more alot it , it's very complex and intricate. Oh nice! That's good news. Wishing all the best for the assessment and for the placement. That's good news doctor Ingrid . Whatever will happen in future I'm wishing you all the best. Take care dear friend.
@radishraven9 17 дней назад
@@sicparvismagna1294 hi thank you 🙂 yes it was a lot and i got pretty tired and i will try to go easy on myself. I usually can't stop the tears unfortunately 🙈 Lol yes i go on this seesaw with the ESFP from like wow this is fun to wow this is dumb 😂
@sicparvismagna1294 17 дней назад
You are welcome. Ok I see