The mission of this channel is to share the everlasting gospel, emphasizing the imminent return of Jesus Christ and the importance of living a Christ-centered life. I seek to promote holistic health and wellness, recognizing the connection between physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. Additionally, I focus on biblical education and the study of end-time prophecies to prepare individuals for Christ's Second Coming. I hope that my legacy will be that of faithfulness and dedication to God's work that will continue to inspire and guide people from all walks of life.
Biblical Cosmology Debate MIRROR 2023
8 месяцев назад
Mystery Babylon - The Woman that Rides the Beast
10 месяцев назад
@lindasmith7841 5 дней назад
The sabbath (Saturday) was charged to (Sunday) after Jesus died on the cross-The New Testament
@lindasmith7841 5 дней назад
@Whitespike77 5 дней назад
@@lindasmith7841 not one bible verse says so. The Catholic church says so. Repent.
@williamloveall5202 7 дней назад
Amen ×100 billion
@Maxfr8 8 дней назад
Midget angels
@ritaakua3890 10 дней назад
@YildirayKoc 13 дней назад
Everything is happening in Türkiye, in the final it will happen in Türkiye... There will be only one state left in the world, the country of God will be established in Anatolia..
@INFJason 14 дней назад
Youre way off on your understanding. The Dragon is Satan.
@Whitespike77 14 дней назад
True, he is in a greater sense. But in the more particular sense, it's pagan Rome.
@SamG-pf9sx 17 дней назад
Thanks Mazel tov good job THE HOLY BENEI YISRAEL NAVI DANIEL my nephew's name is daniel shirazi love the Israelite prophets best.from a Pakistani American praying for Israel's victory in war amen 😎🇮🇱🇺🇸🇵🇰😙Shabbat shalom
@Whitespike77 17 дней назад
Pray for Palestine :)
@ronallens6204 17 дней назад
​@Whitespike77 what are you ? JW or Moron ?😮 too many errors to watch
@canadiancontrarian3668 27 дней назад
Let us keep in mind... sister White is very clear on the shape of our earth, and it's 'march around the sun'. Signs of the Times - March 20, 1884, par 6. 'In the matchless gift of his Son, God has encircled the whole world with an atmosphere of grace as REAL as the air which circulates around the >globe<. ' Steps to Christ 68.1. I am not one to quarrel with the inspired messenger...right?
@Whitespike77 26 дней назад
@@canadiancontrarian3668 she said that she received NO LIGHT on the subject. And that the FE message was not intended for her time.
@Whitespike77 26 дней назад
@@canadiancontrarian3668 if she made this comments and claiming that they are from God that would make her a false prophet. Joshua commanded the son to be still not the earth. You got plenty of Bible verses teaching a stationary earth.
@BillWaltersIndYoda 28 дней назад
Religion was made e up to gain power over the people.
@jmcgilvray5348 28 дней назад
@colinmurphy4403 Месяц назад
I'm very shocked that the speaker did not talk about our right to buy or sell, that our right to buy and sell will be taken way. How will this be implement? Money will be taken out of circulation, all countries will become cashless societies. Those that take the mark of the beast, they will be able to buy or sell. How will they be able to buy or sell? They will receive a chip in the hand or somewhere In the head. They will be able to scan for everything. Rev 13:16 And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: Rev 13:17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name. Rev 13:18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.
@Whitespike77 Месяц назад
@@colinmurphy4403 your phone already has a chip
@nn-kr7xt Месяц назад
Today problem is that people are mixing commandments with law, two different topics..
@kevinj.mullins6995 Месяц назад
Wonderful video. One thing that was distracting is that a bunch of times it said "Mis is my beloved Son" instead of "this". Not sure if you'd want to fix those typos or not. 🙂
@xxxchurch100 Месяц назад
So only 7th day sabbath keepers will be in heaven…?
@garymankus5718 Месяц назад
There are already numerous antichrists in the world, and Satan will keep them coming/ We should be concentrating on the REAL CHRIST, Yeshua Hamashiach, and put ALL of your faith and trust in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit
@ronaldhairfield1015 Месяц назад
@michael_deut6_4 Месяц назад
I really appreciate your videos. They have given me light is many areas that I have struggled with. Please don't take offense to the following. I had studied Daniel 11:40-45 some time ago from another brother, and here is a summary of what he taught: According to William Miller, we are not to guess at how a Bible prophecy could be fulfilled. We are only to look at past events to verify that a prophecy “has been” fulfilled. Having said that, I don’t see that modern Turkey could fulfill Daniel 11:45, because it says “and none shall help him.” The "eastern question," was a term that was used to describe the decline of the Ottoman Empire in the 1800s and its hold on eastern Europe. The problem for the powers involved (primarily Great Britain, France, and Russia) was to “prop up” the Ottoman Empire for stability in the area. Today, the modern republic of Turkey is the premier military power in NATO after the US. So the statement “and none shall help him” could not apply to the modern day republic of Turkey. A big question to ask is this: Does Daniel 12:1 have to immediately follow the fulfillment of Daniel 11:45? The answer is NO. The “time of the end' is mentioned in Daniel 11:35 and Daniel 11:40, and there is no reference to 'time' again until Daniel 12:1, where the prophet begins with "And at that time ..." Therefore, it is a logical conclusion to reach that in Daniel 12:1 the prophet is referring to the 'time of the end' that he previously mentioned in verses 11:35 & 40. The “time of the end' began in 1798 when the papacy received the deadly wound and will continue until Michael stands up, which is the “close of probation”, the falling of the plagues, and ultimately the return of Jesus. So, the next logical question is “what does Daniel 11:45 mean?” If it doesn’t apply to the modern republic of Turkey, could it have applied to the Ottoman or Turkish Empire? The answer is yes. The Ottoman Empire was defeated in WW1. See Encyclopedia Britannica - Armistice of Mudros Oct 30, 1918. In 1920 the Treaty of Sevres abolished the Ottoman Empire. But the Turks were not happy about losing much of their homeland and they began a war for independence against the occupiers. This led to the Treaty of Lausanne in 1923 which established the "Republic of Turkey" in its current form. History is clear, the Ottoman Empire "did" come to its end just as Daniel 11:45 said.
@Whitespike77 Месяц назад
"Today, the modern republic of Turkey is the premier military power in NATO after the US. So the statement “and none shall help him” could not apply to the modern day republic of Turkey." 1. Their allegiance to NATO is not on par with their allegiance to the Muslim faith. I believe that they will go against NATO, which is committing genocide on their Muslim brothers in Palestine. That is why they will invade the holy mountain. "Therefore, it is a logical conclusion to reach that in Daniel 12:1 the prophet is referring to the 'time of the end' that he previously mentioned in verses 11:35 & 40." 2. The chapters weren't numbered when Daniel wrote his book. So when verse 12:1 begins with an "and, at that time," I interpret that sequentially, meaning right after what happens before the "and." What happens at that time? None comes to help him (Turkey). The EU has already turned its back on Turkey. Turkey tried to block Sweden and inland from joining NATO.
@childrenoflight3010 Месяц назад
{&} HELLO, EVERYONE?& Shalom, Mr Professor, HIS HOLY REVELATION,WARING TO ALL MANKIND, YOUR HOLY ADONAI , YOUR HOLY Kings, YOUR HOLINESS & TEAMS, His Holy Greatness, Holy Future, His Holy Walkers., More Importantly.,...... YOUR HAS TO READS, In His Holy Future, He More Powerfully Controls., In His Holy More Pure His Holy Documents., These Where All Christian, Has Severe More Complicated In Worshiping, The Paul's Chao's Doctrine, He Written In To Him Selves, More Poisoning Insane Off Diseases CENTURY'S HE HAS ON THAT., ..................THEY ARE Talking To These Complicated Organised Denominational Catholic INSANES Protestant Christians, More About The Their OWNS Delusions, And MORE Falsity Off Paul / Saul / Simon Magus is like these pro Hamas students supporting Hamas. They keep telling You No Paul MORE INSANES Was ARE COMPLICATED Great SWINES OFF Christian., He kept The Torah, And THEN Paul HE FAKES IN TO HIS OWNS, HE Told TO HIM SELVES That HE Don't Have To Keep, HIS OWN Law Anymore, Because The Law was Nailed to the cross., No The Only thing nailed to the cross., HIS HOLY Messiah, YASHUA., AND HE SAID THAT, We are saved by Grace they teach from Paul, who is Grace, I had a girlfriend called Grace once. So Grace means we are saved by the love of God, so this mentality even subverts the actual sacrifice of Christ who told us not one Jot or Tittle Will Pass From The IMPORTANT HOLY Law, Until HIS HOLY Heaven And HIS HOLY Earth Passes AWAY., And This Paul's Simon Magus Character Braining Washed Those Christian World, FOR THEM To Believe That The Commandments of God are A Curse To Mankind., Yes He Said It ALL., 90% off Paul's INSANE More Complicated His DEADLY MORE SWINES POISONING Doctrine INSANES He SEVERELY Promoted By Paul's ARE MORE COMPLICATED HE Attacks The IMPORTANT HOLY Law OUR HOLY God HIS HOLY YWHW, And He Calls it A Curse, then in 10% Off His INSANES Teachings He Does The About Face and Makes Out he loves The Law., This DEADLY POISONING Man Used By MORE COMPLICATED INSANES OFF Rome., HE Was ARE The Greatest 2 faced Hypocrite Ever Seen On THE FACE'S OFF The Earth., But THE Rome loved Him, TO MAKES THIER OWNS DEADLY CRISIS CHAOS OFF MONEY & DESTROYED ON THE EARTH MORE FRIGHTENINGLY AMOZEN SUFFERING, AND HIS HOLY CHOSEN HOLY NATION, HIS HOLY JERUSALEM, HIS HOLY ISRAEL, HIS HOLY JUDA., WE Don't Read His MORE COMPLICATED OFF Writings Anymore., And Would Rip Them ALL Out., If I Could., But They Are Attached To The IMPORTANT PURE HIS HOLY Writings Of The True, In His Holy Gospel of the Jewish Holy YESHUA, And His Holy True, His Holy Apostles., Amen., ..................... Your Holy Royal Highness, His Holy Kings, In His Holy In Righteousness, His Holy Jesus Christ, His Holy Kings, In His Holy In Righteousness, His Holy Melchizedek, & YOUR HAS TO CROWN Him, In His Many Holy Magnificent, His Holy Divine, His Holy Crowns., More Powerfully & More Purely & More Strongly., Shalom., Mr Professor, HIS HOLY REVELATION, WARNING TO ALL MANKIND, YOUR HOLY ADONAI, YOUR Holy Kings, YOUR HOLINESS & TEAMS, His Holy Greatness, Holy Future, His Holy Walkers, We Will Talks More Soon., Amen., And Amen., SHALOM., EVERYONE?.,
@giorgostzifis8091 Месяц назад
All the great men of Reformation (Martin Luther - Jan Hous - Knox - Tyndayle etc) in the era of 1500-1700 agreed that the antichrist is the Pope and the beast of Revelation is the Catholic church. And surprisingly there is not even one movie of Hollywood for this era. Nor is it mentioned in the books of history in schools. This era is completely erased. Now you know what they want to hide. Well, please read the following verse. Revelation 13:45 ‘’And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying,…And there was given unto him a mouth speaking great things and blasphemies; and power was given unto him to continue 42 months.’’ In the Biblical times a month had 30 days. So we are looking for 42x30 = 1260 days. However please see: Ezekiel 4:6 ‘’I have appointed thee each day for a year.’’ Numbers 14:34 ‘’… each day for a year…’’ So, we are looking for 1260 years that have to do with the beast. -In 538 AD Justinian's General Belisarius enters Rome and annuls the Pope first among all the Patriarchs and the Middle Ages begins. - In 1798 AD Napoleon's General Berthier sends the Pope into exile, catalyzes papal power and ends the Middle Ages. Please do the math….1798-538 = 1 2 6 0 days !!! Friend the beast is the Catholic church.
@francislubinda-il8hx Месяц назад
@francislubinda-il8hx Месяц назад
Dear God
@francislubinda-il8hx Месяц назад
God name
@francislubinda-il8hx Месяц назад
@francislubinda-il8hx Месяц назад
Christ sidud come
@francislubinda-il8hx Месяц назад
@francislubinda-il8hx Месяц назад
@pcnone Месяц назад
According to the text in Dan.8: 8,9 the „little horn“ grew out of one of the 4 notable horns of the Greek kings, successors (in Greek - „Diadochi“ „successors“) of Alexander the Great (356-323 BC). Thus, as recorded, the account of the angel in Dan.8: 8-12 chronologically takes us to the time of Antiochus IV Epiphanes (215-164 BC) - a Syrian king of the Hellenistic Seleucid dynasty. The wicked and blasphemous deeds of King Antiochus IV Epiphanes fully correspond to what is written about the „little horn“ in Dan. Ch. 8! But the historical king Antiochus IV was only an type of the real Antichrist at the end of time. The future Antichrist is described as a „little horn“ elsewhere in the book - in Daniel Ch. 7. (cf. Rev. ch. 13). That future „little horn“ (the proto-type) that will operate at the end of the present age will be the small, but arrogantly-proud, Judeo-Zionist state of Israel, with its spiritual-political leader - a false messiah and a false Christ standing in the Temple in the city of Jerusalem, as a god, and arrogantly claiming to be the messiah king of the nations of the whole world; having the blasphemous claim to stand in the place (remove the authority) of the True Messiah and King - the Lord-God Jesus Christ (see 2 Thess.2: 3-10). In distinction to the „little horn“ in Daniel Ch. 8 (i.e., the Syrian king Antiochus IV Epiphanes), the „little horn“ of Daniel Ch. 7 rises at the end of time, among the 10 (i.e. all) horns that sprung from the body of the fourth world empire - Rome (see Dan.7: 23,24), and this is the ever-warring, against Jesus Christ and His Church, Judeo-Zionist (elite of) Israel.
@suewilliams4555 Месяц назад
Thank you for your videos, where would we be if we didn’t have you to share with us the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ and St Paul. I am enjoying your videos very much. God Bless you and I love ❤️ the pictures you have shared too ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
@Whitespike77 Месяц назад
You're most welcome. God bless you too Sue.
@henryhondo8421 Месяц назад
please explain the link between the little horn and the cleansing of the sanctuary from the sins
@NicholasPOGM 2 месяца назад
what book are you reading from?
@Whitespike77 2 месяца назад
Hi Nicholas! Fancy seeing you in my comments. Long time sub of yours. TGC ofc :) I just reworded it to not get copystriked. The channel is so shadowbanned it makes no sense to upload new videos. Im working on a real documentary nowadays. Will be released some time within 6 months. :) God bless
@NicholasPOGM Месяц назад
@@Whitespike77 thank you for clarifying. I knew it was "TGC" it just seemed a tad off. As for shadowbanning.. I HEARD THAT! That's why I stopped making videos TWICE for over 2 years each time. Sadly, it's the norm for those speaking TRUTH in these last days. As for the documentary.. nice to hear! :) As for the graphics? - NICE! Where do you get them?
@Whitespike77 Месяц назад
@@NicholasPOGM the images in this video?
@Whitespike77 Месяц назад
@@NicholasPOGM also what do you think about my video "Another Jesus another gospel"? Do you agree with it?
@NicholasPOGM Месяц назад
@@Whitespike77 I haven't seen it yet. Sorry
@beresfordforbes 2 месяца назад
The lord God Emanuel 🇪🇹 🖤 said Jacob I love ❤Esa I hate 🔥 God Emanuel 🖤 🇪🇹 his the same yesterday today and for evermore 👑 🖤.
@beresfordforbes 2 месяца назад
The lord God Emanuel 🇪🇹 🖤 said prophecy must fulfill said the truth shall set you free, four hounded years of slavery 🇪🇹 twelve tribe of Israel royalty peculiar people scattered in the four corners of the earth 🌎 vengeance his mine twelve legions of angel 😇 🖤 👑 🔥.
@Truthseeker424 2 месяца назад
Unitarianism? ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-p1P3Df3ATmo.htmlsi=BLby36MX5RdXzV6q
@cooka.s2817 2 месяца назад
Except the land called Isreal today isn't the real land of Isreal. That fake land Isreal of today was established in 1946 after the Hitler's war. The real land is in Africa, which is why every country is stealing all of it's natural rich resources. No other countries in the world has land rich resources like Africa. It's clear as day what Africa is.
@LAQ642 2 месяца назад
It isn’t Rome. Think more on the lines of Islam. But to be fair Rome and Islam are in the process of combining. Which is interesting because Islam is not compatible with Christianity. The Islamic caliphate came after the 6th king (Rome) and the 7th king the Byzantine Empire after Rome. The 8th was the Islamic Caliphate the Ottoman Empire.
@Whitespike77 2 месяца назад
Islam is the fourth beast? What are the 10 horns of Islam? How did Islam change God's times and laws? How did Islam rule for 1260 prophetic days? Dosent add up.
@LAQ642 2 месяца назад
@@Whitespike77 the Ottoman Empire came out of the former 7. 1. Egypt 2. Babylon 3. Mede-Persia 4. Assyrian 5. Greece 6. Rome 7. Byzantine- Lasted a short space 8. Ottoman Empire- out of the former 7 That’s recorded historical fact. Also the Ottoman Empire controlled most of the same territory as Rome formerly did. They ruled from 1299-1922 AD and was led by 36 Sultans during that time frame.
@LAQ642 2 месяца назад
The abomination is something sitting where it aret not to be sitting. It’s the Islamic mosque sitting on the Temple Mount. Desolations are determined due to it sitting where it shouldn’t be.
@jmarque3201 2 месяца назад
I thought the three horns that were uprooted is during the tribulation and by the Antichrist?
@Whitespike77 2 месяца назад
@@jmarque3201 no the antichrist uproots 3 horns to be established.
@Lila-BeamMeUpAlready 2 месяца назад
I read with my ears :: that Enki is Jesus and that Enki is being kept against his will in the depths of the Vatican. I’m seeing comments that the A is the Popo and or Vatican is related to A.
@maejeannerez 2 месяца назад
Wow you need to really learn Revelation. The wound to the eye isn't gong to happen to the false prophet it's the Anti-christ who will suffer the wound. Cmon man!!
@maejeannerez 2 месяца назад
It's not 1260 years it's 1260 days or 3 1/2 years. That's what happens seen you use AI for your videos.
@Whitespike77 2 месяца назад
Prophetic days are literal years. Just like in Daniel 9...
@maejeannerez 2 месяца назад
The 144 000 are Jewish young men who will go out and share the coming kingdom to the world and reach Jews because they are likely Orthodox Jews who have miraculously accepted Jesus as Messiah.
@rodjohnon4950 2 месяца назад
Hold on captain. Where are the seals? Where is the earthquake? Kings hiding in caves. Talking about, hide us from him who sits on the throne. Where is the mark of the beast? You cant just skip around like this.
@StacyCold 2 месяца назад
@user-hf5ti8ce7q 2 месяца назад
Quick question.. Are the 7 vials running parallel to the 7 trumpets as Judgement of each one of them or are they poured out after 1844? Also is the mark of the beast something people of the past had to ACTUALLy contend with or do we need to woory about his for the future.
@Whitespike77 2 месяца назад
@@user-hf5ti8ce7q the mark is still in the future. A future law that dictates Sunday keeping.
@Outlander-wm9cd 2 месяца назад
The four beasts of daniel two indicate the iron legs Which are Rome Has an aspect that reaches the end of times since the division of ten toes are the same as the ten horns in chapter seven..... The iron that is mixed with clay is the same as the little hornpower and indicates an aspect of rome that exists until the end of time..... It is the roman catholic church.
@Lila-BeamMeUpAlready 2 месяца назад
The antichrist will appear at the RCC ?
@Outlander-wm9cd 2 месяца назад
The pope.
@user-hf5ti8ce7q 2 месяца назад
Very interesting stuff. Good to have different insights.
@Ysq21aCk_user 2 месяца назад
Revelation 18:23-24 NIV [23] The light of a lamp will never shine in you again. The voice of bridegroom and bride will never be heard in you again. Your merchants were the world's important people. By your magic spell all the nations were led astray. [24] In her was found the blood of prophets and of God's holy people, of all who have been slaughtered on the earth.” It's the USA. Follow the stink source. The USA is the modern evolution of the Roman and Jewish Empires, like it or not. Its legacy is the blood of the prophets. Washington was once called Rome and also sits on 7 hills. The great prostitute is the USA, supposedly Christian in name but apostate in character. Babylon the Great is Satan's kingdom merged in with the US empire and its unprecedented economic and military might. Satan is the father of lies and the US is the empire of lies. Of course, the USA would excuse itself. But think, where does the world's negativity, lack of truth, sowing discord, hypocrisy, promoting war and conflict both near and far derive? Ever wonder why the boastful, self proclaimed, greatest, most powerful nation on earth is not mentioned in the Bible according to American pastors (lest they become unpopular with their constituents)? Because it is!
@truthleaker222 2 месяца назад
If you don’t know who he is yet, you are probably a follower.
@v3e_ 2 месяца назад
So who is it cloWn 🤡