Pop Culture Detective
Pop Culture Detective
Pop Culture Detective
Video essays exploring the intersections of politics, masculinity, and entertainment. Hosted by Jonathan McIntosh.

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Boys Don't Cry (Except When They Do)
2 года назад
The Tragedy of Droids in Star Wars
3 года назад
Abduction As Romance
5 лет назад
Stalking for Love
6 лет назад
The Case Against The Jedi Order
6 лет назад
Wall-E as Sociological Storytelling
6 лет назад
@TwistyTrav 7 часов назад
Yeah.... its abundantly clear the author of this video did NOT watch The Clone Wars/Rebels TV series in its entirety. There are multiple scenes where droid slavery is discussed. Specifically, the scene where the Death Watch droids rebel against their sadistically abusive masters, after essentially being used for target practice.
@TwistyTrav 7 часов назад
Anakin's entire personality when it comes to the mistreatment of droids is shaped by his childhood & the hatred he has for slavery - since we used to be one himself on Tatooine. Its the primary reason why R2-D2 is always his loyal friend, never his slave. Its also why Anakin refuses to allow R2's mind to be wiped the entire Clone Wars. This choice has turned R2 into a liability on some missions, because he carries sensitive data about the Republic, should he ever be captured.
@erikzherrllo6960 7 часов назад
I think that’s why Fleabag abandons us at the end of season 2, like “nah bro you can’t look anymore” or “not this” when she is doing it with The hot Priest. Like she is conscious that film is voyeuristic always.
@EvstersYT 7 часов назад
Imagine a parody of this where they do to kiss the alien "woman" and he dies cuz shes poisonous
@bushipop9667 8 часов назад
Which media conglomerate sponsors this wretched TubeYou channel?
@basicsimp8798 8 часов назад
This is why older men like to go after barely legal teens or younger women. They can't handle someone who has the same level of experience as them or someone mature. They want to groom someone as their ideal woman. Creepy.
@alewiina 11 часов назад
I never watched this movie despite loving the idea of Newt Scamander (I too wanted to be a magizoologist at one point lol), but for some reason never did. And now I won’t watch anything HP related because of JKR. But this video makes me wish I had at least watched the first Fantastic Beasts movie because I think I would really like Newt. An empathetic, animal loving, autistic-coded Hufflepuff as the main character?! Sounds exactly my jam. If only the movies (and universe) wasn’t so damn problematic 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️
@alewiina 11 часов назад
Do you think you’ll actually do the third part of this series?? I have a lot of thoughts about season 3 that I’m curious if y’all ahare
@strawberrykun6136 11 часов назад
So sad how its been 4 years since this but the trends don't seem to be improving 💔 but alas we're still here and we'll keep talking about this, Cheers mate!
@Marlo_Strannik 12 часов назад
Being a queer man (to simplify my gender) and watching this is really interesting. I'm outwardly male, sure, but my gender expression is *very* non conforming. Androgynous, if not totally "feminine". And you know what? I don't feel the competition with other men that you mention. I feel some competition with women, but mostly, with myself.
@Blue-EyesWhitePrivilege 13 часов назад
Fear, specifically, _is_ poisonous to Jedi. Jedi, especially padawans, can lose their connection to the light side of the Force when they're afraid. I believe that what Yoda means is that when a Jedi becomes afraid they're more likely to reach into the dark side to protect themselves and those around them, because fear can actually be a fuel source for dark side abilities. If this is what he means the rest of his warning holds true. Fear is the gateway, but then the padawan learns that anger is a much better fuel source than fear, and further still they learn that hatred is even stronger still. Once they've fallen that far they can only cause suffering because they've become a slave to their anger, hatred, and fear. I think this is what Yoda is warning about, and to be fair he's completely correct. Anakin's fear of loss causes him to become one of the most vile monsters to ever exist in the Star Wars universe. While the Jedi could have prevented Anakin from ever falling, we know that it's not that easy to flip such ingrained beliefs, so they never actually could have stopped the end result. Vader is proof that Yoda was right, that fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, and hate leads to suffering.
@BlackReshiram 13 часов назад
that blade runner scene (you know the one) made me nauseous
@PopCultureDetective 9 часов назад
Me too. Love the movie but that scene is super gross.
@BlackReshiram 8 часов назад
@@PopCultureDetective Im currently rewatching a bunch of your video catalogue and i was surprised when you said that blade runner used to be your favorite movie precisely bc of this scene. i understand why it no longer is. might rewatch the movie just to refresh on my opinion on it in general but that fucking scenes gonna be tough to get through i reckon.
@cosmothecreator 15 часов назад
Since they introduced the character of Anissa from Invincible, I wonder how they're going to portray THAT scene from the comics. Already, a lot of men were joking about it. "I'd let her do that to me" or "she'll need to run from me" is a common thing guys have said on Twitter.
@leolucpaulo 17 часов назад
Thank you for the video!
@Ello927 17 часов назад
Terra nil is so fun!
@kawaii_tails 20 часов назад
I expected twilight to be here
@elixa_torres68 20 часов назад
I can’t help but think about One Piece’s “The Going Merry”. The Merry was just a ship, with no other purpose than to be a setting for our character. Yet … when I tell you I cried when that ship was burned. It’s worth wasn’t only shown by how the characters treated the ship but by how the overall story treated it. It gave it a purpose akin to a character , that made not just me but the majority of the fans feel for a sentient object.
@violetlavender9504 21 час назад
the barbie movie makes patriarchy look so gay
@OdinsSage 22 часа назад
I love solarpunk, and feel it is such an important movement. We need to have hope alongside action, and I believe that's what solarpunk is inspired by; where hope and action align.
@MichelleDesiderio 22 часа назад
I had a coworker take advantage of me one day, he was high, i tried some, i was stressed and dissociated, and it really looked a lot like this.. i felt so gross afterwards, but i consented so i never really said anything and i don't think he did it on purpose...
@Falsettos-mj3tn 22 часа назад
I would say the main character in Enchanted is mocking hos the personality doesn't work in the real world
@Ibis_W0lfie 23 часа назад
I hate how this trope is how some men perceive autistic women and think we act like this irl
@SpookyDeerArt 23 часа назад
finally got around to watching this and glad i did! another awesome video from you guys!
@wabbles 23 часа назад
do one for Benoit Blanc!
@PopCultureDetective 23 часа назад
not a bad idea
@user-xp7ov3kf8y День назад
I love this video, still, robots have no rights
@nickvogel День назад
STOPPP BRO, not Artax!
@philippniemann8842 День назад
Endless movies of "woman stories": - alien - Terminator - Wonderwoman (movies, shows, comic books...) - Buffy the vampire slayer - scream I could go on and on 😐 I have no clue under what rock you lived but you need to come out and breathe some air. The problem is not a slim minority of men being antisocial pieces of 💩 But the distribution of money Oh, btw, I love all those media with real strong women from the list above.
@timothypeterson4781 День назад
"I'm going to dismiss any use of the word that disagrees with my definition. Even if people are using it in that way."
@PopCultureDetective День назад
I'm using the universally agreed upon definition used by sociology because this is a video about a sociological system.
@timothypeterson4781 День назад
@@PopCultureDetective Well I'm surprised that you responded. But you must agree that people use it in ways that aren't this. So saying "This is the definition" is a bit useless to respond to people who aren't using it in that way.
@iancoates2100 День назад
Great video but the one thing I’d change is how you frame Barbieland. You seem to portray it as an ideal non-patriarchal society, and yet it is supposed to be a mirror image of the real world, just with the roles reversed. Barbieland is unfair and cruel, just like the real world.
@PopCultureDetective День назад
I never said Barbieland was an ideal anything. It isn't. It's more like a weird inverted patriarchy as seen through a child's eyes minus the obsession with control.
@iancoates2100 День назад
Oh I seem to remember you did. Maybe I’m just going crazy lmao
@morgansubtilis6852 День назад
Lie detectors don't detect lies, they detect nervousness about one's answer. I also think that the gender and age of the operator (unlikely to be someone who would be open to her nuanced answer) probably didn't help.
@TheRogueCommand День назад
To be fair, the MCU has 2 big things working against it. 1) for the most part, these are all movies which have to fit their story into a tight 2 hour narrative which doesn't always leave room for a lot of nuanced discussions, and 2) they all have to inhabit the same universe, so the status quo, for example, level of new technology, can't be changed too much, less it interfere with other stories. Tony can't solve the world's energy crisis, because poverty needs to exist in order for conflict to happen elsewhere.
@jacebeleren9682 День назад
I saw my father cry for the first time when I was 24. Cried over my brother. I didn't have the heart to let him know I saw him. It changed me.
@Anexploder День назад
boys dont cry, but men do
@philippabsol2092 День назад
Its pretty clearly Stated in multible star wars lore that Droids are not sentient from the getgo and only start to become sentient and develop a personality when coaxed, spend time evolving it or are made with the intention to invoke it. Battledroids arent sentient but there have been cases of prolonged existing battle droids to develop sentience like Bones or the Unnamed droid that helped Obi Wan to escape a planet. The reason memeory wipes are as common as they are is because that prevents sentience from evolving. That is the only moral implication that would be a moral or philisophical issue in my personal oppinion.
@colecarmichael5724 День назад
Me being able to be seen for the first time through the character of weymend I’m pretty sure saved my relationship with the mother of my child. Empathy and support people out there are often undervalued bc it’s intangible. This world eat breaths tangible. Thank you for finally shedding light on things in this world that could make this a better plave
@radriel7514 День назад
I mostly like this, but there was some nuance I feel was missing. I think its a sweeping generalization to suggest the pushback against female characters in movies was mainly because they were female. While this was certainly a component, I don't think it was the mainstream one and there is a lot to talk about on it. This point was glossed over and rushed, so perhaps not enough attention could be paid to it. Second, the idea that violence and competition by the kens is solely a feature of patriarchy is very misguided. It's a viewpoint that suggests that violence is a masculine/male trait and thats a view that I think hurts women, by stealing that trait from them. Women aren't seen as violent because its been stripped from them by society. They aren't supposed to fight back in patriarchy. They also aren't supposed to be competitive. But is that because these traits are absent in most women? I think not. I think if they were allowed to express those tendencies, we'd see it a lot more. So I don't find it strange that competitiveness exists before Patriarchy is established by Ken. Also, this is probably a means of establishing why people might instigate such a system in the first place. Archy of various types can come about as a result of competition and insecurity.
@doa8725 День назад
@kevinyonan9666 День назад
patriarchy is rule of men where positions are reserved for men but even when a woman takes rule, it's still a rule of men? 8:30 - Any position with power is also a position of responsibility. I'd never allow myself to have an appendectomy by someone without any medical training. I like how you also conveniently leave out that all positions of power have clear rules in how to achieve them.