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@xThat1dude 14 часов назад
Hell yeah!! Trump 2024!!!!!🎉🎉🎉🎉
@jonathananderson3897 16 часов назад
Capitalism hasn't lead to monopolies? 😂
@ramonlijauco7563 16 часов назад
If people are afraid of an overly strong executive, then they should fear the the DOJ, the FBI, IRS, ATF, & EPA. Those are the agencies that formed the strong iron hand of the past decades.
@TurtleBayMentor 17 часов назад
Very incomplete and misleading video. Please update it - we've learned a lot of negatives about this organization and you covered none of them! 🙁
@llm8268 17 часов назад
Capitalism also needs to be balanced with controls. You say in capitalistic societies, monopolies don't actually exist is false. We have almost exclusively big box stores and chains, big Agriculture forcing GMOs, big Pharma forcing high costs on consumers, and lobbying to bribe politicians to write laws favorable to big Pharma, big Agriculture, big tech. The billionaire class buys the Supreme Court and gets laws passed that take more rights away from the people, and gives more money and tax cuts to the billionaires. Too many with wealth and power stoke division, fear and hatred, so the people can blame the "other" instead of those who already have far more than they need. Was Elon Musk given government subsidies to start his enterprise but he now pays far less in taxes than a school teacher,? So he throw 44B away to buy Twitter, but thousands of school children can't afford lunch. And in 2017 they voted to allow private jets to be fully deductable on your income tax. Gee, can the regular people deduct their cars because they drive to work? Of course not. There needs to be a balance, as too many are in it for themselves at the expense of others. Balance the capitalists with control and get rid of dark money, and the legal bribery including the Supreme Court.
@CanadianRose 17 часов назад
Social Security IS a socialist program, and so is socialized medicine in many countries.
@ramonlijauco7563 18 часов назад
As a former Marxist back in the 60s&70s, I lay the defect of Marxism -Leninism on 1) The nature of Dialectical & Historical Materialism (the theoretical core). 2) The concept of Democratic Centralism that is actually anti-democratic.
@cjwalker8701 18 часов назад
That’s probably why I’m neither a Republican or a Democrat. There is so much historical nuance in both parties; it’s hard to put your eggs into one political basket.
@petersdraggon 18 часов назад
If I remember correctly, the Heritage Foundation back in the Reagan years pushed social engineering the change in our tax code to promote marriage and punish us single people in having to pay a higher rate. That's not the government's job. Then, along with ALEC, with the help of Reagan, led the deregulation of the banking industries, we had a crash in the late 80s and subsequent one's since. They also started chipping away at the progressive tax system. We barely had a national debt until all of this. Then they led the charge to weaken the Glass-Seagall Act in 1999, among other things, opening the door for toxic mortage- backed securities leading to the big crash in 2008. The latest coup was the 2017, 40% tax cut for corporations, further increasing our debt.
@mikehigbee2320 19 часов назад
"What has always made the State a hell on Earth, is precisely that man has tried to make it his heaven." F. Holderlin. Liberal Socialism is theoretical. In practice, it is everywhere totalitarian.
@carlosrivas3837 20 часов назад
Vote Kamala and Walzo…… you will realize Marxism
@jellybeaner3003 20 часов назад
"Unlikely and unworkable concept" is putting it nicely
@andreabaldridge1988 20 часов назад
Go over history in the United States as it pertains to the "invisible hand". I always think of the lottery that donates millions every year when our schools are completely broken.
@stoundingresults 21 час назад
Recession is when you lose your job, Depression is when you and your neighbor lose both your jobs
@canadagoose188 21 час назад
How is trump associated with this?
@dantem7564 21 час назад
This sounds horrible! people actually believe this stuff?
@jamescrydeman540 22 часа назад
Socialism is what people practice when they pay their taxes, their investment puts in place infrastructures they then get to use which is their dividend for that investment, taxes. Communism is the communal ownership of property and the means of production.
@CivilianDefenseForce 23 часа назад
The F in Communism stands for Food
@CivilianDefenseForce 23 часа назад
I wonder why Kamala and Biden allowed millions of undocumented people to come across our southern border over the past 3 years illegally? 🤔
@michaelmcconnelee4990 23 часа назад
When did law and order become a right wing philosophy? Isn’t everyone in favor
@michaelmcconnelee4990 23 часа назад
How are traditional gender roles considered to be right wing. They are simply right
@michaelmcconnelee4990 23 часа назад
How are traditional gender roles considered to be right wing. They are simply right
@lancedowdell8459 День назад
This is why BLM, feminism and the LGBTQ movement was created. All Marxist institutions designed to destroy society. This is why liberals are called communists. They’re fascists operating under the guise of DEI
@SuzenKabini День назад
Helpful indeed
@BarryFoster-wc1ut День назад
Are you explaining Marxism or are you promoting it?
@IllustratetoEducate День назад
Explaining it.
A bad system!
@darrenjohnson2461 День назад
Communism (as per Marx and Engels) should create a classless society, where we do away with capitalism, and instead everyone theoretically collectively part owns major corporations, thus spreading the wealth generated equally, and not just in one persons bank account (ie. Bill gates $139. billion USD). Instead of capitalism where one person lives in a cardboard box and another living in a multi million dollar mansion, with communism everyone lives in a nice house. Unfortunately there are currently no communist countries as we speak (democratic with regular elections), instead all current supposedly "communist" countries are in fact not communist but instead "dictatorships" such as Russia, China, north Korea etc pretending to live under the guise of the "communist" banner as it were. If someone knows of an actual communist country (as per Marx and Engels) please let me know, as I currently do no think a single one currently exists?
@Mobytts69 День назад
His kids died of starvation because he refused to work. That should tell you everything about that man.
@matthews4949 День назад
My brother was a jw. He developed leukemia and would not get blood transfusions. Instead he wasted and withered away turning orange because of the alternative. Drinking gallons and gallons of carrot juice.
@MaSter-mw3rb День назад
Being conservative isn't strictly republican. Traditional democrats and democrat politicians are very conservative in practice.
@topG2001 День назад
If she had plans to do anything, she should have done it by now. she's the current vice president and this economy sucks.
@RussellOMara День назад
Everything you say is true except one thing it was written by Marx to change things in Russia
@eydemarie2367 День назад
A government of, by and for the people!! 🇺🇸 I'm voting for the Jill Stein /Rudolph Ware ticket! green heart 💚
@cobravenum День назад
No Taxes on 401K after social security ends.
Thank you for educating me
@Ivan-bw6iw День назад
@tattedandgatted День назад
Remember when antifa took over land and called it the CHAZ? This is what communism/marxism would look like in real life. People would starve and then due to the lack of leadership someone would take over and become dictator. In the CHAZ people died, it was dirty and they tried to plant crops on top of cardboard.
@ColdStarr День назад
Why is no one trying to come up with alternative to these? Im a stronger believe in intelligent life in the universe and I highly doubt they'd operate using "money". I feel like this is a human concept that really doesn't benefit the collective human mind. I just cant imagine alien races 1000"s years more advance trading meaningless paper.
@katypetrova6572 День назад
Communism is another form of exploitation, but with fewer people on the top and more insufferable life for "the people".
@PeterDad60 День назад
Your illustrations created to show what you are speaking about worked very well. Indeed your video is concise and easy to understand. I greatly appreciate your efforts. - Peter age 74
@historyrepeated4239 День назад
Important to note.....not only has Marxism (in any variation) never worked, but it's also indirectly responsible for the deaths of millions in China, USSR, and Cambodia. While Marxism (or socialism/communism) claims to understand the underpinnings of human nature and revolution, they fail to understand the psychological importance of human motivation. No society (including tribal) will ever survive when a portion of the population can remain complacent and still be compensated. There will always be lazy people who won't work. There will always be doers who work hard. This, inevitably creates envy as the doers will see the fruits of their labors and they tend to have less empathy for those who don't want to work and contribute. Additionally, those who don't want to work eventually grow tired of seeing the doers succeed, so they work to curb and punish them. Many politicians, especially democrats, mobilize envy as a keystone of their platform. How many times will we hear about how Republicans want to give tax cuts to the rich and corporations, etc. They, like Marx, deliberately use that language, as it creates strong emotions in people. Who doesn't want to take from the rich to give to the poor? It's almost as if they want to crack the "vengeance" code within the individual to garner votes. And this vengeance, can be justified, if we appear to care for the poor or those who have less. Meaning......it's okay to rob from others if you believe in the cause strongly enough. The ends justify the means. Unfortunately, this never works because eventually the citizenry just fights with each other for the remaining scraps, when everyone becomes poor, with oligarchs at the top. Mark my words, though, the democratic party will always have a new "champion" who can get socialism or communism right....they can't resist. Whether they choose to believe it or not, capitalism is the least worst of all economic systems. You cannot legislate greed or laziness; human nature will not accept it. For centuries and centuries, people have been trading goods, services, and currency. Value for value. Of course, we want to eliminate monopolies and other practices that do not benefit the consumer. This is common sense. However, the next time you hear of a politician clamoring on about minimum wage, a living wage, corporate greed, etc., you can rest assure they follow the same ill contrived ideology as Marx. They have grossly failed the history test of how damaging and destructive (millions dead) socialism and communism have been on the world. I like how your videos are very matter of fact and state things from the authors point of view.....whether it's viable or not.
@troyheffernan1261 День назад
Capitalism is freedom
@troyheffernan1261 День назад
No Freedom
@y2kbug2u2 День назад
The very definition of "Fascism is a far-right, authoritarian, ultranationalist political ideology and movement, characterized by a dictatorial leader, centralized autocracy, militarism, forcible suppression of opposition, belief in a natural social hierarchy, subordination of individual interests for the perceived good of the nation or race, and strong regimentation of society and the economy."
@linobelda7261 День назад
Project 25 Manual of Donald Trump and his Allies, is a Danger for the People who live on America But Not Americans, Vote💙🇺🇸 for Freedom and Democracy, Protect Your Votes and Protect The Ballots
@tonyatwood1353 День назад
These two godless people will destroy america
@inkdupbagman3697 День назад
I am a member of the ASP!
@wernervanderwalt8541 День назад
There are two simple reasons why communism and socialism as systems don't work. 1. Man's inherent ambition, where he always strive to be better than his fellow man. 2. Man's inherent greed, where he who have always wants more. No ideology will ever get rid of that
@stilllife4u День назад
ok then . Right , sounds good on paper .But that aint them .
@stilllife4u День назад
Great ideas that they really will not or can not .....