John Falstaff
John Falstaff
John Falstaff
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Provocative stories of history, politics, and society.
@brainwoodman1646 4 часа назад
Ayn Rand’s philosophical views are shallow and evil. They are garbage.
@rodrigomendes9175 7 часов назад
For sure looking forward to the next one!
@ashleymendes7079 8 часов назад
So what did Ignatius’ letter say about how the first Christians understood epiousion? And cannibalism?! 😱 Looking forward to the next episode
@JohnFalstaffMedia 7 часов назад
The whole idea of epiousion is that it refers to the concept of the “Real Presence”, that is to say, the belief that Jesus Christ is truly present in the Eucharist. This presence is understood to be actual and “beyond the substance”, rather than merely symbolic or metaphorical. Ignatius of Antioch wrote about the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist in his letter to the Smyrnaeans. He criticized those who did not believe in this doctrine, emphasizing the importance of the Eucharist in the Christian faith. "They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, flesh which suffered for our sins and which the Father, in His goodness, raised up again." In this passage, Ignatius is asserting, quite unequivocally I think, that those who deny the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist are essentially separating themselves from the core of Christian practice and belief. You will love the cannibalism episode.... I think it will clarify this matter further...
@JohnFalstaffMedia 7 часов назад
also... I'm no theologian so anyone who knows more, please contribute...
@ashleymendes7079 5 часов назад
@@JohnFalstaffMedia Ok well with that concept, what does one make of John 6:63 ?
@ashleymendes7079 8 часов назад
So what was Martin Luther’s evidence of what the early Christians really believed about the meaning of the word epiousion?
@JohnFalstaffMedia 5 часов назад
oh... that wasn't Martin Luther.. it was Lorenzo.... il Magnifico!
@ashleymendes7079 5 часов назад
😂 I didn’t catch who you were alluding to, but now I do
@JPreble День назад
I've never heard that Ignatius of Antioch sat on Jesus' lap!
@JohnFalstaffMedia 19 часов назад
Its just tradition.. (I made sure to mention that)... but the dates certainly match up
@ashleymendes7079 8 часов назад
@@JohnFalstaffMedia Pretty interesting!
@rodrigomendes9175 2 дня назад
@klausehrhardt4481 5 дней назад
Sufice to say that the Lord Himself rssponded to the evil one that man does not live on bread alone, but from all The Word that procedeth from God. I do believe in the transubstantiation, yet I cannot believe that there are still valid ordained priest in the church of Rome. St John Apostle predicted this time, saying that The Sacrifice would be interrupted and that we should not believe anyone telling Jesus is here or there. Rough times.
@JohnFalstaffMedia 4 дня назад
Thanks for commenting @klausehrhardt4481. I hope you continue to watch more episodes and I'll try to address your points.
@cpuchip День назад
What is transubstantiation?
@klausehrhardt4481 6 часов назад
@@cpuchip There are mainly two kinds of religious services among christians. In one of them, you have someone to preach to you from the Bible, People gather to share their testimonies, read and comment from Scriptures, pray togheter and sing. Then, you have also the Mass, whether in Roman Catholic or Orthodox form. These contain all that also, yet they something more, that is, their configure a rite of sacrifice in wich the congregation, the priest and his assistants partake. It is recognisable by the liturgical form, thought there are also churches that perform liturgies merely pro forma, as a mere encenation of a sacrifice, without an actual victim, accordingly to their own belief. That's the case of Lutherans , for instance. So, you may asking, what kind of sacrifice? Well, human sacrifice, as obscene as it might sound. But not of any human, but of a human being in particular. The sacrifice of the flesh and blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ. At this point you may wonder yourself how on heaven's and earth could a guy that died two Milena ago could have his flesh and blood made available for sacrifice?! Well, that's the miracle of transubstantiation. A certain person validly ordained as Priest performing the rite of Mass is granted the heavenly miracle of having bread and wine turned into the flesh and the blood of that Jesus the Christ for the congregation to feast on for the sake of sanctification and salvation of all partakers. Yet since that flesh and that blood remain in the previous species of wine and bread, nonetheless it is believed that that wine and bread are not what they merely appear to be, that is , wine and bread, but rather flesh and blood of the Man. Jesus the Christ is also not believed to be merely a Man, but God. In that, it difers from pagan rites of sacrifice. In those, something else is sacrificed to the gods in question. Here, differently, God Himself offers willingly His Own Human Self embodied in the person if Jesus to be sacrificed for the sake of those that attend the sacrifice. Extremely weird and unique. So, why someone would believe a thing apparently so weird, obscene and strange? The answer is evidence, not only of a material nature, like the miracle of lancianus, but by the effects on some that partake in it. The more striking are those observed in the stimagtized Saints, like father Pio of Pietrelcina or blessed Therese Neumann, just to quote two modern instances.
@staza1 5 дней назад
Catholicism is false. Jesus does not live in bread. He lives in us. Catholics are idol worshippers.
@JPreble 6 дней назад
Wow! So cool.
@GeorgeSmileyOBE 7 дней назад
They believed in Transubstantiation.
@mmanningnew 8 дней назад
Nice job Falstaff!
@Abderrahmane_Aitouche 9 дней назад
The pious Mary is the ultimate proof that the trinity is not soluble with creation The trinity was invented by Jewish rabbis to confuse the message of the prophet Jesus-El-Massih and was exported to Western communities by manipulation not by Faith. And yet: Jesus lived among them Jesus son of Mary is sent for the Jewish community, they did not believe in him, nor in his message, and yet he lived among them. After his era, they made the Trinity, not by faith, but by manipulation, then this idiiiolatry, was exported to the Ben-Isâac (the Westerners) in order to sink them into total perdition.
@AS-np3yq 9 дней назад
He? It is the bible, the letters who now are the new testament. That's what was the part of 'ancient christians' which where catholic. And the teachings of the church fathers.
@maxpreble5139 9 дней назад
Wow, very important that we study, recognize, and uphold the traditions of the early Christians. Without them, we would know nothing of the nature of Jesus' sacrifice and be lost on the path to our own salvation.
@gottfriedheumesser1994 9 дней назад
The foreground music is terrible!
@JohnFalstaffMedia 9 дней назад
thanks for the feedback.
@zsmoker239 10 дней назад
Well done video! Excited for the next 😊
@JohnFalstaffMedia 10 дней назад
Thank you!! 😁
@ashleymendes7079 11 дней назад
Ok first, your videos are so well done and it’s super impressive! I wonder how much time it takes you to put one together haha Now, I am loving digging deeper into church history! With the Didache, I already see extra-biblical man-made rules seeping into the early 2nd century church. The same kind of thing that Jesus criticized the Jewish religious leaders of his day for (See Matthew 23). You can go through all the motions of the works of these manmade “rules”, but He knows your heart (Matthew 7:21-23, Ephesians 2:8-9). I am curious to see where you take us with epiousios in the next episode! Of course, the Lord’s Prayer is a model prayer and simply saying a memorized prayer doesn’t accomplish anything if we aren’t paying attention to its meaning and saying it from our hearts. (See Matthew 6:7).
@JohnFalstaffMedia 11 дней назад
Thank your for your feedback! You will like the next few episodes.
@rodrigomendes9175 9 дней назад
@@bradleyperry1735based on your response I can see you are a great keyboard warrior! Hope you’re feeling good with your response 🤣🤣😂
@ashleymendes7079 9 дней назад
@@bradleyperry1735 These practices may have preceded the canonization of the New Testament, but the books of the New Testament were already being quoted in Polycarp’s Letter to the Philippians and in the Didache. Which means they were already recognized by the early church as God-inspired scripture. So yes, any man-made traditions that are not included within what is recognized as scripture (whether it was canonized or not at the time) is indeed extra-biblical. My comment was made in a friendly manner. I do not claim to be an arbiter of anything. You do not know me, how can you claim that I am not a Christian. A true Christian does not speak in the unsavory manner you do. Yes, just as you can identify a tree by its fruit, so you can identify people by their actions (Matthew‬ ‭7‬:‭20‬). God Bless.
@ashleymendes7079 8 дней назад
I do not have time for internet warriors. I’ll end with this: No tradition can save you. “For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,” ‭‭Ephesians‬ ‭2‬:‭8‬ ‭ ✌️
@JohnFalstaffMedia 8 дней назад
@ashleymended7079 I hope you are not discouraged from commenting in the future.
@davireki7637 12 дней назад
The way you present the topic is very captivating, I'm curious about the meaning of επιούιον :)
@JohnFalstaffMedia 11 дней назад
Thank you! Subscribe to the channel so you can be notified when the next episode comes out next week
@aaronpaul9188 12 дней назад
Polycarp, called it. Ignatius was martyred years earlier.
@ashleymendes7079 13 дней назад
Oh, it’s just a teaser! Haha awaiting the next one..
@zsmoker239 13 дней назад
Amazing! When is episode 2 coming out???
@JohnFalstaffMedia 13 дней назад
Friday June 28 if all goes to plan!
@BackcountryForward 13 дней назад
this was great. can't wait for episode 2
@ANADECAMPOS1 14 дней назад
Me encantó! ❤❤❤❤. So interesting. I have worked and served in many NGO . And I have met true altruists and of the other kind too 😊 This video was really provocative and left me with a lot of questions too😅
@rodrigomendes9175 14 дней назад
Very good point 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@paulorhee 18 дней назад
It’s unfortunate that Ayn’s superficial and biased understanding of altruism, has influenced so many…
@JPreble 19 дней назад
Great video, brings up a lot of questions
@thiagolimavieira1788 Месяц назад
Ficou excelente 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
@JohnFalstaffMedia 28 дней назад
@JPreble Месяц назад
Great video! I liked how you related the various different social experiments.
@JohnFalstaffMedia Месяц назад
Thank you!
@rodrigomendes9175 Месяц назад
Love the content and channel! Can’t wait to learn more. Keep up! 👍🏻
@JohnFalstaffMedia Месяц назад
Awesome! Thank you!
@joaocardante Месяц назад
Hola amigo, para la cultura general es un buen documental. Pero para que las cosas empiecen a cambiar, personas con tu conocimiento deben enseñar a los jóvenes que el cambio en los gobiernos solo serán sustentables cuando la información de los dineros públicos este disponible en las redes sociales, que cada ciudadano pueda tener acceso y saber donde se utilizan sus impuestos. Un abrazo
@gersgrafra5547 Месяц назад
While the parallels with Calhoun’s experiment are remarkable, I firmly believe that as humans, we must and will use thought and action to stop the decline. However, Books like the best seller cuddling of the American mind published more than 5 years ago should have sounded alarm bells!! Yet, it has been greatly talked about but no action has been taken… I am hopeful we will wake up before it is too late?
@mmanningnew Месяц назад
Calhoun could have called the ‘beautiful ones’, influencers… another great name for that group.
@rbauer Месяц назад
Very interesting indeed!
@JohnFalstaffMedia Месяц назад
Glad you think so!
@ashleymendes7079 Месяц назад
Nice video and very well done! I would go so far as to say this started before the 1960s, with the removal of God in schools, the loss of Classical Education and critical thinking, & the breakdown of the nuclear family and the rise of feminism. These factors made students ripe and ready to blindly follow these activist leaders. They cannot think for themselves, have no moral compass, and substitute these activist groups for family.
@ashleymendes7079 Месяц назад
I would say it even started in the mid-1800s when the government started running the schools (as opposed to the church, parents, local community). They removed classical education and the focus on God.
@JohnFalstaffMedia Месяц назад
great point!
@salvadorabase Месяц назад
@JohnFalstaffMedia Месяц назад
Thank you!
@homeromonaco7981 Месяц назад
Very interesting!
@JohnFalstaffMedia Месяц назад
Glad you think so!
@JPreble Месяц назад
Very interesting and excellent production. Looking forward to hearing the rest!
@mmanningnew Месяц назад
wow. didn't know all of this.
@adventurethom Месяц назад
Great video!
@JohnFalstaffMedia Месяц назад
@paulorhee Месяц назад
Unbiased journalism
@zericardopinotti 2 месяца назад
You nailed it!
@lizaaduan4356 2 месяца назад
Bolsonaro melhor Presidente que o Brasil já teve!! 🇧🇷✨❤🇧🇷 Bolsonaro, best Presidente ever!!
@IvanElMurr 2 месяца назад
@salvadorabase 2 месяца назад
@carolinarocco8852 2 месяца назад