The Ultimate Guide for CRT Gaming on a Modern PC
7 месяцев назад
What DOOM was 30 Years Ago
9 месяцев назад
Fixing An Old Doom WAD
10 месяцев назад
The Real Reason Why CRT Monitors Are Better
10 месяцев назад
Falconet | Music Sample - Track 08
2 года назад
I'm Making Another Doom Map (Part 1)
2 года назад
@arzuozturk6460 13 часов назад
About resolution. Less mayyy be a little better than more beacue Im using an older pc compared to what I used to have, and the screen is 768p. Litterally everything looks better for some reason. 480 is the new 720pHD, 360p is Standart usage now! And when you close full-screen, 240p looks good. Now, 1080p is seen as mild definition.
@arzuozturk6460 13 часов назад
Yes I know, I don't know how that typo happened 😅
@arzuozturk6460 13 часов назад
1:40 this can't be more accurate... My grandma still has her husband's 1980 model Hitachi B/W TV! I couldn't use it for movies so I cleaned it and gave it back
@chrissoucy1997 14 часов назад
I still have a PC CRT monitor in my gear and for 2D platformers, old fps games, 3d platformers and other games where low input lag and perfect motion clarity are a massive bonus, I use the CRT always.
@yutakugambare День назад
that was really helpful video, ty sir
@mraciek1966 День назад
I got a Dell m991, cru detects it as a generic non-pnp monitor and it doesnt work with choosing any avaible resolution, only nVidia panel works but i dont think it works so Well in terms of quality, any helpers?
@GTXDash День назад
Sometimes my PC fails to detect the model of my CRT, which can only be fixed by restarting the PC, shutting down, unplugging and plugging back in the VGA adapter, or trying a different adapter/dongle all together. Sometimes the GPU driver is an issue which would require installing a different version of the same driver, or if you are using an older Nvidia card, updating the firmware as mentioned in the video.
@MarkusFolkesson 3 дня назад
For gaming I am sure this is true. But most computer-users are not gamers.
@GTXDash 2 дня назад
Sure. If you're doing anything that doesn't take advantage of High FPS content, a CRT is unneeded.
@frog382 7 часов назад
@@GTXDash But the true blacks for watching movies is next level and also the colours and the way shades of colours are seemless, while on modern stuff you see the lines, most noticably in dark scenes.
@Krumpet-p3i 4 дня назад
Born in '84, so Doom and its contemporaries started appearing during highly impressionable years. Conveniently around the same time my parents bought a high spec 486 multimedia PC. But my experience with Doom at the time was that I wasn't allowed to play it. Was allowed to play another FPS game called "Descent", a big deal at the time but probably forgotten by now except maybe to fellow middle aged nerds. :-) A friend had a 486 with Doom so I'd which him play it at his house. The big deal for me with Doom wasn't really the morbidness but that it was the first time I'd seen a game that felt like "virtual reality". Still very clearly remember seeing friend play through E1M3 in that section with the outdoors pit and being amazed at being able to go outside in a game lol. A good thing about growing up through the 90's is that you got to see the beginning of 3D and it was just milestone after milestone every year. For younger generations there isn't the same novelty factor anymore.
@estebanpavez3162 5 дней назад
The goverment ripped the whole industry by doing the Wattage regulations back on 2015 when they decided our TVs are using too much power so we had to Downgrade our TVs and people didnt mind because the replacement was nice and light and skinny. But it was a whole ripp off because now we want that technology back but all we have its cheap plastic Garbage. Atm the best displays are Plasmas and CRTs. 😂
@potardo9851 8 дней назад
The MAG brand vga crt that I love I actually picked up off the side of the road in a small neighborhood back in 2017/2018. My large Phillips crt Television I picked up in a parking lot at a clothes donation box next to an oil change center back in 2019. Since then I have not been able to spot any crts anywhere where I am. I got very lucky. Donation centers don't take them and if they do they go in their dumpsters. Ewaste and hazardous waste disposals charge you quite a bit to get rid of them as well so most of the time at least where I am people throw them in dumpsters. I have an old Viewsonic E or F series (don't remember) put up that needs repairs. I wonder if I should fix it and list it for a reasonable amount locally. For the MAG monitor I've always just used a HDMI to VGA converter for it.
@Jonjs99 9 дней назад
I can feel led light flickering im mad?
@user-td3uj8is5i 9 дней назад
CRT's have motion blur (due to phosphor decay), and input lag (8,3ms for the scanline to reach the middle of the screen). Also, my 144hz LCD is way smoother than my CRT monitor at 85hz. A bit of motion blur looks better than no motion blur.
@LilHana 7 дней назад
that it takes the scanline 8.3ms to reach the middle is not input lag. that is the limitation of the electron gun. there is *no* lag with analog video because the signal is drawn as fast as its received. if you really wanted to test lag, test at the top left of the screen because that is the delay between the signal being transmitted to the display, and when it actually starts drawing the image. all SD 4:3 crts will display 000.xx ms(essentially microseconds, which is effectively 0)
@cptcrogge 4 дня назад
Try a proper 180 Hz CRT and you will be blown away. For example the ViewSonic G220fb supports 180 Hz, features a very low input latency and supports resolutions up to 2048 x 1536 (1856 x 1392 recommended). It will still compete with any average gaming monitor while featuring better colors (OLED excluded). I think thats very impressive for a 20 year old monitor.
@ofireilon603 10 дней назад
just get an oled
@Stoddardian 10 дней назад
No, the motion clarity on an OLED is very bad due to its sample-and-hold technology. You need high frame rates and refresh rates to get decent clarity. For example, in order to rival the best plasmas you would need either 480fps@480Hz or 240fps with 240Hz BFI. Try to achieve that with current OLED displays. Good luck. And I haven't even mentioned CRT. You would need like 1000fps to rival a CRT in motion.
@drumyogi9281 5 дней назад
@@StoddardianI don’t agree with this, at all. My Anbernic RG556 was cheap and has an awesome AMOLED at 60hz 1080P. Best screen I have ever used. And I used to own a Sony Trinitron. I wish I could own an LG C4 but that is crazy expensive.
@Stoddardian 5 дней назад
@@drumyogi9281 That's a tiny screen...
@friendhaus1858 4 дня назад
and then have the tv look like a pastiche of dialogue boxes within 2 years?
@rhubarb5297 10 дней назад
Thank you for your video, I just bought my first CRT monitor and I cant wait to test it
@7FoX 10 дней назад
hey, nice vid, are there any vids about super resolutions in order to run emugames ? I'm stuck with a syncMaster 735s at the moment
@bierstiefel 11 дней назад
@gelijkjatoch1009 12 дней назад
Electrical Interference.
@Stoddardian 13 дней назад
Pioneer and Panasonic plasmas are very close to CRT when it comes to motion clarity. I owned a Panny plasma for 12 years and gaming on my consoles was always a smooth experience. Keep in mind that the vast majority of these games were running at 30 FPS. Eventually my plasma burned out and I replaced it with an LG C2 OLED and I couldn't believe how bad the motion was. 30 FPS was simply unplayable because of the stutter, and even 60 FPS looked very blurry. And it wasn't just the motion clarity. Somehow the colors looked more natural on the plasma, and that was "only" in SDR. And then there's banding and uniformity. Both are still superior on a plasma. Anyway, I sold my C2 and went back to plasma. I bought an excellent refurbished Kuro and it's literally the best picture I've ever seen. I don't care if it's "only" SDR and 1080p. The motion clarity and natural colors are simply stunning.
@roveradventures 6 дней назад
Someone where i live is trying to sell a 720p pioneer kuro.... its tempting but not sure if it can fit in my room. Id mainly use it just to game on 360, ps3 and watch movies via blu ray. My panasonic crt is decent but 480i not 480p like later hd models. It has component and overall, I love it. It was free from a church and given i have low contrast and just a tiny bit higher brightness than factory id say its very low hours.
@Stoddardian 6 дней назад
@@roveradventures How big is it?
@roveradventures 6 дней назад
@@Stoddardian pdp-1130HD. Should be a 50". Has the box, and display. Speakers I can get on ebay for 20 bucks. I'm mostly concerned about hours on it. Ironically I have a cheaper pioneer set but the power board is nla and it'd cost more to get the board than a whole tv...lol.
@Stoddardian 6 дней назад
@@roveradventures If it's cheap I would go for it. I got really lucky with mine. It was refurbished by a guy who worked as a Pioneer technician for 15 years. It still had over 90% of its original brightness left. It's an LX6090.
@roveradventures 6 дней назад
@@Stoddardian indeed, it was 120. But if I go for it I'll try to drop the price since speakers are about $20 on ebay. Ideally they didn't use max contrast or brightness. The panasonic factory settings or the settings I saw. "Picture" is maxed out usually which can really decrease crt life.
@crypticsiren638 14 дней назад
Is a CRT monitor good for emulation? More specifically pre sixth gen consoles
@GTXDash 14 дней назад
@crypticsiren638 Yes. But at double resolution. ie 240p to 480p. If you want native 240p, you'll need something that can connect to a CRT TV.
@randomgamingin144p 14 дней назад
@@GTXDash you can use software scanlines to make it look like 240p but it'll lower the brightness also theres scalers which will add them such as a GBS-C where you just take the VGA output to a crt monitor (or modern flat panel) and the component/composite/s-video inputs to an old console
@GTXDash 14 дней назад
@@randomgamingin144p Also a valid way of doing it. Me personally, I don't like fake scanlines, Especially poorly implemented ones that are more noticeable and therefore distracting than the real thing. But yes, hardware that can properly simulate it especially on 4K displays are much better.
@WizardClipAudio 16 дней назад
Actually, power consumption differences are negligible in the favor of flat-panel displays at best. That’s only if you’re comparing square inch of display per watt, and using only their peak wattage draw, for like the extent of 2-4 hours. The problem with the comparison is that CRT’s are only at their peak power draw at the first few seconds of startup, and it’s continuous wattage draw is a significantly small fraction of that. Whereas, Flatpanels generally just reach their max power draw and stay there roughly continuously. Monochrome crts generally use like roughly a third of what color ones do even. Basically, leave em plugged in side by side one another on a power consumption monitor, and eventually a crt will probably end up consuming less power in continuous long haul usage.
@insurgentlowcash7564 13 дней назад
Theres truth to what you say. My backroom LG 1440p 144hz monitor and I will put the wattmeter on it tomorrow to see its average. But I know for sure OLED will eat more power than a high refresh CRT. My buddies 27 inch/1440p-240hz OLED was using 55watt idle at desktop(dark background) and around 86watt and some frequent 100 watt normal figures while gaming at his settings(with 110watt during bright scenes), and 120watt on white background webpages. Idk how the mfg are cooking the numbers on the manual but thats fairly high. Whereas on my Sony G520 in the living room(21 inch CRT) 1440p at 85hz(128.5KHz tube speed) will spike to 133watt during degauss cold startup and then 87watt average gaming and 96watts in bright scenes, with the occasional 101watt spike with a almost full white background website page. Next to it(dual CRT setup for convenience lol) the Fujitsu/Siemens 21inch(shadow-mask) at 1200p at 90hz(112KHz tube speed) spikes to 126watts degauss cold start, then averages between 80-91watts depending on the scene gaming, and 104watts mostly white screen internet page. Before I got the Siemens, was given a Sony HMD-A100(15 inch) by the same OLED buddy. It looks spectacular after a 10 minute warmup at 768p 85hz. It used a very low amount of power and surprised me. I put it in the shop as the music/info terminal. Lastly my Samsung 997DF(19 inch) 1200p at 72hz is oddly close to the Sony 520 in power consumption but looks great. I put it in a vented box with a big moisture eater bag from work in there. I check the bag and bake it every 7 months to keep the Samsung in good shape for emergency backup. Sadly I dont have data on the last 2 CRT monitors saved on my computer, but I did test them when the wattmeter arrived. Sorry for the long text but its rare to see someone who has modern experience with older display tech. I daily the CRT monitors(typing this comment out on the big Sony) because its vastly superior to my not so old 32inch 1440p LCD in every aspect besides screen size. Thats why I pick up 17inch+ roadside/dump tube monitors every chance available and test them, LCD seems terrible in comparison and I like having backups. Would buy an OLED but its just too expensive.
@WizardClipAudio 12 дней назад
@@insurgentlowcash7564 Naw, no worries. That was insightful and kind of illustrates basically what I was getting at, with data, however anecdotal it is. Reading is no difficulty to me. I read and write effortlessly, by fortune of being effectively literate. 😄
@Random_1384x 17 дней назад
Okay can someone tell me if the samsung 793df is good? Or the pegasus dx-777k because they are the only ones i can buy and i have to Choose between one
@GTXDash 16 дней назад
I cant find any info on the dx-777k. And the 793df is your average late 90s, early 2000s monitor, which is perfectly fine. But I am curious what kind of monitor the dx-777k is 🤔 Is it some diamond in the rough, Or a basic no brand clone?
@reinhart.sieger 17 дней назад
Which resolution are you playing here? I don't think it's DOS, is it? Excuse me if you were clarifying in the video and I missed it. Is it Doom 95? I did play it in DOS when it first came out in 1993. Was that 320x200? I have no idea. I wish I still had that whole setup. It was a brand new Pentium 75 with 8MB RAM. All my friends' jaws dropped when they saw how fast it could copy files and install games. They still had 386s and 486s. I also had a Super Nintendo and a SEGA Game Gear at the same time. Looking back I consider myself very lucky. Plus each of my friends had something else so I could experience a wide range of video games. My friends had NES, Game Boy, SNES, Mega Drive, Master System, Game Gear, C64, Amiga, Atari...
@colinrobinson9858 17 дней назад
Where are all the people in the video finding custom models? I can hardly find any online
@g1598 17 дней назад
i used to rock Dell 21 inch monitors the P1130 and go them second hand for $80 for 2 many years ago, wish I kept one of them
@Diplofer1 18 дней назад
i’m using CRT monitors since 2011 when i discovered hertz. i have played modern titles on ultra preset on my gtx 980ti. i play competitive games too. the research this guy has done is 100% accurate. i am well experienced now about new modern displays and CRT monitors. i use my sony 20inch CRT monitor than my 2k 160hz Lg ultra gear.
@saricubra2867 19 дней назад
16:18 My Syncmaster 955DF is a 1856x1392 VGA CRT monitor, i counted twice the amount of phosphor dots for text vs pixels on my 1080p LCD, it's basically a true 4:3 1440p monitor. Not only there's no aliasing on my monitor but text is way, WAY sharper than my 1080p LCD.
@saricubra2867 19 дней назад
The low resolution image quality is solved on LCD or OLED with integer scaling. The lowest resolution i can go with good detail on a 1080p 16:9 screen is integer 1280x1024 with wide FOV.
@RandomUnassignedYTHandle 19 дней назад
As some have mentioned, the LG CX and C1 are OLED stand outs so far as they actually employ rolling scan to achieve a CRT like effect yielding an effective 300 Hz or more of motion clarity. This is possible, because with scanning the display as opposed to inserting black frames, they're not limited by the maximum refresh rate. (120 Hz rolling scan is the same on both models. However, on the C1 the effect at 60 Hz was greatly diluted following complaints of flicker on the CX at 60 Hz.) 300+ Hz is still well short of the 1000 Hz needed to approximate CRT. However, I think returns are likely diminishing as even at 300+ Hz equivalent the moving image is already starting to resolve in a really dramatic way versus 60 Hz or 120 Hz without rolling scan, which are both still quite a blur in motion. So being a CRT enthusiast, these two OLEDs are the ones I went for. They are getting hard to find now, but some are hopefully still out there. (E.g., might get lucky on eBay, Amazon returns...) As to complaints regarding CRT, please note that a whole range of these devices existed from extreme budget to ultra premium. That combined with folks very unfortunate habit of leaving them set to the 60 Hz Windows default was bound to leave some with unpleasant experiences. However, I run mine at 100 Hz. And they still present gorgeous image quality.
@Stoddardian 9 дней назад
Wait, what? A CX and C1 don't use BFI like other OLEDs? I'm confused. Will their BFI make 30fps look smooth like a plasma? Because the 60Hz BFI on my C2 looks awful at 30fps. Meanwhile on my plasma 30fps looks fantastic in motion.
@RandomUnassignedYTHandle 6 дней назад
The CX and C1 are different. If you're actually inserting full black frames, you're limited by the maximum refresh rate. For example, a 240 Hz display is limited to 120 Hz BFI. The CX and C1 actually contain a piece of additional hardware independent of the screen's max refresh to scan the display instead. They are thus not bound by how many full frames it can do a second. This allows those two models to achieve in excess of an effective 300 Hz or more in motion. Sorry, I'm not familiar with how a 30 Hz signal is processed by any of these displays. Though I'd guess interpolation or repetition with 30 dividing evenly into 60 or 120. And then with the plasma you have the advantage regarding how it's driven giving an effective motion resolution of 200+ Hz I read. Whereas the C2 is being limited to 120 Hz, because the special hardware is gone. It's thus limited to inserting actual black frames I think.
@Stoddardian 5 дней назад
The fact they nerfed that is insane to me. Sample-and-hold displays are infamous for their poor motion clarity and then they nerf the one thing that could improve it? Why? Seriously, what you're saying sounds almost like plasma motion clarity. If I understand you correctly, the CX and C1 actually had a rolling scan like a CRT?
@Dondlo46 19 дней назад
I use YGHJ movement keys to have access to as many keyes as possible, my pinky can use 10 keyes on it's own, which is quite comfortable and doesn't interfere with the movement. I highly recommend the layout, you'll have more than enough keyes for any kind of game
@ianmoises 20 дней назад
what if i want to DP to HDMI to Composite on a CRT tv? is that reccomended?
@GTXDash 20 дней назад
@ianmoises I've never done that before. So the only way to find out is to just simply try it.
@ianmoises 20 дней назад
@@GTXDash should i buy a CRT tv or a CRT monitor? i want to play both retro games and modern 2d games like Pizza Tower
@GTXDash 20 дней назад
@ianmoises a monitor. I would only get a CRT TV if you're only going to play retro games and if you also plan on getting some kind of dowscaler
@FoundOasis 23 дня назад
Great video any hate you get is retarted u know what ur talking about u did the research thank you
@minijackson.oficial 23 дня назад
Adapters add input lag. The only way to use it correctly is by using a graphics cards that have a VGA port. The last graphics cards that used VGA port was the GTX 750ti. I use that graphics cards and it feels really really smooth. No input lag and running at 144hz 💜💜💜
@simaelbamblines4743 23 дня назад
I added all the resolutions and hz and all work except 640x480 120hz, normally when i go out of range the monitor it just says out of range, but that resolution don´t even show up as available when i try to change res in nvidia control panel or display settings, i tried running cs at that res and the monitor just turns gray and don´t even display the message, im using a viewsonic e70 and supposedly can go up to 640x480 138 hz, but in cru i cant use refresh rate higher than 120
@GTXDash 23 дня назад
Indeed. It should work. I would probably experiment other options like 110 or 100Hz. CRU will let you go above 120 in "detailed resolutions". That however will require a bit more tinkering. Another possibility is that for some reason, the adapter you're using might have a more severe refresh rate limit that most others on the market won't. I think in this situation, I would add multiple refresh rates in CRU for 640x480 like 90, 100, 110, 120, and 130, to see which works best without needing to keep going back into CRU when one of them doesn't work.
@ksysinf 24 дня назад
If only modern gpus had vga output
@alen2937 21 день назад
There is always the display port connection to VGA.
@hehashivemind6111 19 дней назад
VGA to hdmi works just fine
@ksysinf 19 дней назад
@@hehashivemind6111 yeah but you introduce some lag
@saricubra2867 19 дней назад
Display port to VGA works, the issue is GPU drivers for custom resolutions.
@randomgamingin144p 14 дней назад
@@ksysinf its generally such a low amount on most of them that it realistically shouldnt matter
@sumtingwong665 24 дня назад
Came for the CRT commentary, stayed for being a fellow ZA boy.
@ElDalai 25 дней назад
DOS and keyboard only... those were the days 😂
@WINDOWSXP9013 25 дней назад
My Sony Trinitron multiscan15sf2 is being displayed at windows as generic vga monitor but windows detects its resolutions... and it works fine... what is happening?
@Nomadnetic 26 дней назад
I remember you could get a physical copy of Doom before it was released as The Ultimate Doom. You just had to order it through mail. The box was really cool too since it predates the ESRB it felt very garage band. Really hard to find them now.
@youtubesuresuckscock 26 дней назад
Literally all you have to do is use quake3e. No point in using the original binary. You can ignore everything said in this v i d.
@whinstonwolfe2958 27 дней назад
Hello! I noticed that you are able to play Unreal in fullscreen. I recently got the game and have a viewsonic g225f and for some reason, no matter what resolution i set, the game will only run in windowed. Any ideas as to why that is?
@GTXDash 26 дней назад
I had to use a glide wrapper like nGlide to get it to work properly. in 1998, 3dfx voodoo cards had way more support than cards that only used OpenGL or Direct3D.
@whinstonwolfe2958 26 дней назад
@@GTXDash Nice! I’ll be sure to check that out. Thank you!
@Karifi 27 дней назад
Great video!
@Skyrilla 27 дней назад
Can't find anything about the ''hand easter egg''.
@GTXDash 27 дней назад
@Skyrilla after you explored the whole of e3m2, go to the automap and you'll see the hand.
@Skyrilla 27 дней назад
@@GTXDash No I know the map is a hand but I can't find anything about it being an easter egg or a reference to Hal or anything, Peterson made the map also.
@fosterseth 28 дней назад
14:18 that was slick!
@TheRealOrgaya 28 дней назад
Great video
@JustJack4268 28 дней назад
A dumb thing I do is this. I have my pc hooked up via 2 regular monitors and i have a converter converting hdmi to svideo to a old toshiba crt. I know its a poor way to play but the scan lines and 4:3 aspect ratio invokes a nice retro gaming vibe. Doom Eternal is a nice game to play in svideo along with battlefront 2
@broadside1713 Месяц назад
Oh man I knew I wasn't crazy! That hidden button to open the secret door in the first room of E1M1 didn't used to be there! I was working under the incorrect assumption that somehow kid me, in all my hours of playing Doom back then, had simply never noticed the BIG OBVIOUS BUTTON on the pillar next to the stairs lol
@mowogfpv7582 Месяц назад
Back on the 90s everyone I knew got the shareware version of doom from magazine cover disks. That was how we got shareware in the UK, going back to Amiga and ST days. Once you had a 500MB CD to play with magazines could carry on including doom e1 on cover disk for month after month... pay a fiver for a copy of pc format with all the latest demos and shareware on the disc. Nobody i knew was downloading doom in the mid 90s.
@Wooksley Месяц назад
DLSS and FSR do wonders with the frame rate for gpu limited scenarios. But yeah, I wish I could get a good 1080i crt, but those are so expensive… I wish someone started to produce crts again. And I mean they are freaking particle accelerators which is awesome.
@axys6771 Месяц назад
hello, I'm hoping you see this comment as I have a question regarding the hdmi to vga converter. I have some problems with screen tearing with the current converter I am using. While I expect this might be a normal thing which is caused by the fact that analog to digital conversion can't be done 100% perfectly, I wanted to know if you happen to know some way to fix or mitigate this issue. :D
@GTXDash Месяц назад
@axys6771 Usually, screen tearing isn't a hardware thing but is a configuration issue. All I can suggest is to Force On vsync in your gpu settings/control panel.
@axys6771 29 дней назад
@@GTXDash Hi, I've checked again using one of my smaller CRTs and the issue seems to not appear, so I'll have to do some more tests to figure it out. On another note, the CRT I used to test this is actually 9.5", so the only one I could put on my desk without having to remove any other monitor lol :p
@disfuncionexe Месяц назад
12:27 they also make a high pitched whine. Do some do that or do all of them do that? The one I had did that.
@nikosgrimm 25 дней назад
Only the ones that are close to dying make that noise. I have a CRT Monitor thats silent when running only making noise when turning it on.
@disfuncionexe 24 дня назад
@@nikosgrimm oh thank god. CRTs look so cool I'm glad it will be possible for me to find one that doesn't EEEEEEEEEEE. I imagine a lot of crts in 2024 are close to dying and ring tho...
@jaszjsz Месяц назад
No lag is kinda bs in a sense that game engines and lower refresh were innately more laggier back then. modern games and OLED screens are technically less lag.. but I digress.
@GTXDash Месяц назад
Yes and No. In games from 10 or 20 years ago, yes, you are right, this is true. But older than that, things were different. in the last 20 years, more advanced processing resulted in a longer render pipeline that sometimes would span multiple frames. An old game from the 90s didn't have the luxury for frames to sit in memory for longer than a single frame due to memory being worth its weight in gold. And a CRT doesn't have a memory buffer or digital processor. There was just simply no lag, we didn't have the technology for such a side effect to happen.
@jaszjsz Месяц назад
@@GTXDash Depends.. Older competitive games simply buffered with more lag. CS 1.6 for example would always exceed a 10ms buffer regardless of resolution while modern stuff is around lower 1-6ms @ 1080p depending on game engine/settings/Modern high IPC CPU (CPU bound with graphics on low) Games like Quake 3 would glitch over 250 fps.Most pros or competitive people capped at 125fps if they could in the mid 2000s. Meaning.. Innately more render buffer or "lag" than modern stuff running at 300+ FPS. You can argue theres no lag from screen sure.. But modern stuff will technically run faster regardless. Mouse input is reflected on total latency.. My point is.. older HW was more laggy "all around" Would a CRT with modern HW/Mice have less lag? I guess if you could get refresh closer to current OLED spec.. I have an older CRT that does 800x600 @ 120hz. Input latency on mouse click measures with more latency than OLED Stuff in CS2 @ same 300 fps.
@GTXDash Месяц назад
@@jaszjsz Well yeah, a slower PC will run things slower.
@GTXDash Месяц назад
@@jaszjsz Yeah, that's a game problem. Not a CRT problem.
@jaszjsz Месяц назад
@@GTXDash I mean, it kinda is.. My LDAT takes photos of the screen itself. My CRT is limited to a raw frame latency of 8.33ms @ 120hz via 800x600 res. Current OLED is limited to max refresh rate of display and signal lag should be sub <0.5ms in most situations. Theres some subtle response lag (peaks) on QD-OLED 360hz.. but its still innately faster ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I used to play competitively and still kinda test certain HW for companies :P Edit: I agree that the CRT could be better in absolute lag if the refresh rate more inline and competitive with modern OLED. But the fastest CRTS have trouble breaking 150-170hz barrier @ 640x480. There was an Iiyama that did 200hz+, but I never had a chance to try that over the years.