Just a kid working towards his goals and teaching others along the way. Rooting for you all!
PAYDAY, first deal | The Startup
День назад
Starting the business | The Startup
14 дней назад
How to Start Your Fitness Journey
21 день назад
How To Be Incredibly Consistent
21 день назад
Starting a new | New beginning
21 день назад
28 дней назад
The Social Proof Method
Месяц назад
Day in the life | Ep #2
Месяц назад
How To Go From Skinny to Buff As A Teen
Месяц назад
The Beginning (First Video)
2 месяца назад
#5 Weight loss secrets Ft. Boston Evans (interview)
7 месяцев назад
#4 | Fitness advice Ft. Ty (interview)
7 месяцев назад
Changing it up | what to expect
7 месяцев назад
#3 | Biggest MYTHS of progress
7 месяцев назад
#2 | How filling the gap will change your life
7 месяцев назад
#1 | Why are YOU listening?
7 месяцев назад
@thisisme7801 4 дня назад
This format is 🔥🔥 You have good people 😎
@thisisme7801 4 дня назад
Sounds like a great opportunity to deepen your connection with Christ and yourself and make great friends along the way. Love it!
@alexanderlevans46 4 дня назад
It was
@paulmoreno6279 12 дней назад
My awesome and amazing guy 💯
@LebrunQueaf 14 дней назад
So do you go three days, then take 4 off? Or do you go one day, rest the next, and repeat that cycle? I’m starting to realize I need to go less lol, I’m not making any more progress and I think it’s because I’m not resting right. Any advice is appreciated!
@notafortnitegamer 16 дней назад
And then you get the bill….
@alexanderlevans46 12 дней назад
@alexanderlevans46 12 дней назад
@alexanderlevans46 16 дней назад
You have been overthinking, here’s how to fix it 👇🏼 Is this you? 👉🏻 Constantly get social anxiety 👉🏻 You go to social events but feel too nervous to talk to anyone and if you do you overthink it 👉🏻 You feel stressed all the time I was once like that as well ✋🏼 Here’s how you fix that 👇🏼 1️⃣ Meditation 🧘 Overthinking is caused by a lack of presence, you mind is wondering and not in the moment. Meditation helps you practice presence, this completely changed my social interactions. 2️⃣ Turn 50% of your brain off 🧠 when you talk to other people you overthink, but if you turn off 50% if your brain & just be you will have 10X more fun. This means not thinking about “what do I say next” or “does that person like me” etc. 3️⃣ Win the day ☀️ When you have already done something hard in the day you are more confident to do the smaller things. Wake up every day and do the hardest thing first, this will boost confidence & productivity Follow @alexanderlevans for more content like this
@GeoCruse 17 дней назад
@alexanderlevans46 16 дней назад
Just posted the comment
@VSTA21 18 дней назад
Yessir bro it’s crazy how similar we are. Few months ago I bought pressure washer and made flyers and tried to start up my pressure washing business. I procrastinated for so long because I felt like nobody would want to get their concrete washed but then I just started knocking and I got over the fear. Currently I kinda stopped because I was knocking so much doors and nobody was saying yes. I’m doing landscaping now because I needed a job but I want to go back to pressure washing and grow that business and actually start getting people but I’m kinda stuck. But I like your work ethic and it’s sick to see you grow brotha! Keep up the good work and have a good sabbath and Father’s Day tomorrow homie!
@alexanderlevans46 18 дней назад
Thanks a lot brother, it’s crazy that you are also getting into this. Don’t give up brother, keep knocking those doors. Have a good sabbath!
@VSTA21 18 дней назад
@@alexanderlevans46 thanks man will do!
@paulmoreno6279 18 дней назад
My awesome and amazing guy 💯 🔥
@alexanderlevans46 18 дней назад
Posted a bit late today, thanks for always supporting me!
@paulmoreno6279 18 дней назад
@@alexanderlevans46 it's totally cool my beautiful guy 💯 👌 I'm a night owl anyways lol 😂 and my bell notifications are turned on for you at all times
@alexanderlevans46 19 дней назад
Growth comes from fear, here’s why 👇🏼 👉🏼Do you ver feel like you are in the same spot today as you where last year? 👉🏼 do you ever feel bored of life? I felt that way once ✋🏼 Here’s why you feel this way 👇🏼 1️⃣ Comfort Zone 👌 Most people never push their comfort zone, they never try something new that makes them scared. When you don’t push your comfort zone you don’t make progress, making you bored of life and make no progress in life 2️⃣ Self sabatoge 👀 Our limiting beliefs that we can’t do things make us not do them, we sabatog ourselves into staying in our comfort zone. For example, you want to talk to a girl but your mind over analyses it and never does it. 💡 Meditation can help you with this, the reason you deal with this is because of overthinking, train your brain to be present. 3️⃣ Victim mentality 🤦‍♂️ When things happen to us we say “why me?” We have the mentality that it is the worlds fault that something happened to us. Remember, you can’t change anything if you don’t admit their is a problem 💡Once you are responsible for everything that happens in your life that’s when you have the power to change it. 💭 If you are struggling to get out of your comfort zone I challenge you to journal right now & find a way to push your limits. Good luck! Follow @alexanderlevans for more content like this
@Shsuz608 20 дней назад
@paulmoreno6279 20 дней назад
My awesome and amazing guy 💯
@vics9830 20 дней назад
More rest as you get stronger and due more damage to your tissue and ligamints, joints naturally you need more time to recover from stronger work outs
@alexanderlevans46 20 дней назад
Yep, I’ve definitely had to do less workouts the more advanced I got
@Emilylaking 21 день назад
Gown man
@paulmoreno6279 21 день назад
Awesome my guy 💯 👌
@alexanderlevans46 21 день назад
@paulmoreno6279 21 день назад
@@alexanderlevans46 😎
@Jett_McKinney 22 дня назад
@alexanderlevans46 22 дня назад
Yes sir, I’m a member of the church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
@alexanderlevans46 22 дня назад
How to stop overthinking, here’s how👇🏻 🤔 If you overthink social interactions like presentations, social get to get together, or even simply talking to people these habits will fix that 1️⃣ Meditation (life changing) 🧠 Your mind is constantly running, when you meditate you are getting rid of all thought and just focusing on your breathe. Which is training your mind to be present & calm in stressful situations 2️⃣ Affirmations 👍 Everything you say Is self hipnosis, if you say something over and over again your mind will start to believe it, say your desired characteristics with confidence and your mindset will shift 3️⃣ Visualization 👀 Visualize you succeeding and failing your goals, visualize success so you know what to do and visualize failure to push yourself to keep going. When you visualize a situation you mind thinks you already did it allowing you to practice the scenario in your mind 4️⃣ Sleep more 🛌😴 Most people don’t get enough sleep, if you want to think clearly sleeping more will make your mind more clear and ready for the problems life throws at you. Sleep at least 7-9 hours a night. Follow @alexanderlevans for more fitness & mindset content I’m rooting for you ❤️
@Ihitjoo 22 дня назад
2/week full body. 3 days of feeding is straight gains
@alexanderlevans46 22 дня назад
100%, what workouts do you do though? I’ve never been able to do full body affectively
@ottskopf 22 дня назад
So stupid this reel
@alexanderlevans46 22 дня назад
Hahaha, it is a little dumb 🤣
@blipblop7074 22 дня назад
Thank you for this amazing video
@alexanderlevans46 22 дня назад
@paulmoreno6279 23 дня назад
Dang 💯 🔥
@georgechris420 23 дня назад
During winter bulking I was going to the gym max 3 times and sometimes even 1-2 per week but that’s when I actually got all my gains, now 5 times per week and cutting helped my abs by losing 8-9 pounds but not much gains tbh
@alexanderlevans46 23 дня назад
I had the same experience, I worked out 7 days a week and got almost no results now I have the courage to do 3 a week and it’s changed everything
@alexanderlevans46 23 дня назад
Were you on the Mike Menzer split?
@paulmoreno6279 23 дня назад
Awesome my guy 💯 👌 Happy Monday from Palm Beach 😎
@alexanderlevans46 23 дня назад
Thanks, happy Monday man
@paulmoreno6279 23 дня назад
@@alexanderlevans46 ♥
@kirkhersey3059 24 дня назад
My son started this fasting thing and dropped a bunch of weight. Im just concerned when he does go back to eating regularly he will become an overeater instead.
@alexanderlevans46 24 дня назад
Fasting isn’t supposed to starve you, the point of fasting is to help you focus and to allow your body to have a brake from consuming food
@alexanderlevans46 24 дня назад
So as long as he doesn’t starve himself when fasting, I think he will be fine, what do you think?
@kirkhersey3059 24 дня назад
@@alexanderlevans46 I think I might join him to better understand it. From my experience hearing other people's reasoning for fasting has either been something religious or eating disorders. People shouldn't start not eating at all or thinking that's what fasting is. I need more education on what it actually means not just what other people's theories have led me to believe.
@alexanderlevans46 24 дня назад
@@kirkhersey3059yeah, you should, let me know how that goes
@Emilylaking 21 день назад
​@alexanderlevans46 I'll struggle doing that bc I don't like veg or fruits no more and I'm a picky eater
@alexanderlevans46 24 дня назад
FASTING is the key to optimal health, here’s why 👇🏻 Do you ever feel 👉🏻 Like you can’t think 👉🏻 Like your always tired 👉🏻 Like it’s hard for you to get into a deep work state 👉🏻 Like you can’t lose or gain weight no matter what you do 🖐🏼 I used to feel the same, here’s why 1️⃣ You only have so much energy 🍔 When you eat food your body uses its energy to break down the food, if you are trying to work and your brain is foggy or you can’t focus it’s probably because of the food you ate 2️⃣ Carbs make you tired 🍞🥖 whenever you eat carbs like bread you get tired, avoid carbs at all costs before work or your brain won’t be able to focus 3️⃣ Too much food 🍽️ Because we have so much food we tend to over eat, when we over eat our bodies think we don’t need to work, when you are fasted your body has a primal instinct to work hard, to work for the food 💡 Intermediate fast every day and expect your focus, drive, and ability to lose weight & stay lean to sky rocket. Intermediate fasting is the key to productivity & health. Follow @alexanderlevans for more fitness & mindset content I’m rooting for you ❤️
@PunhetinhaGames666 24 дня назад
I mean you just started bulking
@alexanderlevans46 24 дня назад
Yeah, the bulk went hard though
@PunhetinhaGames666 24 дня назад
@@alexanderlevans46 true
@Ventor_ 26 дней назад
good video bro keep it up :)
@alexanderlevans46 26 дней назад
Got you bro 👊
@alexanderlevans46 24 дня назад
If you want a guide to help you out more, I just launched a free fitness mini course. Check it out > phrygian-cobbler-7ec.notion.site/Starting-Your-Fitness-Journey-Full-Guide-2523637e83654b3c845b560ef3b0a5c7
@kiwiking9771 26 дней назад
young sheldon if it was good
@alexanderlevans46 26 дней назад
What? Who is young Sheldon?
@SomeIndianGamer 26 дней назад
Dude those abs are looking good. Wish i could have them. I workout daily, you got some tips?
@alexanderlevans46 26 дней назад
Yeah, I would recommend if your just starting working out daily is good for keeping consistency, but if you are more advanced I would start increasing the weight you lift and working out less days so you get more rest
@alexanderlevans46 26 дней назад
If you want to know exactly what I think you should do I do the Mike Menzer split, look it up and check it out, good luck bro 👊
@SomeIndianGamer 26 дней назад
@@alexanderlevans46 i have been doing basic workout for months now, but just stated lifting weights, I guess I'll take some of your advice and cut out a bit of my daily workout.
@SomeIndianGamer 26 дней назад
@@alexanderlevans46 okay I'll look it up, thanks a lot ☺️
@alexanderlevans46 26 дней назад
@@SomeIndianGamerI think if your just starting, being consistent is harder then actually gaining muscle so if your just starting I’m all for doing a workout every day
@christiandk09 26 дней назад
7 days is really bad, because you really need rest to grow some muscles and to stay a bit more healthy in general, personally I think 4-5 days a week is the sweet spot ( maybe even 6 if you’re that dedicated
@alexanderlevans46 26 дней назад
I’ve been doing 4 but the person that I learned that less is more from is a body builder named Mike Menzer, check out his workouts and you will see that he did 3 workouts a week and was competitive in Mr Olympia
@Okapador 26 дней назад
You droped this king 💉
@alexanderlevans46 26 дней назад
@PunhetinhaGames666 24 дня назад
He's still right tho,3 days of gear is better than 7 days of gear
@thisisme7801 26 дней назад
Dude the difference is 🔥🔥
@alexanderlevans46 26 дней назад
@yaacy 26 дней назад
I feel like you build strength faster when you workout daily though
@pixelguymaster 26 дней назад
Yeah but you still have to have at least some time to recover I’ll give myself a day or two of of each week
@alexanderlevans46 26 дней назад
When your more advanced the less you do the more growth you get but trading more does keep consistency
@alexanderlevans46 26 дней назад
@@pixelguymasterthat’s a good idea, it’s actually crazy how less truly is more tho
@bakedpotato937 26 дней назад
is there a study that comments on this i couldnt find one that said either or but i also didnt really look id love to know as i prioritize strength
@alexanderlevans46 26 дней назад
@@bakedpotato937it’s personal experience really, but if you are looking into this look into the Mike Mentzer split
@tjcogger1974 26 дней назад
All you did was get leaner
@alexanderlevans46 26 дней назад
Yeah, I just got a little bigger and leaner, this was like 3 months apart btw, it was a big difference for 3 months
@alexanderlevans46 26 дней назад
How much do you workout?
@yashghanekar1424 24 дня назад
@@alexanderlevans46 I saw that u commented for everyone so if you could here it would help. Im tryna bulk, im quite skinny, how much do you think I should eat rn im trying 2500 but barely able to do 2000.
@paulmoreno6279 26 дней назад
My awesome guy 💯 👌 Happy Friday from Palm Beach 😎
@alexanderlevans46 26 дней назад
Happy Friday, have a good day brother 🔥👊
@paulmoreno6279 26 дней назад
@@alexanderlevans46 💯 ♥ 🔥 👌
@cxlix.2281 27 дней назад
ur body needs rest so it can be in better form, if u do hard workouts the 7 days of the week ur just killing ur body
@alexanderlevans46 27 дней назад
100%, I used to workout 7 days a week and I saw little to no gains, then I started doing it only 3 days a week & my muscle blew up
@alexanderlevans46 27 дней назад
How much do you workout?
@Underageddrinker 26 дней назад
5 days a week
@SomeIndianGamer 26 дней назад
​@@alexanderlevans46for real? That's crazy, and here I've been working out all 7 days in a week. I regret it now
@alexanderlevans46 26 дней назад
@@SomeIndianGamerjust take action now and start doing the Mike Menzer split, it will change your whole prospective on lifting
@alexanderlevans46 27 дней назад
Proof that less is more, here’s why👇🏻 1️⃣ Faster growth ⌛️ The moment I started eating more (bulking) workout out 3 days a week and sleeping more. My body got more time to recover making me grow 3X faster. 2️⃣ More time to spend on goals 📋 I used to workout so much I would sacrifice my work, ever since I started working out less my work ability skyrocketed & I still got great results 3️⃣ Better workouts 🏋️‍♂️ When you only workout a few times a week your body is well recovered and ready to workout to its hardest. You will find yourself going tell failure and feeling a bigger pump after all your workouts 💭 If you are a beginner I would recommend that you workout more to build consistency. But if your intermediate and above less truly is more! Follow @alexanderlevans for fitness & mindset content I’m rooting for you ❤️
@HuskyParrot 27 дней назад
thank you bro, this tutorial is actually solid unlike most tutorials people just say eat more than u usually do. But this tutorial is very specific so thank you bro 👑
@alexanderlevans46 27 дней назад
Course, glad I could help you out brother!
@alexanderlevans46 24 дня назад
If you want a guide to help you out more, I just launched a free fitness mini course. Check it out > phrygian-cobbler-7ec.notion.site/Starting-Your-Fitness-Journey-Full-Guide-2523637e83654b3c845b560ef3b0a5c7
@HuskyParrot 24 дня назад
@@alexanderlevans46 ima watch it!
@VSTA21 27 дней назад
Hey man I’ve said it before on your channel but I’m LDS too and bro I love your work ethic and your ability to motivate others and put god first in your life and I just wanted to say that says a lot about yourself and I appreciate it homie 🫡
@alexanderlevans46 27 дней назад
Wow bro, I really do try, like to see another member of the church of Jesus Christ of later day saints. Love you brother 👊
@VSTA21 27 дней назад
@@alexanderlevans46 you serving a mission?
@alexanderlevans46 27 дней назад
@@VSTA21yes sir, I’m actually talking about that in my next video coming out today
@alexanderlevans46 27 дней назад
@@VSTA21are you going on a mission?
@VSTA21 27 дней назад
That’s awesome
@thisisme7801 28 дней назад
Amen! Trials make you stronger and have a purpose if you let them help you to grow 🏆
@alexanderlevans46 27 дней назад