Brian Michael Fuller
Brian Michael Fuller
Brian Michael Fuller
Composer - Sound Designer - Fun Guy
@daviderocconi_sounds День назад
You the guy
@jiiiiim_xyz День назад
Really loving this series.. Binge watching my way through!
@jonnydoobs 3 дня назад
great vid thanks man
@user-dw5vo6wm8k 3 дня назад
I tried applying it to the Sound Class, but it didn't work. 🥲However, when I applied it directly to Metaound, it worked. Do you have any idea why this is happening? *The Sound Class is assigned correctly, and if I set the volume to 0 in the general settings of the Sound Class, all audio responds.
@brianmichaelfuller 3 дня назад
Sound classes are not audio. They are not effected by audio modulation. Sound classes are more of a “classification” type thing. A way to apply general properties to a bunch of stuff as a group
@matthewgantt8283 4 дня назад
Hi Brian - thanks so much for the wonderful work you're doing! If you have a moment, I was wondering if you might have any videos (or could point towards any resources) re: using the output from these MIDI files to trigger events via blueprint, like the spawning here - I've taken a look at the Harmonix tutorials you put together, and have been having a blast playing MIDI/using the fusion sampler, but I'm struggling to find any resources on using the notes/CC of a MIDI file to 'output' information back into a blueprint - I see the 'Watch Output (Metasound output subsystem)" node used here, but for the life of me I cant seem to figure out what its target should be, or how to configure my harmonix nodes in the metasound to output/expose MIDI notes/cc. Thanks so much!
@brianmichaelfuller 3 дня назад
I will be making some new content around this concept in the future.
@matthewgantt8283 3 дня назад
@@brianmichaelfuller amazing - tysm!
@posebukse 5 дней назад
Do you know if there's a sequential alternative to the RandomGet node? To play sounds from an array like a playlist and not randomly
@brianmichaelfuller 5 дней назад
@@posebukse you can use a “get” array node and increase the index each time or you can use a “shuffle” node
@a.l.murkar6425 7 дней назад
great video :)
@user-on2lb6oz5r 7 дней назад
hey boss, I was having a marathon of your tutorials and I can very gratefully tell you that the concept of audio in the game no longer seems impossible to me, I have a question for you, I need to make my character, when touching the water, create these sounds of collision that change as I go deeper I know you have a tutorial that can help me achieve this, could you tell me which one it is so I can focus on it? Thanks again
@brianmichaelfuller 4 дня назад
Try an audio gameplay volume: Try adding these other Audio Gameplay Volume component types to a new or existing volume: dev.epicgames.com/documentation/en-us/unreal-engine/audio-gameplay-volumes-quick-start Submix Override: Adds a Submix Effect Chain to a Sound Submix. When the listener enters the volume, this effect applies to all sounds regardless of whether they are inside or outside of the volume Filter: Applies a low pass filter to the audio. You can configure the effect to apply to sounds inside of the volume while the listener is outside, or the other way around.
@posebukse 8 дней назад
Do you know if there's at all an ordinary audio mixer like in any DAW, Fmod or Wwise in UE, and if there's a master output you can slap compressors and limiters on? I'm just getting started with MetaSounds, but wohoy it seems like an unfinished product to an audio pro.
@brianmichaelfuller 8 дней назад
@@posebukse No. there is no built in Mixing board style interface… but you can build one using audio modulation and widgets. Check out my videos on using a widget to control audio
@user-oc4fp7ir3j 15 дней назад
Hi! Where did you find/download the free epic games patches from?
@brianmichaelfuller 15 дней назад
You can get the Unreal Engine at Epic Games main website
@user-oc4fp7ir3j 15 дней назад
@@brianmichaelfuller I have unreal engine, and harmonix installed, but did not have any patches natively enabled on plugin install
@dranzboi 15 дней назад
Greate video, like and subscribe 😊
@FuncFlow 17 дней назад
Have you had any success implementing physical modelling like Karplus-Strong in MetaSounds? Keep up the good work ❤
@brianmichaelfuller 17 дней назад
No I haven’t messed with that specific content. Maybe someone else in here has
@chrlstan 20 дней назад
should i try and do this for a living?
@brianmichaelfuller 19 дней назад
@@chrlstan I did. That’s up to you! There is definitely a career that can be made out of audio design.
@MichaelPrechtlAudio 26 дней назад
Hey Brian your video presents all the basics well and concisely. I can recommend it to anyone starting with audio in Unreal Engine.
@brianmichaelfuller 25 дней назад
Thank you!!!
@SammyB_3D 27 дней назад
Why is it that the most valuable and knowledgable videos only get a couple thousand views!? Great video!
@oberon2159 28 дней назад
Even if you’ve been in game audio for a bit, revisiting the basics and hearing another way of explaining or demonstrating concepts and methods always reinforces one’s understanding. A very nice intro for people new to this, and a good recap for those who are not.
@edgardsimon983 28 дней назад
is it possible in 5.1 ?
@brianmichaelfuller 28 дней назад
@@edgardsimon983 yes. Just a basic MetaSound function
@edgardsimon983 28 дней назад
@@brianmichaelfuller damn u fast thx u so much
@pineappleman570 29 дней назад
I guess this is a more niche subject, but still, this video needs A LOT more views. Gonna watch all of these tonight. Thank you!
@brianmichaelfuller 29 дней назад
@@pineappleman570 definitley a niche market! Lol thanks for your support
@ShapeNoise 29 дней назад
Thanks for sharing 🤓
@brianmichaelfuller 29 дней назад
My pleasure 😊
@nizd3128 29 дней назад
Cheers Brian 👍
@JohnTosom 29 дней назад
Great video to help those people who want to get started with audio in Unreal Engine.
@primitivepatterns Месяц назад
Yr stuff is so inspiring! Thank you :)
@AlexMoukalaMusic Месяц назад
I can't thank you enough for your Unreal Engine / Metasounds videos dude. I'm learning an incredible amount in a very short time and that's making a huge difference on several projects I'm working on! You're a wonderful teacher, cheers for that!!
@brianmichaelfuller Месяц назад
Thank you so much Alex! I’ve also enjoyed many, many of your videos as well!
@AlfredVienneau Месяц назад
congrats and thanks for doing this!
@ShapeNoise Месяц назад
thx, my mind feels Fuller 🖖
@scrap-dp1rl Месяц назад
I need Your Help, how to implement directional footsteps sound in player
@brianmichaelfuller Месяц назад
You can treat directional footsteps like any 3d sound. Use attenuation and spatialization and it will be in the world according to the listener position
@JohnTosom Месяц назад
Thanks for sharing how to use it.
@stevenlawless3457 Месяц назад
Thanks for going over this plugin, Fuller. I watched the first three videos, and then when I saw the preview of your drum machine at the end of the last video, I got inspired to go try and build one myself. It's been tons of fun playing with the plugin.
@brianmichaelfuller Месяц назад
@@stevenlawless3457 awesome man!! Really the sky is the limit with this thing!! Check out the Fortnite Patchworks stuff when you get a chance
@stevenlawless3457 Месяц назад
Yeah, the Patchwork stuff is fun, too, for sure. I had been playing with that for a bit, setting up little jam rooms and trying to build my own version of the Heist demo that Epic made for their Patchwork tutorial, until I found out about the Harmonix toys in UE. I'm sure I'll end up back playing with it more. Thanks again!
@No.0.o.0 Месяц назад
I wish the modulate input on oscillators worked like a real modular synth and you didn't need to multiply by float and use an input to crank the gain like a VCA. Great video though!
@recsund Месяц назад
yes it all makes sense now
@clarkel801 Месяц назад
I am 100% following until you get to skip over how to reference the meta sound. I figure that is in another video, but I watched from part one until now and haven't caught it. would you kindly point me in the right direction.
@brianmichaelfuller Месяц назад
@@clarkel801 ha!! Sorry about that. Check out my video on Spawn, Create and Play Mode
@brianmichaelfuller Месяц назад
@clarkel801 Месяц назад
@@brianmichaelfuller Amazing response time! Thanks a Ton!
@clarkel801 Месяц назад
@@brianmichaelfuller So I am still having a bit of trouble. I have tried Both creating and spawning a 2d sound on begin play, and have my metasound theremin selected, I promote to variable, and see the variable in my components menu. I have On actor begin overlap (Bp_TheraminStrip) set up. (However when trying to pull up more of these today I was unable to find this event type again and instead could only find event begin overlap.) I have it setting a boolean (is on strip) to true, and that is going out to execute Trigger parameter, I target the Audio component referencing my meta sound, and typed in the name of my attack trigger. however when i compile and play, overlaping does not seem to trigger my metasound. I have watched all your basics video's and your synth 101 serries, and I can't seem to find the piece I seem to be missing. I really felt like I was learning a lot up to this point, but now I am just stuck and becoming quite discouraged.
@brianmichaelfuller Месяц назад
Sorry to hear that! UE can be a bit confusing sometimes. I would recommend maybe starting from the beginning again and see if it makes sense. I’m not exactly sure what your missing?
@DeonexGlower Месяц назад
This is awesome, perfect for tuning the length of the whoosh sound of a blade. Thank you so much!
@underealmmusic4752 Месяц назад
Very helpful, congrats Brian
@peterallely5417 Месяц назад
Click on it - Ctrl+b (for browse) is quicker. Same for ctrl+e (for edit) opens that actor in the editor.
@StefanJann Месяц назад
Thank you
@StefanJann Месяц назад
Thank you
@StefanJann Месяц назад
Thank you
@hydeman75 2 месяца назад
Hi Brian , i love this tutorial , i was hoping to use this technique to add spatialized sound to my movies sequences but failed to it :( , draging the ambient sound in the level sequencer do nothing .. Is there a way to do that ? thankss
@brianmichaelfuller 2 месяца назад
@@hydeman75 you have to add a play sound event in the sequencer timeline.
@LineageView 2 месяца назад
This is the best video on this subject - thank you for sharing!
@brianmichaelfuller 2 месяца назад
Wow, thank you!
@calumyuill 2 месяца назад
Thanks so much for this information! You're awesome. Question, can we use the step sequence player to control for example a Saw Wave or an Additive Synth?
@brianmichaelfuller 2 месяца назад
Great question… my guess is yes! But I haven’t tried yet
@calumyuill 2 месяца назад
@@brianmichaelfuller I found what I was looking for, the MIDI Note Trigger node :)
@starfieldcommand 2 месяца назад
Thank you for putting your time into this! ... May I ask how can I drive a character hand motion based on a voiceover, so the hand movements are there when you can hear the audio and they stop moving when there is silence in the audio. been trying to figure this out for weeks now lol!
@brianmichaelfuller 2 месяца назад
I don’t now a lot about animations, but what you can do is use “output watching” to get an envelope follower from your MetaSound. And then use that information as a simple float parameter to drive anything you want, including something like an animation.
@starfieldcommand 2 месяца назад
@@brianmichaelfuller Thank you so much for your response and guidance.
@starfieldcommand 2 месяца назад
@@brianmichaelfuller Brian i have one more question if i may. I totally nailed moving the character hands with the voiceover thanks to you. But inorder to make it a smooth animation ,volume up the hand play the animation and volume down the hands stop. I need a node that can catch the dip in volume a bit before it happens if that makes sense . So the animation of the hands stops more smoothly instead of instantly stoping after getting no volume from the get float. I managed to smooth it a little bit by adding a delay node but i can't establish a nice looking blend out. Sorry for the long text.
@roaldjensen3120 2 месяца назад
Why not quantize to 64 ---> BPM (if it is a shooter lag is a b...) ?
@brianmichaelfuller 2 месяца назад
@@roaldjensen3120 that’s an option. Although 64 notes are almost like not quantizing at all and depending on the source can sound “off” - the cool thing is you can play around and experiment until you find what works for each source
@JohnTosom 2 месяца назад
It could be soooo creative with this sequencer. Thanks for this tuto Brian.
@7cd664 2 месяца назад
is there a way to set the steps as a player? Or should I use your step sequencer tutorial to approach this without the Harmonix plugin?
@brianmichaelfuller 2 месяца назад
Yes you can access a bunch of custom nodes to change the sequencer in real-time. That is my next video!
@amirben-kiki4834 2 месяца назад
One of the cooler aspects of the Step Sequencer asset is that you can update it and the change is reflected in real time in all metasounds that use it, which is great for previewing and editing, and it's all blueprint exposed and even setup for network replication, so it can have many in-game applications for interactive music.
@BraggsTippingPoint 2 месяца назад
Did you ever find an answer to the Cue Point ID numbers being off? If not, you could probably just take the Cue Point ID and subtract 1 from the Int result before printing.
@brianmichaelfuller 2 месяца назад
I’m not 100% certain but I believe it turns out that the “start” of every track exported with Logic Markers is default Cue Point 1.
@jreynoldsish 2 месяца назад
Excellent tutorial! Thanks for putting these together as a series passing along all this great info :)
@dracofells5390 2 месяца назад
What are key differences between this and using something like the Quartz system and it's clocks? I'm trying to create a "singing monsters" like system so I imagine quartz is better for the ability to subscribe to individual beat events and such, but as far as prototyping sounds and how they blend are there any downsides to this? I guess I'm struggling to see what this does differently from quartz and if quarts should even be used at all? Can I not use this in blueprints as well?
@brianmichaelfuller 2 месяца назад
Check out my videos on Quartz if you haven’t. Quartz is for syncing external audio with each other. If everything is contained inside one MetaSound you don’t need Quartz. But the moment you want to sync 2 or more individual audio sources, that are triggered at different times, you need Quartz to sync them up
@dracofells5390 2 месяца назад
@brianmichaelfuller Thank you super fast response, and that makes since, new to the sound design aspect rn but I just need to play with it It seems. Few more things: 1. Any tutorials on how one might adjust a loop to match bpm by chance? 2. I'd also love your opinion on which you would start with. If you aren't familiar My Singing Monsters is a game where the player gets monsters that all sing at the same bpm, but have different parts, with each monster adding different layers to the music with their own loops. From what it sounds like quartz is the best for dynamically added audio at runtime, but i feel like you could set it up using variables for the audio files and triggers. 3. You're amazing for these tutorials. Seriously, they're high quality, and the amount of content you've gone over is stellar. I'm not a sound designer at all, but I at least feel confident I can learn how to use the tools Unreal has purely because your channel as of now. Thank you so much and have a great day!
@nicholasobrien6920 2 месяца назад
Hey thanks so much for this tutorial! Super helpful. However -- and I'm somewhat new to wwise and unreal -- when I try to follow these steps, I don't see any plugin folder in my Unreal project and instead of seeing that my soundbanks folder is empty, it says that my Root Output Path in Wwise integration is empty. What am I doing wrong?
@Sonomatt 2 месяца назад
Golden video ! Thank you my man. Subbed for more