PAN - Physicians Association for Nutrition
PAN - Physicians Association for Nutrition
PAN - Physicians Association for Nutrition
PAN International - Physicians Association for Nutrition is making nutrition a core part of healthcare. We're a non-profit medical organisation building a global community of health professionals who advocate for the benefits of healthy whole-food nutrition. Through transforming the perception, knowledge and use of science-based nutrition in healthcare and beyond, we're creating healthy and sustainable food environments for individuals and for the planet.
@But1non 4 дня назад
Low Carb BEAT DASH in A1c reduction, bp reduction, weight reduction. Go figure
@But1non 4 дня назад
@keiryeleison2933 7 дней назад
AHA is very untrustworthy because they control what's going out in the public regarding which is healthy and which is not. AHA is a business and only has concerns about profits. no coconut oil companies have funded/sponsored AHA that's the reason they are holding information.
@AndrewKeifer 13 дней назад
Coffee never did anything to keep me from getting drowsy while driving long distances. In fact, the only time coffee has ever affected my sleep (that I know of) is when I wanted to sleep.
@Ranjanapati07 Месяц назад
We need to have more research work done on the GI of maltodextrin, and, also for other sources.
@Ranjanapati07 Месяц назад
Comprehensive information, compiled and presented well for layman understanding. Good job!
@Ranjanapati07 Месяц назад
I personally feel that calling them PB,"meat" is an insult to high nutritional content of plant based foods. Also, by adding Algae and seaweeds to such foods would make them richer than meats in nutritional counts.
@placidojr.menaje4067 Месяц назад
Coconut oil does not increase LDL. The results of this supposedly research is sham. I am in the Philippines, a country that is perhaps the largest exporter of coconuts. I consume coconut oil since I learn to eat food after milk. I have a healthy blood pressure and heart today at 70 years old. I simply cannot accept the negative "result" of this so called meta-analysis of the research. THIS RESEARCH IS perhaps FUNDED BY THE BIG PHARMA INDUSTRIES.
@alexanderstein-n5x 2 месяца назад
Meine intervallfasten 46/4 bei mir funktioniert einwandfrei, schon 6 monaten,angefangen mit 125 kg und bin jetzt 65 kg 60 kg minus,bin kompllet zucker frei und 100% Vegan.3 stunden täglich sport
@Caladcholg 2 месяца назад
40:15 .... are you actually using a pasta company's idea of what's good for the environment, and not documents like Holistic Management, to make an ecological point? What do you think the age of your audience is, 9? We aren't going to get fooled by that type of shit again. #regenerativeagriculture
@Caladcholg 2 месяца назад
38:37 Whoa, I missed that the first go around, but did you actually just admit the controversy around red meat is _not_ that it is unhealthy, but rather it's the CAFO system, that nearly all agree is an abomination, that is used to produce it? Holy shit, if that's the 'consensus' that we all agree upon, as you say, can we please start a responsible regenerative agriculture movement?
@Caladcholg 2 месяца назад
34:55 yeah, because you literally took the keto group _off ALL medication_ designed specifically to lower it while not doing so for the MED group, a move so egregious that you literally had other doctors publishing complaints in medical journals, you fraud.
@NudePostingConspiracyTheories 3 месяца назад
Sorry mate. Im reasonably intelligent. But i can not understand why the final thing you said is true? How foes this make ne understand and make better choices? Did you simply mean- you cant trust most internet info? I would love a reply. (But not in the same obfuscated language-please). I do not mean to be rude. Im trying to work out if it will harm me to have vitamins which have maltodextrine as a carrier, because I have such a bad gut. Thanking you, yours sincerely, Soozi in Australia
@helgaschreyer6226 3 месяца назад
Danke, ein gutes hilfreiches Video!
@kclarin 3 месяца назад
Look behind the headlines! Good reminder to all of us. And thanks for the work you do! Power on!
@pan_international 3 месяца назад
Yes! Thank you so much! :)
@kclarin 3 месяца назад
Thank you for being meticulous and uncompromising in your search for evidence. 🙏
@pan_international 3 месяца назад
Thanks a lot for your kind feedback!
@hansschmidt9447 4 месяца назад
Einfache und effektive Maßnahme für Gewichtsreduktion stimmt! Ich bin durch Silke Rosenbusch auf niedrige Kaloriendichte zum Abnehmen gestoßen und habe in 2,5 Monaten 6,5kg abgenommen. Ohne Hungern und ohne Schlappheit - stattdessen fühle ich mich so gut wie seit Jahren nicht mehr. Danke für das Video. Bitte betreibt weiter Aufklärungsarbeit.
@superbaobao6830 4 месяца назад
In short Maltodextrin is a filler or thickener enhanced sugar. Science is not God either of our scientists. It's all about the money and how much they want us to visit their clinic = $$$$
@NoirHammer 4 месяца назад
Fish is also a good source of toxins and microplastics.
@RC-qf3mp 4 месяца назад
Microplastics are everywhere, including tap water. So good like avoiding that one. Small fish like sardines are less likely to have toxins. Super nutritious, tasty, very long shelf life with no artificial preservatives (just salt and the can are what preserve them), but have the side effect of providing glowing skin, better mood, great brain boost and will save you money (most bang for your buck when it comes to fat, protein and very high nutrients). Incidentally, fruits are a great source of water, sugar and pesticide. So pick your poison.
@jamxxd_james 5 месяцев назад
@stevestephens8925 5 месяцев назад
you cited populations from very high carb and and very low carb populations demonstrationg similar health outcomes but you land more heavily on plant based high carb as the preferred way to go. just your preference?
@robjohn6943 6 месяцев назад
Consensus is not science
@rogerpakrat800 6 месяцев назад
I'm sorry, but anybody who tells me that I should be Using canola oil instead of coconut oil is out of their Fricken minds. This video is bullshit.
@gb8814 5 месяцев назад
C mon inflammatory gmo seed oils are the way to go.
@ew1usnr 6 месяцев назад
The label on my store-brand sugar-free metamucil says that the second ingredient is maltodextrin. Dang it. I will take it back and trade it for some plain psyllium-husk powder.
@jaym9846 6 месяцев назад
Two populations of Polynesians living on atolls near the equator provide an opportunity to investigate the relative effects of saturated fat and dietary cholesterol in determining serum cholesterol levels. The habitual diets of the toll dwellers from both Pukapuka and Tokelau are high in saturated fat but low in dietary cholesterol and sucrose. Coconut is the chief source of energy for both groups. Tokelauans obtain a much higher percentage of energy from coconut than the Pukapukans, 63% compared with 34%, so their intake of saturated fat is higher. The serum cholesterol levels are 35 to 40 mg higher in Tokelauans than in Pukapukans. These major differences in serum cholesterol levels are considered to be due to the higher saturated fat intake of the Tokelauans. Analysis of a variety of food samples, and human fat biopsies show a high lauric (12:0) and myristic (14:0) content. Vascular disease is uncommon in both populations and there is no evidence of the high saturated fat intake having a harmful effect in these populations.
@Winnie9801 7 месяцев назад
What is the study on Pop tarts, I hope no viewer trust this video.
@bettinabethanien5638 7 месяцев назад
❤ !!!!!!!!!!!!!
@Krautgartenmann 8 месяцев назад
Kein Bock auf Gesundheitssizialismus.
@tnvol5331 8 месяцев назад
@rosivenlonl690 9 месяцев назад
Guter Podcast. Leider ist der Ton nicht so gut. Hohl und Nebengeräusche. Danke
@Caladcholg 9 месяцев назад
24:01 so eat fermented, avoid fiber until the jury reconvenes, got it. Sure don't want the risk of being one of those inflammatory subgroups while waiting for the sonnenburgs hypothesis.
@user-dj9db5sh6g 9 месяцев назад
useless video
@utebreitengraser3555 9 месяцев назад
Ganz großes (Hör-) Kino. Danke dafür!
@webfacility 10 месяцев назад
Does anyone know where/ how to determine to some degree of accuracy, say plus or minus 10%, 20%, or even 50% accuracy the Omega 6 & Omega 3 Contents in plant food mainly legumes and grains? - I bet many health-conscious individuals would be interested in such details. Thank you all for considering to provide your comments.
@drbezard 10 месяцев назад
Super Video! Was ein bisschen fehlt ist die Anleitung die man auf die Kaloriendichte schaut. Angegeben werden ja immer nur Kalorien pro 100g.
@kencarey3477 10 месяцев назад
The guys that wrote the book Mastering diabetes have cured typ 2 diabetes with a high fruit vegan diet!
@winterrider6668 10 месяцев назад
Could anyone else understand what was being said? Sound quality very poor on my machine
@Appleblade 10 месяцев назад
This is the least plausible eating imaginable. Our 3 million years ancestors would be puking at the idea... big juicy animals all around and we're supposed to eat fucking beans?
@Caladcholg 9 месяцев назад
Not just beans, but a bunch of simply indigestible crap. I don't think we got here by padding our blood sugar spikes with fiber. We just hardly ate sugar. Or fiber.
@chrismartin7579 11 месяцев назад
Interesting that @3:00 on your food pyramid, no mention of eggs or fish, two foods that I would think would make up more than 0%.
@Caladcholg 9 месяцев назад
To be fair it was a carb pyramid.
@aidab7542 11 месяцев назад
Would this data also include consuming coconut milk or coconut based yogurts?
@johnclaydon604 11 месяцев назад
I don't know why so many health researches look at so called clinIcal trials with no actual proof of relation of saturated fats and health outcomes, as the results are inferred and conclusions do not represent what the so called results say eg cholesterol is raised on average therefore saturated fat is unhealthy, ( when in fact all cause mortality seems to go up the lower a persons cholesterol and any link to heart attack has been subsequently disproved) let alone the fact that other factors are involved such as less meat, change of diet in-other ways . THE ONLY EVIDENCE THAT SHOULD BE CONSIDERED IS WHAT HAPPENS TO REAL PEOPLE OVER MANY YEARS ON THEIR HEALTH If coconut oil really did cause or even contribute to heart disease it would be very easy to prove. How? All you would have to do is go to the coconut growing regions of the world and examine the health of the people living there. If coconut oil caused heart disease, these people would have a high incidence of heart attacks and strokes. But what you find is that they have a low rate of heart disease compared to the rest of the world. In fact, the people who eat the most coconut oil have the lowest heart disease rates in the world! In Pacific Island counties, rural communities generally consume more coconut and more coconut oil than urban communities, where people are more educated and in general more conscious about avoiding saturated fat. Yet, total blood cholesterol levels are generally lower in rural areas than in urban areas.5 The incidence of heart disease is also much lower in urban areas in Pacific Island communities where coconut oil is the predominate source of dietary fat. In Sri Lanka, coconut has been the primary source of dietary fat for thousands of years. In 1978, this was before saturated fat was heavily demonized, the per capita consumption of coconut was equivalent to 120 nuts per year. At the time, the country had one of the lowest heart disease rates in the world. Only one out of every 100,000 deaths was attributed to heart disease. In the United States where very little coconut is eaten,nearly half of all deaths at the time were heart related. Obviously, it was not caused by eating coconut oil. Since 1978 coconut consumption has declined in Sri Lanka as it has throughout the world due to the fear of saturated fat. As coconut consumption has decreased, heart disease rates have increased! If coconut oil really did cause heart disease the heart disease rate should have decreased as people consumed less coconut oil, but just the opposite has happened. Also, heart disease occurs almost entirely in the urban populations that eat the least amount of coconut oil, relying more on processed vegetable oils and margarine. In populations outside of the cities that continue to depend on coconut as a major source of food, heart disease is essentially non-existent. In the coconut growing regions of India, people were told to stop eating coconut oil because it caused heart disease. So they started eating more processed vegetable oil and margarine. As a result, within about 10 years the heart disease rate tripled! Are you beginning to see a pattern develop here? You should. In those areas of the world where people eat lots of coconut oil, heart disease is relatively rare. Where people eat very little coconut oil and depend on processed vegetable oils and margarine instead, heart disease is a major health problem. In the coconut growing regions of the world heart disease was completely unknown until the mid-1900s when people started to eat Western foods and imported oils. For example, In Papua New Guinea the very first heart attack death occurred in 1964. These people had been eating coconut oil for generations. If coconut oil caused heart disease why had they not had any heart attacks before that time? Because this was after they started importing and using other oils in place of coconut oil. Like in Sir Lanka, heart disease in Papua New Guinea occurs mostly in urban areas where people eat the least amount of coconut oil. When you go outside the cities into areas which use coconut oil as their primary source of fat, heart disease does not exist. Even the oldest members of their population who live up into their 90s show no signs of heart disease. The same thing is seen historically. If you go back 100 years the people ate lard, butter, and coconut oil and no processed vegetable oils. Heart disease was unheard of back then. Now we eat much less saturated fat, depending more on processed vegetable oils and heart disease is a major health problem. There was a very interesting study done on two remote Pacific Islands--Pukapuka and Tokelau. The entire populations of both islands took part in this study. Researchers analyzed the foods they ate and evaluated their health. They found that these people where getting up to 60 percent of their daily calories from fat. Now, the American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that we should limit fat consumption to 30 percent of daily calories, and that no more than 7 percent should come from saturated fat. Apparently, no one told the Islanders about the AHA recommendations because they were getting over 50 percent of their daily calories as saturated fat, primarily from coconuts. After evaluating their health, researchers stated there was no evidence of heart disease, or diabetes, or cancer, or any other degenerative disease common in our society.6 This study proved that even very large amounts of coconut oil in the diet are not harmful. Actually, it was the oil that probably protected them from these health problems that are epidemic in our society. Recent medical research has shown that coconut oil posses anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, and antioxidant properties which all work together to protect the arteries from atherosclerosis and the heart from heart disease. When you examine all the evidence, it becomes obvious that coconut oil does not cause heart disease. If anything, it protects against it. If you want to protect yourself from heart disease, you should be eating coconut oil. Protection against heart disease is only one of the many health benefits of this remarkable food 5. Coyne, T. Lifestyle diseases in Pacific Communities. Noumea: Secretariat of the Pacific Community; 2000. 6. Prior, IA, et al. Cholesterol, coconuts, and diet on Polynesian atolls. A natural experiment. The Pukapuka and Tokelau island studies. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 1981;34:1552-1561. Heart Disease and Metabolic Syndrome 1. Norton, D, et al. Comparative Study of Coconut Oil, Soybean Oil, and Hydrogenated Soybean Oil. PJCS 2004;29(1&2). simplycoconut.com/Comparative%20Study.pdf. 2. Cholesterol Levels Poor Indicator of Heart Attack Risk? stanford.wellsphere.com/healthy-eating-article/cholesterol-levels-poor-indicator-of-heart-attack-risk/571052. 3. Total Cholesterol and Heart Scans, www.wellsphere.com/heart-health-article/total-cholesterol-and-heart-scans/393872. 4. Most Heart Attack Patients’ Cholesterol Levels Did Not Indicate Cardiac Risk, www.newswise.com/articles/view/548002/?sc=dwhn Fife, Bruce. Coconut Oil: The World’s Most Powerful Superfood (pp. 39-40). Piccadilly Books, Ltd.. Kindle Edition.
@sectionalsofa 11 месяцев назад
I LOVE Dr Gardner's charts. They're SO clear. I wish I could have all of them at my fingertips.
@teresagarcia3495 11 месяцев назад
@realfoodcures Год назад
The ldl goes up in keto in order to move triglycerides out of cells to the muscles. Normal physiology, not pathos.
@realfoodcures Год назад
The keto diet beats the vegan diet for reversing diabetes. Virta health study vs. Dr. Barnards own clinical trial. The Vega diet had great results for the first 8 months then the A1C shit back up.
@AI-vs7sm Год назад
Please watch Dr Zoe Harcombe video," Nugget for discussing nutritional guidelines"! She absolutely destroys all the arguments against sat fat and meat eating! All with cited studies and RCTs ,all listed in show notes, which you rarely see in vegan veggie tale videos! IF THE CHOLESTEROL HYPOTHESIS ever actually gets PROVED, then we can look at things differently. Major studies show longer life with higher LDL values! Fatty fish,( recommended), has MORE sat fat than red meat.And Chris is enthralled by double pyramid put out by who?, or rather WHO? Barilla Corp. Great call, no bias here. And meat ag info is always attributed to meat lobby ,so ,its lies, but, info against meat ag, is ALWAYS correct and unbiased because it serves our purpose. Funny , if meat goes down, what is going to go up, along with their profits? Again, no vested interests here! Remember the movie" Soilent green?
@edsedlak6827 Год назад
The USDA recommendation or recipe for diabetes 300 g is ridiculous.
@freetrailer4poor Год назад
I love milk I could drink a gallon a day. Don't know if it is the cold fluid. Raw, grass, goat I love them all. It also has no purines for gout. But somehow it does not seem right to drink it.
@shaguftayasmin5224 Год назад
Industry funding is a long known open secret.
@FoodChangesLives Год назад
Where do you get your average of 10-15:1 from? I'm curious! I am measuring this imbalance with every client, and I see numbers daily from 18:1 - 60:1. I have even had a 109:1. I have access to a database of 1 million tests done worldwide. That shows the average in the USA is now around 23:1
@macintoshmorgan1882 9 месяцев назад
consistently concerned with data sets like these! Also a recommendation of 5:1? Hmmm. Curious what your thoughts are on proper ratio
@tnvol5331 8 месяцев назад