The Final Fantasmagorie
The Final Fantasmagorie
The Final Fantasmagorie
If its horrific, peculiar, or unexplainable, I'm probably already interested. Expect to see frequent discussions of horror fiction, especially in audio form, as well as plenty more that I can't quite reveal yet. I'm always working on something, but there's only about a 1/3 chance you'll ever see it.
The Magnus Archives: SMASH or PASS
2 месяца назад
The End Explained (The Magnus Archives Entities)
5 месяцев назад
Rating YOUR Magnus Hot Takes!
7 месяцев назад
Ethics Town: When Ethics are Everything
8 месяцев назад
9 месяцев назад
ALL Your Questions Answered! (1k Special)
9 месяцев назад
The Dark Explained (The Magnus Archives Entities)
11 месяцев назад
The Art of the Hook (Remake)
Год назад
Slenderman UNEDITED | Speedpaint
2 года назад
@cometthestar6575 День назад
My hot takes? Martin is most certainly not and UwU cinnamon roll. He’s a manipulative prick who puts on the softie act for show. (I still love him tho) Micheal didn’t have enough screen time. His death felt so sudden and so rushed. Jmart DID have adequate build up The guy that worked with Breekon and Hope was a plot hole that could’ve easily been solved by making him one of the anatomy class students In terms of association with knowledge, the eye may have an academic pedigree, but of the fears, it is the least knowledgeable. It just knows things, it doesn’t comprehend them or understand them. The eye and its avatars were easily lead along by the web, and it wasn’t because they didn’t know, it’s because they lacked the foresight to realize what was really happening. The web is the most knowledgeable entity. The slaughter has some of the best and most gripping episodes, and it’s the lonely that is the inferior fear Season five is a drudge to listen to every single time (I’ve listened to the podcast 4 times)
@bluewolf619125 День назад
How do you recognize season 5 has so many banger episodes yet its not your favorite?
@FinalFantasmagorie День назад
@Ciran87 3 дня назад
Yep, I am the one person that would have been disappointed to see more The Extinction, because it didn't exist and this is a hill I will die on. The Extinction was theorised by Dekker and exploited by Peter Lukas as a ploy to convince Martin to use the power of the Panopticon; the whole extinction motif is just a facet of The End, which is why it only got a single domain in the post-change world.
@Ciran87 3 дня назад
I would like to add that one of the reasons we may not see much out of the Extinction throughout the entire show, and especially the post-change world, is that it may not even be a distinct or emerging entity. One of the points of that storyline was gathering evidence for it even existing; if it is only a facet of The End, as some theorise, rather than an entity in and of itself, then it having only a single domain in the post-change world actually makes sense.
@TheMind129 5 дней назад
The video game *CHANGED* is a manifestation of The Extinction. Here me out. Adelard Dekker says The Extinction originally started as a part of The End, and in the world of Changed, humanity was [initially] plagued by an undetectable virus. After scientists realized that animals weren't affected, they tried to infuse animal DNA into themselves. This ended up creating a new *manmade* virus: The Latex Beasts. THE ENIRE POINT OF CHANGED IS YOU TRYING AGAINST ALL ODDS TO *KEEP YOUR HUMANITY* INTACT! If that isn't a manifestation of The Extinction idk what is. Also if you want me to go more in depth, I will gladly make a video about it. Just say the word and I will do it so no one else has to.
@mhmmadaluoll1910 5 дней назад
I know I'm late but it's always a pleasure to see you again. This was a surprise to be sure, but overall I think this is for the best I hope you don't stop making tma content or tmp but also hope to see new and fresh things. All said and done I'm glad to have accompanied you on this journey (even if a little late) and I can't wait to see what the future holds. Have a great day Mr ward or should I say The Final Fantasmagorie. (oh my God it sounds a lot more cooler now!)
@TheMind129 7 дней назад
9:22 That is what I like to call an Antimeme.
@miosz4984 8 дней назад
Ive returned well rested. now pt 3. The Crown Beholding does all it can to see all-not caring about commanding. Authority does all He can to command all-observing is but means to an end. The Buried exerts pressure without authority and The Crown with. The Corruption reduces all relationships into a squirming community of love and vermin. The Crown makes all thing into obedient slaves, their action an extension of His will. The Web is kinda seperate from The Crown cause the latter refused any and changes to His being, resulting in the birth of The Web; however because how much overlapping are their fears are, the two are also the same Power, The Director. Its the reason I called it an eldritch instance of Split Personality trope. I planned to post a MAG 200-esque story here about The Director and its halfs, but i didnt made it yet. So, any question or critisism regarding anything i posted, namely the reddit links from the last comment? speakin of reddit www.reddit.com/r/TheMagnusArchives/comments/1054b08/the_entities_remixed/ I have problem with The Childlike Wonder (i call it The Nostalgic), The Night and The Reflection. The former two cause i cant fidure out what fears they represent, and the latter cause of its name "Speculum". This is what i figured: Wonder - your past not being what you think it was, your past is holding something horrible, your past is being perverted, being stuck in the past. night - darkness, dreams reflect - who/what you are, were and will/can be, not knowing who/what you are, were and will/can be, being copied, being replaced by a copy all i guessed by names and allies, but speculum in particular is wierd cause it doesnt fit with the last set. what do you think? Also i made deducyions on the rrst of remixed fear if you wisheto read
@miosz4984 9 дней назад
Congrats on the rebrand, Ward. Personally I think it should be "The", cause, for me at least, it makes linguistic sense in a [name], [epithet] way. "Malachi Ward, the Final Fantasmagorie" rolls well in speech. And since im here, i might as well say something about my magnus things. First of all, small changes in my fanmade Dread Powers. - The Wild's "Name That Unfolds Like Lotus Blossom" is changed to All Things Past Are Comning Back to make more spooky, and includes fears of the untamed, the uncivilized, and of the modern world being no diffrent than the wilderness outside of it, and potentionally of uncharted territory - The Crown's epithet is "the Father of Slaves" to compliment The Web's "the Mother of Puppets" - The Control is now The Director - Ive divided The Desolation to give it distinction from The Deprived; the former is now the fear of losing you love/desire/are attached to, and the latter is the fear of lacking one's needs and nessecities, be they actual or percieved. - The Repeat is now The Cyclic. - The Fallen is just as "mind-having" as The Web, but "Evil Can Not Comprehend Good" is in full effect, and its "direct" plans happen to fail a lot, but it cant understand how it fails due to its narcisism. Now, in The Extinction and End vidoes i explained my decisions regarding my fanmade Power. I kinda find it lacking now, so i will try explaining it a diffrent way, namely "compare and contrast". The Fallen: - When Beholding targets your flaws and wrongdoings, it judges you for them, and exposes them for all to see. When Tartarus does it, it makes you obsesed with them, making you fear becoming something monstrous and inhumane in a worst possible ways. - The Slaughter fouceses on the violence, both inside and outside of war, and the aftermath of it. The Fallen focuses those who commit it. TBC in comments
@miosz4984 9 дней назад
[pt 2] The Cyclic: - The Vast: Vertigo shows the infinity of space and insignificance before it. The Cyclic shows one's life as an endless cycle of unchanging existence, a time loop with no need for magical occurences, not that such things would even happen in such unfettered normality. - The One Alone Traps its victim in a "Cage" of colorless isolation, while making them "invisible" (physically or metaphorically) to other prisoners. The Paperwork Ouroboros Traps its victim in a "Cage" of cyclic lifestyles, even if they are allowed to interact with others. The Deprived: - The Desolation - see changes above - The Flesh: when you hunger through the Flesh, you are with gluttonous desire for blood and flesh, be they animal or human. When you hunger through the Deprived, you crave to eat Anything, all to stop that ravenous emptyness in you. - The Lonely takes away those around you so you can feels the horror of silence, uninterrupted by voices of others. The Deprived takes away those around you because you see them as a important part of your life, or because you see contact with them as something you need. The Wild: - When The Hunt showns you a beast, its to make you feel against a superior predator. When The Wild does it, its to shoecase how humans are animals at the core, and how the natural order reigns unbroken. pt 3 always deleted know noy why me tired the crown later www.reddit.com/r/TheMagnusArchives/comments/1054b08/the_entities_remixed/ explain wonder and night who/what you are were and willcan be
@crizmeow8394 10 дней назад
Also, I’m reaaaaally glad I’m not the only one e that feels that vampires feel so out of pocket even when they are so freaky just the fact that they are called vampires takes me out
@crizmeow8394 10 дней назад
It’s super interesting to me how different things makes us scared and changes the rating, I don’t like the statements that are set too far in the past, that makes them less scary to me, I love the statements about technology like the guy who uploaded himself into a computer and the one that kept a scary website, there are two episodes I will never listen again, killing floor and cruelty free, I just can’t, and since I really don’t care about the overarching plot season 5 was a complete drag to go though
@boxlessone1046 12 дней назад
I definately think "A Final Fantasmagorie" sounds better, but "The Final Fantasmagorie" looks better to read.
@SeerOfTime577 12 дней назад
Congratulations, man! The rebrand is looking stellar.
@justnojustn3036 12 дней назад
out of respect , i will not make another fnaf joke .
@heavenlybibi 12 дней назад
Eyyyyy thanks for the mention, bro! Truly looking forward to how the changes come about! You’re already doing wonders just from what you shared!
@TheLuckySpades 12 дней назад
Looking forward to what you get up to with the new look, though that title gave me a shock when I saw the notification, glad you ain't leaving yet (Also I think you might have the wrong link in the description, I think it links to this video instead of the other one which I will have to watch later)
@zesherm 12 дней назад
One could say you escaped the springs of your old name trapping you (This joke is really unfunny but I really wanted to make a fnaf joke)
@berkinsk6267 12 дней назад
By changing and reshaping our identities, we try to find ourselves. This happens everyday. I wish you good luck. I always liked your Magnus content and looking forward to what will come up next.👍
@JayBeingNatural 12 дней назад
I can't wait to see what you come up with in your new journey, buddy 💙💙
@charteon9092 13 дней назад
@dobyk5338 18 дней назад
RE Vampires: I get your confusion, I also thought they they were at least somewhat connected to the Web, BUT we know for sure they are associated with the Hunt. They exemplify the patient and manipulative hunter, they literally hunt for humans in cities, and they also appeared in the Everchase. And yes, the Hunt also hunts itself: that is actually very well established at least several times. I do get tho that vampires are generally overdone in much of fiction. However, you can't tell me that a mostly humanoid creature with a proboscus is not an original concept for a vampire. I think vampires and werewolves both being part of the Hunt makes perfect sense ❤
@Phantom682 19 дней назад
You could add snakes shedding their skin as a symbol of death and rebirth to the thing with the Extinction and snakes also.
@Phantom682 20 дней назад
Something that I’ve noticed is that the person that can always see through the Not!Them’s illusion is always someone who either doesn’t know the victim very well or has a neutral/not good relationship with them. Melanie, who didn’t know Sasha very well, was the only person who could see through it. In the case of Graham Folger, Amy Patel was notably kind of off-put by him and the person whose mother got replaced had a rather rocky relationship with their mother. The person whose cousin got replaced had kind of a neutral relationship and didn’t seem to particularly like them. I think it will always be someone who knows the person but maybe isn’t on the best terms with them. Idk if this means anything or if it’s just a small detail but it’s something I’ve noticed.
@Phantom682 20 дней назад
My favorite Jon/Martin alternate ship name is Teaholding
@Phantom682 20 дней назад
Opinions on Needles and Ink50Ul?
@FinalFantasmagorie 19 дней назад
I like Needles a lot! He's fun, he's way over the top, and he seems like a deeply entertaining boyfailure of an avatar. Still, I don't feel like getting stabbed, so PASS. INK5OUL might be my favourite "avatar" of PTC so far, I absolutely love their ability to "help" people "resolve" their issues. Unfortunately, they are also an influencer, which makes for an automatic PASS. Those sorts of relationships never end well.
@Phantom682 20 дней назад
Coward/j /silly
@calypsoriverstone 20 дней назад
Hi, I'm back here a second time because after many months, brain decides to think about ethics town again. Great video, ethics town deserves a bigger fandom
@OpenBiolabsGuy 27 дней назад
There should be another entity: the Hurt. This entity creates fear by finding ways to hurt people then using that pain or even the anticipation of that pain to generate fear. For example look at the Needle Man in the Magnus Protocol. He hugs a person, maiming them horribly, then uses the fear they feel of continued pain and damage to terrorize them.
@FinalFantasmagorie 26 дней назад
Love the idea, though I feel like there is one clear counterpoint: isn't that just the Desolation?
@OpenBiolabsGuy 26 дней назад
@@FinalFantasmagorie Isn't the Desolation a fear of fire specifically? If not, that's a good counter point. The concept for the Hurt is any kind of pain that can be inflicted, whether that's fire, razor blades, needles, being hit and/or abused by a loved one, car accidents, being stung by bees, exercise related injuries that create a Pavlovian association between exercise and pain. Basically it represents the fear created when you associate pain with a stimulus such that you observe the stimulus and then feel fear in anticipation of the pain associated with it.
@FinalFantasmagorie 25 дней назад
@@OpenBiolabsGuy I would say that the Desolation is fire the same way the Web is spiders or the Stranger is the circus. It's a motif, recurring because of thematic similarities, but exists mostly as a representation of what the base fear actually is. The Desolation is the fear of fire, but only because fire is a symbol of destruction, loss, and pain. The Desolation deals in direct pain most commonly, but it also deals with indirect and even emotional pain.
@tophatchaos8142 Месяц назад
Okay, it's been 3 months, but still a massive spolier, so you've been warned. It's not Jon, Martin, and Jonah. It's Jon, Martin, and Jurgen.
@FinalFantasmagorie Месяц назад
That would make sense, except for the fact that Jurgen already has a VA, being Jonny's father.
@tophatchaos8142 Месяц назад
@Afton_G_Kier and yet the third Text to Speech is Jurgens voice
@michaelwilson5392 Месяц назад
Oliver and Jon are very parrallel to each other imo. They both go through major discoveries about their power and their abilities abd make relatively profound realisatikns about the workd. The both try to get away/go under a lot of paranoia over what they can see beyond their normal eye sight. Finally, when the change occurs, their names are replaced by titles, the coroner in oliver's case, and the archivist in John's case. They also like each other reasonably and have a gentleman's deal to not kill each other as it doesn't really matter
@rita6355 Месяц назад
The newest tma episode has snakes!!!
@hamstrbaxtr Месяц назад
I feel like Thrown Away's theming around garbage adds a physicality in connection with the corruption that I find curiously understated. After all, when you mass produce, there will inevitably be waste. What is it about a tooth that is different from a doll head or a sheet of paper, aside from coming from a living being? Are our body parts really any different from inanimate objects once removed from our body? It is the peak of objectification to be disposable.
@opalgelo5151 Месяц назад
Listening to this after the newer episodes of TMP I love this theory.
@SIrL0bster Месяц назад
Mr. Bonzo's here to play! Mr. Bonzo's here to stay!
@nanuqo2006 Месяц назад
hop off episode 10
@nanuqo2006 Месяц назад
did Slaughter haters just not watch The Piper
@Chris_Meade Месяц назад
"Take her not me, take her not me..." lost johns cave literally gave me nightmares
@APersonNamedRain Месяц назад
hot take: mag 5 is the best episode out of the first 10
@lawrencedewolf6671 Месяц назад
Since the first time hearing it I have loved Ex Altiora its the closest thing I can think of to that compulsion to fine more and more. found this video while looking for reference art cheers for great content
@APersonNamedRain Месяц назад
ive always thought of the hunt and the slaughter being more similar than the slaughter and the desolation. a part of the hunt is the fear of being hunted and eventually killed by someone or something, a part of the slaughter is about you being killed, not just hunted, while the desolation is about someone else dying in a violent way and also loss. one other thing, Jmart caught me off guard too. it felt like the relationship developed way too fast and it almost felt a little forced, dont get me wrong, I love them together, but It felt like it was a last minute idea that was catering towards the part of the fandom that shipped them.
@TheCrimebaby Месяц назад
When i went back to rewatch everything, I was so pleased to make all the connections i had missed the first time around because i didn't believe names or side characters mattered lol
@TheCrimebaby Месяц назад
Loved the key in the ice coffin guy. He was super clever and deserved his win
@admDanRyan Месяц назад
The search for the lost city of Z was NOT the first attempt at the Everchase. In that very statement we meet other hunters su h as the ones searching or "hunting" for the Northwest Passage. Also, it would seem that the Everchase is a spontaneous ritual, seemingly starting only when an unobtainable goal is hunted for a sufficiently long time It would also seem that whatever form of the Everchase was previously done on is brought to the latest form of it, thus giving plausibility to my theory that the Everchase could have a current ritual somewhere in the modern world
@FinalFantasmagorie Месяц назад
Arguably, judging by the name, you could say that the Everchase has never ended, but instead just keeps going, chasing some abstract goal it will never reach.
@admDanRyan Месяц назад
@Afton_G_Kier yes, that actually makes sense! It's an idea playing around in my head but didn't think to add to my comment
@Heavenly9999 Месяц назад
It might just be coincidence but Flesh also seems to have a relation to organized crime with Piecemeal, Butcher's Window, and Taking Stock relating to it. It's cool because organised crime itself is a farm, slaughter house and butchery of people rather than animal, albeit metaphorically.
@Heavenly9999 Месяц назад
More like Mr. Bone-zo am I right?
@thekinginyellow7656 Месяц назад
That's ma purse!
@gabrielblanchard3921 Месяц назад
My guesses turned out, in the main, not to be true -- in particular, the point I thought was the cleverest didn't pan out; my theories about media almost never do! But my initial predictions about the wider mechanics of the TMA universe went along these lines: 1. That the rituals worked, or at least that they could in principle. Given the many Scooby-Doo type horror stories we've all grown up with, it's easy enough to guess that "the rituals don't work" would be a move TMA made at some point, either sincerely or as a feint. The thing is, given the many Scooby-Doo type etc., it's a move I usually find painfully boring, _above all_ when it's done in that Scooby-Doo way where It WaS jUsT tHe MuNdAnE tHiNg AlL aLoNg! (It comes off like the author's too embarrassed to write proper horror. Or on occasion, and hilariously, like the author is trying to prove they're above the material in some way -- like if they found out the hard way that vampires were real and that they were going to die now, they'd be _bored and annoyed_ instead of scared witless.) Sims never seemed like the kind of author who would disappoint me like that, and he didn't! He's one of those rare writers who has the gift of being able to write a classic thing that's _so_ classic it's become a hackneyed stereotype, but write it in such a way that the audience can accept it. Verdict about 1: true _and_ false, because Sims played with the rituals in such an interesting way. False, for metaphysical reasons about the identity of the powers, so that a ritual to bring one in without the others could not work; but also, true, because eventually a ritual _was_ designed, and performed, that successfully ruined the world. 2. That we would nonetheless probably see at least a few attempted rituals fail, and do so in at least a few different ways, not all of which would be under the protagonists' control. The mere fact a thing _can_ work doesn't mean it's been designed right -- and again, this seemed like the most intriguing option, partly because ... 3. We would learn a lot more about each individual ritual, and possibly about the nature or inherent structure of rituals, over the course of the podcast. In particular, we'd learn a lot more about ... 4. The requirements of the _properly interpreted_ Watcher's Crown, which Jon would eventually correctly do -- though I hadn't figured out whether that, if it did happen, would be bad, good, or indifferent. I even had a pet notion for a while that Elias calls Basira "detective" so insistently because there was (or Elias _thought_ there was) a role in the Watcher's Crown bearing that title. Verdict about 2, 3, and 4: mostly false, but containing elements of the real story. The guess I was proudest of making, though, and which turned out to be _entirely_ wrong, was: 5. That not only has this happened before, it's actually why the world as we know it exists; the world as we know it -- you know, the one where everything _dies._ At some point in the past, some cult or other had performed a then-extant Death ritual, and it worked, and we're all living downstream of that, in a world where it's "natural" for everything to die. (Oddly enough, I don't think it ever occurred to me to ask myself what Jon and The Gang might resolve to _do_ about this yuge-if-true idea.)
@main5045 Месяц назад
Bro definitely turned smash or pass into marry or kill SMH ☠️ HOW DO U PASS TIM
@main5045 Месяц назад
Bro got so much right its kinda funny 😭
@wavebook2134 Месяц назад
“I don’t have high standards” Their standards: