Speak Life
Speak Life
Speak Life
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PROOF: The God Conversation Has Changed
28 дней назад
Deconstructing Their Way To Faith
Месяц назад
Four Comedians Say The UNSAYABLE
Месяц назад
Asbury One Year On - With Zach Meerkreebs
2 месяца назад
Does Rationality Rule? - The Faithiest Athiest
2 месяца назад
Richard Dawkins' Double Speak Is Not New
2 месяца назад
The Resurrections We ALL Believe In
2 месяца назад
Easter Explains Relationships
2 месяца назад
Why We Made "Easter is for Atheists"
2 месяца назад
Easter Is For Atheists: Spoken Word
2 месяца назад
Easter Explains The Stories You Love
2 месяца назад
@SEIGNREUR7 5 часов назад
The Birth of Man (1/2) When homo sapiens, a million years ago, had developed to the point where its brain was perfectly adapted to its shape, a pair of these individuals gave birth to a pair of twins whose brains could respond to the mental energy circuit of the universe. This gave them the energy to be able to reason, develop self-awareness and exercise free will. This event was immediately recorded in the universe and this couple was given the names of Andon and Fonta. This is how the first humans were born on this world, named Urantia. The word earth comes from the Bible and refers to all of creation. Thirty-five thousand years ago, human beings had fully developed their brains and found themselves at a crossroads. They either looked upward in search of their origin, or they looked down to the things of this world and became beings dominated by their intellect, with an atrophic cerebellum due to lack of use, but the evolutionary plan is perfect. Then Adamic Sons descended on this world. This Adamic couple had the mission of generating a million descendants over a period of a thousand years. These descendants of Adam and Eve have a body irrigated by purple blood, this blood vibrates at a higher frequency than red blood. Their mission was to mix with human races to pass on purple blood to them. This blood would have raised awareness of human beings towards the higher realities of life. Unfortunately, Lucifer's Rebellion would short-circuit this plan and these creatures subsequently became creatures of Lucifer, they are the inhabitants of this world. The Cerebellum (2/2) If the brain responds to the mental energy circuit of the universe, the cerebellum responds to the spiritual energy circuit of the universe. Smaller and more refined than the brain, the cerebellum receives and captures spiritual energy, amplifies it and transmits it to the brain in the form of a thought or in the form of an image. Lucifer subjugated humanity by depriving it of all contact with the higher realities of life. To do this, he favored the unilateral development of the intellect. We call intellect everything that the brain develops and it is this intellect which dominates you today, unfortunately. Over time, the cerebellum, which was supposed to maintain contact with the Spirit, has become completely atrophied. The human beings of this world are born with an overdeveloped brain, which is subject to the mental energy circuit of Lucifer. Your intellect has become his throne. This is the reason why I came into this world. I came here below, in the flesh, to rescue you from its grip. by revealing the truth to you.
@vickicm1970 8 часов назад
I highly value your ministry. Have you seen the first few minutes of the latest video by Jordan Peterson’s daughter? You might find it worthy of comment. She has recently experienced a changing of her priorities and a deepening of her relationship with Jesus.
@wishingwell12345 12 часов назад
It's truly remarkable how casually Dawkins dismisses Christianity when he knows almost nothing about it.
@gregorylatta8159 17 часов назад
Human rights come from Jesus.
@jimmcewan417 21 час назад
Atheism does not offer nothing ! It offers freedom of mind!
@Comfymura День назад
Lazy argument, lazy comment
@pweinbrenner День назад
I wonder why euthanasia percentages are so different. Oregon state in USA was a leader in it and still has a rate under 1% and Canada has only recently approved euthanasia, but has a percentage over 4%. I have not confirmed it, but I hear no organization that helps and promotes the causes of those with handicaps have never endorsed or sponsored euthanasia bill/law.
@jonathanhagger791 День назад
Loved the unexpected Terry Pratchett reference!
@ericveal3816 День назад
Wonderful conversation. And a wonderful guest. I loved his disposition in the way he spoke so calmly about a very emotional issue. I want to be more like that. I do have a thought. Perhaps a book idea for the both you. How to be an ethical victim? This issue tends to be about the caregivers and the family. As Christians, we all need to be prepared to be the sufferer or the victim. We need to learn to suffer well. It should not be about dying well, but about suffering well. It sets the example and allows God greater glory.
@jimorlowski5051 День назад
Technicians need to make moral and ethical as well by virtual that they are human.....
@carsandsports123 День назад
Good Afternoon Glen. I will watch the video but I just want to thank you for sparking a passion in Christian teachings. I am a believer but its fair to say im an Easter /Christmas sort and I have a few friends that are athesist that I on occasion debate. Your videos I felt do a great job addressing many of the topics they bring up. I shared your videos to my family and even looked into apologetics. I thought it was weird our defenders would be apologising for our religion. (For those reading its greek in origin and roughly means in defense of faith). Anyways videos like yours and daily dose of wisdom have inspired me to delve deeper into my Christian understandings. As I the find blend of ethereal and physical understanding fascinating. Like Lennox tea anology or your flower one. Thank you for your wisdom, and passion. Pray for my journey, as I've struggled to find the meaning sometimes reading through chapters of the bible
@SpeakLifeMedia День назад
That's a real encouragement. I will certainly pray for you. I wonder whether 321course.com might be a help to you (and the Bible reading plan attached to it: www.bible.com/reading-plans/40118-how-to-see-life-in-321-a-guide-to-johns-gospel). God bless!
@carsandsports123 День назад
I appreciate the link and I definitely will give 321 a go. Thank you again for all you do.
@graemeromans9374 18 часов назад
I think voluntary assisted suicide requires the patient to assume some responsibility. Euthanasia allows coercion and authoritarian values to predominate and I would ask what doctor wants to kill people? When you have the means to take your own life you are given choice and perhaps you will choose to wait. Perhaps you will see aspects of you worth.
@graemeromans9374 18 часов назад
Perhaps when people realise the plans of globalists place little value on people, who they regard as surplus to needs, they will be provoked into fighting the forces of darkness rather than surrendering.
@resilientrecoveryministries 15 часов назад
Praise God! Now get to church😊. Its an amazing blessing that God wants you to have. It can seem kind of dull or cringe, but the benefits accrue over time.
@carsandsports123 День назад
Like and comment for algorithm
@canwelook День назад
Pfft. She admitted in the interview she lacks any belief in life after death... a requirement to legitimately call yourself Christian. i.e. She is NOT a Christian by belief. Instead she is terrified of Islam growth, and for this reason only politically identifies herself as "Christian".
@elwiramendezs1144 2 дня назад
❤ Thank God for your Conference!!! With love ❤️ from Mexico City ❤
@user-vb4ws8jk8t 2 дня назад
[Unificationist, follower of Rev Moon here.] We believe that the world is composed of a physical world and a spiritual world. We can call them *the visible substantial world and the invisible substantial world.* A person is a microcosm of the universe, because he is composed of a physical body and a spirit self. As such, humans are mediators between the two worlds. The two worlds are one - like how a violin cannot be separated from the music. I don't think Glen's description of these two worlds as "material" and "supernatural" are very accurate. A person's spirit self rides in the vehicle of the physical body. Like how a baby is connected to its mother by a cord, the spirit self is also connected by a cord to the physical body. Sometimes during sleep, we can have out of body experiences in which we feel like we are floating above our body. Upon death, the spirit self separates from the physical body, and the body decays. Spirit world is all around us in the sense that we feel vibes and gravitate toward certain groups based on spiritual connections in a way that is natural and commonplace to us, because it happens in our daily lives, and is not something magical or *supernatural.* I don't mean to steal your thunder. You are mostly right - just a small clarification. --> I think Christians skew ideas toward the supernatural, because they appeal to the magic of the physical resurrection in their doctrine. Moonies feel that Christ rose in a spiritual sense, not in a physical sense, so we are not burdened to incorporate the supernatural into cosmology.
@user-vb4ws8jk8t 2 дня назад
Rational refers to a thought process of the human mind - you can think rationally or irrationally.
@johnhammond6423 2 дня назад
When you talk about ignoring the wise and believing like children your talking about gullibility. And that is what Ayaan Hirsi Ali has become, gullible.
@clifftenner7129 3 дня назад
What makes Jordan Peterson an effective "evangelist" for secular society, I believe, is the "street credibility" of not being a professed Christian. I cannot imagine that at some point, he will "turn around 180 degrees" and accept God's gift of grace and faith. Unfortunately, at that time he will loose his credibility in today's culture and likely get fully "cancelled." For the sake of converting as many souls as possible, God's Providence may allow him to publically walk the tightrope of conversion for a long time. I pray that he has plenty of time to accept Christ as his Lord and Savior before his final days. I think he is saving many lost souls who he will be well pleased some day that they leap-frogged over him to faith.
@kingo8914 3 дня назад
He did NOT say that!!
@andrewh4759 3 дня назад
It's interesting that believing in the event of the resurrection, but also then not knowing what that means, seems to still be a barrier to faith. It's almost like he needs to be able to understand something in order to believe in it. But reality, including God, including the resurrection, is of course much more than he or anyone would be able to comprehensively understand. Faith isn't limited by understanding.
@TheNinjaInConverse 3 дня назад
@fromthewrath2come 3 дня назад
Consider Jesus words, "and if I be lifted up, I will draw ALL men to myself".
@jamesdancer73 3 дня назад
Thanks for all the material you’re putting out lately, Glen. It’d be great if you could reach out to Russell to get him on your show. I imagine you’re already trying to!
@theodoreturner5567 3 дня назад
I am not quite sure that anyone who believes in God is not really an agnostic. Obviously, you cannot prove, from a scientific point of view, God's existence. Even philosophically, there is a dead end. This does not mean we cannot know God and have a relationship with Him. We are speaking of two different kinds of belief.
@MartyMcFly1085 4 дня назад
This is such unsophisticated drivel, Christians are absolute lunatics with their certainty. Quit trying to convince others of your vile belief in eternal damnation for all non believers. Just tell the truth. You are arrogant, you do think you’re special, and you choose to be repugnant.
@mattiap4678 4 дня назад
Glen is an excellent host, he digs in and has the attitutude of somebody genuinely interested in figuring out what is going on.
@apatternedhorizon 4 дня назад
Love videos like these. They show the lengths certain christians go to in order to try to make sense of absolute nonsensical beliefs.
@TempleofChristMinistries 4 дня назад
The moment Richard said, why should atheism offer you anything why should the universe offer you anything, he has now rendered everything meaningless, which means why does he open his mouth because it is meaningless, that's the beauty of God, god offers you everything, now everything becomes meaningful, now everything has value.
@someonesomeone25 4 дня назад
Shame. Religion is poison.
@stalkinglikecandy 4 дня назад
Interesting stuff. But im not sure Dawkins is a solipsist. I'm also not sure the Shakespeare analogy holds. And I also suspect Dawkins would actually say 'i dont know' in relation to certain things he is being accused of.
@popularcharacterholly 4 дня назад
what are you on about? this advert is obviously completely harmless. your nonsense rant about how people being allowed to abandon pointless traditions individually is bad is indicative of how weird you are
@Freethecommons 4 дня назад
The bible has a written guide ON how to buy, sell, and trade slaves. How on eatth could anyone worship and follow the word of God after that is revealed? Slavery is one of the worst thing a human could do to another. Explain it away all you want, but its in the book.
@Theactivepsychos 4 дня назад
This is the most dishonest take of what scientist say about god. Dawkins says you can’t falsify god so it’s not a scientific question but that when scientific claims are made about god that these can be falsified or not. The creation myth being one, the great flood being another, the exodus being another, the interaction of Jesus and the authorities of the time being another. Christianity fails at every hurdle when these points of contact are investigated and the existence of god has to fall into the revelatory realm as that’s all that is left. That’s why atheist are left unconvinced. From my view point I can’t trust my own internal monologue of why the world is the way it is so why would I search there for anything other than my own thoughts. If this is what is now being called god then that’s asinine.
@Unrealisednostalgia 5 дней назад
What is humanity?
@harryrowlands395 5 дней назад
Praise God for His work in Ayaan 😊
@user-yl3ys8nj2v 5 дней назад
Dont mock Allah
@TeamDiezinelli 5 дней назад
Thank you for your commentary. It is so valuable to go through these conversations with a guide.
@SpeakLifeMedia День назад
Glad it was helpful!
@skylinefever 5 дней назад
I find them interesting. I think it is because their life story is different from the usual story I see. Usually I just see a bunch of kids dragged to hellfire and brimstone sermons, and are then made paranoid enough to "Believe" by Pascal's Wager. They are often miserable and become redditors. I sometimes say I look at utilitarian value of Christianity. I do that because I am fed up with the Idiocracy. Maybe the go forth and multiply will get a few more kids out of the non idiots.
@danielmaher964 5 дней назад
"The world is charged with the grandeur of God" William Blake
@Hedgewalkers 6 дней назад
I wonder why it seems that a “return to God” has to always insinuate Christianity. There are many “religions” other than Christianity. I have come to a medium where God, Spirituality, and and Science can co-exist. It’s a tumultuous journey to get there however; I had to abandon all dogma and learn to use my own perceptions and heart to see my path not the absolute dogma most religions preach. What I have found is, (in my view, I think it’s ver personal) God is the consciousness of the Universe which takes all forms, including us. God is not only the painter, but the painting. How we look at God makes no difference. The only thing I disagree with is a religion which uses dogma to chastise, harm, or otherwise doom a philosophy, lifestyle, or way of practice which harms none. Every religious philosophy has something to offer…
@jennapecor1865 6 дней назад
He’s comes off very ignorant, despite being so smart.
@robertmcclintock8701 6 дней назад
(^^)/\(^^) The universe was created in 1976. It is too hot to make a universe at the time of the big bang. It can be created at anytime. God is slow and easy. A human can do a lot with their lifespan. I got the hunk. God got the chunk. Everyone else can have the rest. That is song spirit of '76 by The Alarm.
@robertmcclintock8701 6 дней назад
(*⌒3⌒*) This is an artistic proof of a created universe. When you paint a shadow it's the opposite color of the object that made the shadow. Nobody knew what the opposite color of white was so the artists avoided painting white on white. The opposite color of white is baby blue and baby pink. The first artist to figure it out was Norman Rockwell. I was the second artist to figure it out. I saw it in the corner of a white room. The lighting was perfect to see it.
@robertmcclintock8701 6 дней назад
(^з^)-☆ The universe was created in 1976. It is too hot to make a universe at the time of the big bang. It can be created at anytime. God is slow and easy. A human can do a lot with their lifespan. I got the hunk. God got the chunk. Everyone else can have the rest. That is song spirit of '76 by The Alarm.
@robertmcclintock8701 6 дней назад
(^3^)/ This is an artistic proof of a created universe. When you paint a shadow it's the opposite color of the object that made the shadow. Nobody knew what the opposite color of white was so the artists avoided painting white on white. The opposite color of white is baby blue and baby pink. The first artist to figure it out was Norman Rockwell. I was the second artist to figure it out. I saw it in the corner of a white room. The lighting was perfect to see it.
@debbiewall2160 6 дней назад
This film has a very strong vegan message. The hallmarks of the atrocities we commit against our fellow animals are everywhere. Our society is steeped in violence. We eat it. We wear it. We use it for "entertainment." It is our "solution" to problems that are, more often than not, of our own making. So why are we surprised when that violence bubbles up and boils over? Choose non-violence. Live vegan.
@PLASKETT7 6 дней назад
re your noting at 1.11.54 of Richard Dawkins ́ account of the scientific explanation for the emotion he experiences when listening to St Matthew ́s Passion, please consider what Mick Brown told me Richard said when he asked him what Love is - (233) Richard Dawkins, Dr Who and The Runaway Brides of Christmas time james-plasketts-coincidence-diary.blogspot.com/2007/12/232-runaway-bride.html
@MJC22.03 6 дней назад
The Vickar of Dibley sealed it for me . Many different ,colorful characters make up the small sheepy farming town of Dibley . One day they wake up and their church has a female vickar (Dawn French), which most thought was absolutely proposterous. This made it hard for the new Vickar .( Apparently a few of the older men in the village found it quite hard too ...wink wink) ...But rather than shy away from the initial resentment by ,she persists, uniting the townsfolk to become a bright light in the community - C'mon Richard , Only God could write a show like that..Surely ! ( Do please note - Comment may contain spoonarisms ,fork n word cutlery and other sharp /blunt utensils often effective in the combat of oxy mororns , mounting depression and in some cases.. lamb soup).
@Ninetieschillout 6 дней назад
The day the sentenalise learn peace & love, NSI will become a part of andaman constituency, and a major tourist spot. Both harmful for the peaceful life they are living.
@ghostwitthamost71 7 дней назад
I'm actually going through that kind of situation right now. I am Ghost.
@alanmill793 7 дней назад
G’day Glen, an issue I have with Dawkins is that he shows little application of political science to the fundamental totalitarian political nature of theism as a socio-political ordering principle. He acknowledges the alleged Abrahamic god is a dictator but doesn’t follow that observation through and expand on the major flaw in Abrahamic religion as an ordering principle, that it is inherently an authoritarian ordering principle political ideology that governs by totalitarianism. Having been a politician, Ali, as she stated in this discussion, has an understanding of the totalitarian nature of the authoritarian political ideology that is Islam, yet she seems to be blind to the fact that all three Abrahamic religions have this authoritarian and totalitarian political ideology. It’s not just Islam. Christianity has spent most of its political existence as a totalitarian ordering principle and only in recent centuries has it been forced into an accommodation with modern democracy and been stripped of much, but by no means not all, of its practical political power. Ali is correct when she says Islam is a totalitarian political ideology. But so is Christianity, and Judaism, which she doesn’t seem to recognise. Because he doesn’t bring much political science to bear, Dawkins asks the wrong question. He should ask Ali something like - You know why you don’t want to breath air poisoned by the totalitarianism of Islamic authoritarianism, so why do you want to breath air poisoned by the totalitarianism of Christian authoritarianism? It appears Ali is mistaking Western liberal social democracy for Christianity. It shouldn’t take her too much study, given her background as a politician in a liberal social democracy, to realise that democracy is not a Christian concept and Christianity is not democratic. The largest identifier of Western society is not religion, it is liberal social democracy, a fact which apologists don’t like to acknowledge, instead asserting that our major values are of Christian origin, when they are not as the West of today borrowed much of its values from the Pagans who came before Christianity. How can democracy be a fruit of Christianity when democracy was created 500 years before Christianity was created? My father didn’t fight against Fascists in WW2 for Christianity. In that war, non-Christian liberal social democrats like my father and Christian liberal social democrats fought together against Fascists who were mostly Christians, to defend, protect and advance liberal social democracy. What united them was the superiority of liberal social democracy as a socio-political ordering principle compared to Fascism. They were not united by Christianity. My father did not fly on a wing and a prayer, though he knew many around him were doing that. He said he flew on a wing (10%) and his flying skill (10%) and good luck (80%) of not being in the wrong piece of air at the wrong time. Yes, there are not only atheists in foxholes, there are atheists in cockpits. Be it Christo-fascism or Islamo- fascism or Marxist communism, it’s totalitarianism and it poisons the air we breathe. The team Ali is looking for as a bulwark against team Islam is the one staring her in the face, the one she has been professionally part of, despite its flaws - team liberal social democracy, a secular and humanist ideology that is inclusive of people of different world views. Team liberal social democracy brought Christianity to a political accommodation with democracy and liberal social democracy has to do that with team Islam and is having a good go of it in the world’s largest Muslim country, Indonesia, though there is still a way to go yet before Indonesia generally catches up to the West in terms of liberal social democracy. Everyday Muslims whom I know, want to live in peace and prosperity and have come to know that the best chance of that is with liberal social democracy, not with exchanging the authoritarianism of Islam with the authoritarianism of Christianity. The voting people do with their feet is instructive. Dawkins doesn’t seem to understand, or has trouble articulating, that it is not a choice of only two religious ordering principles. There is another, the one that he actually lives and breathes in and has voted for across the decades since he reached voting age, liberal social democracy which is secular and humanist and inclusive of people of different world views.