The Department of the 4th Dimension
The Department of the 4th Dimension
The Department of the 4th Dimension
The Department of the 4th Dimension (The D4D) is a multidimensional storytelling company.

We’re an award-winning creative firm made of equal parts strategy, design and content creation. We help our clients better communicate and engage with audiences across multiple channels, and we create content, experiences and campaigns to inspire culture and make a difference.

Founded in 2006, with one foot in Hollywood and the other in the Fortune 500, our team has spent over a decade moving insights across the divide. We’ve worked with universities, museums, and TV networks, in the technology, entertainment, and beauty industries, with brands ranging in size from global to boutique.

We’re passionate about empowering our clients with bold, creative ideas, and we measure success by the positive impact they have on the cultural conversation.
iHeartRadio Dynamic Media Wall
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Mixed Berries, Three Ways
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AEG Perfunkt - Series Trailer
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Electrolux Fashion Care - Knitwear
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Electrolux Fashion Care - Denim
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Cappuccino, Intelligentsia
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Syphon, Intelligentsia
14 лет назад
Espresso, Intelligentsia
14 лет назад
The D4D f.p.s.
14 лет назад
@scootamayne610 5 месяцев назад
Just bout my first batch ! I really love espresso coffee ☕ so much just started drinking it last year. I wake-up at 4 am and start my day 😅
@JonasStuart 6 месяцев назад
I remember watching this about 12 years ago. I'm a film maker and coffee geek. The film still look great in 2024. Well done °¬)
@WeAreWhiteLight Год назад
Great job... I learned more than I knew! ;-)
@troelsuhre8106 2 года назад
Imej itu terlalu menyinggung perasaan
@channalfiringflames8824 2 года назад
Entry classic
@jacksparrow5281 2 года назад
Incredibly difficult to pull a decent shot for sure. Respect.
@addledhead 3 года назад
See what makes this great is the way he takes so much care in it without being pompous or pretending that this is "the best way" to make coffee. Sometimes part of the enjoyment is doing it the more difficult way, then you're more invested in the result.
@flat-white5306 3 года назад
Yessss, perfecto coffee, go check how I brewed it!! Haha, me just started acc, need some cool friends 🤘🏿
@Monscent 4 года назад
I personally hating baristas who make things seem more complex or harder than it really is. This is a very easy brewing method. Of course it can be more or less perfected, but this guy is adding so much FLUFF to make it seem more complex. Things like the part of the chain for bubbles to form and it not exploding (W T F?! Yeah, right dude.). He's commenting on boiling water (wow, that sure is complex). "You dont wanna seal it too hard" - literally pretty much not possible. You would press it so hard then that you would crush the brewer and throw boiling water everywhere lol. Dont worry about a too-hard-seal! :P Other than that, nice video and an even nicer brewing method. I will take issue with his crazy short brewing time tho, that coffee looks (and likely is) way too bland for my taste.
@devinw2533 4 года назад
What kind of beam heater do you recommend I just got a Hario Syphon and I wanted to get a beam heater I heard there the best one to use ?
@voievod7541 4 года назад
Holy hell this is so early third wave, love it.
@ronaldkiessig3791 5 лет назад
Der den Daumen nach unten gemacht hat muß ja komplett verblödet sein !!!
@ronaldkiessig3791 5 лет назад
Deutsches Handwerk oft kopiert und ni erreicht !!! Es lebe das Deutsche Handwerk , macht weiter so ! Liebe Grüße !!!
@themodularmodular 5 лет назад
I really don’t get espresso and how ppl could enjoy it. But then again a lot of ppl enjoy whiskey, so I might be the one with taste anomaly. Or maybe I just haven’t found a good barista yet. Nevertheless, whiskey is shit tho 😁
@vires-et-honore 6 лет назад
Nice video. Informative and unpretentious. Thank you.
@stephenbrown7550 6 лет назад
Nice latte...
@irwanvanz 6 лет назад
no scale?
@skii_mask_ 6 лет назад
Wow that deep rich Walnut trim looks truly fantastic in fucking greyscale.
@TheDisruptiveYouTuber 6 лет назад
Now we have steampunk coffee 😒
@TheDisruptiveYouTuber 6 лет назад
Love when someone converts to real B&W instead of just crappy greyscale.
@ImranShamsul 7 лет назад
What kind of thermocouple is that?
@jyby1 7 лет назад
The suffering of the editor... the suffering.
@paulz3073 7 лет назад
Useless video. Not giving us specifics about how to brew - only enough to show us he knows what he is doing. Really, what is the point of this video?
@Hubscharber 7 лет назад
Literally the most dickish pot of coffee I've ever seen.
@MrHasi1965 7 лет назад
it`s crazy to see what a pseudo-science coffee became in countrys that usually do SHIT coffee! The very first thing that is totally wrong with this guy: his cups are kept the wrong way on the machine, they have to be stored upside down, so the cups heat up themselfes. NOBODY in Italy puts hot water in a coffee cup to warm up the cup, because, there simply enough wouldn`t be time for this nonsense!
@sundaystef 7 лет назад
this guy is a piece of shit
@nonesuchone 8 лет назад
Weird that this comes off as old-school now. Kyle was so young here!
@suckmywaffle 3 года назад
seriously. 4 years later and so much has changed like the distribution and the polish would never fly these days :p
@joshatkins96 3 года назад
I'm not sure how I found the video, but now this video is very outdated.
@charlesgray-paetkau7616 8 лет назад
Many of you commenters are missing the point. It's not about time, convenience, price, etc. It's about trying new ways of making something and thus finding new flavour profiles and nuances in the coffee. Aside from that, experimenting with new techniques is just simply part of keeping your passion for brewing alive. Maybe you don't really care much about what you drink and how it's made; but a lot of us others do.
@sexythongs90 8 лет назад
@josephbalint4125 8 лет назад
What is the grinder set at ? How fine should the grind be ? Im brewing with the Black Cat Classic Espresso.
@NabilElJaouhari 8 лет назад
what makes me sad is that all the people dying of hunger in Syria can never make this in their bunkers...send them all ur stupid coffee lab and the money to get those tattoo sleeves, that will make the hem and the world a better place
@stopchangingmynameyoutube 8 лет назад
So hip it hurts
@xToddmcx 8 лет назад
It's no more trouble and less time than a moka pot or french press, and you can buy a coffee siphon on amazon for 50 bucks. I don't know why the commenters here are so offended by this coffee brewing method.
@Broey88 8 лет назад
Because someone left this link on a reddit thread to make a point about hipsters being pretentious so now people are going to aggressively try and make fun of a coffee machine. Sure, the guy in the video could very well be a pretentious hipster, but I also have to imagine that the coffee does taste better if people are willing to go thru such an arduous process to make a cup of coffee.
@carrotsporks 8 лет назад
Yeah I imagine it doesn't actually take much longer to make than a drip coffee pot actually. But with a drip machine you set it and forget it, so you can do other stuff, whereas this one you have to stay by the equipment and work with it.
@tonysamosa1717 8 лет назад
that'll be $12.35
what the fuck?
@ilock345 8 лет назад
*8am:* Customer - _"1 coffee please!"_ *8am:* Syphonista - _"Coming right up!"_ *10am:* Syphonista - _"Now we let it saturate, as you can see from the prestiguous coloring it gives, it lets you know it's almost done"_ *1pm:* _"....... and here is your coffee!"_
@michaelhutchinson1789 7 лет назад
except... the video is 5mins long.
@Monscent 4 года назад
The siphon is a quick brewing method. It takes about 5 minutes all in all.
@Braskypants1 8 лет назад
Please tell me this place is no longer in business.
@88lng 8 лет назад
Someone gave me a siphon as a gift. People can knock on this, but I when I brew my usual coffee with it, it tastes different and is smoother. I don't use it often because it's a lot of work, but it makes better tasting coffee.
@Braskypants1 8 лет назад
And here YOU have a nice cup of go fuck yourself.
@jgp6574 8 лет назад
mess up a cup of coffee he literally didnt do anything to. i used to work fries at in n out. i can make a great service vessel for you too
@jgp6574 8 лет назад
holy shit a vaccuum
@jgp6574 8 лет назад
holy shit now he's stirred the coffee, everyone. stay tuned. this fucking craftsman is at work
@jgp6574 8 лет назад
gotta let it saturate right, by fucking pouring it in. yeah, skills.
@myztic123 8 лет назад
is he fucking decanting coffee???
@PoopiDScoop 8 лет назад
How is this different from a filtered French press?
@josephgodoy7595 8 лет назад
Work at a specialty coffee shop. This is 100% true.
@randordway9777 8 лет назад
The main difference is that you're using a felt or paper filter instead of a metal mesh. Even the most expensive professional grinders cannot grind coffee without some variation in grind size. Using a laser diffraction machine, we can tell that most coffee put through an EK43 on the coarsest setting still has nearly 4% of the volume of the ground coffee consisting of particles in the range of 20-50 microns. These particles will not be filtered through a metal mesh but they will be filtered through a felt or paper filter. The term he uses to describe syphon coffee as a "crisp clean cup" is in reference to what a lot of people refer to as the "mouthfeel" of the coffee. In a traditional french press, your metal filter will allow a lot of those 20-50 micron particles to escape through and into your cup of coffee. Some people find this enjoyable while others do not. The act of using a paper or felt filter allows you to filter out *all* the coffee, even those microscopic particles. This results in non-colloidal cup of coffee that will oftentimes not linger on your palette and will have a quick finish. It's simply a different way to enjoy your coffee.
@Monscent 4 года назад
@@jaiguru9538 I agree, its BS how he talks about it. But I still like my siphon, just for the fun process, it feels like im at a chem lab, and I love how it looks. But yes, this guy is a total douche about it.
@carloci770 8 лет назад
I genuinely enjoyed his passion for it
@PT5684 8 лет назад
how much hipster can you go !!!
@bannedfromtv2102 8 лет назад
Dude I'm running late, where's my coffee!
@CaravelClerihew 8 лет назад
I thought the digital black and white was corny, THEN i saw the selective coloring. Ugh.
@TheAmazingTwist 8 лет назад
+TheSpoonyBard Really pushed it deeper into hipster territory.
@CartyCantDance 8 лет назад
No weighing the grinds???