We're the creators of the popular X space simulation / sandbox game series 🚀 #X4Foundations
🔍 Find out more about us at linktr.ee/egosoft


X series games are space simulations, played as action games from a first-person perspective. They take place in a living breathing universe, with TRADE FIGHT BUILD THINK as the common tag-line. The X series games are unique in their depth, simulating an entire universe of NPC ships and stations, forming a realistic economy. Each game consists of a huge universe, simulated from the bottom up. Hundreds of stations, and thousands of ships, trade goods among themselves. Prices change based on supply and demand; resources are mined and processed in several stages. This economy is linked directly to the simulation of major conflicts, in a universe with dynamically-acting factions. Every player decision can dramatically change the future of the game universe.
X4: Timelines - Soundtrack Preview
2 месяца назад
X4: Timelines - Reveal Teaser
8 месяцев назад
X4: Kingdom End - Reveal Teaser
Год назад
Boso is homesick
Год назад
X4: Tides of Avarice - Reveal Teaser
2 года назад
Inside Egosoft Podcast #00 Trailer
3 года назад
X3: Farnham's Legacy - Intro
3 года назад
X3: Farnham's Legacy - Reveal Trailer
3 года назад
@AzaIndustries 53 минуты назад
Spent a lot of time in X3. Still wish I had got my 70$ back for X:Rebirth. Back at enjoying X4, it like X3 but way more accessible IMO. Feels like I can actually get things done in reasonable amounts of time.
@holon4662 Час назад
Congrats. I started with X3 and I loved X3 and all its DLCs. But I want to say, that I think X4 is a masterpiece of a space game. There is no singleplayer space game on the market, that has to offer as much as this game, not even remotely. Keep up the good work! And shout out to Alexei Zakharov! I love his music. Some of his tracks are so good, that I get taken away from the game and just listen.
@SignumImperativ 3 часа назад
I'm one of the few people who actually enjoyed X:Rebirth (after it was fixed, that is) and while it is very unlike the other X games, its focus on atmosphere and design was amazing. Even to this day I still remember how I felt when I first entered the DeVries System. The ship and system design was the best ever done by Egosoft at that point and even holds up today. It's clear that a lot of X:R is in X4, only the best parts that is. Looking forward to what will come next for X4
@Caiuscro 3 часа назад
I can remember back in the day when first X released, when i try that game it was to much for me and i didn't like it very much. Then X2 came and I have just pass around that game. When X3 released i said that i need to give it another chance. The rest is history, i have played thousands of hours of X3 (cca 4k hours). Now, for the X4 (where again i have cca 3k hours), this game is so good and with every update and DLC is getting only better. Keep a good work Egosoft. 👌
@tecond-x 4 часа назад
Joined me since X-BTF and am looking forward to more parts. ❤
@xboger8093 5 часов назад
Kein Spiel hat mich so lange begleitet wie die x Serie. Danke!
@id1568 7 часов назад
how about your NPC disaster! and still cant change UI FONT SIZE ?! SU..R
@wolfgangreich2616 8 часов назад
Giebts das auch in Deutsch, was frag ich überhaupt wird eh nixht beantwortet
@AvonacoTV 9 часов назад
X3 Terran Conflict is the best and Rebirth was just garbage.
@sergeygrim7591 9 часов назад
For a community, it was not only "25 years of joy", but also "we hope this is only the first 25 years, and there is much more to come".
@dane4890 9 часов назад
Pretty new to the series - I LOVE IT ❤
@battlemode 11 часов назад
Well done! Great to see a series do so well!
@psillon 11 часов назад
Happy anniversary! As a fan of the space game genre, I recommend that Egosoft focus on improving the UI and overall user experience of its games over the next 25 years. The current in-game user interface of the X series is quite clunky and user-unfriendly, which is discouraging many players, including myself.
@praesentius 11 часов назад
You guys are awesome! Now... multiplayer?
@berndmaerzen1920 12 часов назад
I'm still playing X-BTF, X-Tension & X2 today. The atmosphere and especially the music were/are fantastic. Unfortunately, I couldn't get into X3 (probably due to its complexity). I hope to ‘catch up’ again with X4.
@miclam00 13 часов назад
First one is ruined by the NPC.
@kristianrasmussen7521 14 часов назад
I love this game soo much, the immersion of X4 is second to none. Truely one of the most epic games ever made! Cant wait to see what you come up with next.
@monish05m 14 часов назад
fan since 26 years, since the first time i read an article in a game magazine. You guys are the most dedicated and down to earth game devs, i have had the privilege to interact with. Egosoft is amazing you guys are amazing, please never change. Oh and Congratulations, you guys deserve all the success in the world.
@Mariuszwarzywo9Czyzewski 16 часов назад
Long life X Series !
@FritzHugo3 22 часа назад
Gratulation zu 25 Jahre X und dem ältesten deutschen Gamestudio. Ich wünsche euch alles Gute und hoffe, ihr findet irgendwann wieder mehr zurück zu den Wurtzeln der älteren X2/X3 Teilen, zurück zu einem ausgeglichenen 4x Game, wo der Fokus nicht nur auf Kampf liegt, auf eine durchgehende konsistenten Story, zu einem Handel, der Spaß macht und einer vernünftigen Steuerung. Ich hoffe X5 wird wieder ein imersives, Game, wo man gar nicht ins Bett möchte, weil man nicht aufhören kann, weil man wissen möchte, wie es weiter geht in der Story, weil man noch paar Handelsflüge machen muss und sich dabei beeilen muss, das einem kein anderer Pilot die Waren vor der Nase weg kauft, Handel, wo man wieder strategisch aggieren muss, wo man extra sein Schiff etwas schneller tuned um vor den NPC's da ist. Wo ein Zinzaa noch ein Reiseantrieb und kein Cheat war und man den Jumpdrive sinnvoll nutzen konnte.
@steffenlieschke5769 Час назад
Ja so wie X3-TC sollte es wieder werden denn das war das beste was EGOSOFT ( in meinen Augen) rausgebracht hat. Schade das Bernd mit seinem wechselden Team da nicht wieder zurück gefunden hat. Ich war Fan von der ersten Stunde an, mit X-Btf war ein neuer Zweig im Computerspiel eröffnet worden und mit den "Helge Kautz Romanen" kam ein Faktor dazu den nicht jedes Game heute nachweisen kann. Man war verbunden mit dem X-Universum und der Gefolgschaft im Forum seit über 20 Jahre. Es hatte immer Spaß gemacht, im Spiel , im Forum und die Bücher von Helge, es war immer super..... bis dann X-Rebirt kam und seit dem ist bei mir Schluss. Schade....
@mrheisenberg83 23 часа назад
Glückwunsch! Den Erfolg habt ihr euch redlich verdient! Auf weitere 25 Jahre!
@legoismalife День назад
X3: TC was my first X game. I'm such a huge fan that I went back and played Beyond the Frontier even though Timelines recreated the ending.
@Dark__Thoughts День назад
Too bad salvaging is such a tacked on feature.
@mortenloofandersen3482 День назад
Great game. I played the first game in 1999 then a long brake and now x4. I love the lore.
@flashmhp День назад
The music, the music....
@vick_detritius7209 День назад
Another one who has been playing the serie since X-BTF. One of my magical memories of my gaming youth was moving for the first time from the initial sector to a system ruled by another faction was simply magical, the universe was so much bigger than I could have imagined.
@mrstrohzwei1 День назад
@LuckyBZ День назад
Great game of all the time, and best of my games. Start playing from x2, and cant stop playing x universe. X2 was my favorite, story, narative. And now x4 for me is almost ideal. Timelines is great addon, imo, nostalgia from previous games. I did cry (a bit) in some moments of atory. And i think i will replay timelines couple times more. Thanks you for that game, universe. I wish u long live and great health, so i can see more dlc) Ps. Pls dont stop sell game for ru region 😢
@user-qe5re1yc7r День назад
Thanks for the amazing games!
@Makimon02 День назад
Жаль что я познакомился с этой серией лишь с Х4 Но может быть когда нибудь я таки пройду и другие серии😊
@Hou679 День назад
Just bought the game today
@Hou679 День назад
@Legion12Centurion День назад
Keep up the good work! You have an amazing universe for us to build, explore and do many other exciting things inside of. I have always enjoyed the franchise and I hope to keep playing them for many years to come. I may have been a bit late, only finding the franchise with X3. But I have been a fan since.
@alextopman5977 День назад
Congrats! 🍾🍰 But... Where is the X4 VR??... Arghh... 😩
@StikoNiko День назад
OmG, I played all the games. When I see the graphics now, I can hardly believe it. I was so impressed with the great graphics back then. X btF was a milestone in space games back then. A lot has happened in my life. But X has stayed. I only bought new gaming PCs because of the X games. Many thanks to Egosoft.
@skullowner3999 День назад
All games played except X Rebirth that one was a cluster tolate -10/10 but you head the beast art designer for the ships in X Rebirth +10/10 now it is opposite x4 +10/10 ships -10/10 but still for 25 years cheers and more years in the future
@thefalcon_7276 День назад
W devs, if they survive this long that really says something👍
@Veselin_Angelov День назад
Would you like to give the community a big gift by releasing the X3 source code?
@karachter День назад
Is x similar to elite? I love elite dangerous and im looking for games like it still
@AFriend21 День назад
I love space games but I never heard of x
@GatisKaulinsh День назад
Great games - Thank You! :)
@harikili День назад
XBTF Was soooo good for it's time, hell it is good now, X-Tension, even better, X2, crazy hard... X3... so complex, X4 legit, so awesome.
@jeux1d100 День назад
I didn’t play the first X, but still, i’m an X-Man for more than 20 years already...
@ianosf День назад
I wonder how X5 would look like...
@ArtofGamesAG День назад
Congratulation X games, keep flying to the next universe for many years to come. Cheers !!!
@graywolfalphaone День назад
I was a young man living in my mom's house when I first discovered X2. I've been with you all ever since, and look forward to everything else you have to offer in the future. Happy birthday. And I look forward to whatever it is you're working on next.
@S1lentSt0rm День назад
Good old BtF and destroying jump gates😅