A certified, qualified yapper.

I Hate POC Representation
5 месяцев назад
summer so far
2 года назад
Behind Her Eyes Made No Sense
3 года назад
@rease580 День назад
Thank you for this presentation. Well done. I saw this movie in the 90s and it ended about 3 am. I called my grandma and she answered on the first ring. My daughter was legally kidnapped and when she was redeemed a random woman assigned to care for her had her watch white oleander as a mother/daughter reference. I dont speak to my daughter. I was never in prison. Ive found my daughter is just like the others who only want to run me thru. Ive still probs got 40 or more years on earth and my soul cant take any more.
@sarahshhb 2 часа назад
I am sooo sorry to hear that, I hope things get better for you and God gives you strength🫶🏽
@antowalk 3 дня назад
Between me and you sis as a black male of Caribbean origin many of us were heart broken at a young age because it was forbidden to love the Asian girls we met in our young years. We had to sit and watch other men who's only qualification that they were Asian marry those we loved and there was nothing we could do about it.
@sarahshhb 2 дня назад
thats heartbreaking to hear, i hope moving forward things change and we work towards acceptance and breaking that anti blackness in the community, certainly being asian is not a good enough qualification to end another loving union
@197ankitakumari4 4 дня назад
Speak Your truth Queen 🗣️ Perfectly encapsulated why S3 is my favourite 🩷
@sarahshhb 4 дня назад
@@197ankitakumari4 thank you! 😊
@God_isgoodxo 7 дней назад
I just don’t look at people lol cause I feel like I’m being offensive if I look them straight in the eye
@audreytsungai 9 дней назад
why doesnt this have more views???????????? you are so articulate and eloquent i love it
@sarahshhb 9 дней назад
Aww thank you so much 🥹
@violettapn 17 дней назад
I think you switched 2 and 3 in the title, you meant to write s3 part 2 but wrote s2 part 3. Just wanted to point that out.
@sarahshhb 17 дней назад
Ahhh, thank you you’re right!
Sounds like Eloise needs to have a talk with the actual feminist of the family, who isn’t just vocal about it but makes moves, head of the house and Viscountess Bridgestone, Miss Kate Sharma <3
@queenloiskosher6119 23 дня назад
Really good points however I’ll say this, I think the only person Eloise really let down was us the viewers and Cressida. I don’t think people really get the extent of damage Pen did. When you are best friends with someone, you trust them completely and even if you saw their worst traits, you assume you’re where they draw the line. To know Pen is the reason her own sister (Daphne) almost got ruined in S1, reported her a political radical (which let’s be honest it’s because Bridgerton is lighthearted. In normal movies this is a crime you’re beheaded for), and she lost the man she had feelings for because of Pen. And she almost had her reputation ruined that no one but Cressida would be kind to her or talk to her. It’s painful. Pen herself admits how easy it is for women’s reputation to be lost in that society. Pen’s excuse in S2 was the queen wouldn’t believe if she revealed her identity (we know that’s BS because Pen was on the suspect list, the Queen would give anyone claiming to be whistledown an audience). In S3 i would’ve been especially infuriated if I were Eloise because Pen claimed she had no other way or choice but to ruin her best friend but when Cressida was taking the credit for whistledown (much lower stakes than ruining your friend) all of a sudden going to the Queen is an option so someone doesn’t get the credit for your work. How is that not very selfish? Imagine the surprise of writing badly about Colin who she has been close to from childhood and not even that long after, you’re engaged to him and he’s my brother. I watch you have the guts to walk into my home engaged to my brother when him and people he loves have been nearly ruined by the things you wrote about them. She put Eloise in a tight spot ethically/morally. Eloise owes her brother some level of loyalty to tell him the truth, but she loved Pen and didn’t want to be the one who told him. She chose loyalty to Pen over even Colin. Eloise was loyal to her throughout, especially in S3, she allowed Colin blame her and insult her because she didn’t want to rat out Pen however angry or betrayed she felt. I maintain she was a good friend to Pen! She wasn’t perfect but she was loyal. Those saying she wanted to protect Eloise are missing the point - she’s protecting her from a problem she caused and took the option that threw her friend under the bus because she didn’t want to reveal herself (self preservation). Eloise is privileged but so is Pen. We as the audience can see the Featherington’s financial struggles but the daughters don’t even know because their mother protected them from any knowledge or strain of such. Whistledown is flawed (not good or bad, but def did both good and bad things - like drove a working class woman out of job even though she is privileged and never actually needs a job. She put Theo and people who wanted to fight the monarchy for liberation in trouble - an offense punishable by death let’s be honest. She wrote about Marina even though her motivation was not to lose Colin - because Marina did think Colin would make a decent husband and Colin liked her enough that he would’ve been with her had Pen not revealed it this way. So who was she protecting?). Cressida on the other hand Eloise really betrayed. She saw her vulnerability and helplessness and left her when she had no one else. In fact Pen is more privileged than Cressida (Cressida had no friends, abusive parents, whereas Eloise and Pen had parents who protected them and went all out for them and gave them their freedom - for Eloise freedom to sit out the season, for Pen, freedom to write, pick her own wardrobe, hang out with whomever she wanted). Cressida was alone and helpless and about to be traded off to a skeleton or tossed out of her home. As a woman and a friend, Eloise failed Cressida.
@sarahshhb 7 дней назад
I enjoyed your point of view! Can definitely agree Eloise wasn’t entirely a bad friend to pen
@ORISONTV 27 дней назад
India aren't Asian in America.
@noone9472 28 дней назад
You know what, I love that Eloise is flawed, I love that she isn't the perfect feminist icon (yet) that would've come out of the year 2024 with all her facts and ideologies straight. she starts the way most of us started as teens, wanting to get out of the patriarchy ourselves and not being so aware of how it affects others. I was extremely disappointed with the way she behaved with cressida, but I think that if the writers are able to get her to repent later, and maybe have her go to an even darker phase before that, it would be good writing and a super interesting thing to watch <3
@sarahshhb 5 дней назад
I agree, I hope to see Eloise grow in the next season!
@missmay713 29 дней назад
She really never listened to Penelope at all, she just talked *at* her. Every conversation they had seemed to be Eloise steamrolling her with her own wants and problems, never considering what Pen thought. She assumed Pen wanted to be a spinster because that's what she wanted, and acted shocked to learn her friend actually wanted to find a husband (the fact that they were friends from childhood without her ever learning that shows just how little she actually listened). She never considers that for other women around her, her ability to just say no to getting married is a huge privilege that they cannot afford. Both because Eloise's pedigree and money will keep her financially stable and respected, and because her family won't force her into it. But instead of considering this she just rags on about how stupid other women must be for seeking marriage. With Cressida, who by all means is trapped in a horror show because of her position in society as a woman and abusive family, she casts her aside the moment it suits her. The options are between living with an abusive aunt and marrying a controlling man 3X her age. You see Cressida desperately asking her for help while Eloise, completely ignoring her, just brushes her off (because she's "busy" meddling with Penelope's engagement). Her general attitude towards other women is pretty terrible too. Women are capable and deserve better....until they have feminine interests, at which point they are silly. You see her mocking and tearing down Daphne in season 1 repeatedly for the crime of seriously caring about marriage. Despite the fact that Daphne is under the pressure to marry well to set the tone for all of her sisters' futures. I know this is very critical, and I don't actually think Eloise is a bad person. And she does have some good ideas. But we have to remember she is still a teenager, she just has a lot of maturing to do.
@tatianar9429 Месяц назад
Eloise doesn’t want rights for women, she wants rights for herself
@kaisrRae Месяц назад
I didn’t watch the movie, so I can’t really comment on it. But on the topic of generational trauma and abuse, I really loved watching„The lost Flowers of Alice Hart“. The series provided a realistic description of abuse and generational trauma. It explores lasting effects, like the need for control or the need to be loved by all means. It just perfectly examines the various ways trauma can manifest and influence one’s lives. Interestingly enough, they did not shy away from depicting abuse towards children. The show did not romanticise anything, but showed the brutality of abuse , they did it rather tastefully though. I also loved the colours and the mythical elements . I loved the complexity of the characters! Something Colleen Hoover could never. Colleen Hoover writes Fanfiction for the bored suburban white women. It’s actually painful reading her writings. I tried one book and it was as stupid as the names she picks for her characters.
@sarahshhb Месяц назад
I have to check out that show!
@kaisrRae Месяц назад
@@sarahshhb you should ! I would love to hear your take on it 😊I really enjoy your commentary 💖
@agirlsrambles Месяц назад
Only Colleen Hoover could get away with writing horror disguised as romance.
@didhiti Месяц назад
I had read the book during the COVID times when it was hyped, and I think it was hyped because her writing was very Wattpad-like and also descriptive when it came to setting the sex scenes or any love scene. But looking back at it, the glorification of assault in her writing is so prominent and lots of young people who read her book categorize that as "passionate love." Secondly, I think this movie/book portrayed the aggressor as less "aggressive" cause Ryle was rich - the whole connotation of "rich people wouldn't act like that. they are respectful." although Lily had her own journey, (not trying to dismiss what she went through) I kind of felt like her journey seemed too easy which is often not the case for DV victims and survivors. Lastly, the PR for this movie was a mess, the outfits in and at the movie were not appropriate either and the casting didn't even make sense. I mean in which way does Blake Lively look 23 (the age Lily is supposed to be) and I feel like Ryle should've been played by the actor who played Atlas.
@sarahshhb Месяц назад
Omg I never even thought about the underlying tone about rich ppl! I’m annoyed all over again😖 and Blake lively truly just wanted to take control of a movie she thought would gain traction due to its emotional context, but doesn’t actually care about the issue at hand at allll
@idontknowwhatmynameis7704 Месяц назад
I think the movie itself isn’t too bad (the book is way worse bc of its poor-quality writing), but the marketing is very misleading and dangerous in that way.
@sarahshhb Месяц назад
the marketing would have me thinking I’m about to watch something like “someone great “ if I didn’t know better 😔
@lessultanas Месяц назад
Since season 1 we've been saying Eloise isn't a girls' girl
@Eboshis_right_arm Месяц назад
She was all admiration for lady whistledown UNTIL it's Pen. 🙄 she was SHOCKED because she knew nothing about her best friend and just talked AT her their whole friendship.
@larissa8003 Месяц назад
someone said it agreeeed with every word
@klarathebat5619 Месяц назад
I have had girl friends that after 1 year of friendship could tell who i had a crush on without me telling them. Sounds like Eloise doesn't listen to anybody else other than herself
@dschebba Месяц назад
I’m glad Benedict’s season is next because I really can’t stand show Eloise… hope she gets a big redemption arch. Looking back, Eloise season 1 was so promising, I’m kinda sad what they did with her character :(
@lilachodan4941 Месяц назад
17:14 So my question are they some good movies portraying realisticly without stereotypes muslim people?
@lilachodan4941 Месяц назад
I am really glad that you made this video. I feel very educated
@sarahshhb Месяц назад
I’m glad it was helpful!
@lilachodan4941 Месяц назад
14:11 That's what I realized recently. For a long time I thought that woman wear hijabs because they have to but now I know that that's not the case. It is simple if she wants to wear it because she feels like herself and it helps her express herself why she should not wear it. It is about freedom and choice.
@sarahshhb Месяц назад
Well to clarify the hijab is a requirement in Islam, but to force it onto a woman rather than to allow her to make that transition herself does not do any good. In many households although the hijab is encouraged, it is ultimately up to the woman to fulfill this requirement
@LouisaRubyDDD Месяц назад
When I first saw that Eloise was going to the “dark side” and having a friendship with Cressida, I was like “Oh Lord”. But it actually worked? With Cressida opening up Eloise’s eyes for five seconds when she said she didn’t reveal Penelope’s secret that she was getting help from Colin. That was a beautiful opportunity for Eloise’s growth and it gets snatched. Hopefully she has some growth and development to be a better person by her season.
@deamea5098 Месяц назад
Honestly I get the impression Eloise was written by a man. Though she was originally written by a woman Julia Quinn. Do to the fact all of the lady Whistle down turmoil doesn't occur in the books I feel the writers had a D&D screw up moment if you have watched Game of thrones and read the books you know what I am talking about. The reason I think Eloise was written by man, is because any self respecting woman who cares about feminism and the relationships she holds doesn't behave the way Eloise does. Where I will agree with the writers, is I think they got the teenage anger correct and not knowing how to understand and know where her anger is directed. The fact that Eloise is very sheltered is prevalent in the books as a lot of her growth doesn't take place until her mid 30's in her book. When her life is changing rapidly and she makes a rather stupid decision that kicks off the events of her book. I do think the writers nailed the teen angst and not knowing where she belongs. I completely agree with Sarah. Eloise is not a girls girl but there is time for her to change. I just hope the writers don't force her story. I would actually like to see Eloise be one of the last siblings to we'd because she needs time to grow up.
@sarahshhb Месяц назад
I never thought about Eloise being written by a man but now that u say that some things check out 😬
@deamea5098 Месяц назад
@@sarahshhb Eloise is hard character for me because there are moments where I love and moments I am just rolling my eyes. I will say I actually liked Pen and El fight in season 2 because I couldn't relate to it on a personal level but season three fell flat on the female relationships aspect.
@jufrota8017 Месяц назад
O problema é que é uma ficção histórica e não uma estória escrita por alguém que entende aquele contexto. A Jane Austen escreveu obras reais sobre mulheres reais, que faziam críticas e eram feministas porque ela viveu naquela época, ela sabia o que significava, ela nem mesmo se casou porque ela acreditava que casar era só por Amor, e as pessoas ficam criticando ela pelo romance ser romântico.
@kaydalysoto5882 Месяц назад
Yeah not only that, in the first season she literally discouraged Daphne from wanting to get married, and yeah she was going through so much trauma because of her mother's pregnancy but how is it that she was literally belittling her. It's like yeah I get it getting Married to secure yourself in that time and area is very hard for a woman but what I didn't understand was how she was saying it. She wasn't supportive of her sister's role and didn't want to understand why Daphne was telling her she was getting a secure marriage for her and her sisters. I mean yeah Elois has the right to speak her mind about marriage but not to the point where she insults a woman much less her sister into wanting to get married. I feel like in short words Elois isn't a girls girl you know? Like you can have your own views and opinions but when it comes to other girls' decisions you support them wholeheartedly you don't belittle them you support their choices and give your opinion here and there. Elois does not do that. She says it up to your face "No, I think thats a stupid idea". Sorry to rant but this video is the only one that calls out Elois bs
@jocelynfrierson Месяц назад
YES SOMEOME ELSE WHO NOTICED!! "Eloise is all bark no bite" I told my mom this and she looked at me crazy. She says she doesn't like how women are treated. She says women should be seen as more than just wives and mothers. But the entire show she does nothing but try to find out who Lady Whistledown is.... also (this isn't really related), I didn't like how she snuck into Penelope's rooms and went through all of her stuff like that. I don't care how long you 2 have known each other you don't do that to someone's room unless they ask you to.
@runrunrun_runaway2607 Месяц назад
Thank you!!! Pen tried so often to tell Eloise but E rolled right over her so many times
@105e9 Месяц назад
Наконец то это кто-то сказал
@ciaral2353 Месяц назад
If Penelope had been the one to befriend Cressida, she would have dug up some dirt on Lord Twombly and then publish it in Lady Whisteldown to run him out of town. Even if she found nothing she would just point out the age gap. Yeah no one cared about age gap marriages at the time, but everyone cared what Lady Whisteldown had to say. They might agree and gossip about him. At the very least she would support her and encourage her to run away.
@sarahshhb Месяц назад
Yes😩😩 Lady Whistledown had the power to save Cressida and I wish the girls banded together to protect her
@thrillergirl021 Месяц назад
I disliked Eloise the moment she was introduced. Liking books does NOT make one a feminist. Most woman enjoy books without feeling the need to brag and denigrate others. I hated how she looked down on ANY woman who was interested in marriage, as if that made them idiots. She can hold this position only because she is safely backed by her family's fortune. Someone once remarked that disliking something which is popular doesn't make you smarter or cooler than anyone, it just means you enjoy feeling superior. The description fits Eloise perfectly.
@Nikki-lh1tu Месяц назад
BINGO! I'm personally someone who has no interest in marriage of any sorts, but I found Eloise's character so abrasive when talking about the issue as if *somebody* (I know society has, but internally her family doesn't seem all that forceful) had forced marriage on her. I remember this one scene in season 1 when Daphne was just about to leave with the Duke in the carriage; for whatever reason Eloise got so irritated because, "Daphne was setting a standard too high for her to reach" or some bs like that 😒...like?? Eloise's character is so one dimensional. All she ever does is talk about "feminism" and makes snarky remarks all the time. Confuses me as to why people find her entertaining because she's never been a good friend to Penelope the fact that she didn't even realise Penelope was Whistle-down until later on really shows how self-centered she was in the friendship. You're telling me the one time Penelope expresses interest in gossip at the "ball" mimd u, she (Eloise) finally connects the dots??? You'd think as a friend you'll already know about your friends interests and what they get up to when out in about in society.
@griffinaura7871 Месяц назад
Eloise has the potential to be my favorite character, but the way she's acted in past seasons has always put me off and I wholeheartedly agree with you on her shortcomings. If she does finally realize what she's doing wrong and truly stand up for the women around her I think she could be one of the best characters in the show! <3 :)
@jojobookish9529 Месяц назад
The Bridgertons are clearly all oblivious to the fact that their family is exceptional, and most families are not healthy, supportive homes (see Colin's totally tone deaf attempt to talk to Cressida). I feel like the show could have acknowledged that part of Eloise's anger with Pen was jealousy that Pen had managed to do something super feminist and *earn her own money* (a significant accomplishment for an upper class woman in that era, given they were prohibited by law from inheriting). While all Eloise has done is wander about complaining and rolling her eyes in derision at the other women around her.
@Nikki-lh1tu Месяц назад
@scarlettdownsiswriting Месяц назад
For Eloise to be the "radical feminist" character archetype she really doesn't care enough about the women around her and their feelings.
@jasminew.7139 Месяц назад
Nah Penelope was never truthful from the get go with Eloise. How could Eloise know anything when she worked to keep her lady Whistledown a secret(BTW she hide it so well that no one knew) and her feelings for Colin??? She was never mad at Penelope fully for liking Colin, she was mad that he was lying to him about her identity . And I stand by she didn’t owe Cressida anything, Cressida was always being mean to everyone and literally blackmailing people so no not gonna stay by your side.
@jasminew.7139 Месяц назад
Not to hide the fact that yeah Penelope has in fact hurt people in her columns so yeah she was allowed to be mad at her for however long she wanted.
@imsadgurl Месяц назад
Totally agree!💀
@beckyweiss6072 Месяц назад
Eloise is an “I’m not like other girls,” woman while dressed up in silk and lace and bows. She’ll be your bestie until she gets a whiff that you actually like some aspect of what she thinks is part of the patriarchy. Then you’re just company she likes and can drop you when she feels like it. Granted, what Penelope did to her at the end of season 2 was beyond thoughtless. It’s just that Eloise isn’t the greatest person in the world either lol
@veliciawilliams1018 Месяц назад
So very true. Women need to learn how to support other women with love. And not to bash one another.
@beccierae Месяц назад
She is also very rude. When Colin gives gifts to everyone in his family she doesn't even say thank you just brushes it off. She thinks everyone should see the world the way she does. She doesn't get that some women want to be married like Francesca. When Penelope yells at her S1 about what if I do want to be married why is she still surprised in S3 when Colin mentions her wanting to find a husband, she does not listen to others. She's the same age as Penelope but hasn't done an ounce of what Pen has achieved.
@calico_queen8976 Месяц назад
Eloise is basically Season 1 Arya Stark. They constantly complain about how unfair it is to be a girl, sexism and patriarchy while actively contributing to misogyny and hates other women for being 'normies'. The fact "I'm not like Other Girls" is still rampant is weird.
@purpleness64 Месяц назад
Falls in love with a Black man (fixed that tor you)
@smolson8471 Месяц назад
Thank you so much for making this video! You voiced a lot of my own thoughts about Eloise and i really hope these parts of her character get addressed and she grows. She's really giving internalized misogyny too with the way she looks down on other woman and their hobbies.
@kittycat1887 Месяц назад
ohhh, nice, a rant on feminism from a religious woman. as if you'd know anything about it
@sarahshhb Месяц назад
@@kittycat1887 stay mad stay racist stay Islamaphobic I’m just glad I ain’t u😂
@kittycat1887 Месяц назад
@@sarahshhb I'm not Islamophobic, not everything is about you. I despise religions in general. almost every big religion discriminates women and it's a fact. just bc you chose how to be discriminated doesn't change it.
@kittycat1887 Месяц назад
@@sarahshhb newsflash babe, patriarchal religions ARE oppressive to women. you're just privileged enough to choose your oppression.
@moustik31 Месяц назад
"Chronicles of Noria" made a video titled: "Eloise is one of the boys" and that made 100% sense to me! 🤷🏾‍♀️
@ayahazem3602 Месяц назад
I'm kinda upset about how Cressida story ended I hope she comes back for season 4 and maybe get an redemption arc between her and Penelope they both came from very broken homes I think they have potential to be good friends
@nmhg Месяц назад
Eloise is such a Jo March in the worst way possibly. Especially because she is so spoiled in so many ways. She treated her friends and sisters (especially Daphne) pretty terribly... Someone has to tell what Meg told Jo: "Just because my dreams are different than yours, it doesn’t mean they’re unimportant..."
@StevieNettles Месяц назад
Eloise didn’t want equal rights for women.. in fact she hates women. She just wanted to be treated the way men are.
@iscapopo Месяц назад
I could probably write a whole essay about this topic because of how frustrated I felt every time Elosie was on screen. Like girl you go around screaming how much of a feminist you are and how much you wanna make a change but all you do is criticize other women because they don't see and do everything you want them to do. As you mentioned, she has good intentions, yes women should be able to get an education, be able to live without a man if they want to, but just because Daphe wanted to get married and have a family she looked down her. Like what? And she always just looks down on things that are generally girly. That isn't what feminism is.