Play the video games, don't let 'em play you.
@DanielisAwesome52 День назад
Lysium's character looks to be named Samantha, thats what I name all my game characters (mostly Monster Hunter) when I base them off Samus
@jpapa96 2 дня назад
My first was monster hunter freedom unite I solod every last gathering hall quest as opposed to that every single one I've played after has seemed easier by comparison so I'm not sure if it's too easy or I'm just better
@asabovesobelow1362 2 дня назад
Fiorayne is my wife, please do not use her likeness without my consent.
Whats the music at 20:49 ?
Whats the music at 20:49 ?
@EmilAhvenainen 3 дня назад
I went from killing IB alatreon to being triple carted by gen u high rank rathian. Either I havent yet adjusted back to the gen u controls or it really is harder game.
@Decatei 3 дня назад
god I love this channel so much, and how much effort you put into researching these nearly forgotten passionate fan projects most either vaguely remember or never heard of. Keep up the great work! 💜
@Aibo8752 4 дня назад
I started with FU, failed and gave up, came back to 3U, gave up, came back to 4U, gave up, came back to Gen, gave up, beat world and then went back to MH1 on PS2. I think the series isn't getting easier. It's getting simpler. Combat mechanics aside, the prep, survival aspects, gathering of stuff, etc, the hunter part of monster hunter is getting simpler outside of combat. Arguably not easier though.
@wadejohnston4305 6 дней назад
Never hear ANYONE mention bloodblockade. Great ass anime and manga
@peanutbutterrocket 6 дней назад
Was not expecting to see xenoblade 2 at 3:01 lol
@midosyt 6 дней назад
insanely well researched and amazing journalism being done here im so sad that your metroid content doesnt get as much love as your other videos (i mean all your content is criminally underrated which i know is thrown around alot but this stuff is ahoy level imo)
@noirua 6 дней назад
Amazing coverage.
@tippedjoshua6802 6 дней назад
15:31 why is Metroid 3 not mainline?
@songarakram 7 дней назад
For me the biggest indicator of monster hunter getting easier is how Rise handles when multiple monsters are in the same area. Aside from arena fights, when two monsters meet they'll always be a bigger threat to each other than they are to you. Compare that with Monster Hunter Tri, which had a monster (Qurupeco) who's most powerful attack was to summon another monster, or 4's Seltas queen, who could summon Seltas, and even eat them to regain energy.
@luciefehrr8535 9 дней назад
I got into a rabbit hole of looking for more info on this project. So eerie that they were able to predict a lot of the themes for P5 before it came out and even still to this day with Royal now out. The one thing I have not seen people mention after watching this video was how ATLUSxP5 stole a lot of material from other sources and pieced it together as their own to form the illusion it was something else entirely new, and still to this day nobody knows who was the creator/creators of this project. Sort of like.....Phantom Thieves in a way?
@jordanthiyam6466 10 дней назад
When i saw the 2nd one saying its beacuse we have skill i shouted "GEEE MILKERS"
@00-1B 10 дней назад
Oh my god what an analysis, the way you presented this video was top notch! Definitely recommending it to some friends
@christopherpineda9124 10 дней назад
I remember when i first started monster hunter i played 4 but it frustrated and ultimately i dropped even though my friend wanted me to keep playing it wasn't until rise where i truly understood the appeal and after he taught me how to hunt proper I never stopped playing, I'm playing world and i love it and i plan to go back and see what i missed.
@CZ-JEWEL_Off1cial 11 дней назад
They kinda predicted the new P5 soundtrack
@wolffang6320 11 дней назад
This comment is before I have watched the video because i want to give my opinion on the title. Have monster hunter become easier? Yes. Is that bad? No, why would it. The reason i feel like it has become easier is that you are given more was to play the game, new movesets, counter moves and less BS hotboxes. I have never understood why this has become a problem, I don't play monster hunter to get my blood boiling over how hard it is, i play it because the game is fun and the combat system is very addictive and they somehow evolve that combat system for each title. And before people starts commenting that I'm wrong and should feel stupid, this is my opinion and that won't change my view on how i will enjoy this game
@Fly_Silver 13 дней назад
What the hell are the comments talking about? They speaking in riddles.
@ShadowCD624 13 дней назад
Editting and general Motion Graphics were extremely good in this video. As an ex general fangame developer myself, (Smash Crusade, Smash Flash 2, Yume Nikki Dream vs Dream) what was the full story with Physix using the SR388 sprites? Like did they not ask permission, not credit the original artist at all, was SR388 still in development, etc? Like if I were them, and they weren't being used ultimately, I really wouldn't have given a shit as long as they weren't flatout claiming they made them. But I know that heavily depends person to person.
@TheRealFolkBlues 12 дней назад
Physix didn't ask permission before using the assets he got his hands on, and wasn't crediting the team until pressed about it (and even then, was constantly told to stop using their assets). Even though MSR388 was effectively dead by that point, the core team was still extremely protective of the original assets, having felt that they owned MSR388 - and more understandably, knowing it'd be the basis for their own original game. Whether they were right to be so protective of the assets is really up to your own judgment, but seeing what Tokin, Beta and Physix have said since, it seems like nobody really looks back on their past behavior in this part of MSR388's history that fondly.
@OceanFragments 9 дней назад
And also, the hours and effort that went into those assets were not spent for his benefit, or anyone else who felt they were entitled to them. I think it's enough to not steal original work from artists, and respect when they ask you not to directly, regardless of if they're being used for anything or not. That's called being a decent human.
@blasterblaster4015 13 дней назад
Yes it got harder bcs id rather skin my balls alive than hunt underwater again (ill gladly do it if they bring the mechanic back)
@darkness_hallo 14 дней назад
It would have been a really cool game thou
@americankid7782 14 дней назад
I love the way that Individual Difficulty effects Monster Hunter. I am a brand new player (MH:World) as of only a few weeks ago and I love fighting new monsters because every time it is my hardest hunt. Just a few hours ago I was on a hunt to take down 2 Wyvern style monsters. I got the first one down enough to nap, but when I got to the tree top the other Wyvern showed up as I was setting up my trap. I then somehow managed to capture the right one of the two monsters and then had to deal with the other one. But that moment where I suddenly had both of the scariest monsters I have seen up to that point in front of me was terrifying. 10/10 best series ever
@okk2094 14 дней назад
As a fighting game player I have to point out that raw execution is less important than the mindgames and reading your opponent.
@Hamo209 14 дней назад
The wirebug killed my wife
@Hamo209 14 дней назад
Man it isn't even the same game anymore it isn't as slow and methodical as it should be its just way too fast for a human hunt just watch the dos video my guy this video is still great though
@rozelia_the_octo06 14 дней назад
Ah I recognize so many of these sample cds from beatmania lmao
@DrBro-hf3gu 15 дней назад
But if artist use AI or 3d in art its a crime ._.
@ThatOneMeat 16 дней назад
@flameguy21 16 дней назад
As cursed of a development history as it had, SR388 did look pretty sick. It's a real shame it turned out that way. It sounds like a textbook definition of how not to develop a game. (Use source control as early as possible. Trust me. Git isn't as complicated as it sounds.) It sounds like there's a silver lining with Lysium Stardiver, at least. That looks pretty cool, too. This video is making me imagine the alternate reality where we somehow have THREE Metroid 2 remakes and the endless debate and comparisons made between all of them. As someone who did make reviews of AM2R and Samus Returns, I don't think I would have had it in me to talk about Metroid 2 a FOURTH time lol.
@TheRealFolkBlues 16 дней назад
You gotta admit though: even if you didn't have it in you to review a FOURTH take on Metroid 2, fans definitely wouldn't have been starved for choice on that front.
@LBF197 16 дней назад
to think that in a way sr388 STILL lives on and to think the full surface theme remix is floating around out there as well! but where is it located exactly?
@TheRealFolkBlues 16 дней назад
I can only really guess, but since the MSR388 trailer itself was stitched together using preexisting Metroid Engine footage, I think the same is true for the trailer theme. The surface theme heard in the beginning and end of the trailer are two pieces of the same song (which I used in the video), but everything in between those parts (the more bombastic remix and the underwater theme) is unaccounted for. I assume they were also made for the trailer, but I don't know if Von ever shared them with the rest of the team.
@HS-eq3gk 15 дней назад
​@@TheRealFolkBluesinfinity's end has all the music I believe
@toddfrombethesda6963 17 дней назад
Zero G still out here making some of the best vocal sample libraries. Although what they do now is a bit different to the Datafile libraries, although they still record phrases.
@AndorRobotnik 17 дней назад
A lot of these fan games get nuked by their own overambition, thinking they can just add a bunch of stuff that wasn't there in the original. As if making stuff from scratch is going to be that easy
@tonycrimes 17 дней назад
the sample at 6:41 is also used in a yu yu hakusho remix a few times, starting at 2:30. the song is Koori no Knife wo Daite - Dance Mix / Kurama (Megumi Ogata)
@davidelliott3831 17 дней назад
Rance mentioned!
@Galaxy40k 18 дней назад
Yet another common Blue W, I cannot believe an unreleased random fangame had such a neat story and legacy
@davesinsanestudio8072 18 дней назад
You gotta make one for versus 13 when KH4 is out lol.
@grizzlle2275 18 дней назад
Hopefully cause there aint no way my shitty ass is beating fatalis
@deep_obnoxious1528 18 дней назад
No words. This is what I needed. Closure. Now is time for me to see if its possible to dig the MEngine v0.1 playable exe. But dude, you gave me closure on this thing I had been looking for SO long, my childhood definitely thanks you!
@LucasDarkGiygas 18 дней назад
thanks for the video
@HyperDefective 18 дней назад
Wow, I was wondering why some of this stuff looked so familiar, and it's because I played Metroid Origins on my channel. Good video!
@HS-eq3gk 18 дней назад
Thanks for playing
@LiamNajor 19 дней назад
It's ironic how funny Vons promise about sharing the resources is in retrospect
@LiamNajor 19 дней назад
the soundtrack of this video has me feeling nostalgia I haven't thought about in years.