Avoiding Babylon
Avoiding Babylon
Avoiding Babylon
Avoiding Babylon was started during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. During these difficult and dark days, when most of us were isolated from family, friends, our parishes, and even the Sacraments themselves, this channel was started as a statement of standing against the tyrannical mandates that many of us were living under. Since those early days, this channel has morphed into an amazing community of friends…no…more than friends…Christian brothers and sisters…who have grown in joy and charity.

As we see it, our job here at Avoiding Babylon is to remind ourselves and those who enjoy the channel that being Catholic is a joyful and exciting experience. We seek true Catholic fraternity and eutrapelia with other Catholics who, like us, are doing their best to live out their vocation with the help of God’s Grace. Above all, we try to bring humor and joy to the craziness of this fallen world.
Yellowstone geyser erupts on tourists
2 часа назад
Did Dylan Mulvaney help turn the tide?
2 месяца назад
Time to Reclaim the World for Christ
2 месяца назад
Avoiding Babylon Grills Jimmy Akin
2 месяца назад
War in Ukraine MRE Review - Russia
3 месяца назад
War in Ukraine MRE Review - Ukraine
3 месяца назад
Megyn Kelly Throws Annulment Tantrum
3 месяца назад
Mike Lewis Says Hell is Spiritual Blackmail
3 месяца назад
Nick Fuentes Addresses Avoiding Babylon
3 месяца назад
The Mission - Faith in Film w/ Fr Dave Nix Ep. 5
3 месяца назад
@peggybreaux8973 6 минут назад
I believe people should know an hear what they are saying. Never cared for the Latin mass. I perfer the native language.
@Coastie4 26 секунд назад
It's not about the Latin language. The issue is the TLM prayers of the mass are written by Catholic saints vs the prayers of the new mass were written by a committee of various protestants. Knowledge of Latin is not necessary to appreciate the TLM.
@jamesdewanca 32 минуты назад
If anyone should 🫴 me to you preaching a different Gospel, let him be anathema
@erics7992 51 минуту назад
Would have been a lot better if he hadn't kept wandering off topic.
@MyMachineWorld1990 Час назад
I’m so bummed I missed this one live!
@lorih9182 2 часа назад
Ruh roh...I got the YT warning box, and now the video has a $u1c1de hotline info box. None of that happened last night when i watched the first half, but it appeared today as I went to continue the 2nd half today. 🏆 bois!
@brianna0516 3 часа назад
Praying for Margo!! 🙏🙏🙏 I spent 10 years in the ICU (RN) and have witnessed numerous cases where patients who were declared unable to recover did wake up and go home and, sadly, where the opposite 😢happened including many who were used to generate profits by the harvesting of their organs.
@BronxCat 3 часа назад
You have much to learn about Vance, peter theils boy, will usher in agenda 2030. Hindu wife, he went vegan. He converted intellectually, whatever that means...vance is bought, an Elite. For those that have eyes to see...
@patrickstoops1584 4 часа назад
1:05:17 Exactly. Bishop Barron is an unquestioning Pope Francis and Vatican II fanatic, who also, if memory serves, likes Teilhard de Chardin. Add that all onto what you said just there, and it makes it hard for me to take Bishop Barron seriously. Yeah, we're trying to live our faith to the fullest, but not only are we not receiving support from our shepherds, but we are being viciously berated and condemned. The NO parish where I grew up has an enormous banner over the front door that reads "You are now entering mission territory." It's so cringey because, in preparing to teach a catechism course there, I asked the priest what he thinks the people's level of knowledge of the faith is. He said "near universal cluelessness." It's so cringey.
@thejoshuaproject3809 5 часов назад
Most of the Enlightenment thinkers early on were educated by Jesuits....so yeah, I think Roman Catholics need to take a little responsibility for post modernism.😂
@JD-vd5nr 5 часов назад
Musk is helping build a surveillance state around us and has a major role in the technocratic takeover, while also tweeting about freedom. And the masses are eating it up. He is controlled opposition and cognitive dissonance.
@juliefitzgerald4938 6 часов назад
I could listen to Patrick Coffin interview and be interviewed for ages. Delighted he is back!
@marymary1877 6 часов назад
1:29:02 Philomena is so adorable ❤️
@avoidingbabylon 6 часов назад
Thank you!
@bolorek8307 6 часов назад
Pius XII asked his cardinals to go to Canada for the conclave in case of his capturing by Germans.
@marymary1877 7 часов назад
16:56 how did we get here? Because of the dilution of our Mass and powerful spiritual warfare prayers that were built into it pre-vatican 2 and the sigil magik programming we’ve all been subjected to from practically infancy since the 60’s and 70’s. If you can’t get to a traditional Mass, get the prayer book and say the prayers during the NO mass. That’s what I do.
@BronxCat 4 часа назад
@marymary1877 7 часов назад
13:24 i was just wondering about Bevelyn this week. Lifting her up today. God bless her brave heart.
@littlethimblehalffull 7 часов назад
I am with you, Anthony. "They" already know KH will win. Because they won't allow any other outcome. Period. We are heading towards something bad. Really bad. 😢 P.S. I hope Rob will make more MRE taste test videos. His kids are unbelievably cute and I need a good happy video! ❤
@pattip2788 8 часов назад
You had me up until you said Francis is changing doctrine. Francis might sound a little ambiguous at times, and he should explain things a little more clearly, but he has not changed any doctrine. Lofton is right.
@CathNcamo2 8 часов назад
Enjoyed this show guys. So many conservatives complain about illegal immigration. Seems like it’s just the result of our contraceptive sins. You reap what you sow.
@josephcillojr.7035 10 часов назад
Your video has a suicide warning attached to it. There s a link to a hotline. Lol.
@avoidingbabylon 10 часов назад
That means the algorithm is going to hate it.
@CathNcamo2 8 часов назад
I feel like the warning should have been on the last couple political shows bc I might have made the call after watching them through. Lol
@EpoRose1 7 часов назад
Hah, YT deleted my comment!
@gibbs9434 12 часов назад
45'25 : this french guy name is Laurent Guyenot
@murphyfamily6927 12 часов назад
"C'mon... this is a good one." Meanwhile, my ears are bleeding.
@edukaeshn 13 часов назад
Mr. Coffin seems to be in terminal cognitive dissonance about the SSPX. He even promotes Michael Davies but doesn't seem to grasp why Davies supported the SSPX. I like Mr. Coffin a lot, but I can't follow his train of thought when it comes to post-V2 thinking on Tradition. If you have him on again, maybe you could have Kennedy Hall on with him for a discussion? Just a thought. Thanks for the thought-provoking show!
@MoonTyphoon-j4u 13 часов назад
Do you mean Michael Matt? Pretty sure Davies was vehemently anti SSPX, I recall unsubscribing from Church Militant because of it. Michael Matt supports SSPX and was either baptized or confirmed by the founder. Coffin mentioned Davies but I think he meant Matt. Matt has the Remnant.
@edukaeshn 12 часов назад
I mean Michael Davies. I would suggest watching Michael Matt's recent Remnant broadcast on Davies because I think you might have been misinformed about him, and even Mr. Coffin mentions Davies was SSPX in the Avoiding Babylon broadcast above. @@MoonTyphoon-j4u
@mossyrocksfab 8 часов назад
@@MoonTyphoon-j4u Michael Davies is very pro Lefebvre and SSPX, he wrote three books in defense of him and was a personal friend of the Archbishop. I'm not sure who you are confusing him with.
@ryanpost8729 6 часов назад
​@MoonTyphoon-j4u he said Davies not Voris 😂
@mossyrocksfab 4 часа назад
Mistaking Davies for Voris is a good way to get slapped. Lol
@m.proximus1930 16 часов назад
My input - I am a healthcare worker, and I earned my credentials as a certified brain Injury specialist in 2015. I've worked with many severe and intermediate patients... Persistent Vegetative State is determined by members of at least three different disciples performing the same test. Somebody else - a program director, an attending doc, or someone else evaluated these three or more test results to see if there is a common result. If there is, there's your diagnosis. If there isn't, then the professional who scored the test with an atypical finding is often put under pressure to change it. Been there. Seen that. Many times. Sometimes, the program director, doc, or whomever will visit the patient ahead of the testing and form a judgement about the potential of the patient. Then, if the tests come back supporting his opinion - good. If not... you get the idea. The scoring if these tests is supposed to occur every six months. Insurance companies watch these results like a hawk. They don't pay for these patients' care indefinitely. Neither does Medicare/Medicaid. Unfortunately, there ARE situations where family members - desperate for one outcome or another (usually a full recovery, but sometimes for a quick death because of the anguish the family is in,) - will perceive reactions in their loved one. Sometimes what they perceived will be real and sometimes not. The key is - whatever they think they see needs to be observed by other ppl, too, and with some degree of consistency. Patients DO sometimes get upgraded from PVS to "emergent" and then beyond. These pts DO sometimes report hearing or seeing things you didn't think they heard or saw. It does happen. A lot of times it does not happen, and the patient dies. It takes a tremendous amount of care (by CNAs making very little money, and very overworked nurses) it takes to make sure these patients don't get sores that get infected, don't get pneumonia from lying on their backs perpetually, don't get sepsis for a variety of reasons. And so on and so on. I've seen many such patients who get looked at during the admission process , and the program director whispers to a nurse or somebody, "It would have been better if they didn't survive." It's awful when you hear the family start to say the same thing. MY PATIENTS WERE JUST AS WORTHY OF LIFE AS ANY OTHER PATIENT! (Oh. They don't get the sacraments hardly ever, either, I think because of the VCII concept of "participation," which they can't really do.)
@prioritytarget7157 16 часов назад
"A liar denieth Jesus is the Christ." "You're going to deny me." "No I won't." "I dunno who Jesus is!" Lol. Catholics. Mat 16:23 But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men.
@MJK2600 16 часов назад
Anthony go back to praying and stop watching Peterson. Rob's right about Peterson.
@lorih9182 17 часов назад
I thought your intro video was hilarious, Anthony 😂 had to cover my mouth laughing bc the hubby was sleeping.
@Deuterocomical 17 часов назад
His last name is literally Coffin, so he must know a lot about the culture of death.
@Malygosblues 17 часов назад
Your parody with the "as my name indicates" was my first thought
@thuyanh6734 17 часов назад
@DavGre 17 часов назад
I’m not biologically a Coffin, so I can’t speak on the subject of death, let alone its culture.
@SonOfThineHandmaid 8 часов назад
​@@DavGre that would be appropriation after all
@greatgoogamooga1 18 часов назад
We need to stop referring to faithful Catholics as "trads." We're just catholics. We don't need to separate ourselves by a name.
@murphyfamily6927 21 час назад
Oh wow, Biden IS a vampire 😮
@murphyfamily6927 День назад
Now that's how you end a show 😂
@batboy49 День назад
Lol Papa Pachamama would be SO PROUD.......
@BayouMaccabee День назад
I'm only about 5% Italian, and even I was offended by the opening pizza video clip. As we say down here in the south..."bless her heart".
@lorih9182 День назад
She's not black. Her parents are Indian (as in Eastern). She cannot be president because she's a first generation natural born American. You have to be second generation American born. Of course, that little constitutional law didn't stop Obummer. They break laws all day long every day.
@hippocraticoaf8798 День назад
Kim Cheatle dropped a three letter word in her testimony to congress. It was a total non sequitur. She named the organization that is in charge and probably forced Biden out.
@kesslerfreddy9192 День назад
Amen 🙏🙏🙏😇
@toddbyrd9071 День назад
For once, an Italian is correct. Total right wing of the deep state pysop. It's all spectacle to get us trapped in the dialectic.
@jdotseven День назад
I didn’t know that the gaslighting has spread this badly to Catholicism too.
@marvalice3455 7 часов назад
Modernist rulers are are incapable of ruling without abusing their followers. And gaslighting is a coping mechanism for abusers. Where there are abusers, there will be gaslighting
@KMF3 День назад
Here in Phoenix Arizona 2 out of our 3 TLM priests are Hispanic and we have one of the 4 Sunday masses with a Spanish homily.
@EricJMJ-ln9dx День назад
I lived most of my life in Montana and I worked in Yellowstone for 10 years on the fire sprinkler systems their. Never seen one quite explode like this one though. God bless, thanks! We would call this an Old faithful fart 😂! You guys are doing a great job!
@KMF3 День назад
Wouldn't that be nice if it was true?
@smitrotti День назад
Rome has lost the faith; they are obsessed with rigidity. Quite apropos.
@smitrotti День назад
Neri sounds totally woke.
@smitrotti День назад
You'd be surprised how many Spanish-speaking traditional Catholic youtubers there are in YT. They are also in other platforms (e.g., Telegram) because YT likes to censor them. YT is pro Bergog and stone cutters.
@tedcruz212 День назад
What on earth is all of this, is this what you Catholics get up too when us Protestants aren’t around ? How should the president impact the church? He’s clearly not even a believer and only wears the name of Catholic to try and win votes, I’m not Catholic and even I can see that based on his actions.
@user-ic2jh5oo1s День назад
Biden is symptomatic of the decline of the Boomers - not only as it relates to the end of the lifespan of the generation itself, but also in the factional influence they exert over thought. This would apply to the Church too.
@anonymouscrank День назад
Another victim of TDS
@frettychervil День назад
It's as if the Vatican just asks Fr James Martin what's going on in America and they take his word on it.
@totallynotthebio-lizard7631 День назад
It’s the orthodox that need to lead. They’re the ones who hold fast the values of God
@Church888 День назад
@ilonkastille2993 День назад
Who is this « theologian »?