Warpfire Minis
Warpfire Minis
Warpfire Minis
Age of Sigmar - Top 5 Tools to Win More Games!
6 месяцев назад
@DS_painting 3 дня назад
Great battle report! Really great shwoing of strategy with the Skaven
@RAWxxx07 5 дней назад
I love watching your battle reports.. so clean, so well presented, so much important information and I always learn a lot. Hope to see some Kruleboyz and Stormcast as well :)
@maciejkapaczynski6601 13 дней назад
I just played a game using Virulent procession. Amazing how u can shut down opposing units before their turn with the pile in. Had to buy some plague monks because of it :D what do you think about the Verminlord Corruptor? Had to take him because of list make up but he did pretty well, also dealing some mortal damage between his rampage and VP pile in Also - thanks for the great batrep :)
@SquishyFishies 15 дней назад
Any reason turn 1 you didnt try to teleport deceiver onto the "take their lands" Target. could sit on it and cover fire to deny or even put in front so he has to charge it or counter charge after he runs to it ?
@warpfireminis 14 дней назад
Generally I like having the Deceiver in the middle of the board so he has lots of 4+ teleport targets, shooting options, and the potential to jump on that back objective. I was also hoping Shackles would proc and then I could just 3-Claw steps the Monks and redeploy the Deceiver to deny the Hammerers the turn 1 charge at all in the middle. Got the spell off, just failed those 2+'s. That said, I think going for the Skitterleap with the Deceiver, or probably even better with Thanquol would have been a super solid play as well. Lots of ways to win games!
@JohnK_ 15 дней назад
10:13 I'm missing something in the logic to fight with the nightrunners first. If you wanted to fight executioners the next turn and not the hammerers, wouldn't it make sense to have the plaguemonks go first to try to remove more hammerers? Great video and great store by the way
@warpfireminis 14 дней назад
The Executioners + Hammerers do infinite damage so I'm going to lose both squads no matter what. Since I'm planning on fighting the Executioners the next round I fought with the Night Runners first to try and chip a few of them away and help that goal of eliminating them. The Skaven index/my list doesn't have a ton of raw damage, so you need every pip of damage you can get.
@jamie6091 15 дней назад
Great video - just as good the second time! Thanks for the list too - I gave it a play today and it went really well, love that it leans into Skaven strengths. I would love to also run a majority pestilens themed list, the plague pack helps but I'm not sure the new book has the right tools to be competitive...?
@warpfireminis 14 дней назад
I'm only a couple games in with the new book so far, so still waiting to draw some conclusions. I'm 2-0 so far! That said both the lists I've tried definitely aren't it and it's been a struggle; just gotta keep testing.
@jamie6091 14 дней назад
@@warpfireminis Thanks Jordan :)
@Husker44g 16 дней назад
What an amazing way to do a bat report. I'm hooked, keep it up and thanks for such informative content!
@mattyno964 16 дней назад
As a CoS player seeing those fusiliers get popped turn 1 hurt my heart 😂😅
@johnraines7672 17 дней назад
I love this format. I rarely want to sit and watch a 2 to 4 hour video filled with chatter. You keep it tight and full of insight. Jordan, since the Jezzails are getting the nerf, what do you think of the Warpvolt Scourgers with a Galvaneer hero nearby? I know points will be a major factor.
@warpfireminis 17 дней назад
It's going to come down to points for sure, but so far the rumor-mill is 190 on Scourgers and 150 on Ratling Guns. If that's the case I'm thinking Ratling Guns will be our future.
@RcomplexRandy 17 дней назад
Oh man i love this format. Having the battle report explained by one fantastic narrator is the formula. Ill watch more.
@cax3337 17 дней назад
I really like these concise and well explained batreps!
@johnsnow5968 17 дней назад
Did the CoS player not use the obvious battle formation that makes you start fortified that every player takes?
@warpfireminis 17 дней назад
The one that adds 3" to your range seems to be pretty popular around here!
@mattyno964 16 дней назад
Yeah if there's a lot of shooting then +3 is good. Starting fortified in all my games has rarely been useful since most a) don't have scary shooting b) get down the board for the charge. It's allll situational, man
@johnsnow5968 9 дней назад
@@warpfireminis yeah they're the same one. The trait is +3" range AND start fortified.
@johnsnow5968 9 дней назад
@@mattyno964 the Trait is +3" AND start fortified
@warpfireminis 9 дней назад
@@johnsnow5968 They're different! Ironweld = +3" range. Defenders = start fortified and -1 to wound round 1.
@rossdemarco922 17 дней назад
Yay another Jordan rat BR! As a question for you Jordan, I was wondering your thoughts specifically on what you find more potent in a Skaven army - the player or the list? I frequently find myself running less than optimal lists in favor of the models I find the most fun or cool (and I rarely will reinforce things I should like jezzails as I don't like having duplicate models on the table lol). Do you think Skaven as a faction are more dependent on the list? Or do you find a player with really strong fundamentals can take them pretty far regardless of how meta their list is? And as always, love the videos, best Skaven Battle Reports on the platform <3
@warpfireminis 17 дней назад
Thank you! For the question, there are always different levels! Versus casual opponents a strong player can win with virtually any list. However, if you're playing against the Tom Guan's and Gavin Grigar's of the world and they're using top armies, you're going to need a very good list and play excellent to have a chance. For Skaven I need to deep dive the book once we get points to see what all we can do, but it looks like we're staying around the same power-level or maybe even dipping down a little, which just means we do need to build lists pretty efficiently to win those "competitive" style of games.
@irontanker1812 17 дней назад
Masterful performance.. yes yes
@ScreamingD 18 дней назад
Great Battle report, as always! In the new battletome it seems that they changed the plague monks' pile in move to go on units that are in combat. My guess is, that changes a bit in your tactics. Will you be continuing with plague monks anyway or maybe go for clanrats since they got a bit cheaper as well?
@warpfireminis 17 дней назад
I need to see the points! The change to Plague Monks means my list here just flat-out doesn't work and it's back to the drawing board for sure. Clanrats may end up being the way, but it all comes down to points.
@jamesalbright7581 17 дней назад
I guess free movement is to powerful!
@jacobjulin 18 дней назад
didnt pestilences lose their ability to pile outside of combat end of turn?
@warpfireminis 17 дней назад
For the new battletome, yes! This was on the index rules.
@willsweetin2313 18 дней назад
Are you playing yourself?
@rossdemarco922 17 дней назад
He takes notes during his game and then recaps it and moves the models as they were moved during the game.
@warpfireminis 17 дней назад
These are games against customers that come in the shop! We run a yearly challenge where if a customer can beat me they get into a tournament at the end of the year; the winner of the tournament gets a free 2,000 point army of their choice! I just take notes and pictures of the games as they happen, and then walk them back through to try and explain some of the stuff going on.
@willsweetin2313 17 дней назад
@@rossdemarco922 I have never seen this
@visuellegedanken 18 дней назад
Waited for the reupload to comment. Comment for the RU-vid algorithm! But as always, a truly informative and enjoyable watch! Looking forward to every new video. 🎉
@OverlordZephyros 18 дней назад
I don't get it, who are you fighting against? Since you are moving his units
@warpfireminis 17 дней назад
These are games against customers that come in the shop! We run a yearly challenge where if a customer can beat me they get into a tournament at the end of the year; the winner of the tournament gets a free 2,000 point army of their choice! I just take notes and pictures of the games as they happen, and then walk them back through to try and explain some of the stuff going on.
@OverlordZephyros 17 дней назад
@@warpfireminis oh make sense now, still would be fun if we can see them play and interact with you.
@azhri1 18 дней назад
Damn your dice were hot, like super hot.
@jasonmangelsen7136 18 дней назад
Thanks for the video.
@mckeighry 18 дней назад
Awesome! Glad to see the early turn(s) go your way. Looking forward to seeing what you find in the battletome.
@scottmills4164 18 дней назад
So do you think you will continue using plague monks when the book comes out? The pile in change is very significant. I know how much you love mobility and tricky movement.
@warpfireminis 18 дней назад
I definitely like the tech-y side of the game more than just raw horsepowering people off the board, but I need to see all the points! If we stay around the same the Plague Monks are probably out in the grand scheme. Word on the street is Ratling Guns may be the move, and if they are we're going Skryre.
@scottmills4164 18 дней назад
@@warpfireminis oh sweet. I would love to see weapon teams look good. I started playing Skaven almost 30 years ago, and couldn't build a list without Jezzails and Warpfire throwers. Sounds exciting to me.
@SpinupSquad 18 дней назад
Great report/review Jordan! taking each step through the fundamentals opens up the game to a wider base of tabletop gamers. We know not everyone is screaming "enjoyment" or "epic" on these, yet they certainly open up the mental process for players to have confidence to play games and invest in the hobby. Far better helping the ground level of players. I would have never been able to visualize how to use the gnawholes for the defensive plays, or chosen to drop the Stormfiends defensively, in connection with the spells and Gravetide to build a layer of challenges and counter the strong Hammers on your flank. Shows a level of technical play that suits my interests in the game validating how to keep strategic options open all the way to the end. It fascinates me every game to watch you lose 3 units on the first turn, and then get 10 points every turn. Fundamentally inspiring. I must admit, I want to see you play against Tzeentch. I can watch 75% of the other channels, yet I dont get nearly the value and experience you provide. Thank you!
@Raskin1590 18 дней назад
Nice battle report as usual but I don’t understand how you get take the flank turn 1. Your unit seems to be way too far of the battle edge (specially the unit on the right objective). Am I missing something here?
@warpfireminis 18 дней назад
I did Seize the Center turn 1 with the Deceiver + Monks!
@wtfserpico 18 дней назад
Small point of C&C, but could you please explain things as if your audience doesn't know what the units do (because some of us don't)? Example: "We've got our Plague Monks doing that kind of stuff." What kind of stuff?
@warpfireminis 18 дней назад
I will on the next video! While shooting this one I found out all the Plague Monk tech was being removed from the book so I didn't spend much time going over it.
@wtfserpico 18 дней назад
@@warpfireminis Thank you!
@ce4879 18 дней назад
Good on ya’ for a re-upload. Rat swarm must have nibbled on the audio cables. 🍻 🐀 Ironic to see Skaven be the ones muscling their way through superior firepower. Thanquol must have paid Clans Verminus extra for them(but of course the warp-check was written in disappearing ulgu ink)
@jtb818 18 дней назад
Great format and report🎉
@Vortid 18 дней назад
If you played this with 18" snipers, I guess you'd need to position them on the side instead? Maybe he could screen out most of your shooting from his shooting then, more effectively. Maybe he could have here as well?
@Katastrofsenap 18 дней назад
Really Good battle report. Keep them coming ~
@jb87rell 18 дней назад
Thanks Jordan love these! Can't wait to see your review and games with the book.
@massqueraider 18 дней назад
I'm absolutely gutted with our new book. Especially the nerf on the pestilens formation :(
@warpfireminis 18 дней назад
The new book definitely changes things and probably for the worse, but we have to see all the points and get some testing in before we doom! Ratling Guns are looking nice...
@SpinupSquad 17 дней назад
@@warpfireminis Did they nerf the extra movement and damage of the plaguemonks from the formation?
@gregorycafiero9688 17 дней назад
​@SpinupSquad considering how the skill works in every other army, it felt more like they corrected a typo
@Lfcsweden-n5m 18 дней назад
Great game, but loosing 20 fussilers by having 1000p of your enemy’s army blasting you of the table is rough. Didn’t even get to use em 😂 T1 is kinda big for some armies, feels like being able to pop up t1 and blast is to op overall. They really should try to mitigate shooting in AoS. Maybe being forced to always shoot closest unit or not being able to shoot true units is something to consider in further update. Some armies have good shooting and good combat while other armies don’t have any shooting, feels to imbalanced. Talking generally in AoS. Should add, aswsone format for batrep :)
@martinhgdahlzamastil4430 18 дней назад
I was thinking something along the same line, there is line of sight and large units can block others units out of sight, but it seems the jezzeals just shoot through his first unit into the fussiliers behind. How do we handle line fo sight in genreal? Also later his remaining fussiliers shoot through the verminlord and terrain to hit the jezzails?
@jamesalbright7581 17 дней назад
Apparently there are no line of sight rules except woods. Besides he just shot over the heads of the dwarves!
@Dino-xz9dd 18 дней назад
Can't wait until you make a video with the new book, I'm really curious how they do in a competitive setting with the changes
@gregorycafiero9688 18 дней назад
With minimal changes, points mostly down, and a bunch of new warscrolls, it's a good time to be a rat
@JoeCano-w4x 18 дней назад
You have converted me to be a user of the pestilens battle formation. I'm sad this one is getting nerfed 😢
@damianone4404 18 дней назад
Great as always.
@lexer1906 18 дней назад
Another great battle report Jordan, Thanks!
@zoyden432 18 дней назад
New video yes-yes! 🐀
@donclark712 18 дней назад
The Great Horned Rat has blessed us with the opportunity to watch this battle again for the first time!
@awesomemusicstudio 18 дней назад
Thanks for the video. Always a pleasure to watch. I want to say, it is a shame you didn't get the upcoming Skaven models and book in advance .. I would love to see your thoughts on the stuff. But more importantly, I feel that those who did, really don't know much about Skaven if anything at all. The few I watched are littered with random information and mistakes and likely causing more confusion than value. So I for one am looking forward to your eventual videos on the updated Skaven range.
@tbarf 18 дней назад
@warpfireminis 18 дней назад
I tried! GW shot us down since we're a store and said we'll never get in the early release program. We'll keep doing content and maybe one day they'll change their minds!
@awesomemusicstudio 18 дней назад
@@warpfireminis Ya. I remember you saying so. I'm kind of hoping somebody from GW is thinking maybe they should rethink that 'strategy'. Some of the Battle .. sorry.. ALL of the battle reports out there using the new Skaven models are actually making me feel less interested in them! And the book reviews seems to be by players who don't play Skaven. .. Some videos are nice .. the lore ones are good . but the strategy and review ones are putting me off a bit .. in contrast, I know for sure they would be very different coming from this channel. GW needs to think of an alternative point of view. Sure.. you're a store .. but its unlikely you would resell them. But what you would do, is do their initial impressions justice. This is like .. the big thing for AOS in so long ... Skaven for years .. and Vizzik Scour .. possibly model of the year... and GW's promotional tactics are giving it freely to Skaven newbs that misuse him in Battle Reports and let him die before he can do anything ... while much better options exist!? Okay.. I'm just venting. I preordered Vzzik anyways .. but held off a bit on the other things. I have too many unused Skaven models collecting dust on my shelves these days, so now I'll wait and see. Thanks again for the videos :)
@WolfChildRusk 18 дней назад
Well let me re-upload my praise then, and thank you for making me a better skaven player.
@georgep.4145 18 дней назад
Damn it! im not first twice in the same video >:( amazing video mate! the only AoS channel i can watch and expect high level play. Thanks!
@JesseDiMauro 18 дней назад
Great report. These are so helpful for learning how to play Skaven in AoS, thanks!
@luciusdali4762 18 дней назад
@warpfireminis 18 дней назад
Had to re-upload, but audio is fixed!
@raistlarn 24 дня назад
Blowing my own units up on a bad roll? This is the main reason why I picked orks for my main 40k army.
@phoenix4ever367 24 дня назад
how many times can you use a gnawhole per turn. like can more than one unit go through it?
@phoenix4ever367 24 дня назад
Tunnel through reality would be the rule I am asking about. doesnt seem to have a per phase ability and no core words. So is it any number of units as long as they are within 6" and can fulfill the other rules on the other end of the gnawhole?
@dadris9827 25 дней назад
You cant charge gnawhole now i guess
@warpfireminis 24 дня назад
You can still charge faction terrain, that didn't change!
@dadris9827 24 дня назад
@@warpfireminis yeap, sadly. I dont understand that rule, and the fact you can charge endless spells with move0 :/
@warpfireminis 24 дня назад
@@dadris9827 It's just in the core rules, you can finish a charge within 1/2" of either!
@dadris9827 24 дня назад
@@warpfireminis I read it again yes. A friend give me a bad advise.
@pirayak5781 25 дней назад
Hey, thanks for thins great Video. Yesterday i used these Holes for the first time and I want to craft some diy holes. Can someone tell me wich sice the holes have. Thanks
@SquishyFishies Месяц назад
3/3 Jezezails or reinforced 6 (they wont be in my generals reg)
@warpfireminis Месяц назад
I'd go six just in case you need to all out attack or covering fire!
@SquishyFishies Месяц назад
@@warpfireminis sweet. Do you rat moulder at all i love them so much more but I feel skrye/pestilence is just better. But list is Engineer/Thanquol/Master moulder, 3x Clanrats, Abom, 6 rat ogrs, 6 jezzells