Anna McLaughlin
Anna McLaughlin
Anna McLaughlin
Where homeschooling entrepreneurs build a legacy of peace, purpose and JOY

IG: @sheconsidersafield
When The Losses Start To Pile Up
Месяц назад
Tending to What God Gave Us ... | Episode 14
2 месяца назад
Time To Walk
2 месяца назад
Restoring Crumbling Foundations | Episode 11
3 месяца назад
Being a Woman of Impact
3 месяца назад
The Lord does not want puppets
3 месяца назад
Being Refined as Gold
3 месяца назад
It's Time To Leave the Next
3 месяца назад
Faithful in the Gap ...| Episode 10
3 месяца назад
Little. Things. Matter. | Episode 7
3 месяца назад
You've Gotta Be ALL. IN.
3 месяца назад
Why Start with Why | Episode 6
4 месяца назад
@BlossomsOfGrace 5 дней назад
@BlossomsOfGrace 7 дней назад
That's sweet, love that❤
@TheHogRiderCR 22 дня назад
@BlossomsOfGrace 22 дня назад
@sheconsidersafield 22 дня назад
So glad this resonated with you! I imagine this conversation is right up your alley!!!
@BlossomsOfGrace 27 дней назад
@sheconsidersafield 22 дня назад
Thank you!!!! :)
@BlossomsOfGrace 27 дней назад
@BlossomsOfGrace 28 дней назад
@jiadshorts2567 Месяц назад
Hi, How are you? You know what? I am a regular viewer of your RU-vid Channel. I have seen all your videos and your content qualities are excellent. I learned lots of things from you. Your channel has great quality content but needs to deliver its right audiences due to SEO problems. You should focus on your SEO so that you can build a big fanbase. Thanks.
@opendoorproperty Месяц назад
Yup, rub some dirt on it, get up! And move on. be💪
@sheconsidersafield Месяц назад
@opendoorproperty, well said!
@christopheraaron1255 Месяц назад
The Father sees these things and chooses to do nothing.
@blacktornado5899 Месяц назад
I so needed this. THANK YOU!
@sheconsidersafield Месяц назад
Glad it was timely, @blacktornado5899!
@TheCarefair Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing this! God bless you!
@sheconsidersafield Месяц назад
I'm so glad it resonated! ❤
@urmomKhalil-fj7sv Месяц назад
I don’t have kids 🧠🚫 Really should’ve specified who it’s for mate
@vulturemode3464 3 месяца назад
I would love to hear your opinion on that if you’d like to expound on that topic even more.
@Dutch.W 3 месяца назад
But they had to get to know one another and earn each others’ loyalty, trust, and of course, respect. That happened, (or at least should have), long before getting married. Much less before a second date or anything beyond superficial discussion. Respectfully, respect is earned.
@sheconsidersafield 3 месяца назад
While I agree that it's important to choose our partners well, I've found from a practical standpoint that as wives, the struggle to respect our husbands arises no matter how quality of a man he may be or how thoughtful they were during dating. The temptation to disrespect originated with the Fall, and we haven't gotten over it 😂. 1 Peter 2:17 calls us to respect everyone; Ephesians 5 calls wives to respect their husbands. That doesn't mean we don't call one another to account, but it means that we honor people because Christ called us to do so, whether "deserved" in a given moment or no.
@Dutch.W 3 месяца назад
@@sheconsidersafield in a given moment, no. I agree with all of this. My point is only that if you do not earn the respect of your spouse before they are your spouse, and vice versa, there is no logical or spiritual reason to believe that respect will ever be reciprocated once they are married. Once it’s established that you can respect and trust and build one another, then respect should always be expected in the marriage. It’s earned early on is all I mean. I don’t inherently honor and respect every other person’s marriages because I’m not married to them. I only respect and honor my own. Because my marriage had been established by God and the respect we earned,gave and continue to give to one another. Respect can absolutely be conditional by the way. For example, I won’t stand for my spouse’s disrespect of our union because they choose to not honor God. I will love them unconditionally as God loves us, but we don’t have to tolerate and respect blatant abusive, blasphemous, Godless choices and behavior from anyone, especially one’s spouse. Even Job learned the lesson when his wife told him, “Do you still persist in your integrity? Curse God, and die” (2:9) He did not grant respect for that. You would be hard pressed to find any functional marriages in the Bible. What we are called to do, is perform our role always in our marriage. To uphold the vows we make in our union under God. Notice how at the alter of our weddings we don’t vow to always respect? Honoring and respecting are different in the sense that to honor is to fulfill and carry out one’s duty. It’s far more than respecting. respect is implied since it was earned so early on.
@Dutch.W 3 месяца назад
@@sheconsidersafield look I’m sorry and I do not intend to be so contrarian. Perhaps this is a perspective issue as we may see the meanings differently and have different experiences and perhaps it’s because you are a woman and I am a man and we think differently in general. It takes the effort, however, to try and take the perspective we have over our own children and apply that method of thought to ourselves as Gods children. God looks at us just the same we look over our kids. I just try to do what God is teaching me, or at least what I can understand of it. But I am, just as my kids are, a person who is fallible. We make mistakes and do sin. So I can’t say whether either of us is correct in our positions. Just that I understand it this way. Perhaps we both need to learn? I wish I knew.
@sheconsidersafield 3 месяца назад
@Dutch.W I don't see your comments as contrarian, this is our work, to wrestle these things out. It's interesting, some versions of 1 Peter 2:17 use the word "honor" and others "respect," which is what gives rise to my comment about being called to respect without condition. I agree with your position, that you should determine before marriage whether you can truly respect the person you're dating, and not enter into marriage if not. We may be disagreeing more on our definitions, than actually how things should play out. I see respect as a call to high account - I wouldn't respect my husband being disrespectful or unkind in our marriage; rather, out of respect for him, I would call him to account, but in a way that doesn't denigrate or belittle him, but rather honors his office as my husband.
@TNCarpenter90 3 месяца назад
That's a very unpopular opinion it seems.
@sheconsidersafield 3 месяца назад
100% agree. When the rubber meets the road, sometimes I don't like it much either 😂, but I can't get around Ephesians 5's call to respect my husband (not conditionally).
@dshack7679 3 месяца назад
Thank you, so much….. I needed this reminder today. Homeschooling mama of four; smack dab in the middle of starting our business with said four littles in tow. All the things are being tested. Love your articulation, and your message. Keep going. This crazy Tennessee lady needs to hear it. 😊
@sheconsidersafield 3 месяца назад
@Dshack7679 thanks so much, praise God this encouraged you! I appreciate you letting me know :) I'd love to keep in touch so I can continue to encourage you - here's my Overwhelmed to Overcomer guide; if you sign up for this guide, you'll get updates when new podcast episodes and short video clips land! :) sheconsidersafield.myflodesk.com/from-overwhelmed-to-overcomer
@fifthwavefeminism 4 месяца назад
My two cents from a work-at-home dad here (15 years). The way I solved the issue you are describing is by integration. In other words I didn't compartmentalize. I allowed myself to weave in and out of work as my kids needs demanded. This of course wouldn't work for all job types, especially if you need to be on the phone talking to clients. My work fortunately is fairly isolated (tech) and so I can afford this flexibility
@sheconsidersafield 3 месяца назад
Thank you so much for sharing this! Practically speaking, I agree with you that there's a lot of beauty in flowing from one hat to the other depending on our children's needs. I've noticed that many women struggle with "mom guilt" even if they are committed to being available to their kids when they need them, because they carry an unrealistic expectation that mama should ALWAYS be available. So, starting with addressing the deeper issue of recognizing that our first calling is not to be everpresent for our kids, but rather to serve our God, and we do that in multiple ways, actually allows that integration you're talking about to be more accessible. Once that work is done, absolutely, integration of the two roles is a beautiful thing!
@user-yv5lq5sq9u 4 месяца назад
Yes, I am
@sheconsidersafield 3 месяца назад
Great, Diane! So glad this resonated for you! :)
@user-yv5lq5sq9u 4 месяца назад
Enjoyed this
@sheconsidersafield 3 месяца назад
Diane, I'm so glad! Thank you for sharing!
@user-yv5lq5sq9u 8 месяцев назад
Yea, I'm so glad to see you on here
@marcimitchell4293 Год назад
You are so right Anna! I wish I could impart this wisdom on my children (young adults).
@idavegt1030 Год назад
Could he create a path where kids don’t get cancer?
@sheconsidersafield Год назад
Heartbreak is part of the fall - the hardest thing to wrestle with - and for those who are in Christ, He's in the middle of that near-impossible hard, too. It doesn't mean it's easy ... it just means that He's there - and this life is NEVER the end of the story.
@donaldtrumpp8322 Год назад
You seem to have a very good heart
@sheconsidersafield Год назад
That's kind, thank you!
@marcimitchell4293 Год назад
I totally agree Anna! And the sooner we can learn this lesson, the faster we will thrive and move on to our next “lesson.” thank you!
@sheconsidersafield Год назад
"So which is it - are you doing what you're not called to be doing, or are you out of faith right now?" Gotta love when Jesus doesn't pull any punches 🤣. If you've been feeling overwhelmed like I was when the Lord spoke this to my heart, this one's for you, friend - may you find the same freedom I did from this word!