Hi! Welcome! I'm Elmo, a writing graduate from the UK. I'm a dystopia lover on a Greek myth binge, and I will mention Ray Bradbury at every opportunity. I hope to upload once a week and, if that's not possible, once every two weeks.

100 Subscribers - April 25th, 2024

Mid Year Freak Out ┃ BookTube Tag
Месяц назад
Off the Top of Your Head Tag│Booktube Tag
2 месяца назад
Thoughts ┃ The Hunger Games, Circe
2 месяца назад
Reading My Abandoned Books︱a reading vlog
3 месяца назад
Bookshelf Tour︱My Physical TBR
3 месяца назад
Reading Check-In ︱Spring 2024
4 месяца назад
BookTube Newbie Tag
5 месяцев назад
books i would die for || my favs and recs ||
5 месяцев назад
2024 Reading Goals ~ BookTube
6 месяцев назад
My BookTube Introduction
6 месяцев назад
books i read in 2023
6 месяцев назад
Dissertation Study Day ┃ VLOG
Год назад
@JessBookgirlTV 5 дней назад
Hello! I’m new here. Did you read ‘The Time Traveler’s Wife,’ by Audrey Niffenegger? I read it a few months ago and I didn’t like it. Good luck with your writing project.
@elmossy 4 дня назад
@@JessBookgirlTV Hi Jess, Welcome! I haven't yet, it's in the reading horizon though. Sorry to hear it wasn't your jam! D:
@vens_book_corner 16 дней назад
I just today managed to get the audiobook from the library of book 2 in the Murd3rb0t series. Love the word 'imagistic', nicking that one from you. Yellowface made me feel very uneasy, don't think i have ever wanted to see POV character get their comeuppance. Lovely update
@elmossy 4 дня назад
:o I hope you enjoy it! I plan to read my library copy this week if time allows. You're absolutely welcome to steal my words, that degree has to be worth something 😅. I totally agree about Yellowface. I still have a bit to go am praying to the story gods, desperate for her to get her karmic comeuppance! Thank you for your comment ❤
@ellenmadebookclub 16 дней назад
Gallt birthfay! Ok what??? Sorry had the Swedish keyboard thing on my phone. Happy birthday!!!! 🤩💐📚 The Glutton, what a great gift to yourself, I want that too! And I’m so excited to hear you thoughts on Yellowface when you’ve finished that. Yes omg. I still want to read Jennifer Saint! And Station Eleven! So many books, so many pages 😂 Thank you so much for the shoutout, that’s so sweet of you! 😊 1984 & Song of Achilles is a combo I’m sure 😂 Good job!!! With all your reading! And don’t stress about work, you’ve got the rest of your life to do that. And it won’t make you happy at any single point in time let me tell you 😂 Ambition and work ethic and all of that is awesome, not saying you shouldn’t want work, work is great, but a few months in the grand scheme of things… droplet! Use the time to write, to learn things (RU-vid is great for that) and fill your own cup with good stuff that makes you relax and smile! Enjoy being 22, what a beautiful age to be! 😊 💜
@elmossy 16 дней назад
Thank you Ellen! ❤️ Oh yeah, the Glutton sounds like such an interesting character piece. And I have _so many_ thoughts on Yellowface so far, I might have to start writing them down 😅 Jennifer Saint is worth a read, her newest book Hera has good reviews. Yes, Station Eleven - be sure to have some tissues to hand! You absolutely deserve a shout out. Your channel is so welcoming and your reading taste is so inclusive, I often find myself adding to my reading list. 😊 I have a friend who often says "you're only a baby Elmo, don't worry about doing everything at once". I am hoping to do more on this channel, but it's been great so far in building skills and meeting new people. I'm so glad to have this space to be bookish and creative. ❤
@ellenmadebookclub 15 дней назад
@@elmossy Haha yes write them down, I want to hear them all! 😂 Ooh Hera, ok good to know! Thanks! Thank you so much, that warms my fuzzy little heart 😊💜 I can see that! 😂 I’m like that too, and then I get stuck in panic and indecision, it’s so great! 🥴 Do whatever feels right to you. I feel the same about the channel, it’s like a whole world to dive into and so much fun! I don’t want to do anything else anymore 😊
@bananamama6166 16 дней назад
I just got finished reading 1984. It had been o my tbr for so long, super happy I finally got to it! Would love to hear your take on Orwell ^_^
@elmossy 16 дней назад
Well done! 🎉 I have too many books that have sat unread on my shelf. I'm determined to read 1984 this year though! I love a good dystopia :) Thank you for your comment! ❤️
@vens_book_corner Месяц назад
The moment of 'you're not 5 years old are you? Oh you are' had me rolling. Station Eleven is now on my out of control tbr, so thanks for that 😂. Great video
@elmossy 19 дней назад
Honestly I have a babys object permanence. Surely if I just discovered it, it only just released? 😅 Station Eleven is well worth it imo. Such a refreshing take on the post-apocalypse genre. "She isn't like other books" 😏
@ellenmadebookclub Месяц назад
I feel like I have something to comment on about every 30 seconds of this video. Loved it. You are so funny I cannot keep up. Chuckled through the whole thing. Circe does not count 😂 I have to try Jennifer Saint though, how and when I do not know, but it's suddenly a priority. I agree that tears are healthy. Not always fun to shed, but better to get them out. Where do they even come from?! Never thought about that before. Susanne Collins, what a lad 😂 How lucky that I just recently bought THG! And then I saw in the description that you tagged me! Thanks! The tag isn't tagging, but I saw it anyway because I'm cool like that ^^ And also, I think you're right on track because we still have to get through June until half of the year has actually past! Passed? Passed! So you just won a whole month of time my friend! 🥳 I'm looking forward to doing this tag, just make sure the tags are tagging! Sometimes when an at doesn't do it, a plus sign will 🤷‍♀ Or maybe YT is just slow. Anyways, I hope your June will be lovely in reading and in life 💜
@elmossy 19 дней назад
Circe was very good, but I have Catching Fire to read as my sequel soon :3 I really liked Jennifer Saints writing style, but Ariadne left me a little annoyed. I know she's written many others though, so perhaps its just that story. Suzanne Collins is such a mad lad, she's releasing a prequel sequel next year! I finally worked out how tagging works! 😅 I don't think my computer wanted to let it happen, but my phone knew what was happening. I'm still over the moon that I've met my year goal, and am still a month ahead. Wahoo! 🎉 I'm eager to see your take on the tag should you choose to accept ❤👀
@ellenmadebookclub 19 дней назад
@@elmossy A prequel sequel, I’d better get on that series soon then 😂 Too little time for all the books! I’m planning to do this tag asap, I’m just behind like always 😊 I haven’t gotten my May wrapup up yet, but I’m doing my best! I’ll get there! 😄💜
@ellenmadebookclub 2 месяца назад
“Not there - here” has to be the funniest title I’ve ever heard 😂 What? I’m sure it’s great but that made me lol Other than that, fantastic collection! Lots of titles I hope to get to some day and have on my shelves. At the moment I’m going with colorful covers and juicy plots, but I’ll get to the great ones eventually 😊 Great tour!
@elmossy 2 месяца назад
Even better, I was taught by the guy who wrote it! I agree it is a bit funny 😂 oh yes! Books are the only thing on my mind at the minute, and I'm so excited to tackle all these titles. Best of luck to you Ellen, I always enjoy your videos ♥
@ellenmadebookclub 2 месяца назад
@@elmossy Haha oops! Good for you ˆˆ I feel like that title could have been in an episode of SATC making fun of some pretentious poet. But pretentious poets are people too! 😊 Same, anything books and/or booktube is taking over my mind and general existence and I’m not mad about it. Thank you, that’s so sweet! I’m very glad to have found your channel as well!
@ellenmadebookclub Месяц назад
@@elmossy Hey! Where'd you go? 😊 Hope you're doing ok!
@elmossy Месяц назад
Hi Ellen, thank you for checking it! It's all been a bit topsy turvy recently, just when I take a step forward something seems to set me back D: I've got some ideas and plans for this month though, and hope all will be well and back on track soon <3
@ellenmadebookclub Месяц назад
@@elmossy Sorry to hear that, I know the feeling. I hope that all will be well too :)
@mildrumpus 2 месяца назад
That is one incredible library. SO MANY BOOKS are going on my TBR. Great job!
@elmossy 2 месяца назад
Thank you! I want to get through a fair few this year and hopefully share my thoughts. Thank you so much for watching, I hope you and Ace have a great day ❤
@ellenmadebookclub 2 месяца назад
Wuaahhh I’ve been using goodreads, but there’s now way to filter your lists by genre/tag which is WELL THEN WHATS THE FING POINT so I tried storygraph and I like the pretty graphs (although I don’t trust them, I did not finish my statistics course because I was crap at it but I did pick up a few things about validity and reliability and the such as) and I DO NOT have the time for making my own Notion database and now I hate it all. Except I keep adding books to my 400+ list of books I want to read on goodreads. And the filter on storygraph wasn’t all that. As I said: Wuuaaahhhh
@elmossy 2 месяца назад
Oh that's a really good point! I believe there's a way you can view specific genres or tags through the graphs, but that isn't as straightforward or intuitive as searching by inputting a tag or genre. It does frustrate me that there isn't one system I feel happy to use on its own
@ellenmadebookclub 2 месяца назад
@@elmossy Yes it’s so annoying! I feel like that’s such an obvious feature so I can’t understand why they wouldn’t make that or improve that! Good for you for making something that works for you though!
@ellenmadebookclub 2 месяца назад
I loved Circe as well! I gave it fours stars in my video review, but I was a newbie at the stars and have since given it the five that it deserves. I’m sorry to hear that you relate to her story though. No one should have to go through that. If you’re interested in more mythological retellings, I recommend Stone blind, on audio if you like that. Narrated by the author who does a great job. It’s a wild ride. Female main character (Medusa) and lots of POVs and related side stories. And gods and monsters and stuff. Beautiful sad funny. And I’ve got yellow wallpaper saved but I’m scared it’s going to be scary 😅
@elmossy 2 месяца назад
Hello Ellen! Circe was a great read, she's so personable as a chatacter. I'll have to give stone blind a look! I'm wanting to read more Greek mythology and retellings so I'll add it to the list. Thank you for the recommendation! ❤️
@ellenmadebookclub 2 месяца назад
Great answers! And I love your voice or the way you speak… it’s clear, calm, and quick all at once. How do you do that? 😅 And yes bloopers. Blood flow is not compatible with filming sit down videos I’m afraid.
@elmossy 2 месяца назад
Aww thank you Ellen! Honestly the clarity baffles me too, even the auto subtitles know what I'm saying! 😂 Thank you for your comment ❤️
@ellenmadebookclub 2 месяца назад
@@elmossy That’s an accomplishment! 😅
@ReadtoFilth 2 месяца назад
I need to read more of Ray Radbury’s works. I really enjoy Fahrenheit 451
@elmossy 2 месяца назад
If you're a fan of crime and short stories, I really enjoyed 'Killer, Come Back to Me'. I've been recommended 'Illustrated Man' too, which I hope to read later this year. Thanks for stopping by <3
@mildrumpus 2 месяца назад
Thanks for taking on the tag! Just a little behind the scenes: ACE sat up, right next to me, and watched your video in its entirety. I have never seen him watch a BookTube video with such intensity. So congrats, you are officially his favorite BookTuber. I loved your responses and now I have to add more books to the ever-growing TBR list. Happy Reading! 😎📚👍
@elmossy 2 месяца назад
Knowing Ace was hooked brings me so much joy, I'm practically squealing! Thank you so much for your comment ❤ (I hope you enjoy The Three-Body Problem, I've heard good things!)
@Flo-Flamingo101 2 месяца назад
Woah! U can do this don’t give up :D 💗
@elmossy 2 месяца назад
Ah thank you Flo! I've read eight books already, and 9 & 10 are in sight! Hope you're having a great day ❤
@Flo-Flamingo101 2 месяца назад
⁠@@elmossy Well done! I’ve read 6 books so far this year :D hope u have a great day too! 💗
@really.rileyy 3 месяца назад
Hi Elmo. I finished reading my 8th book of 2024 yesterday! It was Ace of Spades. Omg what a good book, so many moments where my jaw dropped from shock 😂
@elmossy 3 месяца назад
Eight books!? Wow! I just read the summary for it, it sounds great! Looks like I'll have to add it to my read list 👀
@really.rileyy 3 месяца назад
@@elmossy So many unexpected moments, it's great!
@antoniastassi3361 3 месяца назад
Oh my gosh yes! I love using Notion - yours is so organised haha
@elmossy 3 месяца назад
It's so useful, and there's so many different ways to use it! Thanks for stopping by Antonia❤️
@beccajane209 3 месяца назад
Oof I have lots of those books. And a big tbr too. Yikes. Also, lovely haircut! 😍❤️ Clean it up? It's not that bad...not compared to my house. Very clean! Ooh new camera time!! ❤ Do you hate Diary of an Oxygen Thief?! Not heard you say that before...haha. Oh no, oh no it wasn't worth it. Yikes. Haha "the problems the male protagonist has are problems ONLY a male protagonist could have" may I use this?!😂 Dying. Very good line. Yeah it sounds wildly misogynistic. Yikes. Good luck! Oh wow it got worse?! YIKES. Brave New World! Finally!! Oh wow you read loads! The misogyny sounds like a big turn off for me. Glad you managed to get something out of it. Oooh Brave New World finished! I'm gonna take it that being speechless..is a good thing?! May have to go onto my tbr. Haha love that you forgot what day it was. Me too. Oh funky curtains?! I have to know. Ey up! I didn't mind the lighting, but I'm not a pro like you. Ooh a spinner wheel! Yay! Ooh spin the wheel! I need to read some Ursula K Le Guin. Of course you're happy about a Ray Bradbury...do you like his writing or something?!😂 It's wednesday my dudes. Yay you finished it! Ooh tension building and fizzles out?! Not great. It ends when it starts to get interesting? Yikes. Yay well done for reading some of them! One step at a time. Haha well I've read...nothing new. Re-reading Six of Crows and Red White and Royal Blue. Got through loads of RWRB today. But we'll see. It probs won't last. See you soon! ❤️
@elmossy 3 месяца назад
You can absolutely use that quote! And yeah, I'm glad to have finished the all in the end - still some left for another time though 😬
@really.rileyy 3 месяца назад
First 😉
@elmossy 3 месяца назад
Indeed you are! Good to see you Riley! ❤
@mildrumpus 3 месяца назад
I adore TheStorygraph. I don't understand why everyone isn't on it. 😎📚👍
@beccajane209 3 месяца назад
Love a tagging system. Bit ambitious to review evey book but I belive in you! Haha I'm currently reading about 5 so I get you there. Haha why am I not surprised that statistics are your favourite part! Woah is Ray Bradbury your fave author?! XD See ya! Another great video. ❤
@elmossy 3 месяца назад
Tagging systems are so useful! I can find and recommend things with ease :D
@beccajane209 3 месяца назад
Love the new channel icon. Haha degrees never make you read more, if anything they kill your love of it for a good while. 107?! Mines probs more. I have too many books. I believe in your German skills! No you can't but you love them so we'll accept it. You want to read Daredevil?! Really?! Haha I believe in you. It's pretty. Fighting Santa haha!😂 Ooh horror...braver than me. Under the Dome the show was good. Not read the book yet though. I see Good Omens up there YES!!! THE BEST BOOK!!!!!! Haha if you want turtle gods...IT by Stephen King. 1984 is a good time. Omg the dark materials trilogy is so fucking good, as is the TV show of it! You'll love it I know it. My strong feeling is: it's awesome but where is Red, White & Royal Blue?! And Six Of Crows?! Other than that, awesome! I wish you luck on your reading journey bestie! xxx❤️❤️
@elmossy 3 месяца назад
I think it's medically impossible for me to go an entire video without saying Ray Bradburys name. I have plans to get through a bunch of my comics and graphic novels so... keep an eye out for that 👀 And I do have Six of Crows as an audiobook. I'm planning to listen to it after Howl's Moving Castle 🤗 Hope you're doing well! <3
@SprousSkyy 3 месяца назад
Here’s the thing - I’m a serial rereader. I’ve got my comfort books (Howls Moving Castle and Goodnight Mr Tom) and my comfort book series (Parasol Protectorate and literally any series by Diana Wynne Jones). All of those books are close to pieces - I’ll never get rid of them. Write👏🏻in👏🏻your👏🏻books👏🏻 it’s proof you loved them so much
@elmossy 3 месяца назад
This is so sweet Megan, you're absolutely right!
@elmossy 4 месяца назад
Hello there! I hope you're all doing as good as you can be in 2024. I'm sending you the goodest vibes and the best of luck in all your projects. There is an editing mistake at 5:19, the point I meant to bring up is that I can choose the exact edition, meaning the page count is correct, thus percentages and progress is correct.
@really.rileyy 4 месяца назад
I'm on my 5th book out of 15 for this year. I'm currently reading The Pumpkin Spice Café by Laurie Gilmore, it's so great!
@elmossy 4 месяца назад
Hiya Riley! Wow, 5 already, well set for your goal! :D I've heard good things about The Pumpkin Spice Cafe, you'll have to let me know how it goes. :3
@really.rileyy 4 месяца назад
@@elmossy it's very good so far. I'm interested to see how the rest of it goes!
@beccajane209 4 месяца назад
Yay you've finished the Hunger Games! Ooh I'd love a vid on the hunger games whenever you manage it. It really is so good. Yay first book! Ooh finally starting Circe. Very true with the female pov's in greek mythology. Might put it on my to read list. Ooh H.G.Wells again... brave. ...oops. oh well, books are great! It's okay, it's just one book. You've not broken the book ban too badly. Ooh you'll have to show me Storygraph today then! World Book Day is next week! Ooh that does look pretty!! Hope you enjoy it. Re-reading City of Bones and I'm reading an anthology book called Proud, that features queer authors and artists. You'd love both. See you next time! Wonderful video as always. ❤️
@elmossy 3 месяца назад
Circe was honestly amazing. There were a few moments where I had to google a word or two, but I really enjoyed it overall. It made a great story :D You've talked about Proud before, I might see if I can get in on Kindle for June 👀
@beccajane209 3 месяца назад
@@elmossy Circe sounds like a book for me to check out then for sure! Ooh that'd be awesome, you'd really love Proud.
@ObscureBookAdventures 4 месяца назад
Yep, weird shit is definitely my cup of tea. I’ll put it on my list because I’m on this Read What You Own Challenge thing.
@elmossy 4 месяца назад
Thanks for stopping by! I'm also on a book ban as I work through the things on my shelf, but that has meant my reading list has grown massively 😅
@NicholasOfAutrecourt 5 месяцев назад
Hi, Elmo! From an oldie content creator to a newbie, we're so glad to have you here! Looking forward to hearing about all the books you're passionate about and any recommendations you might have in the new year! Welcome aboard!
@elmossy 4 месяца назад
Thank you for the warm welcome Nicholas! I can't wait to smash through my TBR and share my thoughts. I hope to see you around! <3
@mj_james_writes 5 месяцев назад
So happy to have found another non-binary booktuber! I can't wait to watch more - and welcome.
@elmossy 4 месяца назад
Thank you for the warm welcome MJ! I hope to see you around <3
@ethanwylan 5 месяцев назад
welcome welcome!! im new as well and i was really happy to see ur video as a fellow queer creator 😭😭 excited to see your content!!
@elmossy 4 месяца назад
Hi Ethan! Thanks for stopping by! I'm excited to see what videos you make next <3
@chrissyfuhrie 5 месяцев назад
OMG I love your humor haha. Where I'm from, Fahrenheit 451 is a reading requirement for school. I did enjoy it! A book I wish would go to the lava pits of hell is The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time. I wish we could burn every single copy and get them out of circulation. Such a damaging misconception to have about autistic people. So glad to have you in the booktube community. You're going to add so much value! Welcome to booktube!
@elmossy 4 месяца назад
Hi Chrissy! Personally, I think it should be required reading everywhere though, ironically, it's banned literature in too many places. Curious Incident was one of my required reading for school! I agree though, it does perpetuate a singular stereotype of Autistic people. Thank you for the warm welcome, I can't wait to make BookTube my home! <3
@beccajane209 5 месяцев назад
There they are, my irl bestie! You definitely pass every vibe check. Hell yeah, that's exactly why I love books. Stories definitely shape us. Haha of course, Fahrenheit 451. Do you love it?! Really?! 😂 Well I think your vids are beautiful and super good quality, and you're doing really well. You can do it, and I love you. Great video once again. Haha always the way, you finish what you're doing and all the noise dies down.
@elmossy 4 месяца назад
Heya Bex! Thank you so much for your support, it means a lot. And honestly, it's just typical. It was so windy when I filmed this-- the windows were rattling!-- all for it to stop once i'd finished! Oof
@mildrumpus 5 месяцев назад
Welcome to the BookTube community! You definitely passed the vibe check. Glad to hear "The Chrysalids" get a shout-out. In my opinion, you can add "If We Were Villains" to the lava pits of Hell. Best of luck with your channel - looking forward to watching more of. your videos. 😎📚👍
@elmossy 4 месяца назад
Hi Mildrumpus! Thank you for the warm welcome. I'm hoping that 'The Chrysalids' will make up one of my ten reads this year. :D I hope to see you around! <3
@beccajane209 5 месяцев назад
"I hate, like, everyone except for you" from Best Friend by Conan Gray. My feelings about you and this channel summed up. Is Fahrenheit 451 your fave?! Never!😂 I remember you starting Brave New World haha! I believe in you, you can finish it! We do need bees...bombs going off? In London? So in a few weeks yeah? That's when it's set... Horns...so society today? Social media where people just say what they want? Horns does sound good. Fanfic doesn't count Elmo, we know this. If we count fanfic I've read so much over the past few years. If we don't...yikes. YASSSS hunger games! ...yes it does. Handmaids Tale is genuinely horrifying, especially with the rise of misogyny. I did it in college. Hope you enjoy it! Not in a greek mythology era but you may well influence me... Book ban shmuck-ban! Hell yeah, love something different! Haha...mine's not atm but you never know...I might get there! You're gonna do great! Love Bex. xxx
@elmossy 3 месяца назад
Fahrenheit honestly has no competition. Though I've yet to read my other Bradbury's yet.. Handmaid's Tale will be held off for later, I've had my fill of misogyny for now, haha.
@beccajane209 3 месяца назад
@@elmossy Haha sometimes there are books that are just like that. Well, something to start on in the future! Yeah I understand you there, Handmaid's Tale is VERY heavy. Damn good book though, for when you feel ready to read it.
@beccajane209 5 месяцев назад
"Everybody knows I love you so, so, so, so much 'Cause every time they ask, I always tell, tell, tell, tell them" from 'our' Conan Gray song again! This is my real life bestie everyone! I know them, love them, suffered through uni together with them. They're a light in my life and so much fun. Already off to a flying start too! Can't wait to see what other vids you make! I'll always support you Elmo! Love Bex. xxx P.S. Do you like Fahrenheit 451? Its just, I couldn't really tell...
@beccajane209 5 месяцев назад
"That's my fucking best friend, that's my fucking lifeline", to quote 'our' Conan Gray song!!😍❤️ Also same with starting books and never finishing them - you know I'm a sucker for doing that. We vibe on the same wave length. You're such a natural in front of the camera, looking forward to seeing more vids from you! Love you Elmo, from Bex. x P.S.I love your homemade cardigan, it looks so snuggly!
@allysworld461 5 месяцев назад
You've probably already read it or at least have it on your radar as a book you might want to read but if not 1984 by George Orwell stands out as a book you would enjoy based on these recs! Anyways I will definitely add these to my tbr tysm <3
@elmossy 5 месяцев назад
Hi Ally! Thank you for the recommendation, I do have it on my shelf but am yet to pick it up 😅. Thanks for stopping by <3
@llibellulle 5 месяцев назад
Hi! Thank you for posting! I love the recommendations 😊
@elmossy 5 месяцев назад
Im glad you liked them! Thanks for stopping by llibellulle <3
@losthedgehog16 6 месяцев назад
You got this!!
@elmossy 6 месяцев назад
Thank you losthedgehog! <3
@yukigigi2857 6 месяцев назад
I set my self the goal of reading 12 books in 2023 (one a month felt reasonable to me) and then when I counted them up at the end of year I realised I read 23. I couldn't believe it. It's the best reading year I've ever had. They varied in size but none of them were really short so I'm proud 😂 and if we are counting visual novels which I personally didn't then it was even more. This year I'm going for 12 again. I like not feeling too pressured.
@elmossy 6 месяцев назад
Oh wow! Here's to another great reading year yuki! Are there any you're particularly looking forward to?
@jo_yeowand 6 месяцев назад
You can do it 😊 10 for the win ❤
@elmossy 6 месяцев назад
Thank you Jo! <3
@lenoreriley4871 6 месяцев назад
Hi! What books are you wanting to read?
@elmossy 6 месяцев назад
Hello! I'm most looking forward to Homer's Odyssey, and the Hunger Games series. Do you have any you're looking forward to in 2024?
@jhanvipareek5460 6 месяцев назад
Here's a thing...in 2023 i read 10 books and for this year my goal is twice that number too!!! I'll work for my aim of 20 books and you work for your aim of 10 books and i hope we both achieve it ✨✨ + I'll read hunger games this year too!!
@elmossy 6 месяцев назад
Hi Jhanvi, thanks for watching! Oh wow! I hope you reach your goal too! ❤️ I'm loving Hunger Games at the minute, I hope you do too. What other reads are you most looking forward to?
@jhanvipareek5460 6 месяцев назад
@@elmossy Crime thriller books like one of us is lying, the house across the lake, five survive and other stuff like that
@elmossy 6 месяцев назад
@@jhanvipareek5460 oh brill! I haven't got in on the crime train yet, you'll have to let me know which are your favourites! <3
@jhanvipareek5460 6 месяцев назад
@@elmossy I haven't read many either but i really like the good girl's guide to murder series!! And I'm reading one of us is lying right now too ✨
@elmossy 5 месяцев назад
@@jhanvipareek5460 Awesome! I've heard good things about both, hope you're enjoying them! ❤️