Ophie Dokie
Ophie Dokie
Ophie Dokie
hi! I'm Ophie I'm a lesbian I wanna talk about some stuff
@stimmyspice7459 34 минуты назад
She really loves to say she’s irrelevant. It’s like her favorite phrase
@stimmyspice7459 Час назад
She’s so mad because she got caugjt
@deaditeera Час назад
Ew are people actually supporting the known abuser, drake bell? Sad
@cursedcharlie 2 часа назад
i watched a bunch of her videos when the colleen vids were coming out, playing them in the background and letting them autoplay. i didn’t have any major issues with them, though i did think the petty university thing was weird and insensitive. then i actually scrolled through her videos and saw the titles and thumbnails for her “coverage” of the depp/heard trial and felt sick. i didn’t watch the videos-i never watched those videos bc it was so obvious people were just trying to make money off publicly exposed trauma. it was so gross to see so many videos in a row where it was obvious she was not only pro-depp but totally anti-heard. i occasionally watch her videos. it seems like every subject gets treated with the same tone-simultaneously deeply serious and something to be petty about. (just got to the 2:45:00 nuance note and that basically sums up my thoughts on the tone. so much whiplash) i had no idea she’s done an ad for intermittent fasting. as someone who was watching her videos while going through a relapse, if i had seen that, it really would’ve f’d with my head. that’s so disappointing and i don’t think i’ll be able to stomach any of her content at all
@stimmyspice7459 2 часа назад
She’s so messy
@elizbecerra 4 часа назад
Alexa seriously needs to find a new hobby that doesn’t involve exploiting victims what she did to that girl was disgusting and shows a complete lack of basic integrity and courtesy for others. I used to watch her channel but as time went on slowly I began to sense something was off and realized a while back how fake she is due to her constant negativity and complaining of others, this advocacy work has become an obsession and a place to vent it’s not healthy for her or her followers that look to her she’s setting a very bad example painting herself as the victim and proclaiming about predators when she’s clearly one herself. She doesn’t care about other victims because in her head, she is the only victim. Her advocacy doesn’t benefit anyone if anything it spreads more harm and prevents victims from fully healing from their traumas in a positive way. She needs to let go of that victim mentality and seek a therapist asap I’m sure she can afford it Thanks for the video
@andarwarje8127 5 часов назад
I'll preface this by saying, I'm a SURVIVOR (said in Alexa's voice) of over a decade of grooming and intimate partner violence from when I was 15 to when I was in my late twenties. With that being said....the word survivor is doing a lot of work in Alexa's stories about her time on set, as are the words assault and abuse. She seems to feel that her being potentially bullied by her peers or spoken rudely to by TV executives can all be wrapped up in the story of her being a survivor. In fact, she seems to go on at far more length about her peers being mean to her than actually specifying the abuse she suffered from a male adult who groomed her. I actually don't care if she was bullied, I was bullied, everyone I know was bullied. That is FAR DIFFERENT from being abused by an adult, and saying someone "assaulted" you in this particular context when what you mean is they yelled at you is WILD. She's conflating a lot of different forms of harm that are not comparable whatsoever.
@kacklina 5 часов назад
I understand why a patreon gifted you a microphone...I'm enjoying your content lately, but God...
@mallymalz8014 6 часов назад
everything she’s done is terrible, but the thing that really took me aback is the kesha bashing. kesha has endured some of the worst abuse and hatred in the music industry and just as a human being. so disgusting of her and really not “pro-survivor”
@baileyrobbins50 6 часов назад
Also if she was CSA then she wouldn’t be posting pictures of her kids online and using them. She literally has pictures of her children that should be 💯 deleted of off ig. It’s disgusting and disturbing tbh.
@baileyrobbins50 7 часов назад
Lindsey Shaw did say her and her mom were crazy 😂 I definitely believed Lindsey the whole time and not Alexa lol 😂 definitely a reason why no one is her friend.
@angelickiwi493 7 часов назад
What's funny about all of this is now because of all this bs shes pulled shes actually relevant just not the way she wanted
@DC-lp5ly 7 часов назад
This is just my opinion but I wonder if there were no sponsors because none had been offered
@MikasRhetoric 8 часов назад
look it is me once agian being here trying to understand any of the rationality in the alexa nikolas universe
@ophie-dokie 8 часов назад
im feeling like I need to just come prepared with a powerpoint presentation when we collab lol
@MikasRhetoric 8 часов назад
@DC-lp5ly 8 часов назад
More like a 3p-12a 🥲
@bazalmorani6557 8 часов назад
you can really tell that Christy is clearly worried about something extremely awful is about to be alone with the execs as I did the first time I was hearing this story but saying its equivalent to those facing SA is gross. You can also see the side eye she gives once she realizes nothing actually happened in that room
@zoekraus8262 8 часов назад
Found your channel on Friday and I'm loving all the content. Listening to video essays are my favorite way to move through my day when I'm having trouble doing so and your context is 10/10 👌
@sam4330 9 часов назад
Edit: A quick google search tells me Alexa was in fact groomed by an adult when she was a teen, so people should probably stop implying she has never been through SA just because she chose to open up about a different experience here. Original comment: Ok, I do feel like people are getting kind of harsh? I have only watched a little bit of your videos on Alexa Nikolas and didn't know of her before, so maybe it's just that I don't understand how bad it is, but on the other hand I think I have less of a bias against her? And I really think that dismissing her experience as "how is that abuse?" is just really shitty. We have to keep in mind that the bullying was happening in the context of her being exploited as a child star. Many of the people involved were adults who held a LOT of power, over her and over her career, and in society in general as well. I think that as much as we can see that she has no idea of what it's like to have a normal job, we have no idea what it's like to be in that position. And there's a whole lot of context, like she was obviously experiencing emotional neglect. I also don't get why you talk about how she didn't look like she was sitting down and opening up or whatever. She has obviously had to mask her emotions a whole lot while growing up, so it's not that weird if she's feeling stuff that you can't see. And it just seems like a pointless thing to point out? She has done a whole lot of awful things, so why focus on trivializing her experience of this? I'm not defending her actions, she's obviously a huge hypocrite. But I did really feel for her while listening to that part, and hearing your comments and reading the comments here about that part really disappointed me. I feel like you should understand the importance of not crossing the "don't invalidate people's trauma" line. It doesn't only hurt other trauma survivors, it also just makes you look bad and like you're more interested in mocking her than focusing on the actual problems.
@GGlaBB 11 часов назад
1:08:05 your cat is looking like "mom how much longer are you gonna be talking to yourself?" 🤣 so cute 😻
@damestamp 11 часов назад
It may not be your normal cup of tea but I think the film cooper video about this has some interesting stuff within it. Especially for people who know more about journalism maybe to look into? In terms of validity I guess
@theMoporter 12 часов назад
IANAL: Alexa isn't wrong that NDAs are often overly broad or general or mislead a disempowered party that they cannot talk about their experienced to anyone, including friends or therapists, and cannot pursue criminal justice. Where she is wrong is omitting that these aspects, as a matter of theory, void the contract - with the caveat that getting a contract voided in court is very difficult and risky, leading to many victims being silenced indefinitely. For more information, see the Vice article "NDAs Vince McMahon Signed Behind WWE’s Back May Be Worthless, Say Experts" By Tim Marchman, which includes multiple legal opinions. She is also wrong about "actual malice". It refers to statements made that were recklessly or knowingly false, and it is a standard applied only when the defendent is a "public figure" or public official. Of course, this is irrelevant, as Kat didn't *make* any defamatory statements. I would concur with the other comments that *abuse is abuse.* We don't have to minimise Alexa's story; Dan Schneider was removed from sets and eventually fired for *emotional* abuse because it was so undeniably severe. Christy definitely got the wrong impression (which makes her initial reaction kinda...) but Alexa saying she was abused was straightforwardly true and she delivered it as such. The problem is that she isn't straightforward the rest of the time, and that makes it hard to believe her at face value. Alexa's mum was lied to so Britney could scream at her; Dan tricked her with a gift which was already going to get, in line with a pattern of plying children with presents and lies; there was no attempt to proactively curb bullying; her lawyer was complicit with Nick; execs and her lawyer convinced Alexa's mother out of the room so that Dan could verbally abuse her in front of execs with no advocates. No child should be treated that way. *Nobody* should be treated that way. But when she uses terms like "child endangerment" because "what if it wasn't Britney, it was a predator?" and calls bullying "abuse", you have to /work/ to parse out just how concerning her complaints are. Basically... In addition to being a ethically abhorrent advocate for others, Alexa is a poor self-advocate. Petty complaint: it irks me that she thinks "Eat Predators" is *so* damn clever. "Eat The Rich" comes from a quote: "When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich." Subtituting in "predators" for "the rich" changes the meaning to either say that taking down predators is redirected class anxiety, or that EP is attacking predators for financial gain! That is not a smart pun!!
@laurenm3148 13 часов назад
Completely unrelated but my god your cat is so damn cute.
@TristinNoelM 16 часов назад
I clicked on your video having nothing else to watch and I fully enjoyed the conversational tone and your camera presence was wonderful. Newly subscribed and can’t wait for more commentary ❤
@emmaotoole996 17 часов назад
Mean girl, mean kid… mean adult
@Riviwriter 19 часов назад
Is it just me or does Alexa lowkey sound like a nightmare to work with on set? Like yes, she was very young and yes, there should have been better protections in place but like…she was there to do a job, which was acting. Her petty beefs with her cast mates affecting her performance like…I kinda get why nick decided to let her go after season 2
@hiheyhellooo01 22 часа назад
stop giving her attention please
@caitlynmillard 22 часа назад
25:23 Is it just me or does she sound like a therapist in a psych ward that’s fallen in love with her murderer patient? I don’t mean to laugh but it sounds like a bad line from a lifetime movie…..
@AllThatJazz707 23 часа назад
I watched that live Alexa made after her fallout with CCR and I was fully on her side then. However watching the clips you showed knowing what I know now, is very weird because I can see the red flags now. CCR was still in the wrong, but now I kind of get why she didn't want to deal with Alexa anymore. Happy to see how much your channel has grown! Keep it up!
@lll.24601 23 часа назад
Not me playing tennis outside my house listening to this podcast and when Jojo was meowing I was like “whose cat is this?”
@AlienAwayFromHome 23 часа назад
OMG when I thought it couldn’t get any worse it did. If she’s a Sandy Hook denier there’s no redemption arc for her. I’m horrified of the way she handled her discord 🫥🫥🫥
@m1chell3-x1 День назад
I started looking into what was going on with Alexa bc of the leak docs, and had no idea about her "advocacy" along with "eat predators". And I'm still confused about what is "Eat Predators" overall? Is it a company/program that just protest, or do they also provide resources/information to survivors. Because if they are working close with survivors where personal info is involved then confidentiality/HIPAA needs to be explained to everyone in that group. Since from what Alexa has said and done, it doesn't seem like she understands either of them.
@ophie-dokie 18 часов назад
It's a for profit entertainment company with Alexa listed in every position (CEO, Secretary, etc, when asked about this her response was "What, are you upset because I'm A WOMAN?") that she's intentionally been vague about. They do not provide resources/information to survivors and despite what Alexa says in the Christy ep about survivors reaching out to her in her DMs constantly, according to a former and founding member of EP, when she was told that it's important to be able to direct the people reaching out to Eat Predators to resources she said "We're not a suicide hotline." There have been a handful of accredited and trauma informed founding members who were then pushed out and had streams about them made by Alexa, but the idea initially was that they would protest and also be a "Survivor led collective" and MANY things that she then did with that "Survivor Led Collective" lead me to agree with you that it would need to be something more confidential- she had a private discord (and collected payment for access, since it was a patreon reward) that had Listening Groups and seemingly encouraged the sharing of trauma between members. A lot of collecting vulnerable people together just to be her own personal fan club and then ousting them when they wanted or thought the group could provide more.
@ophie-dokie 17 часов назад
the confidentiality thing is an upset button for me. she knows how many people who were involved in EP need anonymity bc their abusers are high profile abusive men. not just victims she was courting online but like.......... she was running this group in california. people drawn to want to make change regarding abuse in the music industry would both be drawn to what she's doing and also then put at risk of their abuser being super litigious if she wasn't careful.... and then she just. wasn't careful. Ended up getting herself deposed somehow to go testify in Nick Carter's defamation trial (maybe because she had commented on his case publicly and also made it so public she had known one of the victims) and her testimony statement was essentially "I've already distrusted this person, so.... yeah....." but on top of that. she name dropped like 4 different people including first and last names in some cases and even said she knows people use pseudonyms and screen names because they need anonymity for their protection. but that protection does not apply once you've pissed Alexa off.
@crowdedcar День назад
Hot damn, her book came across our returns cart (I work at a library) and I was interested. Oof. Nevermind.
@jfsredhead День назад
before this she already had her comments limited before but now none can comment on her insta
@niaram День назад
i am the first person to say “it’s not a competition” when it comes to trauma. i mean as someone who’s been bullied, it genuinely fucks you up. however, the way she constantly acts like it’s the same level as sexual assault and abuse is just very wrong to me. her trauma is valid, but being bullied by other teen girls isn’t the same as being sexually assaulted by a grown man. i mean, i feel if anything, the trauma that can relate most to that would be with her abusive ex. of course i understand her pain, 100%. and it’s wrong that those who were in charge didn’t do enough to stop it, and that is wrong and a valid reason to add onto why nickelodeon sucks. but like, it’s like breaking your leg and complaining to somebody in a full body cast. like yes, that’s horrible that you broke your leg, but let’s read the room.
@GermanyRoseOfficial День назад
Alexa always makes everything about herself. If it does not serve her it does not matter. She takes no accountability and will destroy any and everyone to prove a point .Everytime i hear her voice i roll my eyes.
@Talentedtadpole День назад
Kitty Mc Chonkers taking in every word ❤
@Talentedtadpole День назад
I'm sooo affronted by these ditzes (Diplo and Alexa), misappropriating 'Eat the Rich's And ohh the irony.
@ophie-dokie 17 часов назад
it's such low hanging fruit to be like "Alexa does not know the full quote" but like, it's so clear she does not know the full quote and did not google it before committing to calling the whole organization that. "When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat predators" what does that mean. what does that mean, Alexa, what do you think that means, please talk about just that and don't go shit on me too, tell me what eat the rich actually means and how it relates to what you're doing with your for profit organization
@Talentedtadpole 17 часов назад
@@ophie-dokie the logo and the use of eat in this context make me uncomfortable because of the sexual context of those things. It's illogical and Icky. I'm so sad that Alexa is doing harm and making the situation worse with her narcissistic antics.
@AlienAwayFromHome День назад
Alexa claiming she’s a SURVIVOR because Dan Schneider and Britney Spears YELLED at her ONE single time and then making her entire personality as a Nickelodeon survivor 🥴 I’m sorry but this is ridiculous
@_Annowar День назад
As we watch this vulnerable episode, CCR's face and attitude strike me as "😬😑🙄" consistently. 😂
@TheNervousSubject День назад
@_Annowar День назад
It's also crazy to me how she can defend Drake Bell and act as if she has this new understanding of the nuances of people, and their complexities yet still dogs on "depp heads". Very strange dichotomy.
@songs-of-seers5139 День назад
Yes, Jen being in shiny happy people is different. She's spent years accumulating knowledge on the goings on and rankings in fundamentalist circles. While she's not an academic level expert, she has a niche, and has built actual expertise/knowledge, and we've also seen her back off silliness on important subjects as she gets more experienced. And that's even aside from there being influencers on both sides in the documentary.
@leslienope День назад
1:39:15 the way alexa talked about it also discredits the fact that I'm Glad My Mom Died existed as a one-woman show Jennette was performing first. And Jennette had also been making really good short films exploring her childhood and lifelong trauma from her mother. Like idk the way Alexa says "I didn't have a book deal, I didn't have a RU-vid channel" as if those things were just handed to Jennette and not deeply personal, meaningful works of art that Jennette carefully and thoughtfully crafted herself is Not It.
@TheYasmineFlower День назад
If Alexa wanted a book deal so badly maybe she should have focused on the fact that clearly Zoey 101 and Nickelodeon generally was a massively toxic work environment. That is in itself a form of abuse, but Alexa vaguebooks the term abuse instead of just saying "this work environment was abusive, this is not okay to do to anyone let alone children".
@drowsyfawn День назад
You know that expression “they don’t know what they don’t know”? I think that applies to Alexa in many situations. Her “it’s just a quiz, it’s just school!” comment about trauma credentials, 9-5 at Starbucks, constantly talking about sign design and printing when asked about advocacy work. Like she very transparently has no idea what she’s talking about if you work in the field she’s pretending to speak from a place of authority on. I see the lawyers saying she’s got a bunch of legal stuff wrong - I worked a lot of organizing jobs in the past and it’s also clear she’s got no clue about what goes into actual organizing / advocacy work. Probably part of why she’s so dismissive of the role others played in the early days of Eat Predators - she has zero awareness or understanding of the heavy lifting they MUST have been doing if her only contributions were what she described in this interview.
@drowsyfawn День назад
Also: it makes total sense that as a former child actor, she’d have some gaps in her understanding of certain things. That’s fine! The problem is that instead of being self aware and humble about that and making an effort to broaden her understanding or learn from others with more experience, she’s just decided she knows better off the top of her head and is very defensive and dismissive. I believe she’s had good intentions (at least to start) in a lot of situations but her ego and her inferiority complex fuck her up every time.
@sammymiami1 День назад
alexia is fake crying in that live stream, thats insane. sniffling but its dry and there are no tears. truly an actor
@sammymiami1 День назад
oh so she is conservative
@ophie-dokie 17 часов назад
I 10000% believe this. she's claiming she's going green party/Jill Stein for this election but uh. I think there's a right wing pivot coming very soon. She was on Megyn Kelly right after quiet on set...
@tijanaself897 День назад
"its just a quiz" so is literally every degree alexa what the fuck are you saying
@reu2002 День назад
‘Survivor of my podcast appearance getting deleted’
@sahie День назад
Random note, but are there a couple of sections where you’ve repeated a video cut accidentally? Twice I had the same section play back to back, but I’m on mobile, so unsure if something was funky with the app!
@ophie-dokie День назад
ohhh I I had a whole thing happen where i had to save the video in sections bc the file was too big for clipchamp so I must have accidentally butted the same section up against itself when I put it back together sorry! def not intentional
@Talentedtadpole День назад
​@ophie-dokii liked it when I got a re cap of the interviewers incredulous face