Dalam Reviews
Dalam Reviews
Dalam Reviews
Doctor Who and television reviews
Doctor Who Review - Wild Blue Yonder
7 месяцев назад
Doctor Who Review - The Star Beast
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Doctor Who Review - The Androids of Tara
9 месяцев назад
Doctor Who Review - The Stones of Blood
9 месяцев назад
Doctor Who Review - The Pirate Planet
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Doctor Who Review - The Ribos Operation
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Doctor Who - Season 15 Stories Ranked
10 месяцев назад
Doctor Who Season 15 Review
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Doctor Who Review - Underworld
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Stranger Things 4 Review
2 года назад
Doctor Who Season 14 Review
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Doctor Who Review - The Robots of Death
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Doctor Who Review - The Face of Evil
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Doctor Who Review - The Deadly Assassin
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Doctor Who Review - The Hand of Fear
2 года назад
Doctor Who Review - Eve of the Daleks
2 года назад
@DasKame 3 дня назад
I would admire the Mystery... if the Title wasn'T that spoiled
@wattsiswhat 7 дней назад
Finally Leela won me over in this episode. She was brilliant. Slapping that woman silly was awesome. I no longer miss Sarah Jane now.
@joshuaverran9443 9 дней назад
Fantastic story timeless classic.
@wattsiswhat 10 дней назад
Why do ya always have to bash the Brigadier?! He's a good character. I miss him now that I'm deep into the Tom Baker era. Also, in regards to the departure of Ms Grant. many of men throughout the Galaxy fell for her and she always turned them down. She could've even been a queen, yet she falls for an Earthling. I kinda like that twist. I missed her, but Sarah Jane was awesome. Leela is growing on me now. I like the pacifist/ warrior contrast between the Doctor and her.
@wattsiswhat 14 дней назад
YES! D84 on the TARDIS team was exactly what I was thinking. It should've happened. I started classic Who from the Pertwee era and Leela is the first transition that makes me miss the previous ones. D84 would have been a good addition. Good rating
@jimmyjambhere 17 дней назад
I agree with you. I don’t I believe Leela fell in love and stayed. At least it’s not Dodo where she just disappeared and Polly explains it. That was the worst. This season is cool. Not my favorite but definitely not my least favorite lol Tom Bakers last season is my least favorite of his 7 seasons. But I do really like a couple of the stories. The first and last stories of his last season are my least favorite Baker stories
@wattsiswhat 19 дней назад
Something that you didn't mention that I felt was odd in watching this episode: No one on Gallifrey knew who the Master is and barely no one knew of the Doctor himself. That's weird to me. Overall, though, great episode,
@williamhuebler68 19 дней назад
Robert Holmes wanted the time lords to be a one gender race allegedly. Hence all men. They later ignore that it in the classic series.
@th8257 20 дней назад
The Tom Baker era really was the best. Many of the episodes had a kind of subtle gothic darkness to them that is completely missing from today's Dr Who. I really dislike pretty much anything Russell T. Davies does. He writes in primary colours and lacks subtly. You can tell he was a kids' TV writer.
@wattsiswhat 24 дня назад
Yeah...Seeds of Doom was brilliant. The best part is that it is a fantastic stand-alone episode made on the level of actual film. Like someone doesn't have to know Doctor Who to get into this one. And, YES, the Baker/Sladen tandem is sooo good. She was way good with Pertwee and Tennant too. I miss her ):.
@ravenwilder4099 26 дней назад
The Doctor pays more attention to Harry, because Harry needs to be watched constantly - otherwise, the dude WILL screw something up.
@guidosarducci209 28 дней назад
"What would the other one tell me is the right button?" It's a classic logic puzzle. There's a variant with 3 sentinals, and the third one sometimes tells the truth and sometimes lies.
@guidosarducci209 28 дней назад
Remember, the main effect of the villain was reflected in the superb acting skills of the others. The villain didn't exactly _do_ much in terms of the actor, except speak. So when you speak of how menacing he was, you're speaking of Tom and Elisabeth mainly, because it's their acting which brought him to life.
@christophersanders3252 29 дней назад
I love the bombing run on the giant plant at the end. "Red Leader here, we see your target." "Also what in the flying -=*&$@% is it?"
@mjmuller Месяц назад
Loved Sarah Janes dress that never got dirty!
@wayneandjeanetteshinton3162 Месяц назад
Yes Sarah Jane was ne of the witter and lovely looking companions.
@stephencooper1307 Месяц назад
Love this. Remember it as a kid. The ship part of the story is so good. I remember being amazed when the hand reached into the miniscope and picked out the TARDIS and couldnt wait for next week's episode.
@liveliestawfulness Месяц назад
"Disinteresting". This word you keep using; I do not think it means what you think it means🤔
@katokianimation Месяц назад
I love how they could make one of the most intimidating villian of all time with a budget of pur foam and a paint bucket. While the best the new team got with disney money, 40 years later is Scooby doo Monster unlished for 3 minutes
@owenwildish331 Месяц назад
This is just a guess, but I think the dress Sara Jane Smith was wearing that belonged to Victoria might be based on the one Victoria wore during Evil of the Daleks, though it probably wasn't the actual dress from that story, but an attempt at something close to it, maybe?
@mpeterll Месяц назад
I just want to know how that white dress stayed so clean for the entire story.
@LeonardoTrasente-zj4lf Месяц назад
One of my favorite episodes!
@joshsalwen Месяц назад
I think this was the first episode I saw back in the 1980s on PBS
@MisterTutor2010 Месяц назад
The Knights and Knaves puzzle was also used in The Labyrinth.
@RydarkVoyager Месяц назад
So much to commend in this episode. Love the art design. Sutekh's mask is so awesome, and that voice was so creepy, dripping with sadism. His never-ending end, condemned to exist in the transmat beam forever, shuttling back and forth between his prison on Mars, to within sight of freedom on Earth, only to repeat, like one of Zeus's punishments in Greek Myth. It was Lord Dunsany level. A cruel fate, for a cruel god. A pity RTD TOTALLY UNDID that for his cringy and cheap knockoff Dr. Who version. Remember the time an old lady amateur painter took a old Italian Renaissance masterpiece of Christ and "restored" it so it now looks like an ape/monkey? That was Russell T Davies and SUsan-TEchnolgy (mispelled and NOT AN ANAGRAM!), purveyor of monkey substitutes, and polluter of better legacies (including his own).
@Nathanm77 Месяц назад
if this was more recent legend of the sea devils is 100% at the bottom
@bright93 Месяц назад
Bought on DVD one of the few I watched it again and again along with Stones of Blood
@thomaskirkness-little5809 Месяц назад
This is one of the stories I always think of as classic Doctor Who.
@uncletiggermclaren7592 Месяц назад
I was 10 when this came out too !.
@henrykfu Месяц назад
I actually wanted to be Sutekh as a kid. Also, he looked very cute sitting there in his little chair.
@juliejeavons6949 Месяц назад
That logic puzzle for the Guardians is also in Alice in Wonderland
@damienkakoschke3099 Месяц назад
FYI, Marcus by the time he gets to the manor & is the servant of Sutekh, he's pale like a walking corpse because he is a walking corpse. Well, the Doctor trapped Sutekh in a time tunnel, he didn't kill him.
@selvahechicera4292 Месяц назад
Not traveling backwards in time to kill Sutek. So. It's a "First Law of Time" thing. Tie traveling into a place where you are already involved is (smurf)ing dangerous. So dangerous the Doctor let Adric stay dead instead of rescuing him. And, while classic Dr. Who did occasionally break this law, almost always inadvertently or to somewhere where he was a different regeneration he always did everything he could to avoid breaking it. We only find out in modern Dr Who that thjer4e are literal monsters that lurk just "outside of time" that will come in and kill everyone even remotely nearby if you DO significantly break the 1st Law of Time. I think the episode was called Fathers Day but I can't swear to that.
@Dboy21ish Месяц назад
Check out the doctor who epi the legend of Ruby Sunday.
@marsbearmcw3050 Месяц назад
One of my faves.
@fredjones554 Месяц назад
There is a delightful scene in the last episode, where Leela bolsters the doctor's confidence, building him up as a powerful time lord (with sarcasm). If you watch closely Louise Jameson had a huge smile on her face as the camera glimpsed her. She was about to burst out laughing.
@OroborusFMA Месяц назад
It was a really good story though some of the effects are so poor it's distracting.
@Dr.Claw_M.A.D. Месяц назад
Two important points. First Elizabeth Sladen and Tom Baker have a great chemistry together. Somewhat nerfed from her lois lane take no prisoners journalist. To crying and conveniently twisting her ankle from time to time.. She is intelligent and brave. Including when she thinks the doctor is gone or incapacitated and she must do something even if she doesn't believe she can save the day on her own. Second €9, 000,000 is $18,000,000 USD
@richt63 Месяц назад
One of my favorite episodes of the fourth Doctor. Using the American spelling of the word Favorite. I'm an American fan 👍
@Steve-wo7gt Месяц назад
There's a scene in this story where Sutekh is torturing the Doctor and Tom is screaming. It gives a feeling of danger and the Doctor was in genuine danger for a change. He is one of the few enemies the Doctor has faced that actually has the upper hand and so sadistic! Easily my favorite Doctor Who villain. I've always wanted a rematch. Glad we finally got one. I should've known RTD was bringing him back because in The Devil's Chord that scene where the Doctor brings Sarah Jane back to her time and the Earth is a wasteland is duplicated beat by beat with Ruby Sunday.
@justahappylittlebunny2656 Месяц назад
My doctor I loved him so much I bought jelly babies 😊
@padawanmage71 Месяц назад
One of the Classic Who episodes that scared the crap out of me. Really saw lot of parallels in this serial and 'The Thing'.
@michaelwx1 Месяц назад
I was 6 when this first aired in 1976. I'd seen the occasional episode of Dr Who before but had never really been that interested, but I caught the first episode of The Pyramids of Mars and was blown away. It's the first time in my life that I would purposely watch the next episode (of anything) the following week so I could follow the story. The atmosphere and especially that scary ending to episode one was just awesome to my 6 year old brain. I was a huge Doctor Who fan for the next 5 or 6 years, watching the TV episodes but mostly reading the books because there was no way to rewatch things back then. Great TV
@SallyLovejoy Месяц назад
The old dress wasn't worn in one of Victoria's episode. Apparently, the actresses weren't even the same size. (I've no idea where I read/heard this. 😂)
@cag9284 Месяц назад
Shallow people who are now here and interested.. after legend of Ruby Sunday... Lol
@dendralen Месяц назад
I Iike that the mummies looked like wrapped up Ice Warriors.
@felixVanDiemen Месяц назад
Nice job! I wholeheartedly agree with your review. I saw this episode as a child and it has always stuck in my head. Definitely in my top 3 classic episodes. I also love Sarah Jane and the 4th Doctor together. Brilliant stuff and I am thrilled Sutekh is back 😁 Gabriel Wolfe is outstanding and he is back voicing Sutekh in The Legend of Rudy Sunday!
@domm6812 Месяц назад
An absolutely brilliant story. I love the horror elements in older Who. They gave it better tension and made the stories come alive. Sorely lacking in the modern series.
@domm6812 Месяц назад
One of the greatest episodes of all time. I remember this one from my childhood, and it was terrifying and amazing.
@bobsbits5357 Месяц назад
hi saw this on bbc re run i wonder how they will re do the the bad one this coming week end you see the dr killed him i never think he come back ever i have to say now the bbc have all of them on the iplayer it's better for the money wehave to pay out there's only one bad thing bbc in the corner is a right pain to have there all the time bbc 2 used to do alot of old shows re runs and in came stereo when i got a stereo tuner it can still be used with any thing with a VHF out put of a video deck bbc had stereo and itv betacam was used alot in news rooms for some time dr who may be on betacam decks in racks for play back i was told by a ex bbc tec they were very behide