Merion West
Merion West
Merion West
Fresh video perspectives, from Merion West.
Daniel Cox: What to Know about Gen Z
4 месяца назад
Slavoj Žižek: "Freedom: A Disease Without Cure"
5 месяцев назад
Wessie du Toit: When a Society Decenters Leisure
7 месяцев назад
Matt Johnson: "How Hitchens Can Save the Left"
9 месяцев назад
Clay Routledge: Using Psychology Effectively
11 месяцев назад
Lance Morrow and Erich Prince
Год назад
@lewisstreet7266 4 месяца назад
Good choice by immigrating to the Nederland instead of Canada! It goes to show how smart she is!
@rochellecaffee1417 6 месяцев назад
Avoid those things as local, individuals, that you CAN NOT CONTROL, BUT DO INFORM OTHERS.
@rochellecaffee1417 6 месяцев назад
@johnGiddings-we2cy 6 месяцев назад
He is brilliant
@hominidaetheodosia 7 месяцев назад
Finally someone doing the intelligence services job for them and actually taking this stuff seriously, I guess as usual the CIA and MI5 are too busy helping to overthrow democratically elected countries or start unjust wars for economic resources to deal with what amounts to cultural subversion of the most insidious variety! The exact quote attributed to Benjamin Franklin is, "A republic, if you can keep it." This response was reportedly given to Mrs. Powel of Philadelphia when she asked Franklin, "Well, Doctor, what have we got, a republic or a monarchy?" as he emerged from the Constitutional Convention in 1787. Now I’m no great fan of Benjamin Franklin’s politic’s though “IF YOU CAN KEEP IT”- is exactly right! One last thing that I don’t think anyone has really properly yet explored which is the possibility that so-called “cancel culture” which was the real threat wielded by the woke mob wasn’t just some organic happening some kind of bandwagon that the woke jumped on to help get rid of those without the correct politics; by contrast that it was in fact an in your face, out in the open, meticulously orchestrated sociopolitical economically targeted conspiracy and that perhaps that might merit careful fine tooth comb investigation into the ringleaders cancel culture seemed at the time to be anything but organic!
@chief9mm822 11 месяцев назад
Hey Ricks have you seen our American media lately? Absolute garbage
@whereisyourfaith1454 Год назад
The reason for all this is to take down the USA. "hey hey ho ho, western civ has got to go" was not an accidental motto of Jesse jackson and co. Their dream is coming true as we speak. Sad to say. Dumb down the population who are the future and in a generation the USA will be toast, while the eastern countries soar higher. USA will be full of dumb diversity-loving zombies who can barely write their own names.
@navelpicker Год назад
A wonderful woman. She ought be a beacon for humanity. Shame on us all for her not being allowed to be.
@BeyondBodyAndSoul Год назад
Excellent interview.
@georgekushner6972 Год назад
The sound of Erich is really bad, some sort of echo I guess
@benaiahwright937 Год назад
This is dark stuff
@michaelpcoffee Год назад
The assertion that an entire race is conspiring to oppress and subjugate the victim class is right out of the nazi playbook. The assertion that history is being suppressed is thoroughly debunked by the fact that the history in question is common knowledge, and always has been. "More important, as critical race theorists we adopt a stance that PRESUMES that racism has contributed to ALL contemporary manifestations of group advantage and disadvantage along RACIAL lines, including differences in income, imprisonment,health, housing, education, political representation, and military service. Our history calls for this PRESUMPTION." "Words That Wound: Critical Race Theory, Assaultive Speech, and the First Amendment" by Matsuda, Lawrence III, Delgado, and KIMBERLE' WILLIAMS CRENSHAW Those are their words from their intellectual papers: It is the entire foundation of the premise. CRT promotes the notion that the fact that a group is measurably superior is proof that everybody in that group is guilty; and, that a group being inferior is proof that everybody in that group is a victim. Further: this principle projects through time; asserting that what happened to the long dead projects onto the guilt or victimhood of the living; even if the living never experienced it at all........... CRT uses history and statistics to justify using government force to implement racial discrimination. CRT obviates the need for any thought, word or act of racism as proof of their presumed verdict. All they need is their preferred race measuring less favorably than another. Regardless of the cause: they declare their favored race to be victims of the other. Then they would use real government enforced discrimination in response to their presumed discrimination; altering laws, policies and practices to favor their preferred race. All for the stated purpose of forcibly making the measurements between races identical. The operative question is whether you support using government force to implement racial discrimination. All the rest is academic. My answer is no.
@michaelpcoffee Год назад
Political parties are not part of the constitutional process. They should be purged from every government policy, process and document.
@oldsachem Год назад
Have any studies been done on how many young students in US have fantasies of killing their teachers and overthrowing the faculty? Violent revolution and terror in the schoolhouse?
@oldsachem Год назад
Is "unlearning" one of the objectives of postmodernism? If so, what exactly does that mean? And how is it being carried out?
@bruceevans9472 Год назад
Did Heather say she has an upcoming book???? Awesome!!!!!
@wesscotchdog9078 Год назад
When Heather speaks, courage is on display.
@williamwhitten7820 Год назад
*It was Benjamin Franklin who said, "a republic, if you can keep it"*
@lindontilson471 Год назад
Peter is totally underrated in my estimation. The calmest, most rational voice in academic circles. Great interview
@seanscully4347 2 года назад
How lucky the animals, the birds, insects, that they do not suffer a conciousness.
@seanscully4347 2 года назад
May 11th? Of which year Merion?
@aleph2d 2 года назад
We need something like this for HR departments.
@clifford7594 2 года назад
Lindsay lulls losers to keep asleep.
@leslielandberg5620 2 года назад
Wait, James! Racism is a huge public health threat! They may be using this as a Trojan Horse, but that needs to be addressed. The situation is horrible. In particular, how people of color are treated by hospitals and doctors is horrendous, same with women!!! Being from a marginalized class dies indeed create vastly unequal outcomes. Race Marxism isn't the answer, but it is a real problem. I believe in so-called I incrementalism and the force of our bodies of law to address corruption!
@leslielandberg5620 2 года назад
Man you are working so hard, James! You really rose to the challenge of our times. Its very brave and inspiring.
@keithmazzapica5188 2 года назад
As much as I hate it, it can be used against the Critical Theorists who most times are the bourgeoisie.
@allenanderson4911 2 года назад
I've never heard from an aspiring social engineer, Utopian, or Marxist, who didn't think they deserved to be a rich, elite leader in the New Society. "Some animals are more equal than others."
@matthewstroud4294 2 года назад
Nice interview. Here is a link to an interview with the aforementioned Bradley Thompson: ru-vid.com/video/%D0%B2%D0%B8%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BE-lUd-Ifcjuv8.html
@DM-wm9rb 2 года назад
I come for Hitchen.
@comesahorseman 2 года назад
Ben Franklin made the "if you can keep it" phrase. I used to wonder what he was getting at when he said it; now I think I know.
@LouisHCampagna 2 года назад
Interviewer: STOP INTERRUPTING YOUR GUEST, for Christ's sake! So annoying! We don't care what you think. We want to hear what your guest thinks. There. Got that off my chest.
@faturechi 2 года назад
Unfortunately, he doesn't see the irritant at all and is only focusing on the irritated. You cannot fix the Republican Party without fixing the Democratic Party first.
@academyofchampions1 2 года назад
God bless James Lindsay
@academyofchampions1 2 года назад
God bless Peter!!
@phineasrumson3116 2 года назад
How did this whole mess begin? Was it the socialist president (FDR) and his leftie wife welcomed the "frankies" into the US?
@wendyb457 2 года назад
Incredible discussion. Thank you
@LePlerome 2 года назад
Tuskegee is commonly extremely misrepresented, btw.
@praetentious2925 2 года назад
In what way
@LePlerome 2 года назад
@@praetentious2925 look up e.g. "Tuskegee re-examined" on Spiked Online
@Faustus_de_Reiz 2 года назад
Pat McCrory ever needs a public policy analyst with a concentration in Regional development and crime; I would be more than delighted to work with him.
@peterrasmussen6720 2 года назад
James Lindsay is the leading anti-woke intellectual in US today. Check out his New Discourses podcast. He does an insane amount of work trying to get to the bottom of wokeism.
@hegemonycricket2182 2 года назад
@hegemonycricket2182 2 года назад
@Skelley that makes no sense at all
@praetentious2925 2 года назад
I checked it out and there were numerous anti semites in the chat saying anti Semitic things. That’s his community.
@hegemonycricket2182 2 года назад
@@praetentious2925 you just said two different things... 1. There were people in the chat saying ant-semitic things 2. That's his "community" I don't doubt the first one is true, mainly because there's alot of people who are suspicious of jews to a whatever degree...but the second part is patently absurd for several reasons. If you care to discuss this further I will continue, but if not I will just leave it at disagreement.
@praetentious2925 2 года назад
@@hegemonycricket2182 his message attracts anti semites because his message is na zi propaganda from the 1930s.
@scubamanbrian1518 2 года назад
The local level is where it’s at. For decades, Americans just assumed that our democracy would go on unmolested, and so our institutions were corrupted from within. The movement to take back school boards is the most exciting thing I’ve seen politically, and everyone needs to be involved.
@aprilkurtz1589 2 года назад
I'm at every school board meeting, and I don't even have kids.
@scubamanbrian1518 2 года назад
@@aprilkurtz1589 I think that’s amazing honestly. I wish everyone would take that level of commitment for children.
@aprilkurtz1589 2 года назад
@SCUBA Man Brian I just do it to make sure crazy people don't end up on the school board. Kids deserve to have a factual education. I don't speak usually, but I will if someone's being ridiculous. Right now the thing to fight about is masks, I guess. FFS. I also go because I pay property taxes to support the schools, and I want generations of smart, savvy, tough and empathetic kids to come out of those buildings. I like to volunteer for stuff like helping with school lunches. I couldn't have kids, and volunteering for stuff around the school is almost as good as having a kid of your own. Kinda sorta. The schools are so short staffed right now!
@scubamanbrian1518 2 года назад
@@aprilkurtz1589 data has shown that especially cloth masks have done absolutely nothing to stop the spread of COVID, and children in particular are almost exclusively unable to wear them properly even if they are wearing a N95. More and more data is coming out now if the psychological negative effects from masks on children. If I wear a parent, I’d have long ago taken my child to private or homeschooling if the school district insisted on making children wear something on their face all day for nothing. Personally, I think our public schools are just about as complete a failure as they could be. While the rest of the world keeps getting farther ahead academically, we’ve decided to actually deprioritize math, reading, and science in order to push DE&I to children. I hope lots more parents and taxpayers like yourself delve into the problems of education, because todays kids will be adults in the blink of an eye.
@aprilkurtz1589 2 года назад
CRT is only taught at the Master's Degree level. I think those "kids" can handle it.
@scubamanbrian1518 2 года назад
It depends on what you mean by CRT. There’s a pretty straight line between what institutions are calling DE&I (Diversity Equity and Inclusion) and CRT. In the same way that elementary school doesn’t teach quantum physics but does teach basic math, CRT gets boiled down to the practical application of those principles in the form of DE&I.
@aprilkurtz1589 2 года назад
@@scubamanbrian1518 Well, the chuckleheads are protesting CRT being taught in grade school. It is not. It never has been. It's a fucking lie from the get go. If they had been against DE&I, they should have said DE&I. Just like way back at the beginning of this farce they called themselves teabaggers.
@scubamanbrian1518 2 года назад
@@aprilkurtz1589 well, I’m all about accuracy in terms. For instance, redefining racism to mean anything a white personal does or trying to redefine “man” or “woman” away from the traditional definition. That being said, are you angry that the term CRT is being used, or are you angry that DE&I is being recognized as destructive to students? I’m not sure what you meant by saying some people referred to themselves as “teabaggers”. If you’re referring to the Tea Party movement, I would like to correct you. No one from the Tea Party called themselves this. It was a term created by democrats to try and insult the Tea Party, as well as the false reports that the Tea Party were comprised of racists.
@hegemonycricket2182 2 года назад
You are naive to think that the "long march through the institutions" doesn't include all levels of education.
@scubamanbrian1518 2 года назад
Yes, this disinformation point about CRT “not being taught in grade school” is completely wrong and easily debunked. The question I always ask and never get a rebuttal to is this: If CRT isn’t being taught in schools, what harm does banning CRT in schools do? I haven’t come across one single person who doesn’t want to teach accurate history, both good and bad, about our country. Teaching accurately about slavery and racism isn’t CRT, and no one claims it is. Those are red herrings designed to distract from actual harmful curriculum.
@sillysissyphus4877 2 года назад
James has a turtle 🐢 mouth
@md1trk 2 года назад
I work in a University and used to organise events before Covid. In 2019 we received an email telling us that "all meal options for events will now be vegetarian". When we queried why this was, we were told that "it's more inclusive that way".
@hegemonycricket2182 2 года назад
At least by doing so they revealed the manipulation of language that is a hallmark of Wokecult influence.
@aprilkurtz1589 2 года назад
What University? I'd like to read that rule.
@sues3218 2 года назад
Not very "inclusive" of the people who like meat. LOL
@hegemonycricket2182 2 года назад
@@sues3218 bingo. That's the thing, when they say "inclusive" they actually mean the opposite. Same with "diversity", "ant-racist", "anti-fascist", etc...
@zxyatiywariii8 2 года назад
@Sue s I think "like" (any preference-based reasoning) is why that argument won't work.* For instance, I like peanuts (I love peanuts!) but I can't bring peanuts wherever I like anymore, because of people with peanut allergies. You like meat, but you wouldn't HAVE to have meat in university meals (whereas someone like Jordan Peterson's daughter Mikhaila actually would have to have meat). *James' solution for the vegan family member does work, because it allows the vegans to be vegan and the omnivores to be omnivore. That's how my own family works -- and we have a mix of food requirements and preferences.
@harveygresham3636 2 года назад
Don't let a bad theory go to waste. If kids are able to learn critical theory, then they can learn instead what is wrong with critical theory and why we should have zero tolerance for it. Only then kick it to the curb.
@aprilkurtz1589 2 года назад
Why is it a bad theory?
@rewerstfd 2 года назад
Because it is a cospiracy theory that insists that white people have all conspired to oppress "non whites", both consciously and unconsciously. In the eyes of CRT: The white people who are leftists that advocate CRT are racists because they're only doing it for social praise; The white people who ignore it are racists because they're not fighting "the system" and are complacent/benefitting from "the system"; The white people who fight CRT are racists for defending "the system" that oppresses "non whites"; Those annoying "non whites" that disagree or are successful such as: Jews, Japanese, Chinese, Indians, and African Immigrants (who all do even better than white people financially). Why do they do better? Internalized racism (the CRT way of saying house n*gger). They only succeed because they "act white". For example: they believe in rationality, time management, hard work, family, etc. All things that "white people" invented to oppress "non whites". CRT is the ideology of envious lazy people, who feel betrayed by the world. They would rather see it destroyed since they cant stand the guilt of knowing that they're parasites. Thus, they have made up an entire religion that simultaneously justifes their own laziness and explains why those who are NOT lazy (white they call "white people") must be destroyed. Thats what socialism is, in the end. A parasitic mind worm that convinces useless people that they deserve the wealth generated from others. CRT calls non white people lazy by nature and white people hard working by nature. It is a white supremacist movement all on it's own. Its our job to fight white supremacy. 😉
@aprilkurtz1589 2 года назад
@@rewerstfd You seem nice.
@rewerstfd 2 года назад
@April Kurtz Thx bb 😘
@harveygresham3636 2 года назад
@@rewerstfd I think you would be a great person to teach kids what's wrong with crt. We already have the textbooks. So teach why the textbooks are wrong. Then burn them.
@sosaysthecaptain5580 2 года назад
Concordia University Chicago is not the same as UChicago. It’s a minor Lutheran school.
@maxpeck7382 2 года назад
It was Ben Franklyn who said a Republic if you can keep it.
@tomski2671 2 года назад
This is excellent action oriented information. Zero complacency and zero tolerance to those that would once again plunge the world into darkness.
@hegemonycricket2182 2 года назад
@johnowen271 2 года назад
"Get rid of them" amen brother
@praetentious2925 2 года назад
@Vcubed1080 2 года назад
As an old man who fought political battles with my now departed wife all my younger years, action talks, bullsh*t walks. James, is moved to action...Your world, your battles to fight...An old saying, but still valid, IMO. Think global, act local. Take back your schools, school boards, county government seats...Global leaders and power, start from the local level. As Eric Weinstein points out, top power comes from the gated institutional narrative.
@golondriz3 2 года назад
Thank you for this very interesting discussion.