Professor Hens
Professor Hens
Professor Hens
This is a channel for short educational Dead by Daylight videos
How To Beat Campers in Dead by Daylight
11 месяцев назад
Stop Using Reassurance Wrong!
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The Crouch Tech
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The Most Underrated Killer Perk
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The Bugged Vault Mindgame
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This Feng Had The Worst Timing
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Catching 2 Survivors At Once!
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@Slukke 2 дня назад
counterplay: just break the pallet
@asgarkhan6548 2 дня назад
He had adren and bloodrush
@aflyingstarly5535 4 дня назад
Good it’s for a lot of nice perks. However but I feel like most people are just gonna run iron will and other meta perks. Hope to see more variety.
@froztyfoxy9555 4 дня назад
thanks magister
@dogmadude1399 4 дня назад
It’s definitely not promising for The Knight.
@finkclass13 5 дней назад
I think that you have a dark filter xD Nice vid Hens!
@MachClip 5 дней назад
And when do they finally bring out the update where they buff/change all the unused/bad perks? I cant believe they only care about the used perks and only change them, what the hell is that balancing. The Perk Meta is still boring af and it got worse when they buffed already good perks again. Chaos Shuffle was so fun because of that, but they obviously dont even realize WHY it was fun.. maybe when we hit the 10th anniversary we are finally there, or when dbd2 comes out wtf
@ThePolishman87 5 дней назад
Bring the hooks back is a horrible idea. There is enuff hooks. If you have a problem bring iron grip
@WutTheDeuceGaming 7 дней назад
4:10 the skill floor for Larry is HIGH, not low. Skill floor refers to the lowest end of skill level, if it was low it would be easy for entry level/casual players to use him. Killers with a low skill floor would be someone like Knight or Skull Merchant, killers that take little or no skill to use. You don't really know what that means huh? How are you on that panel? You should know what something like that means if you're gonna be in BHVR's ear.
@Tofik1109 8 дней назад
can someone tell me pls what the f*ck the home button is ?
@Mytea1 8 дней назад
good to see that the devs acknowledged another of my suggestions to implement addons as basekit and therefore making balancing killers afterwards way easier. they have already done it with the nurse, pig and some others for example. we'll have to see what other killers will get changes like this.
@bomboclado8469 8 дней назад
Damn the best perk in the game is back! 🙌
@freezestyler1049 8 дней назад
Dbd been cooking lately with the balance changes
@darkodom 8 дней назад
As someone who basically only plays Singularity now, I absolutely hate the change of survivors not glowing if I can't mark them. Its already clear or not if you can. But them glowing gives him some info where survivors are a little easier. I have some eye sight issues so I can't see survivors moving across the map like most people, the glow was just a nice little thing to let me know someone was there. Most of the other changes seems fine and adding some addons into his basekit is a huge W either way.
@MissMelanin04 8 дней назад
I dunno guys I’m not rocking with hooks that a survivor is sacrificed and dying on respawning…
@WashYourHands__ 8 дней назад
still nothing about the stun bug while summoning a guard
@brandonmulryan1522 8 дней назад
I watched Truetalent's review and it hurt how much he didn't know the mechanics of the game he plays for a living.
@devoteeofmediocrity821 8 дней назад
Extending guard chase timer isn’t op because survivors can always pick up the banner.
@devoteeofmediocrity821 9 дней назад
Does oppression count as a break instance for the other gens that regress/ fail skill check?
@hotjantzkid23jantz55 9 дней назад
When does it release
@alphamav 9 дней назад
All the buffs make killer role easier, for sure. I feel those are some not-so-great takes for your Solo Q opinions as most of these buffs are irrelevant in solo q because 1) Sloppy Butcher is still in the top 12 perks on nightlight in the last two weeks and BHVR did not heed my suggestion (submitted officially thru the websiite in February, 4 months ago) to tweak resurgence and solidarity to not be fully borked by sloppy and if they are not going to put loadouts in the ingame menu, then something to show the injured survivor has one of those two perks to emphasize the need to heal them quickly. 2) Solo q will likely still not bring Babysitter unless maybe they have an unhook challenge, which is exceedingly rare. It needs to do something more, like increase their skill check progress by 3% for 45 seconds or something, then solo q-ers will bring it to try and help progress the game. 3) Empathic connection is still too high-risk as it allows others to use that info to bring a killer in tow and it's not worth it if they are across the map. It will more likely be brought by the few that bring healing builds or have a healing challenge. I still virtually never head to people with Empathic Connection.
@psyonicpanda 9 дней назад
Should they not rework Nurse if she just gatekeeps perk design all by herself? If something is that unhealthy that anything you create that reads auras has to be way weaker, it's time for her to go.
@kylerepman 9 дней назад
I literally have been running an autodidact, resurgence, solidarity build for fun and now all three just got buffed
@getranbydrew1511 9 дней назад
Im wondering what this will do to comp with resurgence, baby sitter, solidarity, and sometimes autodidact and Iw being huge perks allowed against lower tier killers. Probably will be gen banned or killer specific banned now but great changes for the base game and for your average public player for sure.
@carsondawidowski7479 9 дней назад
Honestly resurgence and solidarity should make you immune to hemorrhage
If hooks respawn to prevent dead zones, then pallets should be a consideration
@andyrew72 9 дней назад
25,892 views after 19 hours? Hans fell off.
@Model1887isBEAST 9 дней назад
God I love Hens... you guys think he's single? Because I'd turn gay for him x
@aquila519 9 дней назад
Knight's changes are interesting. I like the fact that he wont be cheesy in some loops and cant just instantly shut down loops with little counter play. But at the same time, it was one of the few things that made him strong in chase. I do like Map Of Realm being basekit and such but idk. We'll see how much the changes affect him once the update goes through.
@BasonJorn13 9 дней назад
Singularity always gave me issues when it came to hooking because I would hook them need to immediately check cams to progress but with the debuff from accessing cams near hooked survivors forced me to either wait 15-20 seconds to move away from the hook and still possibly get hit with it because I didn’t move far enough or to just eat it and hope I can stop what I just saw and that makes it more worth to just slug and go after the next
@ImCroozy 9 дней назад
As a Knight main I'm so happy. This is exactly what he should be.
@gabrielaclemente9730 9 дней назад
The hook changes are going to be sooo good on scourge hook
@tannerhancock5841 9 дней назад
Basically, they buffed killers a decent amount (except slightly merfing Knights ability), buffed multiple perks for killers, then only a handful of survivors perks got buffed. Seems about right for Behavior.
@ellisvgamer8168 9 дней назад
*Singularity mains* yes Yes YES YES YES
@rockett6578 9 дней назад
Iron will + Light footed is gonna be the ultimate Fuck You to spirit mains 😂
@jonahblack6675 9 дней назад
whos Peggy
@chuckp342 9 дней назад
They need to address FPS issues with the 8.0 update. DBD has been my main game for years. The FPS drops are gutting my gameplay.
@achilles2095 9 дней назад
So many auric cells and all the skins are shit
@vector_vector__ 9 дней назад
Personal Opinion : _The Nurse shouldn't have access to any aura reading at all_ , [ with some exceptions obviously ] . That way we would get alot of amazing perks that don't get hindered/nerf becuz of 1 single killer that 95% of killer players don't play in the first place 😒 . And it would have dropped the number Nurse games further . Plz don't call me " aaw Baby survivor , TypiCal SUrvivor MAin, spoiled kids bla bla "🙄 , I'm Killer player and I'm aware of the fact being killer mian have been really tough for years before few updates came lately , [ thank god D.h is dead tho ] .
@ChamplooMusashi 9 дней назад
nurse has obviously needed a rework ever since she was made. her power is literally a dash with noclip, which needless to say is stupid broken for the setting the game is normally played in
@Ahamkeira 9 дней назад
I'm a P100 Knight main and these changes make me so happy. Removes the most boring part of the kit and replaces it with huge QOL changes and overall i think it'll be a buff for him but gives Knight way more counterplay
@user-pn9dq2pm3w 9 дней назад
Knight was anti loop now hes bad tbh
@just_ultimatum 9 дней назад
As a singularity main (p50) , I’m excited to see add on changes and test changes he got, but I feel like they made too many changes with him, I like for what he is right now and don’t want him to get changed way too hard but buffs will not be unnecessary to encourage more people to play him cuz we have very little people playing him
@skyram7072 9 дней назад
The singularity change SUCKS love making killers better while also making them easier to play
@chuckp342 9 дней назад
Bro, like everything, the damn devs dumb this game down for people who can't play. I'm not gatekeeping, but don't balance the game for bad players!
@skyram7072 9 дней назад
@chuckp342 and tbh he ain't that hard I learned him in like 2 days
@chuckp342 9 дней назад
@@skyram7072 exactly! But there they go once again - balancing the game around bad players. I don't mean that egotistically - I only mean they haven't practiced said killer enough. BHVR loves to balance for the base casual (by definition, I'm a casual too, but I play regularly).
@BungarangYT 9 дней назад
these singularity changes make me wonder if there is aim assist on other ranged killers 🤔
@theShadowBolts20 9 дней назад
Singularity was already so oppressive and hes getting all these buffs. Terrible game design Since hook deadzones are an issue to gameplay shouldn't pallet and window deadzones be considered? respawning pallets when?
@kiiyll 9 дней назад
I do not understand the Trail of Torment changes. My solo queue teams already get annihilated by Trail as the killer grabs them off gens while I spend half the game hunting down the yellow gen in hopes of making them die slower. This change will essentially allow killers to be underectable for the entire match. It's incredibly unfun to always be spinning the camera around in every direction while doing gens. The other changes seem alright.
@ChamplooMusashi 9 дней назад
yea lately i have had so many games where 2/3rds of the game the killer just has no radius and its getting so out of hand to the point that every killer is a stealth killer. with just 1 or 2 perks which is a huge deal when you're not on comms.
@iPyroNigma 9 дней назад
I guess Myers will keep living in the dumpster while other killers get updated basekits.
@zzynski832 9 дней назад
Playing against Knight was already pain in the a$$ so now everyone will instantly DC
@chuckp342 9 дней назад
Really? Knight is insanely weak. Skull Merchant is much more braindead. She's a real issue that they need to address.
@Katana314 9 дней назад
I generally did very well as Knight, but knew survivors hated his zero counterplay moments. I’m very satisfied with the changes and might’ve even been okay with a straight nerf.
@anettelma123 9 дней назад
I don't like these changes - they want survivors to play iron will, distortion (what is already big problem in my soloq games - people go in corner and spamming "r" with item, waiting for others to die) and heal and hide instead of do something with tunneling... I love buff of healing perks but I'm not sure meta will change much because of how the games look like. With new hook respawn they should reworks pain resonance - doesnt work if 1 or 2 survivors are dead... Also hook respawn is bad in my opinion - mostly killer needed hook respawn after already 2 or 3 survivors were dead so now we don't want to give a chance for hatch also? Instead of preventing slugging they added better option for killers meh. Wiggle free by yourself from killers arm is already something that mostly don't happen.
@mikkelcunningham6751 9 дней назад
When does this release