
One of DBDs Biggest Problems Right Now 

Professor Hens
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2 дек 2022




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@desolatingvision Год назад
They made dc penalties much less so that people can avoid hackers but they forgot people can just avoid game cuz they’re trashy…
@Doncroft1 Год назад
@Hex: Mommy milkers You cry about it, you spam troll. Here let me respond for you: "Didn't ask." 😘
@hellzpuppet Год назад
I thought they increased time so when a dc happens after so many times, they increase the amount of time you're "banned for" or was that if you get reported or something.
@ShikiZukuto Год назад
At least 50% of my games have had a dc after someone went down for the past week or two.
@nat-uraldisasterpieces8647 Год назад
It makes getting Adepts, Ranking up, getting good BP, and even just...having a fun decent match damn near impossible. I'm legit going into matches thinking "Ok. I need to play well enough that I don't get destroyed. But not so well that the opposing side just quits." That latter half being especially tricky cause people often quit matches their team definitely could have still won.
@julianrosado1592 Год назад
​@@nat-uraldisasterpieces8647 cope
@lolsinLeague Год назад
And now your favorite killer gets nerfed because of the dc’s
@nat-uraldisasterpieces8647 Год назад
Julian Rosado Some survivors clearly need to cope. They're the ones quitting and ruining the match for everyone else the instance something doesn't go their way lol
@fattlebieldproductions3198 Год назад
It’s because the game is frustrating
@ElSuxo Год назад
It's sadly a very prevalent mentality in this game. Every day I stumble with some survivor main player on Twitter posting "X killer is so boring! If I have to deal with them I will disconnect" and I have seen it even for weaker killers. And invariably they have not just a few likes but THOUSANDS of them, and the poor person trying to tell them that they are ruining it for their team gets jumped on by the original poster and a bunch of other people rationalizing the DC, telling them that they don't have to play the game if they aren't having fun. Like why did you even start the game then?
@nat-uraldisasterpieces8647 Год назад
I main Trapper and people still be justifying DCing against me cause they "hate having to watch where they are going" like come on who the hell do I have to main then to get a real match-
@renocarroach6744 Год назад
@@nat-uraldisasterpieces8647 Yeah if you are DCing against a Trapper of all things you fucked up you fucked up bad
@cynthiavanswearingen4520 Год назад
There is no reason to sweat or rage in these games. Unless you are in pro copmetition with prize money on the line, then just enjoy the game. Some matches are absolute shit shows, while others can make your day.
@Sir_Slice Год назад
I literally played Sadako, on Gideon, fairly downed someone, and they DC’d… How pitiful must you be to DC like that, sorry I’m not playing your favourite killer bro.
@ZoMbIE1623 Год назад
Lmao imma DC whenever bc I know other 3 people are no better and will sit in a corner of map 9 times out of ten
@angjiapheng Год назад
I had a survivor single-handedly cause a 2-man-basement situation, and then DC when 3rd injured survivor is unhooking him. I felt bad, walk away from basement and let everyone go at 3rd hook. I am glad I am playing at the side that only I can fuck up
@angjiapheng Год назад
@@haiz768 You too. You could have move your thumb a little to swipe through but here you are. You just need to go out your way to be rude huh? Well, it is common to see folks like you in DBD-related content anyway
@thedutywarlord264 Год назад
@@angjiapheng dont talk to him. Hes a kid . He goes in every youtubers comment and put bad comments .
@aimdrip1074 Год назад
You are a man of honor.
@coffee8599 Год назад
I just want a bot replacement. Everyone dcs now and then because stuff pops up or they get tired of tunneling or camping early in the game, but if they pull in a bot so it's not an instant 3v1 at 5 gens would be awesome.
@o_Vina Год назад
@@haiz768 bad troll attempt mate
@devoteeofmediocrity821 Год назад
@@haiz768 I did. Thank you Vina.🥐
@MREmrdzcn Год назад
I sometimes forget that Hens played competitive killer so when he calls out balanced landing mid air it's always a nice reminder.
@kaya5168 Год назад
Hens is a god tier player but you don't have to be that advanced to call out balanced. One of the effects of balanced is no falling sound effect, so if you don't hear a sound from the survivor while they fall you can immediately know they have balanced landing.
@BouncingTribbles Год назад
We just need bots that take over, at least they'd still move around and can still rescue hooked survivors
@doncheadle694 Год назад
The mobile version does, and the bots in the main game are definitely capable of performing objectives other than looping so they definitely should
@salado1944 Год назад
By far the biggest problem in dbd right now are maps, From poorly designed tiles, to awful RNG with 4 jungle gyms one behind another leading to killer shack, or in the other hand god awful pallets with no safe place. Dont even get me started on the hitboxes of the maps, getting stuck in the model of a CORPSE, a little piece of wood, a fucking hose. Fr the DBD map design team are lazy as hell, just use box hitboxes and put them manually and STOP using the automated generated ones that unreal generates.
@chrism.2126 Год назад
i think alot of the dc's are just people being babies who didnt get their way like this video, but to be quite honest with you, theres also ALOT of killers who seem to intentionally want to make you have an unfun time for their own enjoyment with camping and tunneling the 1st person on a hook, in those situations, i approve of DC'ing. Then they say " well its not my job to make sure the survivors are having fun " yet you still see the amount of dc's and shit games because of playing this way so maybe it should be a little bit not ruining someones match for no reason. I think 90% of the weskers i play against on EU later at night tunnel the 1st person they hook because his power allows him to stupidly easily do it and then that survivor dc's instantly at like 4-5 gens.
@nat-uraldisasterpieces8647 Год назад
People will defend DCs with "Well what if they aren't having fun :(((" with examples of super sweaty 10,000 hour Nurses, 4 Slowdown Legions, or facecamping Bubbas. But often DCs are just egos being bruised over "I didn't run the low tier M1 Killer for the first 3 Gens :((("
@julianrosado1592 Год назад
That's a bit of a stretch
@nat-uraldisasterpieces8647 Год назад
@@julianrosado1592 Which part is a stretch?
@AK-cq6px Год назад
not a single fucking killer main plays this game for fun. you get your win, they get another match in 5 minutes, everyone is happy. nothing about plague is fun anyway
@Sir_Slice Год назад
@@AK-cq6px I play killer and try to have fun with it :/
@o_Vina Год назад
@@AK-cq6px true, killers obviously just purposefully waste their time of their the day to make other people not have fun, imagine playing a video game to have fun, who would do that, killers are so evil!!!!!!
@AyJayStyles Год назад
When people DC or suicide it makes ME not wanna play the game because I’m now in a lose/lose If I stomp then and put them out of their misery it was a 1v3 (that can still be annoying to finish on certain maps with certain killers) If I let them farm they’re more than likely not going to give me much points in return and it turns out to a boring match where I can’t express skill
@George_Nakhle Год назад
It's 2022 and players still can't vote to surrender like in MOBAs
@24-7_DBD Год назад
if they added that survivors would surrender every game that looks like they might lose
@meiyami93 Год назад
@@24-7_DBD not quite. In order to quite a game, you need everyone to agree on quitting the game. If only 1 single person doesn't want to quite, you have to keep playing it. Or at least it's like that in Gatcha games.
@frostbackup Год назад
I went up against a Legacy Meg yesterday called "Please Don't DC". I downed her in the first 30 sec of the game and she DC'd
@MrSilverio13 Год назад
Understandable, have a good day
@middox239 Год назад
I think that there should be a system in place that you Just simply cant disconnect from a Game for 5 minutes after it started, i dont care If people alt+f4 their Game, make it that their Charakter Just stays in the Game with a clear sign that they are dc'd so people can Farm them or whatever
@devoteeofmediocrity821 Год назад
Never understood survivors DCing. They can always kill themselves on hook.
@ShadowskuIIz Год назад
Many players are just out there to ruin each other's fun is their "fun". sad times
@yuri_8368 Год назад
I had a game that they send me to the nurse map and i had the sacrificial ward and when i down someone the others just dc, they are a sabo squad just to bully
@XxUndeadXTacoXx Год назад
I main Plague and Bubba, every other game has a baby who dcs after they see what character I’m playing.
@grapefruitsyrup8185 Год назад
Bubba are mostly toxic players so there's that
@XxUndeadXTacoXx Год назад
@@grapefruitsyrup8185 true bubba has a bad reputation so i’m not surprised when it happens with him. People insta leave against characters like Clown and Demogorgon too though which makes a lot less sense to me.
@meiyami93 Год назад
@@XxUndeadXTacoXx as a person who has some eye problems, I can tell you that clown's bottles are really difficult to go against. I rarely DC but I can understand ppl who DC when facing a clown
@XxUndeadXTacoXx Год назад
@@meiyami93 that makes sense. I’ve only gone against clown a few times as survivor and did’t think he was too bad, but I could see him being annoying for someone with vision problems.
@kaljnn Год назад
What are the dc penalties at now? I didn't realize they changed them
@magicplacebo2143 Год назад
@@haiz768 cos yur shit as fuuuuk at the game hahaha they need to fix the game baaaaaad
@thiccnoodles6767 Год назад
I've never really dcd in dbd, rather just given up. It really makes everyone happier: as killer they all survive, as survivor everyone goes to the next game quicker.
@lookatmyfeetDBD Год назад
i had 34 dcs this morning, ive never had more than 5 in a day previously n i have no clue what's up
@donttouchmygens3689 Год назад
Penalties are gone so nobodys putting up with the shitty killer designs anymore. Everyones fed up.
@lookatmyfeetDBD Год назад
@@donttouchmygens3689 is furin spirit rly that bad
@o_Vina Год назад
@@donttouchmygens3689 bro you are very mad, just play killer already or play other games if you're not having fun
@donttouchmygens3689 Год назад
@attention whore i dont mind spirit tbh. The furin addon is easy to tell
@donttouchmygens3689 Год назад
@Vina i play billy, huntress, demo mainly
@memesofdestruction5601 Год назад
when i play about 2-3 hours a day i see like 7-10 dcs.
@mikemaguire151 Год назад
To be fair even tho I think DCing In general is cringe he might not of dcd because of the miss play but more likely saw his teammates not on gens wandering around doing nothing, I never dc from my games but it is frustrating in solo que to go down and see everyone off doing nothing
@maydius2617 Год назад
They should add a 24 hour -90% bloodpoints penalty after 3 DCs or something like that.
@JozefuZaKyatto Год назад
I think if someone DCs then match should automaticaly end (like if someone fails to load into the match then match cancels immidiately). This solution is kinda rough, but i'm having DCs sometimes and it's awfully frustrating - if you're bad at the game and it ruins your ego, it doesn't give you an excuse because you literally give a huge advantage to the killer against survivors. I really don't see a point why people are DCing, if they don't want to play the game - uninstall it and never touch it again, why would they play it at this point?
@kongolandwalker Год назад
Because it is addictive game. They have spent a lot of time on unlocking perks and characters, and it would feel like a loss. The only games not abusing that gaming pattern are those, where all gamemechanics are available to everyone. Like in CSGO you can have any weapon in a game (but it is addictive for other reasons).
@nat-uraldisasterpieces8647 Год назад
There is a big issue with this, though I can tell you are coming from a good place. Sure this might feel nice for early game DCs. But imagine that mid to late game. Already having invested Add Ons and Offerings and even just time only for a Salty Sally to just end the game prematurely. Or late game. Imagine a Killer who was gonna win (1 Dead. 1 Hooked. 1 Slugged. 4th in chase.) But then someone DCs so now the Killer only has a 1K instead of the 4K they would have gotten. Survivors would abuse that nonstop lmao.
@thealpacaa Год назад
"it doesn't give you an excuse"... People don't need an excuse to DC. If he's not having fun, he has every right to DC. Survivors don't sign a contract to complete the match before they queue up. Sure it sucks for the teammates, but he doesn't owe them anything. And your last sentence makes no sense. Just because somebody disconnects one time, doesn't mean that they don't enjoy the game. They just didn't enjoy that match in particular.
@JozefuZaKyatto Год назад
@@nat-uraldisasterpieces8647, good point actually, i didn't think about that.
@nat-uraldisasterpieces8647 Год назад
@@thealpacaa I'm sorry was this comment supposed to be in another thread? Cause it makes sense for some of the stuff I have been seeing in the comment section but it seems a bit out of place in this particular thread. Unless there was a deleted comment I missed.
@Prodi6y Год назад
The most unrelated actual threat. Nobody’s talking about.
@Sir_Slice Год назад
I used to let the survivors win whenever someone DC’s from a game because I felt it was unfair and unfun. At this point, I’ll just finish them off, if they are so self-entitled to ruin everyone’s fun, then I might as well make the game less miserable for those that DO want to play by quickly moving them onto the next. Until someone inevitably DC’s again
@haiky281 Год назад
i get so many dsc now its unbelievable
@mathiascerf1092 Год назад
I've had people literally DC at the start of a game just because they were downed too quickly. People DC for whatever reason and leave the other survivors in a miserable situation
@fujirisee Год назад
is it me or i feel like i've encountered this same person. he wores the same outfit lol
@ICON-11- Год назад
That's half the players on this game
@vector_vector__ Год назад
Bro The Entitlement . This is the type of Survivor that would leave You on a hook and then Call you Trash if they die . their mentality is basically ( If i don't play well this match i will DC and i don't care about these people ) .
@MarkConway73 Год назад
DC needs to be handled differently. Have them remain in-game either stationary or as bots. The points carry over to their account either way.
@grapefruitsyrup8185 Год назад
Killer is very op now and soloq teammates prolly won't save him anyways. What he did was understandable
@sxerwin Год назад
Oh please
@wildtacocat Год назад
It’s genuinely sad seeing people get so upset over a dc I have dcs almost every match and it’s not even that I’m abusing strong perks or add ons but just cuz I’m outplaying them and I still don’t care people need to learn to suck it up and realize they aren’t entitled to other’s time
@watertommyz Год назад
I legit think people DC because they think it's funny, or toxic.
@EnZoDxGaming Год назад
Dont know if you were having a bad day but youre talking some shit before anything bad was done to you damn
@dorianbaskerville1496 Год назад
People will find any excuse to DC don't think that's gonna change untill the while cheater situation is improved
@kongolandwalker Год назад
That is because MMR is invisible and people don't feel they are losing MMR this way. Would better add a button to vote to give up. If 3 survivors give up, team loses and match ends with no penalty, but they see how many points they lost.
@arthaiser Год назад
the fourth survivor and the killer could still want to play, so no. if you dont like where the game is going dc or die on hook no voting shit
@kongolandwalker Год назад
@@arthaiser it is a team game. After the vote is complete you (the last one) will be able to start a new game sooner with no lose penalties for you. What if all 4 survs are needed to vote to give up? Would you agree with the system then? As a killer main I see no joy in playing against people who have mentally game up. They don't hide, don't run and just drop their medkid in front of you and do gens. Waiting for the to finish gens is long, also walking to everyone to grab them and hook is also waste of time.
@julianrosado1592 Год назад
Id rather my mmr go down then continue to get the matches I get every single day
@donttouchmygens3689 Год назад
Nobody gives a shit about MMR its never made matchmaking any different than how it felt two years ago.
@kongolandwalker Год назад
@@donttouchmygens3689 for me it made a huge difference. Before the first MMR update I often played against teams of streamers and got destroyed. Like, I could down them couple times per match, but it was constant 360, flashlights, body block, head on, and I didn't even have perks to counter that. So it was a regular 0hooks result. After the update and several games MMR sorted me into an easier group and I have 3k average since then. I have started played not long before the MMR, so I felt the difference. And I needed to play against people like me. It was silly to have 20 hours and be matched against 4x3000h every game. Now it is several times more rare to see such a difference in hours.
@colossaldonut5190 Год назад
These people will also say something like "wtf why did the killer take lightborn against our 4-man bully squad that's so lame!" or something to that effect. Seriously, if I see a 4-man SWF with 4 Flashlights why WOULDN'T I take Lightborn?
@janluptak3854 Год назад
Don't forget bhvr made flashlights even more toxic :-D
@ezequieljunior6188 Год назад
Do people actually care when other people dcs?
@donttouchmygens3689 Год назад
They wanna act like they do but thats exactly what killers want anyways
@donttouchmygens3689 Год назад
Especially deathslinger mains. They know how hated they are so they continue to play that dumbass killer
@o_Vina Год назад
@@donttouchmygens3689 bro, can't they just like playing deathslinger? How can you see the solution to the DC problem be "stop playing deathslinger" instead of "stop DCing", people want to play killers they have fun playing, there is no problem with that
@o_Vina Год назад
@@donttouchmygens3689 no that's not what we want, we want to have fun, playing a match that you know you'll surely win and survivors already gave up is not fun and just feels like a time waste
@donttouchmygens3689 Год назад
@Vina having fun with killers? Like how i get camped by slingers at 4 gens and BMed on the hook by that trashcan player
@cloudtender8813 Год назад
They should Make DC penalties scale I havent Ran into any hackers since the update First dc on your account No punishment Second dc on your account 20 minutes Third dc 40 Minutes Fourth 80 minutes Fifth 160 etc etc Maybe include the punishment going back a level every 48 hours that you didnt dc
@BluDucc Год назад
isnt that more or less how it already works?
@lurkii_721 Год назад
Honestly based
@zenlavin34 Год назад
DC penalties should be more severe, and killing yourself on hook should also incur a penalty. I can't play solo queue anymore man.
@fattlebieldproductions3198 Год назад
Maybe if disconnecting is a big problem in your video game, you might have a frustrating game
@mylife1221 Год назад
i can understand dcing/not wanting to play against slowdown nurse but if you're playing against a killer that actually has consistent counterplay, it's just like, really? this guy had so many options but he just allowed himself to get trapped
@julianrosado1592 Год назад
DCING is one of those things, like map offerings, where it's okay for the killer to do but it's evil for survivors to do. Maybe if you killers would stop bringing the same dozen or so meta perks on the same A to S tier killers every single match people would wanna play 🤷‍♂️
@SrDaedricoCO Год назад
Bro, people dc against non meta killers as well, what are you talking about
@Realzurit Год назад
average survivor main
@ZacharyMMcCarthy Год назад
The huge difference between these situations is that when the killer does it the game ends, a survivor does it and the killer and 3 survs get to suffer a pointless game.
@Sir_Slice Год назад
And when I play as Sadako on Gideon with a non meta build? Could you explain that time I had someone DC against me?
@albescentrose7225 Год назад
You're playing as The Plague, you're in no position to ask for anything. Lol.
@nat-uraldisasterpieces8647 Год назад
I've seen this kind of comment for Nurse, Blight, and even a cracked Huntress but uh. Plague. That's a first. 💀
@nemesismagic5236 Год назад
Exactly two post up, ElSuxo calls this out exactly. Didn't have to scroll far to find someone lmao. "X killer is so boring! If I have to deal with them I will disconnect" Insert Plague I guess.
@unseatedelf7142 Год назад
@@nat-uraldisasterpieces8647 i play no perks no add ons killer sometimes just because im bored and people still dc against me no matter what I run or what killer i play i still get dcs lol
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