Rempton Games
Rempton Games
Rempton Games
I am a software developer by day, game designer, RU-vidr, and Game Show Host by night. I write articles and make videos on all sorts of different gaming topics, including design, history, strategy and theories.
How To BREAK a Trading Card Game
2 года назад
Why Pokemon Red and Green Almost Failed
2 года назад
Super Smash Bros. Themed Pokemon Team
3 года назад
@blankAschente День назад
cardfight Vanguard had a strict clan system. had a neat side effect of a pride for your clan like it is your culture and nationality.
@chubbymcgoo4570 2 дня назад
Great videos! Really interesting insights thank you
@xChikyx 2 дня назад
Lurrus doesnt cast them for free...
@theryanlife 5 дней назад
I won the next game I played after adopting your tips
@tubbytubic 15 дней назад
Awesome vid
@chuckolator1859 15 дней назад
Absolutely fantastic video. You conveyed several complex design problems in a concise, well paced, easy to digest format. Your points were very easy to understand. Thanks for this - God bless!!
@junfalushir4106 16 дней назад
i want to see a playthrough of an ai playing pokemon games
@im7254 18 дней назад
Queen is the most fun piece, literally what makes chess fun
@captainmoonunitsexparty2903 20 дней назад
I hope there's an alternate universe where Goblin Game took over MTG
@BahamutEx 20 дней назад
Only create bad/mediocre cards, got it.
@wojciechniemirski1782 21 день назад
4:33 Hearthstone also has other simple system: you can only put in 2 cards of a kind in a deck (or 1 in case of legendaries)
@magnawaves 21 день назад
He doesn't know chimeco is a chime echo and I know (haha join the secret club)
@icicleditor 23 дня назад
The queens problem assumes balance between each choice will be lackluster or straight up terrible, and the suggested solution still doesnt fix the original problem-- an ecosystem where one choice is much better than the others. In a subset solution, if there is poor balance on one card, decks will still gravitate to that one card, but now the other colors are left in the dust and you've worsened the problem, same for pokemon, and if the balance is worse enough the rps turns into rock, paper, worse rock The solution to the queens problem in super chess specifically is a cost system or other limitation like limited queens per setup, both of which have been applied in tcgs
@TheGuzeinbuick 26 дней назад
Easy way to balance: the weak cards are necessary stepping stones for the strong cards. Strong YGO monsters require tributes. Strong Pokemon cards need to be evolved. Strong spell/trainer cards require discards. Etc. Just like a capitalist society requires a working class and a bourgeoisie, so do card games require weak cards that are easy to play and strong cards that are difficult to play. One is not "better" than the other; they depend upon each other in an interrelationship like predator and prey.
@Knokkelman 27 дней назад
While watching this, I imagined a modern format where you can only put X cards of a certain rarity into your deck, like 4 mythics, 8 rares, 16 uncommons max, commons as much as you want - is this already a thing? If not, could it be?
@Mike_the_axolotl 27 дней назад
Everyone use #keepallfightersinsmashbros
@BloodwyrmWildheart 27 дней назад
One word: Money. Money at the expense of literally everything else.
@jaernihiltheus7817 27 дней назад
Yugioh has designed around the queen's problem since GOAT format, though they did it slowly. Firstly by making archetypes synergistic with only themselves. So unless the boss monster was designed to be generically used, it was essentially only playable in that archetype. And even the generic ones you wouldn't stuff multiples of it in there because of limited extra deck space. The current method still revolves around archetypes, but the archetypes are looser and tend to only restrict you to type, attribute, summoning mechanic, etc. Allowing for more flexibility without everything just being a "good things" pile deck like it was in the early-mid 2000s.
@TamingofSpyro 27 дней назад
Pretty sure Magic wasn't trying to stop the Queen's problems by making all the busted cards rare. Probably just wanted money :P
@ashheilborn 27 дней назад
I'd like to point out that sometimes things being broken can be fun. Certainly you don't want to allow people to win without giving their opponent a chance, but you also don't want to design a game where players feel constrained and unable to enjoy the game. If everything is super restrictive, then it doesn't take much for a card to become disastrously overpowered.
@acyclicpepper34 28 дней назад
Nice video, but it seems way to MTG-centric. It probably should've been called something like "How to make an Epic Magic: The Gathering set". News flash - NOT ALL TCGS HAVE COLOR/RESOURCE MECHANICS AND DRAFT FORMATS!!!
@Cardboardgrinch 28 дней назад
Would love to hear your oppinion of FleshandBlood, especially related to this videos topic they seem to have listened but lets see ^^
@MikeyForrester 29 дней назад
queen is good but a pawn can be promoted to anything, it can even be promoted to queen, the strongest piece in the game
@danielpayne1597 Месяц назад
Full agree that perfect balance isn't even desirable. True perfect balance means uniformity. Imagine a deck of 52 but every single card is the Ace of Spades. Pretty useless for playing. That said, I despise thoughtlessly broken cards ruining games. I tilted out of MTG thanks to trash like Scute Swarm and various auto-win decks that don't let you play the FKin game. Get that garbage outta here.
@vonakakkola 13 дней назад
why a balanced game should allow a deck of 52 Ace of Spades? i don't understand the point
@danielpayne1597 13 дней назад
@@vonakakkola Perfect balance (Thanos meme goes here) would require ZERO difference between all the options, simultaneously removing the options. There will never be a fun game that has 100% "balance" -- with balance here representing "every option is equally viable." A game in which every option is equally viable without any differentiation between the options is not interesting nor worth playing, and I would argue that in the process of making more options and interesting decisions to choose from, the game will inevitably have some options be superior to others at least a majority of the time.
@vonakakkola 13 дней назад
@@danielpayne1597 that's not what balance mean, if a character is characterized by speed and another character is characterized by raw power, they can be both balanced withouth having the same skill, but what you said is that they would become both speed based or raw power based which is not true and the fact that ususally unbalancing happen, doesn't mean it's a good thing
@danielpayne1597 13 дней назад
@@vonakakkola There are different definitions for game balance. My statement is a commentary on a particular viewpoint. I similarly prefer to treat proper game balance as a curation of generating options while making sure most options are viable (as equally as possible) and also fun. Just like if you play a fighting game and some moves are 1-frame OHKOs while others are 20-frame gimpy hits, the only true options are the 1-frame OHKOs. Gotta avoid that kind of thing.
@modtyrant1784 Месяц назад
DAMN IT!! I wished i seen this when it dropped. I'm a mathematician not even the best one but any thing involving numbers can be balanced. There are no card games that bring unique mechanics that regular chess hasn't all ready done.
@raysandrarexxia941 23 дня назад
Chess doesn't have randomness and hidden information lol (unless you bring up some fan variants)
@user-ek3xz8je2y Месяц назад
So cool!
@DreadgateTCG Месяц назад
It's the draft part that I have the most trouble with.
@ivanmaranonblashku152 Месяц назад
Hi, I am trying to design a TCG that could separate the collectors market from the players' market. At the same time, I wish to offer players a way to get the cards they need directly from the primary market. I wish to take out as much "lucky" factor as possible from the players' experience as the main source of income for the company comes from another transaction style that offers other experiences to the players. Do you think going against the golden rule of the TCG striving to sell packs and packs and maintaining speculators in the game is a mistake? Or I will find enough true players to sustain a small business focused on culture, tourism and tcg? ¡Great content btw! "Edit": any though or advise will be welcomed as I am far from perfection.😅
@juderoosevelt6734 29 дней назад
I feel like having the luck factor is quite important since that's a major part of making the game to have repeatability, Also I would suggest starting out digitally 1st perhaps and see how that works out ,it will certainly give you an idea on what you are working with!
@BlazeMakesGames Месяц назад
One thing I'm surprised more games don't do is scale copy limitations based on rarity. Like in MTG they still kinda fall into that same problem where cards are balanced by how hard they are to get a hold of. A Deck composed of mostly Rares and Mythic Rares is probably going to beat a deck with only Commons 90% of the time. And the only thing stopping a player from filling a deck with rare cards is money. They did introduce the card limits in general to help balance this out, so that by having only a max of 4 of any one card at a time you can never fully rely on being able to draw a specific mythic rare card in a deck that has at least 60 cards. But that still doesn't solve the overall problem of just filling your deck with tons of different rare cards. I would think that a better idea would be to impose Limits based on the card rarity so that the rarity is itself a balancing mechanic. So for example you could have up to 4 of any Common Card, 3 Uncommons, 2 Rares, and 1 Mythic Rare. Now suddenly there's actually a reason to focus a deck around Commons and Uncommons. Like yeah you could still technically fill a deck with nothing but Rare and Mythic Rare cards with the only thing stopping you being your wallet and your ability to find them, but it would probably be a bad idea. Now a Deck that consists of only Rares and Mythic Rares would be a lot less consistent. In a 60 card deck with 25 lands. You would need something like 15 unique Mythic Rares and 10 unique Rares in order to fill it out. Compared to a deck with Commons and Uncommons which might only need 10-15 unique cards in total. This means that a common-filled deck is going to play a lot more consistently than a Rare-filled deck. Which can be a huge advantage, even though the Rare cards are objectively more powerful.
@10001vader 14 дней назад
basically, the reason they don't do that is that balancing by consistency isn't very good for a healthy competive game. That's why mtg doesn't do partial bans like yugioh does. (in yugioh, every good deck has 8 million ways to search out any cards, so removing copies doesn't really affect consistency as much as it does how hard a deck is to shut down). Nowadays, for magic at least, rarity is mostly only important in the limited formats where the lack of ability to 100% choose what's in your deck means that you are primarily going to use commons/uncommons.
@Rodrigo_Vega Месяц назад
There were also a lot of "Single conical horn" designs: Rhyhorn, Rhydon, Nidoran M. Nidorino, Nidoking/Nidoqueen, Dragonair, Dragonite, Weedle, Lapras. There's also a lot of "Generic kaiju bodies" like Nidoqueen/king, Rhyhorn, Magmar, Kangaskhan of which there are more examples on second generation too, Tyranitar comes to mind.
@Kindlesmith70 Месяц назад
Ah this is the reason why I stop playing TCGs. No TCG is balanced. There will always be cards that just too useful not to use in decks. There will also be cards that wont ever see play because there are better alternatives. Bans, errata, and restriction lists are infuriating on the wallet (I paid for these cards, so I should be allowed to use them). Errata, and clarifications in general are a pain to need to keep in mind, and having to print out a tome to refer to is extra tedious. 13:14 I disagree. Strongly disagree. It's a money scheme to fill tcgs with garbage. There is no other resaon for it but money. Fill a TCG with enough cards to get players to buy more of them. That is the primary goal there. I feel it is a waste of resources to have bad cards in any card game. I also highly desire balanced games. It is mostly to make the game accessible to anyone, not just those with money to throw at a hobby. It is also so any deck could beat any other deck based on skill more than randomness.
@mujigant35 15 дней назад
I'm glad you quit
@Kindlesmith70 15 дней назад
@@mujigant35 My wallet is certainly happy. To say I've completely quit the scene would be a lie. I have at least one reviving TCG around that nobody locally collects which provides me with the greatest power to control what decks to make iso they are roughly equal in terms of strategy without being samey. Proxies are the best considering I can edit them before print so they reflect all changes/errata that was done to them. Tabletop Simulator is also a great boon for playing against people not local, which also grants access to all cards. I've actually been looking into TCGs and CCGs no longer in retail print. There's about 4 so far that have caught my interest, and non of these are being played locally in any broadcast way. Deck building all for myself to enjoy!
@HaxDotCombo Месяц назад
Yu-Gi-Oh's actually designed a lot of its newer cards and mechanics around anti-synergies and restrictions. It's frustrating going to bat for that game in the discourse because we're simultaneously the "play all the good cards, no variety" game and the "this card is so specific, opening packs feels bad because I can't use these cards" game. We're in a sort of design renaissance of softer restrictions with things medium-splashable, but for a long time it was conventional to just follow every xenophobic archetype restriction printed on your main engine pieces and basically play mono-color in a game that has more than 5 colors.
@Ghorda9 21 день назад
yugioh should of never deviated away from the basic tribute/type system in the first place
@ddbros7892 Месяц назад
Most good yugioh cards are archetype locked there are some generic cards mostly in the extra deck but competitive yugioh decks aren’t just the same good cards haphazardly thrown together
@Arguyus Месяц назад
Personally, I would put it smack in the middle and have it be a jack of all trades color that gets a boost if you control a card of the color that normally has said effect or boosting the effects of cards of a certain color; with a theme of compromise, adaptation, and encouragement that doesn't like to work alone. I'm not sure what creatures would work well with it other than shapshifters, maybe scarecrows.
@UkuleleProductions Месяц назад
I don't think the point you make, about bad cards being good for draft is valid. Look at cubes. People design these cubes intentionally, to ONLY contain good cards. And they are incredibly fun to draft, because suddenly you are faced with wondering which of these good cards you want to play. I think your point is the equavalent of limiting options during a game. Or showing the solution or a hint if the player dosen't find it after a certain time. You might just wanna help the player not being stuck, but in reality, your taking the players option away, to be stuck and really using their brain to solve a difficult problem. Giving a player ONLY good cards will increase their creativity, because they don't HAVE to pick the one obviously good card in the pack, and thats now the only way they can play. They have more options and can therefor explore more what they actually want to play.
@RemptonGames Месяц назад
I think there was a misunderstanding. I wasn’t trying to say that drafts need bad cards - I was just saying that cards have different values depending on format. Some cards might not be good in constructed but are good in draft, while some constructed cards are bad in draft because they require building around.
@ericslingerland5472 Месяц назад
I like Sorcery's take on this, where not only is there a colored resource system like magic, but the rarity determines how many copies can be put in a deck. 4 copies at common down to 1 for the rarest
@julesfalcone Месяц назад
You said "Grand Pappy" so I'm subscribing
@Maxusxavier Месяц назад
Yugioh solution to this wasn't the ban list, the ban list is it's solution to not having set rotation, it's self-dependant archetype system is it's modern andwer to the queen problem
@thisisiampie6946 10 дней назад
Ban list also adds more flavor and who doesn't like seeing true problem cards go
@BlackReshiram Месяц назад
over a decade later and this game continues to be a fucking banger that said i was insanely curious how tf the rigging of this game works, so great video! thank you!
@GoToBedSheeva Месяц назад
You’re 100% right about the yugioh problem but it’s affecting the extra deck with how generic those cards are more than the main one these days because the game took to making archetype cards that work within archetypes. (Al this also led to a good majority of those banned cards coming off the list because they aren’t searchable lol)
@jmurray1110 Месяц назад
Ok but what is the audience for linear or simultaneous equation canon
@jmurray1110 Месяц назад
The dark magician has always been bad The main monsters a garnet from DM era to now he has had no relevance Blue eyes had 1 YCS and that’s exclusively due to Konami forcing it through a generous support release time
@Ricky_Evans1611 Месяц назад
This channel is dope. I'll give you 1.2 subscriptions (rounded down, of course).
@Cyberium Месяц назад
The reason why some games have color and cost restriction was precisely to ensure that people cannot have access to all the power cards without putting in effort. In MtG these days though, there are too many color fixers that color pie restriction is almost nonexistent.
@CalebN. Месяц назад
9:09 I’m actually trying to do the math for house building increases.
@YourGuyDan Месяц назад
This is truly the complete guide to monopoly strategy. Thank you!
@nancydee6106 Месяц назад
Year to plenty is a trade??? I thought you just follow the directions on the card and take two resources from the bank???
@clothandleather2838 Месяц назад
The only reason some people have pet decks is because art or funny card designs