Gift From Within
Gift From Within
Gift From Within
Gift From Within was a nonprofit organization that started in 1993 and closed in June 2022. These are short videos on PTSD. The DVD's are no longer supplied by GIft From Within. Contact Psychotherapy.net and ProQuest.

If you need resources on PTSD and Trauma you may wish to contact the following organizations.

The National Center for PTSD, The National Center for Victims of Crime, Sidran Institute and The International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies. These organizations and their respective websites have resources for survivors, family members and health care professionals.

Surviving Trauma and Tragedy Intro
11 лет назад
What is the Stellate Ganglion Block?
11 лет назад
What is Chronic PTSD
11 лет назад
@Eric-gi9kg День назад
I may not have been on the front lines.. but I still experienced some crazy shit. The only two people that understand that.. my shrink and my nephew, who was in Afghanistan.
@Eric-gi9kg День назад
He speaks the absolute Truth. And trying to explain this to someone that hasn't gone through what I have gone through, and all they can say... "everyone goes through it.. and you will too" NO.. everyone doesn't
@robertmino5608 День назад
Label and destroy. Don't consider any problems you may have caused them.
@DavidRE7 День назад
My father is exactly like this
@ravenhairwitch78 19 дней назад
Thank you for this
@gayeinggs5179 23 дня назад
My ex husband
@princessm9471 Месяц назад
pray to me i want seriouly job and leaving this house :(
@soniczforever5470 Месяц назад
That is true. I was retraumatised yesterday. I did deal with ok using toolkit. Im sheltering in place till i feel safer. Friends are going to shop for me as i wont leave. I have a few in network that look out for me. I will in the future. Id a supportive ex also.
@ninamyllyla9171 Месяц назад
How to nock down to sleep without trying to fall asleep. Just skipping the falling part
@malwads1836 Месяц назад
THIS is exactly how a very good therapist should be with children of narcissists regardless of their age.I realize this video is old but we still need more folks like this fellow.For more resources 👀 at other channels on here like Jerry Wise, Surviving Narcissism, & Dr.Ramani.
@vinolind6671 Месяц назад
My mom always hurts me deeply. Then she cries like i hurt her. I thought to kill myself many times. I cant able to handle this emotional torture. But i am adjusting everything for god jesus.
@vinolind6671 Месяц назад
I have a narcesstic mother😢
@lisazack6459 Месяц назад
It's easy for someone else to say but my husbands boss blackmailed into sex, I was 28 and his boss was in 60s and obese. It was my husbands fault he did something very illegal and I ended up paying the price to save his skin. Being blackmailed was the same as having a knife at you're throat, in fact even worse since he demanded that I dress in certain way and perform in certain ways and had to appear willingly. The other thing that still niggles away, five years later and two years after his death, is the orgasms, they were intense. I'm sick of the statement size doesn't matter, because I found out otherwise. What makes it worse is that my gorgeous attentive husband has only ever managed to bring me to orgasm through hundreds of finger hours but this fat repulsive old man over a weekend made me orgasm many times. I feel robbed, he manged to make feel the way I always wanted through penetration, he was much larger than any of the other three men I have experienced, that includes my husband. People don't appreciate that if the rapist is well enough endowed and isn't in a hurry but enjoys the fact that all his thrusting will eventually have you thrusting with him, that's really the difficult bit, you have somehow become a willing participant. It's not just lying there and you feel an orgasm happen, at some point your body gives in and you want the orgasm. The next day and the ones that follow your haunted by how you have behaved, you cannot escape the guilt, because even once you think you have put all this behind you, you haven't. What you find is that when you're having sex with your husband or masturbating you keep returning to the memory of this horrible event to achieve an orgasm and worse it's now so easy. You're changed for ever and you can never go back to being the person you were before it happened, your husband might think he's having intimate loving sex with you but you know different and cannot even tell him what's in your head now, he'd be disgusted, you cannot even tell friends.
@buildmeupbuttercup98 Месяц назад
Thank you for sharing Lisa.. I’m really sorry to hear about what happened, and I will pray for your healing. I was also taken advantage of, and I cannot orgasm with a partner now. I feel so broken.. how old are you now?
@lisazack6459 Месяц назад
@@buildmeupbuttercup98 33 which means I still have a significant libido, and in away that's a problem, libido is like a fuel that demands to be use immediately and creates irrational desires. The effect of being coerced into sex stimulates thoughts I wish I could rid myself of, maybe by the time I'm in my 40s I wont care.
@wanjiruolive Месяц назад
11 yrs ago damn and some of us are learning of this recently
@persevere6326 2 месяца назад
@AfiasArt-xe1dr 2 месяца назад
I believe we're still supposed to financially help our parents even if they're a narcissist to the best of our abilities , because they're still our parents.
@deanaburnham9571 2 месяца назад
A doctor who doesn't blame the parents and trauma. He has observed the indicators pointing to the wiring, the genetics, the learning. Shows that the "building blocks" are most responsible.
@carollynnlaney1530 2 месяца назад
Still dealing with a narcissistic mother. It is beyond draining because now she has the beginnings of dementia. 😭 Her paranoia is at an all time high. Still trying to find my way through this....
@gra6799 2 месяца назад
I can so relate to this
@M_Heartsoul 2 месяца назад
Thank you! I suffer with ptsd but just wanted to say your voice is very relaxing and helps me feel safe<3
@nightdogggg 3 месяца назад
I had a stent put in my heart, Thre act of dozing off causes me to wake up in a panic and have to huff and puff. Really need some sleep
@robertleobrown5656 3 месяца назад
@LuminousRaw 3 месяца назад
Thank you 🙏🏻
@melliecrann-gaoth4789 3 месяца назад
My husband was so nasty. He went behind my back and went to a lot of effort to meet a certain person, a person, the chief abuser and he colluded with my family. He then went and learned a load of tricks that he would use in the most covert ways possible He got information from the horses that could only have been riveting- “ their perspective’” he used this to hone his tactics and look lime the nicest, shy guy you could know. Tall, lean, good looking easy smile, said little, played football, enjoyed a few beers with the guys. Good to his mom, granny, nieces and nephews. And shy… The meeting, which he mentioned in a casual way… happened 2 weeks before our wedding, it was in a town miles from where we lived, but he had a business call there. “I saw your mother today” Why? To see could I change her mind about coming to the wedding ( she refused her invite- only sent to give her the opportunity to refuse- then she was officially invited, mine was the only wedding she refused attend). Short story she was a sadist- over 6 years together he heard so much from me, I hid nothing. I could go on.
@imrmusic5093 3 месяца назад
Pakistani narcIssistic parents are on another level .
@honeymoonavenue97 4 месяца назад
I don’t trust that men exist that aren’t jealous of women’s success, aren’t abusive, or cannot accept rejection.
@Kathy-g3i 4 месяца назад
Husband died 11 years. That son a bitch. PTSD Bereavement sucks.
@MarcassCarcass 4 месяца назад
What if nothing can be done about the things on the list cause everyone is groomed for human and drug trafficking? Does a doctor have to be bought for them to be willing to provide actual medical treatment, instead of just framing me and leaving me spitting blood? How do i do this?
@Mech_Wizard 4 месяца назад
And what's the second step?
@expo1706 4 месяца назад
And yet psychological, "diagnostic" labels are so destructive, such a fallicy, so damaging to people. They are lies from the pit of hell and so is the field of psychology made to destroy human souls. The problem lies elsewhere. And that is as far as I will go. I've seen normal people become so called experts of "diagnosing" people and think they are so intelligent and destructive to the people that came for help. They are like vipers in human garb.
@MarcassCarcass 4 месяца назад
How can there be a "recovery period" when nobody cares to stop the abuse?
@rosalindsongsmith3670 4 месяца назад
I like to ask this question because I’m honestly curious and I like the answers I get. No judgment here. Why does it seem like just about every or at least a bunch of psychopaths and sociopaths have the blank eyes? I don’t get it.
@Jacks-tj9mb 5 месяцев назад
Lot of guys I know have both cptsd and ptsd. Growing up in a shithole to blowing up a shithole. At least I learned it’s all one big garbage heap. Didn’t help tho.
@mzlww 5 месяцев назад
I was bullied and screamed at by a coworker and when I got upset and had a panic attack I was offered a Figgit bit, then told to go home when I just needed a few minutes. Workplace don’t understand about ptsd
@klanderkal 5 месяцев назад
Im obsessed alright. I cannot let go of what happened to me. When i say the word, DEVASTATED,,... that's what happened to me. The insomnia caused my stress, anxiety 24/7. The Depression. Anhedonia..... is !!!. He sounds like it can be Easley cured, and hey,... just take medications..... ☠️⛓️😫... !!
@klanderkal 5 месяцев назад
7 months ago,.. I foolishly made a mistake and retired from my best job of 25 years. My job was everything to me.! I stressed so badly to return. The anxiety of the reality of my lifestyle, dreams, and goals were over. I got chronic insomnia and severe depression. The grief I have is horrible. I can't get my life back, and it was my fault. I have no mental energy to do anything anymore, I don't go outside. I have lost the desire to do anything. I just sit almost 24/7... ruminating on coulda shouda wouldas. My mental and physical health are declining.... but im like mentally paralyzed. Unable to stop this. I've called 988. Words are not helping.... im unable to reframe what they suggest. It's my life that was altered. I was so happy, healthy, and always laid back, worry free. Now I'm a wreck. Unable to sleep, stressed with depression. 911
@julesyork1035 5 месяцев назад
@monsieurlaphant603 5 месяцев назад
Ptsd sucks. It never goes away. Theres no end to the nightmare. Theres no help and I wish people would stop trying to convince me to keep going to make everyone else happy.
@Ryu_Shotokan 5 месяцев назад
Jesus how i definitely feel worse listening to this guy saying it will never go away. Wtf
@preciousmousse 6 месяцев назад
They don't have the capacity and aren't willing to find that capacity. Only 30% of abused kids turned into abusers themselves, they're having it the way they want to have it.
@MarianaFerreira-l1f 6 месяцев назад
They have stoped me from getting a job.Im jobless and living with them
@accordionSWE 6 месяцев назад
Some norms are flowing around in western society around today. To be a boss over others, to own power in different ways, to have the last word in the social conversation, to be in power to have not to listen to other people. To have the privilege to not ever say sorry to someone or feel any guilt or shame. The norms are driving the social strife and it is segregating. The dream seems to have become living as an matriarch or patriarch in a mansion and isolating oneself and ones family from social life. As a layman I have learned that in the myriad of realms of family life, there is the most crucial place for creating a decent society. Do we as western people lost our way? I know things are uglier than ever or has it always been this way?
@cloudslady3400 6 месяцев назад
I guess funding young adults of narcissistic parents is so essential mine was financially abusive..,I wasn’t allowed to go find a job…or have a penny in my pocket so I couldn’t leave..I would love to know if there’s any institutional support for this matter..especially if I have an evidence of physical abuse
@justarandomdude.9285 7 месяцев назад
"They own you financially they can hurt you." Yes true. and it hurts
@ChosenOne1967 7 месяцев назад
Luke 12:52 (NLT) From now on families will be split apart, three in favor of me, and two against-or two in favor and three against.
@LordVader5738 7 месяцев назад
Why aren’t we sending narcissists to jail?
@anthonyciolli5891 7 месяцев назад
Viet Nam vet, 1968-69, Agent Orange, numerous heart problems, On meds since 1995 for PTSD, ZOLOFT,200mg, Ativan 6mg, daily,
@anthonyciolli5891 7 месяцев назад
Viet Nam vet, 15 months, long history heart problems, agent orange, PTSD, survived all my friends I grew up with, recently diagnosed with a stroke, had procedure on right carotid, left is 100% occluded, just having some slight double vision in left eye, my friends who passed, didn't have nearly the problems I had, I don't understand all this !!!
@tonivaripati5951 7 месяцев назад
Blimey there are loads of these experts on YOU TUBE telling us what we already know, they must think we are stupid
@nonoyobeezewax9527 7 месяцев назад
I didn't find out that my mother (my only "parent") had narcissism until I was nearly 60. Never knew about it at all, I only knew that she was obsessively brutal and unrelenting with psychological abuse..which unfortunately started when I was very young. Narcissism is a hideous pyschological "disease" that only gets worse with age (at least in my experience). My mother is so enslaved by this negative energy/spirit, that I no longer know who she is anymore...it's destroyed her completely as a normal person. My respect and empathy to EVERYONE who has had to deal with this viscious disease. Peace to you all.