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The what flower ? | Critical Role Clip | C3E66
10 месяцев назад
'Can I kiss you?' | Critical Role Clip | C3E65
10 месяцев назад
Orym's wanted ad | Critical Role Clip | C3E63
11 месяцев назад
For Madrid ! | Critical Role Clip | C3E63
11 месяцев назад
@iExploder 8 дней назад
Could you say Sam got... D'd?
@rayplays7498 10 дней назад
oh my god, getting this as a recommended video after being caught up is awesome/awful xD
@infiniteaaron 11 дней назад
You're basically just taking your favorite clips from the campaigns and sharing them with us (again)? Cool! Thank you. Hopefully, Critical Role doesn't get bothered by this and copyright strike you.
@elrapido5150 13 дней назад
Peak sunk cost fallacy behavior here lol
@daisukeds85 14 дней назад
I hated this moment. It only happened in the 1st place because Laura and Ashley had an out of character obsession/crush on Devexian which somehow convinced them that Devexian had repaired and reactivated FCG when in fact all he did was sell FCG's inactive shell to the person that actually reactivated him, Dancer. Laura had to be corrected on this by Dani on 4-Sided-Dive.
@savingpyro 16 дней назад
Deni$e: "But why are they calling you Nancy?" Orym: "I don't know." Laudna: "Wait, is this why you wanted me to call you Nancy in Bassaras?"
@dallinlowe2627 17 дней назад
Most bound to: Dancer. Period. Letters has no real connection with D. Didn’t even know he existed until like episode 40
@TheOffkilter 19 дней назад
All these people getting onto Matt apparently have never read the spell descriptor for Divination
@kientran364 22 дня назад
god I miss FCG
@tomaszskowronski1406 24 дня назад
my opinion is that it was Dancer all along. That's who he's most bound to. Sure, D found him, but he spent time with Dancer. She was his "first" family, D was just a means to it
@Luneowl Месяц назад
I finally get that joke after bingeing the Crown Keepers campaigns to catch up with episode 92.
@Kinvarus1 Месяц назад
Matt expertly luring Sam in with the "you can cast it again." every time was genius.
@annaptakova3242 Месяц назад
The way Sam moves when he says "fuck you" during the second one just looks like he's about to get up and fight Matt, lol.
@colorlover7605 Месяц назад
I love that Liam tells him to zip it up and the bit ends. Liam knows how to reign in his husband.
@bishop6218 Месяц назад
And it was at this moment, that he knew, he fucked up...
@adambaldinger4507 Месяц назад
It aint my fault slikk the shocker and mystikal... if you know you know
@buddybleeyes Месяц назад
Will forever love this moment 🤣🤣🤣
@Damdebase Месяц назад
I think in Travis m8nd, black is black 😂 yhey are talking about very dark vlue and very dark red for example
@oakley2726 Месяц назад
Watching this after the newist episode 😢
@noahwright2113 Месяц назад
this video gave me a smiley day
@boyle7774 Месяц назад
I love Travis little tantrum as Chetney when Laudna says, “I’m wearing your house as a backpack now.” He just slightly waved his arms and says, “Fuck”
@tsavin Месяц назад
After the initial Divination, a level 2 Augury ritual should settle the issue! Simple yes/no.
@LednacekZ 2 месяца назад
Travis is confused, girls and the resident goth are in agreement, Sam yawns from boredom and Liam, Liam is in his happy place.
@krumpits 2 месяца назад
Some of the cast really annoyed me here. They kept pushing for the, to go see D because out of character they just really wanted to see a cameo. The answer is very clearly Dancer because FCG has never even met D and dancer is the one that they have a past with
@yew2oob954 2 месяца назад
The blue perineum...also known as smurf's taint, Na'vi gooch, or Cookie Monsters' grundel.
@MeerkatADV 2 месяца назад
I just love that both are talking about Matt, with him sitting right there :D
@jerkygirlx 2 месяца назад
I feel like what he discibribing was something in a video game.
@Daktangle 2 месяца назад
All this because Sam decided FCG *needed* to be forgiven in order for his character's story to progress , totally missing that forgiveness is something you can and does not need to be given at all
@xXRoyOfDemaciaXx 2 месяца назад
Talisan doing so good at keeping it together up until the end xD
@korpakukac 24 дня назад
@moonman3827 2 месяца назад
Sam going “maybe we should kill the gods?” 😂😂😂
@Furryfattal 2 месяца назад
Travis casually slapped himself with his locket and played it off smooth af 😂
@kerimullane298 2 месяца назад
Just imagining all of this in character, all of them watching FCG going a little insane while communing with his deity before saying 'let's go to D' and shutting down lol Poor lil Robit is going through it.
@thehentaifriend5006 2 месяца назад
They say... "3rd time's the charm" for a reasdon XD LAMAO
@Crispy7861 3 месяца назад
So many moments like this are why i cant understand why people aren't into C3. Im in tears.
@bbadperson594 3 месяца назад
@Trip1ikeMe 3 месяца назад
Where can I find this Autobot t-shirt???
@Ginfeldi 3 месяца назад
i feel for the poor celestial being servant of the change bringer that has to deal with this shit
@sunflowerhandler 3 месяца назад
"tryna save your life, make it easy" killlllled me
@georgenettleton1857 3 месяца назад
Me secretly hoping that the compass was actually pointing to FCG the whole time as the nearest metal object 😂
@szymonbober2280 3 месяца назад
i could imagine a secretary at the godesses temple that just got three calls from the same number but the person is more rude with each call...
@azurebalmung4520 3 месяца назад
I was convinced Sam was about to be the first player to use Divination to ask for someone's manager.
@AkumaMasurao 3 месяца назад
I'll never forget the time when the MN were getting winter gear and had these elaborate ideas and then Fjord walks in the store and says, "Y'all got a coat?"
@renaissancenerd3801 3 месяца назад
"Maybe we should kill the gods"
@kkav4586 3 месяца назад
This is worse than Jester's messages
@jamesrogers1554 3 месяца назад
Been there, done that.... When the players are basically just straight asking the GM what to do/where to go and the GM is like "Nah fam, you gotta figure that out on your own!"
@arthaiser 4 месяца назад
matt and sam are the perfect dm player combo, not that the rest are bad, i feel the need to say that they are all very good too, but matt and sam in particular is golden.
@Pavi132 4 месяца назад
I wish Matt just said "maybe" on that last one
@CheshireTomcat68 4 месяца назад
0:19 inappropriate.
@Ramschat 4 месяца назад
At this, point, I think the changebringer wants him to just flip a coin. A specific coin, but still
@TamTroll 4 месяца назад
will never understand how everyone thought it was D. FCG has never even MET D!
@r.s.2890 3 месяца назад
I know right?! "You have to go to this guy who dug you up and sold you. Not to the person that fixed you and whom you spent time with."
@IzzyandLuna 2 месяца назад
D woke him up, not Dancer
@TamTroll 2 месяца назад
@@IzzyandLuna Source? FCG doesn't even know who D is. He was sold to Dancer as an inanimate husk.