Forsaken Wanderer
Forsaken Wanderer
Forsaken Wanderer
Excuse my t0xicity I have Prion disease from the vacc1ne, as well as hepat1tis and A1DS. #PrionisagiftfromGates #DaddyKlausIloveyou #mybodynotmych0ice

Here are some commonly asked questions:

Q:Do you have autism?
A: I have a very high degree on the spectrum

Q:Are you intentionally making your videos look bad
A: 50/50, I don't have any graphic design skills so I use Paint.exe, although I am going for an early internet sh*tpost style

Q:Why are you so in love with DSP?
A:It's not like that really! I'm watching him for the detraction! I'm not a fan!

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There was o

Minecraft is a terrible game #minecraft
16 часов назад
How they may stop you growing food
Месяц назад
3 месяца назад
Why I am a black pilled doomer : A primer
3 месяца назад
My critique of the " Boomer Shooter " genre
3 месяца назад
@Justin-dl7hb 5 часов назад
Autistic people often run into communication difficulties when interacting with non-autistic people. This may not be due to autistic people being worse at communicating. Rather, it might be from autistic people communicating differently. The double-empathy problem of autism highlights this issue. The problem is this: Autistic difficulities in comunication are reduced or vanish when interacting with other autistic people. Given the common description of autism causing general communication deficits, this makes no sense. In the following paragraphs, I will highlight some of the day-to-day problems that arise from this inherent difference in communication. 1. Intentional Display in non-autistic people For non-autistic people, intentionally displaying behaviors and emotions they do not actually feel is part of daily life.This is learned in childhood. Crying intentionally can yield beneficial treatment from adults. Pretending to be sleepy can result in comforting treatment from parents. Pretending to be interested in a one thing to deceive another child, to reach your goals, is a common behavior. Even little children already engage in complex deception and manipulation. In my opinion, this does not disappear in adulthood. Rather, these behaviors are just altered into their respective "adult" versions. Examples include: - exaggerating emotions or pains to get attention quicker from doctors or nurses - deliberately staging fights or escalating a situation to get your way in business or customer service - using fake gestures of friendliness to "test" other peoples trustworthiness - venting emotions loudly in order to signal to a partner that you want to be comforted emotionally - etc. There are many more examples, but for the sake of brevity we will leave it at this. 2. Intentional Display and autistic people Autistic people do not do this. In my personal experience as an autistic person, and from the gathered words of other autists, I derive that we can not "act" the part. Since "acting" and insincerity is seen as necessary by non-autistics, they misjudge autistic people as being "extremely honest by default." This is not the case. If you mentally don't operate in a way where you are prone to playing pretend, then you arenot being intentionally honest, it is just who you are. This projection of non-autistic traits onto autists does not stop here. Namely, non-autistics project intentions into everything autists do. If the autist is honest and it hurts the feelings of the non-autist, the autist is often accused of having deliberately insulted the non-autist. Another example that I gave earlier is that of exaggerating pain to get quicker attention from doctors and nurses. The autistic person may not do this, even with servere injuries. One example from an autism textbook in my posession is that of a man who waited paitently in the ER room until he passed out from an asthma attack. He simply did not think to communicate through intentional display that he was in severe peril and needed help immediatly. As such, the nurses and doctors paid him no heed until the situation escalated. An autist may even be accused of faking illness or such as a result. In childhood, this can often result in unintentional gaslighting by the parents. it is normal for non-autistic children to push boundaries until their parents discipline them, and parents usually correctly interpret the childs behavior in this case. However, if the parents are not autistic, but the child is, many of the childs requests for peace, quiet, screams of trouble and pain may be interpreted as intentional display, aka, an attempt to subvert the parents authority. Thus, the child is punished without understanding why. Naturally, this can lead to trauma. Another example that you often here from autistic people is problems with the difference in how empathy is communicated. A non-autistic person communicates their need for empathy through intentional display. So they may say to another person, oh, I am so down, or something similar. The other person will then give them a pat on the back, some encouraging words and send them on their way. However, to autistic people this seems insulting or dismissive, since the autistic way of expressing empathy is often more concrete and problem oriented. So if someone says to an autistic person "oh, I am so down" the autistic person might ask questions like "why?" and try to find a solution. Normal people do not want solutions though, they want emotional support. So just like the autist perceives the non-autist as rude and dismissive, the non-autist perceives the autists way of expressing helpfullness as insulting. 3. The big larp and what autists need to understand Now that we have laid the groundwork, we can get to the main point. As autists we tend to interpret non-autistic peoples constant bickering, fighting and complaining about issues as real. We assume there must be a real reason behind it, something that demands urgent attention and solving. This is often not the case though. Most of the time people do in-fact not have significant issues. They just engage in drama because it gives them a feeling of meaning and they feel important in the eyes of others. For example, experiencing periodic bouts of depression is a norma part of human experience. Most people recover on their own from almost all issues they face. Depression goes away on it's own after a few weeks, when acceptance sets in. Therapy is also built around this well known fact. Most people just need a slight reset, someone who listens to them like a therapist and woosh, they are back on track. For some people mental illness even becomes a sort of identity. They do not want to get better, because fundamentally they don't view themselves as sick to begin with. This is called morbid gain in the literature. Autistic people often do have real problems though. The list of co-morbid health conditions is long, ranging from things like epilepsy, motor-control issues, to higher incidence rates for heart- and cardiovescular disease. However, as already explained, when autistic people complain in their flat-affect, monotone voice to other people in order to get the help they more than likely REALLY need, they may not be listened to or even mocked. Other people will just assume the autist is like them and just larping to get attention or have his identity construct validated. This can feel like being constantly gaslit and insulted to the autistc person. That may also be why many autistic people become "assholes" or "anal" about things. They feel that if they don't make themselves very clear to other people, they will be ignored or worse. My advice to every autistic person reading this: Exaggerate your issues. You are probably masively underselling the scope of your suffering already anyway, without even noticing. Do not fall into the trap of being "realistic" when talking to health care providers. State in violent and extreme terms why you need help. If you have ever wondered why there are people around you that seem way more functional than you but receive more help from the autorities - this is why. You have to practically scream in agony, or they will park your ass and dismiss you. That's all, have a good night.
@slh950 11 часов назад
@luckyluke6593 15 часов назад
I like the word of thruth. I sympathse with you even if I am on the other side of the globe - I have a feeling that there is more of us - it is very important that you are making those films. I have a feeling that we must wait till their system will collapse and then quarter them and throw them into the sea at the moment when they are going to be most vulnerable. They have made our lives totally absolutely horrible - and even worse - they even taken away from us ability to articulate our position through cancel. I am older than you, more than 40 yo and I had occasion to do something with my life but now - I want only revenge, because everything else in my life went into drain thanks to their absurd woke ideology.
@GimmeAll-u8p 15 часов назад
Finally someone I can completely relate with To regarded for a normie life To well functioning to stay inside Limbo
@Justin-dl7hb 6 дней назад
I feel like minecraft was good back in the day when it was just about relaxing and sort of living in the moment, but they added lots of clutter that has turned it into a failed RPG. I feel like most NT people play as a group which makes the game bearable, as people like us generally play it alone with exposes the flaws of the game. It shocked me to learn most people just played multiplayer etc. and not single player survival haha
@Forsaken.Wanderer 3 дня назад
Sorry, it takes me a while to get back on the computer. It is a very bloated package now for sure. I'm also shocked that the NT normies are all playing mutiplayer with each other while as per usual we are wandering around on a quiet lonely server.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 2 дня назад
I was struggling to stay awake as it was past 5pm but what I was trying to say is that I had the same experienced, I wandered the dead world alone and later found out everyone else was playing multiplayer and socializing.
@Wildminecraftwolf 7 дней назад
The solution for you is escorts and/or other borderline autist girls.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 дней назад
Is it really intercourse or company if it's with someone that is only doing it for money? Where would I find autistic girls, at a anime convention?
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 дней назад
Make it an autistic escort with abundant natural resources and then we are talking
@hanschmitt4421 7 дней назад
Living life on hardcore mode brother, the worst part is we don't even get epic loot for it LMAO. It sucks being autistic but it does have some benefits, even if few
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 дней назад
Indeed brother, we are playing on Nightmare difficulty but to observers we are playing on Normal. I find the negatives outweigh the benefits but being able to see things for how they really are is helpful isn't it.
@hanschmitt4421 6 дней назад
@@Forsaken.Wanderer yea more bad than good but I see normies falling for really dumb stuff. I feel I'm immune to all women's shit tests which is nice
@PetrusEksteen 7 дней назад
Secular society does not seem to leave much purpose for life outside of work, financial success and fulfilling hedonistic desires
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 дней назад
That be true. All we are offered is stuff and consuming. But what if Mcdonald's and porn isn't enough to satisfy your soul, society has no answer for you anymore.
@PetrusEksteen 6 дней назад
@@Forsaken.Wanderer Yes, the problem with believing you're just a clump of cells whose thoughts are the result of random chemical processes means you inevitably live your life contrary to this belief - what is the use of treating the sick, giving to the poor or producing offspring if the end result is simply that you die and that's it, and your children die and that's it, etc etc. There is meaning to the world beyond the naturalism taught by our brainwashing organizations known as the education, news, sports and entertainment industries. What is the one ideology which is singularly targeted by all powers that be, which yet always rises to the top as the cream of society who can endure despite all tribulation?
@luckyluke6593 7 дней назад
@Forsaken.Wanderer 7 дней назад
Perhaps though autists have a station and to go beyond it is a mistake, one that will cost us dearly.
@luckyluke6593 7 дней назад
@@Forsaken.Wanderer I do not know if there is such danger. Something with me is off but I am not autistic I suppose... But I am not buing also all those descriptors. I am me, you are you, and all those naming is like a cage for individual development created by "experts", so... :) You are always the only competent judge of yourself because only you are you and only you know through what you went through. And I know that it is important from time to time to leave oasis and go to desert ;)
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 дней назад
@@luckyluke6593 What I mean is that doing the "right" thing and rising up to the normie working class challenge may not always be the right move for everyone. That is a good way to think about things. I don't like that everything and everyone needs to fit in a box. Autists are all very different. Have you left your oasis to take a trip through the desert?
@luckyluke6593 6 дней назад
@@Forsaken.Wanderer Most of those "normal" people are narcissists. Everything validates ther approach to life till it don't. From my perspective autistic equals competent, and our civ and especially culture neglect competent people as naive, so... And regards oasis and desert - yes, I have been in the desert, I came back and something calling me into desert again all the time. Even one journey into that inhospitable place and it stays in your soul and calling you. Oasis can be safe and pleasant but it is not comparable to desert where you can confront yourself with obstacles, overcome them and build faith in yourself in consequence. Find you desert bro!
@joshkokichi 7 дней назад
I never got into it
@Forsaken.Wanderer 7 дней назад
It's not worth getting into really
@PetrusEksteen 7 дней назад
Yeah it needs quests or something. Whenever I play I build a starter house, get some diamond gear and... then what? As you say there is not really any goal, and I've never been able to really 'make my own fun'. So what if I can build a huge automatic factory mansion if there is nothing to do with the output? Needs random or recurring events and a greater overall goal.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 7 дней назад
Petrus you have hit the nail on the head, what is the use in building some fancy base when you have nothing to do with it. It's just a pile of blocks that you can look at and think about how attractive it looks. A dirt block in a cave can block the mobs so the castle draw bridge is just for show. I can't believe that in all of this time there hasn't been any update to add in quests or anything else that would give you direction in the game.
@PetrusEksteen 7 дней назад
@@Forsaken.Wanderer 100% agreed. I was obsessed with trying to get the Invasion mod working back in the day because it would spawn mobs to attack your base and you had to defend this crystal, and the mobs could build ladders and some of them could mine through blocks so you had to think strategically about your base. Nowadays there are apparently modpacks with proper quests and NPCs lol, but I haven't tried them yet. That said I did enjoy building stuff in survival according to a "village challenge" I found online, while watching university lectures online. For example the challenge would require you to build 5 huts per certain specifications, then you 'level up' and are allowed to use iron weapons and must now build a granary and a town hall, and so on. But it's still a variation of 'make your own fun.'
@Forsaken.Wanderer 7 дней назад
@@PetrusEksteen The invasion mod sounds cool, did you manage to get it working in the end? Having mobs that can deal with your defenses would be great. I've not tried any mods for Minecraft so far I probably should try at least one of them one day. A village challenge huh? So you were given the exact materials you had to use to build the huts etc to be able to continue on to the next "age"? I can't recall what sort of activities I came up with in the game to entertain myself, I usually try and build some traps for the monsters but it doesn't keep me occupied for long.
@PetrusEksteen 7 дней назад
@@Forsaken.Wanderer Yeah exactly, for example at one point you had to upgrade the initial huts into proper houses which included a proper sloped roof, walls with a certain block as the corner, etc. Town hall needed x amount of gold blocks, etc. And each stage you were allowed to use a certain other tool (i.e you start of artificially gimped, like not allowed to use iron or wear armor, etc)
@Forsaken.Wanderer 6 дней назад
@@PetrusEksteen My town hall would have to have brown bricks (in minecrap) (if you get the reference lol). That sounds like it would be quite fun, it's like the town building aspect of an RTS mixed with Minecraft. In fact, mixing Minecraft with any of the town building survival games where you manage things in person would be really good I think.
@Jeroen4 8 дней назад
Got interested in this game a few mins ago, and wanted to support monetarily. Thanks for saving me money.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 7 дней назад
No problem. I was in the same boat, I got interested in it fairly late and then the cult decided to come along and ruin it as they do with everything. All must be grey ooze.
@imcubanb2870 14 дней назад
Progressives making a game based on heavily religious ideologies, then kicking out people who believe in religious ideologies. Unfortunately, since i just found out about this game and instantly loved the lore, just to find that they are not interested in my money. Oh, well.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 7 дней назад
Apologies I didn't get a notification. It's just great that a game filled with faith is not allowed to have people of faith as fans (other than the cult of the rainbow). I was very interested in the lore as well and the art is more evocative than anything modern 40k can do, but sadly this is just another game that has been destroyed by the agents of chaos.
@PetrusEksteen 15 дней назад
W vid fellow boy im. I make it a point to say "during the lockdowns" instead of "during COVID"
@Forsaken.Wanderer 15 дней назад
Fair enough, if I wasn't on RU-vid I would have a lot more negative words to use to describe the situation. Here there were two lockdowns and then it was mandated for many jobs (mandated twice plus a third if you rushed to get it the first time).
@DancingEagle 22 дня назад
Pc don’t got analog.
@Forsaken.Wanderer 15 дней назад
Bro you can just get a usb controller with an analog stick
@NEVERKNOWSBE5T 27 дней назад
"Half of the legion just killed themselves" - Captain G.Floyd of the 41st Astartes transgender chapter
@Forsaken.Wanderer 15 дней назад
@Forsaken.Wanderer 15 дней назад
BTW you are the much better neverknowsbest on RU-vid
@MeatCobainGaming Месяц назад
It only got worse for Gator.
@MeatCobainGaming Месяц назад
Those eyes have seen a lot.
@woobiehastelly Месяц назад
dp i'm telling ya momwife on ya
@Idontwannashutup Месяц назад
the hero this website needs right now.
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
Thank you Brother I appreciate it, someone has to lead the charge against this ugly small i internet
@Idontwannashutup Месяц назад
@@Forsaken.Wanderer the tyranny of the circle cannot continue
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
@@Idontwannashutup If we stand idle and do nothing then they will force us to watch videos in a circular window, the madness will never end
@ep5019 Месяц назад
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
did vordrak lay that pipe, i think yes
@zackwalker1789 Месяц назад
The worst is when you upload a picture and it doesn't give you an indicator for where the cropped circle is so you have to keep updating it until it fits just right And if I want to include the entire square picture I have to make a new version of the image that has a black background so that the cropped circle will fit the entire image, which is now smaller than it otherwise would have been
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
Exactly man, those are all the same issues I run into! You can't tell exactly where the image will be cut off, where the center is, and then it cuts too much off so you shrink the image only to get blank space that you must fill in and it makes the image that much harder to make out. I feel your pain!
@spacecs Месяц назад
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
Yeah bro i am the rizzler king, i've rizzled so many woman, i've even rizzed all over their sheets brother to tell not a word of a lie
@RealAnimeSucksCopeAndSneed Месяц назад
@buttbuttwhat1 Месяц назад
Dude thank you. I made a logo for my business and it was awesome but I didn’t account for EVERY AVATAR EVER HAS A CIRCLE AVATAR.
@Danbotology Месяц назад
I suggest hexagons. Hexagons are the future.
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
Hexagons, that is out of the left field. Perhaps that could combine the worst of the circle with the best of the square to make something new, that brings humanity closer to heaven
@pourmeaglassofmalk Месяц назад
I completely agree. Keep spreading your message!
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
Thank you brother, in accordance with the skitzo guidelines I will continue to tell the world that circles must go
@orangesillyofficial Месяц назад
i blend in with the dark mode bg i am none
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
With the RU-vid dark grey your avatar background black is darker, are you using the browser's dark mode?
@orangesillyofficial Месяц назад
@@Forsaken.Wanderergod damn it
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
@@orangesillyofficial use the paint colour picker thingmy it's better than any professional solution
@orangesillyofficial Месяц назад
@@Forsaken.Wanderer i do use that just that it seems i forgot youtube has multiple dark modes
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
@@orangesillyofficial One day I hope that every site is in dark mode by default, I don't want to have my eyes blinded by shrill webzones anymore
@limendime3720 Месяц назад
Circles make me rage, graaaaah. Square is better!!!
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
Exactly, a circle can never hope to be a square, squares are surpreme
@ejotas Месяц назад
absolutely agree. im spreading the word
@MonsterHat133 Месяц назад
i cant believe this is a youtube video but i 100% agree
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
Thank you Brother. It is the 2007 style brought back to help spread the word. We have had circles for far too long, it's time we got our squares back
@Topples7 Месяц назад
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
That the banned MTG top? Give me one reason why we should embrace circles!?
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
Can you not see the top would fit better in a square!
@PetrusEksteen Месяц назад
Incredibly based take, 100% agreed. And I also hate when you're not allowed to zoom into the profile picture so half of them just look like pixelated gibberish these days
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
Exactly! You can't even tell what most profile pics are on any silicon valley platform because they are tiny circles. IT look terrible and it means you are limited to finding images that the human eye can figure out inside these little orbs, when a square worked so much better.
@hanschmitt4421 Месяц назад
They're gonna add heavy taxes to anyone who has land, even a small garden patch will be taxed. Then you'll need a license to grow food under the guise of making sure it's safe to eat so we don't get sick and overwhelm the medical facilities. It just won't be worth it to grow your own food if you also need to pay rent, if you can't afford rent you're gonna be in social housing and trust me that is horrendous and I'll log out of life if I ever end up there
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
I think you are 100% right on how they are going to control us. With those methods most people will go along with it because they won't want the hassle of being filling out paperwork or being caught. I'll also log out of life if I end up in the longhouse, I'm not putting up with that nightmare. I hope you are at least out of the big cities.
@FileK-Wagen Месяц назад
Why did Hilal enter☪️? We are Muslims against LGBT
@Forsaken.Wanderer 15 дней назад
Because the regime wants to pretend that Islam and LGBT works together
@danielc2545 Месяц назад
Such a goron
@PetrusEksteen Месяц назад
This is exactly the type of Let's Play I would actually watch - I dislike spectating so have never been into sports or let's plays but for example Joseph Anderson has sucked up a lot of my time.
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
You should try at least one of them to see how this format can also work, I'd recommend Research Indicates JP:T as the first port of call as it is considered the best of the best. I dislike regular let's plays and sorts as well and I also have watched a lot of video game essays.
@PetrusEksteen Месяц назад
My friend these last three uploads have been hectic
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
My apologies I'm stuck in the purgatorium zone. It's been a hectic week and now a very grey weekend.
@PetrusEksteen Месяц назад
@@Forsaken.Wanderer Eish stay strong brother! Things got better for me once I took up archery and got outside some more (basic recurve bow turned out cheaper than I expected)
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
@@PetrusEksteen Thanks I appreciate it but I'm already dead inside, I've lost my soul and spirituality I think, something is wrong. Archery sounds fun, you own your bow and arrows? Do you have a target in your yard?
@PetrusEksteen Месяц назад
@@Forsaken.Wanderer Yep can own them all without a license/etc here in South Australia, and target in the backyard. Luckily a great reserve nearby where you can walk around the bush and shoot the targets they've set up
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
@@PetrusEksteen I'm not sure what the law is like here in NZ. They have specifically set up targets in the bush for you to walk around and find? That does sound fun. It requires a lot of strength doesn't it?
@joshkokichi Месяц назад
Good research, keep us updated. There's definitely something to this curse.
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
I certainly shall, I think I'm starting to understand the various clues that must lead to the tomb it has been unleashed from
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
Kickstart me baby
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
@Jaiden_Anime_Shuns Месяц назад
The truth is out there
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
Trust no one
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
i've got one microwave pie and one sachet of frozen vegetables left for tonight so don't worry. I was going to save the cask wine but I might indeed have some now.
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
sadly i dropped the frozen vegetables on the floor
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
now i got no toast
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
World's hardest Mario Kart track!
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
all i have is a stone
@Forsaken.Wanderer Месяц назад
@The_Amazing_Mario_Bros_Show 2 месяца назад
I love how this video showed up when I searched up "PlayStation Sucks" lol
@Forsaken.Wanderer 2 месяца назад
Lol well perhaps RU-vid knew that great minds think alike, the modern Playstation does suck
@joshkokichi 2 месяца назад
#ginnights 😂 promo reminds me more of Jim Cornette or Brother Love if anything
@Forsaken.Wanderer 2 месяца назад
Yeah brother but does Jim or Brother Love have the PC gamer title belt? I don't think so, it's me and me alone the million dollar game cartridge man.
@crodojoe 2 месяца назад
Bro is trying to be chad warden
@Forsaken.Wanderer 2 месяца назад
Chad Warden is all about dat PS Triple baby, when I know the only true alpha male platform is ITCH DOT IO, it's so holy that it causes Nintendo fanboys to burst into flames when they see it.
@Deep_Pains 2 месяца назад
Ched Wodden in his native tongue.
@fazureofficial 2 месяца назад
You're right, they look like mobile games but for some reason they don't port them to mobile. Maybe I would actually play their games if I could whip out my phone during quiet time at work or something, but yeah I spent too much money on a gaming PC to justify spending a similar amount on the Nintendo console and practically full price for each shallow release
@Forsaken.Wanderer 2 месяца назад
They certainly have that incredibly basic 3d polygonal look don't they, it's like they put down basic place holders and then never do any additional work to make the game look better. Look at Pokemon Sword/Shield VS the DS Pokemon games, it's astounding. I bet when Nintendo gets desperate they will start releasing their mainline games on mobile phones, I might actually play their games if I could do that as well. Also the Switch controllers are awful to use.
@fazureofficial 2 месяца назад
@@Forsaken.Wanderer Probably the controllers were made for the demographic who shrink their hands via copious consumption of soy
@Forsaken.Wanderer 2 месяца назад
Ladies I'm single
@Forsaken.Wanderer 2 месяца назад
Ladies I'm still single