Our Changing Climate
Our Changing Climate
Our Changing Climate
Video essays on a burning planet.
Is Collapse Coming for Us?
2 месяца назад
Why We Need a World Without Cars
3 месяца назад
Our Food System is K*lling Us
4 месяца назад
Why We Need Socialism
5 месяцев назад
Why We Need Degrowth
6 месяцев назад
Why Capitalism is Killing Us
6 месяцев назад
Why Capitalism Loves Fossil Fuels
7 месяцев назад
Our Food is Killing Us
8 месяцев назад
Are Men Killing the Planet?
9 месяцев назад
Is Veganism Really the Answer?
10 месяцев назад
The Catastrophe No One Talks About
11 месяцев назад
The Dark Cost of Electric Cars
Год назад
Why China Isn't the Problem
Год назад
Why We Need More Than Solarpunk
Год назад
Why We Need a War on Christmas
Год назад
How We REALLY Stop Fast Fashion
Год назад
Why Capitalism Loves Disasters
Год назад
Why Work Is Killing Us (and the Planet)
2 года назад
Can Seaweed Save the Planet?
2 года назад
Why Electric Cars Won't Save Us
2 года назад
@Srindal4657 5 часов назад
Search mattershift on Google. They are trying to create a genuine, real replicator. They can already create ethanol from CO2 by breaking down molecules and rebuilding them. Creating water, or food wouldn't be that crazy.
@domcizek 6 часов назад
@putrid2529 16 часов назад
We can't even get people to put their grocery carts away, how do you expect them to reasonably care of a utopia? Foolishness.
@deeprajgame 17 часов назад
Watching this video, I realize your ideas are fundamentally opposed to human nature. Since the dawn of mankind, we've always strived to explore and travel faster. If we stayed in caves and never moved, we wouldn't have survived as a species. Every solution we create brings new, tougher problems, but that's just part of progress.
@amethystdream8251 18 часов назад
Envy is the emotion that drives all this. Gratitude is generally what makes envy dissipate. We could prioritize the genuine feeling of gratitude more in our society.
@NieshaThomas 19 часов назад
We need taxes to break up these agriculture monopolies and use those taxes on grants and incentives for small farm collectives.
@gencreeper6476 21 час назад
Cities and suburbs without cars yes. When you get far enough away we actually need cars and trucks and they arent even necessarily driven every day but we went straight from horses to automobiles and we would never meet our transportation needs with transit.
@gsalazar8176 22 часа назад
I can hear his saliva smacking around in his mouth
@tomgreene121 23 часа назад
I'm puzzled by the fact that you bash Tesla!
@johnnyreb8030 День назад
The world will not end. But an environment for life will end.
@bored8321 День назад
The "punk" in solarpunk means to rebel..so what will we be rebelling against in a idyllic paradise?
@micheleavati73 День назад
Hi, in my country (italy) the neofascist and conservative parties want change or destroy the constitution because they said it's too much leftist with the excuse that it is 80 years old, the fact is that they hate it because it places political limits on their racist and liberal policies, trying to privatize any public sector such as healthcare and energy, my country is going through the darkest era since the foundation of the republic, and recently in the European elections the fascist and capitalist right have received an avalanche of votes because the ignorant and old people (racists, homophobes, xenophobes etc.) hate the green agenda or the idea that the world changes for the better
@clovercodex День назад
@clovercodex 2 дня назад
I disagree with u 100%. Go vegan. RAW VEGAN AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE
@Bozzyman2 2 дня назад
It’s cyberpunk
@kenknight6201 2 дня назад
@martinhuhn7813 2 дня назад
In my mind, it is even a bit missleading to call the problem consumption or consumerism. The problem are not really the products which are acutally "consumed", as in used up until they can´t be used any longer (even though some products are designed to break quickly and that is part of the problem). People can only really consume a limited amount of stuff, because it takes time to really consume something. Even the butter melter in the example might be a great and reasonable thing to have for a professional chef who needs to melt butter 10 times a day, but in a normal home, it is most certainly nonsensical to shorten your butter melting once a week, then spend 15 minutes cleaning the device, put it halfway clean into your deepest shelf in the kitchen and then throw it out after 2 or three years, because you do not find space for the new "super practical" stuff. Ironically the whole point about the so called "consumerism" is the mass production and marketing of stuff, that will not actually be consumed, but tried out and then thrown away.
@mrcead 2 дня назад
You never really escape it. Even if you don't participate, you still pay the price increases caused by consumerism. Banks used to pay interest. In the 80s, you could live off the interest of a nest egg. The people who were almost there had to find another way to exist. Consumerism is a falling floor whether you believe in it or not
@Meandmyshadowclones 2 дня назад
A well-presented argument. However, the current prediction for 2100 is that the population will crater to 3 billion due to falling birthrates.
@zoetornado 2 дня назад
Theyll put ads on your vids anyway, might as well get some of the bag
@leeames9063 3 дня назад
One challenge is those infected with the diseases of selfishness and greed. Once we cure those that are infected, then our goals will be that much closer to becoming reality. We also need to start placing the needs of humanity over the greed of the few. Increasing profits and growing GDPs will not matter much once Mother Earth is dead. And when She dies so does every living thing on Her.
@leeames9063 3 дня назад
When the last tree is cut down, the last river poisoned, the last fish caught. Then only will man discover that he can not eat money. Cree Indian wisdom
@t.michaelbodine4341 3 дня назад
The best parts about going toward a vegan diet is, you save your health and reduce animal suffering and you can do it now, today. Of course, dismantling the neoliberal economic experiment is the long-term goal, but it's hard to even explain economic concepts to Joe Public, much less find a meaningful way for them to act on that.
@jaceharris3223 3 дня назад
I love this video!! Thank you
@parkerhovey4453 3 дня назад
I say we as a country strike. See how quickly are demands will be met😊
@adcaptandumvulgus4252 3 дня назад
9:26 I suspected he was a pothead. Message received tokey, left hand side. <0
@andrewft2838 3 дня назад
I love the line spoken by Majorie Green : you are NOT an enveriment scientist . You are Mr. Mouth piece properganda.
@dougditches1496 3 дня назад
You've been koolaided. CO2 is plant food. The biosphere is absorbing our output and rewarding us with great benefits like increasing crop yields and rapidly rehabilitating man-made deserts. Even NASA says so in a 2017 study called "Regreening the Earth." The carbon in fossil fuels used to be on the surface, part of the biosphere. It was life that got buried underground. Putting that carbon back in the biosphere is a good thing and it's effect on the climate is miniscule, not even worth mentioning. You didn't mention the biggest greenhouse gas emission of all, H2O. Our insustries emut far more steam than anything and water vapor is by far the biggest greenhouse gas. But tthey never talk about it, knowing even the stupidest climate doomsday dupes won't buy the idea that water is pollution. So they focus on CO2, a gas that is cimirtently 0.04% of the atmosphere, one-fifth of the highest it's ever been. If it drops below 0.02, life ceases to exist on the planet. Enriching the biosphere with lost CO2 is win-win for humans and the environment. Fossil fuels are the real green energy, literally!
@zhangwei4622 3 дня назад
I admire your ambition to push for positive change in the world.
@Diseasesexplained 4 дня назад
In Jainism there is concept of Aparigrah which means to have only what is needed and not what you want... It's promotes minimalistic living to its core... To an extent that it promotes eating less and eating all in one vessel...
@danruehlman 4 дня назад
I love this message. Keep up the great content. Look up Pleistocene Park if you really like this video
@lolsoos4205 4 дня назад
How can people really feel bad about flying like that’s hilarious till billionaires stop flying private jets and driving yachts I won’t even think about my emissions
@bijoykumar-bv1tt 4 дня назад
I was analyzing your RU-vid Channel ( ..0.Your RU-vid Channel is very nice and Uploaded very good video content.Congrats!
@j.r.mythical1238 4 дня назад
If I could ride a bike to work without being destroyed by lifted trucks, I would
@Abcabcabc554 4 дня назад
Honestly even if you consume a lot, you contribute more to the battle against consumerism not by refusing to take part of it but by viciously fighting against it. Even if you buy a new phone using it to connect with your coworkers to create a union is better than not buying a new phone. Even if you buy clothes, if that motivates you to go on one more day protesting than that’s better than not buying new clothes. I’m not thinking that there’s no point in trying to consume less but I do believe that proactive action leads to bigger progress than any opt out we can do. The best way to take down a system is to use it in the ways that it benefits you and then protest and work towards change from within.
@legoshimadsen 4 дня назад
humans are just pure evil
@roseskyewakefield5880 4 дня назад
I'm honestly really struggling to keep up the activism, to keep my hope. But this video helped a bit, so thank you.❤
@Dodgey_Damo 4 дня назад
Human behaviour wont change. If there was a gizmo that was carbon negative, and had benefits for environment and community, Surely capitalism would be the only way to get it rolled out at scale?
@Xenon-4300 4 дня назад
What's scary is that global warming isn't linear, it is accelerating, even if c02 emissions are kept the same or decreased. As ice melts less sunlight is reflected back into the atmosphere and the ground absorbs more heat. This creates warmer temperatures and as this happens even more methane is released from the thawing permafrost. This phenomenon just creates a self-fueling negative feedback loop of doom for our planet.
@natbarmore 4 дня назад
2:50 Math error: “houses in 2020 are 149% the size of houses in 1980” ≠ “houses in 2020 have grown by 149% since 1980”. Assuming the square footages you cite are correct, then houses have grown by 49% in that timeframe. Also, I’m frankly amazed that only 60% of households have 2+ cars. I would’ve guess that it was closer to 90%, and that 60% have 3+ cars.
@oskarvomhimmel6936 4 дня назад
Can any one name ANY system which is not "capitalist" in nature? 🤔...Even communism benefits from the "gains" of the quantities produced by "Capitalism" which increase the "proletariat" by taken from populations, natural ecosystems, and established functioning government systems...The principles are the same, once Communism fails to deliver a service, or product in competition with another system, the other system will benefit from the loss created by Communism... which could be a Socialist system, a different Communist system, or any other system...all are Capitalistic in Concept by the nature of mankind as a whole. Any fights resulting from the question at hand are a waste of available resources, though considered as necessary to maintain the position of a System, which ever it may be, in a very outdated understanding of the concept, which limits its gains by maintaining such understanding of the concept the same as "before"...creativeness is then essential to not falling behind, thus the value of Intellectual Property is protected by ...the US Constitution for instance, not as part of the laws derived from "Trade" but as part of the entire Constitution of the USA System of Government, the checks and balances of power, are included in the entire US Constitution, to prevent any other Foreign Power to change, and remove the value of the System by removing its ability to create and maintain value, in the interests of all part of the System, the continued advancement of the "whole" not the stagnation, perpetuation of any given time part of the concept... So, it was, is, expected that any interest works in the interests of itself, those which nullify the value, validity, or Power of the entire system then it is not part of the system, the interests which strengthen, and add value to the system, are those compatible with the System, which integrates the common interests into same interests, without risking the system in place, born out of the same Civilizations which gave way to a Civilization in common. 😎🫶🏼✝️❤️
@marissadower-morgan3313 4 дня назад
Facebook will not let me post this !
@juliaw.8 5 дней назад
I worked for a textile recycling firm, where we collected clothes in donation bins. I was always shocked to find new clothes with their price tags still on them. That was almost 20 years ago.
@maddogwillie1019 5 дней назад
Sorry but your example “of a 10% chance” demonstrates exactly way we will do nothing about the climate…your examples are associated with events that will happen now or in the very very near future….humans are geared to take action on events that are right in their faces….but an event like the effect of climate change are to far in the future or are happen now to “someone” else…we don’t deal with those very well or if at all.
@zeddDelMundo 5 дней назад
😢 THIS VIDEO IS A SCAM WHICH BENEFITS THE RICH The video denouches an opposition to mass immigration yet expresses a sympathy for the poor. mass immigration hurts the poor because the people who make it to the west from the poor countries are not the poor people they are the wealthier more intelligent people and taking them out of the country makes the country more poor this is a benefit to big companies and the elite because then they can go over there and gets thanks more deeply. In making people believe that it is greenhouse gases and nothing other than greenhouse gases which are destroying the environment they're diverting people's attention from the habitat destruction which big companies cause which causes a much greater damage to the environment. And an increasing population provides cheap labor and increases rants which are good for people who own properties and also want cheap labor. Overpopulation and or a rapidly growing population is a benefit to the elite it is not a benefit to common people and it is certainly not a benefit to the poor. This video is a scam they are expressing sympathy for the poor, and announcing the rich elite, yet they are advocating something which hurts the poor but benefits the rich elite.
@zeddDelMundo 5 дней назад
@zeddDelMundo 5 дней назад
@twhite8308 5 дней назад
@officialrosey240 5 дней назад
All I have to say is thank u brother 👍🏾🙏🏾
@Snappy650 5 дней назад
The batteries in your phones, Tesla’s etc. are destroying Africa. But you’re the same people saying Black Lives Matter 🙄