
Why Capitalism Loves Disasters 

Our Changing Climate
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21 сен 2024




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@OurChangingClimate 2 года назад
What are some other topics you'd like me to cover in future videos?
@deWiAnNaEnEcBi3857 2 года назад
Illegal meat eating habits, illegal hunting, wildlife crime, wildlife smuggling, over meat eating habits, increasing animals cruelty, and inequality etc etc...
@mrkokolore6187 2 года назад
Nuclear energy's role in the fight against climate change WITH the concepts of breeder reactors and transmutation etc.. ESPECIALLY seeing it in comparison with fossil fuels both in climate footprint(CO2, Methane etc), the death toll and how safe they are and the land and material use for each energy source. Thank you.
@4m0d 2 года назад
about the climate action taking place around the world
@ahorseofcourse7283 2 года назад
Can we burn billionaires for fuel? And if so, will it noticeably increase our carbon footprint?
@sarahfourcassier2629 2 года назад
the colonial roots and consequences of conservation policies ; or the "slow violence" of environmental pollutions ;
@pablouribe1522 2 года назад
Chaos and Disaster is their best ally, and fear. They like people who are so desperate that they do not even think about the consequences of their actions, because they are surviving. At the same time, they thrive in the "fake" needs they generate, because if something is really wanted, you can make it expensive.
@OurChangingClimate 2 года назад
While the many survive, the few thrive
@christinavuyk7875 2 года назад
Aye but in the west we’ve got used to fast fashion etc at cheap prices and that demand is only going to increase as will the manufacturing processes not least the good crop growing land being used for cotton etc 😐
@apetivist 2 года назад
@Justin Lukas Nothing breeds desperation more than disasters.
@coolioso808 2 года назад
The system is the sickness. People don't put 2 + 2 together, often enough. Our entire survival is based on laboring for income to get our basic needs met by paying for them. But the 'economic' system is actually anti-economical because it does not carefully manage the available resources - it preys on cyclical consumption, profit maximizing and infinite growth on planet with finite resources. THIS is unsustainable. So we should expect nothing less than worsening conditions with such a backwards so-called 'economic' system like capitalism. The hard truth is that monetary-market economics is socially, environmentally and economically unsustainable. Once we can come to grips with that we can unite to change the system that is rooted in exploitation and oppression. We can move towards a sustainable system, it is possible, but not easy. A natural law resource based economy would be one where we respect nature and use science to guide our resource management. We focus on local, we focus on technical efficiency rather than market efficiency. We de-couple labor from income and make systems that are so efficient for meeting our basic needs that they are essentially free and only requires a small amount of hours by people volunteering their time to keep the sustainable system going. Giving us a lot more free time to actually maintain and increase our health and well-being.
@TeeTee-bz3pv 2 года назад
I forgot the exact words but Ben Franklin said those who gives up their freedom for liberty deserves neither
@simonvanleeuwen7877 2 года назад
Highly recommend to everyone who is watching this video to read The Shock Doctrine by Naomi Klein as mentioned in the video. This is the first book I read that accurately highlighted some of the wrongdoings of capitalism and its tactics. It makes you sad, angry, and disgusted, but most importantly motivates you to fight this system.
@OurChangingClimate 2 года назад
Yes!! Definitely read the Shock Doctrine! (Also Naomi Klein's book This Changes Everything)
@rickb3650 2 года назад
Read it and then act on the information. The more of us that refuse to support the system that is killing us and everything around us, the better off off everyone will be and if we can reach the critical threshold, that system itself will collapse again. One of the few things that works in our favor, and that you'll never hear a capitalist talk about, is how very fragile that system really is.
@AndriasTravels 2 года назад
She wrote another excellent book called "No Logo" on branding, and she showed us the future.
@coolioso808 2 года назад
Good book recommendation. After reading that and being angry at the system, perhaps wanting some viable solutions or alternatives, suggest reading Peter Joseph’s The New Human Rights Movement. Also for free there are YT vids about “5 great economic transitions” and “economic calculation in a Natural Law Resource Based Economy”
@facelessdrone 2 года назад
Does she tell you what to do and how to help? Because if not, then its just fear propaganda
@SaveMoneySavethePlanet 2 года назад
Ever hear the saying “Gas prices take the elevator up and the stairs down”? I feel like it’s especially relevant to this topic. Because CEOs and politicians love to use disasters to trigger the elevator, AND use that same disaster in order to stick to the stairs. Ukraine is a great example of this. The Republicans have already released a playbook of talking points where they want everyone to try to use this as an excuse to drill for more oil in America. At the same time, they want to use the excuse of not having access to Russian oil as a reasoning for why sky-high gas prices have to stick around. But of course they continue to neglect to mention any plans to deploy more solar and wind generation of electricity…
@LeanAndMean44 2 года назад
True, but not just Republicans. Biden is also boasting about it.
@garethbaus5471 2 года назад
My favorite part is that the US oil industry has enough capital and rights to drill for enough oil to meet demand several times over, the only reason why they don't drill is because the long term value of oil is unstable enough that building more infrastructure is a bad investment a problem that can't be politicians unless they feel like nationalizing the industry.
@grengrenhuskey 2 года назад
Solar, wind, and NUCLEAR! Why are people scared of nuclear? Even a lot of Democrats!
@aaronfield7899 2 года назад
Would you just shut up? Covid was the reason why gas prices are so high now, not Republicans.
@nessesitoburrito8873 2 года назад
If the US nationalized oil industry would be successful. You wouldn’t have privatized corporations ripping off the peoples wealth.
@gamingcomedy5 2 года назад
I live in the DFW area of Texas. The week everything was frozen was crazy. Not only did those ~250 people die from the lack of power and warmth, but a lot of people died on the roads as well. I personally had a customer of mine pass away from a massive highway pile up. These capitalist were still forcing people to go into work. SOME OF THOSE OFFICES DIDN'T HAVE POWER! What were they supposed to do when they arrived?? My work was still open. Luckily my manager is understanding, so I avoided the roads, but not everyone is so lucky. It was sad, and that really started my radicalization. Now I'm a hardcore socialst who studies daily. It's time for serious change.
@ecoRfan 2 года назад
Sounds a bit like “great innovator” Musk wanting employees to be in office a minimum of 40 hours per week. And can’t forget even Biden mentioned in the SOTU speech that he wants everyone back in the office. Other “climate deaths” caused by workplaces requiring attendance in 2021 include all the people that drowned in their cars during Tropical Rainstorm Ida during the commute, and the people killed in warehouses not permitted to leave despite the warnings during the December tornado outbreak.
@vlydenknox 2 года назад
Check out "The Principles of Communism". Audio book on yt is only like 45 min.
@Hyperventilacion 2 года назад
Hey this topic is actually my master's thesis, although it's more focused on the resistance in the post-disaster. An important thing to consider regarding critical post-disaster studies is that there's a growing consensus that disasters are human made, we have the capacity and systems in place to greatly reduce the damage (physical and social) that comes after a hazardous natural event, hence they mostly become a disaster due to the failure (or lack of interest) of our governments and systems to mitigate the vulnerabilities that come from natural hazards, on top of that, these event overwhelmingly affect already vulnerable populations which are in that positions due to Neoliberal policies in the first place. While this is very serious and concerning, the post-disaster is also a great opportunity for reorganization and to fight back the status quo, Jacob Remes takes this empowering perspective with his concept of Disaster Citizenship, I analyzed the 2010 earthquake of Chile using this perspective.
@allyson-- 2 года назад
so cool that you've completed your master's within this topic!
@OurChangingClimate 2 года назад
So true! I wish I hammered that point home a bit harder throughout the video
@Hyperventilacion 2 года назад
@@allyson-- Thanks! It was an experience indeed, I happened to be conducting my research when Pinochet's wife died and Boric won the election, part of the revival of the Chilean left is due to a continuation of all that was interrupted in 1973, and the post-disaster organization is big part of this reorganization. I hope Boric was right when he said that Neoliberalism was born in Chile, and now Chile will be its graveyard.
@Hyperventilacion 2 года назад
@@OurChangingClimate Do check out Remes' work, there are some other interesting authors like Ulrich Beck and Ben Wisner which are pushing disaster and vulnerability studies to a more critical and empowering perspective. Further from the ivory tower of academia, I've seen how these ideas and resistance are taking root, in the places resisting post-disaster neoliberalism in Chile, there are serious discussions about the role of ownership, private/public property, land use, profiteering, etc... When these ideas are being exchanged between working class citizens, grandmas, teenagers, students, you know that something is bound to change, something good.
@skywaltz4772 2 года назад
@@Hyperventilacion Hello! Which books would you recommend from Remes, Beck, and Wisner? I'd like to learn more.
@johannageisel5390 2 года назад
The entire Corona crisis is a good example for this. The rich got so much richer while the normal people suffer.
@ecoRfan 2 года назад
It definitely seems like the rich engineered the system for disasters to strike, as a way for them to get much richer while the masses suffer, and for the wealth gap to spike.
@johannageisel5390 2 года назад
@@ecoRfan Hm, I would rather say that global capitalism is generally not a system that can deal with disaster. But I don't think that somebody had a great masterplan to implement it. It came about from the actions of millions of people over centuries. But now that it is there, the big players are perfectly equipped to take advantage of it. That's why they do everything to prevent any change. Because it works perfectly for them.
@ecoRfan 2 года назад
@@johannageisel5390 it could just be that they prepared to respond to it in a way that enriches themselves. If that’s the case they are succeeding.
@orbitalpotato9940 2 года назад
That's why so many people are brainwashed pushing anti lockdown protests. People die to keep the rich richer
@atticustay1 Год назад
This argument is used by a lot of covid deniers too though
@tiredandretired7137 2 года назад
It is not just disasters. In general, the more messed up things are, the cheeper workers are and the more they can charge for things we need. A starving person will give all he has for a.bowl of rice or do anything any work for that same bowl. That is why everything is getting worse despite the fact that it could be fixed.
@bubiwaan5857 2 года назад
You cant really apply that to every capitalist country as many still have a functional govermnent wich despite its flaws tries to fix problems like climate change or poverty... so this isnt exactly a problem of capitalism but rather a problem of corrupt polititians and parties
@chrismckellar9350 2 года назад
The current global health pandemic and a war in Eastern Europe has shown that neoliberal economics with its global manufacturing and related supply chains can not cope with prolong disruptions and as the effects of a warming planet and geopolitical instability becomes the normal, neoliberal economics will collapse into regionalism, as countries try to tackle the increasing effects the disruptive effects of a warming planet and geopolitical instability.
@FlyingDwarfman 2 года назад
​@@bubiwaan5857 The counter-argument there is that once you look at those functional governments, you see that they are functional because they are not purely capitalist. They are most often some kind of hybrid system which has a socialized baseline and private market on top. For a once-fully-functional-before-being-completely-defunded example, there's the US Postal Service baseline and the private market of UPS vs FedEx vs DHL/ "other". The socialized postal system serves as the subsidized baseline service that provides comparable service to the whole geographic US. For markets in which additional services are desirable and profitable for private companies, they exist. In all "functional" capitalist countries, there are direct analogues for other socialized systems of healthcare and energy. The absence of those are central factors to a whole lot of the economic issues in the US right now.
@bubiwaan5857 2 года назад
@@FlyingDwarfman but there is hardly any pure capitalist country...even good old USA has socialist elements. The best example for how a hybrid system could work is sweden where you still have a free market and overal capitalism but also rather strong socialist elemnts
@GameSmilexD 2 года назад
Perfect reflection of Portugal s economy. The glootons squeeze as much profit as possible and its made much easier by the fact that most people can barely pay their rent and bills. Increased privatision to the point where power and communications are all mainly owned by Chinese private investors. Also the story of the shutdown of a socialist economy into a capitalist economy, and they never had a chance to properly experience socialism as after decades of fascism followed a quick transition to socialism and then privatisation and capitalism. Most people didn't even see it coming and still think that it's socialisms fault, raising the will of fascism in the country
@Dexter01992 2 года назад
This is one of the many reasons I believe we will never fix climate change. As long as the ones with the power to really change things in the better keeps profiting out of this, they will actively stop people from trying to save the environment. That until no amount of money will provide them any advantages anymore, but at that point it will be too late for saving anything.
@KoleMaravilla 2 года назад
thats why we gotta be the ones in power, not them.
@LongDefiant 2 года назад
@@KoleMaravilla Americans are too enamoured with rainbows and Old Glory to take charge of their own lives.
@coolioso808 2 года назад
There is no easy route ahead. Status quo means, like you said, capitalists will destroy humanity because peace and true sustainability isn’t profitable. The alternative is a hard road but more satisfying and just to be on. That is full system change via mass movement with focus on the root problem: market capitalism. With a viable alternative system to build: resource based economy. Reinvent to end oppression.
@kittimcconnell2633 2 года назад
I begin to agree with you - the profiteering angle had not occurred to me before seeing this. It really makes me angry, but that doesn't help either. I will continue to do everything I can personally to stop climate change, because I care for our world and the next generations to come. But I'm a bit wiser, now.
@coolioso808 2 года назад
@@kittimcconnell2633 Anyone who is aware of the system-level sickness of capitalism should be angry, so I get it! I would suggest focusing that anger on system change. There is no way to fix capitalism to be better for everybody or to address climate change properly or to end wars. Capitalism loves disaster. So, there is a big, hard road ahead but is necessary to travel if we care about the next generation. It involves the biggest task humanity has ever undertaken. Taking down the destructive social system and replacing it with something sustainable and healthy. Take down monetary-market economics and replace it with a sustainable system like a natural law resource based economy. Prepare for this transition, if you wish, checking out Revolution Now podcast and don't let the capitalist propaganda work on you. You are already outsmarting it.
@knarf_on_a_bike 2 года назад
Talk about disaster capitalism: war in Ukraine, gasoline prices go through the roof, petroleum industry makes record profits. Go figure. . .
@toyotaprius79 2 года назад
@bubiwaan5857 2 года назад
Generally i do agree but what has the ukraine war to do with capitalism?
@knarf_on_a_bike 2 года назад
@@bubiwaan5857 petroleum companies have to do with capitalism. Russia has oil. The war has destabilized the oil market, causing crude futures to rise. Petroleum companies jack their prices in response. Keep in mind, this has nothing to do with production costs now, or supply and demand. It's a bunch of rich people betting on the price of something in the future.
@chrismckellar9350 2 года назад
You forget the disruptive effects of the current global health pandemic which is mild to what is to come as the planet continues to warm.
@vylbird8014 2 года назад
@@bubiwaan5857 Not much directly, but it is having a serious effect on global trade, and such a disruption creates both threats and opportunities to business.
@NoNTr1v1aL 2 года назад
"...making a killing". Both literally and figuratively. Love that phrasing!
@OutdoorLonghair 2 года назад
FYI: Chicago Mercantile Exchange added WATER to the futures commodity market. There is now financial incentive to make WATER harder to get.
@LexYeen 2 года назад
Thanks, I hate it.
@PAGai. 2 года назад
As someone who lived in Texas during the big freeze, believe me when I say that community support was the only thing keeping people alive. I personally worked driving distilled water to people whose pipes were damaged by the freezing, and I knew other people who drove food miles out to people in food deserts without access to gas to drive their cars.
@dudono1744 Год назад
Isn't distilled water kinda dangerous ? I think you mean clean water
@MattieAMiller Год назад
@@dudono1744 Distilled water is a form of clean water. You make it by collecting the condensation of boiled water. You might be thinking about alcohol instead. Distilled alcohol can be dangerous because the chemicals that cause alcohol poisoning condense first, and can end up in high concentrations in the final product.
@dudono1744 Год назад
@@MattieAMiller I mean pure H2O, if you drink too much your cells might actually explode. But thinking back it can probably happen with regular water
@jamesmedina2062 Год назад
Texas governments do the minimum. But wasnt the cold only for one week? Texas only prepares for hurricanes
@rhythmandblues_alibi Год назад
That is amazing 💜
@GeahkBurchill 2 года назад
The Shock Doctrine is still the most terrifying book I’ve ever read - and I’m a Stephen King fan
@coolioso808 2 года назад
And The New Human Rights Movement is eye-opening, sobering but also hopeful at the end with a logical transition from this Hellish unsustainable system towards a healthy resource-based economy.
@turtleanton6539 10 месяцев назад
@fish.1881 2 года назад
I wish the 1% didn't exist or just in general I wish the class system/captialism didn't exist.
@KoleMaravilla 2 года назад
dont just wish, organize!
@firstname405 2 года назад
@@KoleMaravilla ✊️
@coolioso808 2 года назад
Me too. That’s why I’ve learned about viable alternative systems and possible transition methods. Check out Revolution Now podcast with Peter Joseph of TZM or Moment of Clarity with Lee Camp for doses of sanity and inspiration.
@quasi8180 2 года назад
@@KoleMaravilla when are these colonies gonna rise up!!!!!!
@KoleMaravilla 2 года назад
@@quasi8180 Hard to say. if you live in an ex-colony I’d say start organizing and make it happen! if you live in the imperial core I’d say also start organizing and try and bring it down from within
@resurrectthenight 2 года назад
Im just happy that you bring up Chile's CIA sponsored coup every chance you get and how you wont let you audience forget the brutal way in which the USA government decided to intervene against a democratically elected socialist president.
@grmpEqweer 2 года назад
Texas has these severe cold snaps. I blame Greg Abbott for not forcing the grid to winterize and add spare capacity. He was warned.
@FlyingDwarfman 2 года назад
And warned *A LOT*.
@Iquey 2 года назад
I hope he goes down in history as one of Texas's worst governors.
@liasonlee1248 2 года назад
This world is changing, for better or worse, and instead of "workers of the world unite" we could come up with "people of the world unite" unite we must against the dire future, against the greed and malicious self serving intentions of capitalists.
@gonozal8_962 2 года назад
"worker" refers to wage worker, aka a person working and getting wage for it. If you know the labor theory of value, which essentially says that the cost of sth should be the wage of the people that actively produced it (but I would include stuff like recycling costs aswell), then the surplus value capitalists make is stolen, but we can’t do anything against that (except revolution, of course!) because to produce sth, we need stuff like machinery (means of production) to be competitive in the market. Capitalists make their profits not from contributing to society, but by owning the means of production. The people doing the work, exploited by the Capitalists, are the wage laborers, or workers. Petty Bourgeoises demands are difficult to meet and they are only a decreasing social class in numbers that make out asmall percentage and are basically only there to keep up the illusion of a free market. That way, everyone working for somebody else is a worker. You work in the military, you’re a worker. Peasants, which are also upheld by socialism, if leasing their territory or working for a farmer, are a worker, too. To become something other than a worker, you need to do policies to extract wealth from your employees, and at that point you are to greedy to participate in the creation of a workers state anyways. In short, 99% of people that could participate in a socialist revolution are workers, and that’s why the term 'worker' is appropriate.
@liasonlee1248 2 года назад
@@gonozal8_962 true, but we need new ways to beat the capitalists. And dehumanising them have to be the first step. Well, not that they really care about humanity in the first place, we just need to alienate them out if we need to survive as a species.
@gonozal8_962 2 года назад
@@liasonlee1248 Aren‘t we dehumanizing them by saying "workers (and peasants) of the world, unite", which excludes them, instead of the term "people", which doesn’t exclude them?
@liasonlee1248 2 года назад
@@gonozal8_962 not good enough... We have to go all the way to say that these capitalists are not humans. Never let these people any mercy, for they have left none to the planet. They'd either have to throw away their believes, or die exploiting the planet.
@coolioso808 2 года назад
We need that unity for sure. Unity against the system that is unsustainable. Capitalism is unsustainable. People should say that without a hesitation. It’s true and we need to move past capitalism to evolve humanity to a new, better, sustainable system. Nothing will probably be harder in our lifetime than changing a cancerous system like marker capitalism into something else - but it would be worth it. Build for a Natural Law Resource Based Economy!
@BdR76 2 года назад
In The Netherlands there's currently (sep 2022) a scandal about 3 guys that were supposed to provide face masks to hospitals at beginning of the pandemic. They long held that they wouldn't stand to profit and they were doing it "at cost". Until a leaked audio recordings from beforehand turned up, where one of them says things like *We're going to become crazy rich* . So yeah, too often disaster = profit
@jamesmedina2062 Год назад
"the lie" is usually a key aspect of capitalistic adventures
@sk8razer Год назад
I love the idea of voluntary collectivism. And, if I'm being honest, the idealistic free market where purchasing power puts consumers fully in charge doesn't sound too bad either. But how do we prevent greedy and exploitative people from worming their way into power and destroying the entire system?
@Priestofgoddess 2 года назад
That is why stuff like financial crashs are not a failure of the system, but a intrinsic part of it.
@mizjulio 2 года назад
Naomi Kleins book messed me up so bad, but was so transformative.
@coolioso808 2 года назад
Most of us were messed up and socially conditioned from birth, so don’t feel too bad, it’s good you learned something. Most people still have a very false belief that capitalism can still work. Spoiler: market capitalism is unsustainable in every measurable way that matters. We need system change. Peter Joseph’s Revolution Now podcast and many other great books and videos are truly inspiring and a good dose of sanity.
@jimlambrick3248 2 года назад
I remember corporations salivating over the prospect of shipping lanes opening up in the arctic because the ice is dwindling.
@bluester7177 2 года назад
I don't understand this people, do they believe they are immune to climate change effects? Because they are not, they can delay the effects a little bit but it you catch up to them.
@NoNTr1v1aL 2 года назад
Disaster Capitalism is redundant.
@D-Pants 2 года назад
Not just bikes is such a great channel.
@SgtKaito 2 года назад
I gotta point out it was so nice how the community of Mariana got together to help each other. That kind of unity is something we all need to fight capitalist systems and actually create a just society, their example shows us it can work!
@momamba5131 Год назад
"If you think you have a solution, you're the part of the problem" - George Carlin
@thejackanapes5866 2 года назад
Unless capitalism is reserved only for unnecessary trinkets, it will always be predation.
@grmpEqweer 2 года назад
@moribundmurdoch 2 года назад
Charity is capitalism too.
@vylbird8014 2 года назад
@@moribundmurdoch It does follow the model of a market, in a way. A charity is selling a product: Atonement and self-satisfaction. Pay them some money and you can feel better about yourself. Any major charity will soon realise that they can get a pretty good RoI by spending their money on raising more money - a good TV ad campaign is expensive, but worth it if it brings in enough additional donations. It would be wrong of them to turn down this 'donation multiplier' - but sometimes the machinery of raising more money becomes more of the charities work than the actual charity work.
@thexdatabase 2 года назад
delicious food ,good homes ,good schools and good healthcare are unnecessary trinkets
@grmpEqweer 2 года назад
@@thexdatabase No, except for the delicious food. That depends on your cooking skills.
@Pleetzken 2 года назад
This very much reminded me of the german reunion (as you said, as in the fall of the soviet countries): When germany was reunited, many western german politicians were recruited to east-germany, and most of the public infrastructure in the east was sold and/or dismantled. But this also often has a very important knock on effect: When the capitalist/neoliberal politics drive a wedge into the communities, most often, then fascist movements step in and gather supporters among the disenfranchised. This is how the german fascist party grew strong in east-germany in the 90s (also with western leaders coming there) and the fascist movement stays strong there until today. (Ps for the specific german case: yes, west germany has problems with fascists too, but my point stands: it's poor regions (like the former mining towns in the ruhr area), that are forced to dismantle public infrastructure and then fascists step in and peck at the pieces)
@Moosemoose1 2 года назад
It's true, the EXACT same thing has happened in nearly every single Eastern European country since the fall of the USSR. The misery and suffering of the masses following Neoliberal shock doctrine of Perestroika and Glasnost and the pillaging of public services and industries was capitalized (pun intended) by fascists who took advantage of this anger and used it to fuel their movements. Wherever capitalism goes, so does Fascism. That's why you see it increasing in the United States so fast: so many poor Americans who can't afford the basic means of survival due to capitalist accumulation of everything become vulnerable to Fascism and far right ideology which gives them an easy scapegoat for their anger.
@arespalmer4010 2 года назад
During the freeze we had to choose whether to stay in our powerless apartment or drive 2 hours in the snow to my brother's home where they had rolling blackouts and a gas stove. We made it safely, but it was the most terrified I've ever felt for my safety as an adult
@slevinchannel7589 2 года назад
Hot Take: Should be ok and allowed to live out the Urge to recommend things around and comment-multiple-times without being mistaken for a Bot. I want to be useful and i cant think of a better Way to reach many people than to comment-often... Yes, its negative that i cant think of a better way, but so what? -Climate-Change and Context around it was amazingly covered by UpisnotJump, Hbomberguy and Some More News. -Capitalism was covered by Second Thought and again: Some More News. Worker-Rights were also covered so well by those 2 that they get much Praise. -Climate-Change will accelarate a massive Famine that will follow the Ukraine-War, as Real-Life-Lore points out. Very importat to know about that, yes? -Extremism, Qanon and soooo much more is covered by Holy Koolaid and Telltale-Fireside.
@iair-conditiontheoutsideai3076 2 года назад
Unfortunate when you depend on the government. Should have been prepared
@chadthunder5551 2 года назад
Incredible video! To add to the “disaster capitalism” discourse, I’d recommend checking out Tali Faulkner’s interviews about his game Umurangi Generation, and ofc to play the game too. Both the game and interviews talk about the monetization of disasters, through the lenses of the Australian bushfires (which claimed Tali’s mother’s house) and an alien invasion (in the game) which is monetized through the sale of goods and services like soundproofing to keep out the sounds of the “war of the worlds”. One of the few games to address climate change, and my favourite gaming experience in a LONG time.
@slevinchannel7589 2 года назад
Hot Take: Should be ok and allowed to live out the Urge to recommend things around and comment-multiple-times without being mistaken for a Bot. I want to be useful and i cant think of a better way to reach many people than to comment-often... Yes, its negative that i cant think of a better way, but so what? -Climate-Change and Context around it was amazingly covered by UpisnotJump, Hbomberguy and Some More News. -Capitalism was covered by Second Thought and again: Some More News. Worker-Rights were also covered so well by those 2 that they get much Praise. -Climate-Change will accelarate a massive Famine that will follow the Ukraine-War, as Real-Life-Lore points out. Very importat to know about that, yes?
@ritikasingh9555 2 года назад
i have such a bad feeling that there is a bobble many times worse than the 2008 bubble, that i am losing sleep on this.
@foxboy3000 2 года назад
i lose sleep over this too man. I'm glad I'm technically not suffering alone
@Z_Snowball 2 года назад
Amazing. Thanks so much for making this video. The work of Naomi Klein and the history of disaster capitalism deserve a much bigger spotlight. For the exact reasons it doesn't get that attention.
@coolioso808 2 года назад
Great work by Naomi Klein. After reading that, and being fully angry and upset at the situation we are in, wanting answers and possible solutions, take a look at Peter Joseph's books and films, especially The New Human Rights Movement, The Zeitgeist Movement: Moving Forward and Revolution Now podcast.
@hangingthief 2 года назад
i think the on going post war violence in neoliberal Guatemala is another good example
@DarkDeepGreen 2 года назад
Excellent video. I like that it also ends with good examples of solutions.
@TBrown67 2 года назад
Love all your work, but your recent ones have all been bangers. Keep it up!
@tonypires306 2 года назад
workers united are the only way out
@TheJayman213 2 года назад
eco-socialism now
@ecohumanism 2 года назад
or eco-humanism
@CounterFlow64 2 года назад
Or anarchism
@ararepotato1420 2 года назад
@johnnyjet3.1412 2 года назад
@vylbird8014 2 года назад
Inspirational, aspirational but not often practical visions. A lot of things needed for a sustainable future would not be popular. For example, it would have to mean no more suburbs: The vast sprawl of low-density, single-family homes is just hopelessly inefficient. The infrastructure costs are excessive, land use is very wasteful and - worst of all - the population density is too low to allow for public transit. The only thing that makes suburbs at all possible is giving every household at least one personal car, which is why they didn't explode into popularity until the car became affordable to the masses. A sustainable future has no suburban sprawl: You will be living in either apartments, or small terraced town houses.
@johnnyjet3.1412 2 года назад
@@vylbird8014 impractical for wall street
@realeyesrealizereallies6828 2 года назад
Hope is a mistake, it will drive you insane, in a hopeless situation....Accept that this is the perfect planet destroying machine(our civilization), that the damage is done, it's our reality, and make the most out of every minute....
@allyson-- 2 года назад
Appreciate this channel's perspective so much
@adammarshall6257 2 года назад
Thank you for also giving us hope in these videos, it really helps.
@MetaverseAdventures 2 года назад
Is it just capitalism though, as it seems all political systems have similar exploitation and corruption. Seems to me we have too much centralization regardless of the spin.
@coolioso808 2 года назад
Any monetary-market and debt-based system is going be prone to exploitation and corruption. That’s why system change needs to be away from that sort of system. Using technology in a good way, and back to a more community minded self sufficient mentality - we can create a better system that makes the current one obsolete. Not easy, but it would be a lot better life to lead than what is coming if we don’t try.
@seleukoskallinikos 2 года назад
we need direct democracy, technology now allows us to implement a better, more democratic system
@cameryntill1355 Год назад
This is just a comment for engagement, the video feels like it should have more views, thanks for sharing your work.
@shaunaburton7136 2 года назад
The bigger the problem, the bigger the opportunity.
@jamesmedina2062 Год назад
@LeZylox Год назад
I was helping to clean up a flood in germany, initially a strong community was formed and everyone helped for no money, and regarding the money that was donated, we didn't se a thing of it.
@HannesNitzsche 2 года назад
Another great video! Thank you for spreading the word and shedding a light on this and other related issues with your videos. You’re a legend!
@andacomfeeuvou 2 года назад
Disasters are good for business. Someone always profits from the misfortune of others. And profit is the essence of capitalism.
@coolioso808 2 года назад
Why don't more people realize this? I know why! People are conditioned from birth to believe capitalism is the only way. People actually believe that capitalism = freedom, when nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is capitalism is socially, environmentally and economically unsustainable. The system is the sickness and it needs changing, if we want to see any semblance of a sustainable future.
@cherias.4069 2 года назад
@@coolioso808 Correct.
@scottharding4336 2 года назад
Biodiversity loss would be an important topic. Also, maybe tackle the subject of how many different types of green washing there are. Remind people that most of our energy consumption is not in the form of electricity, so when people glibly say that we can replace 20 percent of our energy with wind and solar that they usually mean we can replace 20 percent of our electricity generation with wind and solar. So if 30 percent of the energy we use is in the form of electricity, replacing 20 percent of that electricity would only replace 6 percent of our energy.
@beingnonbeingincludesexistence 2 года назад
It's great what you are doing! Can you maybe tell people about the Venus project by Jacque fresco that dude had brilliant ideas, I think it would be a great attribute if you make a long video about the Venus project and Jacque fresco because you have a large audience. And they deserve more recognition. People will also learn about a resource based economy and what that implies, almost no crimes no poverty,focus on creativity etc, it would be great if you can cover that. The zeitgeist movement deserves also recognition.
@ecohumanism 2 года назад
In general capitalism likes disasters and crises because they trigger new re-distributions of the capital also known as an opportunity to seize companies and property or make money on goods with high demand, the miscellany of small entrepreneurs does not belong to capitalism in this case. But this is very general I see how not all people have that driver, that makes them strive for fame and money with disregard for human lives and long-term benefits for the whole humanity. There are people who fight every day for inequality, against minorities, for the "greatness" of the nation, for the good old traditions - and they have a great support among our population. Also natural resources and land should not be a private property with their owners could manage them as they want. I think that every person should have the right on a small garden / piece of land, but to a certain limit.
@chrismckellar9350 2 года назад
Capitalism didn't like the current pesky virus causing global mayhem and disruptions, as they applied for corporate welfare from their respective governments.
@ecohumanism 2 года назад
@@chrismckellar9350 I have failed to list all the ways capitalism benefits from disasters, and maybe i didn't try to. Crises make money move, and those who privatize profits and nationalize expenses love it. Bailouts for the corporations who were making record profits and bookmakers of the "systemically importance" (in Russia) show their shamelessness. Our governments are helping their friends and sponsors, and this is so convenient to have a nice pretext - they are gaslighters
@chrismckellar9350 2 года назад
@@ecohumanism - The current concept of neoliberal (capitalism if living in the USA) economics is fragile and fickle and will ultimately collapse in its current form as the geopolitical uncertainties and the disruptive effects of planet warming increases and countries start moving towards self sufficiency and regional isolationism. The current ongoing global health pandemic continues to cause mayhem and disruptions, as the pesky virus continues to mutates like the current more transmissible Omicron BA5 variant which can evades current SARS-Cov-2 vaccines and human antibodies and the unknown effects and/or outcomes of the current war in eastern Europe, are glimpses of what is to come. Populations in middle to high income OECD countries are going to force their governments to change their economic and social polices to try to adapt to increasing effects of geopolitical uncertainties and a warming planet. Unfortunately, there will be misery and deaths as countries try to cope with these effects. By the way, climate change is one of the major effects o a warming planet, another major effect that is not talked about is increasing health pandemics from unknown bacterial and viral pathogens that have laid dormant for thousands of years that humans will not have immunity for, as the permafrost regions of the planet continue to melt and the current deadly bacterial and viral pathogens start to spread globally due to warmer climate. We need to stop seeing the future through 'here and now' lens and start some serious out of the square long term thinking and planning on to to adapt and try to future proof form these disruptive effects.
@coolioso808 2 года назад
All natural resources should be the common heritage of all Earths people and then with simple scientific algorithms and a local emphasis, ensure all peoples needs are met through what is technically possible - not what makes profit. We don’t own the Earth, we are borrowing it, at best. It should be without a price tag. And it can be if we have the right system in place - A Natural Law Resource Based Economy.
@ecohumanism 2 года назад
@@coolioso808 Yes, it would be nice to ensure that natural ressources are used only in peaceful ways, for the common good. It should insult us that some people found a way to directly or indirectly own resources and land to extract profit, exploit people and destroy our environment. The same i would say about our governments, especially those who start wars - they have swelled from their egotism and imaginable greatness. You probably mean the Zeitgeist movement. Thank you, i will try to learn more about it.
@salohcind3349 2 года назад
Pollution, unhealthy food, health insurance 💵 ♻️
@Bnio 2 года назад
Is it possible for you to run your audio through some kind of sibilance filter? This really triggered my tinnitus. Other than that, good vid!
@12kenbutsuri 2 года назад
This is too depressing
@AltairYoshi 2 года назад
As soon as you talked about Texas and their power grid issues + going private with time it struck me how similar that sounded to what us Puerto Ricans dealt with with Hurricane Maria and the privatization of the energy grid soon after, and right then you brought it up. Luma really hasn't come to make things better, all the while the grid keeps falling apart before our very eyes (Multiple power stations have burst into flames from the literal day Luma took over, most recently a major explosion in April left the entire country without power for a little bit) and our already sky high energy bills run higher. That said, I'm really glad you ended the video with a positive note from Puerto Rico no less, I personally hadn't heard about it and it's very inspiring.
@Praisethesunson Год назад
This channel goes so hard. I love it.
@someanimeguy4722 2 года назад
A poor nation in the global south: *is doing its thing until struck by natural disaster caused in part by local oil corporation* A guy who’s the niece of the guy who owns the local oil corporation: “destroyed land in Africa, my favorite! I’ll buy all that land thank you very much!”
@Notfunnysam Год назад
I'll be checking out the streaming services you mention on payday to see those other videos not on RU-vid. This channel is one of very few that thinks beyond protests that the rich and powerful ignore.
@NoPrivateProperty 2 года назад
Fidel Castro demonstrated the solution to all problems. Metallica titled their first album with the plan
@mayainverse9429 2 года назад
yea his solution is torturing and killing dissenters
@ComradeCatpurrnicus 2 года назад
Oh a disaster? I'm sure the for-profit industries that help create those disasters aren't going to price gouge and exploit the situation in their never-ending and ceaseless desire for profits at all cost... ya, this is exactly why necessities like medicine, energy, housing, food, etc. should not be in the hands of for-profit private corporations.
@growtocycle6992 2 года назад
Search"a simpler way, opportunity in crisis". An incredibly inspirational video.
@hangingthief 2 года назад
thank you for talking about barbuda
@igorDobrowolski1 2 года назад
Thank you
@Zift_Ylrhavic_Resfear 2 года назад
Thanks for the video :)
@angelawildman122 2 года назад
I read “The Shock Doctrine” and I have to say, it emotionally shocked me! Then again, if it doesn’t do that to you, then you have no heart.
@nairsheasterling9457 2 года назад
Or you are already aware.
@nicholasrecord6502 Год назад
I already consider socialism to be eco-friendly because the USSR came up with an idea for a satellite that would soak up solar energy then send ultraviolet light to the Earth which means crops could conduct photosynthesis at night. This would increase crop production.
@gabri41200 Год назад
In Maiu some families were already offered money for their burned land, this video is spot on
@TheDoomWizard 2 года назад
I'm from Texas. We are in runaway climate change. It's over.
@marlonseiring-andersen1680 2 года назад
Never been more ready for revolution ☭☭☭
@zehrajafri9252 2 года назад
They call them " State owned" but they belong to the people of that country.
@rbj5767 2 года назад
As Robert Bly noted in The Sibling Society: these men are not building Jerusalem..💔💔🇺🇲🌍🇺🇲💔💔💔💔💔
@UBI_NOW 2 года назад
one day I hope to found such a community , still searching, for now, I have to search and dig myself out of prejudice, stigmas and a corrupt system ur video gives me hope, that one day I will be free
@平和-v1z 2 года назад
Very important and insanely well-made video!
@Hunter-nr5iu 2 года назад
Great video!
@WalkinBeauty278 2 года назад
so nice to know somebody will be there to help
@ramblinactivist 2 года назад
@alexd9656 10 месяцев назад
just started watching this but i wanted to say that naomi klein is amazing!!
@nathanrucker4987 2 года назад
Sorry off topic but is there a way to view comments on Nebula? I pay for that service but end up watching your videos here because I like to read the comments below while watching. Sometimes there are some good debates down there that really add to the video watching experience.
@subtlegong2817 Год назад
A very wise man once said, “Chaos is a ladder”. I wonder what happened to him….
@JamesZaraza-wv3gt Год назад
Capitalism is a term that I get nostalgic about; which belies my compromised objectivity. I had to swim upstream to resist the idea of accumulation of wealth (monetary) as a suitable goal in life. That said, I still get complacent and need to be dislodged from that. Remembering that in its most simple terms, on the individual interaction with what is deemed valuable, Capitalism demands rejecting the idea of a parents Love. In essence, it demands that whoever I interact with, even my children, pay more for something than I did. This is not how I was taught to express Love in a proximate or an Ultimate timeframe. Thanks Mom. I new little about Milton Friedman or neoliberalism other than name recognition. Much thanks to the speaker for the research.
@dot_boi Год назад
The US insurance model profits off of everyones inevitable misfortune, health, car accidents, and losing your home. I worked for a software company and saw this every year with my own eyes. Profits for insurance software sales skyrocketing as hurricanes wrath taking homes and lives. Not to mention the thousands of insurance adjusters taking a percentage or commission based on the loss amount... I was layed off because one year wasn't destructive, ahem I mean profitable enough. I'm glad I no longer work there.
@alexredfield1943 2 года назад
More and more I'm proud to say I'm a socialist
@william11724 2 года назад
Wish more people would think like you
@iair-conditiontheoutsideai3076 2 года назад
@arittroarindomsporsho4446 2 года назад
Excellent video
@StNick119 2 года назад
Excellent video, subscribed. I forget how I heard about you, I think you were recommended to me by a comment on BadEmpanada's climate change video.
@proteus4301 2 года назад
For the great majority of human history we have had a tiny effect on the planet. Here we are in the brief phase of capitalism and they are wrecking the place. It is a runaway train accelerating to the ultimate disaster and the an unviable future for us and other species. Unless this train is stopped it will carry on accelerating to this ultimate disaster.
@slevinchannel7589 2 года назад
Powerless is what your not. I dont know who needs to hear that, but whatever. Heres some Info-Sources/Tools you can use to be updated on various, various, various Issues: Hbomberguy (his climate change video lists those who cannot be trusted at all), Some More News, Second Thought (known as a Voice for the Workerclass), Holy Koolaid, basically all Conspiracy-Debunkers an Pseudocience-Debunk-Channel.
@katejudson8907 2 года назад
The free market is anything but free. Oligarchies as overlords.
@Empire526 2 года назад
0:00 I live in Texas but hardly heard of this because I live in the one part of Texas that wasn't affected by this at all. Well, there was probably about a week of snow, but that was it.
@catsaresocute650 Год назад
It's bad too bc it falles under the type of thing where there won't be significant impact on the positive side and significant harm to people on the other
@quasi8180 2 года назад
My family calls socialism a bad word i dont know how to convince them otherwise. Back when i was a christian even i could see that medicine should be free for all
@safe-keeper1042 2 года назад
I love how the charts in the background of that one stock footage clip just say "lorem ipsum"
@michaeld4861 2 года назад
Dang, what a killer video!
@alexcorreia7547 2 года назад
Perfect dude 👌 love these vids just wow 🙏🧡
@laralebeu36 2 года назад
Such a needed video
@wastelandranger6021 2 года назад
Great work!
@TorreFernand 2 года назад
Gee, i wonder why it didn't work in Venezuela then. You had the natural disaster, the economic crisis, the coup...
@Leonard-td5rn 29 дней назад
Only alternative to higher prices is shortages and rationing
@Campaigner82 2 года назад
Enlightening. Hadn’t thought about this.
@Xob_Driesestig 2 года назад
This video is partly right, but I would like to add that only certain types of capitalists profit from disasters. Land buyers and infrastructure builders can clearly get more money in the wake of a disaster, but the capitalists who have their factories and stores there clearly don't, nor the capitalists who indirectly relied on those stores and factories for their supply lines. Perhaps we should make land and other natural monopolies something that can only be leased from the government, while keeping stores and other local businesses.
@melelconquistador 2 года назад
If we go about doing things that way, we should be very careful. It could accelerate and greatly empower monopoly under a corporately lobbied government.
@coolioso808 2 года назад
This problem you mention is another reason why the structure of capitalism is unsustainable. It can’t work because it could work it would have already. For example, there is no technical reason for any human on Earth today to be in poverty, hungry or homeless but due to capitalism’s messed up incentives and poor distribution efficiency there are still millions, if not billions suffering. The solution is not easy it would include total system change to a sustainable system. Not like any monetary-market system but a health and well-being, science informed system a Natural Law rather than “Man’s Law” system.
@SharienGaming 2 года назад
honestly - anything that is critical infrastructure should never be privatized at all... power, telecommunication, water supply and waste water management, public transit... these are essentials that need to be provided for the people and maintained by the people... they are not something anyone should profit off
@matthewcarter2677 2 года назад
What is that piano backing track at the start? It sounds familiar and Black Mirror-esque
@ulyssesk7325 Год назад
3,6 but a gravity harvester is monney till the observable universe decays.
@eges72 5 месяцев назад
The reason why we invented fossil fuel energy in the first place is because fossil fuels WERE scarce, hard to collect, thus very, very profitable, as Capitalism is based on scarcity. We (The corporations) dump on hundreds of thousands of tons of food, water, and *energy* into waste just because it makes the arrow go down. If we went from feudalism straight to socialism during the revolution of 1789, fossil fuels along with human labor wouldn't be reliable and efficient from the start to produce in an industrial scale, as we would transition into renewable energy much much more quickly, based on socialism's encouragement for more efficiency, better living conditions, and most importantly human creativity.
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