Videos about my amateur radio station and equipment.
Elecraft K4 On-screen manual
4 месяца назад
K1USN Slow Speed Test
4 месяца назад
How to send CW from software on the Elecraft K4
5 месяцев назад
Elecraft Sunday 20m Users  Net
7 месяцев назад
Clipperton Island on 10 meters CW
7 месяцев назад
Very short DX contact on 10 meters
7 месяцев назад
Straight Key Night 2023 (or is it 2024)?
9 месяцев назад
Homebrew PTT Switch for the Elecraft K4
10 месяцев назад
Elecraft K4 built-in PSK feature - Transmitting
10 месяцев назад
@davidsradioroom9678 3 месяца назад
@jongreenwood2367 3 месяца назад
Mike, I copied you here in Michigan. I just got up an M2 5 element antenna on 6 meters and am having a blast. Never worked 6 before and I think I am up to about 6 countries already! Anyway I saw your call when you were calling one of the stations on here. I started calling you but do not see my call on the screen so you didn't hear me. I worked so many Texas stations at this time it got boring!! I heard several other states like Oklahoma LA. etc but only could work Texas. I am running about 80 Watts. My amp and tuner don't cover 6. My SWR is about 1.4 and the Omni 7 handles that fine. The band openings are interesting, 2 nights ago I worked into the Caribbean and copied W9VHF working JA's so swung the beam and did not hear them at all. He worked over 10 right in a row. I never heard a one. Talking to a 6 meter elmer, he said that is common. He has had that experience with a station only 15 miles from him. One of them working DX while the other can't even copy. Thanks for the video and who knows maybe we will hit an opening this weekend during the contest. 73 Jon N8EM
@gfmucci 4 месяца назад
I have to add a couple of caveats to my previous comment. While I got all three components to talk to each other, there were operational quirks. Maybe these quirks are unique to the IC-7100 - I don't know. But several things occurred that were unacceptable to me in this configuration. One, uno only reflected Win4Icom and while in the 7100 was in VFO mode. MEMO mode nulled unos readout. Also, I was not able to transmit with uno showing the proper frequency. My preferred setup now, until I learn more, is this: Just use the Win4Icom Spectrum Scope with uno working in the background, not open. That scope does a good job of showing both the received frequencies as well as the strength of my TX. With uno open, the Win4Icom Scope does not show a signal due to a comport conflict. I have more testing to do with other SDR apps like Connect and HDSDR to see if I can have one of them open while the Win4Icom scope is working. I'm doubting it because they are all vying for the RSPdx receiver's attention. I might have a second SDR piece of hardware in my future because I would like to be able to simultaneously be able to view a broader bandspread than what I am focused on in the Win4Icom scope. I'll have to operate for awhile to see. I have the MFJ-1786 Mag Loop on order from DX Engineering. Not sure if that order will be impacted by MFJ's pending closure. Anything anyone can add to my findings and assumptions, please do so. KK4GMU
@gfmucci 4 месяца назад
I had to check "CW Skimmer" under Aux/CAT Port 6 in Win4Icom. But it works! Why do none of the Win4Icom and SDR Play "experts" know how to do this?🙃 Thank you!!!
@W4BIN 5 месяцев назад
That is exactly how the tuner in my Yaesu FT-990 works. Ron W4BIN
@thuff3207 5 месяцев назад
I like this with the KAT 500 and it believe it will work with 3 different antennas.
@wb4huc10 5 месяцев назад
I believe the tuner memories remember settings for each antenna, so you are correct.
@thuff3207 5 месяцев назад
I do not know your logging program but a nice setup for a K4. I know I love min.
@wb4huc10 5 месяцев назад
Thank you for the comment. The logging program is called Logic, from a company called PDA. The URL is www.hosenose.com
@rodw7zrc22 6 месяцев назад
What are the various pieces of software used. Thanks and 73, Rod w7zrc
@wb4huc10 6 месяцев назад
Hi Rod, The Logging software that contains the software keyer is Logic Version 10: www.hosenose.com The software that displays the LCD screen of the K4 is called OBS Studio. I connect an HDMI cable between the rig and an HDMI to USB converter that plugs into a USB port on my computer. Then OBS Studio can display the screen image from the converter. obsproject.com/ www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08QF6YWWD/ref=ppx_yo_dt_b_asin_title_o07_s00?ie=UTF8&th=1 The wattmeter display comes from the Virtual Control Panel for my Telepost LP-100A wattmeter. This software is available from the manufacturer. www.telepostinc.com/LP-100-Update.html The two monitor programs for the KPA500 amplifier and KAT500 tuner are ones that I wrote. I have a couple of videos about them. They were written in a language called BBC BASIC for SDL. www.bbcbasic.co.uk/bbcsdl/index.html 73, Mike - WB4HUC
@rodw7zrc22 6 месяцев назад
Thanks Mike! I enjoy your videos and started watching when you were doing Ten Tec etc. I still have an Orion II. 73 Rod
@thuff3207 6 месяцев назад
Thank you for showing this I use different software and ethernet to control my radio but USB keying is nice for contesting.
@normkirk65 6 месяцев назад
Could you just leave the main panadapter display at 368khz since you have the 1khz mini-pan in use ? That way you can see the entire 20m band activity and still fine tune the psk31 with the mini-pan. 😊
@wb4huc10 6 месяцев назад
Maybe. I'd have to give it a try to be sure. I wasn't trying to display an exhaustive use of the built-in PSK31 feature, I just wanted to show an example of how it could work. 73.
@WQ4A 10 месяцев назад
I know you posted this video 2 years ago but I wanted you to know that it helped me get SDRUno working with my Win4Yaesu program. Thank you! Paul
@wb4huc10 10 месяцев назад
I'm glad to hear it is working for you. Did you have to use OmniRig? For some reason, the Win4Icomsuite software required Omnirig in order to work with the SDRUno software.
@johnratcliffe6438 10 месяцев назад
Would be nice if it did built in FT8 too. That would literally be a game changer.
@wb4huc10 10 месяцев назад
The exchange between two stations in FT8 seems to be pretty rigid, both in content and timing (the 15-second transmit and receive cycles). I would suppose there would be a need to account for those things somewhere in a setup menu or something. But you could always email Elecraft and ask them if it could be done in a future firmware update. 73,Mike - WB4HUC
@wanderingwithbob2472 Год назад
I set up the Win4icom software to use COM 11 and COM 12 for omni-rig 1 and wsjtx. I then setup Win4icom with COM15 and COM16 for N3FJP. So I watched your video and setup WIN4ICOM with COM17 and COM 18 for Omni-rig 2 for SDRUno. The radio, WIN4ICOM and Omni rig seem to communicate, but I cannot change bands in SDRUno. The radio changes, but SDRUno stays at the previous band. Any suggestions?
@wb4huc10 Год назад
I can tell you how I have mine, and I do have some things for you to check. Check to make sure you are using the correct version of OmniRig. There are two versions. One lets you set up two radios for OmniRig and the other lets you set up 4 radios. Use the two-radio version. In Win4IcomSuite, I have COM21 for SDRUno, COM23 for WSJT-X, and COM26 for N3FJP. In OmniRig, I have set up Rig1 for the IC-7300, and I use COM11. COM 11/21 are the virtual serial port pair for SDRUno. In the SDRUno MAIN window, click the SETT. button at the top of the screen then click the ORIG tab in the Main Settings window. Check that either Rig1 or Rig2 shows the Rig Type as 7300 and RIG status as on-Line. In the SDRUno RX CONTROL window, click the SETT. button at the top of the screen then click the ORIG tab. Select RIG1 or RIG2, whichever is assigned to the IC-7300. Then make sure these checkboxes are selected: SYNC VRX --> RIG, SYNC RIG --> VRX, and SYNC RX MODE. SYNC CENTER FREQ. (LO) should be unchecked. Close the RX Settings window. In the RX CONTROL window, either RSYN1 or RSYN2 should be showing at the top of the screen, depending upon which one you selected in the RX Settings Window. Click the RSYN button to activate it. After that, as far as I know, SDRUNO and Win4IcomSuite should be communicating with each other.
@wanderingwithbob2472 Год назад
@@wb4huc10 Thats hoe I have it set up. As long as I change bands with the buttons on the SDR Uno screen everything works great. Thanks for the help. Thanks. Bob, W1RPQ
@wb4huc10 Год назад
@@wanderingwithbob2472 Ok, I have one more idea. I was going to ask if you could change bands from the IC-7300, or only change frequencies within a band using the radio. it sounds like you cannot change bands on the radio then have SDRUno follow. If this is the case, check one more thing. In the SDRUno MAIN window, make sure that LO LOCK is NOT selected. If LO LOCK is selected, then the behaviour is that you can turn the VFO knob on the radio to change frequencies within a band, but if you try to use the rig to change to another band SDRUno will not follow. When you deselect the LO LOCK feature, then SDRUno will follow the rig when you change bands using the rig. Or, It should follow the rig. let me know how it goes.
@wanderingwithbob2472 Год назад
@@wb4huc10 That was it now i can change bands from the radio, Win4ICOM and SDRPlay. Thanks. Knew it had to be something simple.
@mikenewell1407 Год назад
@@wanderingwithbob2472 I'm glad you got it working. Since the panadapter display is provided by separate hardware and software from the IC-7300. it is necessary to learn to use SDRUno as well as Win4IcomSuite. There's a bit of a steep learning curve with SDRUno, but it might be worth it to read through the manual. Good luck.
@msgaltman3075 Год назад
Hi Michael. Thanks for the video. I have really basic question...do I need to have and SDR RSP device actually connected to my PC in order to use the SDRuno panadapter? If so, I'm completely lost. I can't undertand what part the SDR RSP plays when I'm TX/RX from my IC7300. Any guidance appreciated
@wb4huc10 Год назад
SDRUno is designed to be used with the SDRPLAY RSP series of devices. So yes, you need one of the RSP receivers connected to the computer so that SDRUno can see it. Once you have SDRUno working with the RSP device, now you need to feed a signal into the RSP device through the antenna jack on the device. The signal into the RSP device comes from the 7300. This means you need a way to feed a signal from the IC-7300 into the RSP device. I use something called the PTRX7300. This is a circuit board that fits inside the IC-7300 and provides an antenna connector so that the antenna jack on the RSP device can be connected to the IC-7300. The PTRX7300 also protects the RSP device from damage while the 7300 is transmitting. One disadvantage of the PTRX7300 is price. It is expensive. There are other ways to do this. One way is to use something called the MFJ-1708SDR. This allows you to connect the IC-7300 (or other transceiver) and the RSP device to the same antenna at the same time. There are relays inside the device to switch things so that the RSP device is protected while the IC-7300 is transmitting. There are RU-vid videos on both of these devices and I recommend that you watch some of them. After everything is connected properly, then you can configure Win4IcomSuite to talk to SDRUno. This allows you to point and click on sigals in the SDRUno panadadapter and the IC-7300 will be tuned to that frequency. And when you tune the IC-7300 using the VFO knob, you can watch as SDRUno also tunes the RSP device to follow the IC-7300. So basically what you get is two receivers (the RSP device and the IC-7300) listening to the same frequency using the same antenna. But they are tuned simultaneously through the softwware (SDRUno and Win4IcomSuite Plus OmniRig) communicating with each other. I hope that makes things a little more clear. 73, Mike - WB4HUC
@msgaltman3075 Год назад
@@wb4huc10 Yrs, that cleared things up...and then some. Thank you very, very much Mile. I really appreciate the indepth reply. The information you provided is the first thorough "What, why, and how" summary on the topic I read/watched all day!
@wb4huc10 Год назад
@@msgaltman3075 I'm glad I could help. 73.
@philp180 Год назад
I got it working with com0com, but it's one way control, Sdrplay controls the frequency of the Win4yaesu. I would like to work in both directions.
@philp180 Год назад
I Did the exact set up with Win4yaesuSuite(FTdx10), but using Com0Com with no luck. I wonder if it would work if I used VSP?
@wb4huc10 Год назад
I have no experience with Com0Com, but perhaps the author of Win4yaesuSuite could help you. Good luck . -- Mike - WB4HUC
@pogot1799 2 года назад
Setup works for IC 7100 too. Just select the 7300 in Omni rig. If you select a ic7100 it won't work for some reason.. I have my ic7100 RF tapped internally in the radio and feeding the output to an rsp1a . Works great. The Rsp1a is a great reciever and the panadapter with sdruno is the best. My next step is to setup Citrix so I can remotely control my pc
@tomb18ca 3 года назад
I recommend omnirig in most cases. Hamlib drivers frequently have issues with all kinds of software.
@dfpolitowski2 3 года назад
This was a big help. I"m working on getting my older Omni VI to work with a pan adapter. And what you went over is definitely relevant to what I'm trying to figure out. Thanks
@oidarco 8 лет назад
Can not find the manual for the unit. Don't even know the voltage needed for it. purchased on ebay without any description and plug in wire.
@supton1532 2 года назад
About 6 years too late I know, sorry. Just picked up this unit at a hamfest and had to figure it out. It will turn on with 12-14V DC but you won’t get any audio through the unit doing that. It needs 12Vac or maybe a pinch more. Bit odd for amateur gear but I guess the signal chain needs bipolar supplies. I did modify mine with a small switcher to invert and make -7V so as to feed the 7905, then changed to a regular 5.5x2.1 barrel jack on the back, so as to allow regular 14Vdc.
@ElectronicsUSA Год назад
@@supton1532 Good and helpful comment post. So on the back of this filter, the input power jack is not labeled, and requires at least 12 VAC? Interesting and odd! I am looking for one as I sort of collect audio filters for use with simpler receivers to use on CW. They are fun to use. Thanks and 73, Jack