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Why Older People Hate Younger People
2 месяца назад
@fynngleave 5 часов назад
The black dress is just annoying
@antonyvaughan7808 6 часов назад
@Musicmanrobert 6 часов назад
Ok Chasity for young men is not a good idea. Daily ejaculations are good for the prostate. Ask any doctor they will tell you that,
@MochabearsLTTreanor-ey6fv 6 часов назад
The lady in bluw with the pickle is dirty lol
@MochabearsLTTreanor-ey6fv 6 часов назад
@adamcooper2382 7 часов назад
Quality bro, nothing better than a pissed up haircut. Compliments to the Barber.
@HistoryHideout 8 часов назад
Class 😂
@Uno-1968 8 часов назад
Glasgow the drug capital of Europe.
@Uno-1968 8 часов назад
Im English not British .
@patrickashby8365 8 часов назад
Hot cross bun
@polkadolt 9 часов назад
Silly’s fun
@neilo2323 9 часов назад
It’s amazing how many people (judging by the comments) still believe all of these conspiracy theories. I bet they’re the types to believe the BS Trump spews, as well.
@mikero6225 9 часов назад
The split of those among truthers that believe Trump's BS and those that believe Biden's BS is just about even. Though, given its origins as an anti-GOP movement, trutherism skews slightly Democrat; though by that much anymore. In other words, leave politics out of it 😂
@robbiehiatt9966 8 часов назад
​@mikero6225 If they want to bring politics into it, I don't have a problem with it, especially considering you brought religion into it.Other people bring up mental health hate speech into it. Are you the youtube police now? I don't have to agree with his political opinions to listen to a person. And that's your problem, you don't listen. Choosing on 2 people to be president is not a choice, Especially when the last time you got to choose your president it was the same 2. Out of 350 million people our only 2 choices is a senile old man, or a rich millionaire tycoon. You can choose the new guy or the old guy. It's really only one choice. But people hate each other when none of us had much of a chance, or a choice
@mikero6225 8 часов назад
​@@robbiehiatt9966 well no, 9/11 trutherism has all of the recognizable features of a religion. I'm simply calling it out for what it is. No I am not the youtube police 😂. If I was, I would remove all misinformation, racism, and hate speech, and not just the half-assed approach currently taken. If you add politics into it, you are just going to sow division and hate. There's enough of that in MSM like Fox and MSNBC. Don't be like them; dont contribute to the degradation of civility and compassion.
@joshd3192 7 часов назад
The truth movement was started by the left.
@tpryce6423. 7 часов назад
Before the left became stupid
@charlotteking5628 9 часов назад
🤣🤣I love the English people
@philipbrookes1078 9 часов назад
The North the South are do different Scotland is 👌
@pureplay7071 10 часов назад
Looks silly
@Loganscott29 10 часов назад
More like the prince of bellend
@RockandRollsince1992 10 часов назад
What's next after Brexit? A Scottix 😂
@MediaLieDetector 11 часов назад
Fail! What a joke!
@MFitz12 9 часов назад
Not exactly constructive. Can you be more specific. Or,... specific?
@samrichardson1942 11 часов назад
anyone else recognise shirley from that video of that bloke who woke up in bed with an old woman giving him breakfast
@anthonyflanagan9231 12 часов назад
If I’m in a trench and I have to choose u or ant Middleton I’m choosing ant every day of the week twice on a Sunday
@kashif7811 12 часов назад
She don't look white
@maguire5649 13 часов назад
who doesnt know the sniff kiss combo 💀
@davideyres955 13 часов назад
“If they loose Scotland the uk will go bust” someone will go bust mate but it s not the rest of the uk. Unfortunately that’s the lie that the SNP is feeding people and they don’t realise that a country of 6 million people does not generate anything like the amount of money that the rest of the uk does. London alone generates more than half of the total output of the uk as a whole including Scotland as it is. If Scotland goes independent then it will collapse given its share of uk debts, lack of sovereign currency etc. unfortunately people seem to think they will get their debts written off or left with the English and start with a blank slate and still have the rest of the uk bank rolling them. Currently they are subsidised by the rest of the uk. Leave and Brexit will look like a picnic compared to the financial hole you’ll dig for yourselves.
@amcgrath5918 14 часов назад
lying paedo freak
@moirapettifr7127 15 часов назад
She's never used the NHS? If they gave her health care and benefits same as a citizen?
@HumongousBeastBoi 16 часов назад
All of them are clear of Mcginn
@ADAM-fy8ht 17 часов назад
The Ukrainians got BRP card in their mails ahead of their arrival to Uk , now getting permanent residency while collecting full benefits 🤣🤣
@LongSeax88 17 часов назад
Arguing amongst ourselves, while we have Africans and Arabs in positions of power. Crazy
@mrmobama3453 18 часов назад
Coloninisers lol. Nothing else we gave to the world?
@youngian 18 часов назад
Pretty cautious empirical bunch of fans. That’s a healthy mind set.
@zydian_ 18 часов назад
I dont hear the funny music. I see a creep that wants to have sex with kids (and woman that are married)
@john-pp5hl 19 часов назад
Khan was a top level fighter,amateurs and professional. Any man who steps in the ring has my respect. And to get to the top is another level of dedication and sacrifice. The brook fight watched it many times. Both fighters put on a great show, Both were hurt at times,both were loading up,both really went for it.
@paulhiggins6024 20 часов назад
Reform, votes by the masses.
@paulhiggins6024 20 часов назад
Remind me, how many did Bliar kill in his illegal wars…. How many?
@stevethomas5849 20 часов назад
@imcoolpramesh 22 часа назад
4:00 ok thats enough Mr President.
@imcoolpramesh 22 часа назад
3:40 he eats that "something"
@Xan_Qurack_Facebook 22 часа назад
Hallo? Ich weiß nicht ob hierzu noch Kommentare gelesen werden. Und ich habe keine Ahnung ob mir gesundheitlich noch Zeit bleibt. Seit einiger Zeit habe ich überlegt, was wir JETZT IN DIESER SITUATION MACHEN können. Das einfachste und härteste wäre, diese Situation a), so für uns anzunehmen, wie sie ist;- da wir nichts mehr daran ändern können, wie diese Situation jetzt ist. Damit meine ich auch die Situation für den Fall, dass es jetzt zu einem atomaren Krieg kommt. Nun, wir können uns müssen uns damit arrangieren, dass es soweit kommen kann oder auch wird. Darum dürfen wir uns hier und weltweit nicht mehr gegen Flüchtlinge aufhetzen lassen und müssen mit ihnen zusammen arbeiten. Uns bleibt keine andere Wahl. Dazu müssen wir aufhören den Menschen als Begriffe zu sehen. Denn Begriffe sind Namen und auch Namen und alles einen Namen ist Menschenunsinn! DENN WIR SIND DIE FAMILIE MENSCH! Wir bestehen alle aus Sternenstaub, richtig? ALSO SIND WIR ALLE MITEINANDER VERWANDT! OB WIR ES NUN SO WOLLEN ODER NICHT . Nun, ein weiterer Unsinn zudem wir Menschen im Stande waren, waren unsere Grenzzeichnungen. Denn jeder Menschen müsste es doch sehen, dass es nur die kontinental Grenzen gibt. Das sind Gottes Grenzen für uns und jede andere Grenze haben wir Menschen ausgedacht, da wir dachten, wir könnten das ja für was auch immer machen. Ein Beispiel wozu das damals auch hier zu Lande schon vor Jahrhunderten geführt hat, waren die ganze kleinen Minigrenzen und Grenzmauer die ganze Gemeinden voneinander geschmückt, ähm abgegrenzt haben und es dürfte doch ersichtlich sein, warum zum Beispiel Berlin etc. Ewigkeiten lang nicht mehr so aussieht, wie die Weltkarte jetzt noch durch Grenzen "aufgeteilt", wird. Und Glauben Sie Mir Mal;- damals gab es auch schon Flüchtlinge und ebenso die Vorurteile gegen diese und bestimmt auch Maßnahmen gegen die Flüchtlinge aus den Grenzgemeinden. BIS DIE MENSCHEN EINFACH KEINEN BOCK MEHR DARAUF HATTEN! Und Schwubs, worden die Grenzen gestrichen, die Mauern abgerissen und nicht mehr auf die Flüchtlinge geschissen und jagt gemacht, denn das waren dann ab diesen Zeitpunkt einfach nur noch unsere Nachbarn;- und wer will denn schon ohne Grund seinen eigenen Nachbarn abknallen? Die Dorfkirmese, die daraus entstehenden sind, damit sich das Blut und das Fleisch von dem einen zum anderen ehemaligen Grenzübergang zum Beispiel auch in Deutschland wieder vermischt, damit es nicht noch zu weiteren Inzuchtfällen und deren Komplikationen kommt, sind nach den Grenzstreichungen eben aus diesem Grunde entstanden und das ist historisch nachweisbar und fundiert belegt und entspringt auch sogar des Menschen Vernunft, und das sogar schon seit sehr vielen Jahrtausenden von Jahren und global gesehen. Und um es kurz zu machen, müssen wir JETZT hunderte von Jahren in unserer zukünftigen Zukunft und den absolut dämlichen 3. Oder sogar 4. Weltkrieg überspringen und die Alten von Gott für uns gemachten Grenzen für uns akzeptieren;- damit nicht noch Milliarden Menschen bis dahin sterben werden, bis wir dann eh umdenken und diese Grenzen eh wieder für uns so beanspruchen werden, wie es uns wieder passt, da wir danach eh wieder einmal die Dämlichkeit unserer Handlungen einsehen. Dieser ganze Blödsinn mit unseren Bodenschätze ist das selbe. Die gehören in dem Boden, darum heißen die auch Bodenschätze und nicht, "Geldschätze", oder, "Portmoneeschätze", oder, "Kontoschätze", etc.!, und darüber hinaus haben diese Bodenschätze bestimmt auch viele gute Gründen, warum die im Boden sind;- und eben nicht in unserem Portmonee etc. Und jeden, der mir jetzt mit der ebenfalls so dämlichen Erfindung des Geldes kommt;- und das es ja soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo wertvoll ist;- und das es ja wie Gott über unser Leben bestimmt etc. Kann ich nur noch auslachen. Vor vielen Jahren schon habe ich mindestens 1 Video gesehen, in dem es um den Kernzusammenhang ging, dass das Geld schon seit gefühlten Urzeiten eigentlich am Anfangsstadium auf (in Zahlen auf einem Computer und danach in den Bankautomaten, in jeder einzelnen Bank?), existiert, richtig? Das, diese Tatsache, falls das wahr ist, beinhaltet auch ergo, dass Geld auch nur am Anfang als Zahlen existiert und dementsprechend auch je nachdem wie diese ABSOLUT FIKTIVEN, VON UNS AUSGEDACHTEN UND UNS VERSKLAVENDEN ZAHLEN!, ausfallen, bestimmt auch den Wert des Geldes, richtig? WARUM ZUM TEUFEL KOMMT DENN NIEMAND DARAUF DAS UM HIMMELS WILLEN FÜR UNS, FÜR JEDEN MENSCHEN AUF DER GANZEN WELT UND GEGEN DIE GRÜNDE DER HUNGERSNÖTE UND GEGEN DIE MEISTEN KRIEGSGRÜNDE ZU NUTZEN?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! Weil, wenn das so ist, sind das damit auch einfach nur absolute fiktive und damit auch einfach nur völlig ausgedachte Zahlen sind, die uns versklaven und sogar jetzt noch, ausrotten können. Zudem können wir, wenn wir das Geld unbedingt behalten wollen, Hochrechnungen anstellen, wie viel Geld zum Beispiel jeder der sich derzeit in Deutschland befindet braucht, um ein glückliches und erfülltes Leben zu haben. Und genau dieses dafür benötigte Geld, können wir somit ganz einfach wie jede Überweisung auch, zum Beispiel jeden Menschen in Deutschland überweisen und die Armut wäre hier sofort erledigt. Und damit auch wirklich Weltweit! Und die Angst, die Weltwirtschaft könnte ja dadurch zusammenbrechen ist irrelevant . DENN DAS BEDEUTET DIE WELTWIRTSCHAFT! Weil: Welt+Wirtschaft=Weltwirtschaft. Und in dem Begriff Weltwirtschaft ist der Begriff Geld nicht enthalten. Denn dann würde es sonst, "Geldweltwirtschaft", oder ähnliches heißen, und alleine dieser Begriff ergibt keinen Sinn. DA GELD ABSOLUT EIN HIRNGESPINST IST ! Das Geld ist ebenso ein von den Menschen ausgedachtes Hirngespinst, wie diese derzeitigen Grenzen, nur Mal so wieder nebenbei bemerkt... 😅. Und für jeden, der unbedingt eine Grenzmauer oder einen Grenzzaun braucht, kann es nichts schöneres geben, als unsere Weltmeere, die unsere natürlichen und von Gott für uns gemachten Grenzen sind. Und wenn man die nicht überschreiten sollte oder dürfte, wäre das nicht möglich, denn das ist Gottes Wille. Fazit #Beispiel: Wir könnten und sollten leben, wie bei Star Trek, die den Wert des Geldes eingesehen und das Geld als Währung weitgehend im ganzen Weltraum abgeschafft haben. Denn vieles machen Filme vor, und viele Filme entspringen Bücher, und viele Bücher, entspringen dem Wissen, und vieles Wissen, entspringt uns Menschen, und zwar diesen Menschen, die schon lange vor uns und den Grenzen und dem Geld existiert haben. Und wenn ihr mich fragen tut, gehören diese ganzen Bubbles, die uns von diesem Begreifen abhalten, verboten, da dieses Nichtbegreifen, die meisten Menschen davon abhält, ein wirklich grenzenloses glückliches und zufriedenes Leben zu führen und das ist einfach schade . Denn alle Kriege, alle Grenzen und jedes Geld, ist absolut unnötig und dämlich, und wir sollten damit aufhören, dass diese Dämlichkeit über unsere Existenz und über unser Leben bestimmt! Denn wir haben uns das alles nur ausgedacht, weil wir schlauer sein wollten als Gott und was hätte uns Gott denn anderes machen sollen, als uns einfach machen zu lassen, damit wir daraus lernen, dass es Nichts höheres gibt als Gott? GAR NICHTS! Denn das war und ist leider noch unsere Prüfung, die wir uns selbst auferlegten und es liegt JETZT an uns, ob wir daraus JETZT schlau werden, diese Probleme JETZT sofort beheben, oder uns JETZT komplett selbstvernichten! Und an alle Zweifler meiner Worte an uns alle, wie und womit soll es denn sonst zu erklären sein, dass wir nach unserem Tode, wenn wir von diesem Leben in ein anderes übergleiten, nichts als unsere Seelen mitnehmen können? Wir sind eigentlich nur Urlauber, die auf der Durchreise sind, und unsere Körper dienen unseren Seelen nur als Gefäß, damit diese zum Beispiel in diesem Leben, nicht in dem Weltraum fliegen und damit von ihrem Weg, der von Gott bestimmten ist, Abkommen und sich verirren können. Das das noch der Fall ist, dass das derzeit noch passiert, würde auch unsere Geister und Dämonen erklären. Weil, wie sollten wir selbst und oder Gott, nach unserem Leben über uns richten, damit wir es in der nächsten Stufe unserer Seelenexistenz besser machen können? Denn das Richten bedeutet bewerten;- und je nachdem der Mensch bewertet wird;- und zwar je nachdem, wie er sein Leben geführt hat, wird sein Weg weiter gehen und das alles und viel mehr, ist in jeder Religion, Weltweit und in jeder Zeit zu finden. Wir dürfen unseren Geist nicht mehr davor verschließen, wofür hier unser Weg ist. Denn wir sind nur Urlauber. Urwald=Garden Eden+Ureinwohner=Wir=Urlauber. Weil wir befinden uns bereits in unserem Paradies, mit dem Namen, Garden Eden. Und durch unser Wissen, was wir erlangen, und unseren daraus hervorgehenden Taten und den Taten, die wir gar nicht machten, werden wir wenn wir sterben, ebenfalls wie Adam und Eva weiterziehen. Denn das ist unser Schicksal. Denn das ist so für uns von Gott gewollt. Denn sonst wäre es anders! Grüße an Alle! PS. Habt gefälligst Respekt vom Alter! Ihr wert nicht gerne in seiner Situation! Gerade bei all der Hetze! Und Hallo KI's und Computer Simulationen! 😅...
@Xan_Qurack_Facebook 22 часа назад
Hello? I don't know if people are still reading comments on this. And I have no idea if I have any time left due to my health. For some time I have been thinking about what we can do NOW IN THIS SITUATION. The easiest and hardest thing would be to a) accept this situation as it is;- since we can no longer change anything about the way this situation is now. By this I also mean the situation in the event that a nuclear war breaks out. Well, we have to come to terms with the fact that it can or will come to that. That's why we can no longer allow ourselves to be incited against refugees here and around the world and must work together with them. We have no other choice. To do this, we have to stop seeing people as concepts. Because concepts are names and names and anything with a name is human nonsense! BECAUSE WE ARE THE HUMAN FAMILY! We're all made of stardust, right? SO WE ARE ALL RELATED TO EACH OTHER! WHETHER WE WANT IT THAT WAY OR NOT. Well, another nonsense we humans were capable of was our border drawings. Because everyone should see that there are only continental borders. These are God's limits for us and every other limit we humans came up with because we thought we could do that for whatever. An example of what this led to here in the country centuries ago was all the little mini-borders and border walls that decorated, er, separated entire communities from one another and it should be obvious why Berlin, for example, etc., hasn't looked like this for ages how the world map is now “divided” by borders. And believe me - there were already refugees back then and there were also prejudices against them and certainly also measures against the refugees from the border communities. UNTIL PEOPLE JUST GOT OUT OF IT ANYMORE! And Schwubs, the borders were deleted, the walls were torn down and the refugees were no longer shitted on and hunted down, because from that point on they were just our neighbors; - and who wants to shoot their own neighbors for no reason? The village fair that arises from this is so that the blood and meat mixes again from one former border crossing to the other, for example in Germany, so that there are no further cases of inbreeding and their complications, are after the border deletions for precisely this reason arose and this is historically verifiable and well-founded and even arises from human reason, and this has been the case for many thousands of years and from a global perspective. And to make a long story short, NOW we have to skip hundreds of years in our future future and the absolutely stupid 3rd or even 4th World War and accept the old boundaries God made for us;- so that there won't be billions of people left by then will die until we rethink anyway and claim these boundaries for ourselves again in the way that suits us, because then we will realize the stupidity of our actions again anyway. All this nonsense with our natural resources is the same. They belong in the ground, which is why they are called mineral resources and not "money treasures" or "purse treasures" or "account treasures", etc.!, and beyond that there are certainly many good reasons why these mineral resources are in the ground are;- and not in our wallet etc. And anyone who now comes to me with the equally stupid invention of money;- and that it is sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo valuable;- and that it controls our lives like God, etc. I can only laugh at them. Many years ago I saw at least 1 video that was about the core connection that money has actually existed in its initial stages (in numbers on a computer and then in the ATMs, in every single bank?) since ancient times , correct? This, this fact, if this is true, also means that money only exists at the beginning as numbers and, accordingly, depending on how these ABSOLUTELY FICTIONAL NUMBERS THINK UP BY US AND ENSLAVE US!, also determine the value of money , correct? WHY THE HELL DOESN'T ANYONE THINK OF USING THIS FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE, FOR US, FOR EVERY PERSON AROUND THE WORLD AND AGAINST THE CAUSES OF FAMINE AND AGAINST MOST CAUSES OF WAR?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?! ?!?! Because if that is the case, then these are simply absolute fictitious and therefore completely made up numbers that can enslave us and even now exterminate us. In addition, if we absolutely want to keep the money, we can make projections of how much money, for example, everyone who is currently in Germany needs in order to have a happy and fulfilling life. And we can transfer exactly the money needed for this, just like any transfer, to every person in Germany, for example, and the poverty here would be eliminated immediately. And therefore really worldwide! And the fear that the global economy could collapse as a result is irrelevant. BECAUSE THIS IS WHAT THE GLOBAL ECONOMY MEANS! Because: World+Economy=World Economy. And the concept of money is not included in the term global economy. Because then it would otherwise be called “monetary world economy” or something similar, and this term alone makes no sense. BECAUSE MONEY IS ABSOLUTELY A PIRAMY! Money is just as much a fantasy made up by people as these current limits, just by the way... 😅. And for anyone who absolutely needs a border wall or fence, there can be nothing more beautiful than our oceans, which are our natural borders made for us by God. And if you shouldn't or shouldn't exceed that, that wouldn't be possible, because that's God's will. Conclusion #Example: We could and should live like Star Trek, which saw the value of money and largely abolished money as currency throughout space. Because a lot of things come from films, and many films come from books, and many books come from knowledge, and a lot of knowledge comes from us humans, namely these people who existed long before us and the borders and the money. And if you ask me, all these bubbles that keep us from understanding this should be banned, because this lack of understanding prevents most people from leading a truly limitless, happy and contented life and that's just a shame. Because all wars, all borders and all money are absolutely unnecessary and stupid, and we should stop letting this stupidity determine our existence and our lives! Because we only thought it all up because we wanted to be smarter than God and what else could God have done to us other than just let us do it so that we could learn from it that there is nothing higher than God? NOTHING AT ALL! Because unfortunately that was and is still our test that we imposed on ourselves and it is up to us NOW whether we figure it out NOW, fix these problems immediately NOW, or completely destroy ourselves NOW! And to all those who doubt my words to all of us, how and how else can it be explained that after our death, when we pass from this life into another, we can take nothing with us but our souls? We are actually just vacationers who are passing through, and our bodies only serve as vessels for our souls, so that they can fly in this life, for example, not in space, and thus get away from their path, which is determined by God can get lost. The fact that this is still the case, that this is still happening at the moment, would also explain our ghosts and demons. Because how should we and God judge ourselves according to our lives so that we can do better in the next stage of our soul existence? Because judging means evaluating;- and depending on how the person is evaluated;- depending on how he has led his life, his path will continue and all this and much more, is in every religion, worldwide and in every time to find. We must no longer close our minds to what our path is here for. Because we are just vacationers. Jungle=Garden Eden+Indigenous people=We=Vacationers. Because we are already in our paradise, called Garden Eden. And through our knowledge, what we gain, and our resulting actions and the actions we did not do, when we die we will also move on like Adam and Eve. Because that is our fate. Because that is what God wanted for us. Because otherwise it would be different! Greetings to all! Because how should we and God judge ourselves according to our lives so that we can do better in the next stage of our soul existence? Because judging means evaluating;- and depending on how the person is evaluated;- depending on how he has led his life, his path will continue and all this and much more, is in every religion, worldwide and in every time to find. We must no longer close our minds to what our path is here for. Because we are just vacationers. Jungle=Garden Eden+Indigenous people=We=Vacationers. Because we are already in our paradise, called Garden Eden. And through our knowledge, what we gain, and our resulting actions and the actions we did not do, when we die we will also move on like Adam and Eve. Because that is our fate. Because that is what God wanted for us. Because otherwise it would be different! Greetings to all! P.S. Please have respect for your age! You don't like being in his situation! Especially with all the rush! And hello AI's and computer simulations! 😅...
@craigwilliams3099 22 часа назад
🤣🤣 plz do ur research the steal. Beems was manufactured out of high tension steal that actually melting temperatures was as high as 3200 and held 70% of its strength up to 1800 none of this is fact the engine components that hit the pentagon was completely proven to not be from the plane they said they was 🤣 ,
@mikero6225 22 часа назад
Lets evaluate. Flight 77 was observed crashing into the pentagon by other flight in the air by witnesses on the ground. ATC tracked the plane until it disappeared near the pentagon. Pieces of an American airlines plane were found inside the pentagon and outside on the lawn. The flight data recorder of flight 77 was recovered from inside the pentagon, and it contained detailed data regarding AA77's exact flight path. The remains of the passengers and crew of AA77 were recovered from inside the pentagon and identified. The luggage and personal documents of the passengers and crew of AA77 was recovered from inside the Pentagon. Given all of that indisputable evidence, the proof of the engine being from a different plane is dubious at best, or a lie at worst.
@craigwilliams3099 21 час назад
@@mikero6225 I used to work for airbus that engine was not from the plane is was stated at all 911 as daft as it sound a was most definitely an inside job Iv worked in engineering for 20 years , when engineers get asked why they think 90% say the facts point to foul play and with the current covid / vaccine scandal too do you really trust the American government 🤣, all I hear on the news is nuclear weapons all from the American side people need to step back and realise the government doesn’t have the peoples best interest at heart and that’s a fact
@joshd3192 13 часов назад
@@craigwilliams3099You worked for Airbus, huh? I’m sure you also saw the Easter Bunny too.
@mikero6225 12 часов назад
Since you worked for airbus.... What component of the engine was found and photographed? What exact engine model was installed on AA77? What is the reason why the engine component found in the pentagon could not have come from the engine installed on AA77? If your response is "it's too small", approx how big is that specific component in AA77's engine compared to what was found? You also completely ignored all of the other evidence. If you think is is the wrong engine, how do you explain everything else?
@craigwilliams3099 6 часов назад
@@joshd3192 😂 ye i did , no now i work for the government making parts for nuclear submarines 😏😂, but you believe what you want to believe my friend you don’t know me 🤫
@danw1374 23 часа назад
David has a thunderbolt of a boot on him!
@BomkArkan День назад
Its actually just banter, but some do take it too far.
@GIN.356.A День назад
Its nice to see fans who are level-headed, but honestly, hate-watching England is just as, if not more fun than cherring on Scotland and Wales 😂😂😂
@RootsThunder День назад
Scottish people be like 'you're racist for wanting to leave the EU but 100% of my bloodline wants Scotland to leave UK'
@scallamander4899 День назад
If memory of Inglorious Empire serves me right, around one quarter of all British colonial officials in India were Scottish, despite Scotland's population being around 2 percent of Britain's. Something to keep in mind when describing Scotland as a poor victimised colony.
@LennyRoach-qy6hd День назад
I love that English fan, F off back on your plane and go home. Brilliant. It’s coming home. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿
@Iloveburgers-zv6ce День назад
Not the brightest minds there
@aquamarine718 День назад
none of these answer my main theory, which is all the foreshadowing in cartoons and newspapers displaying the events of 9/11. dozens of shows, posters, and newspapers mention an airplane crashing into the twin towers before 9/11 actually happened. its too specific to be considered a coincedence
@mikero6225 День назад
Specific? Come on now
@robbiehiatt9966 День назад
Don't forget the illuminati cards for the twin towers and pentagon explosion from 1995. 6 years before 911
@brucelansberg5485 18 часов назад
Don't forget the 1974 movie The Towering Inferno. A year after the towers officially opened. If that isn't evidence, what is? Right?
@mikero6225 12 часов назад
Also the 1978 film, "The Medusa's Touch", in which a plane is flown into a skyscraper.... uncanny
@aquamarine718 10 часов назад
@@mikero6225 i agree that a plane crashing into a building isn't specific, but the twin towers??? out of the thousand of buildings in the U.S, they ALL chose the twin towers? if it's only a few that show the twin towers, okay. but there's too many to count that specifically put the twin towers. not to mention one poster adds "coming soon" right next to it, and it happened to be on April 2001, which just so happened to be a few months before 9/11 edit: also forgot to mention that many cartoon shows displayed an airplane crashign into the pentagon as well... i mean, it speaks for itself
@janilkenhans5469 День назад
Vorrunde raus
@connoroshea7412 День назад
Last guy was real