Chant Media is a design studio producing independent media projects for the online video audience.
@VeblenGrover-d9d 13 дней назад
Martin Jennifer Martinez Donald Young Frank
@asktoobtain Месяц назад
To "allow" by what presumption of authoritarian deliverance? Proof? What force? To squash the rebellion or to send slaves to war, tis the question
@asktoobtain Месяц назад
Sounds Like Americans are perpetually at war since invading these great lands so-called United States. Americans each pass on the baton of war with every tax paid.
@BlackEcology 2 месяца назад
Civilization is Might is Right terrorism that conscripts bozos into a logical framework of coerced war and labor. There's plenty of small-scale nomadic societies that have some gradient of interpersonal violence at times but no war (See: Warless Societies and the Origin of War By Raymond C. Kelly)
@marcelojaires 8 месяцев назад
Eu estava nessa palestra. Andei ao lado dele contra a guerra do Iraque.
@idahorefugeecommunityassoc6613 10 месяцев назад
The war on terror is an an illegal war based on lies and dirty political agenda that consumed our resources. It’s a war against islam, including American Muslims. Politicians are making money about this war. It’s against humanity. It’s against our constitution. We must end this policy.
@MoralScienceEducation Год назад
This inspirational speech only underpins the need for those who do choose to become political leaders, to be aware how at every moment they can take a better decision which aligns with the values that unite humanity. If they have innate mental wellbeing and a good quality of life, they will perform perfectly. To detoxify the political process, they should have an ethics adviser by their side who supports them, intimate knowledge of their Constitution, of international law, of human rights, of religious concepts; experience with different cultures.
@georgesoros6415 Год назад
How about his personal war on grooming, toothpaste and shampoo? Why are lefty idiots always so gross? And what is he expert in? Linguistics? He has never done anything for mankind except aggrandize himself. Psychopathic narcissist. Such a loser must appeal to other losers, I guess. Gross, stupid, boring AF losers.
@EmmanuelGoldstien 10 месяцев назад
You always hate the man who tries to wake you up from a deep sleep.
@EmmanuelGoldstien 10 месяцев назад
Truth is ugly
@georgesoros6415 9 месяцев назад
Too true!!! LOL!@@EmmanuelGoldstien
@EmmanuelGoldstien 9 месяцев назад
@@georgesoros6415 Gotta say applying same standards to every body is purely brutal or how you Americans like to say savage
@georgesoros6415 9 месяцев назад
No. They can't deal with the simple things in life. But we are supposed to think they know all about the complex issues facing society? Having one's teeth rot out from lack of care does not recommend one, even less one's opinion, to serious people.@@EmmanuelGoldstien
@shawnburnham1 Год назад
@paifu. Год назад
25:30 Biology and morality 34:00 The deeper moral reasons matter
@jrgee173 Год назад
@mxrkxo 2 года назад
I had this on my playlist for years
@mck1972 2 года назад
Noam Chomsky! The undisputed master of academic-fueled paranoid conspiracy theories, based on cherry-picked data, and exploitation of 20/20 Hindsight, about fields that he has never actually worked in himself-Which is everything outside Linguistics! And yet some people still take this ridiculous old man seriously! smh
@gingermarie1760 2 года назад
Hi, In the Holy Bible in Daniel 7:13-14 it says "I saw in the night visions, and, behold, one like the Son of man came with the clouds of heaven, and came to the Ancient of days, and they brought him near before him. (14) And there was given him dominion and Glory and a Kingdom, that all people, nations, and languages, should serve Him; his dominion is an Everlasting dominion, which SHALL NOT PASS AWAY, and His Kingdom that which shall NOT BE DESTROYED." God loves you so much that He sent His Holy Son Jesus from heaven to earth, to be born of a virgin, to grow up and die on a cross for our sins, and to be put into a tomb 3 days and rise from the dead the third day, and He (Jesus) went back up to heaven. We must receive Sinless Jesus sincerely to be God's child(John 1:12).After we get saved by grace through faith in Christ, if we truly love the Lord Jesus Christ, then we will obey Jesus(John 14:15). Mark 1:15 "And saying, the time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand: Repent ye, and believe the gospel." Jesus said in John 14:15 "If you love Me, keep My commandments. "There's a real hell. It says in Revelation 21:8 "But for the cowardly, & unbelieving, & abominable, and murderers, & immoral persons & sorcerers and idolaters and all liars, their part will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone..." Please sincerely receive Holy Jesus & put your true faith and trust in Him today & please repent. Will you have a Real encounter with Holy Lord Jesus and stay in a Genuine relationship with Him daily please?
@stanleywh9796 2 года назад
Totally agreed with u .. u r brilliant- usa is the country with terrorism and if there is war on terror the 1st need to send for justice is usa - usa need to de-arm all its nuclear power hand over all the war criminal And each state will have a military based from each representative country to watch over it and need to rewrite it constitution law … as like Japan
@dexmuc4 2 года назад
If you want to see how flawed the entire system is, try to search up the US CIA joint operations with the British government….you wont find it at the same rate as searching up some BS on the net
@buffneilson 2 года назад
Noam Chomsky is anti-American. He's also anti-Christian. His views favor government power over individual rights.
@ilhamrahim9269 2 года назад
He is an anarchist moron
@vibratehigher2441 3 года назад
@World-wc4st 3 года назад
great noam chomsky
@youreshouldoflearntgrammer8277 3 года назад
Automatic dislike
@DS-yg4qs 3 года назад
Fuck that music, Chomsky is pure gold here.
@thecaveofthedead 4 года назад
Astonishing. I bet that was the last time West Point invited someone to give a consistent and fact-based talk on justifications for war. Doesn't seem like ideal things for US military officers to have on their minds.
@jrshield7793 3 года назад
I would think it would be the perfect thing for them to have on their minds. What more important thing could there be on one's mind when in the military? 99.9% of the time serviceman servicemen are trained to perform a task related to either planning for or conducting warfare.
@Bkintariah 5 лет назад
Could he have used any other "just war" example other than israeli response to arab agression? Oh no!! Not Chomsky..
@kentallard8852 5 лет назад
Arab aggression? Israel joined in with France and Britain attacking Egypt in 1954. It was engaged in a covert campaign assassinating Egyptian rocketry and aeronautical scientists and sabotaging foreign contractors. A third of the Egyptian military was not even in the country in 1967 it was in Yemen.
@RogerLewisGuitarPlayer 5 лет назад
Still Blogging away greetings from Sweden longhairedmusings.wordpress.com/
@RogerLewisGuitarPlayer 5 лет назад
longhairedmusings.wordpress.com/ still blogging away greetings from sweden
@RogerLewisGuitarPlayer 5 лет назад
longhairedmusings.wordpress.com/ Saying Hi, Still Blogging and Writing hope you are keeping well.
@heavymeddle28 5 лет назад
Noam Chomsky?.. What's the origin of his name?
@Norpan506 5 лет назад
If he is not talking to the democrats and republicans, then who should you vote for?
@mck1972 6 лет назад
Aren't we so lucky to have Chomsky judge what a, ' Just War ', is? After all, who could be better qualified on this important topic, than a career Linguistics Professor, with ZERO Real World Experience in Government, Military, Foreign Policy, International Affairs, or National Security, and whose critiques all have the great luxury of 20/20 Hindsight? This makes perfect sense-Right? UGH-It is a tragedy that anyone actually takes him seriously in any area outside of Linguistics! SMH
@Idalych 6 лет назад
M CK didn't realize you needed a degree to learn about history. Frankly the study of politics/governance/history are hobbies. You don't need to be a scholar in those areas to read a book. You also don't need to be in politics to question the morality of a political decision. Do I need to have political experience to say that our intervention in Iraq or Vietnam was wrong?
@mck1972 6 лет назад
Miranda Elaine, I did NOT say that Chomsky needed a degree. What I said was that Chomsky has ZERO Real World Experience in Government, Military, Foreign Policy, International Affairs, or National Security, and his critiques all have the great luxury of 20/20 Hindsight. -Which is all true.
@Idalych 6 лет назад
M CK The theory he is critiquing is based off 20/20 hindsight as well. It's a rebuttal to someone else who does not have that experience. But yknow, 20/20 hindsight is how most people avoid being fools. "Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it" after all.
@mck1972 6 лет назад
It is ONE thing to use 20/20 Hindsight to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. It is entirely ANOTHER matter to spend decades merely EXPLOITING 20/20 Hindsight, by criticizing the past decisions and policies of others, but NEVER having the guts to step up, make these decisions and policies, and accept responsibility for the outcomes, going FORWARD, yourself! Which renders Chomsky's After the Fact criticisms essentially worthless! So let's see Chomsky actually get involved in the Policy Making process, give us all the benefit of his superior wisdom, and show he can do a better job, himself! -NOT merely criticize everyone ELSE from the sidelines, like the gutless Monday-Morning-Quarterback that he is!
@Idalych 6 лет назад
M CK Chomsky is an activist who disagrees with the fundamental system upon which our government is formed. I don't think he'd be interested in being a part of it. Activists can have value without having positions in politics. Their role is to *appeal* to the masses and to people in power. His arguments are on morality which are inherently subjective, personal experience or "consequences" are irrelevant. Ps. Karl Marx was never a politician but he is blamed for communism aka Marxism lol.
@funnybear1189 6 лет назад
George mc fly 🙈🙉🙊🍗🍟
@kenw.simpson1007 6 лет назад
Chomsky claimed 9/11 was not a conspiracy by the Bush administration when obviously it was. Why? Probably because his alma mater, MIT, produced the inept and fake video of planes penetrating and ludicrously passing through the steel and concrete walls of the twin towers - an impossibility. There were no planes, no Osama Bin Laden and no Islamic terrorists. The Israelis set demolition charges weeks earlier to synchronise when detonated with the imaginary aircraft. An Israeli TV crew was on hand to record the catastrophe even before it happened. Chomsky sold out like the late Christopher Hitchens did for the US invasion of Iraq and 9/11.
@Idalych 6 лет назад
Ken W. Simpson Chomsky has to deny 9/11 truth to be taken seriously. He dog whistles it sometimes though, I remember a talk where he said 30% of people believe that 9/11 was an inside job. He said something like "what does that say about how people feel about our government that they would be willing to do that".
@hippynoize 6 лет назад
A great discussion and lecture by a man with an interest in ethics.
@augnkn93043 6 лет назад
Chumpsky: the thinking mans Michael Moore. Except that Michael Moore lies less and doesn’t support genocide deniers.
@jrshield7793 3 года назад
All your comment does is show how little you know of Chomsky's positions.
@augnkn93043 3 года назад
@@jrshield7793 I know Chumpsky inside and out. I’m his proctologist. It seems like you are a fool that’s easily fooled. Good luck with that.
@GRaToMiC 6 лет назад
I literally have no idea who this guy is or was, but i need to involve him in my history exam
@vedanutricao5131 6 лет назад
GRaToMiC , study his videos and you Will learn true modern history.
@GRaToMiC 6 лет назад
i'll pass, thanks. Got 13/20 for history exam so yaaay
@GRaToMiC 5 лет назад
@@Johnconno 1 year later someone hopes i fail. your intellect descends from another universe, my friend.
@Orf 6 лет назад
I'm gonna have to watch this again
@giovanicobhc 4 года назад
i've just read, much better i think
@yomnaal5409 2 года назад
@@giovanicobhc Could u give me the link maybe in order to read it? And thank you.
@Orf 6 лет назад
6:00 same people worked w Reagan as w Bush war on terror (Cheney etc)
@Orf 6 лет назад
4:00 us war on terror started w Reagan (20 yrs before 9/11$
@SuperSpeedMonkey 7 лет назад
How many US bombs does it take to make women wear burkas, or force parents to put their kids in madrasas?? Answer = Zero.
@mck1972 3 года назад
@markfischer3626 7 лет назад
Which side are you on Chomsky? I think you are an apologist for terrorists. You'd be dangerous if more than a relative handful of Americans took you seriously.
@mck1972 4 года назад
Let's be thankful that most people know better. :-)
@jeetsingh1368 7 лет назад
Salute the great mind and his planet/humanity focused mind
@alanwattstuffandmore6318 7 лет назад
.........9/11liar: FULLY
@alexanderk.5474 7 лет назад
'Higher priorities than human rights' ..whoever says such things...either get rid of them, or run.
@alexanderk.5474 7 лет назад
"The worst enemies are usually created out of so called friends' , my view on this.
@colecramer2683 7 лет назад
+Kropotkin Beard Calm down, not everybody can be as smart as you
@festus569 7 лет назад
37:00, 39:00 43:00 58:15 1:16:00 minutes very important. The title is very inspiring.
@jackroth5110 7 лет назад
Arrogant son of a bitch has never in his life actually been tasked with actually having to do something. Only criticizing that which has been done by somebody else. And that somebody else already knew that he wasn't going to get it right before he started. Chomsky is the supreme example of the old adage that "those who know do while those who don't teach".
@mck1972 7 лет назад
Jack Roth Well Said!
@youreshouldoflearntgrammer8277 3 года назад
Also he is a total idiot
@JackVox 7 лет назад
Human nature is innately aggressive, although war is fundamentally an immoral act it can be considered as an important tool within the psychological framework of a society to have and understand the right and the ability to defend itself and protect its people and common values from corrupting malevolent unethical influence and acts of war. There are many problems with the theory of a 'just war' as war is difficult to comprehend because of it's many complexities that go deeper than human consciousness is capable of understanding, nonetheless war can be justified in certain circumstances. Every option must be considered before counter aggression takes place but ultimately taking a pacifist role when war is inevitable can be an immoral unethical choice in itself.
@ladi7133 7 лет назад
Does anyone have a list of the books/authors he mentions ?
@Johnconno 4 года назад
@ladi. They don't exist, he makes them up.
@samsterlicious864 3 года назад
@@Johnconno proof or you gotta delete your message sir
@Johnconno 3 года назад
@@samsterlicious864 Ask MIT, they've been covering for him since the 60s. He was a librarian there. X
@zacharyzetts8006 Год назад
Check out the book "Just War Thinkers". they have chapters on Grotius, Elshtain and Walzer with great summaries
@vigilant545 8 лет назад
stop the music please
@RogerLewisGuitarPlayer 8 лет назад
Great to see this at 3615 views Michael.