Ever been a little curious about what's all the buzz about veganism? Don't worry, you're not alone.

My goal on this channel is to answer your questions about what I think is one of the most misunderstood topics out there! I try to show how I live my vegan life, what made me go vegan at 26 after spending my whole life as a meat eater, and why it's such a joy to be vegan 😁. And if you're already vegan, maybe you'll find some of the videos I share useful, too.

What inspired me to make this channel is I was never really exposed to veganism in a way that resonated with me. So, I wanna discuss it in a way that I wish someone had talked to me about it.
Meet the Vegan Who DEBUNKED Joe Rogan
4 месяца назад
Joey Carbstrong Made a Video About Me?!
4 месяца назад
What I spent in NYC for a day... as a vegan
7 месяцев назад
I ranked the VEGAN protein sources
7 месяцев назад
The two MOST MISUNDERSTOOD issues on the left
8 месяцев назад
I went to a vegan butcher. It blew my mind
9 месяцев назад
I've got some big announcements
9 месяцев назад
@anthonygonzalezzzzz 4 дня назад
going in October thanks for this
@abbye3813 11 дней назад
He's right. Plants can suffer but don't necessarily feel pain in the same ways we do.
@veganaktivisten 19 дней назад
Two of the most polite and nice people on youtube 😊 thanks for the listen!
@suranjagrop1386 29 дней назад
Great review, Thanks
@faboo811 Месяц назад
What's the name of the first restaurant?
@flipixcartoon7332 Месяц назад
I actually feel like what's wrong with non vegetarian or vegetarian, didn't they see the cruelty? Be vegan ❤
@yaneznayoui1597 Месяц назад
Damn this is a beautiful looking man.
@Redeyedvideo Месяц назад
Great memories, the Chinese was my absolute favourite. 😋
@23100Battlefield Месяц назад
Dude if an when I go I’m gunna travel around to buy the best pasta, fresh olive oil, basil, etc and make some food in my hotel room Italian vegan 🌱
@shirleytrezise3907 Месяц назад
Wonderful movie. If God is love, compassion mercy , why he created sentient animals and gave them to humans as food. Why he allows humans to terrify torture exploit slaughter massively animals in order to eat them. Commonsense. Do evil in God's name.
@RatsPicklesandMusic Месяц назад
5:16 I watched Earthlings early on and that's what really solidified my veganism. I don't think I'll ever watch Dominion. My heart can't take it. 😅
@lorenzosilano3978 Месяц назад
Dumb vegans
@StrangeHarper Месяц назад
he is so right. just a supermarket and all is well. on business trips or something similar, it is no problem for me, to just skip a meal or two. I even do that when vegan options are available, but no good ones. I prefer to go for a walk and do some sightseeing instead of eating just salad and bread or other side dishes.
@veganaktivisten Месяц назад
Great interview :) i love the both of you, thanks for a good listen and good luck on the job Natalie! ❤
@biula3278 Месяц назад
"Mexican flag...": no, that is the Italian Navy flag (at the centre are the emblems of the ancient 4 Maritime Republic: Venezia, Genova, Pisa and Amalfi).
@puppeleantjebahamondesch.101 2 месяца назад
Thank you soooo much for this interview !!!!!! ❤❤❤
@VeridianBlues 2 месяца назад
Natalie is amazing.
@TheRedPandaTales 2 месяца назад
Thanks Dynash. You inspired me to have my own channel about cruelty free lifestyle. The contents am making are about the horrors in factory farming, and itself it’s making me so sad. The poor animals, the horrors in their eyes 😞😞it’s too much to take.
@meerakrishnan2673 2 месяца назад
Great work 🎉🎉
@CATSFOREVER308 2 месяца назад
Good luck with that,cause it will never happen.
@staceylandfield5002 2 месяца назад
its hard to be in the light although its better than being in the dark
@dellisgibbs5823 2 месяца назад
The slaughter industry and animal intensive farming is heinous filthy cruel hell on earth and needs to change
@mintx1720 2 месяца назад
but my meat wagons
@TheRedPandaTales 2 месяца назад
Grt video!
@psychologicalprojectionist 2 месяца назад
Democracy is about respecting other people's opinions. Banning slaughter houses if and when you have a simple majority in favour it is oppressing a minority, whatever rationale you believe you have.
@willbyrob6582 2 месяца назад
Well you would be for banning a human slaughterhouse right? So what moral difference between a human and a cow would make you against banning the slaughter of one but for banning the slaughter of the other?
@psychologicalprojectionist 2 месяца назад
​@willbyrob6582 Who said anything about morals. People are free to choose their morality and not be bound to the moral opinions of others. Is there a country that recognises other animals as having human rights? No, so stop trying to assert your opinion that they are equal. TBH, I thought Vegans should appreciate the right of a minority. Apparently not.
@willbyrob6582 2 месяца назад
@@psychologicalprojectionist So if every country stopped acknowledging the rights of infants, do you think this would make it okay to kill infants for food?
@Parka5868 2 месяца назад
The future is vegan! The slaughterhouses will be illegal worldwide
@dannyelo4 2 месяца назад
Saludos desde México!
@itsdaynesh 2 месяца назад
Saludos 🇲🇽😊
@darrenvail8726 2 месяца назад
Learn at NoCarbLife.
@SneakySteevy 2 месяца назад
She should create a solution and do that instead of being a professional complainer
@JeremyCioppa 2 месяца назад
She has a solution, she wants to ban slaughterhouse. Whats your excuse for complaining?
@dellisgibbs5823 2 месяца назад
I think a good beginning is reaching out on social media. People were kept ignorant before internet
@poerava 2 месяца назад
I’m a carnivore and I support any factory farming requiring a whole lot of changes or to be completely shut down. Veganism is a useful branch of bot agribusiness selling food like plant based products. I took 6 months to research 112 farms here in Australia and found out I paid for the torturous, agonising and horrible slow deaths up to 21 days to die of 40-120 sentient beings. It was a no brainer. Locally grown 100% biodynamic and organic grass fed beef. Vegans are slowly waking up. Most vegans don’t even know how many sentient beings they kill.
@JeremyCioppa 2 месяца назад
Okay now you might as well say a hamburger should cost $50 for just the patty. Because you know you wouldn't get anywhere close to the same amount of livestock in the same area as a factory. And that's not even getting into the moral value of these animals that are forced to breed as much as possible, have their babies and milk stolen to be slaughtered and sold off. So I don't view defending our food supply the same as murdering our food supply. And the cost alone would basically force most of the population into a plant based diet anyway which would still result in the deaths of many small animals.
@willbyrob6582 2 месяца назад
If we raised humans for meat and fed them dumpster dived food, this would also reduce the number of animals killed in crop production, but I think you would take issue with this. So what moral difference between a cow and a human would make you okay with raising one for food but not the other?
@JeremyCioppa 2 месяца назад
@willbyrob6582 since you mentioned the topic, I've been toying with an argument. Let's say we could save millions of lives of people in the hospital. We could in theory, breed humans, drug the fetuses to make them unaware, and harvest their organs on their 3rd birthday. Then you ask the carnivore if that necessity for human organs justifies killing unaware humans. I just wanted to use this argument and haven't been able to yet :p
@beastvg123 2 месяца назад
You're not accounting for the transportation of grass during the winter months, the development of the land in the first place, or the incidental deaths caused by cows who crush and even consume insects and other small animals. Farmers, additionally, will engage in killing potential predators of these animals such as coyotes (though in your case, probably dingoes and foxes). I'm not sure how you could provide actual data to support the idea you cause less death and suffering, but you're welcome to try.
@poerava 2 месяца назад
@@JeremyCioppa Hi. Thank you for your comment. I’m fortunate to live in australia where we we have grass fed organic beef at around 15-20% more expensive, so not quite $50 for meat patty’s. Similar to the extra cost for organic veggies. 6 beef patty’s are $8 and organic grass fed are $9. Also all of our beef farms will be carbon neutral by 2030. Around 20% of our farms are carbon neutral now. Knowing I kill less sentient beings eating this beef, feels good and these farms also let their calves live with their Mothers. I visited two of these farms here in Melbourne. I invite you to consider exploring what harm is caused in crop production and how purchasing local grass fed beef can reduce that harm. It took me 6 months to do this research, calling, emailing and visiting 112 farms here in Australia, yet I think the sentient beings lives are worth it. Let me know if I can help you on your journey to be more humane and more caring for the animals. Thank you.
@TheRedPandaTales 2 месяца назад
Grt video. I recently became an activist and started my own vegan channel. Grt to see some fellow activists.
@Kevinmc-j7l 2 месяца назад
Eating vegetables is good for you
@bunymn1 2 месяца назад
Then make plant agriculture thus plant production fields and trees illegal too, vegetables and fruits are killed there..
@willbyrob6582 2 месяца назад
Most animals are sentient while most plants are just. This is why we have laws against beating a dog but not laws against beating a tree.
@JeremyCioppa 2 месяца назад
This is a poor attempt at pointing out hypocrisy. I guarantee OP has "harmed" many more plants than animals himself. You know it's a bs argument.
@bunymn1 2 месяца назад
@@willbyrob6582 then tell why you think sentients shouldn't be killed..There are laws against cutting trees. Because both dog and tree is some human's property.
@willbyrob6582 2 месяца назад
@@bunymn1 Well I think you would take issue with killing humans for food. So is there any moral difference between a human and other sentient animals that would justify killing sentient animals for food? If so, what is this difference? If you don’t have any such distinction, then animal rights would follow logically from human rights.
@bunymn1 2 месяца назад
@@willbyrob6582 The problem is with killing humans not eating human meat. The only moral issue is humans not animals. I said this to vegans a million times but they continue saying sentient, pain etc. The issue is 'gene transfer' i mean interbreeding. Since we can't transfer our genes to anything other than humans they will always be property for us. Even if animals become smarter, more intelligent and more fertile or more productive than us they will still be property for us. Just like there can't be 2 gods, 2 states in same place, there can't be two dominant species.
@Talismantra 2 месяца назад
thanks... more cult of vegan misanthrope bullshit to cleanse off my yt feed
@willbyrob6582 2 месяца назад
Do you believe it is morally acceptable to kill a nonhuman animal for food but not a human? If so, what moral difference between the two would make you okay with killing one for food but not the other?
@Talismantra 2 месяца назад
@@willbyrob6582 what does what I believe have to do with what I eat? wouldn't it make more sense to use our biological and anthropological sciences to inform on what is best for our species to eat, since it appears some of you have lost touch with your humanity. since when does a species' diet have anything to do with morality? wait, do you think virtue signalling hides your squeamishness about the life cost of what it takes to eat properly as a human? do you think not having meat on your plate means your economy demands are not contributing to the suffering of multitudes of animal lives? do plant lives not matter? do you think the <1% of people pretending their no-animal-products-on-the-plate food choices are better in some way should have a say in what the other 99% eat? are you okay with letting yourself gradually deteriorate rather than provide yourself with proper nutrition appropriate to your speciation? do you think there aren't animal derived components in the device you're using to access youtube?
@jayeshpatel9854 2 месяца назад
Great conversation Daynesh! Natalie is awesome! 🌱
@jamiepitcher2055 2 месяца назад
I remember years ago here some older people say they wish the government would just make tobacco illegal. Because they said they don't want to keep doing it but as long as they can buy it it's too hard for them to quit. Yes they were smokers..
@agreeablegraylife 2 месяца назад
What is the alternative when all slaughter houses are gone? Back to community based butchers? That would be awesome, for sure.
@JeremyCioppa 2 месяца назад
Tofu, seitan, soy, chickpeas, tempeh, etc.
@JeremyCioppa 2 месяца назад
Mushrooms mushrooms and more mushrooms
@agreeablegraylife 2 месяца назад
@@JeremyCioppa I am being serious. Deleting all animals to avoid them being exploited sounds noble. Until we dig into environmental science and sustainability. And realize the number of nutrients necessary to the human body that are only found in animal flesh. Full cultural world wide veganism will crash the earth. We will kill ourselves with this. And severely shorten our life spans. With stacking health issues beginning at younger and younger ages. People will always eat meat because we crave it. We crave it because the human body "needs" it. Meaning survival is possible without it. Optimization is not. No one survives the Alone experience without a fatty fish.
@gregorygreene1940 2 месяца назад
People are quite likely to give you a different answer when it's just a survey as there is no consequence to it. Make banning slaughterhouses a bill in a legislature and those congressman will be hearing a very different response from the public because now it's going to actually impact peoples choices and will affect jobs and local economies.
@elizabethmadness5277 2 месяца назад
Natalie is fantastic at making others feel at ease and respected with such defensive topics. I think she, Ed and Cliff are the best for how to talk to friends and family. Thank you Natalie, I have learned so much from you!!! ✨🌿🙌💚
@elizabethmadness5277 2 месяца назад
Being a vegan in the upside-down world is a serious trip. Definitely the Matrix. I have a seven year old and for her, animals are equal and it is obvious so it is extremely hard for her to be living in the south where she doesn’t know many other vegan kids. She is homeschooled so she only goes to school 2x a week but she is definitely very vocal! lol. I’m sure she has already caused some interesting conversations with kids at the dinner table…😂🌱🥦
@darrenvail8726 2 месяца назад
Doesn't know many vegans? Aren't there 50% vegans? Now animals are causing climate change and pandemic? Propaganda.
@dellisgibbs5823 2 месяца назад
Awesome with your daughter. Change is happening, then it's going to snow ball. Hope I'm around when it happens. Love all sentient animals and my new vegan/ plant base living. Life changes forever when u adopt this lifestyle, including mental health thought patterns. So true breaking free from the MATRIX, a little lonely to begin with, because of the sheep follows afraid to think consciously
@tanyalalonde733 2 месяца назад
Love Natalie s laid back style....I started watching when she had 70ish subscribers.
@pambennett8967 2 месяца назад
Kellogg invented cornflakes because he wanted to reduce sexuality and masturbatjon. Behind the vegan scene is the rich manipulations wanting testosterone levels and health to go down. I don't like it that meat needs to be eaten by humans, but it does .
@willbyrob6582 2 месяца назад
@jonsprivatelife 2 месяца назад
Love this!
@Dan_Tasty 2 месяца назад
I feel like everyone need some kind of self-centered instigation event, even if it's seeing or hearing about ab*se and feeling bad emotions which is also self-centered. After that point it's very easy to reconcile the ethical argument which I think is the reason people stay vegan after the selfish motivation dissipates. For me it was embarrassment and anger from feeling tricked and manipulated by humane lies and the ubiquitous talking points we're all accustomed to hearing repeated by people who've been fed these fictions from day 1 and, like many of us, never had motivation to challenge or question them